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DeVry University

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DeVry University Reviews:


Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - April 29, 2019
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Please don't let the reviews stop you from attending this amazing school! I have had the best help from administrators , professors ect. Ratunda Hicks has helped me tremendously with any question I may possibly have about the overall process. As well as my professor with any concerns I may have since I have a toddler. I was afraid of how I would do WebEx with my toddler at times and he was very polite and said it would not effect anything. There is a mute button I could use anytime he's being loud and just unmute when I have a question of any comment I may have. I have never had to be on hold for more than a couple minutes and I get answers and help right away. Never had to leave a voicemail. I highly recommend this school for anyone who is stressed and not knowing what school to attend. I say give it a chance and here an administrator out about all the great opportunities to come your way. When Mrs. Ratunda Hicks called me she was able to get me completely enrolled within 3 days. She has still continued to help me out and transfer me to anyone who could possibly help me with certain questions. GREAT SOULS AND HELP!(:

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16 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Expense, takes some effort but you get a degree

Networking and communication management - December 17, 2017
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I have read all the reviews and due to the negativity thought I'd give my 5 cents. I can agree that this school is in it for the money, but these days it is pretty much expected and the typical American greed. The course material in gen ed courses or courses such as program mgmt. etc. are easy to pass if you have half a brain. I do have 10 years of professional experience, and while it makes courses for me very easy, if you do not have any knowledge it gives you a basic understanding for entry level positions in my field if you pay attention. Material is a bit dated using old technology, but working in an enterprise environment the technology and content still applies to newer technology as well or deviates from it. I did also dislike the group projects, as I had several groups where my team mates were useless and I had to do most of the work in order to submit quality content using my professional knowledge. I was looking at several colleges and chose DeVry due to my schedule. There are cheaper options, but the online courses are very flexible and an A or B is easy to get with some effort. As an employer that frequently hires entry level for our data center operations I would accept a DeVry degree. You will get your knowledge from working and I haven't seen anyone from a specific university with no work experience that stood out due to their education.

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26 of 30 people found the following review helpful

Full Of It!

Networking Administration - September 18, 2017
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This school is joke when it comes to online classes. The materials and instructors are equally the same......the online courses that should be taught on campuses are total set up's for failure. I think they should be brought down the same way ITT was brought down. This is a lesson well learned from a for profit college. I cannot believe I got swindled again. The online teaching is horrible materials are awful and instructors are YouTube guru's. Out of every 5 instructors online you will get 1 good one who stays on top of things. The rest are fake and phony as F&#K. I recommend absolute nothing of this college to anyone who seeks a great education. I went from a 3.8 student to a 2.3 student only because of the online courses. the site classes are excellent but the online alternative needs a major adjustment.

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22 of 30 people found the following review helpful

Buyer Beware

Business Administration - June 27, 2017
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Buyer beware, know what you're getting yourself into. For full disclosure, I had over 15 years of experience in my field (Project/Program/Operations management) prior to deciding to go here, and I still work in my field today. I enrolled in DeVry to complete my bachelors (2008) (and have now completed my MBA at the Keller School (2010)) primarily because I was at a point in life where completing it at the state university and working full time to support my household was not feasible with the commute. This is a FOR PROFIT school, and that is going to carry a stigma with it, if you are looking at starting a career or moving into a new field I would strongly suggest going with a community college with a transfer to a four year university to finish. <u>If you need your academic creds to make up for lack of work history in your field your DeVry degree is NOT COMPETETIVE.</u> If you're mid career with several years of experience, and are looking to increase your skill set for career growth within your current path, DeVry might work for you (but again, I would look at any other non-profit traditional university system first.) If you decide to go, some things to be aware of. Your course work is exceptionally easy for much of your degree path (again, this is a red flag if you're trying to get your degree to get a job), I honestly don't think the instructors actually read the turned in assignments, spreadsheets provided for accounting courses were set up with calculations designed for you to get the correct answer, and the threaded discussions were meh. What really stood out is that as somebody who had previously attended a traditional university, much of the writing and conceptualizing in the threaded discussions from my classmates was below college level, and in many cases was below HS level. (Another red flag, work I saw being submitted and getting full credit (A/4.0) was work I would have failed as a TA in a comparable college class). Probably the worst thing I encountered in terms of class work was the stupid group projects where you were assigned a group and had to write a paper for a semester project. I am a fairly motivated person, and on more than one occasion, I spend weekends re-writing what my classmates hat turned in to make it a single cohesive paper, because I would have been embarrassed to put my name on it otherwise. Yes, I graduated DeVry with a 4.0. I don't know of a single person who got less than a B in a class. You are buying a degree, there is no incentive for DeVry to do anything other than keep you going to classes so you can keep the money flowing. How did DeVry turn out for me? Well, I still work in my field, I've experienced a nice career progression, and I'm happy with my current job and salary. Did I learn skills along the way through DeVry that helped with this? Yes. Would I have progressed as far as I have without going to DeVry? Probably.

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14 of 20 people found the following review helpful

DeVry Dishonest Dirty Debt School

Computer Information Systems - April 7, 2017
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I describe DeVry as Dishonest, Dirty, and, Debt.... I attended DeVry from 2014-2017 Dishonest: Outdated education and course software programs from 2010-2013 with textbooks decade old and charged as if they are ground breaking information Convinience of different time zone instructors and students with different work schedules and availability issues Education is practically like blog posting or commenting like this review as form of assignment... really??? A elementary kid can do this and pass this college... if you can call this a college with ???? straight face Google search answer key to class work and exams... it's that easy... they don't change the curriculum for many years... Academic/Financial/Career Advisors are a SICK JOKE - they make mistakes on your account of registering false classes and adding on false charges, they are little devils causing havoc to your life mentally and financially Dirty: Countless of Lawsuits/Investigations- bribe its way out of trouble to our Uncle Sam I Been unemployed after graduation for many months and the so called job placement or career services cut ties with you after 6 months after graduation and during the time they 6 months is once a week updates on how is your job search going? Really that is all you can do for me... Cheated thousands of of American citizens and veterans Debt: I racked up 39 grand in loans still needs to be paid off and paid close to triple that amount for a piece of worthless paper

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20 of 27 people found the following review helpful

Great flexibility and quality for adult learners

Health Information Technology - March 20, 2017
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I received my BSHA from Devry Jacksonville and recently completed my MBA. From day one I worked very hard and had great instructors! This institution is like many others YOU GET WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT! No school online or brick and mortar are going to give away a degree. They are regionally accredited which is the most important item in itself! I have read many of the reviews and i think had the students exercised their voices and filled out the end of course surveys or spoke with the campus dean, the results may have been different. Schools like Devry are in business because of the flexibility of class start times and many brick and mortar schools will not issue Veterans any credit for military service. Additionally some of those other schools were not even set up to take the GI Bill and gladly advised me to retake course i already had taken!Education is like every other product in the market.. buyer beware! Finally those that gave bad reviews... Why stay at a school for 2-3 years if you're unhappy?

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11 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Worst Fake College/University I ever graduated from

Computer Information Systems - October 19, 2016
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I attended this fake school from 2013-2016 and graduated with a bachelors degree in CIS, still they delayed giving my diploma yet and waiting till next month to get it after calling them 4-5 times to get the problem solved and I hope will get my diploma through the mail by mid November for their second time promise. I finished my last courses with excitement and only to get pissed when they mess things up for me. The honest truth the technology was outdated and we were using outdated software 3-5 years behind and Textbooks were maybe decades old in e book form which can be sold in amazon for less than half the price they sold through us in our classes. The course work was so easy you could find all the answer keys online and they teach the same curriculum garbage from past 5-10 years without ever changing it for new classes, so cheating was easy and education is non-existent. This school faced a ton of ongoing lawsuits and issues with department of education/ federal trade regulations over job placement statistics. In normal college your assigned a specific advisor or few you could know by name. In DeVry university a student can have fun playing the lottery with millions of advisors that open your file and try to solve your problem without ever really caring about your future or interest. I called them many times and they sound like you are talking to random sales people talking about an inneffective product or product issues. This is not a school or education talk. I gone through mental and financial problems with this school. My parents paid 74 grand in tuition and other costs already to them and left with 29,000 in Great Lake loans and federal Perkins loan of 5000 with 6% interest for a garbage degree that is low to no value in the real world use. If you value your future and invest for great quality education go to a state, private, or even community college. Never go to a for profit school like DeVry. You will end up like me and other people that down voted this fake school.

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9 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Heralding a message

Computer Information Systems - July 8, 2016
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I graduated from DeVry in December 2017. I earned my bachelors of science in computer information systems with a cumulative GPA 3.86. I did the entire course online. So far, I have been on several interviews and all have said that I am not sufficiently trained or there is too much of a deficit in my level of skill to perform the entry level job. The jobs applied for are entry level software developer, database admin, among others my degree states I am prepped for. I finally gave up and went back to seeking employment in my old industry (construction). The reason I chose DeVry was their outstanding job placement stats, 88% of people who go through their program obtain a job in their field 6 months after graduation. In life I believe hard work and perseverance are the keys to successful goal accomplishment. However, in this case I feel I got duped by a university that over promised and under delivered. I did my part and graduated with honors, however, all I received in return is $60,000 dollars in student load debt and nothing to show for it except for a diploma in a nice case. The worst part about it is DeVry representatives dodge responsibility by turning the tables and placing blame on the graduate for the lack of employment success. My advice do not, I repeat do not, consider Devry as a means to an end in your pursuit of gainful employment you may be extremely disappointed.

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12 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Course problems. Oneline class.

GSP - Games and Simulation Programming - May 27, 2016
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I hit a wall with this course when one of the classes demanded students basically self-teach software while producing two unique projects, going so far as to demand nothing shared between the two finished products. The assignments basically took for granted that students knew how to use the software, and my classmates and I were struggling to learn to use the game engine. The instructor told us to "contact him offline" but there was no alternate contact information given that I could find. I took this class twice, and felt totally alone in teaching myself to use the software were were told to use both times. Not being able to figure out he software, I couldn't begin to tackle the "class" which was little more than a set of objectives with little or no accompanying advice. Looking back the aggressive recruiting encourages students to join in without thinking about whether they'll be able to pay for the whole program, which left me partway through with thousands in debt.

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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful

My Two Cents

Networking and communication management - March 14, 2016
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I completed two degrees from DeVry, Assoc in Telecom and BS in Net Mgmt, graduating in 2002 with GPA 3.86. This school gave me the confidence to realize I could understand highly complex technology and business. In hindsight I wish I had attended a public university or technical school not because of the good education that DeVry offers but because a standard engineering degree from a named school like Rutgers appears to be worth so much more. I'm from a family of engineers and always thought I was the dumb one. However after completing the DeVry entrance exams that are rough, with what the adviser said was the highest score he had ever seen in English and math, I should have seen the writing on the wall and gone elsewhere. Regardless I attended the DeVry NJ campus and found the professors at DeVry excellent with many holding doctorates from Harvard. The class sizes were from a half dozen and upward with a few classes of 30-40. This school provides practically one-to-one student-to-professor ratio with small class sizes. I always wondered how they were able to financially do that but now understand it is because of their business model for better or worse. In contrast one of my nephews attended the nearby Rutgers University with a degree in engineering with some lecture hall class sizes over 1000 students. He had to pretty much teach himself however graduated and got a job right out of school working on nukes aboard Ohio class submarines and making a ton of money. If you are young and want the experience of living on campus and having friends, attending functions, or joining a sorority or fraternity, then DeVry is not the place for you. DeVry's NJ campus is basically a business office and that's it. I've been in the technology business for many years and would recommend anyone to get into the best school possible and obtain a basic degree not a vanity one. Then afterwards go for as many certifications in the specialty you prefer. This way you'll be highly marketable.

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Criminal Justice

Justice Administration - February 9, 2016
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If I had known what I know today, I never would've referred any of the friends to Devry. Devry only care about $$$$$ they have no intention of ensuring the Student is happy, complete the course, all they care about is the Financial Aid. They post the Aid late intentionally to hold it in their accounts. Even the Grant Monies, they hold up. I saw on the NEWS, Where DEVRY is under scrutiny by the Department of Education, for Cash Monitoring, they cannot participate in the California Grant Program, because they abused the Finances. All the Students are right, This School is a RIP OFF, they will take your money.

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11 of 14 people found the following review helpful


electrical engineering - January 19, 2016
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I started for my BSEET Sprint of 2009, I looked for ABET accreditation. It was a toss up between Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and DeVry. RIT required I show up on campus at least 1 a semester, in New York..., couldn't do that on a continual basis for an online degree. I went the direction of DeVry and I have not looked back. I have been in the electronics industry for years and this degree has helped me fill in a lot of holes that I had. Most all the teachers were good (PhD's most) I have skyped with lots of people across the country. It is a tough doing a class online at any school and I have heard lots of stories from other people whom knew of people going to DeVry that dropped out because it was so hard. I have one more 1 credit hour class, then I am done, pretty sure the DeVry BS online is just as good as attending a campus, maybe more because I had to have the initiative to do the work, nobody to hold my hand.

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

DeVry is a great school.

Computer Information Systems - December 9, 2015
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I worked hard and I am graduating with honors. It's hard but I applied myself 100%. I am in the process of finding the JOB. I will tell you I've had no issues from employers knowing where I am coming from. I've had interviews with IBM and other big corporations. What I am disappointed in is our career center. Not really much of help, I've left messages for the director and she has not yet replied or responded to my calls. Everyone else was very helpful. My only complaint is the director. They are a national accredited school and are transferable credits I hate to see all the negative post,out its like anywhere you have to apply yourself to succeed.

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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Theft of GI Bill as well as taking advantage of Veterans.

MBA - August 17, 2015
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I attended DeVry University during my active duty. I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in 2013. I now attend Keller Graduate School of Management for my MBA. I have had nothing but problems. I have already filed a complaint to VA as well as spoke to numerous Finance personnel and a Team Leader. I was told numerous times different conflicting information. I have also filed a complaint with Consumer Affairs as well as the Department of Education Office of Inspector General. Let me explain my situation and how I feel I have been discriminated against as a Disabled Veteran of the United States Air Force. First the school charged me for a class I should have never had to take. I attended 2 classes in March 2014. The Econ class I, which I completed and passed. The statistics class I got overwhelmed in and withdrew to take later. I was sent a notification by VA in May of 2014 that the Economics class was a transfer credit and I had to pay it back. Well Keller failed to mention to me that I got transfer credit for it so they sent me letters of debt and I contacted the VA and Keller. It took me until October 2014 to get this debt resolved. If I had not fought this issue I would have had to pay your school double for a class that I took based on incorrect information from Keller. Keller ended up taking credit for it and using Yellow Ribbon and some other grant to pay the money back to VA. Which is wrong and they should have paid it. The second issue is that I was being charged for the Statistics class by Keller despite VA already paying the bill. I know this because if VA had taken the charge back I would have owed for BAH which I have not. I finally got that issue sorted out after filing a complaint with the VA GI Bill compliance Team and they sent the complaint to Devry. Why you would get to investigate your own complaint is a very big question. The biggest issue I have had is that I received a D+ in 1 class a C+ in another and the rest are high A's and B's. It was because of these grades I apparently dropped to below a 3.0 GPA. Here in lies the discrimination. Why I am being held to a different standard than other students. Why do I have to maintain a different GPA because of my financial aid? Not to mention why I am being punished for something that I did not fail nor get an incomplete. The punishment does not fit the crime. Apparently schools have the right to cancel a Veterans GI Bill if you drop below a 3.0. Since November 2014 because I got a low grade in one class I have had to use Federal Loans to pay for my school and I am out my BAH and GI Bill completely. Keller said that I had a 2.99 and they placed me on Academic Probation. I have since November 2014 got nothing less than a B+ but that is not good enough. I have to stay on academic probation until the end of August. At that point I do not get back paid for anything and in order to get the rest of my hard earned GI Bill I have to attend another college. I feel like VA has put too much control in the For Profit Schools where they control part of my financial outcome. I have been put in massive debt and been stolen benefits from all due to 1 minor mistake which I have corrected. I feel like I have been misled, stolen from, discriminated against and taken advantage of due to having a full ride to school by the GI Bill. However it seems it is more work for a school to use the VA so they do anything they can to get a student to use federal loans which allow them to perform less work and still make money. I feel I have been deprived of my hard earned benefits and stolen from and put in massive debt for no reason. VA has washed their hands of my issues because according to them Universities have the right to do this. How does Keller and or any other For Profit School have the right to control somebody else's benefits and money when all they are doing is taken advantage of the system. Nobody is monitoring them because they all benefit from it. I want nothing more than the money and benefits that I earned being an Honorable Disabled Veteran. I attended college like I was supposed to so what gives Keller the right to suspend my money and then turn around and charge me long term debt and loans. I know I am not the only one that Keller and or DeVry have taken advantage of. Three strikes of taking advantage of me and if I had not been aware of the situation I would have paid money back to a school that already benefited from payment and profits. The only right to this wrong is for you to authorize Keller to Back Certify my classes that I have been deprived of all because of 1 minor mistake which still allows me to graduate. The rule of a 3.0 GPA is discriminating against Veterans and people that have benefits instead of having to use federal loans. I simply want the money that I earned defending this country no more, no less. I do not want to have to be in school for another year so that I can get something that is not going to benefit me but make profits for a University. I graduate from Keller Graduate School of Management in 2 classes. I work full time and support my family. I should not have to return to school in order to get my earned benefits which has been stolen from me. Devry university has abused their power over a Veterans finances and hard earned benefits. Why do they get to control my benefits which I earned by defending our Freedom. I worked hard for those benefits so why does a For Profit school get to control it.

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8 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Great program if you are willing to do the work!

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - May 27, 2015
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I found the program very rewarding. I completed it in 2006. You have to be disciplined enough to keep up and do all your work (thank you military for teaching me that!). It can be tough if you don't keep up and do your part- but that is how it should be! They are not giving it away for free. You still have to do the work. I do recall in my classes that there were always people finding every excuse not to do their part of the group project. I think they must be the same ones who are writing the negative reviews. Bottom line is this- I learned a lot and it certainly helped me in my career. I quickly moved up in my company the year I completed the program. Having the degree behind me allowed me to negotiate better for on the next job and I have been for nearly 8 years.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

You still have to earn your degree

Computer Information Systems - January 25, 2015
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I started taking online courses in 2013 and I made sure to keep focused on graduating. I don't know about transferring and my future career outlook but I can honestly say that I'm having no problems so far. If anybody is not feeling like they are getting help with their classes then they are just lazy. Devry allow students to help each other as long as you open your mouth. You can't expect to get help if you don't ask. And that means asking more than just your teacher. If I really needed help, I could ask other classmates or even go to the devry group on facebook. That simple. I think that some people get frustrated and give up too soon. I get frustrated sometimes but I think to myself "a degree shouldn't come easy." Then I refocus and MAN UP! The only thing that I sometimes worry about is finding a job in my field when I graduate but I think you have to use your own skills in doing that and not just giving out your resume with a devry degree on it. I probably got 2 more years and with my program of Computer Info Systems and I'm already looking for entry level jobs near me. So it is important to prepare yourself ahead of time. Get over it. No one ever said it will be easy.

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful

I loved DeVry

Computer Information Systems - September 21, 2014
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I finished DeVry in 2003, I went on to also complete the MBA program at Keller Graduate School. Having these degrees has enabled me to enter the grants writing field at a major university and earn a very comfortable salary at my age. You have to make the degree work for you. No university anywhere at least that I know of is going to hand you a job and say show up on Monday. I made this degree work for me. I highly recommend DeVry and Keller. The faculty and staff were very friendly. Even now when I call needs transcripts the service is very promot and courteous.

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18 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Not as bad as you think

Health Information Technology - September 14, 2014
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I've been seeing a lot of bad reviews lately regarding loans, financial aid, and whether a job will even consider a DeVry degree. Well let me tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed going to this school. I tried a few schools and this was by far my favorite. I was able to complete my program in two years and had an easy time using the online classes. I never had a problem getting in touch with financial aid or any other department. And if I had to leave a message, they called me back that same day. I finally got a job at the local hospital and I was picked among many candidates. But overall, this school was quite good. I don't understand why some people are so angry.

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19 of 24 people found the following review helpful

Trust me stay away

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - September 10, 2014
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From day one. I hold 2 associate degrees. Devry tried to strong arm me telling me if i enrolled in the degree they wanted me to take BS in Technological Management they would accept 93 credit hours. If I enrolled in the degree i chose. BS in computer science they would only accept 28 credits. WHAT THE.......... apparently my credits were evaluated by 2 different people in 2 different parts of the country, 1 for each program.

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14 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Best Decision I have ever made

Networking Administration - August 15, 2014
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Going to DeVry was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have learned more in my year and a half here than I ever would have studying on my own. I felt like the Administration and Professors were very personable and I met many good friends and connections that I will have for many years to come. Although DeVry moved more towards a virtual platform, there were many classes with a hand-on lab where if you messed up, you needed to troubleshoot until it was correct. I am almost finished with my Network Systems Administration Associate's Degree and already I have many employers asking about me. I was also able to get an internship fairly early on (that Career Services helped with) and there I learned a whole lot about computer hardware and other small things I could only learn in the field. DeVry set up a foundation for learning, as they continuously suggest. I see many bad reviews here because people think that DeVry will teach them everything. You are going into IT...everything you learn now will be obsolete in 6 months anyways, DeVry simply teaches you the foundations and how to learn and grow from that base that has been set. I don't regret DeVry one bit. Granted, the cost is high and I will be in debt for a long time, but it was completely worth it and I highly recommend to anyone who wants a degree in technology that you should attend. As a side note, part of the Tuition costs were textbooks (which were made extremely easily accessible in eBook format) which in the end saved a lot of out of pocket expenses on textbooks. I think this was a fantastic thing and something I hope more schools move towards. Part of Tuition costs as well were many software programs made available to students through the Student Software Store. This made using what I learned in class at home so much easier, when I could download and use the same programs we were using in class. I also found that there were many complimentary test/certification prep courses that were made available to me as a student and I found that very helpful when studying for my A+, Security+ and CCNA exams.

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16 of 19 people found the following review helpful

if you are a vet do not go to devry

Computer Information Systems - June 30, 2014
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I am a vet with 9/11 bill that completed my degree last year. This school was useless when it came to anyone wirh military benefits. The one person that they did have to certify my classes constantly messed it up and it would take calling a dean multiple times to fix it. They also certified classes that were not covered by my benifits and told me I owed them money. This could have been easily fixed if they would have not certified my next set of classes when I ran out of funding for that quarter. After fighting them to fix their mistake for 6 months, theysent the 10, 000 dollar bill to collections without trying to fix the problem they created. If you are a vet, or anyone for that matter, do not go to this iinstitution. They are bound to cause more problems for you than they are worth. Hope this helps someone.

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15 of 28 people found the following review helpful


Networking Administration - June 28, 2014
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For all those making negative reviews about schools,i will say shame on you.You should definitely blame yourself and not the school for your shortcomings.Before you seek to venture into anything in life,you should be ready and willing to get it done.With that being said i graduated with a degree in Network systems Admin.My experience at Devry was great and not only do i have the highest honor,my skills and knowledge proves that.I was able to do that because i was ready and willing to get the job done.the only mistake i feel alot of student s make is the believe that the school or teachers will teach you everything you need to know.My attitude going to school has been centered on the principle, if you want to be ahead of the pack,strive to learn more outside of class and everything will fall in place....

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18 of 24 people found the following review helpful

very good program

Technical Management - May 31, 2014
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DeVry is like anything in life. If you are willing to work hard, you will succeed. I am only three classes away from my BA and then on to my MBA. I am currently deployed in the Middle East with the Air National Guard. I have wife and kids and work 50 hours per week and in the private sector. I have many challenges, but DeVry is not one of them. The pace is very fast and only for the self disciplined. It has given me hope for a second chance. Thanks DeVry!!

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18 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Not a real University

Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) - May 7, 2014
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For a technical degree, my education consisted of little to no technical experience. I was very displeased with my experience overall. This program was not organized well and despite numerous complaints an instructor who had no business in a classroom was allowed to teach several topics! The dean of the CLS program hated students, hated doing work and was not interested in seeing students succede. Many great instructors have since left. Leaving this program in greater ruin! Management is terrible. Curriculum poorly constructed. Cheating is easy to do and widespread - meaning many unqualified graduates are let loose! There are many students who shouldnt be there. They also try to get more money from you by claiming you need to take ridiculus classes. This is not a real school. Not for a CLS degree. You have to be willing to do all your own independant work and their absurd work as well. In the end its the only school in AZ and it is accredited but dont say you wernt warned! Expect to be dissapointed, ignored, lied to, manipulated and underwhelmed. Spend your time and money at a real university.

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12 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Money Driven Only!!!@

Health Information Technology - May 6, 2014
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I've been attending DeVry University for over 2 1/2 years and was only 12 credit hours away from a degree in Health Information Technology before I was dismissed on academic probation because I failed a HIT class. I thought I was imaging things or I thought it was only me that was having a problem with this particular instructor. Low and behind, once I was dismissed, I attempted to transfer to another university and have my credit go along with me. To my surprise, the majority of the classes completed at Devry University did not own enough credit hours to transfer and therfore; two different well known universities failed to accept no more than 29 credit hours out of the 52 hours that I had completed at Devry. Also, I was extremely shocked to learn that not only did I fail that particular teacher's class but over 50% of the class failed this course also. This professor was uncaring was wasn't concerned whether the students best interest was at heart. I contacted the student advisory committee on numerous occasions complaining about the lack of help that I was receiving from this teacher and was told that they didn't have anything to do with that and that I should keep e-mailing here until she contacted me. Since I had the good sense to recognize that this instructor was only money driven, I reached out to my fellow students by postings each week and by that time, it was too late; I had failed the course. I reapply that Devry in January, 2014 and was accepted back again. I only asked for one course per session for the first six months of my reentering since I wanted to bring my GPA average back up to part and was under the assumption that the advisor had me listed for only one class. Low and behind, 4 days before class began, I checked my student portal and found that the advisor had entrolled me in two classes. I immediately called DeVry and attempted to have one class taken off of my schedule because I was re=entering on academic probation. I was told that I had waited too late to ask for that class to be dropped and if I dropped the other clasa at that point I would be responsible for paying for the class. In essence, DeVry already knew that I wouldn't be able to keep up my GPA average. All they were interested in was the $9800 that they would receive for those classes. OUt of 4 classes from January to April 31st, I passed all three and needless to say, this same uncaring professor flunked me again, which got me permanently dismissed again. I feel that my wishes was not respected when I asked for only 1 class per session and was given a full schedule enough though I was still on academic probation. I knew it won't do any good, but I wrote the Department of Higher Education and explained to them what happened and also told them that my wishes was not respected and that DeVry advisor did what she wanted to do with my schedule without consulting me. I feel that any GOOD ADVISOR would have the insight to recognize the fact that if a student is returning on academic probation that they is only to receive a limited amount of hours until they are brought back to good standing. Now, I owe $48,500 in student loans with no degree to show for it and can't transfer to any other university to complete my degree because I don't have any more student loans remaining to do so!!!! PLEASE!!!! PLEASE!!!! LISTEN UP!!!! DEVRY IS A RIPOFF AND IS ONLY MONEY HUNGER!!!! DON'T ATTEND!!!!

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19 of 31 people found the following review helpful

Not a sufficient education

Electronics Engineering Tech - April 16, 2014
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I attended DeVry Institute of Technology from 1998-2001 and graduated with a 4.0 GPA with a degree in BSEET. First and foremost -- DeVry is a for-profit COMPANY so the term "university" should be used very lightly. The education I received was pathetic. They make the curriculum as easy as possible to retain as many students as possible so that they can collect as much money as possible. Those three years that I attended DeVry were spent 95% in a mobile home classroom behind the main building because my tuition was being used to renovate the main building. Did I get a discount for spending my entire college experience in a dumpy trailer? Heck no. Sadly, it wasn't until I was getting ready to graduate and began applying for jobs that I discovered that my DeVry "education" was practically useless to companies in the real world. Two years later, I had to enroll in a REAL university and earn my MSEE so that I can do something meaningful with my career. If you want a real education and don't want your money fraudulently taken, DO NOT GO TO DEVRY!

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17 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Can get a better degree for less money elsewhere

Computer Information Systems - December 12, 2013
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After separating from the US Army a year and a half ago, I felt like I did not have many options regarding college. I was wrong. I also, felt that Devry University was the best of the options I had, again, I was wrong. I have tried, for many months to get a job. I was a finance specialist while in the Army, so I have applied to jobs related to banking, cashiering, customer service, clerical, etc. I am often told I have a way with words and am very likeable, but yet I could not land a decent job. Finally, I took it upon myself to ask a few professionals to sit down with me, look over my resume, conduct a mock interview, and tell me what the issue is. Each interviewer told me the issue is my education. Devry University may be an acceptable degree for some employers, however, it is not for the majority. I recently applied to ASU (Arizona State University), and was informed just a few days ago that I have been admitted into the university. Before applying to ASU, I was very hesitant to apply to any decent university because I had read multiple reviews/complaints from Devry University students informing others that Devry University credits do not transfer. That is not true! It may be true that SOME schools do not transfer Devry University credits, but that is not the case for all schools. The only college credits I currently have are from Devry University, and ASU transferred most of them. Also, while I like to think I do well in school, I am not, nor have I ever been, a top of the class student. My GPA is a 3.49, and in high school it was about 3.25. As I previously said, not a top of the class student, and yet I was accepted into a decent university that is respected by employers. So, please do not allow yourself or others to tell you that you cannot do better than Devry University. Also, please do not think that once you have been duped into attending Devry that you are stuck there, because you aren't. You do have other options.

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19 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Great school if you have a corporate sponsor...

MBA - December 11, 2013
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I graduated from DeVry University in 2010 with a BSTM. I went on to complete a Master of Project Management from DeVry's Keller Graduate School. They paid for my tuition........ Keller's MPM program is recognized by PMI (This is a very BIG deal. Most traditional universities cannot say this). Keller's MBA program, which I am getting ready to start, is accredited by ACBSP. DeVry also owns the Becker Review (a nationally recognized, top rated CPA exam review program). After completing my MPM I studied and passed the PMP exam, the first time!!!!! Soon thereafter I interviewed for a position and now am working as an IT project manager. With that said, DeVry is not for everyone. At first, I attempted to go to a traditional university but was treated, by the admissions department, like a second class citizen. They made me feel as if I should be lucky to go to them. Last I recall, it's my money and I am the customer. Anyway, after several similar experiences I decided to go to school online. After researching several schools and reading many of these posts, I settled on DeVry anyway. If you are like me, a full time dad and husband and full time employee, with limited time, then a school like DeVry may be an option. Before my master's I was making in the low 70K range. After receiving my MPM, PMP, and a promotion, I am at about 90K; not a bad pay hike in just over a year. Remember, my company paid for it. So, here's a fact: Schools with AASCB accreditation will only accept transfer credits from similarly accredited schools. (These are many of the progressive; they're right and your wrong schools that I mentioned in the previous paragraph). DeVry’s credits are transferable at any of the 1000's of schools that hold ACBSP or regional accreditation. Oh yes, and with any school, you only get to transfer but so many credits; especially at the graduate level!!! DeVry is pricey and for profit. Yes I said it, for profit. That's not a nasty word. Just about everyone you buy something from is for profit. Many of the traditional, non-profit colleges cost way more than DeVry and many cost less. Again, I agree that DeVry is pricey. I have many peers who have gone the traditional route, with multiple graduate degrees, and are sitting right next; a DeVry graduate. Do your due diligence and don't put too much weight on the negative posts. I haven't heard many of these disgruntled bloggers say how successful they are now because they went to a traditional school as opposed to a non-traditional school. I have, though, heard many DeVry graduates speak about their successes. Get your company to pay for it. If they are not willing to, then, maybe you should think about getting your foot in the door of a company that does. It really isn't that hard to get an entry level position in a company willing to pay for your education. I say entry level because if you already had a $75k a year job, you probably would have had all of this squared away already. I took a $10k pay cut to get into the fortune 500 company, so I am speaking from experience. Final point! Anyone who is successful in life will let you know school matters; but unless you are going to an Ivy League school, the 2nd tier schools are pretty much the same. If you notice many of these negative bloggers have poor grammar skills and even less in the way they articulate their message. YOU CAN MAKE EXCUSES OR YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!! I've chosen the latter... Good Luck

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48 of 49 people found the following review helpful

Good Choice, Perfect Fit For Me

Technical Management - November 19, 2013
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I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from DeVry University in 2010 and I'm very happy to be working in my current field. At six months from graduation I got a job in my field (IT) and was well prepared for the job. I however opted for a more managerial/business side of the field and took another job with better pay. The professors are very knowledgeable. If you can manage your time right the help and support is there. Excellent use of technology to say the least. The degree got me the interview, my skills got me the job.

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14 of 18 people found the following review helpful


Health Information Technology - November 12, 2013
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They lied to me about the program I was going to be in. Then once I finished my first quarter they said I owed them $600 to start the next quarter and I should have had it paid for. They charged me for more then I needed and used that against me. They won't work with you at all if you owe money. You can not make payments to them at all.

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9 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Great school, good education

Business Administration - October 23, 2013
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Everyone has their opinions on education and academic programs that Devry University offers. I can only report that my experience in California with Devry is nothing but excellent. I've just graduated with BA/BS - Business Administration with a concentration in Operations Management, I am already 11 months well into my career enhancement earning well in excess of six figures. Financial Aid helped me through the whole program and I paid 100 bucks once over the last 3 years. All my classes were suggested and planned for me, I always knew exactly what the cost and charges are (online). The Professors were well qualified, mostly from top-notch universities i.e. Stanford, UCLA, Berkley, SJSU and even MIT. Course material on the blended online classes and material delivery, absolutely cutting edge. Course material and subjects are what they are and current. Devry Degree's carry a national accreditation. Look, there are many complainers...for silly reasons. Sure cost is a little high, but the technology and program are worth it.Employers respect and recognize anyone who makes the attempt through a program which provides higher education. It’s what you do with yourself and how you leverage what YOU'VE learned. I've learned so much about management, business applications and ethics. There is no way I'd have my job today with Devry's training. Don’t listen to anyone except what you research from the schools. Devry offer's the education and real degree. Math is math, finance is finance and statistics is hard.......after you graduate, you have to still work hard to get a job!

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17 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Top tier online college!!

Networking and communication management - October 16, 2013
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DeVry University was the answer I was looking for. Yes it was challenging but I learned a lot from this institution. I had a great time going here and I learned a lot from the instructors. They were all very responsive and answered my emails promptly. You get what you put in with any University and with DeVry they offer a lot of information that is very helpful in the real world. I never had a problem with any of the instructors and my experience was one of great joy. I had attended several other online colleges and I felt like they did not compare to the education that I received from DeVry. Great school!! I would recommend to a friend!!

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11 of 14 people found the following review helpful


Electronics Engineering Tech - September 25, 2013
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If I could give this business a rating, I would give them a 10+ for ripping me off and attempting to ruin my credit. DO NOT ENROLL AT DEVRY INC! DO NOT ENROLL! RUN FAST!DO NOT ENROLL AT DEVRY. I use to jump out of airplanes, now I'm in debt for going to this bullshit school. I started going to the Pomona, California campus in January of 2013 after I left the 82nd.. They started me off with bullshit introduction classes that I definitely didn't need and cost me thousands of dollars that a regular non-profit school wouldn't of charged. Non-transferable. I went as far as 8 months in this place before my eyes were opened by the street mentality of the staff. My GPA was a 3.5.. I took this calculus class, the teacher wrote bullshit on the board for hours that had nothing to do with anything we were focusing on.. there were other veterans in the room that I noticed didn't stay long. The teacher was there to get paid nothing less. My advisor/success coach always acted like she was doing something or was busy with other students when I called. AUG 2013, I was contacted by Devry through email saying that I needed to provide them with my old transcripts from Riverside Community College. They seemed to have lost the first official copy I handed them... So I went to the community college and paid for a copy then drove to the Pomona campus to sign up for more classes. I was sitting in the front office waiting to be called on. I heard arguing from the other side of the wall. Then seconds later some lady comes out that I have never seen before (not my advisor)We go into one of the cubicles and she tells me that the VA isn't going to pay for my classes. Then she asks me how am I going to pay for these classes (classes I attended for 2 weeks then left because they were bullshit) I ask her shouldn't the VA be paying for this. She says no... they're not going to pay. HOW ARE YOU GOING tO PAY.. I tell her Im not going to pay for this. SHE SAY"S "YOU WILL PAY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! her words exactly. , I got up and said IM done with this bullshit school and left. It felt like if I said anything more I would of had a lawsuit filed against me... A couple weeks later I get a bill in the mail from creditor DEVRY INC. Three thousand dollars I owe this crap school. My first payment is close to 700 dollars due in a couple weeks... so my credit which is finally GOOd, will probably go to crap.. Im sure they have taken more money than they should have.. The school is still sending me emails for their bullshit. DO NOT ENROLL AT DEVRY YOU WILL GET RIPPED OFF. The higher the skirt the higher the grade.----> from another review I read. I feel so bad for all the blind people still attending this school. I hope this review has helped people stay clear of this thief. Another thing that comes to mind, While I was sitting in the office there were a mother and daughter there trying to transfer out of the Pomona, California campus. I have read other reviews that the other campus's are nothing less than crap.

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16 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Dont Go Here...Spend Time Researching Somewhere Else

MBA - September 24, 2013
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The courses are good and you will work for you grade! The thing is ...its not valued education. They let anyone in for their MBA program. Which isnt valued or respected. How can it be when there are people out there saying on social media how they dont have to study for finals or midterms for an MBA program and then can say they are throwing a party come and join?!?!?! WTF!! One of their graduates said they were graduating "suma cum loddie" from the program...and got 40 likes from that...utter statement of ignorance. No respect from the program nor the degree. I know for a fact... that person that made that comment has not worked a day in their life at the age of 38!!! So you tell me?? And now they are enrolled at ...Capella for a PH.D....... A waste of time and money because the branding is not their because of nonsense like the above stated. No real PH.D program will take you with a Keller MBA.. you will have to backtrack.

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10 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Technical Management

Technical Management - August 30, 2013
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I attended DeVry in the mid 80's in Kansas City, Missouri before it became a corperation that is only interested in making money. The classes back then where very technical and advanced and you learned a lot. EVERYONE was getting a job if you where a graduate from Devry. Now in 2008 and above, it is very easy to get A's at Devry. They have really dumbed down the classes. My advise would be to go to a community college then a state college and get the same degree for less than half the price.Devry is too expensive.

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14 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Run. Really I am serious. Run as fast as you can.

Business Administration - August 27, 2013
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I am being generous in rating this at a 2. This should most definitely be at a negative number. If you attend this school your finances will never be right, despite having filled out all required federal documents, just never seems to workout right with the finance office. I can't imagine why? Suspicious perhaps? If you would like some kind of support during your classes, pray for a sympathetic teacher otherwise you are not going to get anywhere. The university will only present you with one option and that will be to drop the course in week 7. That is the number one fix all for everything. If they can not use that option they can not think of another option. If you do drop the course in week 7, you will have to repeat it again at your cost with no reduction in cost. See how that works out double for the university. Its in their best interests for you to keep dropping classes, it means you will be there longer running up a tab in student debt. Which comes down to money in their pocket.

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15 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Over the top in price...

Health Information Technology - August 22, 2013
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I am annoyed with this school. I decided to leave Devry. I only took 3 math classes.. Mind you it was algebra 1.... I received a bill from the loan center 6,000......I was floored. Can you imagine paying that for 3 classes that weren't in the core classes....So I am not happy.............I am not done with

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13 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Financial Aid

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - July 31, 2013
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When asking for special circumstances be ready with a printer, scanner, and fax machine along with all information including your children's worth!! They do not EVER call you back to let you know they need more information, and if it is not exactly all within 2 weeks of age, it ALL has to be redone. OVER and OVER again. Side note, do not tell them that you are working your butt off or they will accuse you of using foul language! OMG! the rudeness off it all! Basically, don't ask, because they are not there to help you! They do not care, as long as they get their money about your situation, or that you are not capable of paying Kinkos extraordinary amounts of money to get everything to them instantaneously. They send you things via email, then accuse you of printing off the wrong forms. Sending back the wrong forms then means that they do not need to look at any of the information you just sent! Really?? Nice!! OH I am sure that this will be considered inappropriate language too since it is not favorable towards their behaviors. Good luck! If you are picking DeVry because you think they will help you get a job in the future, found my own. Did not have any good leads from them the whole time I was working with them trying to find one! Barbara Johnson

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13 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Business Administration

MBA - July 17, 2013
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I have been a student at Devry (part time )for the last three years. I am not discourage to provide my info , as I feel very dissapointed with the level of service and lack of professionalism with the whole administration starting with the success coaches to the very top. I have made alot of adjustments to my personal lie to acquire a degree needless to say all the goverment loans to pursue my education. This past year has been the worst experience i tried to contact all sources I had a terrible on line English Instructor I couldn't get any cooperation from any of the deans even the university Director .The financial Aid office was getting loans disburssed without my knowledhe and approval.If any one is reading this BE CAREFUL!!! You are in it for a HUGE Surprise .I know dwell and regret for making this University my first choice. Try not to follow my errors.

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19 of 22 people found the following review helpful

You only reap what you sow...

Electronics Engineering Tech - June 18, 2013
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I had the opportunity to attend several different State / public universities, but choose DeVry instead. Admittedly, many people will not benefit from attempting to pursue a DeVry education / degree - especially those who flunk-out or otherwise drop-out because they simply can't handle the tough curriculum. I will be the first to agree that the DeVry recruitment program is way too lax and does not properly weed-out those that never would have been accepted to an equivalent State / public university degree program - which is why I personally saw an almost 70% drop-out rate (from enrollment to graduation) for the Electronics Engineering Technology degree program I completed. That being said, for those of us in my graduating class (1983) who had the per-requisite college-prep HS education and worked extremely hard to excel in the DeVry curriculum and not just pass, we have all gone on to very prosperous and engaging careers. I personally have used my degree to fuel a professional career where I have earned on average in-excess of $100k per year, and I have NEVER had one of my employers question / challenge my educational background during the hiring process. So, like most everything in life, with post-secondary education, you usually get out of it only what you put into it.

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17 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Your "Success Coach" is Really Just a Salesperson - Don't Think They Actually Have Your Interests In Mind

Computer Information Systems - June 7, 2013
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I feel scammed by my "success coach". Despite her knowing that I have a background in computer, work in an office job, and already have a bachelor's degree she did not even inform me that it is possible to test out of basic classes like COMP 100 where you "learn" things like "A folder is a place where you can store files". When I confronted her about this she told me I should have read page 121 in the student manual and accepted no responsibility for not advising me of my options. Lesson to be learned: Your advisers are actually salespersons who do not care about your success. Their job is to sell you as many college credits as possible.

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18 of 21 people found the following review helpful

I wish I saw this review before I went there!

Technical Management - June 6, 2013
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I wish I had seen this review before I enrolled in this school. I went to the "online" school because I am an older student with a full time job and children, and could not swing the "brick and mortar" for my bachelors. DeVry is expensive. Customer service sucked. I got the BSTM with concentration in Operations Management. Big mistake. I should have just not gone back to college because I can't get a job in my field at that level. Now I am strapped with a HUGE student loan to pay back. Their methods of delivering financial information was horrendous. Now don't get me wrong, I worked my butt off in my classes. some of them were HARD! most of my teachers were good. but all in all i would NOT recommend this school to others. Also, did anyone notice in the beginning of this web page, it states that DeVry is a non profit school. that has to be a typo.

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15 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Illegal Sign Up

GSP - Games and Simulation Programming - June 4, 2013
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The only Excellent Score they desire is being DISHONEST. Maybe those who did well, were the students that needed to be there and could survive. I am sure the negative comments are students that had no reason to be accepted by this so called college. The problem is DeVry tells every person, this is the college made just for YOU. Makes all these promises and makes it look like this is the best for me. Then the money hunger feed begins. Sign up for Student Loans, pay by credit card. Their interest is your money no care for your debt.(Recruiters for Profit) My son went there in 2006, GREAT Saleslady, had him signed in real quick. He barely made it through the first semester then was in the class for ONE day the next semester. Convinced us we still had to pay, settled on an amount, on my credit card. Promised me that was all and I was completely paid. (Lenders get 75% to 95% of college volume money). For profit college. In with the Banks. Five or more years later, I we get a payment notice from someone we have no idea Who. Collection agency out of Salem, NH. Wanting to collect $2k, that is owed. Now threatening to garnish wages,etc. Arguing with them for almost a year, now they finally provide so called Promissory note with bank, (Wacova, shut down many years ago). Now $900. in interest added. This is a nightmare, trying to explain to this collection that DeVry collected the loan with out our permission. My son was not even at the school for that semester. This is a headache/nightmare. BE AWARE TO WHAT THIS COLLEGE IS REALLY OFFERING YOU. They are great rip off sales representatives.

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12 of 15 people found the following review helpful


Business Administration - May 16, 2013
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Devry truely screw me over they dont listen to the student they only care about getting your money and leaving. After only attending 2 months there i had to leave because when they first sign you up they promise all of these things and the school sounds too good to be true, and it is the admin has no clue what they ate doung and they send untrained people to help with the finances and when there is a miss understanding then it is all on you and they think they are blamless. DONT GO HERE IT IS A WASTE IF MONEY TME AND A HEADACHE NO ONE NEEDS.

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9 of 16 people found the following review helpful

The product is sound in my experience.

Electronics Engineering Tech - May 14, 2013
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I am a 1994 BSEET graduate from the Phoenix campus. DeVry University was the culmination of my 11 year undergraduate career that spanned 5 different institutions and 7 majors. The school did exactly what they said they would do. Provide a program that would allow me to complete my BS in 3 years or less depending on how many hours I transferred in to the program. Of the 90+ hours I transferred from several different public and private colleges and universities 36 hours were accepted in to my progam. Rarely will any school accept 100% of transfer credit directly in to a degree curriculum. I was pleased with the transfer of my prior undergrad work. At that time I was looking at changing my major from Econ to Engineering. The two highly regarded state schools I was accepted to could not guarantee my graduation period at all with one (UT - Austin) indicating that it would take approximately 5 years to get all of the pre-reqs and complete the upper division work for a BSEE. This was due to the unlikely event that all of my classes would be available when I needed them. DeVry was clear. It would take no more than 3 years if I transferred ZERO hours, if I followed the schedule and passed all of my classes. In reality it took me 3 years and 4 months. I extended by one semester otherwise my final semester would have been 25 hours with 5 lab classes. This was not due to the school’s issue. It was due to the impact on the schedule of the classes I transferred in and a class I dropped and had to repeat due to the number of hours I was working when my employer needed me on a large project. 19+ years after graduation I am in executive management and a multiple six figure earner more than half of which is my base salary. Many of the 37 BSEETs that I graduated with are also six figure earners (at least 20%). Many of us stay in touch. I have had no issues with staying employed. No one has ever commented on my DeVry undergrad other than to tick the box that I met the education qualifications for any job I was interviewing for. Since graduation 3 of the 4 companies I have worked for are Fortune 500 or better. As the product of a regionally accredited university my DeVry degree has been adequate for acceptance to law school, to a Ph.D. program and to a M. Sci. Eng program from traditional private and public schools. I did not pursue those degrees due to career influences but acceptance was not a problem. In my experience the workload at DeVry is hell, the curriculum is focused and the education is accredited and sound. Looking back to my DeVry days and forward in to my career I have no complaints except for maybe the work load. A slack class occasionally would have been nice.

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10 of 14 people found the following review helpful

All in All, Not That Bad.

Web Graphics Design - May 11, 2013
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I enrolled in DeVry summer of 2010 in an online-only role, a few months before I had my baby. All in all, I've had a fairly good experience. Like any school, some teachers are better than others. I've never particularly had any problems with tech support, finance, or my advisor; my classes gave me back what I put in. If I did half-a** work, then I received a so-so grade. For the most part I gave DeVry a rating of "good". Honestly, if you're uncertain then your best bet is to LISTEN. Take notes, if you must. Don't sign anything until you are sure you understand it. Do your own research, but don't rely solely on reviews from other people. I was never told I would definitely have a job after graduation, nor was I told I would definitely get a job in my field. I was told they had career services, which I understand mean that DeVry provides job boards I can peruse, and people to speak with should I need it. Getting a job shouldn't be up to your school, but you. As far as bad reviews, scams, or assertions that your resume will be thrown out if you include the school on it, the worst thing you can do is accept it at face value. How do you know your resume will get binned, just because some stranger on the internet said so? Honestly, it cannot be any worse than applying for a fast food job and getting rejected, only to go in later and find the most incompetent person was hired instead.

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13 of 13 people found the following review helpful


Technical Management - May 3, 2013
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I only attended a sort time. From the start the run around with admissions and the administrative problems should have been an indicator that they aren't on the up and up. Forget getting help when you need it, even though they pimp out their support network while you are attending like help is just a phone call away. The student advisors are pretty useless for many reason. The cost was almost double as I anticipated. I went to Devry without shopping much because most will say they are a good school and will get you into the job market. They are just another pay for education that will shuttle you through like cattle and try to manipulate you when you get frustrated with the run around. They are in the education game to make money which, they all are. It's just a matter of how much money you want to waste. I think the money will be a better investment in another school.

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9 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Relevent Education

MBA - April 19, 2013
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I'm a month away from earning my third degree from DeVry University(MBA,MNCM, MPM). The course material is relevent and respected by employers who value results. I work full time and the flexibility of the schedule has allowed me to raise a family, run a business, and work full-time. By no means is it an easy school. You get out of it what you put in it. It's expensive so if you are paying out of your pocket, you may want to look at public options if money is an issue. The support system does suck. I've been associated with this school since 2001 and the support system still sucks. They now have Academic Coaches/Advisors that essentially serve as salesman to enocurage students to keep taking classes. They serve very little purpose and don't know what they are doing. Overall, my education has resulted in a $90,000K/yr job, a profitable real estate business, and practical portfolio of business and technologgy skills.

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16 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Don't Do It

Computer Information Systems - April 3, 2013
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I graduated in 2004 with a BS in Computer Information Systems. I sent my resume to a local company, and an HR Specialist called me back. The ad was for an entry level job, and had asked for two years previous experience. He asked if I had that. I said no, but I had this fabulous degree from DeVry, and we did actually set up a website as a class project in our senior year. He said they'd asked for two years experience, but had been flooded with responses, and the person eventually hired would have five to seven years of experience at a supervisory level. I couldn't even get a job on a help desk. I think a few people in my class found jobs, but by and large, entry level programming, which is what this degree prepared you for, has been outsourced to India, Russia, China, Poland and Romania. DeVry knew that was the trend years before I enrolled, and they lied to me and hundreds of others. We're all $50K-$60K in debt from student loans, and I think DeVry should have to pay it.

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17 of 30 people found the following review helpful


Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - March 25, 2013
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I attended a community college for my associates degree before attending Devry. Even in a mostly government funded school you will receive more assistance should you have a problem. To no tutors after 4pm (when your working that's impossible) to not being able to talk to ANYONE in the financial aid department unless you make an appointment 2 days in advance, to my financial aid not being disbursed through the whole semester because I needed to give my w-2's as proof of income, even though I gave a copy of my tax returns and no other school EVER has made you do that to receive your financial aid. Then I was supposed to give a letter apparently stating who made what between my husband and myself instead, which no one told me about or gave me the option of doing. All those things alone would drive someone crazy but then they said I had to finish the semester or I won't get my financial aid AND I'll owe them money, so I did, a month ago, and I'm still waiting for my financial aid check as it sits in my account and they say I just have to still wait because they're current students disbursements are more important!! Well I was a current student over 3 months ago and received nothing!! Oh and the classes are a joke but the teachers were at least friendly but the material is mediocre at best. WORST school ever, I would NEVER recommended it to anyone!!!

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13 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Network Systems Administartion

Networking Administration - March 15, 2013
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To all of you down grading Devry University,i would say shame to you all for your immeasureably excuses not succeeding!!! you should be aware of what you were heading for before taking the responsibilities to attend college.i have completed 26 credits out of 68 credit to acquire a degree in Network System Administration.i am doing great and loving every bit of my learning experience at Devry.In all,the school is great,the teachers and success coaches are there to help you at all time.To this end,if you are ready to learn and complete your educational goals in your required field,make sure you are willing and ready to put in the work needed for your success.Because some students happens to be lazy and cant keep up thereby puttting blames on the School.

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13 of 20 people found the following review helpful

This school is a fraud

Computer Information Systems - February 23, 2013
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DeVry is a fraud. I spent 2 and a half years in that school and cost me about $40,000 with help of government of $30,000. They teach you the basics really slowly and it's really easy. But when it gets to the more advance materials, they weren't very good at it. They just confused the heck of out of you. First off, they divided into 3 semesters in a year (obviously one of the reason is that they want to make more money, and I don't think they care about how fast you graduate). When I started my major on game programming, they made me take Introduction to Game and Simulation, which is history about games and the type of genre of games..... I hope you already feel a little bit odd about that. And it took them 3 semesters to teach me 80% of the basics of C++. There are so many things that they didn't teach me about C++ such as linked list, vector, recursive, namespace, exception, and some other details that is needed to program Direct X. On my second semester into the game simulation major, they made me introduction to linux, and most of the time the teacher asked us to copy and paste codes. Although he tried to explain some of the stuff but it's quite confusing (I am not sure why yet, but I'll find out in the future). And they only taught me the very basics of linux and I didn't even learn much from it because most of the time the teacher just asked us to copy and paste codes. And as on the third semester, they made us take how to design games. It's not as useful as you think. The teacher mostly taught us the very basic of how to use 3D studio max, which is creating a cube, sphere, cylinder, etc. Absolutely nothing useful. I don't even fully know how to use the software. I only know a little bit portion of it. And sometimes the teacher would give us bullshit like draw a character and describe its characteristic and present it to the class.... Fourth semester begins, and I took physics, and the teacher didn't explain anything. I don't know what the symbols mean, and I don't know why the formulas the way it is. I know some physics now and I know exactly why I don't understand. First off, they didn't teach us trigonometry, which are stuff like sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), etc. and it's essential to understand motions. What they seem to be doing is just having me to memorize those formulas. I need to learn calculus as well if I want to understand the rate of change in distance (velocity), and rate of change in velocity (acceleration). Well... the school didn't provide any of those courses to support physics and the teacher suck as hell. And further semesters down... they made me take simulation programming, which sounds pretty good right? The teacher gave us one assignment for the entire semester! And that assignment can take me as little as few hours to do. The assignment was that a person pushes a button, and the elevator comes down, elevator door opens, and the person walks in, and then lift the person up, and second person pushes the button again, samething happens. And it's not even in graphics, there are no physics in evolve and absolutely no math either. It's all text. And it's in dos mode. Just made a bunch of functions and write some bullshit texts. I'll say it'll take me 6 hours at the most. But I am suspecting a lot less than that. It might take me 6 hours because the teacher made the assignment to be done in a more complicated way than it supposed to be. And for the next semester, I had Direct x9 programming. The teacher had us copy and paste codes the entire semester with no lectures. Absolutely no lecture. Every assignment was just to copy and paste the codes from one chapter and run it, and if it works, then e-mail it to the teacher. I learned absolutely almost nothing from it. I could have just literally copy and paste codes from the CD that the book gave us. But I tend to type it out anyways and see if I can figure out what the codes do. That's their teaching method, copy and paste, run it and see what it does.... Also, every time I tried to ask the teacher for details about something, he seems to be avoiding me. And one time I asked him if I am be able to do something in Direct X9 and he said no. And after I left DeVry and tried to figure out Direct X9 on my own, and I found out that I can do that thing that I asked the teacher about where he said no I can't do it. That means he doesn't know. Why the hell is teaching if he isn't fully knowledgeable about Direct X9?? And all the English classes and are bunch of bullshit. They don't grade grammars, sentence structures, essay structures, etc. If you write anything that's relevant to the topic, you have 90% of getting an "A". Also for other classes such as psychology class, speech class and project management class are also bullshit. In psychology class, you learn stuff like placebo effect (giving a person fake pills and made them think it'll them feel better), the hierarchy of needs... I don't remember much from it... but why the hell are we learning those? And we had to take 2 semesters of psychology bullshit. And as for project management class... we learn terms like.. mile stone... something something something scope... it's so useless, I didn't even bother to remember them... and the teacher gave us one project for the entire semester, which is to think of a project but don't implement it. We just write out the details of the project, such as how much it'll cost, what materials we need, what are the difficulties... one project for the entire semester??? And through out the semester, the teacher had been teaching us vocabularies?? And for speech class... the teacher is just made up some random bullshit that is out of life experience... such as saying stuff that isn't in the topic to extend your speech. Like if you are supposed to talk about insurance and you transitioned it into talking about the children. Again, this school is a fraud! Do not apply!

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20 of 28 people found the following review helpful

Not many issues until it came time to transfer

Multimedia Design Developement - January 29, 2013
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I completed four semesters towards my associates degree in Web Graphic Design, maintained a 4.0 GPA and had no major issues with neither the teachers nor the courses until I decided to transfer to another school because Devry did not offer any teaching degrees. Trying to receive the credit left on my account has been a nightmare to say the least. Over a month after finishing my last session and numerous excuses from countless people, the over payment from my student loans and grants still sits on my account. It's now come to having to file a complaint against the school with the Inspector General. I am not going to go on about being overpriced or the teachers because I knew it was a for profit school before I enrolled and all of my teachers were good. Devry wasn't THAT bad of an experience as long as they stood to make money from me. If you have the money and the knowledge to complete your degree without ever having to contact the financial aid department then by all means, it's not bad. There's just no one that I know of that can avoid that need.

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7 of 10 people found the following review helpful


Technical Management - January 26, 2013
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I have been reading about how expensive and negative feedback from former students that don't have a degree. The ones that have a degree have nothing but positive things to say about Devry except the high tuition fees. If you want low tuition fees, join the military and get the GI Bill, I'm currently in the military and have tuition assistant provided by the military 100% paid tuition. I probably won't finish my degree but then i have my GI bill to finish my degree. i guess sacrificing my life for my country paid off someway.

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12 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Quality Institution But Expensive

MBA - January 26, 2013
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I have two degrees from DeVry University's Keller Graduate School of Management and I'm about to complete my third degree. I currently hold an MBA and a Master's in Network & Communications Management. I will have my Master's in Project Management in a couple of months. Keller is a quality school. The school has provided me with a business and technology foundation that has allowed me to advance my career. The education is relevent to my career. With that being said, every school isn't right for everyone. I would not go to this school if I had to take out a loan or wasn't already working in my career field. My employer pays my tuition. I work for a large telecommunications company that values the education Keller provides. Some employers may have a bad perception of the school and not provide this support. I read one post where a guy owes $40,000 in student loans. Although I value my Keller education, I would not pay for this myself or take out a loan to do it. Let finances and career aspirations be the guide for your school choice. This school works for me but I'm not saying it works for everyone.

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12 of 14 people found the following review helpful


Technical Management - January 20, 2013
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I'm currently enrolled in DeVry University's Tecnical Management program with a focus on Finance and all I can say is, so far so good. I've only had two problem with their financial aid department and one of those was patially my own fault. They did tell me to hold on to my refund checks (although they didn't state why) and I didn't listen and spent it on a new computer instead. The next 8 week term rolls around and I owe almost $600 that I couldn't pay and ended up dropping the class, so next time someone tells me something, I'll listen. The second issue I had is that they never return your calls. If you have an issue, you're better off going to speak to someone in person. Other than that, I've had no problems. The teachers are always there to help out, the on-line classes are easy to understand and get through for the most part, and if you have difficulties in your classes, they have tutoring centers on-campus. I have to ask, how does one fail at DeVry? You either have to be really stupid or just not try at all because it's nearly impossible. As for DeVry being a for profit school, name me one that isn't. I see the only way of this school costing more than $60K is if you persue both an associate's and bachelor's degree here and take my advise, go to a community college for your associate's. You'll save a lot of money. That being said, if you don't have the time to meet with the advisors and success coaches face to face, go to on-campus tutoring if you're having a hard time in class, go to the career fairs, or do a co-op program, then maybe DeVry isn't the school for you. We are all adults here and the DeVry staff isn't there to hold your hand and spoon feed you instructions on how to make it in the real world.

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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Bait and switch

electrical engineering - January 14, 2013
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I wouldn't recommend this school to my worst enemy. Out of more than 100 credits they transferred on 16. They started me out in classes that I had already taken. of coarse by the time I realized they weren't going to cover any new material I was already thousands of dollars in debt and it was too late to drop the courses without getting an failing grade or get my money back. After a couple of semesters the work load more than doubled. It went from about hundred pages of reading a HW assignment and one discussion per week/class to 200-300 pages of reading , a HW assignment, Two discussions, two labs, and a quiz per week/class. There are no holidays and almost no vacations for online student. Only 2 weeks off every 4 months or so. If your smart enough to keep up with this schedule and not burn out you should be going to an IV league school.

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8 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Okay School :)

Health Information Technology - December 26, 2012
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Devry is a okay school. I have been attending Devry online since 2009. I will be graduating in May of 2013 I was suppose to graduate this year but took a much needed break when I was pregnant and after I had my son and I got a little behind. I am going to school for Health Information Technology and plan to do Medical Coding when I graduate. I pray I'm not one of those people venting about not finding a job after graduation but I have confidence I will find a good paying medical coding position after I graduate. The only thing I didn't like at Devry is that the finacial aid department waited till I was almost done with school to tell me I reached my aggregate limit and my financial aid was running out. When they told me this "silly me" never knew that someones financial aid could actually run out before finishing school. So unfortunately I have to pay for some of my classes out of pocket with my tax money coming up not a whole whole lot but enough. I only have 5 more classes and I will be doing my praticum in May 2013 and getting prepared to take my RHIT exam. Other than that I like Devry amd the classes are pretty challenging and you can fail if you don't have self-discpline.

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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful

You will get what you put into it

Technical Management - December 21, 2012
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I am a veteran, both combat/campaign and disabled, and I used my Post 9/11 Chapter to complete my degree. This college is not for everyone. If you do not do your research, have a clear understanding that this is not gradeschool, you will not be pushed to finish your degree, you have to do that yourself, then you should not only avoid this college, but all colleges. I graduated this with a 4.0GPA for 41 semester hours needed to finish my degree, and has taught me very much. If you cannot take the time to attend class on your own, then you will fail this. It is not easy, but you have to be actively engaged in online school or classroom environment to pass. I did have a handful of problems with various aspects, but nothing that wasn't solved with a single phone call. I chose not to use student services, tutoring, career advice, or any other student program other than financial aid to process my VA paperwork. I did my own research, homework, and fully understood what was provided and was able to easily find all the answers to my questions before AND during attendance. This school, like any other, is only what you make of it. If you put nothing in, you get nothing out. VA wouldn't fund this school if it wasn't properly accredited or worthwhile. I received 100% tuition for the whole of the program, paid nothing out of pocket. Now, most of this institution falls under VA Montgomer GI Bill or Post 9/11, this is not vocational studies. For those that saw this does not have an intern program upon your graduation, shame on you. If you are going to spend $30-40k for a car, you are going to do your research and buy the best car of value. Why wouldn't you do the same thing for school before attending?

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16 of 18 people found the following review helpful

I am fed up!

Multimedia Design Developement - December 18, 2012
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I have had nothing but problems from this school. Mind you, some of the professors were/are excellent teachers, (3.8GPA). I have had nothing but trouble, misdirection, and inconsistency from this school's finance and student advisory department since I started. No one tells me the same thing twice, from one personnel to the next. Over and over I have had issues with this school's financial and student advisory department. They had me take a class that was not even on my track. They said they were not going to charge me for the replacement class that I should have taken in the first place, now I have over a $2k bill from classes I haven't even taken! They are really messed up! I sat down with a student adviser AND a financial adviser on the phone for over an hour to work out my final 6 classes and to make sure all of my financial aid covered what was coming up next. I received a bill and was told that the financial adviser I talked to for an HOUR, "made a mistake". Now I have a #2k bill. o.o I went off on the next financial adviser. I have had enough! I only have 6 classes left and I can't get my degree now because I can't afford it and now one is helping. They got all of my student loan money and now they don't care whether I graduate or not. How do I sign up for the class action suit? Seriously! Nancy Durham Devry University Senior unable to graduate

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15 of 19 people found the following review helpful


Health Information Technology - December 15, 2012
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Started 2010 classes were expensive could only take 1 class per quarter. Advisor enrolled me in a class twice, would not withdraw, had to take twice. Asked me to sign pass agreement voucher, did and pass the class. Received a huge bill, learned the voucher was revoked and they wanted 1005.00 in payment. I had enrolled in a new school held transcripts hostage. Requested payment plan, told me the school had not withdrawn me check back, two days later sent bill with an amount to pay without a written agreement. NOT COOL.

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Over all review

Business Administration - November 24, 2012
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Overall, DeVry is good for me. The bad part of DeVry is the financial department. I had so many problems with the posting of my grants and loans that I was always contacting my financial adviser about this situation. The thing with loans is to only accept the amount that is needed to paid for your classes and reject the additional money that they send to you. There are some good and bad professor there and the good ones are awesome. They will help you even after you take their class. I had the blended experience (online and campus classes)and enjoy it. Being a part of some of the organizations is great for networking.

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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful


Accounting - November 12, 2012
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If I were a new person looking for a school, I would recommend that you look somewhere else. This school lacks the communication by the front office and it's students. I was in my last two classes of school when I was made aware that I would have a balance to pay when I depart from school. The balance might not have been so bad if I had time to prepare for it, but the finance dept made sure that they didn't notify me until after signing up for classes and the second week of class was in progress. When I heard about the balance immediately I wanted to drop the classes and the response from the financial personnel was " IF YOU DROP THIS CLASSES YOU WILL STILL HAVE TO PAY US, because you are not allowed a full refund unless you are in your first week.. hmmmm.. maybe this is why they contacted me in the second week of class. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY...

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17 of 20 people found the following review helpful

I had problems also

Technical Management - November 7, 2012
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I am not going to lie, I had some issues with finance and with the admissions process but it wasn't anything extremely unmanageable. I had an issue with VA and tuition assistance payments, I had problems with transfer credits, problems with degree program updates, and I even had problems with a hold on my account after I graduated but you know what....I worked through them. Life is not always easy and corporations are not always efficient but learning to understand and manage both adversity and complications is what makes us exceptional managers. Do leaders complain or do they find a way to work through issues and come out on top? Maybe the people having all these issues simply need to assess how they treat their fellow members of society and when they realize how poorly they are acting they will find that they can accomplish everything they need simply by being kind and realizing that everyone has feelings rather than idolizing themselves. People are so quick to judge others but how often are they willing to judge themselves.

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11 of 15 people found the following review helpful


Electronics Engineering Tech - November 6, 2012
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This is not the first review I have posted concerning Devry. Let me just say that I understand there are people who think that Devry might be a lagitament college, nothing could be further from the truth. If you value your hard earned money and want a quality education please do not attend Devry. Please read these reviews and understand that I am not writing this for typing practice I truly want to help folks understand the truth. Now, for my story. I am a disabled veteran, as a result of that unfortunate situation I was participating in what is called the veterans vocational rehabilitation program. Now for those of you who don't know what that is, it's a program that pays for college for veteran who have been injured in some way causing them to have certain disabilities which prevent them from perusing jobs that they may have previously been able to do. I was attending Alabama A&M University studying Mechanical Engineering Technology, during my junior year I became ill and was unable to attend a brick and mortar school for period of time. My veteran councilor, Ruban Neely advised me to check out possibly taking courses online. I had heard about Devry on television so I gave them a call. I explained to them my situation and made it abundantly clear that I could not take any classes with out approval from my VA councilor, the Devry rep said he understood that they work with Vocational rehab students all the time. At this point I sent Devry copies of my transcripts to be evaluated so as to determine if Devry's program would be a fit for me. AS it turned out, Devry's Program was to far out of my degree plan and my VA councilor could not authorize my attendance at Devry. I contacted Devry and spoke with the rep who had been conducting my evaluation and told him the decision that the VA had made and he said he understood. I thought all was well until a year later when I applied for credit and my bank told me that I had a $1100.00 delinquent bill on my report. Now folks I never even attended this school, I never had even so much as a class at this so called school. All I did was submit transcripts for evaluation. Even if I had somehow signed up for a class they would have to be authorized by the VA before I could have take them. It is unethical and possibly illegal to bill veteran vocational rehab students and then put derogatory marks on there credit. I have contacted the veterans admin, and plan to pursue legall action as well. They need to be punished for the things they are doing to good people. Please rethink your decision to attend Devry. Every word I have written is absolutely true. My Veterans Councilor(Ruban Neely) can verify.

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24 of 32 people found the following review helpful

Great School!

Electronics Engineering Tech - November 1, 2012
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This school is for higher education. Expect to work hard and make sacrifices. I have been known to spend 30+ hours a week in some of my technical classes, but guess what...My grades reflect my hard work. Isn't it amazing how that works? I have never had a single problem with this school in the 2 and a half years that I have attended. The teachers are top notch and have many years of job experience in the fields they are teaching. Some of my professors have even published books! The hardest thing about taking online courses is that you do not have a professor standing in front of you to answer your questions. You are, at times, you're own teacher. Expect to spend some time researching from outside sources. It's college people, if it was that easy, everyone on the planet would have a degree. If you want to go to school where you are guaranteed to pass then try kindergarten. My 5 year old loves it!!

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8 of 15 people found the following review helpful

You get what you give!

Business Administration - October 21, 2012
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Look I have seen some serious bashing and all I can say is that you get what you give. I have a 3.9 GPA and just started my "junior" year. Mind you, I have only been attending school for a year and a half. I agree with some of the reviews in that if you want a traditional school with spring break and summers off with three weeks off at the holidays then this is the wrong place for you. If you want to get a bachelors degree in just under three years as opposed to a traditional schools four year plan then go for it! It is a little more expensive then some other schools, but if you factor in housing and a meal plan then you aren't that far off especially because DeVry does three semesters a year instead of the traditional two. I am very excited and very happy and looking forward to graduating from DeVry. As for transfering credits I had initial reservations about it, but I have checked and my credits will transfer fine to a midwestern school; ie Notre Dame, Northwestern, Michigan, Michigan State and so on... I live in Georgia and they will not transfer to schools here, but I could care less because I plan on finishing what I've started. So to people who are looking at going to a college, but want to make sure their credits will transfer after they start I get the impression that you don't have high plans of finishing in which case DeVry is not for you. Its a tough school and it is fast paced and I could see how people who aren't motivated could get lost in the shuffle...All said and done, great school just make sure you are the type of person who isn't scared of work and wants to succeed.

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9 of 13 people found the following review helpful

DeVry is a good school, you get out of it what you put into it!

Health Information Technology - October 20, 2012
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I am a DeVry graduate from the HIT program. I have to say that I have had NONE of the problems that other people list and when I read those reviews I tend to think that those people must be very uneducated. How can you not know how much school will cost? You are given many many documents about your financial aide and loans. It is not rocket science. Get a calculator and figure it out. You weren't lied to, you just didn't read or pay attention. With that said, I found the classes to be challenging and worthwhile. There were many instances where I had to do things such as interview people already in the field for assignments. This truly forced me to get out and network with people. When you work at it a bit, you will find that people are often happy to help out. The classes also pertained to what I want to do. I learned so much. The downsides are, classes go fast, really fast. 8 weeks is a short amount of time to cram it all in so you have to be dedicated. The classes are not as easy as you think and you have to write a ton of papers and do research. Some of the instructors could be better. Since it is on-line, you are relying on their feedback to your discussions and some of the instructors respond a lot less than others. This was my major complaint. However, I found that if you asked for a phone call from the instructor, they were happy to do so and take the time out to answer your questions. They are also working hard to give students better options when it comes to e-books or paper books. This has been ongoing and I have seen many changes. I can now download books to my kindle. Use of technology also could have been better. The school utilized some on-line options for learning. I found their coding program needed a lot of enhancement and I did actually go into detail about that at the end of my course. After each course you can take a survey and I always do that, especially if I have an issue. For the coding class, someone from DeVry actually called me to discuss further because they were very interested in what I had to say. Value, well, college is expensive and I would have been better off money wise going with a state school. However, I was never lied to and deceived in any way. I was told exactly how much this would cost, how much my financial aide would cover and how much loans I would have. I have a degree now and I am getting ready to take my RHIT prep course with DeVry which is part of their program. They also pay for you to take the exam if you pass the practice test after the prep course. Overall, it is a great school and like I said before, you get out of it what you put into it so if you don't want to word hard,go to a cracker jack school, you will be much happier. Oh and I almost forgot, if you are interested in HIT, be careful which school you choose, it has to be accredited with CAHIM so you are eligible to take your certification test upon graduation.

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14 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Human Resources

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - October 3, 2012
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DeVry University does not offer an internship program. Therefore, I was unable to get into a Human Resource field due to lack of experience. Now I have $35,000 to pay back and no real career to show for it. Most companies look for at least two years prior experience even if you are starting at beginner's level. and keep in mind being an Honer student does not cut it. Now I am back to doing a regular job at $12 per hour. Contrary to what DeVry promises $50 to $70 Grand and up! Furthermore, their staff mostly consist of DeVry Current Students who have no idea how to explain Financial Aid or anything else. I felt lost all the time. No can give you a real direct answer because they have not been trained properly. and lastly these short term classes do not give enough time for a student to actually fully learn and understand the course. Overall I give it a review of a number 3. You could be your own judge.

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12 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Class Action Law Suit

Computer Information Systems - September 28, 2012
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Like a number of people who have posted on this site and many others I agree that DeVry was the biggest mistake of my life. The recruiter said it would take only two years to get the degree (did not say if you go full time and I worked full time). Said they would transfer credits (they didn't even though they were from accredited schools and programs that I had to retake with DeVry). Said they used up to date information used in business (programs were outdated). Said they would provide a quality education to take you and help your earning potential (the degree gave me nothing but huge debt). Said their placement program could work with you to find you gainful employment (they possibly could place me in a job, but for an annual salary less than what I was making...who would want to take a pay cut?). DeVry provided no support and their accelerated class schedule was a joke. Do you know anyone who can work full time and learn a new computer language in six weeks online? Even with computer languages that are not currently being used in business? I have contacted an attorney in California who does class action law suits and said that if there is enough interest generated we possibly have a case. Contact me if you are interested I will not post the name of the firm on this site. Also file complaints with the association that accredits DeVry ( and the Illinois Attorney General ( The more complaints that they receive the more WE have a chance of stopping them from doing this and possibly get our money back! Any person who works at DeVry who reads this....WE ARE COMING FOR YOU! Michael (

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31 of 36 people found the following review helpful

No problems

Computer Information Systems - September 13, 2012
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I am not sure why everyone seems to be negative about it. First it is a fully accredited university (the same as Ohio State and Michigan State and recognized by the U.S D.O.E). I have had no problems and recieved excellent support. As for posts about tuition change, well it will change depending on the course, the materials needed, and the credits taken in a given semester and this goes for all schools. Secondly I am not sure why people are saying they were duped into loans, before I could even take the loan with my fafsa to get maximum credits in a semester I had to go through a series of loan entrance educational quizes from Fafsa itself. Then they explained about the loans how they work and wanted to make sure I actually needed and wanted, explaining that if I took less credits (still within fafsa limit) I wouldnt need the loan, so I am not sure where people are getting pushed into loans. I also have had no problems with the teachers, they all get back to me within a day if not sooner. So all in all I am enjoying my experience here.

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9 of 14 people found the following review helpful

DeVry Oxnard Staff SUCK

Business Administration - August 24, 2012
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DevRy Oxnard staffs they only nice when you try to sign up, once you start your class you won't see happy face in their face anymore. They won't smile, when you try to make some changes. I hate the staff but not the institutions. So, try to avoid or try to make as little as possible so you don't have to deal with them. OR try to move to other DevRy.... I hate oxnard staff big time !!!!!!!!

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6 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Concentration in accounting

Technical Management - August 24, 2012
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Devry got rid of my degree!!! I started my degree in 2003 and wanted an accounting degree but I didn't want to do 3 years for my Bs in business so they talked me into the BSTM concentrating in accounting. I graduated in 2006. Today I found out my concentration doesn't exist anymore because they revamped the accounting degree program and now it's called a BS in accounting. They also changed my concentration to a "general specialization" with no notice or warning. I'm so devastated! I feel so ripped off. I want to sue them but I don't know if I can or how to do that. I'm so humiliated because I only found out when I was in the final rounds of a very important background check. I feel like a liar. The woman at devry said a lot of people faced the same problem and all I can do is call it a BSTM with accounting courses. It's so degrading. I was so proud of my accounting degree and now I have nothing!

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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Financial Aid department SUCKS!!!

MBA - August 15, 2012
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I am a veteran using the Post 911/GI bill. Up until around October of last year, everything was fine. Now, something is messed up every session with my tuition. Keller/DeVry constantly bills the VA late and then keeps my student loan to pay my tuition. Once the VA pays DeVry, they hang on to the money for a week or two before they issue me the refund. July 2012 session, DeVry didn't bill the VA for almost a month after classes started. Once the VA paid on Aug 10th, it left a credit balance of $2,378 on my account which should have been refunded to me. Instead, DeVry posted next sessions tuition to my account. Those classes don't start for three weeks!! I called the office and they said there is nothing they can do about it. Really? They made us register early otherwise we would not even be registered yet and now they are keeping more of our money. I now realize DeVry is owned by stockholders which means they want to make as much money as possible. If there were only 1,000 vets who go to DeVry accross the country (I know there are more) at $2,378 a class, they are holding $2,378,000 of our money for over a month. They are making interest on it. At only 5% that is an extra $118,900 they are making on us because they are holding our money instead of giving to us. I am being charged interest on that money and I am not even getting to use it!! DeVry/Keller is a crooked school that doesn't care about their students, only making money. I was going for a second degree, but I will not waste my time or money any longer on this school. I hope they realize people have a choice about where they go to school and they also have the ability to tell other people about the crap that goes on in the finance department. SO WRONG. DONT GOT HERE!!!

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22 of 24 people found the following review helpful

Frustrated Veteran

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - July 31, 2012
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I graduated Summa Cum Laude at Devry. I didn't have any problems during the first part of my attendance; however, student finance became incompetent during my last semester with their processing of my Post 911 GI Bill payments. They did not report my attendance to the VA until 7 weeks into the 1st session. The VA promptly sent payment to Devry 2 weeks after receiving the attendance verification. Devry held on to the VA payment and did not post it to my student account. Devry had received payment for my tuition via my stafford loan so they were not too worried about posting the VA payment to my account since it would generate a refund to me. For 4 weeks I made several inquiries about my GI Bill payment. I was told several things such as "the VA didn't send payment" to "we aren't sure and we're looking into it". I had a feeling they were intentionally holding the money. After much persistence on my part the VA payment was posted to my account 4 weeks after Devry had received it from the VA. After graduating from Devry, I enrolled with Devry's Keller Graduate School of Management. Not surprising, Devry delayed reporting my attendance to the VA again. Upon notification, the VA promptly sent payment to Devry on July 12, 2012; but, Devry is holding on to the payment. It is July 31, 2012 and the payment has still not been applied to my account. I did not have a stafford loan so Devry is still showing that I haven't paid my tuition. Now the kicker: Devry placed a hold on my student account on 7-24-12 which keeps me from registering, requesting transcripts, etc. The hold (due to the past due balance) was placed on my account 12 days after they had already received the VA payment. I have contacted Devry's student finance department several times but I am not receiving any response other than "we are looking into it". Once again, I feel that they intentionally hold the VA payments as a way of manipulating their financial status. This practice started right around the time that Devry was reporting low attendance rates and lower profits. Crain's Chicago Business reported on July 23, 2012: "DeVry Inc. announced today that it will cut roughly 570 jobs through the next two months as it works to offset falling revenue due to lower enrollment" and "Mr. Hamburger said in the release that the company will continue to find ways to shave $50 million in expenses in fiscal 2013, which began July 1". Sorry to say, I am leaving Devry/Keller. The course schedule fits well with my personal schedule and the instructors are experts in their field which is why I chose Devry in the first place. I just can't trust that Devry has their students' best interest in mind. Finally, I don't appreciate Devry's financial aid department fudging and messing with my Veteran's benefits. I earned them and I am entitled to them.

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19 of 22 people found the following review helpful


Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - July 24, 2012
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I am a current online student taking the Healthcare Administration program. I am in the beginning of my second session taking an algebra class. So far in the first two weeks I did great, was getting a solid A in the class, I took my first exam and only got a 60%, no big deal so I though I will just study harder next exam. NOPE. My instructor tells me I must pass every exam with an 80% in order to progress through the class although no where in there enrollment material is this bit of information passed along. It does state in their course catalog that you must pass the class with an overall 80% but no mention otherwise of exams. I am now stuck in my class because I have to re-study last weeks three chapters so I can pass a test that has questions that weren't in the homework. UNBELIEVABLE!! I had a "A" that dropped to a be in one week, what will my grade be by the time these months are over?? DeVry is a RIPOFF!!

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16 of 27 people found the following review helpful

Great School-Losers gonna hate!

MAHRM - July 17, 2012
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A lot of people want to bash on DeVry but students need to realize that they operate just like a brick and mortar school does. If you take classes - you will pay for classes. If you drop classes- you will be charged for dropping classes. If you dont do homework, papers and bomb the finals- you will recieve poor grades. Someone tell me how that is different from any other school out there. I can 100 % gurantee that anyone with bad complaints about Devry was trying to get the easist degree they could find for the least amount of money. They chose the wrong school. These complainers are lazy, clueless about life and want things handed to them. Sorry folks- you want a degree....You will have to work hard AND pay for it. A fin aid advisors job is to simply tell the student what the GOV tells them, what paperwork needs to be completed and Devry does not decide how much money in laons you will receive the GOV does. If a student chooses to blow their student loan money on partying, food, car payments etc that is certainly not Devry's fault. Re-read these reviews and I gurantee everyone who gave poor ratings was angry bc they failed a class and didnt want to pay for it.

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22 of 43 people found the following review helpful

Devry University Opinion

Technical Management - July 9, 2012
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Devry is a good school "for some folks" but not for others. A Devry Degree is what "YOU" make of it just like any other college degree. Bottom line if you graduate from Devry and have a good GPA with no "other" limitations you will be able to find a job in your chosen field. It is all about what you know and how you present "what you know". I would not recommend Devry to the young person who just graduated High School. If you are a recent High School graduate you would be better served going to a regular 4 year college. Mainly because credits will transfer and the degree from a normal 4 year college is better respected than a degree from Devry. Now then....with that said..... Devry is perfect for the person who is working full time and cannot attend "normal" college classes due to class hours. Devry is also perfect for the older person who didn't have the opportunity to go to college when they graduated from high school. Many of the classes at Devry are difficult and demanding they are not a guaranteed pass. If you don't do the work you will not pass. The professors are excellent regardless of what you may have heard and they will help the student who is trying. More so than the professors at the 4 year colleges. All my professors had Doctorate or Master degrees at a minimum. When I went to a regular 4 year college I found the professors were not as involved with the students due to the large classes. At Devry the professors were more in tune with the students (smaller classes) which was beneficial to the students. The professors were always there when I had questions. Devry in my opinion is geared more for the older "student" who works full time and cannot attend regular classes. If a person needs a degree in order to move up in the company and to "refresh" skills Devry fits the bill. The company I work for paid for my degree which allowed me to move up in the company. I have no doubt that if Devry was not recognized as a competent school, my company would not have paid for the degree. Devry isn't easy, and a high GPA is essential if you apply for a job with Devry listed on your resume. A 2.0 GPA from any college doesn't carry the weight that it used to. If all things are equal a degree from Devry isn't as good as a degree from a regular college. BUT a 3.9 GPA from Devry will have more weight than a 2.0 from most normal Universities. This doesn't include the name Universities such as MIT or the Ivy League Universities. Devry Pros: Fast Degree Wonderful Instructors. Online classes available. Professors have real world experience. Job's are out there for Devry Grads "WITH" decent GPA's. Cons: Fast paced. Expensive like any college.... Devry is frowned on by some employers. Credits will not transfer. A degree from a normal University will carry more weight than a Devry degree. Bottom line. If you have a 2.0 from Devry it will be difficult to find a job in your field.... So if you decide to go to Devry remember that your future job depends on your GPA. Simple as that.

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17 of 23 people found the following review helpful

They don't honor Financial arrangements..and are very rude

Health Information Technology - June 28, 2012
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I ran into a spat of bad luck when I lost my job and then my partner lost the job. I tried to make financial arrangements and they were not co-operative. I have had an arrangement to make my final payoff tomorrow and even received a confirming e-mail from Devry. Today I received a phone call and the financial lady essentially me a liar and told me that I never received an e-mail. She said she would put me in collections if I don't pay today. I tried to talk nicely to her, but she was rude and wouldn't listen. I got into my e-mail and sent her a copy of the email I received. DON'T GO TO DEVRY if you think you might have a chance of losing a job. They are money-grubbing and mean about it.

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14 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Worth my time

Technical Management - June 19, 2012
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I just finished my degree this week and I am completly satisfied. I had no problems with the level of support and am very happy I chose DeVry. I do not blame them for making a profit and for anyone who does, will you be working for free? I also do not blame them for trying to attract students. They attracted me by telling me what was available and then it was up to me to see if it was true or not. The work was much harder than I had imagined, as I had credits from a previously attended University sent to DeVry. I finnished my senior year at DeVry on line and I put in an average of 15 hours per week per class. Due to my work schedule - I travel oversees often, online is the only way I could have completed my degree. It is expensive, but for me being able to do the courses online out weighed the expense

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17 of 24 people found the following review helpful

For incoming student _ by the time you guys learn about devry (it's not a educational institute it's a education business ). And I'm sorry to say money+time=0.

electrical engineering - June 6, 2012
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DON'T GO TO DEVRY. Quality and quantity is not same thing. if it's not a matter go Devry and learn what is quality of education & what's the standard. I give you guys some example like if you have a ripped 100 dollar bill, you can not transfer that bill, even you can not throw. If you like to transfer you credit you have to paidoff all your due then they help you. Otherwise they hold your account. Another one thing if you not receive any financial aid and drop one semester then try to start your school but they do not allow you to take class until clear your due. They call you sand mail start you payment otherwise we send your info to collection agency (open threat but technical way). Olny money money money & money. For incoming student _ by the time you guys learn about devry (it's not a educational institute it's a education business ). And I'm sorry to say money+time=0. So my suggestion you play with your money, so invest right place, not like Devry at all.

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16 of 32 people found the following review helpful


Business Administration - May 30, 2012
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Don't waste your time or money on this school! They are horrible. They are real nice when getting you into the school. However, after that, this is not the case! Paperwork is constantly getting lost. I had to continously send in my change of major form over a course of 2 years before they finally "found" it. I was even called recently by them to tell me they just realized they had forgotten to file my tax information for the last couple of years to the IRS. All they care about is the money! They make you take classes that are not necessary for the degree program you are in. They sent me an email for my classes I should register for, I look them up in the degree navigator and they are not requirements! They just want more money out of you! I am trying to leave this school but they aren't letting that happen either! THey are doing everything they can to make sure they get their money! Plus, their tuition increases every year, and outrageous amounts!

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22 of 31 people found the following review helpful

It works if you WORK IT at Devry!!!

Technical Management - May 24, 2012
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I have nothing Negative to say about Devry. I will be graduating in Dec 2012. However, I will complete my requirements in late October. I have no complaints, all of my professors and Instructor have been on point with facilitating the courses minus the one or two who tried to make my experience less than desirable, but in those cases, I post on three different days, complete all of my assignment, study for test, and keep it moving. Yeah, you have to have tough skin as well as a strong desire to acheive your goal. So, with that being said, you have to stay focused and keep reaching for that finish line.. Keep your head up and never let'em see ya sweat, until you take that statistics class, I'm an online student and I took this class online...PLEASE!!!!! DON'T DO THAT TO YOURSELF!!!! I was a total wreck, and looked like "Hell In Heels" at the end of the session, I was just a mess!!!LOL

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17 of 23 people found the following review helpful

No issues with DeVry

Computer Information Systems - May 17, 2012
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I generally don't understand when I see horrible reviews of DeVry. I guess everyone has their own situation. I have been an undergrad student at DeVry for the last 2 years. I am a former US Marine and current member of the Illinois National Guard. So maybe I have a different perspective. But I am a professional working adult who also has National Guard responsibilities. I simply do not have the time to go to a traditional school and sit down in a class room several times a week. I go to class online. I have most of my tuition paid for by the military, so I probably can't speak to some of the tuition issues people say they have experienced. That said, I have had zero issues with DeVry. I have had zero issues with student finance, academic advising, or any other department. Online learning is no-less of an education that anything else. I am so tired of hearing people bash DeVry and online learning and all of these other things. The bottom line is, if you put in the work, you will receive an education. I am not going to apologize to anyone or make excuses for my choice of schools. I picked a school that fits into my life. After I left active duty, that is when I decided to to go to college. At that point, I was 36 years old. Quitting my job or working part-time and sitting in a class room all day just wasn't feasible. You will get an education if you put the work in. I know many people who screwed around in college, a traditional college, and received their degree. They will tell you they partied and did just enough to graduate and didn't learn a whole lot. You can do the same thing at DeVry. You can do just enough to get your degree or you can do the work and get an education. I am getting an education. I have a 3.45 GPA and I am proud of that because I am putting in the work. I am sorry to the people who have had tuition problems. But to blindly advise people to run from DeVry because you had a problem is irresponsible. This is a quality school who is regionally accredited. This is not the University of Phoenix. Do the work, get educated, and go out in this world and succeed.

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37 of 48 people found the following review helpful

Class action law suite wanted!

Computer Information Systems - May 3, 2012
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I want my money back! Realistically I want DeVry to pay back the loans they manipulated me into taking out and lied to me to agree to. I wish I would never have heard the name DeVry and would agree to a class action law suite if given the chance. All I want is the loan that was supposed to cover my education to get my degree paid off. Nothing more. They need to stop pressuring students and lying to them. I couldn't believe how hopeful I was before I started and how crushed I was when the classes I needed were never available and the prices went up. I was half way through and then I could no longer go. How is that even legal? It's like the housing market scheme all over again! DeVry should be shut down and made to pay the loans off that they coerced students into taking out!

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55 of 76 people found the following review helpful

Poor Customer Service

Technical Management - April 11, 2012
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I have been a student in DeVry starting 2008; I was contacted and recruited by DeVry, while I was attending CCAC. Before I joined DeVry I was accepted to CCAC and US Air Force Reserve with my High School Diploma from India, as well as in DeVry itself. I Have a Cumulative Total of 69.00 Credits, 52 Hrs Completions and a GPA of 2.5085 from CCAC. Out of the 69 Credit from CCAC 43 Credits was transferred to DeVry towards my undergraduate work in DeVry. As of March 27 2012 or present I have a total of 80 Credits with a GPA of 2.59 towards my undergraduate work. Know DeVry put a hold on my Education. Claiming my High School Diploma does not meet the requirement of US High School Diploma. So I end up requesting a Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma from PA Department of Education thru DeVry itself. Because In Accordance with PA Department of Education regulation, 22 PA Code, Section 4.72 Credentials other than high School Diploma: “ The Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma may be issued to an applicant who is a resident of this Commonwealth and does not possess a Secondary School Diploma upon presentation of evidence of full matriculation and the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 1 full year or 30 semester hours of study at an accredited institution of postsecondary education.” Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Education issued me the Diploma on 04/05/2012. My Issued Diploma no: 0965518 Then i submitted my Diploma to the Dean in DeVry at Pittsburgh site. Thy made a copy and faxed it to the DeVry ‘a main office in fort Washington (Olivia Martinez). And they are not accepting it. (Frustrating part is DeVry staff is in Pittsburgh location where I am attending is alright but this registrar Olive is in Fort Washington is the one denying it as if she is holding a grudge, and there is no way to have a face-to-face conversation as she is in fort Washington and I am at Pittsburgh, this Olive person is rude and stubborn.) DeVry is not taking hold out of my account and is denying my right to release my official transcript of Undergraduate Work. I have paid full fees to DeVry on my undergraduate work and I am in good standing. I cannot transfer to other school because DeVry has put a hold on my official Transcript. I feel this is unethical on DeVry’s part as they are the one that recruited me out of CCAC; I was close to my completion on my associate in Accounting. DeVry explained to me it is better to go straight for undergraduate instead of wasting money and Time towards associate degree. DeVry hold towards my education is greatly effecting my time towards my graduation and my school loan payments, as I would have to start paying my Loans, plus its effecting my promotions good standing/ awards/achievement with my Military career as well as my Civilian Job. DeVry took money for all the classes; I took in DeVry, and it seems that all the time and credits I accumulated in DeVry will not be counted.

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28 of 36 people found the following review helpful

Good, but not great. Expensive, but the investment paid off.

Business Administration - April 11, 2012
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I graduated in 2007 with a BA in Business Administration. Later I went on to a prestigious University, and earned an AACSB Accredited MBA. I graduated from high school in 2001 with honors and in the top ten percent of my class. I had applied to and had been accepted into a number of prestigious public and private university's. I was really excited, and couldn't wait to start my college experience. However, Life had other plans. Both of my parents passed away the summer after I graduated from high school. Instead of going off to college, I had to find a full time job, and later a second part time job to support myself. I was doing fine all on my own, staying out of trouble, and making ends meet, but I had to work 60 hours a week to make it happen. I still wanted to go to college, but due to my work schedule, a traditional university was out of the question. None of the local State university's were offering night or weekend classes at that time, and online college hadn't really taken off yet. (It was 2002). I could have attended a state university, but I would have had to give up my job. I could have taken a job at the University, but I would not have made enough to pay my rent. I started looking for schools that offered more flexible class schedules, but for profits were all I could find. There were a few State University's that advertised night classes, but their idea of a night class was a class that started at 4:30 and ended at 7:30, and there were only a few classes offered during these times. I would have still had to do 90% of my program during the day. Out of all the for-profit schools that I was able to find, Devry was the only school that was regionally accredited. I wasn't crazy about Devry, especially the high tuition, but it was accredited, and I really had no other choice. My classes were challenging, and the professors were knowledgeable. I took all of my classes on campus. As a side note-When Devry had only classes on campus they were actually pretty good, but when they took them online, they were a joke. The on Campus library and other resources were comparable to and sometimes better than the local state university's. I graduated, and found a job in my career field right away. I did not have this job before I graduated, but my work experience did give me an edge over the other college grads who had only unpaid internships on their resumes. My starting salary was $37,500 which was in line with what all new college grads with BSBA's were getting at that time. Two years later I was making $62,000, which is actually a little higher the average salary two years post grad. Currently my base salary is $87,670K per year. I did graduate with over 60K in student loan debt in comparison to my friends in state university's who graduated with less than 20K in debt, but the end result was what I was promised. The problem with Devry, is their image and reputation. They aren't a diploma mill and they are accredited, but their degrees aren't taken seriously because they get lumped into the same category as Grantham, University of Phoenix, and ITT Tech. Really, the only difference between Devry and a traditional 4 year university is price, but the stink of other for profit colleges is what hurts their graduates the most. I had actually not planned on getting an MBA, but I got to a point where I felt like I had to in order to legitimize my educational credibility in the eyes of others, I was going to need an advanced degree from a traditional university. I studied hard, scored a 680 on my GMAT, and was accepted into a selective AACSB accredited MBA program at a prestigious University. Devry is accredited, so my undergraduate credits did transfer. MBA programs, even at traditional colleges, almost always offer night and weekend classes, because everybody is a working adult. So, no problems there. The school where I got my MBA is the school I tell people I graduated from. Its the only school I list on my resume and on my linkedin profile. If people ask me where I got my undergrad, I tell them, if they don't ask, I don't tell. Most of the time, my MBA is all that matters. Bottom line-I am a very successful Devry graduate, but I'm not proud of it.

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54 of 65 people found the following review helpful

Three Degrees

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - March 20, 2012
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I just completed my third degree at DeVry/Keller. My first degree (1996) was an AS in ET and I had a job(s) waiting for me after graduation with help from Devry. The second degree (BS in Technical Management), I completed on 2009 in hopes of furthering my understanding of current management practices for my current job. My third degree (MBA Information Systems), I completed end of 2011 in hopes of getting a better position with my current employer. In all programs I ended up with very good GPA's. While DeVry/Keller is an expensive school, it is also a fast paced school designed to get you moving towards your next goal. While education is great, it does not provide for actual hands-on experience you would get if you were just given the opportunity. While DeVry is not perfect by any means (none of us are), it does provide the education of the tools it sells. Unfortunately, with the economy being what it is, there is no way any education system can promise a job when completed because they don't run the companies that are hiring. Education and careers will always be what you put into them. In the end, it's up to the individual to make it happen. This country has gotten so lazy that people now want someone else to get a job for them. Nothing is certain, but Jesus.

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24 of 30 people found the following review helpful


Justice Administration - March 14, 2012
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The website, administration, classroom deliver is archaic, the technology is so bad, it's actually worse than the old school versions from the 90's. It is severely inconvenient, very unfriendly for working adults. It's is a for profit school so they rip you off. A simple request takes days to weeks to complete and you have to jump through ten hoops. If you want a transcript you have to call the school, wait for them to send you an email with instructions, fill out the form and then mail it. Any other school is one step. If you want to access your account online, you can't get a simple web resolution, you have to call them when their open and request assistance. The website is very difficult to navigate. The academics are sub par at best. They make you take a classes that can't be transferred such as a college intro course that is similar to high school, then they charge a good $3000 for a class that doesn't count towards a degree. Please do not go to this school. It couldn't be a bigger waste of time and money.

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28 of 39 people found the following review helpful

High priced education and a very disappointing service

Computer Information Systems - February 23, 2012
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I would not recommend this University for a higher education if it was free, much less the $60k plus that I am paying out of pocket to receive worse support, education and service than a community college where the degree expenses are 1/3 of the price DeVry charges. I am currently attending the San Antonio location. My experience here in just the first 2 months have been; the advisors cannot advise you beyond what you could read and find out for yourself, the teachers do not get back to you in a timely manner, everyone's schedule seems to be too busy to really address any of your issues, and if you don't stay on top of the staff the ball gets dropped and you are left with disappointment. Don't expect any kind of knowledgeable information, professional treatment, or superior service in comparison to a community college. A colleague is attending this same San Antonio location, on a fully paid tuition from the military and has decided to spend the money elsewhere because of the same experiences. When I go to a $100 plus a plate restaurant i expect premium service, not the same type of service I might get at McDonalds, and to be honest...this is the only expectations DeVry has left me with..... High prices for poor quality service. Save your money and go to a more accredited college or university.

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25 of 32 people found the following review helpful

Thank GOD I switched schools!

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - February 16, 2012
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I wanted to go back to school on-line because I have to much going on in my l life right now. I picked devry. Everyone was helpful with all the papers I needed with calling me and I never had to wait or leave a voice mail for any of the advisers. I had told a friend where I was enrolled and she said have they sent you anything via snail mail. Well no it was all through the computer faxing and e-mail and phone. She goes get out and go to the local community college. So I did before classes started. Dropped out in November it is now February. I was told by my advisory that I didnt have to do anything to drop out just to not sign into my classes in December and that was it. However my other school needed proof that I was no longer enrolled and all the papers that I filled out needed to be faxed to my other school. That didnt get done until this last week (2nd week of February). I faxed over and over and over again the same request that no one was reading and kept telling me that the paper since I was not a student there any more was insignificant. That paper that I faxed had in bold letters my new school logo and information and the request of loan information and enrollment dates from devry which everyone seemed to over look. I am still getting calls from teachers about how class is going and what assignments I need to do. My adviser was no help at all after I dropped out. She was never avalible to talk or figure out who I could talk to about drop out paperwork. She even sent me several e-mails with the wrong phone numbers of people for me to call. I went over her head and talked to her supervisor who again did the same thing she did wrong phone numbers not sending paper work not returning phone calls. What really upsets me is the fact I called once a week since I dropped out and wanted paperwork faxed sent her email after email and then I stopped the first week of February let it go for a week and emailed her back telling her what I needed to be done again and she says oh this is the first I am hearing of this. 3 months and this is the first that she is hearing of me asking her to send me paper work for my other school. IN THE END THIS SCHOOL IS A WASTE OF TIME. EVERYONE IS SO NICE AND HELPFUL IN THE BEGINNING AND THEN THEY TURN ON YOU. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND DONT ENROLL!!!!

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30 of 36 people found the following review helpful

Don't Do It!

Computer Information Systems - February 3, 2012
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Devry is an OK school if you are going as a citizen and only through one program. Because I am a veteran, Devry was for some reason unable to properly bill the VA for my GI Bill. Also, because I had taken 2 online courses and one at the school itself, the devry billing department was incapable of properly billing the VA for this also. I have not attended Devry in several months and to this date they have not resolved the problem and they continue to send me bills for debts (which should be sent to the VA) which Devry created in the first place. Because they initially over-credited my course credits to the VA, and then filed SEVEN ammendments in 1 month, there were a number of changes made to my credit hour reports. The school and the online courses are used as two seperate programs and in return, they continued ammending each others credit calculations, thus resulting in a final ammendment that is still 3 credits off from what I actually took. It is quite a disaster. I reccomend NOT going to Devry if you are a verteran or interested in taking a class online and at the school unless you want to spend more time on the phone trying to fix their errors than actually doing homework.

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26 of 31 people found the following review helpful

Stay Away from Devry !!!!!!

Justice Administration - February 2, 2012
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This is the worst school ever! Student Finance Dept is a joke! I would not go here if they gave me free education on a platter. I spent 3 days trying to contact student finance. After finally reaching someone I was giving the wrong information twice and also I tried speaking with reps and was told I would get a call back and did not. This is crazy. They do not have time for you, they will send you all around the world. Please do not attend this school. Devry is just about the money, they do not care about you are your education.

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28 of 34 people found the following review helpful

Business Mgmt.

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - January 30, 2012
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Going to devry ruined my life, Costs about $60,000 for bachelors program and after interest on loans paying for next 15 years I will end up [aying over $100,000, ne credibiliity in these degrees in job market, no jobs. Can not pay loans. This for profit school is a scam. Stay away go to conventional schools that may take longer but degrees have more credibility and will be much cheaper.

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30 of 42 people found the following review helpful

Devry University

Computer Information Systems - January 30, 2012
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Devry University is definitely not for slackers. I will recommend this school to active duty military because the rates are kept lower than the rates of other students (mine was $250/credit) and the schedule is favorable. It is also possible to mix TA and GI Bill for tuition and you probably qualify for Pell Grants. Finance-wise i get refunds. Back to the slacker talk. The workload is crippling - get ready for 5 hours a day workload, especially for engineering courses. My professors are also experienced Ph.d holders in their respective fields.

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20 of 26 people found the following review helpful

Decent School

Computer Information Systems - December 23, 2011
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I think overall you need to know what you’re getting. I went in knowing this was a for-profit school, and in the end I am in $40,000 in debt. I will be paying that off for 20 years, but was it worth it? In the end yes it was. I do have not enough free time to hit a campus and go to school, and this worked out for me. Will my resume be passed up compared to a person who went to a state college? For now, maybe. The key to DeVry is you need to get your foot in the door at an entry level job in your field. If you expect to get a good job after you graduate, you are in a load of trouble. My academic advisors were always there for me, along with the financial aid department. People complain about getting bad student services, but for over 2 years I never experienced this. The teachers all work on a curriculum that was set up by the course architect, so all they do is grade, and answer questions. So overall the teachers were not the best, but then again I felt sometimes I really did have a teacher that was qualified, and sometimes I felt a teacher should not be working there. Overall I say if you can afford the time to go to a physical campus, go to a community college for two years than transfer to a state or private school of your choice. I would not recommend this school for a physical campus. You can get cheaper and better education elsewhere. I do however recommend this school for online. If you simply do not have the time, go to this school. How I made this money hungry school work for me: I got a job in online lottery business, at entry level. My job paid for $10,000 of my school, and now doors are opening as we speak. The point is, I have put in over 2 years at my current job, and now my degree will be finished in February, and my company doesn’t care that my degree says DeVry on it, they care that I took the time to get my degree, and they know I have the experience. If I do for some reason get laid off or something worse, I now have the experience and a degree, and some outside resources to get another job. I cannot stress enough about you getting an entry level job in your field or something related before you enroll in this school. If you can land that, your degree will carry some weight, no matter what it says on it.

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27 of 30 people found the following review helpful

Pretty good school

Health Information Technology - November 10, 2011
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I'll try to make this fairly easy to understand. First let me say I'm in my mid 20s, with 2 kids, and don't have the ability for "normal college." I didn't complete my Devry online degree, I stopped after half a year. The reason was not because of the school, it was because of the cost. I realized my 15 credits cost me over $9500. That is NOT an exaggeration. It was expensive and I knew I could find somewhere less expensive yet as educationally effective. My issue was there wasn't a major there I really wanted to do, so for me it felt like a waste of money. I just wanted a degree in something "suitable" but when I realized how much I was spending it just didn't seem worth $80 grand for a job I knew I wouldn't be totally satisfied with. As for the school itself, I found my personal student adviser VERY helpful. Always called when she said she would and always gave me reassurance if I needed it. Always made sure she asked me how I was doing and how things were going, and giving me advice how to make things flow more easily. As for my teachers, most of them were good. The thing about Devry classrooms is that its very group and forum oriented. You HAVE to talk in your classes forum at least a certain amount of times every week. Which is good because people ask questions and there's always a student in there who may know something you didn't. And the teacher is always in there answering questions. They do not avoid you or leave you hanging. If you tell them you need help, they help you or they find a student who already knows to assist you. Its nice because the forums for your class provide a lot of information and you can have discussions or debates on different things, and the more you do, the better your grade. Some of the teachers are far more hands on than others, out of my 5 (if I remember correctly) classes that I took, only one teacher grinded my nerves, but they were still efficient in their teaching. Most of my teachers were very nice and outgoing though. As for what I learned, I learned what I needed to. They tell you what your assignment it, what you need to do, what you need to do it, and where you can find it. They pretty much give you all the information you need, you just have to take the initiate to read. And yes...there is quite a bit of reading. Obviously, not everything is easy! I mean it wouldn't be school if it was all simple stuff you already knew. There were courses I flew through with A's. And one (my business class) I made a C was just for me to remember all the details there were...especially since I am not interested in business classes to begin with. But the teacher did know what he was talking about, without a doubt! And the materials you need are always readily you never have to be without your books. The only thing that I am not the most fond of, besides the cost, was the group work. I am a bit of a perfectionist, and prefer to do things myself. I don't like working in groups because I hate relying on some other persons work, especially since I feel I could have done it better(in most subjects anyways). So I have a tendency to feel disappointed in the people I work with because sometimes they don't want to take your advice on their share...which is fair enough, its their share. However, its a group effort. I've paid the price for this though because group projects are graded not only partially on your own work but also on GROUP WORK. So if someone else does their work inefficiently, a portion of your grade will suffer for it. It has happened to me when someone did not want to take my advice, did their work at the last minute, and did it poorly. So group work was a big issue for me. Most people are okay to work with, but there is always THAT person that can drag you down. Overall, it was a fine experience. I say its too expensive, however if they have a major you KNOW is right for you, without a doubt, then money shouldn't matter! The school itself is actually really good. The entire staff that I've worked with are VERY friendly. But that's all my experience!

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10 of 14 people found the following review helpful


Technical Management - September 1, 2011
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The professors are excellent. It's a lot of work & you have to be dedicated. These are accelerated classes & if you get behind there's a high potential to fail or get a low grade.

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13 of 16 people found the following review helpful

DeVry University is a decent educational institution

MBA - August 24, 2011
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I graduated from ECPI with a degree in Telecommunications Technology. I transfered to New England Institute of Technology earned a degree in Electronics Engineering Tech and I also graduated from DeVry University with a degree in Technical Management. I'm now finishing up my Masters in Telecommunications Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology. I have read so many negative post about DeVry and ECPI. As I mention earlier I was successful at both these schools and they were very challenging. It seems to me most of you did not apply yourselves or stayed up on your financial responsibilities at the these schools. You are adults not children, things are not just taken care of for you. It is your responsibility to keep up on everything when attending school. Not just class assignments but the financial aspects of it too. None of these negative post hold weight you cannot discredit any of these schools for your irresponsibility. I enjoyed every minute of these educational institution and what they provided to me. I attend classes and did well at each one of them. So when I see these negative post and misleading information that the school is not regionally accredited shows me why you failed or struggled!

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20 of 24 people found the following review helpful

Go somewhere else!

Networking and communication management - August 4, 2011
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I gave this school in overall rating of 4 because they seem more about the money then the actual students themselves. They lay people off that actually add something to the team like the head programmer but they hire people to stand at the door and say hello to us every time we enter the building. they are like glorified walmart greeters. The HR department seems to like to stick their nose in places it doesn't belong for example cancelling the toner order. Well, after the toner order was cancelled we ran out of toner, i know what a shock, and then ordered some. There were not to many happy students. They turned the elab into an office of something, i honestly do not know what it is they do in there, and the elab was moved to a smaller area. Since the elab moved the networking lab moved and so on and so forth. They only good thing about devry are the teachers. In all honesty though, if my credits transferred i would not be there right now. STAY AWAY IF YOU CAN

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11 of 18 people found the following review helpful

They're all about the Benjamins, baby.

Technical Management - July 31, 2011
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I can't comment on most of this because I never attended DeVry, but a big reason I didn't attend is because of their sketchy recruiting methods. I had one meeting with a course adviser here. We went over some of the details of the Technical Management course, and he invited me back for a second meeting to meet with a financial adviser. All this was well and good. A few days later, I came back for my second meeting with the financial adviser. Before we had discussed anything, he had me get on a computer in his office to start filling out some forms. He got a phone call and took it, then proceeded to stay on the phone and, between words over the phone, pointed out to me what I needed to click and fill out. Some way through these forms, I come to a promissory note. He instructs me, casually and while still 'on the phone', to go ahead and sign it. Mind you, this is within the first 5-10 minutes of my second meeting and after no discussion whatsoever of finances. If I had been a bit younger, a bit less experienced and a bit more naive, I might have fallen for the trick and committed myself to a serious financial burden, but as it was, I was 24 and already bitter at the debt I had acquired as a result of what secondary education I had already experienced. I told him I wasn't ready to sign that, and he seemed confused. He, as well as the course adviser, played it off as a misunderstanding between us. When I came to the next meeting, they tried again to get me to sign a promissory note. I declined, opting for further deliberations on my part, and both the financial adviser and the course adviser seemed confused, as if it was totally normal to simply sign years of your life away with minimal discussion. Something tells me that they take advantage of many people who don't know any better. I've opted to skip further schooling for now, and while I do intend to go back to school at some point, it will absolutely not be through DeVry. While I'm not religious, I see great truth in the saying that "money is the root of all evil." DeVry is a for-profit institution. Those whose primary goals are money cannot be trusted to look out for your best interests.

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19 of 31 people found the following review helpful

What a waste of my time and education

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - July 27, 2011
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This university is all about making profit and not concerned as much in helping the student. When we brought up some issues to the university about help we needed and why they didnt offer help to the students who work during the day and come to school at night they were dismissive as if we didn't matter. They blamed us for their mistakes and shortcomings. I couldn't believe the responses from the university. Some of the teachers i have had were good, others I couldn't understand them because of their accent and/or teaching methods.

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15 of 18 people found the following review helpful

DeVry Academics/Jobs

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - July 1, 2011
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Overall the courses at DeVry were somewhat challenging. I graduated in June 2011 with a BS in Computer Information Systems. I wasn't always the most studious in HS,because I actually didn't care. I felt sometimes I was the smartest person in the classes, because quite frankly there are some people who don't belong in college. The teachers for the most part are very knowledgeable and courteous. DeVry is very good for people who need a flexible schedule. The people who complain about DeVry are usually the lazy students who don't do any work and just get C's and D's. HOW DO YOU GET A D OR F AT DEVRY? The technology is almost updated. I would say that DeVry misleads some people with the employment rates. They claim 92% of graduates get jobs within 6 months after graduation. The reality is what they don't tell you is that some of those people have jobs in different fields and already had jobs in their field before attending DeVry. The reality is more than likely its 50% of graduates obtain employment in their fields within 6 months after graduation.

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18 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Great school!!!

Networking Administration - June 16, 2011
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This is a great school to attend if you're a self motivated individual who prefer online learning over onsite. I also recommend this school to people who are taking up a I.T/Computer Science degree, because Devry is very well known for their I.T programs in my opinion. I'm currently transferring my credits to Liberty University because this is a school I've been looking to attend for a few years now but Devry offered the Network Admin program that Liberty didn't; all my credits transferred over to Liberty and I only have a year 1/2 to complete my B.S in Information Systems Management. Like I said before I strongly recommend Devry to anyone especially to those in the I. T field!

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10 of 12 people found the following review helpful

DeVry University : Computer Information Systems Reviews

Computer Information Systems - June 13, 2011
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You have to work really hard to fail. Otherwise, they would do anything to let you pass. I was there couple of years ago for three classes. In my SQL class, one guy couldn't show up more than 3rd of the course. He came back on the last day to drop the class and the teacher pulled him out of the class to talk. When they came back he stayed to finish the last day and he told me that the teacher would give him a "C" to pass. I had experienced other weird events too, but this was the best one. So, you need to work really to hard to fail in DeVry.

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14 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Don't waste your money or time with these people.

Computer Information Systems - April 27, 2011
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This school is a joke and they are not honest at all. I lost so much money attending this school. With gas, tuition, and application fees it was outrageous. I figured it would be amazing to get my Bachelor's in around 3 years but after one semester tuition went up, I didn't receive a refund but eventually even if I would have it wasn't nearly close to the quote I received via e-mail from the department of education. These people should be shut down completely along with all of the types of schools. They are scams and it's just more economical to go to a community college. Heck an actual University is cheaper than this school.

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10 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Money hungry scamers

Computer Information Systems - March 23, 2011
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I am a disabled veteran studing engineering at Alabama A&M.While persuing my degree my vetran vocational rehab counsler suggested I check out completing my degree online and told me to investagate several online colleges, which I did. Now for those of you who dont know anything about vetarans vocational rehab, it's a program that helps disabled veterans retrain so they can reinter the work force. My veteran counsler told me to find a school and then let him know about the programs that would best fit my educational needs. Devry seemed to have what I needed so I contacted there admissions department and explained my situation as well as made it abundently clear that my tuition, books and supplies would be paid by the veterans vocrehab and that any program I was intersted in would have to be approved by Vocational rehab. The admissions officer said that they deal with veterans all the time and that that would be no problem.Iinformed him that I would just have submit my credits for evaluation to see if there program would be in my degree plan so that the V.A. could approve my enrollment, he agreed.After my evaluation was completed the V.A. said that the program that Devry had was to far out of my degree plan and that they could not approve my attending Devry. I then informed the admissions officer at Devry of The V.A. dicission. They told that it was ok that tey understood. I did'nt think anything more about it untill recently when I found a 1000.00 bill on my credit report from devry university. Now folks I never took one class not one book not anything and they have messed up my credit and stuck me with a bogus 1000.oo bill. Even if I had attended this scam of school they were supposed to bill the V.A/ not me. Wat ever you do dont get mixed up with this so called college they are just a money hungry scam.My veteran vocational rehab counsler can varafy every word is true.

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Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - March 2, 2011
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It's true what they say about for-profit schools. I am very unhappy after attending DeVry University. In the end it all comes down to the institution making profit as opposed to providing high-standard education. The instructors taught very well, however, my high school courses were a lot more beneficial to me then the classes DeVry offers. I had two friends who wanted to attend and I advised them that if they have money to waste then DeVry is the way to go!!

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9 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Worst, most expensive, decision of my life

Computer Information Systems - February 19, 2011
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The degree is totally not worth it. I went to DeVry New York from 2005 to 2007. For the price of the degree, they are not giving you anything that a far cheaper institution is not giving. The problem is not with the quality of education (for the most part). The school has some knowledgeable professors that do a solid job. About half way through the degree and about $25,000 in debt, in addition to state and pell grants I finally wised up and decided to transfer to a state college that offers online courses. To finish up the degree, taking about the same amount of credits I took at DeVry, it cost me about 75% less. It's a good thing I left DeVry when I did or I would be in debt $50,000 instead of $30,000 (of which DeVry is responsible for $25,000, which still sucks). I wouldn't recommend anybody waste there money at DeVry. There is absolutely no reason to spend that type of money for a mediocre education. At one time maybe they had the convenience of providing online classes, but there are countless better options now for that convenience. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!

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12 of 18 people found the following review helpful

DeVry Profits Soar From Unethical Business Practices

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - January 27, 2011
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Schools like DeVry only exist to make money, Not to educate, and each one is infamous for putting out uneducated and unprepared students. DeVry, ITT, etc. are glorified diploma mills who are helping to ruin the value of a college education by flooding the job market with meaningless degrees. Every employer I've talked about this with regards these schools as a joke and some even see a "degree" from one of these as an instant disqualifier. Everyone I've talked to who has attended one of these schools has said the education was very easy and that they weren't getting much out of it. The student is tricked into thinking that going to DeVry will put them on a stable career track when in reality they end up exactly where they were before, lacking any serious credentials but with the additional burden of tens of thousands of dollars in debt to these fraudulent institutions. These schools are out to make a fortune on the backs of desperate young men and women, some of whom are parents and most of whom are poor. I might have a different opinion on regulation if these colleges were worth the cost and actually gave a quality education. But since that isn't the case, regulate the hell out of them Brick and mortar traditional non profit schools are the best choices where the primary concern is education not the for profit con job DeVry thrives on. DeVry is a Business institution so don’t fall for the hype from their savoir-faire employees. Their primary interest is profit not quality education. If you want a quality education, please do yourself a favor & look elsewhere. Enrolled at DeVry but DeVry failed to provide the quality education it promised. Incompetent financial staff made several mistakes by not updating student payments and files always giving lame excuses and misleading information. There was a lack of qualified instructors to teach their courses which made it impossible to continue my education at DeVry. The main reason consumers remove their complaints from companies like DeVry is because they are threatened with lawsuits among other threats. Most businesses like DeVry know the unlikelihood of students taking legal actions against their well-paid aggressive lawyers. DeVry is known to hire people simply to review any negative comments & complaints against them on the Internet. These people are paid employees of DeVry to defend the reputation of their company regardless of the amount of legitimate complaints against them. Ever wonder why DeVry expands their business to areas where they know they’ll get the most tuition paid for through government grants. The company has expanded their operations in poorer Latin American markets like Brazil & are looking to expand more abroad in developing countries like China & India. There remains a lack of government regulations with businesses like DeVry failing to protect the consumers who are misled by false promises in providing a superior university education. DeVry’s executives are well-aware how easy it is to get rich taking advantage of students who won’t have the resources necessary to hire a lawyer protecting their student rights when they are ripped off. AND RIP OFF IS WHAT DEVRY IS. Don’t be fooled by their ads or recruiting personnel. These are well-trained individuals working only for DeVry’s best interests and they make big money for every enrolled student who signs a contract. Do the research and be aware that most of the encouraging comments posted for DeVry are made by paid employees and not actual students. Students rarely have time from their studies to post complaints if they weren’t legit and if DeVry provided them an upright education. Brick and mortar traditional non profit schools are the best choice where the primary concern is education not the for profit con job DeVry thrives on. DeVry is a business institution so don’t fall for the hype from their savoir-faire employees. Their associates are well-paid to mislead consumers to sign their contract. Hook, line and sinker is what they say. DeVry’s primary interest is profit and not quality education. If you want a quality education, look elsewhere. If for-profit schools were delivering a worthwhile education then why are they suing the U.S. government to stop the new rules & regulations which would be imposed upon them July 1, 2011. What are they afraid of? The rules are part of a larger package of new regulations being imposed on for-profit schools, accused of churning out poorly educated students with large debts. One rule challenged by the suit would stop deceptive advertising by schools, another bars recruiters from being paid based on how many students they enroll and a third requires states to authorize post-secondary schools for their students to be eligible for federal loans. The lawsuit did not challenge the yet-to-be-finalized and most controversial of the reforms -- the "gainful employment" rule. That rule would require schools to show that students are paying back federal loans or can do so. Students at schools that fall short would be barred from receiving federal loans, which would cripple most For-profit schools like DeVry. Our economy cannot sustain any more failures in government regulation & corporate mismanagement.

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23 of 28 people found the following review helpful

Why I hate Devry

Computer Information Systems - January 6, 2011
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I actually have a conversation from my academic advisor, who was really nice, but it should explain everything quite nicely. If you are interested just contact me. You can go to Basically, I don't recommend going to this "Univeristy" at all because they hire students to do all the work at no low cost and the students (like they should be) are more focused on other things. The school doesn't do anything when you complain about issues of any kind. And you NEED to know this. They will not tell you this. DO NOT SPEND YOUR REFUND CHECKS. Send them back to the school immediatly as a credit or you will not even be able to afford to graduate with student loans, they cap at just under 60k from the government and then your on your own. Do you think Devry cares? I called and they said my account was on hold, I could not pursue my degree until I satisfied their debt. They had no options, no cares, and I'm starting to wish I just got A+ and NET+ certified and just left it at that. I highly recommend thinking about that. Almost no company says they REQUIRE a 4 year degree to get your foot in the door. After that your already in.

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18 of 23 people found the following review helpful

GO to DeVry

electrical engineering - November 19, 2010
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I am a former Marine, and after getting out of the military I was looking for a school that could get me an accredited bachelors degree as soon as possible. DeVry University was that place. The faculty were knowledgeable industry professionals, that were there for you when you needed them. I graduated with a 3.7 GPA and was hired by a well known Fortune 500 company MONTHS BEFORE I even graduate. Like a previous poster commented, college is all about your individual effort. It does not matter what school you go to, if you are willing and eager to learn, you will. And, potential employers will see that eagerness in you. Like everything else in life it is all about your individual effort. A Grateful Graduate

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22 of 31 people found the following review helpful


Computer Information Systems - October 3, 2010
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Don’t go to Devry. I am an actual graduate and will try my very best to keep everyone from going there. They are not a goog school at all. You won’t learn half as much as if you went to a state university. I had a Dean teach one of my classes and it was the worst experience of my life. He didn’t know s***. I graduated and never got a job. They claim that they have a 90% placement rate but it includes anyone that is working even if it’s not in their field. If you work at Mcdonalds you are part of the 90%. Hooray!! That’s what they don’t tell you. Biggest mistake of my life. My career services advisor never helped me either. She created a resume for me that was immediately changed when I went to a temp place. Never heard from her again even after sending several e-mails. Took all the money they could get and cut ties.

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18 of 23 people found the following review helpful

No Excuses!!! Tough Up!

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - October 1, 2010
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Basically, going to college no matter where you go is really depending on you. I went to DeVry and graduated with my BA in Business Administration. Two months after graduation, I was hired as a Recruiting Manager for a local job search organization. I graduated top 3 of my class. It is really the person that drives not the school that they came from. Have good people supporting you (in my case all the Devry staff) and you will succeed. Those college students who are lazy, careless, and complains (excuses) will find it the hard way.

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12 of 16 people found the following review helpful


Health Information Technology - September 18, 2010
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What a crock!!! Devry University is the most despicable school I have ever seen or even been to!I was going to school online to get a degree in Health Information Technology and I got nothing from it! First of all the Dept. Of Admissions lied to me! They told me that I would only have to pay a TOTAL of $6,000.00 for the program. THIS IS NOT TRUE; the degree costs $28,000.00. I was billed $12,250.00 for only 5 classes. Let me say this again that is $12,250.00 for 5 classes!!! I could have gone to the University of Arizona for that price (which is an excellent school!!)There is no way for me to get out of paying for the loans and I am stuck with some lousy classes that I took back when I was in junior high. Their classes were so easy it was unbelievable. I couldn't believe that there was a school out there that would charge this much for the same classes that I took in junior high school. I even tried getting into some harder classes by "testing" out of them and they said that me test scores were low, even though I checked my answers and they were all right! I made sure to write them down while I was taking the test. Whatever you do, do not waste your money on this piece of crap school. Go to a Community college if you can't afford it! You will get a lot more schooling at your community college than you will at Devry! BEWARE!!

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14 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Worth it

Networking and communication management - September 14, 2010
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I graduated from Devry with a degree Networking and Communication Management in 2008. When i was attending Devry, i read comments about it. It was the beginning of my first year at Devry. People were commenting about how bad devry is, and its a degree mill. I thought to myself "i am screwed" i was soo afraid for my future, that i wanted to get out. The negative comments started affecting my confidence, and my grades. I wanted to dropout, because i was worried. It got to the point where i had depression, and i felt like suiciding. But one day, i received a phone call from school. They told me to speak with them and express my concerns to them. We talked it out, and i began to feel more confident in going to Devry. I decided to stay and continue with my bachelors degree. Near the end of graduation, i received a phone call from career services. I was told to go there immediately and dress perfectly. I arrived, and to my surprise, a man stood in front of me and offered me an interview. Few days later, i got the job and earned 50k/yr. Its not bad for a kid with previous experience. From my experience to others: Go to whatever school you wish, dont let other judgement cloud your thoughts. Write down your goals, and stay positive with your thoughts.

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25 of 31 people found the following review helpful

I think DeVry is a great school.

Computer Information Systems - August 29, 2010
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I have been a DeVry online student for two years now and I have completed 20 some classes and what I have to say is that this is a great program. The learning environment over all is very good. Financial aide and academic advising were always there when I needed them. Most of the professor were actual professionals in the industry and were of high academic standing. Don’t be fooled that it’s some kind of joy ride the courses are challenging especially if you’re working full time as well. I would recommend DeVry to anyone looking to further their education and think that the reason most of the people who have left negative feedback here did so simply because they couldn’t hack it.

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12 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Great Education- very hard though

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - August 27, 2010
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I completed my BS in Technical Management (Operations mgmt) in 2008. It took 2 years, and I was able to transfer a good number of classes I completed from a 2 year school. This school is NOT for anyone who needs their hand held, or wants to give the teacher an apple to get a good grade. It's very hard work, 8 weeks to finish a normal semester. I already had an AAS from a very good school, and the teachers @ DeVry were very knowledgable and had great work histories. Their support staff was pleasant. I know this may contrary to previous reviews, but I can't but think that some of the other reviews were "kids" hoping that online courses would be a piece of cake. Make no mistake, this is a real college, with real teachers, teaching tough courses. You get out of it, what you put in it. Yes it is very expensive, but for some, me included, it was the only real way I could go back and get my degree. (Magna Cum Laude 3.8 gpa, class 2008)

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12 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Not worth thhe time or money

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - July 1, 2010
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I started with DeVry and graduated with a degree in Business Management. I was turned on by the ease of learning on my time, 24/7, whenever and wherever and I bought into the hype about DeVry and their regional accreditation, that emplyers would embrace me when I graduated. The truth was something else. The courses were so, so. Teachers okay, about on par with my high school teachers, maybe not even that good. The real shock was when I asked career services for help. Prior to enrollment I was told that DeVry had over a 92% job placement success ratio. However, in the real world it is much less. Finding work was difficult and the only jobs I was offered were low paying entry level positions in most cases not even in my selected field. My real concern about DeVry is the outlandish claims they make about job placement and high incomes when you graduate. I was told that I could expect to earn $1.4 million more with my degree than with just a high school diploma. I know people with only a GED who earning the same as me, some more based on tenure. Also here is an interesting article that appeared on the internet telling the truth about colleges and the high income propaganda. Education is certaintly a value. How unfortunate that schools like DeVry are exploiting this field, making wild claims and taking advantage of people like myself who have the drive, desire, ambition and fortitude to make something of ourselves. Shame on you DeVry!

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12 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Devry works out...if you do!

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - May 2, 2010
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I have attended Devry for four courses now. I am getting my Bachelors in Finance. Yes, Devry is a tad expensive...compared to community colleges!!! So far my professors, with actual doctorates, have shown extra-ordinary expertise in their fields. Devry hires part-time instructors...mostly. They "currently" work in their career fields, or operate their own consulting firms or commercial companies. You get real world knowledge at Devry. This school is for-profit. If you choose to be a lacky, they will not treat you like one, but you will not succeed. They're not going to force success down your throat. Student services, registration, and administration are kind, outgoing, and helpful. They will bust their butt for you, because most Devry campuses are small. There are 93 of them. Staff knows your name, your not going to get that a huge university, unless you're an athlete. Devry is great for working adults. Some courses are online, and some may be partially in class for lectures. I do both. Classes are challenging. If they are not challenging enough for you...great...transfer to Harvard or MIT when you can. It all depends what you are trying to achieve with your degree. Devry is quick to place students on academic probation, but will help you by every means to graduate. They expect a C or better on all coursework. Classes are like 10-30 students. It's good because the professor can focus on individual needs. They actually care, will answer any questions for you, and give you their phone numbers and personal email addresses. You are not just a number in big lecture hall, large campus, or in dorms. School is not distracting with sports and prepy organizations to keep your mind detoured from studies. Devry is business at it's best. If you are about learning, and are ready to buckle down and do what your professors ask of you, then you are on the right track with Devry. They will take your tuition, like any school, but it's up to you to make your education worthwhile. Basically, if you work hard to acheive your goals, have a strong sense of self, and are motivated to get where you want to be in life, your choice of educational institution is not "too" relevant. Name brand helps, reputation does play a role, but in the end you are the "major factor". Perhaps, some of you cannot sell yourselves in the real world. Relying on that piece of paper as your only credential or value in the workforce is the wrong way to go. If you don't got it, you just don't got it! Make sure you have strong interview skills, and lucrative supporting creditionals along with your degree, before trying to enter the workforce.

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10 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Excellent Education

MAFM (Master of Accounting and Financial Management) - April 27, 2010
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Keller's MAFM is a performance-based program founded on metrics showing the number of CPA's and CFA's they churn out. This is a very appropriate means of assessing success and I commend them for the phenomenal program they have put together. I would stack my education up against my friend's at a major state college any day. By they way--this degree takes a lot of work and is not for loafers who are looking for a diploma mill. If you want that, look to University of Phoenix.

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12 of 17 people found the following review helpful

DeVry Alumni Office: Act like Pompus, Elitist Jerk

Computer Information Systems - February 22, 2010
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I graduated with a Computer Information Degree in the 90's. I would not recommend DeVry to anyone. I tried to get their help during the years of IT recession -- also known as the crash -- and the alumni office was completely worthless. They behaved like condesending jerks. Their Unix program stinks. In fact, it was only one class on some kind of Unix emulation system. It wasn't even real Unix. If I'd graduated with an emphasis in Unix (rather than COBOL) I would have had a much greater chance finding employment.

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11 of 14 people found the following review helpful

all lies

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - December 27, 2009
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I Graduated from DeLie .. err.. DeVry with a 3.9 Magna Cum Laude Majored in BSTM with my concentration in NCM (network communication management). I went to the school in Fremont CA, missed no days, and I know nothing about networking, routing, voip, switching. etc.. I still don't have a job, obviously from lack of skill, because I have the credentials. Devry made a lot of promises to me about what I would be learning, it was all lies.. and now I have a 60 thousand dollar loan to pay back. I have made some mistakes in life, we all have, but hands down, the biggest mistake of my entire life was going to devry. I lost my time, my money, my drive to strive for knowledge in computer networking. all gone, due to devry. Now I am forced to go back to school, to really learn what I should have already been taught. I went there to learn skills in networking, but all they did was bog me down with core classes that I already took in another college, I transferred to devry after I got my AA degree, with a 4.0 (and was nominated for valedictorian by the way). but for devry, that wasn't good enough, I had to RETAKE all my math classes, down to basic algebra for some reason, some excuse about the class code number of my math class was lower then devrys, so it wouldn't qualify. my statistic class got disbanded due to the teacher was nuts, no really, I'm not kidding, I complained and had the school send in another teacher to "sit in" on his lectures and the next day the class was disbanded and we got a new teacher, I have pictures. In another class, data basing, we (the whole class, 15-20 of us students) got to sit outside the class, on the floor, for 2 hours, because the class was locked and then to find out why, it was because there was no teacher scheduled to teach the class, so they just made the IT manager of the school teach it, that was a joke, she didn't know the material or have a lesson plan, how could she, she's not a teacher and that's not her job in the first place. I can go on and on, about drug use in the parking lot, and the ongoing failures of the school. but it just makes me more and more depressed. just don't find out the hard way like I did, the only good devry has done for me, is to motivate me to get my master degree, because I'm too ashamed to admit being a devry student and if anyone ask me where I graduated from I want to say some other school.. p.s. as a final insult, when I got my degree, it said I graduated cum laude. that class that was disbanded, because I was a whistleblower they gave me a C and that killed my GPA. Leo Storm, Fremont CA.

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17 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Expensive, but good school

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - December 24, 2009
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Devry is expensive. I finished an associate degree in community college before starting with devry. This will save you lots of money. I was impressed when I found out some of the teachers are doctors. I have learned much from this school. The pace is fast so you should not miss a class or you will easily fall behind. The material is challenging and appropriate. You can take a mixture of on-campus classes and online classes. Whichever works for your schedule. Now you just gotta stick with it until you graduate. You will have a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited university with very good employment statistics. The computers are outdated at my campus. Unimpressive.

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9 of 15 people found the following review helpful


MBA - November 30, 2009
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I graduated from DeVry with a BS in electronic engineering technology and an MBA from keller. I was going to DeVry while working full time as a Techniian. After recieving my bachelors degree I moved to an engineering role. This was not easy because of the technolgy degree and my choice of school. I was told this by my manangement. I did and do have the skills necessary to perform my job, so DeVry provide necessary tools to be successful once I got the opportunity, but this is where the problem lyes. Some one has to give you the opportunity to prove yourself, and this may prove to be a difficult task depending on the industry.

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8 of 11 people found the following review helpful

DeVry is Unethical

MBA - November 28, 2009
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DeVry is an expensive school. I am paying cash, $2,000 a month or more. Teachers are generally good, but I had one who tried to teach leadership when she had no concept of what it was. Their major problems are IT and support. Their IT system is an antiquated hodgepodge of legacy computers and outdated systems. Hence, one department does not know what another is doing. But their major problem is that they send Emails which appear to have been sent from a certain party but were not. This is duplicitous, unethical, and impersonating. They completely screwed up my account. I was sent an Email demanding the wrong amount of money or I could not register. It also said I had agreed to pay up front, which I hadn't. I didn't know who sent it becaus ethe sender masqueraded themselves as my Student Support Advisor. I became upset at her unnecessarily because I intially thought she had sent it. Bottom line: DeVry has a serious problem with ethical behavior. They teach it but they don't do it. I really do not wish to pay $2,000 a month for this, but I have so many classes accumulated I may not be able to switch schools. If this sort of thing does not bother you, the academics are not bad. But I expect anyone I deal with to practice what they preach.

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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Decent school

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - October 27, 2009
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The found the curriculum to be somewhat challenging and definitely relevant to the field I wanted to enter. The 8-week sessions seemed a bit short to actually absorb all of the material, but I felt that I learned a lot anyway. The instructors were great - I travelled to an actual campus for a lecture once a week and enjoyed the instruction a lot. My favorite instructor was Donna Rekau - very engaging and charismatic. While I found the professors great and the curriculum acceptable, the same cannot be said for financial aid and advising. Financial aid had trouble receiving my documents, which I have sent numerous time. My academic advisor did not return my calls. Fortunately, I was close to a campus and obtained assistance in person. Career services was pretty good as well. The counselor I was assigned to did a great job on my resume.

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5 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Pleased with DeVry/Keller

MBA - September 2, 2009
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I have graduated from DeVry with an undergrad in Technical Management and an MBA. I will say that missing up your class attendance between online and on campus is the way to go if your schedule allows it. You can't really compare DeVry to an tradionals university. They are for profit, but they are also seeking a different type of student. One that wants to complete their degree without giving up on a full-time job, and complete their degree in a timely manner. DeVry is not for everyone. The courses move quickly and it take displine to complete the online course. Most of the course material and instructors were great. I made it a point to complete the mathmatical course work on-campus.

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7 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Avoid Like Plague

Computer Information Systems - August 23, 2009
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They had a great learning model, but abandoned it for 8 week sessions all of which are half online, the in class portion of which is usually led by a teacher who knows you cannot learn anything of real depth or value in 8-weeks and so they talk about their life outside of school. This school, Keller included, is a waste of money. They charge as much (if not more) than some REAL, excellent colleges, and they are basically Phoenix Online with some onsite assistance. The staff couldn't care less about you, and in Keller your final grade is 40% comprised of the final exam (some of which only have 5-10 questions, others with over 50), and most of the time you haven't even scratched the material as they keep sucking money from your pockets. Beyond that, they have the most inefficienct Financial Aid department, rude staff members, and if you really question the teachers you realize they do not even understand the topics they are teaching. Having to teach your teacher is a pain in the ass.

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8 of 11 people found the following review helpful


Computer Information Systems - July 7, 2009
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A great learning experience

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - May 17, 2009
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I am currently in my second session at DeVry Online. While it takes a lot of determination and self-motivation, I have found my classes to be very challenging. So far, both classes have used E-books, which I find to be easy to use. The online library is also great. There were a couple of weeks during my last session, while they were upgrading their internet programs, that not all websites were accessable, but once the updates were completed, it is much easier with the new system. Both of my professors have been great. They responded to any question or problem I had promptly. I plan to continue at DeVry until I complete my progam and earn my bachelor degree.

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4 of 7 people found the following review helpful

A great learning experience

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - May 17, 2009
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I am currently in my second session at DeVry Online. While it takes a lot of determination and self-motivation, I have found my classes to be very challenging. So far, both classes have used E-books, which I find to be easy to use. The online library is also great. There were a couple of weeks during my last session, while they were upgrading their internet programs, that not all websites were accessable, but once the updates were completed, it is much easier with the new system. Both of my professors have been great. They responded to any question or problem I had promptly. I plan to continue at DeVry until I complete my progam and earn my bachelor degree.

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3 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Honest review

Computer Information Systems - April 21, 2009
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I just finished my first 2 classes and I just cancel my enrollment. I took critical thinking and problem solving and was a complete joke. You don't learn anything and I still have some questions about the Professors accreditation. The assigments and discussions are very high school and to easy to be true. In my fantastic computer class I learn that you have to do your own research to learn any program. The final test was anything but what we discuss on class. I do have to say that the student advisor was fantastic and she did help me in every way posible to have a good experience. I think I call almost everyday and she was there for every question I had. I do not recommend this university because I found it to easy and you probably will end up with a degree that everyone will laugh at .

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7 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Only did one week term

Computer Information Systems - April 16, 2009
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I only did one 8 week term with them and I was not very impressed. They have weak points and strong points. The weak points are that they are a for profit institution. So their main goal is to make money. Also they are supposed to be a technical institure but they have had problems with their own website for a couple of weeks and it is really annoying because I can not look at my bill, and my classes that I am registered for. It is funny to me that they are Devry, but can not even keep their own website running correctly. They are too expensive for an online institution. We are talking 500+ dollars per credit hour, if you are active duty military or your spouse is you will get a discount. I think it is then 280 per credit hour, but still expensive, my gi bill barely covers it. So don't expect to live off of the gi bill too much with them. Also I had to take a required class called critical thinking/learning, it is the biggest waste of money ever. You don't learn anything and I just found myself getting more and more aggrevated at the class because I had wasted a month's worth of gi bill benifits. The other class I am taking, economics, is pretty challenging. If the rest of the classes are this way I would expect it to be a challengeing program. So don't expect a degree for a fee. I found that the test do not really correspond to the material in the textbooks, so I did poorly on the midterm(I am dreading the final). For the positive side, the support is great. Especially if you are a veteran and will be using the gi bill. They pretty much take care of everything for you. There was never a problem that they could not handle. Student finance was very easy to work with and I have not had any problems with them. The two main reasons I am leaving Devry are the cos( I just got an email that tuition is going up in june) and the other reason is more of a personal thing, I am no longer interested in the program I am taking. But they do offer a variety of technical programs and you can't beat the flexibility of an online class.

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4 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Online courses the same offered at local college

Business Administration (Concentration in Technical Management) - March 31, 2009
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I attended DeVry when it was a Bell and Howell division (DeVry Institute of technology). I completed my Electronics AS degree in 1986. My degree received the same recognition (if not a higher recognition) than public college and universities with the same degree. I worked for a government position for four years (University of California) that primarily drafted DeVry University students. DeVry was the highest recognized technical trade school in the market today. I am 1 class away from completing my bachelor's in Technical Management. DeVry University's on-line experience was outstanding in my opinion. It is not for the faint of heart. You have to put fourth the effort to accomplish your goals. It's all about time management to complete the different tasks at hand. I recommend the on-line course for continuing your education. My daughter is attending the local junior college and taking algebra. She was completing her work on "My Mathlab" and I noticed she was doing the exact same assignments as I was at DeVry University (no difference; except in price ;) I am signed up for the Keller MBA (In Networking and Communications) to start in July, 2009.

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Comprehensive and Flexible MBA

MBA - January 8, 2009
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I travel extensively for work, and because of that I knew that I would need an online MBA program. I looked at various reviews for several institutions, looked at the program design, and also looked at the online interface (DeVry & Keller use the eCollege web interface that is much nicer (IMO) than Blackboard). After narrowing it down to two universities, I spoke with a few grads from each, looked at graduation rates, and also looked at the distribution of grades (didn't want a program where everyone received 'A's). One of the things I really liked about the Keller MBA program was the variety of concentrations, the solid core curriculum, and elective courses that I could use to tailor the program in a way that provided the greatest interest and value to me. The program was solid, and all of the instructors / professors were knowledgeable and helpful. I found the online courses to be much more challenging than traditional course. Instead of having immediate direct interaction with others in your class, you needed to research online posts and provide support for your statements and assertions. It really forced you to learn more about a subject. The downside was that if you had problems with something you also did not get immediate feedback, so you might spend more time on a subject than you planned. But, that is likely true for most online programs. I work with many MBAs - many from traditional universities with good reputations. I can hold my own when we discuss finance, economics, strategy, and other MBA-like topics. It has also helped be perform better in my job (management), although I can't say that it has helped me earn a higher salary. But, all-in-all I am very satisfied with the quality of the education received.

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they are accredited

MAFM (Master of Accounting and Financial Management) - October 22, 2008
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i just wanted to note that they are accredited to the person who said they aren't, they are not the best school and the online program is really starting to get on my nerves, the online finals content is 10% of what we discussed in class, it pisses me off that the test have nothing to do with the course materials and it causes me to not know what the hell i'm doing :( devry is ok if you live in a state where the colleges are far from your residence.

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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful

really good

Computer Information Systems - June 24, 2008
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i really dindt like this school well a bit their academic advising team needs more trainig

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Great Technology in IT Programs

Computer Information Systems - June 7, 2008
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I'm due to graduate with my BS in Network Management after the Fall B term of 08. I must say that the online labs and technology are cutting edge. The router networks and simulated labs are great! I'm saying this because I have been in the IT field for 12 years and haven't seen it taught this well. The course materials are from Cisco Press, Microsoft and other leading technical written publications. Most of the books I used for courseware are now in my library of technical references at work and are completely updated and relevant. I'm not a big fan of discussions if the instructor isn't demanding excellence. You normally post 3 times a week per discussion and normally there are two discussions; so at least 6 post per week. You will normally have a midterm and final per course. Out of the 15+ classes I have completed with them, only one course didn't meet my expectations. I made an A but thought the instructor was subpar. One bad experience hasn't ruined my experience though. All classes I have taken have had professors who had degrees in the field they were teaching, which has probably been a small miracle for me to this point. The graduation requirements were a little cloudy at first but this was due to me not reading the course catalog and some small print. The price of attending works well for military students since tuition is $250 a credit hour which is the limit that service members receive. I do however recommend that you attend your core lower division classes at a community college since this is where the foundation of your college degree is built upon and tuition is usually cheaper and you have an instructor in the class with you. As with all colleges that have an online program, you must be able to communicate effectively with the school, pay your tuition on time, and make sure your books are ordered and paid for. You must be aware of rules they regulate the school by! They are a business. If you can’t communicate effectively through email and phone and do follow-ups from time to time then attend elsewhere before you feel the need to post negatively about this college. Be aware DeVry offers 8 week courses and 2 courses per session is considered full time. This means you will take around 4 classes per semester, which is full time at most schools. My overall experience is two thumbs up! As with most degree’s you will need a little experience and some technical or professional certifications and license to land the job you are looking for. DeVry also has campuses you can attend if you prefer this method or is more convenient for you.

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2 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Good, but not the optimal choice

Computer Information Systems - February 6, 2008
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I took 5 online classes at DeVry, and they were more rigorous than being in the actual classroom. If you're a slacker, don't take their online program, because the professors and the e-college system is not as flexible as being in the traditional setting. While it's possible to get a decent education from their online program, I would prefer to elect for the traditional in class coursework, rather than the online component. In some cases, it would be a good idea to mix in a few online classes with some in-class lectures, especially those of a highly technical nature.

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I must give credit where credit is due.

Computer Information Systems - January 26, 2008
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If you do the work and get high grades, you will get your dream job. If I had to do it all over again I would. My $50,000 investment is paying off!

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Comments: is not affiliated with DeVry University in any way.