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Kaplan University

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Kaplan University Reviews:

Dept of education states it's not closed just changed its name.

Medical Transcription - October 3, 2019
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They locked me from finishing my last class and said I failed for not attending. They made promises of being able to transfer anywhere but not true where I live no one will except any of their credits. And to file for loan discharge the department of education states that they are not closed. They simply changed the name and sold our information to new owners just erased most of it.

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Nutrition Science - October 15, 2017
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This is the worst school in the world. I, too, was mislead and told my last week that I could basically do nothing with my degree. I was told instead that I was a "nutritionist." I then enrolled in an actual accredited university and had to leave because I ran out of financial aid due to Kaplans tuition. I feel utterly useless.

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Great School

Psychology - August 12, 2017
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I have attended Kaplan for the last year and a half, and I love this school. You are able to take more than two classes if they feel you can handle it, I have take more than three classes twice. I would say that the FA depart does need a little of work, but I say on top of my a fairs. As far as the course work goes it is not easy and there is a lot of writing, but I work hard and have earned every grade I have gotten. I am currently getting ready to enter my last term with a 3.90 GPA. I have gone to traditional colleges and I like the online format better.

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Poor Service, Withholding customer refund

Psychology - June 15, 2017
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Completely screwed up my wife's financial aid. Refused to help. Every time we called they said we just "updated it" and to call back in 5 days. Call back 5 days later, same explanation. Called back again, same explanation. I don’t write negative reviews lightly, however the complete lack of customer satisfaction is appalling.

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Kaplan Finacne Department

Criminal Justice - May 12, 2017
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I attended Kaplan University online over two years ago. I thought this was a great way for me to get my degree and still allow me to work full time to earn money. The admissions department was super nice and got me all signed up. During the classes I realized how unorganized this school actually was. At first I just assumed that this was a new school that was just starting out but I was in shock when I was told it wasn't. I didn't attend Kaplan for longer than a semester due to the fact I absolutely couldn't absorb any of the information that was being taught. Which I personally believe that I am just not meant for online schooling. While I was not totally in love with how the material was presented what makes me really angry is Kaplan's Finance department. Turns out over two years later while trying to get my transcripts I now owe Kaplan a total of $777, which I have to pay before they will release my transcripts. I don't have a problem paying the money but what no one at Kaplan will answer is why was I not contacted about this balance before. According to my account there I owe them $0 because February of last year they wrote of my debt to collections. Another thing they won't answer is to what collections agency? I am anal about checking my credit and have zero debt in collections at this time, I was baffled to see that I owed that much in collections and even more dumbfounded as to why I wasn't contacted by anybody for over a year. If you are late one a credit card payment they call you day and night how am I supposed to believe that they wouldn't call me about my balance. Trying to an answer out of these people is a joke. I have had at lest two people tell me that they will call me back and of course I get nothing. I call them I get transferred and hung up on. I absolutely would not recommend this college for the simple fact of they are seriously unorganized.

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7 of 9 people found the following review helpful

I love Kaplan University! You have to do your part. You cannot expect everything to be handed to you on a silver platter. Stop being lazy and get to work!

Human Services - April 14, 2017
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I love this school and everything about it. The financial aide department lacks, but we all see that from the reviews. The professors are fantastic and the admissions team are great. I also loved my education advisors. If you educate yourself before you sign up, you will have no problem at all. Also, If you are not willing to work hard and apply yourself then don't even sign up!

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So far, so good.

Master of Arts in Teaching - December 14, 2015
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My first term at KU is coming to a close and I just wanted to share my experience. I went to two brick-and-mortar schools in the process of working toward my undergraduate degree and ended up completing the last 1/3 online with University of Massachusetts Amherst (University Without Walls). I'm bringing UMass into this review as it is my only comparison for online study as I discuss my experience at Kaplan University thus far. At KU, So far, KU has been really easy to use from a technological standpoint, especially when compared to UMass. There are no huge files to download and all required texts for this current term and the next one I am registered for are available in ebook format (important to me, as I am currently abroad while completing this masters program; shipping is expensive and internet access limited). Every two weeks in my current class, we have a one-hour-long audio seminar, which is easy to access despite my slow and limited internet (important to note for others who might be in the field and interested in taking online classes). The online portal where everything related to the class actually takes place is well organized by unit, and nothing gets lost in the shuffle (unlike the customizable BlackBoard system that UMass used, which meant every professor put things in different areas and you spent too much time searching for them). Each week, my professor emails the class with an itemized list of weekly expectations, so it's nearly impossible to forget things. While there was a bit of a debacle with my financial aid (my status was listed incorrectly and therefore the award total was less than it should be), it was resolved after a couple of phone calls. I appreciate that I am always asked if all of my questions have been answered before the representative hangs up the phone, and I am also given the opportunity to review the phone call in the KU portal, to give the school additional feedback.Currently, my financial aid rebate/stipend check was mailed several weeks prior to when they said it would be, which is good news. On the downside, Kaplan still uses paper checks instead of a direct deposit system, which I think it rather archaic for 2015. Additionally, financial aid is not dispersed at the start of the term as one might expect, but rather you will get your first refund toward the end of the 6-week term. I do have a bit of an issue with the cut-and-paste emails I've received from my enrollment and academic advisors throughout the process, as they often contradict the conversations we have had via phone or give me additional questions regarding the status of something that I had already confirmed, but thankfully that has little to do with the actual educational process. My professor has always responded personally to all of my emails and there has been no confusion as far as the actual academics are concerned. I love that there is a standard policy for all Kaplan classes concerning late assignments, so you don't have to remember each professor's policy as you go through the program: you can turn things in one week late for a 10% reduction in grade, and two weeks late for a 20% reduction in grade. One odd complaint I have is that my professor grades so easy that I don't feel challenged. I can get all of my work done in the last two days of each academic week, so I never push myself very hard. When I get my grades back, even though I know I didn't try my best and that there were mistakes that could have been easily avoided, I usually still get 100% (unless I turned it in late). Yes, that means very little stress for me throughout this program, but the real question is whether or not I will actually learn something. Overall, I'm happy with the program at Kaplan.

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Medical Coding - December 9, 2015
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8 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Financial aid difficulties

Health Information Technology - December 5, 2015
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I started Kaplan Oct.14 2015 this is my first term at Kaplan so far my classes been good I am enrolled in 2 classes and my instructors are great they communicate within a timely manner and the course material is easy to understand. The seminars are good because the instructors are actually teaching and asking questions and students are responding as if you are in the traditional classroom together. But my only problem with them is this financial aid. I have been given different dates about my student refund also I just received a financial award letter on November 27,. In the beginning I was told I would have a disbursement at the end of November and I would receive the 500$ scholarship when course is completed and satisfied. Needless to say we are in week 8 and I still do not have a disbursement or an actual date I have 2 weeks left in the term my ledger card balance is 4005.00 is what they say I owe and just for 2 classes. I have been in chat sessions with the financial aid department every other week about this, they keep saying give it 10-14 days then they will say oh we're experiencing processing delays due to system maintenance or some foolishness to that nature. I mean it's not like I'm saying hey I just care about getting this money and that's all I want.. No that's not the case it is because if I took these loans out to help me pay for school I do have a right to know who what why and where because in the end I'm the one stuck with the bills and paying this money back Not them. So if anyone thinking about attending Kaplan I do think that the classes are great . But if you have to depend on financial aid like me to help then PLEASE DO NOT go here you will experience a lot of stress. Unless you are a very patient person and do not have a big need for the financial aid.

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Withdrawing from Kaplan University is very difficult

Psychology - November 24, 2015
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Do not waste your time with this “university.” When I tried to withdraw completely from Kaplan University, Camille S would not help me. When I called Student Services to withdraw completely from Kaplan University, I was transferred to 5 different people. I had to go to the Kaplan University web site and explain my situation to someone through Live Chat. The Kaplan University enrollment process is easy, but the Kaplan University withdrawal process is very difficult. Kaplan University customer service is horrible. Changing people’s lives daily through the power of education? This is much more accurate: Ruining people’s lives daily through the power of deceptive marketing and false advertising.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan is a great experience

Heatlth Sciences - November 16, 2015
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I'm completing my Bachelor's degree from Kaplan University in February of 2016 in Health & Wellness. I'm also older, and a Veteran. I have read both good and bad reviews. What I can say is this was a great experience for me. I mean, I didn't have to drive and use gas to go to school. I didn't have to try and find parking. I didn't have to pay for parking. I didn't have to wonder what I was going to wear when I attended school, and I didn't have to be there at a certain time (except for attending seminar). I don't think I would have been able to finally complete my degree had it not been for Kaplan. They accepted most of my credits from the military, and other schools I attended. The support for me has been very good. I tell anyone, if you want something bad enough, you have to be the one who is proactive, and on top of things. Don't depend on someone else to do it for you. The negative reviews on here, in my opinion, are from people who didn't truly do their research, or weren't proactive. I highly recommend Kaplan. Sure, online is not for everyone. On campus is not for everyone. You have to know your strengths and weaknesses. You know, I know people who went to UCLA who swear it was the best experience, but ask someone who went to USC and they'll say "UCLA sucks!" Harvard students will say Stanford sucks! What I'm saying is, the quality of education a person gets at any school will be based on the effort they put in. A person could go to Compton College and get a better education than someone who went to Cal State. It just depends on your motivation to get educated. Kaplan is fine for me. I'm getting my degree and I'm proud of it. I also will graduate with honors.

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12 of 14 people found the following review helpful

AAS Paralegal Studies Graduate

Legal Studies - November 1, 2015
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HI,I am a recent college graduate of Kaplan University. I have my Associates degree in Paralegal Studies. I took a break after graduating. I found Kaplan to be a great school, I read some reviews on the University before attending and like any other traditional or non traditional school etc, they had their pros and cons. I don't have a job in the field yet and I am hoping that I find something soon. I think that it is a great school I learned a lot through working hard, and asking a lot of questions. The professors are very supportive and they let you know the real deal. I respected the fact that they gave us run through on the difference of book knowledege and how it will actually be in the work place. I think that great things can be obtained from this school just the same as a traditional university or college. This is a professional field, so of course they are going to want you to have experience, and some one who knows exactly what needs to be done with little or no direction.

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I really need a job!

Medical Coding - September 29, 2015
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I recently started this class in June and after reading the reviews HOW can someone especially an online college LIE to so many people. I am spending my time and effort to be able to get a good paying job because I am 50000 in debt with student loans! I feel so bad and tricked and just betrayed, this is so unfair! I will join the lawsuit if you give me the information!

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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Excellent Experience!!!

BS in Paralegal Studies - August 29, 2015
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I started this program with no legal experience and found the University and it's professors outstanding. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA, it was a tough program and you need to be organized and independent. There is a lot of work so be prepared if you enroll. While enrolled in the program, I found a full time entry level position in a law firm and was promoted to paralegal status upon graduation right away with an immediate salary increase. I am now a senior paralegal with 6 years experience, employed by a reputable firm with Florida Bar recognition and making a good salary. The program at Kaplan is what you make of it. If you are a hard worker and are serious about your education and furthering your career, you will do fine. If you are lazy and expect things to be handed to you, I would strongly suggest you not take the program. I found Kaplan's program to be outstanding and would recommend it to anyone with common sense and who is willing to work hard towards their career.In fact if they offered a doctorates degree I would enroll in a heartbeat.

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12 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Thirty-one year Nutrition veteran just recived a resume from Kaplan grad who majored in Nutrition Science and applied for a Nutritionist position I am trying to fill

Nutrition Science - July 30, 2015
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When less than thenty-nine percent of reviews result in a positive assessment of any program, one might think that the responsible organization's leadership would appropriately close down the program. The initial review that could be accessed was pleading for people to understand the negative reviews! That means since it was the earliest review of the 14 online that could be accessed (dated in 2008), that there had to have been others before this one was posted. It is shameful that any school would market a degree program to prospective students as a legitimate, credible career opportunity for a health service discipline that strives to improve the health of those we serve. IF Kaplan really believed that their program would be competitive in the world we live in, then they would have already taken the appropriate steps to be accredited so that their graduates would see a genuine return on their investment(ROI). Only 4 of 14 accessible reviews received at least 3 out of 5 stars... that is sad.

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Undergraduate, Decent School

Buisness administration - June 14, 2015
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I've read a lot of negative reviews that sting Kaplan pretty bad for their confusion over Financial Aid and some class mix-ups. Online school is becoming a norm in society although it's not 100% accepted yet. It isn't for those looking for a traditional experience. Even in a traditional setting there is plenty to grip about when discussing financial information and even class schedules it's the two topics (anywhere in life) that people usually are pushed over the edge by. So if you’re looking for that experience online is not for you. I earned my Associates Degree (Business Administration) in 2013. I had such a great experience with my advisers, professors and it fit with my life that I decided to continue with them to obtain my Bachelors degree which I am about to finish up as of December 2015. Since I began I can see a shift in the criteria that is being taught it seemed as if a year into my program they were revamping the materials to make it more challenging. Online learning is a learning curve for everyone and it will continue to change but the experience is going to be what you make it. You cannot expect them to hand you a diploma if you're not willing to put in the time to work for it. That being said, just like any traditional school you have great professors and you also have some pretty crappy one's too - that's why you have to be engaged participate in the surveys and ask questions to get you through it. I can say that after I earned my degree it advanced my career and my career options. Online is not for everyone but I chose to go here and they give you the 5 weeks to determine if it is a good fit for you or not, take advantage of it. As this process becomes more accepting I think reviews will get better but if you're looking for the same "traditional" degree then go to a brick and mortar school. These online degrees are for working or complex scheduled people. I appreciate the fact that I can work full time, attend school and I save money on gas and books. Yes it is compensated for in tuition but I think my time is more valuable. I advise anyone who is working on a non-clinical degree, and is self motivated to give it a try. If you expect to become a doctor or a nurse with an online degree I would suggest you go to a community college at the very least to get your hands on experience. Like many others have pointed out, you get out of it what you put in it. Don’t discredit this University because someone had financial aid issues or they were upset about a scheduling issue, we all have some issue, address it and move on. Look at the core value and quality you are getting from the material these Professors. They are passionate about what they’re doing and you can tell that in how they teach every week in seminar and through the constant communications to students. It’s a decent school for online education.

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About to enroll in Nutrition Science.

Nutrition Science - May 26, 2015
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I am about to enroll in the Kaplan BS in Nutrition Science program. I am well aware that this is not a dietician program. It's in writing on the course description page. I don't want to be a dietician. I did consider it, but it seems to be nearly impossible. I am currently living in Korea due to my husband's job and the hoops I would have to jump through to become an RD would just be too much. I'm not able to rate most of the categories because I haven't attended any classes yet. I'm also going in with an associates degree. I hope the classes I will not have to take will weed out any person who just doesn't understand how college works.

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3 of 5 people found the following review helpful


Psychology - May 21, 2015
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I chose Kaplan in an effort to be loyal. I had earned a prior Technical Diploma from them and thought it would just be easier to get my Bachelor's with them as well. Financial Aid is the most horrible travesty that I have ever had to deal with when it comes to my education. They were saying that I was running out of FA, but when I had them break it down to me, they continued to give me different amounts. To make a long story short there was no break for my loyalty to them. The advisors are difficult to reach and their FA department can be down right RUDE! If you are looking for interaction and clarification when it comes to you finances, this is not the school for you. Alos their staff has an extremly large turn over rate.

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This was a great experience!

Heatlth Sciences - April 7, 2015
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I cannot agree with most of the reviews about KAPLAN University. I have recently obtained my Bachelors of Science in Health and Wellness at KAPLAN and I have had nothing but a good experience my entire stay. All my previous education and schooling was completed in Germany and the transfer standards to American schools are somewhat difficult to explain; one has to get translations, transcripts etc. KAPLAN however has not only been very understanding and helpful with the aforementioned, but also in accommodating to the active duty military lifestyle my family and I lead (two small children). Learning at KAPLAN was fun and challenging and I can honestly say that while perhaps an online only school may not be for everyone, especially those having issues with self drive, motivation and ambition, it is a great choice for those whom learn well on their own and have no problems following directions and instructions. While computer knowledge would certainly help a lot, Tech Support is always there to explain and lend a helping hand, I had no problems at all with that. The professors are just like they would be in real life at a brick-and-mortar school; 99% were outstanding, caring individuals with great personalities, others were a little bit more of a challenge but not a deterrent at all. I not once had any issue with the instructors that was not promptly resolved or dealt with, mainly because I am very precise student striving to fulfill all requirements as stated and because I am friendly and respectful of class mates and the faculty. Any person reasonably smart and willing to put in the work will find KAPLAN to be a great choice of school, while anyone not willing follow instructions, be on time for online seminars, discussions or the occasional team exercises should actually attend a different school that perhaps gives more detailed instructions or is less inclined to expect adults to act as such. Anyone truly interested in furthering their education, and doing it on their own schedule, can do it. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.96, and that with English as a second language. ;)

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I'm getting what I want

Health and Wellness - March 19, 2015
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I'm currently a student with Kaplan University. I've read many of these reviews. One thing I will first say is you get out of something what you put into it. I read people complaining about the school and I'm willing to bet these same people would have complained no matter where they went. I will complete my bachelor's degree in December of 2015. I have had days when I just didn't feel like completing all of my assignment, and I've had days where I've completed them ahead of time. Thing is, Kaplan is giving me what I need. I love the fact that I can come home, turn on my computer, and attend a seminar. I love that I can, on my time, complete assignments. I love that I can communicate with people from all over the country and network. I love that I don't have to get in my car, drive to a campus, find parking, walk to a class, and deal with thousands of people. Having the ability to do it from home is awesome. I love the 10 week courses, then a 10 day break. And I love that I'm maintaining a 3.79 gpa. I'm an older student. I didn't take the time to complete college while I was in the military. When I got out, I took a class here and there, but didn't have the discipline to complete them, or life just got in the way. Marriage, divorce, kids, moving out of state, working, dating, and getting married again all had me delaying my education. But now, with Kaplan, I finally am able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So, for anyone reading this review, I say, whatever you start make sure you complete it. Of course you will have issues with the school, or if not, there will be something else to complain about. Make sure you're doing all you need to do to be successful at any school. I say it's never the school, it's always the person. There are thousands of schools in this country. And there is good and bad in every one. Do you think people who go to Harvard or Yale believe their education is better? What about people who go to any state school? Do you think they believe their education is inferior to any other school? No. There are people who attend Harvard who are no more successful that someone who attended Compton College. It's never the school, it's always the person. So, if you're contemplating attending Kaplan University, remember, your success here has nothing to do with the school, it's all about how much you apply yourself. You can do the minimum or you can exceed it. You will get out what you put in. And that's all I have to say.

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14 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Want to be a real NP? Don't go here.

Family Nurse Practitioner - February 22, 2015
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If you are wanting to become a real NP, stay away from Kaplan. I enrolled here thinking that it would be a piece of cake and I could get through with my NP certification sooner. Biggest mistake and one of the most expensive of my life. Where do I even begin? From the very first class, I should have dropped out. The instructor refused to answer questions, was not available, would not return graded papers. It took 4 of us contacting the Dean of the college before the issue was even addressed. At the last minute, they assigned a new instructor which allowed us to complete this class, but I should have left at that point. Kaplan also was insistent, that even though I had already completed a 10 hour Capstone course, that I would have to repeat the course in their program. They refused to even hear that I had already completed the course, and insisted that it was a "completely different course" while offering no explanation as to why my MSN class course description nearly matched theirs for the Capstone course. I have noticed that they have now removed this requirement from their NP programs. Surprise, surprise. I wonder how many other students complained about this nonsensical requirement? It would have cost me another 3 months of my program and at least $1800. No other programs that I had looked at, had this requirement. For class MN553, it wasn't until I was in the class and starting it that I was informed that I would need an extra $300 of material for the class in order to complete the health assessments properly. For a student and working adult, this is a significant chunk of change to have to immediately come up with in order to successfully complete this class. Big fail on the part of Kaplan here to not inform students of this up front. Several classes had the wrong information listed for textbooks and syllabus. When I complained about this to the instructor, I was reprimanded. Instructors are supposed to have coursework graded within 7 days of submission. Several instructors are consistently 8-10 days late on this requirement. However, students are not given such leeway. I had issues with financial aid from the get go. No other program I have ever attended gave me such grief. They do not have anything but form letters with which to respond to you from, you can't get ahold of anyone on the phone, and they don't offer any type of tracking of when your funds post, refunds are sent, etc. It's frightening. On top of that, I was informed that so many people look at your financial records that it's not even funny. Where's the privacy at? The reason that I finally left was because of plagiarized test questions. Kaplan took, verbatim, many test questions on a final exam and several quizzes directly, word for word, from Margaret Fitzgerald's books for NP study. That did it. When I complained, and filed through the proper channels, it was swept under the rug, and they pretended as if they did nothing wrong. I filed complaints with the publisher of the book and the CCNE and I withdrew from Kaplan. For a school that states that they do not tolerate plagiarism from their students, they are certainly willing to accept it from their own and their instructors. Had I done this on any of my assignments, I would have been kicked out of my program. I took this very seriously. Kaplan did not, and because of that, I withdrew from my program. I am now enrolled in a more quality program and I feel lucky that I left when I did before I went further into debt and had more issues with this school. Please, if you want to be a nurse practitioner, go somewhere else.

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9 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Don't Do It. Student

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - January 25, 2015
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Well I am letting all nurses with their Associates Degree to not come here, they do not recognize it. I took the first semester and was told 8 weeks into the course that I did not meet criteria with the Associates Degree for my Nursing. Even though my Official Transcript states Associates in Science for Nursing, and the prior Associates that I took transferred 5 classes into my nursing degree, so I only had 50 credits left to finish my Nursing degree, which was basically all my nursing courses. But no that is not how it works and they do not transfer in credits for that. They wanted me to take another 41 credits and told me it was a Diploma and not a Degree. I was pissed beyond belief, that first I had to deal with this and prove that it was a Degree. Wrote a letter to the Dean, Can you say USELESS? Yup, she was. She kept telling me that she would look into it and get to the bottom of this. She never looked once. 3 emails later and she was telling me Excuse Me but there are multiple people that look at transcripts and that she and my so called Advisor were working on it, but still no results. I left this college after the first course with a 99.84 Average, but I have no idea what I am doing because I took a Diploma and not a Degree, not saying Diploma is bad, but to me it boiled down to the money and I refused to pay more than I knew I had too. Their Financial Aid department was another disgrace. They have no clue about Financial Aid. They held my credit, which is fine I told them too, but then told me that I would owe $840 for the next semester. I asked how that was possible with the Financial aid scheduled for February and the credit balance would be about 4500.00, but they said it would not be. Oh well do yourself a favor and do not go here. Kaplan does not care about anyone other than their pocketbook, very poor Customer Service all the way up to the Dean. BBB is also being made aware of this facility. There are other colleges out there that do not play games, may be a little more expensive, but much easier to work with. LU is the place to be, it was quick, easy, and done in no time and they took both my Associates Degrees and 73 credits later transferred in to the program.

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13 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Wonderful Opportunity for those WHO ARE NOT LAZY and do not expect everything handed to them on a silver platter

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - January 24, 2015
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They give you everything you need, to succeed. I have a wonderful experience. My academic advisor Laura is the best and I plan to keep her as my advisor while pursuing my Bachelor's. I graduate in April 2015 and I am excited. No degree is worthless, you have to make plans on marketing the skills you have learned. This is a wonderful opportunity for people like me. I went to the local community college to ask questions and they looked at me as if I had crawled from under a rock. I have had classmates, who do not turn in work, do not research for their discussion board discussions, and then blame Kaplan. Kaplan is not the place for students, that need their hands held. I have never, in two years, asked a question and did not get an answer for it. I LOVE THIS SCHOOL AND THE OPPORTUNITY I AM GETTING. The work is very challenging, and if you are lazy and think that you should be petted the whole time then you will not do well. I just got done writing a paper, and thought I would pull my hair out, but I did a good job on it. My professors have been great, a few were kind of blah, but the same can be said for some professors, at a brick and mortar school. My experience has been great, you get out of life, what you make out of it.

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13 of 20 people found the following review helpful

FNP lacks supportive teachers and administration - way too expensive

Family Nurse Practitioner - January 21, 2015
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I am in the middle of the online FNP program and am earning As. My problem is the lack of support by the administration if and when you have a complaint about anything. Quiet often when you complain, instead of being undertanding and compassionate, they turn it against you and suggest that you may not be a 'good fit' for their program if you have so many concerns. Or when you repeatedly ask a teacher to clarify an assignment and they literally insult you by suggesting you haven't read the assignment. This program is far too expensive to be treated with such disrespect by the very same people you would expect to work alongside as nurses. They will often refer you back to policies and procedures, for example how to 'properly complain' than address the question or complaint. I only stuck with the program this long because I can only handle them in 10 week periods at a time. The only positive comment is that I like their discussion post system (better than Blackboard) and I have benefited from the texts that were recommended. Otherwise I don't foresee continuing because I don't think the content will prepare me enough for boards.

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7 of 11 people found the following review helpful

DONT make the same mistake I did!!

Heatlth Sciences - December 20, 2014
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I was informed with just three terms left that my financial aid will run out before I complete my degree and therefore my diploma will be held until I pay the amount of over six thousand dollars for the last terms. I am getting my degree because I have been working low paying jobs for so long that I wanted to move up in my career and now I am finding that this degree, when I finally get it since it will likely take my a year to pay off the balance and then receive it, is likely going to do nothing for me. The majority of "real" colleges WILL NOT EXCEPT CREDITS FROM KAPLAN and therefore I am unable to use them to transfer to another school. Therefore, I am now stuck with over 50 thousand dollars of debt for a Bachelor's degree that should have only cost about 30 thousand. All of that for a degree that is ultimately meaningless.

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10 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Not great but not the worst

Communications - December 20, 2014
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I really wanted to put out an accurate perspective on Kaplan as many people think Kaplan is a scam. It is true that the school has had legal difficulties in the past, and that can leave a bad taste in the mouth for some. Another poster mentioned that the classes are all the same, in the communications program this has been true thus far. I have taken 2 major classes and both have covered the exact same materials. The Intro course is rather boring as it focuses mainly on the workplace as opposed to real life skills. Kaplan students tend to be older so it is a safe assumption that most know how to dress and act during an interview. My biggest pet peeve as far as coursework goes are the 2 English Composition core courses. Comp 1 uses the KU writing guide which covers things like how to structure a paragraph and APA, while it does not cover things like grammar or punctuation. Comp 2 (I am taking now) links to podcasts and articles to the KU writing center and "Ted Talks" videos. I had hoped that these classes would focus more on the mechanics of writing as opposed to learning how to create an outline or draft. The Professors I have had have been fair (my GPA is 3.75) and have been very helpful when I had questions or concerns. I have not had too many problems with financial aid however I have heard from others who have attended Kent State and other B&M schools FA is always a nightmare. They tend to put off sending out stipends as long as they possibly can (at least in my case) and only sending a check as opposed to direct deposit is a bit "old school". The advisers are great and will help you if you can actually catch them. However I am not a fan of the policy that has recently gone into effect that a student must follow a specific sequence of their degree plan. I understand the reasoning behind this but I really would have preferred to finish the core requirements before getting too far into the program. Another "complaint" I have is that many students do not use Standard American English, and post dbs in "text talk". This can be extremely difficult to respond to. Lastly, the school is extremely expensive. I have read many reviews where folks got into the last few terms and were not able to finish due to maxing out student loans. This is very possible and a major concern for anyone who does not have a nest egg or family to fall back on for support. With the recent news of Pell grant funding being cut by 303 mil (about 1k per student per year if it stands) I did quite a bit of number crunching and realized that I will not be able to finish as I will have maxed out my loans by the last two terms and I do qualify for the max that the government offers. Because of this I have decided to leave Kaplan and pursue an online degree at a less expensive nonprofit school. Having said all that, I do believe that Kaplan is a good school that has a lot of potential. The Professors are in general great, the coursework can be a bit repetitive but most of us learn by repetition. The live lectures can be great or overwhelming depending on how busy you are in your own life. The students are just like people everywhere, some are awesome people and some suck. My advice would be to do your homework and research all of your options before committing to anything. Make sure to figure out the complete costs of your program including the $200 technology fee per term to ensure you will have enough money to complete whatever degree you are pursuing.

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Well got a bill and received no good knowledge

Criminal Justice - October 17, 2014
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Well let me start by saying, i should have chosen a different school. I started school in 2006 at a different university. I started Kaplan with my Masters and i am not sure that i learned anything useful. The courses were a repeat over and over again. The courses that were interesting and i could actually learn something from, were discontinued. It was expensive, and needless to say that i cant remember much of anything from the courses, well nothing that will actually help me in my career path. I recently, finished my degree. However, i had financial aid through the whole process of my schooling, and then here comes my final course/exam. Which included 5 10 page papers that i had to finish in a total of 3 weeks. Which was sheer torture and not expected, as my academic counselor apparently quit, in my prior course to the final exam course, and no one told me about her no longer being there, until i emailed her and got a message about this will not be answered...etc... Well i finished with a 100% in my final exam course. However, i was hit with a 200 dollar bill. Could not figure out why i was not told that i would owe 200 dollars out of my own pocket. What a lovely surprise. THEN i proceeded to get calls sometimes 3 times a day from Kaplan, almost 4 times a week. Which is another lovely surprise. Be prepared to do nonsense work, with 2-5 page papers due almost every week! THAT was not exciting, since i have a full time job, a husband and 2 kids to take care of. The education i received will not help me in any career i chose. So basically, all the courses are the same, stay away from the criminal justice degree from Kaplan. It is terrible. i have no experience with the other courses, so maybe they are good, maybe they are not. But my advise is to go to another school, maybe a nonprofit school, where you might actually get an education!!! I do not feel that i learned anything from this school for my degree. It is a shame, now i have over 100k in student loans. Kinda get the feeling that school is a waste, better off to get hands on experience with an actual job in the field you want to be in.

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6 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan student review. SCAM! SCAM ! Listen to other people

Early Childhood Education - October 3, 2014
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I needed a school to attend. My previous school liberty university I could not attend until I payed a balance (BIG MISTAKE) Liberty is the best online school in my opinion. Anyways I chose Kaplan wanting to receive my own opinion on the school as my academic adviser told me too. There is a 3 week grace period THANK GOD. So you will not have to owe if you consider to withdraw. But in my first two weeks it was hell. Academic advisers not calling me back. Financial aid having me send documents three and four times because they couldn't "Read" the text I wrote on the document. Then I was told they have everything they needed. NOPE. Went on my account documents the next day it stated "OTHER FA DOCUMENTS" I call to see why the same email address I have been giving for the past 2 weeks they could not confirm. I told the lady I talked too I wanted to withdraw I have been to other online schools and never experience this and I will be writing a review all of a sudden everyone wanted to help and talk me out of it. DON'T FALL FOR IT THEY WANT YOUR MONEY. I had until Tuesday to withdraw but I decided to do it early because I remember them saying if a document takes 24 hours to process and your 3 week period is up even if you request it in that time frame your responsible for part of your tuition. WTF. I am telling you they harassed me called me all day long left 7 voice mails trying to convince me to not withdraw it is scary.

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9 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Excellent College - Amazing Learning Experience

Information Technology - September 21, 2014
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I have so many positive things to say about Kaplan, but I'll keep it brief. My professors have all been very educated, qualified, and extremely knowledgeable in the courses they teach. This has been an outstanding learning experience for me, and to make it all worth it the degrees are accredited. I see people on blogs and sites saying Kaplan degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on which is a blatant lie. 6 months ago when I started at Kaplan I knew absolutely nothing about computer programming. Now I can code a website from the ground up. I am on my way to fufill my dream of being a Computer Scientist and Kaplan is more than qualified to be my University of choice.

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13 of 17 people found the following review helpful

My Awful Experience at Kaplan

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - August 30, 2014
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Received 1 hardback book then received terrible ebooks. Their ebooks are not worth the time to attempt to writ your papers. Time there as an AA student was great. BS defree had the WORST instructors ever. They just wanted to get though the seminar and feedback via email was awful! I then began receiving chemo therapy so I didn;t do well because I wouls go inti remission and then back to chemo. They dropped me because they had TOUGH restrictions on returning. My grant and all my loans PAID for my last course. Now, all of a sudden I owe them $983! WHAT? Can't even get a reason from Financial aide other than we will garnish your check! DON'T GO HERE INLESS YOU ARE WEALTHY!I'm going to contact the National Loan company and see what they can tell me.

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6 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Good School; No Academic and Social Support/Interaction

Nutrition Science - August 13, 2014
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I dropped my program because even after I sent out materials begging for support and had documented proof, I was left to struggle on my own. I received minimal support when I had any questions regarding my education, and if I received report, it was after I completed the work. I was criticized for not working hard enough when I spent all of my time working on my classes. The class materials, especially in the Composition classes, constantly contradict themselves, and it was never acknowledged when I pointed out those mistakes. It is a valid theory that most people giving Kaplan excellent reviews are already high- grade students and probably never needed any extra support. I was afraid to send my materials, but I sent them because I did not want to fail classes due to my circumstances. I was failing in second term before I dropped out, and only then, did I get any support for the various departments to get back to me within a timely manner. Kaplan University is a good school, but anyone who needs or expects extra academic support and social interaction should stay away and lean more towards a traditional university setting.

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Highly Recommend

Criminal Justice - July 1, 2014
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I have read a number of these reviews and feel badly for those that have had a less than favorable experience with Kaplan University. I have been enrolled with Kaplan since February of 2011, my final term begins tomorrow. I will also be returning to Kaplan for my Master’s Degree in January of 2015. I would like to address some of the issues brought up in the other reviews. One is the fact that Kaplan is not accredited with the American Bar Association, respectfully speaking, it does not have to be, as it is not law school. They are an affiliate of Concord Law School which is accredited with the American Bar Association. Kaplan University has the appropriate regional accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, which is better than national accreditation which is specific to certain types of schools and colleges such as trade, religious and technical schools and liberal arts colleges whose model of instruction is different than traditional colleges and universities. During the time I have been with Kaplan I have met other students that have transferred from other online universities that have stated they were glad they did. Personally, whether you are attending a brick and mortar school or an online school the key factor will be ‘personalities’ and that applies to both, the professors and the students. I have personally experienced rudeness from both sources. Just as some of my friends who chose local brink and mortar campuses. People are people no matter where they are and that’s a fact. Regardless, I am extremely satisfied with Kaplan as my choice and I have no regrets as my curriculum is equal to and in some cases more advanced than those who are attending the local campuses. I would and do wholeheartedly recommend Kaplan University to anyone seeking a career in Criminal Justice. The singular drawback to Kaplan is that they do not have a Doctorate Program; out of 43 online colleges and universities there are only 5 colleges that offer it. My rating for the school is not 100% simply because while there were great improvements in the area of technology such as the implementation of interactive labs and text books, there is always room for improvement and I believe that Kaplan will make these improvements as ability and time permit.

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23 of 27 people found the following review helpful

So Far So Good!

Public Health - June 18, 2014
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Hello All, I viewed the reviews for Kaplan before I started taking classes. I am at the beginning of my 2nd week of classes, classes started June 11th. I really like my classes so far. The application process went well. I am using loans and a scholarship and would have liked for my financial aid package to be completed around the time of completion for my admission application. How much financial aid I received did have some importance on if I would be attending the school. I would have like to known if I could afford tuition before I finalized my application. Also, I would like the residual amount of money to be disbursed quicker than the 3rd week of classes because I like to rent my books for cheaper than I can buy them for. A good thing though was Kaplan provides a textbook voucher that is like an advance on funds that are in additional to loans or scholarship, so that you can buy textbooks before classes start. They follow up in all other departments. I would get a regular phone call or email from my student advisor. I think if you want to be success at Kaplan there are numerous resources to help with that success. What I really enjoy are the quality of students in classes with me. Most of the students are in their late 20's some are in their 50's so it allows for so many different perspectives. Also, the discussion boards have been filled with intelligent responses. I can actually tell that they are very educated. The discussions are well thought out, grammatically correct responses. So far I like the university. I pray things continue to go well so that I can be prepared to work in the field of Public Health

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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful

I think this school is well worth it

Criminal Justice - June 9, 2014
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I have been attending Kaplan for close to three years now. When I first enrolled some people told me that I would find a better education at a traditional school. Some people told me Kaplan wont teach you a darn thing except how to be broke from paying for school loans. Three years later I am about 2 weeks away from finishing my Bachelors in Criminal Justice and all I can say it has been quite an experience. This school is not for the lazy. Sometimes your writing 2 papers a week, doing your weekly seminars, discussion boards, quizzes, and anything else you have to do that week. I found myself spending more time in front of my computer then I ever thought. One thing I don't like is they converted everything over to e-books which are ok but if you want a hard cover book your paying extra. Most of the bad reviews this school gets are from the lazy people that haven't figured it out that this school will not just carry you along, or form people who don't understand the financial aid process. The truth is this school will work you to death every week in these upper level classes. Some people complain that the seminars are a big chat room, well to be honest they are but your not supposed to be chatting your supposed to be listening to the life lecture from your professor during that time. The professors are very helpful during these times and will normally stay after if you have questions. The lower 100 level classes yeah you can get by doing a little less and receive a decent grade. Right now I cant wait for this term to end, for the simple fact I spend more time with my computer then my family due to the work this school gives. To be honest I would say that sometimes I don't know how they expect you to get it all done in a week. This is a good challenging school that will take you where you want to go.

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14 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan's worth every penny

Buisness administration - June 7, 2014
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I am a returning Kaplan student. I graduated in 2006 with my Bachelor's in Business from Kaplan. I am now back for my Master's in Public Administration. It's a shame that people are "bashing" Kaplan. I love this school. I too, had attended Univ. of Phoenix, prior to Kaplan. I was very displeased with their team classwork environment, and lackadaisical teaching style. I switched to Kaplan College (at the time). I worked my butt off. Nothing was handed to me, I fought for everything. I was consistently on the Dean's List, and sporadically President's List. This is a great school! I could have gone anywhere for my Master's, but I came back to Kaplan, because it deserves my loyalty. I've been Kaplan proud for many years. The quality of the online environment is what you make it. If you care about your own learning experience then you will do great.

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12 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Graduate of Kaplan University

Buisness administration - May 21, 2014
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I am a Bachelor's graduate of Kaplan University. I have never had issues or complaints with the educators or course work. All my instructor's were highly educated and always prepared for class. I found the course work challenging and had to work for my degree. I want to share my positive experience with Kaplan University since there are so many negative reviews/experiences. Overall I am very pleased with my experience. I did use financial aid (federal grants and student loans) to fund my education costs. I did experience one issue with financial aide where the University took out 2 thousand additional dollars during my last term which showed as credited in the end, but when compared to my student loan, no credit was seen. Based off my educational experience, I would recommend Kaplan University.

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Good Experience

Psychology - April 15, 2014
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Hello, I agree with the people who left positive reviews. You HAVE to apply yourself in any online program or you will fail. If you fail, it is not Kaplan doing it to you, but you yourself. When I joined Kaplan University, I came in with an AAS in Criminal Justice from TESST College of Technology (an affiliate on-site campus of Kaplan). I had graduated with 90 credits and a Summa Cum Laude (3.84 GPA). Because I am a Veteran and I had some credits through my military training, I was able to come into the advanced BS of Psychology Program with a total of 109 credits. I was also able to receive the military discount on all classes and material. Kaplan is really good to Veterans! The teachers and staff are all very communicative and knowledgeable. It's a great school to attend if you are motivated and want to graduate! Well worth signing up. Thank you, Kaplan!

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14 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Online seminars don't work

Health Information Technology - April 15, 2014
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I have been at Kaplan for over a year and the seminars used to work fine, but now gradually every week I am having more and more trouble logging into my seminar because the Kaplan website keeps crashing when to many people try to log in at the same time. I have noticed the class sizes getting bigger because they would rather get as much money from you as they can even though they know when there is to many students in one seminar the website crashes and the fact that they charge me a $200 technology fee every term for what not to be able to attend seminar. I am really thinking about calling it quits with this school and go to my local community college. Also the financial aid office is so slow with mailing out your stipends. You are supposed to receive your stipend by the third week of the term and usually don't receive it till the sixth that is more than half way through the term.

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Extremely Satisfied Kaplan Student

Psychology - February 12, 2014
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I want to start off by saying, enrolling into a school isva huge deal, so it would be wise to actually READ everything before you sign it! I'm so tired of reading complaints about Kaplan from people who are compltely ignorant. Like when someone complains that they had to pay for half of a term when they droped the class within the first 3 weeks, and they say Kaplan is stealing because they do that. Well if you had read what you signed it states in the paperwork that that is the exactly what happens. You signed a contract, why should they lose money cause you were in breach. It's exactly the same when you're renting an apartment, and you break the lease. As far as FA is concerned, I've never had any trouble with the people that work in that department. Now I'm sure that other people have, but why don't you Google ANY college and try to find one that doesn't have complaints about their FA can't! Anyway, I'm currently enrolled at Kaplan and EARNING my bachelor's degree in psychology with a concentration in substance abuse. I have a 4.0 GPA, but it was not handed to me, I work my tail off for it. They don't hand out grades like that, you have to earn them. Just because this is an online school, doesn't mean it's easy. If anything it takes more self control and responsibility than attending a brick and mortar. Most of the professors also have jobs in their field. Alk of my psychology professors also work in clincs, hospitals, and one even has her own practice. My sister in law is a student a Penn State and when I showed her my textbooks, and work she said it's identical to her psych class. I think the people that have so much crap to say about the curriculum, just could handle it. Most commercials for online schools say you get your degree in your own time, which is both true znd false. You get your work at the beginning of the week and it's due in exactly one week. You don't just do it and turn it in whenever you feel like it, and you're penalized when your work is late. Kaplan is an amazing school, with incredible professors, and support from tutors and counselors. You get what you put into it!! Good luck to everyone!!

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29 of 31 people found the following review helpful

Rip OFF. liars!

Legal Studies - February 6, 2014
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I attended the school for about 2.5 weeks were in I had been on the phone with Fiancial Aid, Registrar, Advisors and Support. One department tells you one thing and another department tells you somerhing else. DO NOT start the school without having your fianacials in line first because they will take their sweet time processing the information while you are taking your classes and then you may agree or disagree. However in such a small term every day counts. When you get to 26% of the term you are responsible for 75% of tuition!!! Even if you are not at fault!. It is the dilemma I am in right now. I submitted everything on time and when Kaplan finally processed all I was "conviniently" ( for them) at 30% of the term and am responsible for 75%. So not fair. Guys it is a scheme!

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8 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Just graduated from UW-Madison Law School

Legal Studies - January 27, 2014
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Don't buy the reviews that tell you Kaplan degrees will not get you into a quality law school. UW is top 40, and accepted me no questions asked. Work hard and you can accomplish your dreams.

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34 of 35 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan University -Not for the Weak Minded

Psychology - January 19, 2014
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I don't really like writing reviews; however, I feel Kaplan does not receive enough credit. I have 1 1/2 months left until my Bachelor of Psychology degree and if rigorous coursework is what you are looking for, you will find it here. The teachers are not going to let you slide by on your charms. At first this angered me, not because I wanted to slide by, I just wanted it to be easier. When I gave it some thought, I asked myself, wouldn't you want to go to a professional that was truly educated? Especially in the world of psychology where you are dealing with people's lives that's a very crucial and sensitive thing. So, now I appreciate it, all the hard work. If anyone attends Kaplan and fails, it is their own fault. I have never seen any institution offer so much help from the counselors to the teachers to the online free tutoring. They give you every bit of assistance you need to succeed without just giving you an easy pass. I love this school and they don't know I'm writing this I'm just very happy with my experience. The only thing is I didn't realize this when I started, but I live in Iowa and the graduation is in Chicago, IL I believe. I haven't really checked or verified that I'm just focusing on finishing right now.

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16 of 18 people found the following review helpful

It works for me

Psychology - January 12, 2014
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I completed my in criminal justice (emphasis in forensic psychology)last November and am currently half way through my M. degree in addiction psychology. I have had a great experience at Kaplan and that is why I decided to return to this institution for my masters. I agree with the individual who stated that "you get in what you put in." I have worked very hard and dedicated much time and effort into my education and was able to complete my bachelor degree in three years, by taking three classes when I could. However, I did feel that grade inflation may have been taking place. In addition, I found all of the instructors extremely helpful and supportive as I also do in the masters program. I have found some differences in the graduate program, differences that I consider to be an improvement. I do not feel that grade inflation is an issue as I know of several students who have flunked out of the stats and research methods classes. I also feel that the work does appropriately become more challenging and for those of you who say it is not a "real" school , I will have you know that two of my nephews who graduated from UCONN find the work to be appropriately challenging and comparable to the work that they had while completing their degrees. In fact, one of my math classes was said to be more difficult than theirs. So maybe UCONN is not a real school either. As far as the price, it is somewhat on the costly side however, I was in no way deceived about this before I enrolled and I honestly find Kaplan to be a quality institution. For those of you who say that no company will hire with a degree from Kaplan, I know of at least one. I found my dream job a few months ago, one that directly relates to the degree that I am currently working on and have an opportunity to move up quickly when I complete my degree in nine months. Obviously this company values the degree on some level as do I, knowing that I have put much effort into learning the material and concepts. So as it was stated previously, I believe that you get what you put in. You can learn using their flexible programs and no one should feel as though their degree will not be valued. I feel that that is just nonsense. So it may not be an ivy league school but it IS an accredited institution and earning a degree will always be beneficial.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan is Well Worth the Investment

Master of Business Administration - December 31, 2013
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Hello, I have recently finished my Master's in Business Administration at Kaplan, and I have to say that the experience was absolutely awesome! I must say, however, that reading the reviews of past disgruntled students, I find myself scratching my head in total wonderment. First, it boggles the mind why anyone would complain that tuition is too high. The school is quite clear about how much tuition is, which is charged based on quarter credit hour. The school is also very military/veteran friendly as it provides tuition discounts to military and veteran students. Ultimately, Kaplan is an online univeristy, so if you are expecting the same kind of attention you would get at a brick and mortar school, then you will probably be disappointed. I have to say that some people just aren't cut out for online education. In the end, all but one of the professors I had while studying at Kaplan, which was for my Associates, Bachelor's and Master's degrees, were awesome and would bend over backward to help me out. At one point, I had been involved in a car accident where I broke my wrist and was in the hospital for several days. When I finally got home, I got a phone call from a very worried academic advisor who was checking in on me to see if something was wrong as I had fallen slightly behind on my coursework. The professor of the course had noticed this and informed the school to contact me. Once they were updated on my situation, I was given the necessary latitude to catch up and finish the course on time with an A. It is possible that some folks have had a bad experience at Kaplan as no place is perfect. I will say that Kaplan is a legitimate school that provides a quality education that is highly dependent upon the effort put in by the individual student. Those that don't believe that Kaplan is a legitimate university obviously did not attend the 2012 Kaplan Winter Commencement where the Key Note Speaker was Tony Dungy! If that isn't proof I don't know what is!

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12 of 12 people found the following review helpful

I'm Impressed

Criminal Justice - December 25, 2013
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I am currently in progress of pursuing my Associates of Applied Science in Criminal Justice at Kaplan University - Online. My adviser was Austin Martin, and he was very helpful, informative, and stayed on top of my admissions up until I received an actual academic adviser. 'Djene Harriot is my adviser now and she calls me regularly to make sure I have everything I need and that I am confident in my choice to pursue this degree. I have had no issues with Financial Aid, as far as long hold times are concerned. Financial Aid processed my paperwork extremely fast, and sent me an estimated award letter within 2 weeks. I was impressed after hearing all of the negative reviews against this university. Community colleges even in your hometown can be shoddy when it comes to FA, and the admissions process. I was screwed over many times by accredited colleges that transfer to 4 year UNI's. Kaplan, so far, seems like a great school to attend...and it seems as though they will stay on top of my paperwork, admissions, and financial aid. The key is for the student to stay on top of their progress as well. Call them every other day or once a week and make sure everything is in order. If you do not keep up with them, then they will not keep up with you, point blank. If you expect them to contact you - you must contact them as well. Communication is a two way street, not a one way. So do not be on the one way and expect to get anywhere with any school. I start my classes on January 8th.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan University needs to practice what they preach

Information Technology - December 10, 2013
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I do not even know where to begin with this school. Everything about this school is just WRONG! First, the program is about a high school level program. You will not be satisfied with what you have learned from this course. You will not want to tell people you went to this school. That is how pathetic it is. Next, you will pay an absorbent amount of money for books & labs which you will never use. For example, you will pay ~ 100.00 for a lab that you will only use one time in a 6 week term. You can go through the entire course without needing the book (though they wont tell you that), because the professors make no requirement on the reading and referencing of the materials. The professors are all inconsistent when it comes to the class rubrics. Each interpret the APA standard differently. Some professors send your work through TurnItIn to check for plagarism and some do not. Some allow you to submit late work, some do not. Discussion boards and seminars are a huge joke! Do not even get me going on those. Lastly, read how they do not preactice what they preach, when they stole my Masters project work -

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10 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Compare with other online university first....they suck

Information Technology - November 14, 2013
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Can I say poor poor poor experience in any college I ever attend. I'd rather go to community college where they care about students. Kaplan suck customers service is the worst I have seen from regular support to registration. You play phone tag everyday. Shop around guys Kaplan is not the only school online.

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8 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Bachelors of Health and Wellness

Heatlth Sciences - November 11, 2013
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Happy Wellness to All of You, I was enrolled in the Health and Wellness program at Kaplan University. I enjoyed every last bit of the program except one professor in the biochem department, but overall I was able to complete the program and gain my degree. In my last semester, I ran into financial aid difficulties because I maxed out of my total undergrad borrowing limit. I had never heard of that, but I know I got to pay for my education. I want to say to many of you that are thinking about enrolling or a students already enrolled keep going and don't stop. You are going to bump into rude and unsupportive professors, they are in every school. In the health and wellness major, the instructors are great and im not just saying it. Students that finish the health and wellness program can work in gyms, fitness clubs, corporate wellness centers, assisted living/nursing home wellness director (requires about 3 months more schooling at the community college). There are more jobs out there including some humans service positions as well. The nutritional program, the school tells the student from day 1, you will not be eligible to take the ADA exam at the end of the degree program. There may be provisions for a Masters degree in dietetics and nutrition at a brick and mortar classroom setting. This will allow you to get the internships that you need to get licensed. Another way to get licensed is through internships at the local teaching hospital (county). It take 900 hours of internship to satisfy the board. Do the internship and get the license. You can still work without a license, but just the degree. You can work as a diet tech, dietician's assistant, dietary supervisor, district nutritional school specialist. there are even teaching opportunities in the school districts. The list goes on and on. Kaplan is a good school. just becareful of the major that YOU choose. Take care and be in good health.

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9 of 10 people found the following review helpful


Information Technology - October 14, 2013
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I think that high school was more challenging than this school was. I have maintained a 4.0 throughout this entire degree without opening a single book. I am not exaggerating about that one bit. I am not a great student either. I think that this is a diploma mill and they just want your money. The staff is great but I didn't learn enough to be comfortable going out and getting a job in this field. if you want something where all you have to do is show up and do your discussions then go here, I wish I wouldn't have wasted my time or money. Sure it feels great that I graduated after a year and a half but I didn't learn much except how to use excel. just keep looking something way better will come around

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12 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan Has Been Great.

Human Services - October 7, 2013
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I am getting ready to start my fourth term with Kaplan. I can honestly say, I have had no problems. Grades have to be earned! I have been on the presidents, and Deans list until this last term, and it has been the hardest, but I was not as committed as I use to be. I still ended up with low 90's in both classes, but I earned every point! As far as financial aide, no problems, I always can expect a phone call at the end of a term from FA to see if I have any questions, and let me know when I will receive my stipends. I would recommend this University to anyone who wants to better their lives!

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8 of 11 people found the following review helpful


Medical Coding - September 25, 2013
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If you are fortunate enough to placed at a hiring extern site, you are probably in the minority The rest of us looking to cash in on our pricey education cannot get passed "1 to 2 years experience". Save yourself some money and look at the job requirements in billing and coding. The Kaplan education prepares you for nothing in the real world.

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The Good and the Bad

Buisness administration - September 7, 2013
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I will be graduating from Kaplan this coming year. I am going for my associates degree in Accounting. The school educational department overall is very good. I have read a lot of these bad posts and they simply aren't true. At least from my experience. There are practice quizzes you can take repeatedly. However, the weekly final quiz, and final end of unit exam you take only once. Seminar participation is required. If you just open your computer and walk away you get a zero for it. Also for discussion posts there is a required amount of words that has to be written per unit, plus a required amount for reporting to at least 2 of your classmates posts. There are papers that are required to be written for some classes and they need to be in APA format, required length. There is a tutor center for help with math and English classes. They have a great resource library for references for papers. I have found 90 percent of my professors to be very helpful. The bad side to Kaplan is there financial department. You have to stay on top every term to make sure things are going correctly. I've had issue with my student loans being late to get sent to me. But never have they taken them. Some of the financial dept. is very helpful, but the others are just lazy plain lazy. I would only recommend kaplan if you have the time to keep up with the financial end. The educational side is excellent and I have learned a lot. Like any college, you get what you put into it. And you definitely can't just breeze through the classes, you have to put in the effort. I think there are past students who have failed and are trying to make the school look bad. For me ;accept the financial side) kaplan has been a great experience.

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14 of 15 people found the following review helpful

You Get What You Put In

Information Technology - September 6, 2013
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I came in to Kaplan already with an Associates Degree in Business Management from Cochise College in Arizona along with certifications in Network Admin and Computer Repair and Maintenance. This put me into their advanced start program for IT. I thought that it would be hard to do these type of classes on line, but it was not bad at all. I attended the classes on certain nights that were required and constantly stayed in touch with the instructors. I found myself turning a lot of my work in early. I left with a Bachelors of Science in Information Technology and with a 4.0 GPA, I carried a 3.76 while at Cochise.. It is all what you put into the classes if you want the results. I did not mind getting them the documentation for financial aid because I always stayed on top of it. The only warning I would have to give a student would be if you are not good in writing and preparing your papers to be turned in, make sure to good good at it if you want to succeed. There is a lot of paper writing for most of their courses so you will learn to get better at it.

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Avoid like the plague

Buisness administration - September 5, 2013
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Kaplan University is a scam. While the traditionally school carries 3 credits per course, Kaplan is 6 and you can only take 2 classes at a time at 10 weeks each. What this means is that it takes you twice the time to finish and owing twice the money. This is still regarded at full time status so that Kaplan can get as much federal aid money as possible. I completed two years with Kaplan and ended up with over $30000 in student loans with nothing to show for it. There financial aid process is also messy and confused so you will spend more time doing that than your studies. Check out APUS, I beg you. None of the problems there that I have had with Kaplan.

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Future Student

Psychology - August 5, 2013
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I have not yet read a story on someone finishing classes and finding a great job... why? I would love to see people come back and give reports rather good or bad. I will soon be starting classes with Kaplan online, which my husband has received his B. degree in Criminal Justice and now going for his as far as I've seen, it is very convenient and helpful if your a parent and have to work for a living. If someone has finished or know someone who has, please let me know via email Thanks and good luck in life!!!

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Finacial AID

Criminal Justice - July 22, 2013
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I have had good experience with Kaplan University except the long wait times to speak to someone at Kaplan. If you call Financial Aid take out at least an hour and a half of your day to get through to someone (no joke), one reason why I am writing this review...I am still on hold an hour later. I was told that I had enough funding for three classes by my financial aid officer and after the term they bill me for that third class for $898.00 and tell me that I cannot take any other classes until the balance is paid in full. It is depressing and it pisses me off. Even after all the emails from the officer who "verified" my funding...I submitted everything to the budsman and they declined my paperwork and still saying that I owe $898.00 and will not be approved to further my education until it's paid in full. It's ridiculous...beware of Financial Aid...they suck!!

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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan Not Bad But Needs Work

Legal Studies - July 21, 2013
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As a current Legal Studies Student, the upside is that I have NEVER had a professor NOT return an email asking them to explain a concept that I did not understand. While my current professor is somewhat sarcastic most are reasonable and so is the school. Case in point: Hurricane Sandy, I had no electric power and no internet for 11 days. Kaplan gave me a generous amount of time to complete my assignments and it worked out very well for me. The not so good; it seems that the professors are not impressed with the quality of the students they are teaching. One even said so in open live class. On the other side of the coin, I know for a fact that students are passing these courses but do not understand the materials in the courses they are taking. MAYBE when they go on to another class this IS WHY the do not seem very impressive to the instructors who complain about the quality of the students. In live class some professors are cut off before they can finish what they wanted to say to us because the Live Class Platform pulls the plug on them before they are finished. I also had one test question that was the same one they used 2 tests previously. Kaplan tech support is of little help with Windows Office 2013 and not yet up to speed on Windows 8. The REALLY not so good: #1 Students account is a PAIN in the butt! They call for money, yet my bank INDICATES that the check I sent them was CASHED, BUT IT DOES NOT SHOW UP on the student accounts representative's computer screen. 6 O'Clock at night I sit down for dinner, and have to pick up the phone, and be annoyed by them calling again, for something I already paid!

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Value of Kaplan University

Nutrition Science - July 8, 2013
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It is true that Kaplan gives MUCH higher grades (GPA) to students compare to any traditional or REAL universities. They enroll ineligible students to keep up their profits, that is why any credit transfers or eligible for getting a license will not be possible from this university. I have completed my B.S in nutrition science with 3.91, which no way i could be able to get this in other traditional universities like California state university. As far as education level goes, Kaplan university is no way even near of providing a graduate level education. Also, their classes are not transferable to other REAL accredited colleges or universities where you can actually apply for a nutrition license in future. Their fees are also very high for the level of education they provide. It clearly shows a sign of business where profit is their main concern, not education. THE TRUE EDUCATION IS ONLY ACHIEVED THROUGH TRADITIONAL WAY (FACE TO FACE) AND THROUGH NON-PROFIT COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES. Currently, for me that degree paper is a piece of trash, which i cant use it in any way. It is possible you can get a nutrition related job (non-license), but you will be required a lot of clinical experience. Another negative factor, you would be considered least in value from all eligible applicants, when you apply for a job. Best of luck for all of those who seek for real degrees.

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6 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Stay Away!

Information Technology - June 28, 2013
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After an incredibly disenchanting phone call with an incredibly rude woman in the verification department I have decided to leave Kaplan. I am getting exhausted with picking up the slack of other peoples incompetence, and if this is the way that Kaplan University does business, I have absolutely no interest in continuing my education with them. Throughout previous phone call with the Verification department, I was belittled, treated as a child, and disrespected. I am sorry to leave but I have no interest in working with a company that allows employees to speak to a student in the way I have been.

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10 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Terrible Customer Service

Information Technology - June 26, 2013
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I was approved for reentry after writing an essay and a 2 month wait, I also took some sort of 2 part test that I have no idea why I was required to take, and after doing all of this I was transferred to a new Reentry advisor that told me I had to start all over again. This advisor would not return phone calls nor emails (6) and was extremely frustrating as I kept missing term after term. I am at another university that is responsive and fair.

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful


Health Information Technology - June 5, 2013
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The financial aid department is no good I had to call four times to get answers as to why my financial aid wasn't put through come to find out they never requested it from the loan department. Each time I called they said they looked at my account and could not see any reason why and to wait a couple more days. So finally the last time I called they told me it wasn't requested by the department and she went ahead and did that. Now why in the world did the other people I talked to could not figure this out. If you decide to go here make sure you stay on top of the financial aid department as far as your loans.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful


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Well, i have took like 20 min's out of my time to actually read over a lot of reviews on this college and i must say, alot of it is pleasant to read and a lot is not. i started kaplan university ONLINE in october 2012 and so far it has done me well! Im in my 4th semester (starting june 2013). I can say that its not a bad school. i had the benefit of transferring my community college courses to kaplan and now i only have to do 1 year instead of 2 for the associates in medical assisting program. Im defnly happy about that. I graduate april 2014. Since i started kaplan i have been on the presidents list and holding a 4.0 gpa. The only problem i have READ with kaplan that kind of made me nervous is the clinical sites. I have a group that i started on facebook in october where we help one another out so much that we are really a family. we give help on assignments, discuss things about class ect ect.. <<here is the link : . But as i was on the site i saw a girl post something about her clinical site being over 60 miles from her house. WHEN I SAW THIS I FREAKED OUT. One of the main reasons i freaked out is because my 3 year old daughter is a cancer patient. I cant be going to a clinical site monday-friday for 8hrs that is 2-4hrs driving time. THATS RIDICULOUS!! I was so scared that i had to read more into it and talk to her about it. i need to be put somewhere close to be able to be there for my daughter and get there on time ect ect... As she had this post up a lot of ppl where commenting on it and LUCKILY ONE OF THE CLINICAL SITE INSTRUCTORS COMMENTED ON THERE AS WELL AND SET EVERYTHING STRAIGHT!... so thats pretty much the only problem i ran into. other than that i do see a lot of ppl complaining and stuff. just do your work, go to the 1 hr long seminars. the thing about being online is that things are done at your pace BUT THEY DONT PLAY AROUND WHEN THINGS NEED TO BE IN ON TIME!!... if anyone needs help come to my site we are very interactive and willing to help you.

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7 of 10 people found the following review helpful

$2,500 tuition every 2.5 months is insanity.

Information Technology - May 18, 2013
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This school is a joke. These reviews are also a joke if anybody rates this school as good. In fact, take a second to read the "positive" reviews and if you can note the glaring grammatical errors, you will see why I say this place is a joke, because chances are highly likely that those people were given passing marks. A joke. The part that isn't funny is the cost of this "education"... The only reason I'm even reading through these reviews is to figure out how anybody manages to survive the last terms in this place because financial aid only covers a 4 year school....and well, I'm in my fourth year at Kaplan and guess what? Turns out that their 4 year bachelor degree program is actually 5 years-180 credits, with classes ranging from 5-6 credits and you are only allowed to take 2 classes a term (unless you make special arrangements to take 3 on an accelerated learning thing)....ugh, what a joke. Oh, and the best part is that if you miss a payment on this final year, you are immediately dismissed and you STILL have to make the payment. ha! So, you spend all of this time enrolled and wondering how the idiots in the class continue to get moved along with you despite their inability to string two words together without misspelling both of them, only to discover that this school has totally screwed you over in the long run... For Profit-as in, if you have money, you will in, they won't tell you that your financial aid doesn't cover your degree so that hopefully you end up defaulting and then they can garnish your wages... As in, this place lied from day one. The first lie was that they had flexible classes... Turns out, by "flexible", they have night classes. I told them I work at night, and they said this was perfect because I could take daytime classes. By the third term, they had run out of daytime classes, and that's when my grades started to suffer because I was unable to attend the night classes or do the extra work required to make up for it. Meanwhile, everybody who was able to arrive to the seminars had to occasionally type the words "yes" and "no" and "good bye"....but if you have to take the seminar equivalency assignment, you've got to research and prepare at least a 1 page, usually 3 page report or essay. Nonsensical, and a joke. I found out that this school just wanted money when I was involved in a hurricane that wiped out all power and blew up my router. The advice was to use the public library computer. Ha! The library that is located down the street that also was involved in the same hurricane? Yeah, okay... And now, they are suggesting I sign up for 2 loans, even though I already know I don't have anyone to co-sign a loan because I am by myself, and I have no credit, so just the act of signing up for loans that I'll be turned down for is just going to drag my credit score down even further. This place is a joke, and if you want my advice, go somewhere else. I thought the local colleges were retarded, but now I'm feeling like the retard now that I have paid $57,000 (and counting, because I still have another year of school to finish this 5 year bachelor degree)...I don't know what to do, but if I can prevent even ONE person from getting suckered in, I have this to say: if you DO go to college, go to a real one and get an engineering degree. I asked Kaplan to sign me up for computer engineering and instead I am in application development....umm, totally not the same at all.

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23 of 32 people found the following review helpful

Its is as good here as any other school anywhere

Information Technology - May 9, 2013
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I've attended many colleges before (traditional brick & mortar). One such example was at UIC, I had to commute to campus 1 hour drive in rush hour going there and back home with rising fuel prices. I commuted there to have a little to no interaction classes. Classes were 50 + students with lectures with little to no interaction, response, feedback, teaching. I even had questions regarding my homework so I went to get help at the UIC tutor center, only to find out that it is jammed packed with other students trying to get help. To all those who say that KU doesn't teach good, that doesn't make sense. Big universities like UIC don't teach anything AT ALL whatsoever. I've been there. Done that. They don't teach nothing, I promise you this. Bottom is up to the student to learn from the materials presented to them in any educational environment. At KU, I've learned more than I learned at other schools by interaction with the uses of Technology and research on the web, plus online University supplied reading material. Kaplan may not be the most popular school out there, but it sure as heck is better than a state university such as UIC or any community college out there. One notable point, and there are downsides to every school and one such con at KU is that it is costly to attend here. But if costs doesn't bother you, then this is a good school. I would recommend this school to anyone. By the way, I know of one other person who graduated a few years back. She got a job soon after her graduation.

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Not Bad

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I am in school right now for MA. The only problem I have came across is some of my teachers have a strong accent and they are hard to understand over the computer. I do think some classes need to be in a school because they where a bit hard to get with only having 1 class week. The teachers did help me if I emailed them any questions. I say if you are thinking of Kaplan then do it, if you are unsure they usually have a campus somewhere around you that you can talk to someone. I know my state does.

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The ignorant will weed themselves out.

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If you want to go to school and be lazy (not doing your discussion posts, seminars, and projects) do not go to Kaplan, it will be a waste of your money. If you are willing to work hard and do what you need to do, you will pass. I think people are being spiteful, I have only seen one valid complaint and I would be heartbroken too. Her case is not the norm I think there were issues that were out of her control but that is how life goes. I wish her the best and hope she can get it straightened out. I am a Kaplan graduate, I have returned to obtain my master’s degree and I have never had a problem with the financial aid department I took out student loans, but I did well and became a part of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and received several grants through them. You will have classmates that you think are ignorant but they weed out early. After the 3 year mark you will love the amazing atmosphere when you are surrounded by uplifting people who are working just as hard as you are.

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Definitely Worthwhile if you want it to be

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - April 5, 2013
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I graduated with my BSN in 2010. It is definitely not a degree mill. I worked very hard, and earned every bit of that degree. The majority of the teachers were great, especially in the nursing classes. They went the extra mile, called me at home, and really made sure I knew what I was doing. There were one or two instructors in non-nursing classes, like Statistic who were less than helpful. I struggled in that class, and my responses to my emails or messages were not answered promptly or at all, otherwise, that was very rare for the majority of classes I took. You must do you homework, and not expect any handholding. It was clear that there were some people who did not do any assignments or readings, so perhaps they were hoping for a pass despite this. Why pay all this money for tuition and not try your hardest to learn and grow? The major complaint I have however is their billing department. I went through countless hours trying to get my account sorted out over the course of two years. For someone who was paying cash, I am disturbed how many screw ups and how many people were in my account altering things. Billing/financial aid is call center based, so don't expect to speak to the same person each time, and some people barely spoke English. I actually had to request to speak to a different person one time because I could not understand the person on the phone because the accent was so thick. I would get my Masters from Kaplan in a heartbeat if it weren't for their crazy billing department. For a cash payer, you'd think it would be streamlined, but it was a nightmare. Unanswered emails, sat on hold for over 30 min at a time, and would be told something completely different every time I called. Kaplan=great teachers, support, curriculum, but awful billing dept.

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Buisness administration - April 4, 2013
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Kaplan Senior

Nutrition Science - March 27, 2013
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I knew from day 1 I wasn't going to become an accredited dietician. I knew from day 1 that I will have to transfer and graduate from a traditional college. It's one of those degrees that require extra steps like internship hours and even more continuing education. Anyone who says they "did their research" and were surprised to find out they could not get accredited at kaplan is full of it. Online school isn't easier or harder than a traditional school. Most of the professors I've had have been wonderful and work in the Fields they teach. Generally speaking the projects aren't well written and vague. More often than not the professors are aware of it but it's just the way things are written. My biggest problem with Kaplan is not the Professors or the college but my fellow students. Most of my classmates are, well, dumb. They're stay-at-home housewives or exchange students. Never anyone my own age, never anyone without 5 kids. It's the most problematic in lower level classes and classes on history or art. The Library is atrocious. When I first started at Kaplan it was easy to understand but now I can't even really use it without problems. It seems like every semester they are messing with something. Tech support is ok. The few problems I have had were fixed quickly. Student support has always been helpful for me. I can usually tell immediately if Professors are going to rub me the wrong way and usually I'm allowed to switch teachers. I know it would seem that an online school would be cheaper but it really isn't. If you are like me and can't attend a "traditional" college Kaplan is great. Yes, if you decide to do the nutrition science and you want to be a dietitian you WILL HAVE TO TRANSFER YOUR FINAL YEAR TO A TRADITIONAL COLLEGE. You will also have to do internships and jump through all sorts of other matter what college you choose to go to. There are sooo many other things you can do other than a dietician. Nutrition is a huge field of study! Pediatrics, physical therapy, cancer, home health, front office, your own practice, sports nutrition, geriatric nutrition...The key is to really get down deep and figure out what you want to specialize in. Whatever college you choose, whatever major you pick, it really comes down to a personal responsibility to really do your research on the career you want. Don't get mad at Kaplan.

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Great Experience

Psychology - March 22, 2013
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I began at Kaplan in 2007 while raising a toddler as a single parent. I was able to complete my B.S. in Management without missing a term and even graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2011. This was done through sicknesses, family deaths, (normal drama), and even a devastating hospitalization. I've said all this to say that the instructors are understanding and supportive if you show them that you're serious and trustworthy. I will admit, there was one instructor with whom I (for some reason) could not get along. I would expect no more or less from any other school. Wonderful experience! B. Mouzon South Carolina

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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful

There's no IT in your IT

Information Technology - March 13, 2013
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Let me start by saying that I have attended two other colleges prior to Kaplan. My biggest gripe about their "IT" program is that there is so little IT in it. I have one class left at this point (excluding the capstone), and I feel like I would have been better to just print off my own degree. Their program is almost entirely business just candy coated in IT. I have taken a variation of Program Management three times (actual program management, software analysis and design, and IT consulting). All three classes focus on interacting with the business and the closest any of them came to IT was software wireframes in systems analysis and design. I also had the displeasure of taking Internet business which is just marketing on the internet. Sorry Kaplan that is not IT. About the only good thing I can say about them is that they took my transfer credits from the other colleges which is good because in hindsight they where much more valuable than anything I got from Kaplan.

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4 of 8 people found the following review helpful

horrible financial aid department

Heatlth Sciences - March 12, 2013
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Kaplan is turning out to be horrible. I have been taking my classes since 2008 and then took a break til 2009. I had one instance with financial aid where they paid too much to me and I had to pay back $1100 because of changes with loans when the president was reelected. I wasn't mad about that I simply paid it back. But they are constantly screwing up my aid and sending me my living expenses which I rely on since I haven't landed employment yet. Now i am one my last set of classes and they say I owe 3880 bucks. I am half way through a course and once finished I only have my capstone class to do and will be graduating. Kaplan waits til I am almost done to royally screw me over then offer me another stupid loan on top pf my student loans to pay for it. WTH!! I cant pull money i don't have out my butt. I cant get my degree if i have a balance and i need it in order to attend law school right after i finish. This school is setting people up for failure. The phone calls are always so lengthy and continuous to talk to someone. I get bounce around to different departments. No one ever knows what they are talking about because i get different answers each time. I am sick of this school simply because of the financially aid department. The classes are great and most of the teachers are wonderful and helpful but financial aid needs to do their jobs right. The agents are friendly but they don't know anything. i just wanna be done with this degree.

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12 of 13 people found the following review helpful

2nd year Kaplan student

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I am in my 2nd year their and never an issue. It is NOT easy you must work for it and I have 4.0 gpa and I have EARNED it. I have other degrees I went to Nursing school in town graduated with high grades and I can say Kaplan is harder LOL For the person with DUI it states you must PASS a background check you can view the background check they did if anything is on it you can not work in health care. I no NURSES of many years have lost their license and ruined/ended their careers from a DUI. I am in KY. and I no if you have anything other than a parking ticket or something like that you can not get your license and if you have one you will lose it. I also no MOST places want experience, some 2 years worth and it is HARD to get ANY job right now. My daughter in law graduated 18 months ago with her RN and yes zillion nurse jobs available ALL want experience she just got a job finally, and yes she has tons loans as well to pay back and attended our local University. For ones FA saying they never received stipend checks their is one tiny box you must check to receive any money left over if you don't check that box it is applied to the next term again you must read everything before signing and you also must fill out an educational expense form requesting additional money otherwise they are not mind readers and can not do it. MOST of the bad stuff I have read is things that really was not Kaplan's fault like FA,DUI or failing for not attending seminars that are half your grade etc... I sit and watch people in my class daily trying to do the classes without the proper software required for the school and not turning homework in on time and then they get mad. The US gov. does not just give money out for nothing. It says in MANY places and was told to me many times I MUST make sure that my state accredited them for my chosen career and they do. You need to check with your state for ANY online or out of state classes to make sure it is accepted to take boards your state. I have talked to my local testing facility and they said they love Kaplan students because they tend to pass with higher scores than the local quick cheap programs. I watch EVERY $$ transaction and print everything and keep it. I also do my work and apply myself to my studies. The only issue I have had was 1 teacher did not post our grades on time and then our finals was late which made my scholarship for 4.0 GPA post late thus making my money to me come few weeks late.She was fired. Even after almost 2 years I still get calls checking on things monthly and everyone has been great. My stepdaughter is in another online program and has NOTHING that Kaplan offers no seminars,no tutoring nothing live and she is going to be an educator it is a scary thought their. On person about lab fees. I asked them when they took my $900 for that and at the time I was not even close to needing it but it includes,scrubs,stethoscope BP cuff etc...I did not need those either BUT it also includes the arm(very expensive) and fake blood and things to draw blood and give injections and things this is why it cost so much. I agree I have a few classmates that should not be their and they will not make it sadly. They ask questions that a 5 year old would ask,never do their work on time and totally do not get it. Some IMO never read the directions or they are really slow and should not be their. Like one of you I too challenged 2 points being taken off a grade for APA format. It was correct and I knew it was and I brought it to their attention and backed myself up and got my 2 points back. I have checked and my local University WILL accept my credits from Kaplan if I wanted to transfer. Again like said check credentials in your state,work hard and read ALL the papers you sign and most of the issues in these post would not have happened.

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7 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Make sure you know what you are doing before you do it

Criminal Justice - March 2, 2013
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Working with my adviser was a great experience. In January 2009 I started to take a class . I attended my first session on a Tuesday night with no problem. My next session was the next night. When I logged in there was no audio. Thinking it was on my end, I logged out and turned my computer off and back on several times, each time logging into class. Still no audio. I had my boyfriend's son check out the connections for me . Everything was fine. I e-mailed the instructor telling her the problem I was having. She told me the problem was on her end. This frustrated me. I was dealing with personal issues in the family, and this audio thing was the last thing I needed. I notified my adviser and told him that this wasn't for me. Knowing the problems I was having, he understood. I was not attending anymore. I thought, "well, I won't be getting that financial aid check". And I never did get it, so I put Kaplan out of my mind, and life went on. There was no more contact with them, until one day in 2010, I received a letter in the mail telling me I owed money. I contacted them and asked how I owe this money when I technically only attended the first session--1 class time. ! night? They sent me a forebearance form to fill out. Somehow the form got misplaced, and when I found it, it was past the deadline to file it. In 2012 after I filed my 2011 tax return, and got my refund, it was short by $1352.10, what was going on? In the next few days, I received a letter telling me that the money was taken from my return. Okay, I was upset, but if I had only turned in that form I would have that money. Still, I couldn't understand how attending only the first night of class could possibly cost what they said I owed. Whatever!! This year while waiting for my return, I get yet another letter telling me they are taking $528.00 for money that I owe. WHAT IS GOING ON?????!!!!! I called the Dept, of Education and was told that I owe this money because I have to pay back the money I received from financial aid. I told them that I NEVER received ANY money. No check was cashed by me. I haven't had a bank account in 8 or 9 years, so no money was deposited directly into an account. Now I am in the process of proving that no check was issued to me, When they receive the form they sent me,( and this form WILL be returned in the next few days!!!) They will review it, and if it can be proven that no check was cut to me, than I will get the money back. Keeping my fingers crossed that they do the right thing and send me my money. After reading many reviews, I am afraid that I, too, will be scammed. I plan on talking to a lawyer just to let him know what is going on in case I need him. Wish me luck!!

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7 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Great Education

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - February 24, 2013
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I completed my Associates and am 3/4 through my Bachelors. Despite all the haters out there, my experience has been outstanding. My Associates degree is in CJ as will my Bachelors and I have been attending classes’ non-stop for 3.5 years. My instructors have included judges, District Attorneys, Chiefs of Police, Sheriffs, lawyers, cops and various other professionals...almost to a person they have been outstanding, extremely knowledgeable in their fields, have a variety of real-world experiences and have shown a legitimate concern for my success. Every organization has its naysayers and Kaplan is no different, but I can say as a person who is employed in the law enforcement field and has been for over 16 years, their curriculum is very current, follows the latest trends and evolves constantly. My experience has been great and I would recommend this school (and have) to anybody. Their online program is solid and they have improved the tech side of it continuously.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan Professor

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - February 15, 2013
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I was an online KU instructor for over 7 years. The ideals the school has are excellent. Its execution of those ideals is pitifully lacking. Revenue is the only thing that matters to KU, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Washington Post. The instructors do not matter at all; the course content does not matter very much; and the students matter even less than these two combined. The standards for admission were apparently non-existent when I taught at KU; some of my students could barely write a sentence, let alone a paragraph or a paper. They never should have been admitted to the school - or any school. Despite this, instructors were demanded to do whatever it took to retain that student - and by retain it was clear that what was meant was enrolled and passing. The goal was clear - though not clearly stated: students must pass because only passing students can pay tuition. If too many students dropped out, failed out, or even got average grades (that's Bs and Cs at the college level as a general rule of thumb across the United States) instructors were quickly punished by having their teaching assignments reduced or they were simply fired. The school's website boasts integrity and dedication to higher learning, but the only thing I could find the school dedicated to was cashing student's tuition checks - typically from the Federal Government in the form of loans or grants. All that accurate, but negative information stated, every single one of the faculty I interacted with had a degree in their subject field and were dedicated to student learning. Note that learning does not mean success; some students learn that they are not ready for college, or that they are not in the appropriate program - and these students change majors, transfer, withdraw, or fail. Note that these options are not dependent on any institution or its faculty, but rather on the natural and average attrition rates across all schools of higher education. In short, KU is a good school for those who cannot attend a better on-ground, or online, institution. KU faculty are on par with their colleagues in similarly accredited institutions. But the administration at KU has absolutely no regard for its faculty and even less for its students. If you want to attend an institution that focuses integrity - both academic and personal - STAY AWAY FROM KAPLAN IN ALL ITS DERIVATIVE FORMS.

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22 of 25 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan is HORRIBLE and they are LIARS!

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I've been a student at Kaplan for more than a year now; Im trying to get my associates in medical assisting. When I first called to get information the advisor was very helpful and nice, but he lied and gave me false information regarding a previous DUI just to get me into the school. The advisor told me I had to get a background check, so in my case I informed him that I had a previous DUI back in 2009 and if this would affect getting into the healthcare field, he said "Oh dont worry about that you will be fine". Well that was a big fat LIE! Just recently I had to pay out of pocket for another background check and this one showed my DUI. I emailed the Director of Clinical Practicums and Programs this was her response:"School of Health Sciences policy requires that all students complete a successful background check prior to full admission to a program that requires a clinical. The results of your background check include information that may cause potential clinical sites to decline hosting you for the required clinical experiences. Please review the attached form and if you would like to continue with full enrollment in your current academic program, complete the form and return it to me." FYI, I informed her that I told the advisor about my DUI when I was getting information on the program and he gave me false information. She never mentioned or gave a damn about it! Not only are the advisors a bunch of liars, the financial aid department are liars and incompetent. I HATE KAPLAN! They wasted my time and my damn money. I have kids that I have to support and now I have this bullcrap school that I have to pay for!!!! I dont know where to go from here or who to speak with regarding this matter. Does anyone have an idea of who I can contact?

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8 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Lousy program

Masters of Higher Education - February 2, 2013
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I graduated from Kaplan two years ago and I have to say this school is useless. I learned little if anything to help me in my career aspirations. The classes consist of online discussion boards with minimal instructor involvement. You could learn just as much simply reading the material on your own, however you won't get the paper degree of course...that's all this school is: a for-profit degree mill. The cost is outrageous for what you actual get in terms of an education. The profit margin for online degrees must be through the roof. If I were you, I would avoid this school and probably all online schools that cost just as much if not more than traditional brick and mortar schools where you get a real college experience. These diploma mill schools are all about money and it's obvious that they care very little if they actually educate anyone.

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Just started my second year! Im satisfied so far.

Information Technology - January 31, 2013
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I just completed my first year of the IT Graduate Degree. I have thus far had no issues (cross my fingers). I am in my first class of the second year now. So far, I enjoy the online experience. I have never had an issue with a professor or the school that I didn't have in my Undergraduate school or High school. Thats School!

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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

If your goal is the piece of paper... GO KAPLAN!!!

Buisness administration - January 25, 2013
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Here's the deal. College for the most part, is a piece of paper that puts you above the rest. I'm in the military and my job is contracting. I require this degree not only to move up in the military, but also for when I retire from the military. When I'm retired from the military, I plan to still be doing contracting basically until I fully retire as a civilian. Extremely high paying jobs for contracting are easy to come by. The only reason I have to go to college is to get this piece of paper that says "I'm better", just playing the game. I already know contracting and nothing (no college anywhere) can teach me it any better than actually doing it at my job. Most of the classes do not apply at all to what I'm doing, or plan on doing for the rest of my life. That's not a knock on Kaplan either, any other college would be the same way. However, Kaplan provides a very easy way to obtain that piece of paper that makes others happy when applying for a position. No matter if I attend college or not makes no difference of my knowledge of my job. The piece of paper just gives me the edge over others. So if you want a very easy way to get that piece of paper that you know probably won't help you any further knowledge wise, Kaplan is great. That being said, if you really to make a conscious effort to learn you can become very knowledgeable on the subjects as well... so you can learn a lot, or a little and still do very well. I think Kaplan understands the hypocracy of degrees, so they leave it up to you to decide how much you decide to actually learn.

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18 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Do not waste your time or money

Heatlth Sciences - January 24, 2013
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I owe Kaplan 30,000 for a Bachelors in Healthcare Administration. It has been one year and I have not found employment. I talked to the Kaplan career advisor and she wasn't helping me find a job. She was actually showing me different résumé techniques and how to conduct myself during an interview. It was basically degrading and made me feel stupid because I already know job interview techniques and resume writing key words and such. She was trying to sell me another Kaplan degree by encouraging me to waste more time at Kaplan and earn a masters. When I told her a healthcare worker told me I needed a certification and that I needed to go to a community college, I never ever heard from the Kaplan Career advisor ever again. She won't return my emails or calls. Don't waste your time or money. Kaplan degrees are worthless. I don't understand why the government allows them to operate off federal loans it the degrees are useless.

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15 of 20 people found the following review helpful

poor education!!

Medical Coding - January 19, 2013
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I graduated from this school under the medical billing and coding. I will say this, my teacher was great! She was a little to great for this school. What I mean is she wasn't able to teach us beyond the syllabus said. The work kaplan gives is way too easy and does not prepare you for the "real world". They make it easy so it looks like everyone there is smart so their ratings could go up. They don't are about you once your enrolled. At first they are so nice and seem so helpful, but once you sign those papers they got you. Forget trying to leave the school. They will talk to you for hours on why you want to quit. Basically beg you to stay just to keep there retention rate. I regret going there. I'm in 10000 dollars in debt, where I could've gone to community college to get the same certificate for waayyyy less. Can't for to mention they make you pay for so many books and don't even use all of them. Waste of money. I didn't even bother walking at the ceremony. Point is DO NOT ENROLL at kaplan . Aka kaplan krooks!!!

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11 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Dick Clark is Still Alive

Criminal Justice - January 18, 2013
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Great program, but more importantly Dick Clark is alive and kicking here. Just saying...

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5 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Misleading and bad FA service

Criminal Justice - January 17, 2013
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Please do your research before attending Kaplan. You may not be able to get the job you want after obtaining your degree. The use of the term "accredited" is misleading. Also, the financial aid department is horrible. You can't get a straight answer out of them. They put nonexistant charges on your account expecting you to pay it. They have even kept the overage from my student loan for no reason.

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10 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Love this school so far!

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I just recently started on my Associate for medical assisting program and it's been pretty great so far. My teachers are so nice. They're understanding. I'm doing online btw and the people at Kaplan are just so sweet! Any questions I have they answer. No attitudes. They're reassuring and they tell me whenever I have questions or concerns to let them know and they will help me any way they can. I STILL have one person calling me making sure everything is going well with me. Something I don't mind. She is the sweetest. I would really recommend Kaplan to family and friends.

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Currently Enrolled - TERRIBLE!

Information Technology - January 7, 2013
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I am currently enrolled in an Associate's degree plan for Information Technology and unfortunately I am only doing online college because I'm active duty Army and deploy every other year so attending a real college is almost impossible. This school is meant for idiots, literally. I am currently taking three classes right now at the same time and I only have to spend about 30 min doing the homework for all the classes combined (if that). You have to spend 1 hour every week per class sitting online listening to an idiot instructor help retarded students "learn" how to use a computer or how to get over their login problems. This is my third set of classes and there are still people that don't know how to login etc, and the teachers will sit their and waste time they could be "teaching" trying to help students who don't belong in college, and probably didn't graduate high school. Some teachers just try to swamp you with homework that they really don't even grade. Most teachers don't actually grade. I submitted a "project" once and just for fun wanted to see if they were paying attention at all. I skipped over 50% of the requirements and got 100%. Avoid this school if you can go to a real school.

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15 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Recent Grad of Kaplan

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I am a recent graduate of Kaplan. I have read many of the comments posted here and some I really disagree with. I have never had a problem with this school or their financial aide department, however I remained very proactive with my educational goals. The found me an exceptional clinic to do my externship with and I was offered a job and began working 2 weeks before I officially graduated. I am proud that Kaplan is the school that I chose and I have recommended friends and family to Kaplan and they are now enrolled. Once I pay down some of my school debt, I plan to return to Kaplan for my Bachelor's Degree.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan University

Heatlth Sciences - January 5, 2013
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I have attended Kaplan now for about a year and 3 months and I have had some troubles, especially with getting things to work on my website, which I later found to be an issue with my server and not the school. I am dissapointed in some things they offer, like online registration. I tried to use it since I tend to spend upwards of 1-2 hours on the phone every term to register. I have also been disconnected on many occasions when trying to register. They said his was up and running then it didnt work at all. I called in to be told well it is still new. I said then it should not be offered. I am dissapointed in Kaplans inability to use direct deposit for LIVE EXP checks I get every term. I have also received my excess funds on some terms in 3-6 seperate checks which one was dispersed after the start of my next term. After complaining with upper management and reassigning a new academic advisor, I have had none of these problems since October. I thnk every school has their issues and some people just get the short stick like I did. When I called to complain about the phone system disconnecting me, I was told that happens at the end and start of every term since students are claling in to register for classes. I would expect to hear, I am sorry, I will make a note of that and make sure someone is notified to have that looked into, not that happens every term.. deal with it... I have had good and bad experiences with Kaplan but compared to UOP, this school is great even if the technical stuff can get frustrating at times. I would give them a 8/10 overall since they have worked to resolve my issues even if it takes multiple phone calls to get it done.

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful


Business Administration - January 3, 2013
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My grading is a 5, but that is because I HAVE to give it some grading. At this point, I would like to leave my full review of the school until it is time to start looking for work. Here’s my lame story first… My lifestyle dictates that an online degree was my only option; otherwise I would see my 3 year old daughter graduate college before me. I shopped around and like the cost. I am friends with people who work as headhunters and HR representatives. Each squashed my fears that Kaplan was not recognized as “legitimate”. One school wanted me to take a course to “get me back into the school mode” before being allowed to start taking classes that applied to my degree. Kaplan accepted all gen ed. classes from my automotive degree from my junior college. Unlike everyone else, I have NEVER had a problem with FA. The only problems I will say I had was registering for a class and requesting the seminar on a particular night and being told I was registered for it, only to find that it was on a different night. No big deal – I just like keeping the seminars all on the same night. The other minor complaint is that the writing department assistants contradict each other. Anyway… my skepticism started when I was getting consistent 100% grades on my papers. Really?!?!? NOTHING is wrong with this paper? As classes rolled on, I encountered professors who would walk us through the assignments and give us the answers. One even allowed us access to the final exam and allowed us to take it as many times as we needed until we got a 100%. For this particular exam, the answers were saved, so all you had to do was log out and log back in, changing the answers, until the answer was correct. Others were very vocal about how they too had 4.0 GPAs. Really? A university full of people graduating with some form of Cum Laude acknowledgement? I am starting to become fearful of how this school will look on a resume, as I perceive it to be a degree mill. I have not read any reviews of people struggling to find work in the field of business. I would not tell someone NOT to come here, but I would not encourage it either. Its too easy. Too good to be true. And you know what they say about things that are too good to be true. My best to those searching.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Proud student of Kaplan University

Information Technology - November 29, 2012
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Kaplan University is a great school if you want to purse an education online. I just finish my Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology and now pursing my Bachelors of Science in Information Technology. Kaplan University has tutoring for math, writing, Science, and Technology. Kaplan University is the only school that I will purse my education with. I have 3 kids that are the ages of 6, 5, and a 1 years old and I found the time during the night to get my schooling done and on top of that my husband is deploy for 8 months. So seeing bad complaints about my school is wrong and the one I seen that a Kaplan professor wrote about students are wrong to. I have great communication and computer skills and every project I have done is very professional and well written. Sound like the professor that work for Kaplan University got fired and taking all his or her grudges against all students. I don’t appreciate that at all. For your information I am getting a NASA intern next year with my GPA of 3.0 I work hard for so don’t put Kaplan University down without experience being a student first. Before I became a Kaplan University student I had little knowledge of computer skills and now after 3 years my computer skills are great. I am a proud alumni Kaplan University Student.

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6 of 9 people found the following review helpful

In the middle.

Heatlth Sciences - October 22, 2012
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I am in the Health Science program for Health and Wellness. All my professors have been wonderful with the exception of one (so far). The classes and books are great. I really like the online set up that Kaplan uses. It is organized and easy to use. I have been to another online university and I could not stand the online program they used for the school and the other university did not have seminars which was horrible. I love that Kaplan has seminars for the classes. The down side is the financial aid department. I did have someone give me wrong information which screwed up my financial aid. I filed several complaints and finally after returning they corrected the mistake. Kaplan needs to work on their financial aid department! and a little on the academic advising, as I have had some difficulty with an "advisor." Again, they apologized for what the advisor did, but it (my situation) just should not have happened. With financial aid- write everything down and document what is said and who said it! Overall the school is good and always seems to be improving.

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan Education

Assoicates Degree in Paralegal Studies - October 17, 2012
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Obtaining my associates degree in Paralegal Studies was absolutely worthless. I completed my degree on the accelerated track, taking 3 classes per term and graduating with a 3.49 gpa. Hard work with the end result of obtaining a useless degree. I owe over 30k in loans and thus far have been unable to find employment that will cover my loan repayment. I stayed up on my account and the end result they somehow still managed to say i owed them 132, which for the lkfe of me I cannot figure out. My advisr, find a local university or college and stay away from academic offers from schools like KAPLAN. BUYER BEWARE warnings should be required in their marketing material.

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8 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Find another School!

Human Services - October 9, 2012
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I have had some wonderful professors, however the Financial Aid dept. doesn't know the right hand from the left and I have had nothing but problems from them. They cannot tell me the exact amount I owe, what I'm paying for and they cannot even see my payments in the computer when I can see them from my end and we are both in the same FA site. If you don't want to owe them your leg and arm please do research before entering into this University. Everything sounds so sweet when you are speaking to an admission advisor just remember they are like car salesman, all they want is your money!!

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Instructor's experience

Buisness administration - September 27, 2012
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I am an online instructor at Kaplan. If you are a serious student who values education and wants a worthwhile college experience and a degree that actually means something, avoid Kaplan like the plague! In my ten years with the school, standards (not very high to begin with) have been continually lowered. Courses are so "dumbed down" they're a joke. Instructors are told directly to do anything possible to keep students enrolled and passing. "Retention is of utmost importance, it's never been more critical!!" we hear over & over again from top brass. The school’s leaders care only about enrollment numbers and money. Educational quality is of NO importance whatsoever. I've seen how some of my colleagues teach & grade- or should I say, DON'T teach and grade. They give canned, generic responses to every student, along with 100% or nearly 100% points to everyone for everything. Grade inflation is rampant and even encouraged. Papers and posts are usually not even read, never mind graded accurately. I doubt most students even notice however; all they want to see is 100% points awarded. Student quality is abysmally low. The school will accept almost anyone; no screening standards seem to exist. Most of the students in my courses are ill-prepared, with extremely poor written communication skills-- yet with incredible senses of entitlement to perfect grades somehow (god forbid any points are deducted for such silly things as INCORRECT answers or ILLEGIBLE writing!!). The one-two students I see every few terms who are actually of college-level ability are sadly exceptions rather than the norm at the school. And a degree from Kaplan is basically meaningless. If students did their research ahead of time with prospective employers, they'd discover few people consider Kaplan a "real" school. I would NEVER hire or recommend someone with a Kaplan degree for anything requiring a college education. I'm embarrassed to even admit I work there (the ability to work from home is the only reason I do). My advice: An increasing number of community colleges and state universities offer online courses and degree programs. If you need the online environment to make college work for you, research your local college/university programs. Get a real education and save yourself time, money, and future disappointment. Avoid paper-mill, sham places like Kaplan whatever you do.

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71 of 85 people found the following review helpful

So Far So Good!!

Human Services - September 24, 2012
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I have just enrolled at Kaplan University for a Bachelor's in Human Services. My admissions advisor was FANTASTIC, Wendy Robinson is probably the best in admissions I have every encountered. Financial aid was very up front when explaining my financial options, and paused frequently to see if I had any questions. They have been very patient, friendly, and overall great to me. I haven't had any issues so far. The only thing I am not very fond of is that most of the online courses use ebooks, and I would honestly rather have a real textbook in my hands. But my education adviser informed me that you can easily transfer ebooks to a kindle, so you can have on "on the go" book, which is great. I think that as long as you ask every single question you have, you won't be hit with anything hidden. Write down what they tell you, call back with questions you think of, and stay on top of your own things. That's how life works, no one is ever going to do all of that for you. But overall, I'm enjoying the personal attention I've gotten from Kaplan, and am very much looking forward to their shcool!!

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Mostly good experiences

Psychology: Applied Behavior Analysis - September 19, 2012
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I had excellent experiences with all of the professors for my Master's degree. I had some difficulty reaching academic advising and often had to wait in excess of 25 minutes on hold or leave a message for a call back. Financial aid was the most difficult office to deal with; after having the luxury of walking into a financial aid office and working with people who could answer every question and make on the spot changes it was hard to basically talk to people in some call center somewhere. Make sure to document everything for each phone call you make and be well informed before you call.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful


Criminal Justice - September 17, 2012
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Kaplan has one MAJOR problem... the financial aid department! I love the classes, the website is user friendly, the degree information is great and helpful. I have no complaints about the education Kaplan is giving. BUT... when I first read reviews about Kaplan before joining I saw a lot of things about the financial aid department. I thought, oh it can't be so bad, those experiences might be over exaggerations. THEY WEREN"T!!! Dealing with the financial aid department is the most frustrating & ridiculous thing I have ever had to deal with! Every term it's something new... didn't apply funds, need to sign the same document for the 3rd time in a row, have a balance due - that isn't really due... I call and nothing is ever resolved - even when I find someone who sounds like they understand what the problem is - I always get off the phone to find out that I have to start the entire process over again. NEVER EVER would I have picked Kaplan if I knew the amount of time I had to put in dealing with the financial aid department. You would think a degree granting institution would understand basic math and be able to apply it! UGH! BEWARE TO ANYONE ENROLLING!!!

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17 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Satisfied- Quality Education with good and bad experiences

MBA - September 6, 2012
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I had experienced some poor employee interaction, and faculty interaction BUT I also received some exceptional employee interaction and faculty interaction. The financial aid office personnel are where I had most of my problems, but I didn’t give up and eventually I got the right person to help me. Kaplan is constantly improving. I see this when I write an evaluation on professors and course materials. Throughout the MBA program I had only 1 professor that was completely unresponsive; that professor is no longer with Kaplan. The quality of most of the faculty within the MBA program was actually really good. They were tough, sometimes nit picky, but fair. The cost of the program is a bit high, but if you put in the work, are self-disciplined and willing you will get out of Kaplan what you put into it and you will succeed like I did. I graduated with a well-deserved 4.0 GPA and I wish others could experience what I have. My undergraduate degree came from a traditional university of which I have experienced similar issues; therefore a program online and the traditional brick-n-mortar are very similar. It depends on the types of programs available, accreditations, and type of faculty, tuition and customer service. We are in the age of the Internet, technology so anyone who knocks online education really needs to catch up to the times. The traditional brick-n-mortar universities and colleges are beginning to add online programs because they know that the times have changed and are continuing to change. Just look at our economic standings and our communities. Every institution has room for improvement. ~ VBM

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if you dont graduate, you will rate it poorly

Buisness administration - August 31, 2012
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I graduated in 2011. I learned a lot and took it seriously. The hardest thing is to discipline your self to study AT YOUR OWN TIME. I had no issues with Kaplan. After Graduation, they have a Alumni site and offer great tools in resumes and finding a job. Its a lot better then some state school offer.

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10 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Good and Bad Experiences

Information Technology - August 9, 2012
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I had good and bad experiences at Kaplan. I don't know about the basic classes as I already had an associates when I started Kaplan. The Bachelor's program was great. Never had any problems with classes, instructors or advisors. I recommended to all my family members. But then, I enrolled in the Master's program. Big mistake. I had nothing but issues the entire time. To the point, that I gave up 6 months before graduation because I couldn't take it anymore. Perhaps I'll go back one day but not until some changes have been made. I'll start by saying the instructors were awesome. I've never had any issues with any instructor and they were all very knowledgable and helpful. The problem came in that they changed it so that you didn't have one advisor. You had a pool of advisors and NONE of them knew the rules for the Master program. They all told me different things which caused me a lot of issues. I had medical problems and they told me as long as I logged into the class, I wouldn't be dropped. So I did. However, they didn't say, you must post or turn in an assignment within a certain amount of days or you will be dropped. This caused me to have to go back through the office of returning students which is a HORRIBLE dept. The employees are rude and will not return calls. I had to get in touch with Mr. Kaplan, himself, along with other executives, just to get them to do their job. It ended up being such a stressful situation that I decided to not go back. That wasn't the only issue in the Masters program. It was ongoing with the advisors, financial aid, rules that didn't make sense, etc. Online is convenient but very expensive. I'll be paying back school loans until I retire. However, I was able to get my foot in the door at a job paying twice as much as I was making just by having that piece of paper. I wouldn't recommend the Master's program but I would say perhaps try out the Bachelors and see how it goes. Make sure to do your research first. I've heard on a talk show that employers are frowning on Kaplan online school.

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7 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan is wonderful!

Buisness administration - August 9, 2012
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First off, let me say Kaplan is a wonderful school! I am in my second term and have no problems All A's! The majority of all the reviews I see here are pertaining to Financial Aid issues. #1 Your financial aid isn't your employment they are loans you have to pay back, at Kaplan you initially only borrow the amount needed to cover your education needs. Majority of the people, especially the ones that are complaining submit whats called a Student Expense Form to receive additional loans, which adds to its current loan bill. The only way you owe is if you are dropped from class or withdraw and you were already disbursed the funds. Some students don't meet the attendance requirement and are dropped as well. But all the people that are posting negative reviews aren't going to tell the truth! They are going to say what makes them look good! Its not Kaplans fault if your internet service is cut off that is a personal responsibility you have being an online student,how else are you going to learn online? And the amount of loan debt you are left with is your decision, they tell you the cost per credit in the beginning of $371 upfront so why complain now, were you unable to comprehend? No you just wanted that refund check! You can't find a job No university you go to doesn't guarantee a job with a degree, look at this economy no matter what school you go to jobs are hard to come by for majority of graduates. You have to attempt to find it yourself no one is going to hand a job to you. Network, slam the pavements! The time you are spending writing negative reviews you could be finding a job. The main thing I can say is don't take out loans you can't afford to pay back which looks like the majority of these reviews. The work is challenging and you need to be active to maintain grades, so as long as you put forth your required effort, Kaplan will be a rewarding experience.

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31 of 32 people found the following review helpful

Half of you are just bitter...

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First of all, I would just like to point out that many of you who are complaining about failing classes and thus being dismissed from school have absolutely terrible grammar. Remember, a lot of points can be missed by submitting unintelligible work. Also, those who fail tend to be bitter and search out sites like these to find someone to listen to them and gripe. Many of you complaining, with the exception of one, about financial aid and not receiving left-over FA back. You're upset because you didn't get money -- it's not like you LOST the money. It's in your loan account and you currently don't owe it, isn't that enough? Less debt is of utmost importance. I have been a student at Kaplan for a year and have never had an issue. To the person who graduated with an Associate's in Medical Assisting and claim employers laugh behind your back for receiving your degree from Kaplan - actually, not true at all. I've met four physicians who look up to Kaplan for offering such a well-rounded program. The professors are very credible, qualified, and intelligent. Remember, the staff at Kaplan are only human. They do the best they can and sometimes computers and programs have glitches and information is sometimes skewed when passed electronically.

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28 of 30 people found the following review helpful

Great School

Legal Studies - July 30, 2012
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I am a recent graduate from Kaplan Universite Online Program which was a very big advantage to me as I work full time and have major health issues and would have been unable to attend a campus only school and until the ABA approve the online law school for the JD I am unable to attend law school. The issues I had with Kaplan was that 1. the advisor changed every two or three months and the computer had me listed more than once and sometimes I was schedule with more than one instructor and the same time but other than that I never had any problem with the school are the instructors and the advisor did contact me before and after each term to make sure I was prepared to continue and discuss any concerns and if anytime in between if I had a question or concern I never had a problem to call the school and have my issue resolved on the first call. The material I learned at Kaplan University greatly improve my overall performs at work as the employer does not prepare you for college and college does not prepare you for work it would be a perfect world if the employers and schools would get together on this matter. I continue to review my material from Kaplan University and I am preparing myself to enter law school and the material covered at Kaplan University is the very same information that the law school will cover in the substantive law classes. Kaplan University is highly accredited and I have and will continue to recommend Kaplan University to others who are researching what school to attend.

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13 of 17 people found the following review helpful

About to graduate

Legal Studies - July 27, 2012
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I had a great time here at kaplan and would and have recomended it to others. I completed my associates here at kaplan without any issues and I am about to finsih my bachelors without any issues. I am in my capstone program and about to hand in my fianl paper. Everyone here at kaplan ahs bee great to me. My only issue here is a freind told me I would never be able to use my degree it was worthless. I have a 4.0 average and have had one the entire time here at kaplan and out of 9 law schools I ahve applied to so far i have had 7 rejections. Now I begining to believe my friends not sure what to do now. feel like I have wasted 4 years here. any answers would be grea laura

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful


Medical Coding - July 25, 2012
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The course is ok, but they have no one to teach it. All the students in this class failed the Written CPR section. The teacher gave the answers to the students as they retook the test so they could pass and move on to the next item. I f you want a USELESS completion certificate for thousands of dollars, then this is the place to be!!!! You will never pass any other test given by state or national testing sites.... PLEASE!!!!!! SAVE YOUR MONEY, DO NOT GO HERE!!!!!

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9 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Please read before enrolling!

Buisness administration - July 16, 2012
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Please look into this school before enrolling! At first, this school was great. It was incredibly expensive but it was suitable for me. Then came the problems, one after another constantly. First of all, the staff is illiterate! I still to this day wonder why they have people "teaching" online classes if they cant even use a computer! The staff is SO lazy and will do anything to get out of being active in class and actually teaching. The only one good professor there, he is wonderful. Then in my 3rd term, I wanted to drop my math class 2 days after it started (I had not participated in it at all yet) and they said I couldnt! So I asked if I could drop all 3 of my classes and take a break that term, they said the day I called was the last day to drop classes and not get charged for them. Therefore, I wouldn't get charged for them. She said I would get a call back in an hour. I NEVER HEARD FROM HER! I was disrespected and treated badly and charged over $650 for 3 classes 2 days after they started! The financial aid is a joke and I am pretty sure most of the staff there are mentally ill and very unprofessional. DONT GO THERE!!!

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14 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Waste of time and effort

Heatlth Sciences - July 16, 2012
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Kaplan is a horrible school to attend. Both my husband and I were active duty military with a newborn, so I thought Kaplan would be a good school to fit our schedule. I was so wrong. My first semester was horrible, but because it was my first semester at on online school I decided to start my second term and my experience would be better. I was wrong again. I was having technical trouble with all of my classes, but after contacting tech support nothing changed. When I struggled with my course material the instructors didn't want to offer any help or suggestions. I was regularly told to "Google it". If I had wanted to use Google to learn everything I wouldn't have paid the high prices of going to Kaplan. If I knew what I was doing in the class my professors would give my low grades because I knew too much already before I learned it in class or because I didn't take the information off the internet. From my previous college and high school I maintained a 4.0 GPA and I was receiving high 90s on the tests at Kaplan not graded by the instructors. Because of this I knew that I was struggling at Kaplan not because of anything I was doing, but because of the poor quality of Kaplan's professors and their learning structure. I learned nothing new or of value in any of my courses at Kaplan and was punished for knowing more than a kid in grade school. When I registered for classes my first term at Kaplan I informed my counselor that I would be transferring after about a year to a four year school offering a premedical program, and I was informed that my credits I earned from Kaplan would transfer. Believing the counselor I enrolled at Kaplan and now that I am trying to transfer to a “brick and mortar” school that offers a premed program my Kaplan credits don’t transfer over, not even as elective credits. Attending Kaplan has been not only a waste of money but my time and effort as well. I would not recommend anyone attend Kaplan for any reason at any time.

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10 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Holds You Hostage in Masters Program

Heatlth Sciences - July 9, 2012
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I received my Bachelors degree with no problems, later started my Masters program and had classes scheduled out for a year. I logged into one class before I knew my work schedule was changing and that I would not be able to attend the class and do well so I contacted the instructor and my academic advisor. Kaplan's policy is if you log into the class even once (dropped only 4 days after class started) you are charged 10% of the tuition. DO NOT GO HERE FOR YOUR MASTERS DEGREE!!!!! So they just lost a student and a potential $20,000 over about $200.

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6 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan University Online BSN

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - July 8, 2012
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I recently completed the BSN program in June 2012. I must admit the University is very up to date on technology and making the students use technology. The instructors with exception of one gentleman emphasized APA format. The BSN program also require 60 hours of onsite clinicals that must be approved prior to completion of the BSN with evaluations. I obtained my MSM prior to starting this program, and understanding technology and research techniques are pertinent. They do not give A's you must earn them. A few colleagues complained about receiving C's or withdrew from THEIR lack of dedication or personal situations. I worked hard to be successful in this program 4.0. I have two NEGATIVE experiences:A. one financial aid representative kept giving incorrect information, that led to a lump sum monies owned at the end of the program. I was a self pay student. Secondly, one professor obviously did not use the 6th Ed. APA book, because he would mark things incorrect that were correct. Furthermore, his comment was the following: Because our writing styles are different the best grade for this paper is a B once a C. I challenged him with the C with references from the APA 6th Ed. manual. Overall, if you are a focused individual, understand research and APA, and desire a veteran or military discount with books included in the tuition. This school maybe for you. According to the handbook and other sites the school is CCNE accredited. Upon graduation they have a networking site with job posting. Also I am a member of the Golden Key Society, which was offered through the numerous Honor societies. Good luck with your ventures.

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12 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Neither here nor there

Nutrition Science - July 5, 2012
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I really wish that I could say more good than bad things about my Kaplan experience. Understandably the bad taste is left by not having my degree and not having any financial aid left to finish my degree either. It is true that their financial aid and admissions advisors are inconsistent, to be kind about it. So are the professors, or should I call them "facilitators"?! Most of the people teaching at Kaplan are not teachers or professors and they openly admit that when you ask them what you should refer to them as. I had a few that seemed to really care, unfortunately I had more that were obviously biased and leaned toward the students that "got it" than toward the strugglers and newcomers like myself. I had a lot of questions and confusion being new to the field of anatomy and physiology and instead of being embraced and welcomed more times than not I felt like a nuisance when I didn't get it or asked a lot of questions. Often times there was obvious bias when I was ignored during the classes and it was blamed on lag time even though other students would point out that I was asking a question, that's when you know it's not just you. To top it off, I would be forced to re-take a course if I annoyed someone and they would grade me .02 under a "C" and I would never receive a response when I challenged the grade on the 2 occasions it happened. I was charged the FULL PRICE AGAIN!!! That's 2 courses that I would not be able to afford later on. Do you know how many credits I'm short of my degree and have no recourse now? Let's just say it hurts. Then like many before me, do to financial reasons I had to take a LOA and thought I had planned it well, having spoken to financial aid all through November and December believing I would be good through the Spring semester (staying on top of FA) only to find out that I would not have enough to get through the Spring semester and was being billed in January so that I would be able to take FT courses throughout. It's already too much to go on, the fact is I put everything I had into learning the material, dealing with obvious bias on the part of the facilitators, staying on top of financial aid, speaking continuously with the advisers and it did not matter. I still got screwed. IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER OPTION TAKE IT!!! KAPLAN IS NOT THE BEST ONE THERE IS SO LOOK AROUND. MAKE SURE YOU ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT GRADING, ESPECIALLY IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES!!! DON'T SIGN ANYTHING WITHOUT READING THE FINE PRINT!!! ALL OF IT!!!

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6 of 10 people found the following review helpful


Health Information Technology - July 2, 2012
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Once your in, it goes down from there. They only support graduating students.They won't credit past classes that you took from them.

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1 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Business administration - Business Management

Buisness administration - June 25, 2012
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Horrible institution. I had to take a leave of absence and they would not let me resume my studies until I paid the bill in full. In the process of trying to make payments they made it extremely difficult for me to pay them each month when I tried to make a payment I would be routed so many times that the system would either hang up on me or I would hang up due to frustration from being transferred and being on hold for 20+ minutes.

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2 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Accounting-Tax second term

Business - Accounting - June 19, 2012
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I am finishing my second term of BS Accounting Tax Accelerated program. I am more than satisfied. Student advisers helped me with collecting all the documents needed, including translation of my foreign diplomas. I transferred 90 credits of my AS degree and have 1.5 years to finish BS degree at Kaplan. Tuition cost is nothing to compare what I am paying for Tufts University tuition for my son, very affordable. I got Financial Aid without any problems. I spent a lot of time researching different on-line programs and I am glad that I chose Kaplan despite those negatives reviews. The classes so far tough way better than the same classes I took in Community College (I had to repeat Composition II and Accounting I-II). Discussion boards are engaging and teachers are very helpful. My experience in learning is wonderful so far and I am looking forward of getting my degree and study for a CPA exam.

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Happy Graduate 2010

Psychology - June 15, 2012
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I had a wonderful experience with Kaplan. School is always expensive and as a mom of two children with disabilities I was faced with difficulty going to school and having to commute to and from school. My family commitments were very heavy and Kaplan was a wonderful opportunity for me to be home and go to school. I found the classes challenging and requirements engaging. The reading was at level with my brick and morter classes at traditional Universities. Although I found the classtime much more engaging and the teachers responsive and knowledgable. They gave me personalized attention for the most part. I also felt that I got to know other students in my classes much better than I had ever in a traditional face to face classroom environment. The seminar platform and chatting capability was very helpful. I especially loved that I could go back and listen to the lecture over and over if needed to review for tests or follow up on a concept. Overall my experience was wonderful and I graduated with highest honors in Psychology with focus on Child Development. I was recently accepted into a Masters program very easily and paying back my student loans has not been that difficult. Borrowing money is always a challenge but I feel the people who are mentioning that as a sore spot for attending the college are really just complaining about the fact that they couldn't afford school in the first place. For me it was an amazing and positive experience.

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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan Student Review

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - June 10, 2012
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I am attending Kaplan for my fifth term(50 wks.) I am getting my AAS in Paralegal then my Bachelor in Psychology. There are pros & cons with every school. Kaplan is a good school, but every school has its downfalls. CONS: If you do not have basic computer knowledge down, I would not suggest attending any online school. The Professors do not have time to show you everything & you can not learn all the basics in 1 week. Some of the students are ignorant, rude, full of excuses and think the world revolves around them. This is my biggest complaint on Kaplan. You HAVE TO STAY up to date with your Professors, academic advisor & financial dept. If you do not stay on them, you won't get anywhere. Think about it, they have how many students to deal with. YOU HAVE TO CARE ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION. PROS: When you do show them you care, they care. I stay on top of EVERYTHING. I email financials/academics 2-3 times a term. Nothing has ever cost anymore than what it should & I get my stipends in a timely manner. The flexible of the school is amazing. I have 6 children, a husband, work full time & Kaplan is flexible. The professors. I was pregnant when I started my first term & my daughter came a little bit early. My professors worked with me & were wonderful! I have had 1 death in my family & my father in law had a stroke - all of my Professors have been understanding & great about everything. Everytime I email or call academics, finanicals or even my Professors they are prompt and help me out. Currently I am maintaining a 3.96 GPA. I am not saying Kaplan is perfect. I just do not have the time to finish my degree at a traditional brick college. Kaplan is the next best thing & I am enjoying my time at Kaplan. My suggestion to anyone going to go to college online & whether it be Kaplan or another college: BE ON TOP OF FINANCIALS, ACADEMICS & PROFESSORS -> NO ONE HAS TIME TO HOLD YOUR HAND. IT IS UP TO YOU TO HANDLE YOUR BUSINESS. WE ARE ALL ADULTS, ACT THAT WAY.

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32 of 34 people found the following review helpful

It depends

Criminal Justice - June 10, 2012
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Hello to everyone that reads this. I been attending Kaplan for 8 months now and I couldn't be any happier. The teachers that I had before this term were great. They explained the course work with full explanation. This term not so great the class im in now the teacher really doesn't like to explain what we are learning, she just likes to talk and talk. When it comes to papers she expects us to look over in the units, and when you email a question its really not a good answer. But its all good, I will be finished with this term in two weeks so no sweat here. I do have to say that when you call the fa department they do answer any questions that you have but in a confusing manner.

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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Disappointing Fiasco

Masters of Education - June 9, 2012
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I used Kaplan because their degree curriculum was exactly what I wanted. I don't know what other online programs are like but I was not impressed with Kaplan. The instructors WERE generally very good. The eductational quality of the courses was awful. It was like no one actually read what was posted for the courses. Grading rubrics often did not match assignment descriptions, required readings did not align with the assignments, etc. The financial aid department was an absolute joke. From day 1 they had my account screwed up, were very unresponsive to emails, and just did not have a clue. After all of that I would recommend you look elsewhere. For the price there HAS to be something better.

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7 of 10 people found the following review helpful


Criminal Justice - June 8, 2012
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I have been at Kaplan for 1 1/2 years. I am in my last semester of my Associates degree for Criminal Justice and will be graduating Summa Cum Laude. I have found this online university to be amazing. The professors are very knowledgeable about the classes that they are teaching and they are very tentative to their students. They are willing to work with you if you have things going on in your life to make sure that you get your work turned in. If you cannot manage your time and make yourself do the work this is not the school for you. You have to want to make good grades in your classes in order for you to succeed. No one is going to do the work for you. I have had no problems while attending this school and plan on continuing ahead to receive my Bachelors in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Homeland Security. I encourage anyone looking for an online school that works with work and family schedules to check out Kaplan.

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Good Program

Psychology - June 3, 2012
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I am 51 credits through my B.S. Psychology program at Kaplan and I have had a very good experience so far. The material Kaplan provides is great. There are NO free grades here. I laugh when I read people who get mad and talk bad about Kaplan in regards to the course work and the degree you receive being legit. I figure they only do so because they thought they were going to get a free grade or an easy A because it is a for profit school and after starting they found out that this is not the case at all. Financial aid department is pretty bad like anywhere else and the school is costly but you will learn a lot while attending if you put in the work. And yes it is Regionally Accredited and I have found that the credits do transfer to most all other Universities as well.

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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful


Buisness administration - May 30, 2012
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I would make some recommendations to current and former students of Kaplan University with my main recommendation being to communicate. If you have issues, whether it be financial aid, late assignments, classes, tutors, other students etc immediately contact the University and get the issues resolved. don't just sit back and hope someone will take care of it for you. Unresolved issues tend to fester, and the longer you leave it the worse it gets. So talk to someone at the University, write an email, send a letter, do something. If you don't then you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. Education is NOT free, other than grants you have to pay the money back. If you get a stipend you have to pay that back also. It is not free money. You have to pay the piper some day.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Good School

Criminal Justice - May 30, 2012
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PROS: I graduated and have received my Bachelor's of Science Degree in Criminal Justice. The Professors were great, and the classes were challenging and interesting. The Professors were always willing to work with me if I needed to turn in late assignments (just so I let them know in advance. The Capstone class was very challenging. I had two Academic Advisors while attending Kaplan, and both called to check on me and my progress, and were very helpful. CONS: The different departments do not communicate, which creates a huge problem. The financial aid department is horrible, and you definitely have to stay on top of them. If there is a discrepancy, you have to call them every single day until the matter is resolved. Yes, the school is expensive. You are paying for the convenience of being able to study and prepare your homework in your pajamas if you want. Due to my work schedule, there was absolutely no way that I could have attended a brick and martyr school. CONCLUSION: Kaplan is a good school, but you MUST stay on top of your financial aid and the classes that you are taking. Get two or three academic advisors to look over your degree plan to be sure that you are taking the correct classes. Write down everything that they tell you, and who you spoke with. Keep up with your financial aid, so if there are any issues, you will know about them immediately and will have time to get any issues resolved.

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful


Business Administration/Management - May 22, 2012
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The instructors are allowed to grade as they "feel". Each class is run and operated by the instructor, not the university. If you have an issue with an instructor or have a concern like question specific assignment criteria or grading practices. Tough luck! I was told by the dean, who refused to get involved. I maintained a 3.96 GPA until my last term. I took a lower level elective (200 series)and questioned the grades I was making, as I could not get above and 81. My capstone grade (upper level series 499) was a perfect 100. All of my grades had been 96+ in all other classes the year and a half that I attended. Nothing happened when I reached out help in week 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6. When I emailed the teacher, repeatedly, she said I insulted her by questioning her and my grades then became worse. I called student advising 5 times for intervention and was told to work it out myself since the school has no influence over individual instructors and how they grade or communicate. My 3.96 GPA tanked my very last week because of this class and I even recieved an academic warning letter from the dean of another department for the "tone" of my emails with the teacher. All of this happened my last week of what was supposed to be a joyous time. The school never asked my side and didn't care that I tried to resolve the issue with their advisors prior to my "blowing" up in the last email with her. She was equally nasty but used a bettwe writing style to communictae it to me. The bottom line is that I tried to get help and was told tough, take the grade and move on with life, despite it's impact on my near perfect GPA. My graduation will always be shadowed by the disgust of this event and the university's unwillingness to help. DO NOT ENROLL HERE!! ONCE THEY HAVE YOUR MONEY, YOU ARE STUCK!! I had numerous problems with financial aid as well. Idiots!! I had to get an omndsbusman to review my account 3 time in 1.5 years there because the financial aid people screwed my account up. All 3 times, the omndsbudsman found accounting errors to my benefit. Getting help and anyone to listen to you is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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9 of 17 people found the following review helpful

AAS Information Technology

Information Technology - May 11, 2012
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Acquiring an education is a two-way street. If you apply yourself, you will succeed at Kaplan. I have one class left and already acquired a position in my field at 50K. I have been to regular brick and mortar schools and my Kaplan experience has been as good or better.

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11 of 11 people found the following review helpful

I suggest you shop around

Medical Transcription - May 8, 2012
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The school in Columbus, Ohio is a mess. Some instructors are there just to collect a pay check. Some of the instructors are very unprofessional and rude along with their staff. Students pass by cheating which is overlooked by instructors and staff. Students are passed just to meet quota. School is known as a “Ghetto School” within the community. Businesses are hastens to employee student who graduated from this school. I really suggest if you live in the Columbus, Ohio area, you check out other schools before attending this school, reputation of this school is very poor.

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4 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Do your homework before falling for Kaplan!!!!!!!!!!!

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All I can say is DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!! Biggest mistake of my life. All the from Financial Aid down to the instructors. I took a Algebra class and received a big fat F, then I took survey of math which I thought was a little more intense then just a algebra class with a differnet instructor next term and received a A. tell me how that happens? ended up costing $1800.00 to retake a math class I should not have failed in the first place. I even went to tutoring and the tutors were not even sure how to figure out the way he way trying to teach the algebra.All they want is our money money money. The school I am attending now at least gives a check for what is left over after my tution is paid every 12 weeks , where kaplan took it all plus made me make a monthly payment to them every month for 10 months. Please make sure you check around before making the same expensive mistake I did.

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15 of 18 people found the following review helpful

The Teachers Suck

Heatlth Sciences - May 2, 2012
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I am in my second term here at Kaplan and the instructors are unprofessional and one of them even held class from a wifi cafe which had a ton of background noise. In addition to this, she is always leaving seminar early which is definately a no-no. I have complained to Kaplan about this and if they don't do something, this will be my last term here.

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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

I don't understand

Medical Coding - April 29, 2012
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I see there is a lot of talk about FA, but very little on the actual education experience. I am on my third semester at KU and am really enjoying my classes. I have an AA, and three years towards my MA from a traditional college. I was not able to finish, and now that I am much older, I want to do something different. My problem stems not from the education I am receiving but from the overwhelming majority of my classmates. They are illiterate! I see them from one semester to the next, some are even about to graduate. How can this be? I am very worried about the worth of my degree from KU. Do they graduate everyone as long as that person shows up and puts minimal effort into their education? I am really upset over this and would really appreciate any insight into this matter.

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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Owe money without a degree

BS in Paralegal Studies - April 23, 2012
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I started taking classes and was doing well until I went through a very nasty separation and a divorce. I lost my internet and had to withdraw from my classes due to the loss of my internet and not being able to complete my assignments. I started going through some difficult time with money since my now ex had left and refused to pay any of the bills and I didn't have enough money to pay for everything myself for me and my five children. Once we moved and got settled at my new home I was feeling pressured to come back to Kaplan to complete my paralegal studies however i was unable to keep my internet on as i needed to pay the electric, so i lost my internet and requested to take a leave of absence only to be told it was to late in the course and none of my professors would work with me to be able to hand in assignments late as the university has a policy against it once you are to far behind. So I end up passing my classes but and my GPA was a 2.65 but apparently below their standards so the basically kicked me out of my classes and dismissed me from the college. Now I have to pay back my loans and I never completed my degree. And financial aid is no help, I requested a student living expense loan to help cover the cost of my living expenses and was approved which would have prevented me from having my cable shut off however I never received it and have no idea what happened to this loan that was approved,considering I never received it.

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9 of 19 people found the following review helpful

3 weeks and counting

Business - Accounting - April 21, 2012
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I have three weeks until I finish my BS in Accounting with Kaplan. While not every experience has been stellar the majority of my time has been good. I agree with others that Financial Aid still needs improvement but I have seen strides to improve things over the past three years. Academic Advising has improved greatly. The majority of my professors were knowledgeable and engaging. When I dig down into many of the complaints I have read about Kaplan many seem to be from folks who are not literate. During my first semesters I encountered a number of these people in classes. As I am ending my time not too many of those people are still around. Makes me wonder if they couldn't handle the college situation and are the ones who are complaining.

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Masters of Public Health

Public Health - April 13, 2012
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The communication with the university needs an improvement but communication with the faculties are fine. I am satisfied with the service and materials so far.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful

[nutrition science]

Nutrition Science - April 1, 2012
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My advisor has been so awesome with helping me figure all this university business out. I want to be a nutritionist, therefor I am taking nutrition science to get my bs and be a nutritionist. I can't believe how many of you are [mad] because you didn't do your reading. It clearly states that this program is Not CADE approved and is not qualified to get you tested to be a dietician. I have the most helpful and honest advisor who told me everything up front and gave me the catalog to read the fine print for myself. As with any other school, you have to do 900 hours on your own without Kaplans help. You should have done your reading, its all there.

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful

the Kaplan Scam

Buisness administration - March 23, 2012
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I have given the past year to this school. Long story short, I feel victim to The Kaplan Scam. Maintained a 4.0 for the year, yes, I was very hard-working student & single mom & full-time worker. After a death in the family I broke. As per suggestions of my instructors I asked for LOA. Well apparently you have to plan 3 mos in advance for an emergency, so I was dropped. Kaplan already had my $ for this term & I only authorized funds to be released to me. Financial aid told me I was owed $ & I would receive it by March 19. When that didn't happen I contacted FA again to find out they decided that $ would go back to FA instead of me. On top of that they say I now owe an additional $2100. I have since heard that this has been an issue with many others. I have contacted an attorney & would love to hear your issues. Maybe we could get back what we're owed & stop others from falling victim to The Kaplan Scam. Please feel free to email me directly.

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15 of 18 people found the following review helpful

What is wrong with FA at Kaplan University?

Psychology - March 21, 2012
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I am really happy with my Master's program at Kaplan University. I like the professors also. But, I have a serious problem with financial aid. I have taken three classes on-line and they have been great, However, financial aid has been horrible. This term I registered for a Multi cultural class and I am on financial aid and I get a book voucher to cover book cost. I had to wait three weeks into the term before I received my books. I also had to fill out another book voucher and within 72 hours I would get my book voucher number. I am happy that my professor allowed me an extension because I could not do the assignment portion without reading the text for the week. I really don't know what kind of game they a playing with me. I have an A average at Kaplan University and I do not want my GPA to suffer because of financial aid's blunder.

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5 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Financial Aid Needs Help

Human Services - March 13, 2012
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I have had several problems with their financial aid department. I am to receive a stipend every term, but lately (since five classes away from graduating) they have been delayed...coincidentally released on the last day before they can research why it is delayed. So clearly they have been holding onto these funds to collect interest on money that is not theirs. A shady practice in my opinion and very inconsiderate. The other problem is that due to a personal emergency, I was unable to complete my final assignment and it was one day late. I went from an A to a C in the class with probation looming had I not brought up my grade point average. The instructor refused to grade the project. I filed a dispute and the Provost sided with the instructor... what a crock!

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan Graduate

Fire Science - March 7, 2012
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I just finished my AAS if Fire Science and beginning a BS in Emergency Management. I have never had any issues with Kaplan except submitting tuition assitance forms in late and having to cover the cost myself. I was late, my fault, no problem. Anytime I had issues I was able to call and speak to someone. It has been a great school for me. The military pays for me to attend this college and if it was really that horrible they would know it and blacklist it. Students just have to be proactive and stay with it. I understand that many have had issues but every college I have read about has it's issues. On-line Kaplan has been good for me.

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12 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Medical Office Management

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I would like to put a different spin on all of Kaplan University reviews. I enrolled did well received excellent grades, no problems what so ever until it came to my last term three class one with an externship. I eagerly awaited this day to come to almost be done. Filled out all clincal placement paper work and submitted every document required in the time alloted. On 1/20/2012 was emailed where I would be completing my externship at and instructed to call and set up an interview with the site. I did as instructed and instead of getting an interview date I was asked to fax my resume. I did exactly that with a very nice cover letter, four days had passed and I had not heard from the proposed site, I called to make sure they had received my fax and was informed yes they did and they would be forwarding it to the doctor and if the doctor like my resume she would call me. Strange response I thought but I thanked the voice on the phone and she rudely hung up. Moving right along since time was moving closer to the new and final term to begin I email Kaplan letting them know that I had not heard from the site yet or even given an interview date, Kaplan informed me give them time and if I had not heard anything by 1/30/2012 let them know. Sure enough 1/30/2012 came and went and nothing from the proposed site, I informed Kaplan again I had not heard anything and was informed via email that the Kaplan staff would follow up. On 2/2/2012 I receive an email informing me of site termination, the email informed me that the site was no longer williing to host me and that I should not contact them, it also informed me that since I was terminated from the site or not excepted after an interview I would have to meet with the Assistant Dean and a Clincal Manager via phone conference to further discuss what led to this and was given two dates and times to pick for this conference call. Now let me state this baffle I was and confused I was so I picked the early date which was 2/9/2012 at 3:00 pm. The day came and guess what they emailed me the wrong time so the call never took place and how they apologized for making this error, and gave me the 2/10/2012 at 2:30 pm (anyone seeing a red flags yet because I was). During the conference call with the dean and a clincal manager I was informed that the site no longer wanted to host me because I made numerous phone calls to them and harassed them for an interview. Now remember I told you I called this site twice, once to introduce myself and two to follow up to make sure they had received the fax I sent them. When I informed the dean and the clincal manager of this then the story changed to well the doctor overheard a conversation with you and a staff member which made him uncomfortable and therefore he decide not to host you. When i pressed Kaplan what conversation did the doctor overhear because their was no conversation beside me asking did they receive the fax I sent and was told yes and if the doctor like it she will call you. (now Kaplan is saying he as the doctor and the site is saying she as the doctor not really sure who the doctor is but not really that important but another red flag I think.) Kaplan could not give me a particular answer to this conversation the doctor overheard, but contined to inform that since I have no site (remember never granted an interview with the site) I was going to automatically fail the Externship class and that I would have to do a remediation plan and discuss what I learned from this experience, and why they should grant me another site after I take a term off. (Remember this was suppose to be my last term.) Confused I was in tears I was and shocked all at the same time. I kept asking how could this be I am in my last term and I have no more money or funding I should say to come back to retake a class that I am going to fail because a site lied to you. I had the phone records to prove that I made two phone calls, did not matter, many emails later nobody cares that the site lied, I am being force to pay for a class that I will fail because Kaplan did not inform me in the email on 2/2/2012 without a site you will fail the class, which had I know at that time I could have dropped the class because according to their polciies you have 7 days to drop a class, and remember because they screwed up the time on the first phone call it pushed me past the seven day drop period. So I could not drop the class, have to pay for it and then take a term off and hope they approve the remediation plan which is a letter I have to draft telling them why I should be granted another site and figure out where the money will come from to pay for this one class which is only three credits so very little funding will be available for me. So what do I get out all of this a big fat nothing because without the externship class I do not get my degree. I put in two years and spend thousands of dollars for nothing and Kaplan will not admit or at least take credit for the fact that they did not notify me of certain issues in the very first email of the site termination which had I know at that point I was gong to fail the class without a site I would have dropped the class and saved the money for a future course. You can say it did not happen like this if you want but I have the emails the phone calls and everything documented and guess what I walk away 30,000 in debt with nothing. If I was was to paste the remediation plan here you guys would be like are they serious. I just wanted to share my story which is not good, I am so destroyed right now and I do not even know where to begin to fix this, but what I do know is KAPLAN UNIVERSITY DOES NOT CARE THAT THE SITE GROSSLY LIED TO THEM AND RUNINED MY NAME AND MY EDUCATION. Thank you if you read but if you have any suggestions how I can get this fixed please help because I do not think they will grant me another site because theres a part when I was told there are no guaratees, oh did I not mention that yeah no guaratees we will find you a site after you do the remediation plan and take a term off. HELP HELP, I know somebody must know how to help me fix this. Why do I think they will not becuase I have filed a grievance and everything and in the emails to me is do the remediation plan and as far as we are concerned this matter is closed. What a fine mess I am in now. To pay back all this money for what, I did not even get the worthless degree I was striving for and a site or should I say a person lied on me with no regards on how this would impact my life. The sited does exist because its around the corner from my home just know this it was not one of the twenty sites I chose when filling out my application for a site placement. No I swear I never went there or anything but I do wonder if they have pulled this stunt on somebody else. Please let me know anybody. I was never granted an interview. So lost right now.

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28 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Okay if you don't have to use FA Office

Business Concentrating in Finance - March 3, 2012
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Academic support and Financial Aid office make this school extremely difficult to deal with. When I began my degree, they were very helpful, but have since moved to a "Hall" environment with advisors that have little training and seemingly little desire to help. Most of my experiences with teachers were positive - many of them grade on the higher level even with little effort. Had a few teacher that could have cared less to be there and put minimal effort in actually teaching the course. Really wish I would have selected another university. Overall regret attending Kaplan as long as I did. By the time most of the issues arose I was near completion of my degree.

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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Good for nothing nutrition degree

Nutrition Science - March 1, 2012
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This is school is terrible. They are not helpful at all with educational or career information. They couldn't be any less informative and don't care as long as they get their money. Continued to call me for a $20 payment that I had made multiple times and each of the different offices couldn't get on the same page. They ended up refunding my money but I could have done without the threating phone calls. They forgot to sign me up for a class and postpone my graudation date and ended up messing out on a job opportunity. If I worked for this school I would be ashamed to represent it. I DO NOT RECOMMENED THIS SCHOOL TO ANYONE FRIEND OR ENEMY!!!!

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful


Medical Coding - February 23, 2012
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I am about to start my externship and cannot find any where to do it. Am I getting help? NO!!! How do you tell students you will help them find employment and not finish through with that promise. So I am spending all this money for what? Im better off flipping burgers.

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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful

The Master of Public Health - Online

Masters of Public Health - February 19, 2012
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I have been enrolled in teh program since 2 months and I have found it to be very good. I think this will evolve as a one of the best online degree for the future.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful


BS in Paralegal Studies - February 16, 2012
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I completed my degree and already landed a job. My professors were very informed and understanding when personal issues came up. Financial aid was just like the dealing I had at my previous schools no better no worse. I would recommend this school to a friend.

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1 of 3 people found the following review helpful

Misleading recruitment

Health Information Technology - February 15, 2012
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When I directly asked questions about it, the "admissions counselor" (sales person) specifically told me there is no certification requirements for Health Information Technology. She told me I was enrolling in 'Medical Records' At the beginning of the second term I learned that Kaplan's HIT degree Is NOT of any value: Enrollment counselors neglected to tell me that Kaplan University has not secured credentials from the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) required in order for HIT graduates to sit for the RHIT Certification Exam. CAHIIM considers this credential crucial. I left Kaplan at the end of the second 'term', having wasted $7,000. Additionally, Kaplan's terms are described as 10 weeks long. In reality, they are only 8 weeks long. Thus I paid $7,000 for a total of 32 classes. I am 63 and cannot afford this.

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12 of 15 people found the following review helpful

MBA-Human Resource Specialization

Masters of Science in Management-Human Resources - February 15, 2012
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The worst educational experience! I have attended to Kaplan for almost 3 years. Now that I am about to graduate they are asking me to pay some money without explanation of the reason. Every time I call the financial advisors give me different reasons of why I owe them the money. One supervisor told me they opened a ticket to solve the issue. When I called back 3 days later happen that there was no ticket. They keep lying to me every time I call them and try me to pay a money for which I haven’t received a bill or explanation of the charges. They only sent me a past due notice saying the amount. I requested the advisor to give me a phone number or email address of someone who could help me or at least someone to complain and I was told that there is not such number. They finally gave me the number of the department of education, but actually they gave me a wrong number and I had to call them back to get the right one. It is unbelievable for an educational institution having people untrained people. To conclude I would like to add that two of three times I call I get magically disconnected. Can you imagine calling 6 consecutive times to finally speak with a supervisor? Executives of Kaplan University please, remember that while I understand that you work for profit you can’t forget that your goal should be focused in providing a good educational experience.

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7 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Horror story

Masters of Education - January 26, 2012
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Do not attend. I am currently attending and everything you hear about financial aid is true. They screwed up my financial aid and over sent me money over four terms. Now they expect me to pay it all back NOW. No warning no nothing. This was my first time back in school since I graduated undergrad and I thought I was receiving the correct amount of money as a stipend. NOT, Financial aid said they made a mistake and I now need to pay them. I am in school there right now.I can't drop out and go else where b.c. I owe them this huge amount of money and they won't release my transcript. Not to mention they sent a financial aid denial letter with another student's information attached to it. Her name, address, id number, phone number and loan information. Careless! So if you are considering it and using their financial aid department. Stop now and run the other way.

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13 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Very misleading

Criminal Justice - January 26, 2012
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I was very happy when I found Kaplan, I was a stay at home mother and just had my daughter so I figured staying home with my daughter and getting an education was perfect Everything went well for a while, but towards my last class I would look under my payment history to see what I have to owe and the balance came up to $1,600, from out of no where. No calls, no emails and also nothing in the mail showing me I ever owed this money. I was pretty upset considering I was taking my last class. I turned in the paperwork that was needed and it kept getting denied and I would get 4-7 phone calls a day about the amount I owed,I would explain this several times over but still get phones calls several times a day. I have submitted my paper work for the fourth time and see what happens from there. I pray it gets accepted this time because if it doesnt they will have big issues with me. I have patients, but this many times is not cool. Anyways- all I will say is read reviews people write before attending this school.

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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful


Medical Transcription - January 25, 2012
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I really wish I would have looked around more before commiting to kaplan. They give WAY to much work for an online school, especially one that is supposed to help people with a flexible schedule. They load you down with work, don't support you at all if you are behind, and it was just a waste of my money overall. I have been spending 4 and 5 hours a night just on work, three times that amount on the weekends, and most of the teachers do not try to help you catch up. I would think twice before coming into Kaplan, especially if you are a military family.

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Wish I Had Known

Assoicates Degree in Paralegal Studies - January 18, 2012
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This is the worst experience I've ever had with an online school. I enrolled a couple of years ago, could never figure out how to get into my interactive class, gave up and enrolled in another school. I guess at some point that I accidently did get into one of the classes without realizing it because now they say I owe them $1,800.00 for classes I never took!! I have creditors calling me and it's on my credit report. I wished I had read all of these reviews before I enrolled here. I would not recommend it to anyone.

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Kaplan's Reputation...

Buisness administration - January 18, 2012
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Okay I recently graduated from Kaplan with a Bachelor's in Business Administration. Here is my take on my experience: The Good: I personally did not have any major issues with the school. There were a few times they screwed up on something but I caught it and they fixed it right away. Overall I felt the teachers were great. The coursework was challenging enough and I worked hard for my degree. I didnt experience a whole lot of technical issues with the KUCampus. Sometimes the site would be down and I would be unable to submit an assignment but as long as I communicated with my instructors I never ran into any real problems. The Bad: Tuition is outrageously expensive. Fortunately I had my GI Bill but if not I dont know how I would have been able to afford this school. My entire degree cost over $40k which is an obscene amount of money for an online degree. The Ugly: I did some research on Kaplan and came across some very interesting and disturbing articles. It turns out that Kaplan and several other online universities are under an investigation for fraud. There were many cases of misrepresentation during recruiting students. Apparently Kaplan recruiters were under alot of pressure to bring in more students because the more students they recruit the more profits the shareholder makes so the recruiters were telling students anything to get them in. According to some other articles, Kaplan was caught changing grades to keep failing students from dropping out so they could continue to receive tuition payments. Overall, Kaplan's reputation is in trouble. These investigations are being conducted by the GAO. Look it up for yourself, it is listed all over the internet. Overall, I worked my butt off for a degree I fear will mean nothing determining the results of this pending investigation. Once I graduated I was excited to display my diploma. Now I feel awkward and wonder how people will view my diploma. If Kaplan did the things it is being accused of, what will this mean for those of us that graduated from them?

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Dont Attend...

Criminal Justice - December 29, 2011
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During my last term at Kaplan I called to make sure that my account was current and was told by the FA and Accounts Dept that I was in good standing. They even issued me a check for the amount over paid by my student loans. I completed all my classes with a GPA of 3.5. Expecting to get my degree soon I was met with a letter from Kaplan informing me that I owed them $1,100. and would not be granted graduation until that was paid in full. Of course I called them and asked what was going on as I had just talked to several departments who had assured me I was in the clean and even explained to them they sent me a check. They told me it was from near two years prior where I had to drop a class after getting the flu real bad and wasn't able to catch up on course work. They claimed they sent the funds back to the gov. I was like what do you mean, no one ever informed me of this and I was told to appeal it to which I lost. In addition, I was told repeatedly that I would have no problem seeking employment after getting my degree. I was in the BA of Criminal Justice focusing on forensic psychology. Being an older woman I found to my dismay that I do not qualify to apply to any law enforcement agency in my state or any nationwide. So I figured I would continue my studies at a traditional school with the classes I had behind me. Again to my total dismay only a fraction of the classes transferred and I am stuck with apx 75% of wasted time on classes that did not transfer at any university where I live. Online programs need to be held accountable for their misguiding of prospective students. I now owe nearly 75k in student loans on useless education. The Federal Government needs to scrutinize these schools better. I can’t get a job and have to go back to school where now I am paying out of pocket and trying to make ends meet so I don’t default on my loans.

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12 of 13 people found the following review helpful


PHARMACY TECHNICIAN - December 27, 2011
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I finished this Pharmacy Technician Certificate program online and then found out it doesn't hold any standing in Washington state. I now have to attend another school or training program in order to become a pharmacy tech. I contacted the school multiple times and told them about this and they ignored me. Long story short, I wasted approximately $3500, and a year of my time for nothing!

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So far-so good

Psychology - December 14, 2011
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I've been reading through all of the reviews for Kaplan and when it comes down to it, most everyone is complaining about the Financial Aid department. I will say in my own experience that FA is a hassle, but it's a hassle with every school. Everyone has to realize that this is federally funded money. It's not like the school is giving out cash for you to attend, they have a chain of command they have to go through as well. I've been with Kaplan a year now and in the beginning I just wanted to start out getting an associates to make sure that I could actually do the work. The work is not easy, by any means. I've had to write 7-8 page papers in some of my classes, but they are so flexible and it really works for you when you have kids/work/family or don't live close enough to a regular university. Overall I am completely satisfied with my experience at Kaplan and plan to continue on with my BS in Psychology. People who say that online college is an easy way out have obviously not experienced the work load at an actual online school. The only difference we have is we get to save some gas and childcare money, do our work in our pajamas and instead of classes at 8-9am we have the option to do our live lectures at 12 pm, 6pm and some classes even offer 11pm lectures. It's really worth it to make a difference in your life!

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Find the right match...

Psychology - December 13, 2011
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Okay, I have read amazing reviews that sware on the standards of Kaplan and I have read reviews that make Kaplan out to be the school from hell. Honestly, Kaplan is just another University, no better or worse. It is important that people remember that you have to find the right match in a school for yourself. Maybe an online school isn't the right match for you, or maybe it is just Kaplan is not the right match. It is not a horrible school though. I have had problems with their Financial Aid department depending on who answers the phone, but then I have had some of the sweetest people who are willing to go above and beyond to help me. I have not had a single instructor I have not liked, and they all seem to be very interested in making sure their students are successful both inside the class and once the class is done as well. I have 1 term left until I have my Bachelor degree in Psychology. Honestly, Kaplan is a great match for me. I have had my ups and downs with the school, but the ups far out weigh the downs. I have been to traditional community colleges and universities. I received my AS from a traditional school. Kaplan is just as good a school as any other I have attended. Just remember if this school isn't your fit then just keep looking you will find one.

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5 of 7 people found the following review helpful


Nutrition Science - December 7, 2011
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The BS in nutrition science is good if u don't want to be a dietician. Its is not CADE approved which means its worthless as a degree if one wants to be a dietician. The advisors didn't tell me this when getting started and all the paperwork done. I just found out its not CADE approved and won't be wasting my time finishing the paperwork to start courses there. Don't waste your time on this university or at least research it before filling out paperwork.

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Waste of Time

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - November 17, 2011
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They are an awful college with a meaningless array of meaningless on-line degrees. The degrees are not taken seriously by most employers. Plus they call you five times per day every day for payments even when you are on-time and up to date with payments.

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Stay Away money hungry type of school

Heatlth Sciences - November 15, 2011
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Please stay lets just say I took six classes and owe over 10,000 a true rip off. The financial aid officer from the beginning messed up my aid plan so in the end I ended up owing 3400,00 and all the staff could say was I'm sorry. None of the staff were helpful and very often an adviser is quick to give you conflicting information than the last person you spoke to prior. This school I felt was going to be a great investment towards my educational experience but ended up turning into a true nightmare. The website always had technical glitches and the staff were not supportive at all. I definitely would recommended that you do your homework on this school or you might end up with alot of unwanted debt and a school with no values!!!

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Kaplan review

Human Services - November 14, 2011
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I'm an online student at Kaplan University and am pursuing an Associates in Human Services. I have not had any problem with financial aid or student support. I do not receive a stipend but that is by choice. I regularly check to see if all documents are up to date and call financial aid to make sure all federal aid/loans are in place. I make it my responsibility to make sure, on a regular basis, that everything is on the up and up. I print out copies of any forms that I have signed and of all financial transactions. I am entering my second year and have to say that things have been running smoothly.

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paralegal program

Legal Studies - November 14, 2011
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I am a current student of Kaplan an I honestly feel it was a waste of 33,000 dollars. The classes have great instructors but they are not given enough time to properly teach it, and they cannot slow down for those who do not understand. I have spent more time re-reading my textbooks from previous classes than I would have if I had gone to another college or university. I would also like to say that I was fresh out of high school when I went to Kaplan. I feel I was bullied by my classmates who treated me like I was not as educated as them because I had just come from high school. If I do finish my Associates at Kaplan I WILL NOT be back for my Bachelors!

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Master of Science in Crimnal Justice

Criminal Justice - November 14, 2011
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I completed my Masters in Criminal Justice degree in August 2011. Excellent professors, who are experienced in the field and all the professors had their PhD. If you want to be smart and know your stuff, this is the school to go to. Besides, it is not set up like a work week, Kaplan cares about their students. Papers are due in the drop box on Tuesday night, so students can have a life on the weekends go to church, etc. It is great to have professors in who worked in the police department, for the DOJ, PhD is education, criminology, lawyers, it is a Great program, one of the best in the top five. If you are a CJ major Kaplan is the best schools to attend.

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School was great!

Professional Studies - November 12, 2011
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In my personal experience I can agree that the financial aid department has to be constantly monitored due to miscalculations. Once you get past that minor issue your experience will improve with Kaplan. That seemed to be the only issue I had with the school. The undergrad requirement for online attendance was adequate. In my classes the students were quite responsive and provided well-written responses. Overall the education received was adequate and in certain classes it was exceptional. The teachers I had were all highly educated and consistent. I would recommend the school to others. I graduated and had a great GPA. I was also a member of the honor society at the school. I was constantly listed on the Deans and Presidents listings. I did do my work and it was apparent in my GPA. The school is not perfect as many of the schools are not. However, I believe I received a great education. I must also add that I transferred in quite a few credits from other "brick and mortar" schools. My Kaplan experience was rather good.

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Very Pleased

Criminal Justice - November 12, 2011
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I would like to say that kaplan University has been great for me. I graduated with honors for my undergrad. I now only have one course left for my masters' degree. I plan to attend concord law school. I believe that as with any other university that an individual choose to attend is what you put into it is what you will receive.

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Heatlth Sciences - November 11, 2011
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real review by a real (CURRENT) student

Buisness administration - November 2, 2011
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I started my 1st term with this school on Sept 21, 2011. so far everything has been fine no problems, i honestly dont understand where all of these negative comments are coming from. I have someone from the acedemic advisors call me every friday to check up on me which is great. She tells me about scholarshps i can apply for and is really helpful. It feels good to know they are care about how you are doing. The classes are kinda challenging but its not supposed to be easy. One of my professors REALLLLLLY pushes me and my classmates to do better....and my other professor is a slacker to say the least!!!!!! So thats the only problem.. So seriously people, consider this school, dont listen to what others have to say because they were to lazy to accomplish anything. Kaplan isnt the next howard law but it really is a good school with great resources.... a REAL KAPLAN STUDENT....

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Rampant Grade Inflation

Buisness administration - October 27, 2011
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I worked as an instructor for KU for years. During that time, all instructors were rated solely on their student evals, which made teaching there a popularity contest. The result: LOTS of grade inflation. I would receive rosters of students in which not a SINGLE student was prepared for college-level work (Kaplan's so-called 'one-or-two risk factor' students, I guess). What was I to do - fail them all? Of course I didn't - I would get bad student evals and lose my job if I did that!! So, they got a pass. Just saying... So if that's the kind of education you're looking for, then I say GO FOR IT!

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Stay Away

Business Administration - October 18, 2011
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When I transferred to Kaplan, the admissions advisor made it sound like a great school and a great program. He was extremely helpful in getting me started and things seemed okay. I am sure these people are paid extra for recruiting - just keep that in mind - it is not all happy and rosy. My transcripts did not get evaluated until after I had started classes - if this had been done ahead of time, I never would have enrolled. Beware their transfer policy - it makes no sense and is quite idiotic. I started at Kaplan as a third year student and still have to take a "this is college, here's how you write a paper and manage your time" class. Dumb. As you progress support diminishes and you never speak to the same academic advisor or financial aid person twice, so no one knows who you are or what your situation is, you have to re-explain it every time. Their website is horrible and disorganized, very hard to find the right forms. If you owe money at the end of a quarter, it's not really posted anywhere. Every time I have to call academic or financial, my opinion of the school and staff lower. The classes are okay, but it depends on the teachers, some are good and some are worthless. Ultimately, for the price you pay, this school is not worth it at all. I thought University of Phoenix was bad until I attended Kaplan.

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Do the Research Before Signing Your Life Away-Kaplan (online)

Criminal Justice - October 14, 2011
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I am a former student of Kaplan University (online Criminal Justice completed my Associates Degree) What began as a dream come true turned out to be the worst nightmare I ever had. The program was misrepresented to me from the very beginning. I am disabled and have been for many years. I told my recruiter and admissions rep. every detain about my limitations. I was told this would not stand in my way of becoming probation offier. I discovered the hard way I would not make it past the application and that my degree was not worth the paper it was written on, Please anybody considering Kaplan do some careful research.

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Almost done!

Buisness administration - September 30, 2011
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I have come to this website a time or two just to see what everyone says. I have 4 terms left until I receive my bachelor's degree in business administration. I can honestly say that this has been one of the best experiences I've had with school. I have had one issue with financial aid and that was on my part not theirs. I made one phone call and the financial aid personnel helped me clear it up. The academic advisors have been great and have helped me choose classes that followed my path of study so I don't feel like I've wasted my money. Yes it is pricey, but I am paying for the convenience of going to school online. I do not have to get in my car, drive somewhere, sit in a room with others for "x" amount of time, get back in my car, drive back home and then deal with the rest of my life. I work a 50 hours a week job, have a husband, 3 boys, a home and 6 dogs to tend to. I stay focused on my school and I keep my GPA up so I can be proud of what I am doing. If you think going to school online should be easy then you are fooling yourself. Dedication to your studies is the only thing you can do to maintain self respect and be proud of what you are doing. Kaplan has been a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone.

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Poor Service

Psychology - September 27, 2011
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This is my second year at Kaplan, and when I first started the staff was very helpful in seeing that everything went smooth, but the longer your in attendance the assistance and support reduces quickly. I have had major problem with the financial aid department, they are very slow to mail out your stipens, and at this point I have been unable to get a straight answer about the schools policies regarding financial aid, and I have requested information about how to contact their corporate offices, and no one seems to know anything. I am beginning to question if they even have a corporate office, and I am under the impression that they make up their own policies as they go along. This has been a very frustrating experience and one that I would not recommend.For a fact anyone interested in returning to school should first do a lot of research; contact the department of education in his/her state, speak with government officials about government funding, do in-depth research about the policies and regulations of several universities before making a decision, and contact the better business administration, in addition remember that this is your education and your money and if you experience problems that you can not get resolved do not hesitate to contact government officials and the media because everyone has a right to know.

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Terrible Student Support

Legal Studies - September 21, 2011
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I enrolled in Kaplan this year and attended two semesters with very little problems as far as the education and classes. The enrollment process was extremely complicated and slow even with it all being online. I felt the process is likley to deter and confuse many potential students. For some reason in the third semester I took a two week break and when I tried to get ahold of my advisor to sign up for classes I couldn't get ahold of anyone for days. I had to speak with the tech dept to even get connect to his voicemail. Finaly he calls but on my moms phone, even though I asked him to call on my cell phone and requested three times that my moms phone number be removed from the record. I tried to call again three times. I got a letter in the meantime that said they dropped me from the school. I was furious and no matter what I did no one would connect me to the student complaint line or a person in administration. Then I finally get ahold of my advisor and complain and he tells me I have to completely re-inroll and pay a $25.00 reinrollment fee. So I get transfered to some lady in re-enrollment and I tell her my printer is broken and have no way to print the forms she wants, so I need them to send them via regular mail. So they tell me they don't send anything by mail. (See anything wrong so far?) So I say well you need to do it nayway if you want me to re-enroll, and she says she needs to get approval. A day later she send the same email with the form. I replied with I need you to send this by regular mail. No response. So I call again, and I ask to speak to an administrator they connect me to admissions. This admissions guy say he can try but they probably won't send anything. So I say I'm not putting up with this sh*t and hang up. Now interesteg isn't it that they supposedly don't send anything via mail yet they mailed me several things when I first enrolled and they mailed the "we dropped you" letter. These people have horrible communication skills, and are starting to act shady if you ask me. Oh yeah and one more thing they applied a discount I earned after student aid paid for the full bill then tried to keep the remaining balance for two months even though I had signed several document spreviously that all remaining balances were to be sent to me. I had to threaten to sue to get it back. Great classes great teachers, horrible administration and horrible attitude.

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Good Experience except with Clinical Department

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I graduated May 2011 with AA in Medical Assisting. The professors were very helpful and insightful with the exception of maybe a couple of them. The assignments were challenging and caused you to learn a lot from them. One must be disciplined and determined to achieve. I was determined and graduated Summa Cum Laude and feel as though the program prepared me well for the real world. You must take responsibility and turn in your documents and make certain they have been received on time. I had no problems with financial aid because I was responsible. Good school! Try it out for yourself.

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Criminal Justice - September 7, 2011
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Kaplan University

Criminal Justice - September 1, 2011
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I have been going to Kaplan University for over a year now and am expecting my bachelors in 2014. Everyone on here seems to have the same complaint - they have to wait on hold for forever and they owe all of this money back. Ok people really..? Yes, if you pull out student loans.. YOU HAVE TO PAY IT BACK, if you drop out in the middle of a term YOU HAVE TO PAY THAT MONEY BACK. The same with everyother school. You people are ridiculous and just expect everything to come to you for free. This school is a good to you if you are good to it. Meaning, do your assignments when your supposed to, and for me, I am constantly turning in everything late becuase I am a single mother working fulltime and its hard to get on the computer whenever, but I have never once had a problem with an instructor helping me out and accepting all of my work late. Do all of your assignments, use your loans wisely, stick with the program and you should be fine. To all of you whiners about having to pay the school back because you changed your mind and didnt want to go there anymore because they keep you on hold for hours...GROW UP! No one is going to bow down to you.

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They will try to suck as much money as possible out of you!

Masters of Education - August 30, 2011
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Ok.. I am so outraged I don't know where to begin. I am two weeks away from completing my Master's degree, and something strange happenes.. The professor will not accept my assignment which is worth alot of point, because I was just couple hours late from the deadline.. All the other semesters, they (including the academic advisors) told me that the professors should grade your work as long as you turn them in before the end of the semester, and that was the case for me. I always got As or Bs even when I turned some of my assignments a week or so late. Now that I'm close to graduating, all the sudden they change the policy and are telling me they will F my work (which I put alot of effort in staying up many nights with couple hours of sleep) and there is a possibility that I might have to retake the course even though I did ALL of my god dam# assignment on time except this one. Seriously, something is shady here. why all the sudden they change their "flexible" policy to "strict" policy, now that I'm very close to completing my degree? One reason, they want more MONEY! they are trying to make me stay another semester with them so they can rip me off. I warn you. These professors are unprofessional, and even the advisors will switch their stories to get money out of you. A fraud institution. Don't spend a penny on them they WILL rip you off.

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What a rip-off

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - August 11, 2011
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Potentional students, please be aware: I attended Kaplan University for two classes, received a total of three textbooks and had to drop for personal reasons. Come to find out that the bill for that period of time: $25,000. This amount is federally backed so you cannot avoid paying it. With penalty and interest, I now owe $36,000 to a school for a degree I never completed and books I never used. Since it's federally backed, nothing short of death will get you out of paying it. They have already garnished my wages and now I'm looking at getting a 25 year loan to pay them back. Money down the drain and something Kaplan does NOT deserve. Please take your money elsewhere! Unless you feel that $25,000 is worth it....

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Looking to sue who is with me??

Medical Coding - August 8, 2011
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I attended the merriville campus.. Black and White mods were good got lectures hands on learning it was good... Then when i went to my medical billing and coding classes the teacher did not lecture not once gave all questions and answers as study guides to the class including for finals i taught myself out of the book only to be sat in class with a crazy pill popping lady.. It was a scam now after starting my externship which i got on my own without the help of kaplan i learn i can't even be hired into a medical office to be a medical coder because i will not take the qualified test that is required by medical offices.. Medical billing you do NOT need a degree for what did i spend 15000 on.....I will be contacting a lawyer to get my situation taken care of if anyone agrees with this and would like to give me their horror stories or be witness email me...

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Pay Close Attention

Communications - August 8, 2011
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Like several students have posted before me; I had major communication issues w/ the Financial Aide and Student Acct depts. I think most of the confusion started when Kaplan restructured their depts (from personally assigned advisors, to team assignments). I enrolled at Kaplan in May of 2009 and graduated their undergradutae program in April 2011; so I've seen alot of changes in their level of service. MY 2 CENTS: 1) I am pleased w/ their new website design, but I would advise them not to impliment major website updates IN THE MIDDLE OF A SEMESTER!! lol It caused mass confusion for both the professors and students. (ie. lost assignments, unable to post, missing grades, etc) 2) If you find an Advisor who is experienced and able to assist you with an issue, be sure to continue to follow up w/ him/her until the issue is resolved. If not - you'll be re-explaining the situation EVERYTIME a new individual assists you (comments should be added to your acct, but most of the time - they aren't). 3) Something that one of my Professors taught me; In college, there is no totally wrong or right answer - as long as you have supportive references. During my journey at Kaplan; I was faced w/ hidden Financial Balances that were "Overlooked" by Student's Accts, prerequisite courses that were added to my degree plan...after I had already completed the respective courses, and the case of the disappearing "Promisary Note" which caused me to be locked out of my classes and possibly not graduate on time. ALL of these issues were resolved because I maintained a paper trail and kept copies off all my communications & Kaplan documents. I also sent emails to my professors and the Director of my degree program, seeking assistance...when I was met w/ a brick wall. Even though Kaplan should be held accountable, we (the students) are ultimately responsible for making sure that everything meets OUR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION! Hold them accountable and fight back - if you feel you're being done unjustly. If not, you have no room to complain.

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Kaplan has the WORST Financial Aid Department

Business Administration - August 8, 2011
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I have been attending Kaplan for 1 year and do not anticipate continuing. The school is great lhowever, the Financial Aid departmet is the worst that I have ever seen. Financial Aid packages dont get processed timely and when they are processed, they are wrong or half processed or pell grant/loans are not processed. This is awful! When you contact the school, it is never an apology for the mistake that they have made nor is it a rush put on anything since they made the mistakes but it is a waitng game and excuse after excuse. If financial aid matters do not matter to you then Kaplan is a good school but I highly doubt it if financial aid is not important to anyone.

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hmm what can I say about Kaplan..

Criminal Justice - August 4, 2011
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oh brother where do i begin??? i attended Kaplan since jan 2005. the first year of school was amazing as i completed my certificate in crime scene. it was the admission advisor that called me and checked up on me almost every week to see how my studies went. I loved that and even had a chance to meet him at the kaplan graduation.i didnt expect to hear from him as much as i did but he was great. I never heard heard from my academic advisor though.In may 2006 i started with my AS in Cj and i loved it and never had a problem. I am a straight A student but there was only 1 proessor i did not like because she gave me a C on a paper that I had previously made an A on. I tried to appeal the grade i received in that class but it went against me. I graduated in august of 2007 and stopped school until dec 2009 and i just graduated with my BA IN cJ in june of 2011. i NEVER had problems with Kaplan until i began this program. My academic advisor kept telling me i needed a 1 credit deficit class to finish my degree but I fought it and fought it for a whole year while i finished my degree and I finally got someone to look over my transcripts. When i finally got that taken care of, I had issues with FA... For 3 complete terms, i was able to take 3 classes per term because my gpa was high enough and my husband was deployed so i had my opportunity to get ahead. It wasnt until my second to last term that i had FA claim that i owed them 1700.00 because I did not have the AID to cover my 3 classes and they didnt realize i was taking 3 per term......... Oh what a HEADACHE!!!! They notified me in the last week of feb saying that 1700 was due april 1.... seriously i didnt have a job and I only took three classes because i thought everything was fine. Then when i explained to them that I did not have a way to pay them in full, i constantly recieved calls asking when i was going to pay them.. I mean if i could have then i would have.. right??? Well I finally got someone to help me max out my funding for my last term in a new school year so i was able to get 1100 dollars and had to pay the rest out of pocket... but it didnt stop the phone calls and voicemails. As soon as i recieved an email saying the educational expense check was being mailed, i had phone calls right away asking when was i going to make a payment... I hadnt even recieved the check yet. so i FINALLY recieved the checks and then just paid the rest with a credit card because i was tired of them harassing me. Overall, I never had any advisor contact me to see how i was doing like i did in my first year of school. i never had anybody that was rude but i did have to be persistent in several instances in my last year of school. Kaplan is great academically but is a financial stress maker...

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I am having a ball in Kaplan

Human Services - August 2, 2011
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Hi my name is Petra and I am a veteran using Chapter 31 benefits. I will not go through all the financial mess many here speak of with a 3rd party monitoring that aspect for me. I am learning allot and the classes are demanding. The professors, except one, are all personable, intelligent and very helpful. Not one, oh except that one, gave me a hard time when I had questions. I have never had a problem reaching my counselors, fin aid or tech support. I really dislike ebooks and wish we had hard copies for all classes. Thankfully the VA reinburses me when I purchase hard copies. Overall I am having a great time, I work hard and do the assignments. It takes dedication, hard work and preserverance but it can be done.

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Do not go to Kaplan!!! Please!!!

Health Information Technology - July 28, 2011
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I too was a Kaplan University student up until Nov. 2010, only 4 months away from graduating and Kaplan hit me with a $3000.00 bill! Before that it was constent emails stating that finacial aid documents were missing, I would send them but then next 10 weeks they would be missing again. At one point they told me that one of my federal grants was sent back!!! This company is a bunch of hawks and out for blood...OURS!!!! Go to this website and sign the petion to get us some justice!! Go to www dot change dot org and search Kaplan univeristy in the search bar and sign the petion that comes up, something needs to be done and its up to us to stick together and do it!!!!!

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Total Frustation!!

Criminal Justice - July 28, 2011
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I am a very patient person, normally, until I am continuously left sitting on hold to reach Financial Aid, Tech Support or anyone to give me a straight forward answer or EVEN return my call. Only response I get is a computer generated loop of how their on-line courses are so convenient where one doesn't have to stand in line or go to buildings. However, nothing is mentioned how long you have to sit on the phone waiting in que for a representative to talk "at" you. I have cleaned an entire house while waiting. Currently (5th call today) I have been on hold for a solid hour. Was told in the evenings how busy they are because people are getting home from work. So I called in the afternoon (2p.m. ET). Ok, an 1 1/2 later, did I call during their tea time? Come on!! When I finally do reach someone, their mood is "fluffy" and want to promise blue skies with the exception of Tech Support, who are completely rude and unwilling to help! Rep in Financial Aid read from a script and couldn't answer my questions directly. Was told I needed to ask this person or that person. In contacting 'this' person or 'that' person, was told I needed to talk with financial aid. REALLY?! I have wasted more time trying to get answers than trying to work on my education. Kudo's to those and teachers (wife & sister who attends --- all in who you know & able to tell them which doors to go through) with good experiences. But, based on my experiences, thus far, and what I have read and researched, 85% in complaints, compared to 15% high marks, I would say Kaplan is vastly gaining ground on losing any credibility and becoming a not so reputable school!

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Great Experience getting my Master's

Buisness administration - July 18, 2011
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I just completed my MBA from Kaplan University (online) and I thought the program was great. The common theme to success in these courses is being responsible, organized and holding yourself accountable. If you do your assignments on time and put effort into them, the course is a breeze. I found that when I got myself in a bind, communication is a must and most of the time the professors and the school will work with you to be successful. The school wants you to succeed that is how they get paid, they don't want people dropping out. Overall I am very pleased with my MBA course work at Kaplan.

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My experience so far at KU

Information Technology - July 17, 2011
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I'm currently attending and tonight I started looking at FaceBook pages about it and suddenly I got worried. There are so many bad reviews out there, and it's kind of ridiculous. I'm going for my Bachelors of Science in IT and honestly, the only time I had an issue was when I first enrolled. The financial aid department kept telling me I needed to fill out the paperwork differently but it was all just a matter of they didn't understand my situation completely. I love the teachers so far and I'm really learning a lot. I'm not far in, but with only one problem to complain of and a 4.0 GPA, I think it's all going great.

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Pretty angry with Kaplan

Associates in Interdisciplinary Studies - July 12, 2011
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The same as above. I was lied to and taken for a fool by Kaplan. Their courses are mediocre, the professors (bar one that was awesome) are all first grade teachers and know nothing, and, the grading system sucks. Kaplan is run poorly and is extremely over-priced. I am so disappointed I wasted TOO much of my precious time with them and now I am in immense amounts of debt. The amount I paid for a year and half is MORE than I would have paid if I went to the university in the state I live in. Think about it before you sign up for this shinnanigans. I feel sad for anyone that thinks they can get a career from this school - such a joke.

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Kaplan University Graduate

Criminal Justice - July 9, 2011
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My last quarter prior to graduation I received confirmation from Kaplan’s financial aid department that financial aid was received, and my last quarter was paid in full by federal aid (grants and loans). Everything seemed to be going as planned. However, when the quarter ended, I received a statement with an itemized bill that I owed $2000 and could not receive my diploma until I paid the money. I called financial aid, and they explained that my financial aid (loans and grants) fell short by $2000, so Kaplan gave me a ‘loan’ (without my knowledge) of the $2000, and now I owe the college. I was shocked that I had spent all my Federal Aid ($50,000) when the military covered 2 years of my education - 100%, and every semester/quarter I went to college when I was not in the service, I had a Federal grant and loan. I asked why I was not informed about the loan and I wanted to see where I signed for the loan, but they could not provide a signature nor an answer for either. Since they could provide no signature, and never notified me of this, I felt they could not hold me responsible for this charge without my knowledge. They agreed that they failed to obtain to notify me and did not obtain a signature. Because of this, the supervisor of financial aid told me since they could not provide a signature they would not charge interest on the $2000, but are still charging me the amount of the loan, and withholding my diploma, and not releasing my transcripts. I have called the Department of Education and filed a complaint. This was back in 2007. Overall, I invested two-and-a-half years and over $30,000 of the governments money into Kaplan's degree program and they are still withholding the diploma and transcripts due to the dispute. Several months post graduation, I became disabled and am on disability. My college loans have since been “Forgiven” due to this reason. Regardless of this, Kaplan still will not release my degree diploma. I have no proof to show that I ever went to college or graduated with a 4-year degree. I worked extremely hard for this. I have been trying for 4 years now (since 2007) to get this taken care of. The Dept of Education can only help me if I have been discriminated against in which I have not. I desperately need help with this situation. There is now a class action lawsuit pending with the Economic Crime Division of Florida through the Attorney General’s office. I have filed repeated complaints with the Better Business Bureau of Florida and received the same rude refusals. I would love to post their (Kaplan's) responses to my requests of my transcripts and diploma for others to see before making a decision on a college. Being in the military, I had a chance to go to many different colleges since I moved around. A superb online college I found was Washington State University online. They are very organized and the education quality is superior. More and more campus colleges are offering classes on the internet. Check with your local college. *It is in my opinion that the best way to tell if a college is worth its degree in value is the way they treat their current students as well as their graduates/alumni. MORE INFORMATION: ***The BBB had "748 complaints closed in the last 3 years | 306 closed in last 12 months". Go to the link below to read formal student complaints. GO TO: ***To share your story w/ the Higher learning commission, their complaint email is: ***If you are a victim of Kaplan's financial aid dept., pls contact the number below to share your story and fill out an affidavit for the Florida Attorney General's office. They will mail or email one to you: Office of the Attorney General Economic Crimes Division 110 Southeast 6th Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: 954.712.4600 Thank You I hope this can help someone out there. . . Laurie C.

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Wonderful University!

Psychology - July 6, 2011
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When I first called Kaplan University, I knew they would be my final choice for furthering my education. They made the admission process so easy. They also helped me pick the right degree and classes. Everything went so smoothly. They also helped with financial aid assistance, sending my books on time as well as providing great professors(well, all except one). The seminars are live and students can hear the professors speak. They have an excellent library full of resources. I am very happy I attended Kaplan University and would highly recommend them to anyone I know.

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Great school!

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology in Application Development - July 1, 2011
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I wrote a reveiw earlier about the Associate Degree program in IT with emphasis in programming. I loved the school so much, I came back. I wasn't disappointed! Basically, if you are having problems with this school, there are things you need to know about before starting to blame the school. Financial Aid - I've seen many complaints about their Financial Aid department. I've had a couple of issues, but persistance is the key to dealing with their financial aid department. First, keep track of your financial aid documents. If you have something due, you need to send it in, or they will not process your financial aid. It's easy to keep track of. Second, keep track of expenses and award amount. Simple math will help you with this. Every semester, I was able to know to the exact penny how much was taken out, how much was left, and how much my stipened payment would be. The only thing you have to remember with stipened checks is this: Most of the time, the financial aid doesn't come in until your third week of the semester. They have 10 days after they receive it to apply it to your account. Then they usually dispurse the stipened about 10 days after all transactions are processed are applied to that semester in your accout. I usually received my checks about Week 5 of the semester. Classes - Simply put, don't fall behind, and get ready to work hard for your grade. The books are usually to read and understand, the work is challenging, but fun, and the instructors they had in my program were knowlegeable, and were very helpful. The only book I had problems with reading was the Data Structures book; however, my professor was very good at explaining the book material to where I could understand it. If in doubt ask! Just know, procrastination and falling behind is what kills you. If you are falling behind, CONTACT your instructor before you get too far behind. They will help you get caught back up. Discussions are simple - post by Saturday, and respond to 2 other classmates before Tuesday. That's it. Just know that this school is great, but it's up to you to apply yourself and stay on top of all your school related affairs yourself. Be prepared to work for your grades, it's well worth it. Just for those who are skeptical, I graduated with an Associate Degree in IT for Programming with Summa Cum Laude honors, member of Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society, member of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and a graduate of the Bachelor's in IT in Application Development with Summa Cum Laude honors. If I can do it, you can too!

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It's Alright....

Heatlth Sciences - June 16, 2011
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I am within a few months of finishing up my AAS for HIT. I'm excited to be out.. this is my second year. I am not planning to continue on to get my bachelors through Kaplan. I was unaware of their lack of CAHIIM accreditation for my program. They are in the process of getting it, but should they be denied i will be out of luck with a useless degree. The teachers have been great with the exception of maybe 2.. but it is like that no matter where you go. The fin Aid had always been messed up and involved lengthy phone calls to get it straight... too bad really. I think that is their biggest downfall. As for the courses you take away what you put in. Im choosing to work hard and be able to do something when i am finished. I do like the clinical part of my degree. Going and working for a site can be a bit of a hassle but at the same time i am getting real world experience which is fantastic.

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Not the best School

Criminal Justice - June 15, 2011
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Be careful of the financial aid department at this school. They messed up big time on a friend's financial aid and never applied the aid when they did have plenty of financial aid left for the semester. Now they expect my friend to pay the balance out of pocket because it is too late to apply the financial aid because my friend already graduated. My friend is unable to get the actual copy of the degree because of the balance and now they are making it sound like it is my friend's fault. When my friend attempted to call them to either work out an affordable payment plan or to discuss the balance further no one calls back. My friend has been dealing with this for approximately two months and is unable to begin the Master's program because of the balance. Also, good luck trying to get in touch with an advisor also. They are always unavailable and make it impossible to get questions answered in a timely manner. Please, if you are considering this school, I hope this post changes your mind. There are so many other online institutions available where the academics are just as good. Plus, also check with your local state universities because a lot of them are offering online education.

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Take Responsibility!

Business - Accounting - June 12, 2011
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I've been reading all these reviews and one thing keeps crossing my mind. If people are pursuing a college degree, shouldn't they be able to think and read for themselves? Yes, the enrollment materials aren't very clear but it's up to the student to call and get answers. I never had any problems with financial aid, they were very helpful and carefully explained all my options. The teachers are generally outstanding - they have real world experience and are willing to share their lessons learned and provide extra help when needed. They make the classes engaging and give positive/helpful feedback. My only criticism is the academic advising department. They are absolutely horrible and next to useless. They set up my degree plan and forgot to include some of the required classes. I ended up having to take an entry level math course AFTER I had gotten a 4.0 in finance and two accounting classes. That was a total ripoff and caused me to pay extra tuition for a remedial course that was clearly a waste of time. Overall, though, I think the education was good and the convenience was well worth it.

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Fantastic!!! Bachelor Degree in Health Science

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Please do not listen to all the negative responses in regard to this University. It is ridiculous, especially the responses from individuals who are complaining that they are enrolled with people "dumb as bricks" or can not get in touch with their professors and so forth. Also it is important to remember just how many students advisors deal with on a daily basis, either online or on campus. It is not always possible to quickly get back to a student within the same day and the policy is to get back to a student either within 24 hours or 48 hours which is quite reasonable. I have experience with both the online and regular on campus colleges and both have their pros and cons as is to be expected. If Kaplan University was not valid then explain why the government would offer students financial aide to pay tuition to the school? (It exists on the FAFSA website)No matter what there will always be people "dumb as bricks" in classes with you either on campus or online, and also people need to realize that every professor is different, most of the professors I have had online or on campus have been pretty good but sometimes there will always be one that seems to be out to make your life that much more difficult etc. I am considering going on the path to becoming an RN or going into Radiology and I am proud that I have received my degree from this University but as with every college or university, it is up to the student to research each place and figure out which one suits you best. Just please do not judge a college by reviews since most people that take the time to leave them feel like they have been scorned in some way. I enjoyed the two years I was with Kaplan and of course the coursework was not always easy but I got through it! You can too! My GPA was between a 3.6-4.0 throughout the two years. The downside is that the college only offers one scholarship which is based upon if a student takes three classes instead of two during a semester, I personally did not take up the opportunity because I did not think I could handle it while working a full time job as well. However others may differ in that aspect.

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positive experience

Assoicates Degree in Paralegal Studies - May 29, 2011
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I usually don't take the time to write reviews, but I want people to see something other than complaints posted about Kaplan. If you are at least somewhat responsible, organized, and have a genuine interest in your major, then there is no reason why you shouldn't have a positive experience with this school. Financial aid can be a pain, and there are occasional technical difficulties, but both the professors and the classes offered are excellent. Give Kaplan a chance!!

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Psychology - May 24, 2011
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I have been attending Kaplan online for almost three years now. I am enrolled in the Psychology program. When I first started they were rated #1 in the nation and had the cheapest prices of school. It was a good school at first until I started to review my account. I was told when I enrolled that I would recieve 93 transfer credits for having an associates degree and that my program was only 180 credits to copmplete. After the probationary period I looked up my degree plan and found out that I had to take 215 credits in order to complete. So three years goes by, I have had to take leave of absences and may grades have falied misserably. The fininancl aid department is a joke. It is worse than calling a telemarketer. I can never get a straight answer, I have requested to speak with a manager for over a year now and have been promissed several times that they would contact me and I am still waiting for a reply. The FA department promised that I was funded until my graduation date, I was supposed to be doen this month and when I finished my last class I recieved a call stating that I would have to pay them $7,000 plus in order to recieve my degree or transcripts. When I asked why they said that I ran out of Government funds. Come to find out they had sent back over $5,000 in government subsidized and unsubsidized loans without notifying me. I reviewed my account back to a year ago and they did unauthorized transactions on my account. They also failed to tell me that my program requirments changed a year after I had enrolled into school and I no longer needed to complete the 215 credit hours, so know I have 204 credits and still cannot graduate. I am very disappointed with this school. I owe over $60,000 for a bachelors degree, please explain how a bachelors degree costs that much money. I am looking into a lawyer at the present moment because theis school is seriously screwing people over. DO NOT ATTEND THIS SCHOOL, IF AT ALL MEANS, THEY ARE A RIP OFF. I have read through the other reviews and I can relate to the other people that have had the same issues as I have had. Thank you to all that have submitted the feedback for your assistance will help me in building a case against the school to sue them. Good luck to all of you out there in your degrees and professions.

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You Get Out Of Kaplan What You Put Into It.

Business Administration/Management - May 15, 2011
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Kaplan University Online is not a brick and mortar school. It's not meant to be and it doesn't function like one. It's not supposed to. I have taken online classes from four universities two brick and mortar universities and two online schools, Kaplan and Phoenix. It's the same at every school. Online classes are guided self learning. If you want to learn a lot you have to spend a lot of time studying. You won't be spoon fed in a classroom room day to day like you are at a brick and mortar school. If you want to argue about the quality of Kaplan's education then take a look in the mirror and look at the quality of your study habits. I have two degrees I've obtained from traditional schools and this will be my first online degree. I am completing my BA in Criminal Justice and I'm about to complete my 7th and 8th classes. If you go to class do your work and pay Kaplan on time you won't have any problems. It's the people who don't do there work and try and drop out, people who don't communicate with the university what's going on with their lives. It's those people that are leaving the bad reviews. Get off your butts do the work stop being lazy and dropping out of class, stop expecting the teacher to study for you and give you an A for not doing anything and stop blaming Kaplan for your lack of commitment to your personal goals. With that said there are a few things Kaplan can work on. I do have a hard time getting a hold of my personal academic adviser on the phone, but I have always been able to get someone to help me if I put in the enough effort. I haven't had any trouble getting a hold of my adviser via email. The required assignments aren't graded very harshly in areas such as grammar. I think Kaplan gives A level credit for B level work sometimes. Like any school though it does depend on the teacher. I have had two teachers out of eight that graded very strictly. Of the eight professors I had seven of them were good and five were excellent. I did have one professor that I find entirely lacking and it appears the rest of the class agreed because he no longer works at Kaplan. Brick and mortar universities are going to remain to be important entities especially in areas of research and development of new technologies but online learning is the way of the future. Hop on the train or get run over!

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Financial Aid sucks - all help is based on prewritten scripts.

Business Administration/Management - May 10, 2011
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Do not have any problems and your experience will be fine. Unless the problem is Kaplan based, like a new IT infrastructure, then you will be screwed. As an Alumni of the Undergrad degrees, I thought Kaplan would be a great place to get my Masters Degree as well because I was familiar with the technology, the course layout, and the support team that was in play for the undergrad courses. Everything was going fine until such time as I had a dispute with a billing amount for a class that was dropped within the so called drop period. Shortly after I had dropped out of a class, because of a technical issue with the IT infrastructure, I was hit with a bill that was over 50% of the class price. I could not access the classroom so I could not get my coursework done. When I tried to call Technical Support, I would wait for over 2 hours and still not get a hold of anyone, thus it went unregistered or recorded. I had to make a decision on what I was going to do. So I called the Academic Adviser and was offered little help other than to drop out....BIG MISTAKE! I have been disputing the bill ever since and still can not get anyone with a brain on the phone to listen to all the facts before making a decision. The support sucks, the financial aid team sucks, and no one will give you the information you need in order to get the right people on the phone or by email. They start billing you and expect payment even though the payment is in escalation. I gave a 4 for overall based on the fact that the books and the teachers are pretty top notch. The Support plain and simply sucks. You have been warned.

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Hating Kaplan

Criminal Justice - May 9, 2011
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I am currently a Kaplan student and wish I had read these reviews before starting school. I have been attending for 3 years and in the beginning I had full loans and aid available to me but now that my loans are becoming deplieted I can not get any call backs. I wanted to know about state aid and have been given run around for 2 months now. Employers do not view Kaplan as a good school, I was told by an employer that the degree I have worked so hard on isnt worth the paper its printed on. I looked into transferring my credits to a more reputable school now bringing the 160 credits I have earned at kaplan into the same criminal justice program they offer I would be able to transfer 30 credits so the other 130 are worthless. the more reputable school says its because Kaplan is not accredited and not a good school. So its great Im basically stuck here a single mom who wanted to make her life better for herself and 2 children and was screwed by a Bull**** school has cost me that because I do not have the $ to front the bill and no more loans to finish the degree.... So all prespective students think twice.. if you want a degree no one will take seriously, have student loans up to your eyeballs and wasted years of your life then this is the school for you..... but if you want an education look else where.

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Love Kaplan

Criminal Justice - May 6, 2011
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I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my first term at Kaplan. I really don't understand why there is any negativity. I was a D student in High School, I was not very interested in my school work. I was nervous when I first signed up at Kaplan because I have been out of school for 6 years. My academic advisor helped me over come my initial fears and basically held my hand through the entire process. I have finished my first year and I have held a 4.0. I love the way Kaplan is set up, I work on my school work on MY schedule, take my weekly seminar when it is convenient for me and all my Professors are absolutely wonderful and always available to help me when I need it. My courses are just enough and also challenging. I would recommend Kaplan to everyone that I know. I hope this helps someone make the decision to stop going down the never ending dead-end road and jump start their future career with a degree from Kaplan!

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Just Graduated BSIT/Database

Information Technology - April 28, 2011
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I found my experience with Kaplan to be a good one. Many of the courses are challenging especially as they are conducted online and will require an extra effort to do well in. I can say that your own personal study habits will be the determining factor in your success or failure at this school, they don't just give away the diplomas(which is a good thing, otherwise the value of your degree would be worthless). While I believe that Kaplan is a good school it is also a business and I have found through the years of my attendance that they are much better at the college end than the business. Keeping that in mind, realize that the business end and dealing with the people in this part of the business can be challenging at times. You need to take responsibility for all of your financial dealings with them and do not rely on them to get it right. There have been many times when I have had to call student accounts daily and work through a problem or misunderstanding until things were corrected to my satisfaction. These things can happen with any school or business for that matter, unless your a kid this is what grown-ups have to learn to deal with. In closing my review I would say that if you do not have the time or the opportunity to attend a traditional college and can make a committed effort to buckle down and work Kaplan is a great alternative.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

If You Are Looking For A Great School Online I Recommend Kaplan University Online

Criminal Justice - April 27, 2011
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I have been attending Kaplan University Online since October 2009, I will finish in September 2011 with an AAS in Criminal Justice. I think Kaplan is a great school to attend, they have some great instructors who will help you anyway they can to get your degree. What I like about Kaplan is the instructors are serious about the student getting their degree. The class assignment are very challenging and educational. The only thing I dislike is all the writing assignment you have to do inorder to get a good grade, but I guess that is the way online classes is I'm not sure. I had a problems with this school only one time and the probem was taken care of immediately. Over all I would recommend Kaplan to anyone who wants a degree from a great school.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

here are the facts

Criminal Justice - April 19, 2011
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As a former Academic Advisor at Kaplan, let me tell you the facts. The majority of the students that are complaining on here are those students who come to school for one reason and that is to max out their student loans so they can receive so called educational expense checks. They are the students who will never log into classes and do work but will call into the FA department seven days a week to inquire about why they haven't received their check yet. KU offers some great programs and some great professors but it does actually take work to receive your degree; you can't expect to receive a degree while doing nothing but calling FA about your stipend checks. Also, if you write a paper that and list google as a reference, don't expect to receive a good grade on that paper. If you turn in a paper 6 weeks late you cannot expect the professor to give you a hundred on it. If you can't write a coherent sentence or use proper grammar you cannot expect a hundred on a paper. Alot of these whiny students on this board are the same ones who call into Academic Advising demanding that we grant them extensions on their work when they haven't logged into class for almost three weeks. the ones who call in demanding to speak with the Dean because their professors dared to grade them according to the quality of the work they submitted. The best post I have read here was from the student who failed Academic Strategies 3 times and cried about being dismissed. It is my belief that if you fail that class one time you should be dismissed from KU as that class is nothing more than an introduction to online learning and no one should receive less than a 90% in the class. I am willing to bet that student was a stipend abuser. The majority of these negative reviews are from people who expected to receive a degree from a diploma mill and were shocked that actual work was required. It is too much to ask that students who are enrolled in a UNIVERSITY are actually required to submit college level work. These students need to grow up and look in the mirror; if you fail it is your own fault, nobody else's fault. Also, if you take out student loans and stipends you will have to pay those back; it is not free money.

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27 of 28 people found the following review helpful

Overworked Department Head, Blinded Deen, and robbers and Kaplan U

Criminal Justice - April 17, 2011
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If you are reading this post before you attend kaplan, good job, because I wish i had read reviews too. I started Kaplan in a Paralegal Associates Program. My Professors kept me awake in the early hours, but as i went on, Paralegal wasnt my thing. I went to go on the Criminal Justicice Program (Associates). I took an Intro course and I realy liked it,my professor was realy amazing. After that, my amazing professor was let go, so I was stuck with the department head of my facility for most of my classes. I felt that he was stealing my money right from under my nose. He spent most of the class talking about his experiences, that had nothing to do with the class. He rambled on about these experiences for hours. (Twice in a row because i had him back to back for different classes.) Than i took a risk, he had told us that he did not like to be videotaped, but i had permission from the dean, and a couple other people to do so. So i videotaped him. Not once did he ask us to open our book, or if we had any questions on the reading. I showed this to the deen and he claimed 'I will take care of it' but i have yet to see improvement fromt his professor. Yes granted this professor was the Department Head, taught many classes and was going after his masters. I think back to the perfect professor i had, and thought why in the heck did that perfect professor move to a different school. I think maybe he had enough shit from Kaplan, or maybe the DH let him go. In my opinion that perfect professor should have been moved up to DH. So in sum, I feel my money is being stolen right from under my nose, the DH is overworked and dosnt have the energy to teach, they fire the best professors, and they try to get more and more money out of you. They threaten to not let you graduate if you dont pay it, they freeze you so you cant continue with your education. Thank you for listening to my little rant, and i hope you have benefited from this.

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Business - Accounting - April 13, 2011
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I was harassed for money I did not owe. Every day I got different emails and phone calls charging me for money that I did not owe. Each day the amount that I owed was different. I was taking 3 classes a quarter that I was told would not cost me anything out of pocket as long as I maintained a 80% I would receive a scholarship. I kept a 3.79 and started getting harassed during the last month of school when all my papers, projects, and finals were due. When it was all said and done (a month) later I did not owe any money. Then my husband mother passed away at the beginning of a quarter(week 2) and I called (week 3)to see if I could drop one class because of the circumstances. They said I could but I would have to pay $1500 dollars in cash. I am 4 classes away from obtaining my bachelors with Kaplan but I refuse to give this school another penny and I am transferring schools after this quarter is over.

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2 of 5 people found the following review helpful

My Experience with Kaplan

Communications - April 11, 2011
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AS many have stated in their own reviews, the professors are for the most part excellent! They are well educated, credible, helpful and friendly. Advising was a good experience as well. I had the fortunate pleasure of working with the same advisor for 2 years. She was extremely helpful and kind. The financial aid, department is a mess. This body of the school is what gives people the ammo needed to fuel their rage in these reviews. They are unorganized, they have extremely poor to no communication at all and often times appear to be trying to ripp off students by forcing them to pay tuition that has already been approved and paid for via federal aid programs. This happened to me as well upon graduating in June of 2010. I received a bill for over 2 grand despite the fact that I was awarded scholarships and federal aid...the problem was resolved but only after my persistancy of repeated phone calls. Some are not so knowledgable and persistant. This is a travesty because the University is a good one. I recieved a quality eduation...this needs to be corrected.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

The grass is not greener!!!!

Legal Studies - April 7, 2011
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Yes, I once felt like the majority of people here. The professors are cool and admin sucks... or They just want me to read... whatever you can think of ... Due to a situation I had with FA and my lack of participation in class, I was dropped. I started at another college...which turned out to be a big mistake... I couldn't find a degree plan and into a second quarter, I still can't. I can't find my grades for last quarter,my advisor doesn't know my history so I am constantly repeating myself. I have two degrees and they are asking / making me take lower level classes. no advance start program here. I don't know when I'll graduate ... I would have graduated this year with KU and it was on the website. The work is not is time consuming ... it will discipline you... The seminar is the voice of your instructor and you can ask live QUESTIONS!! This school calls a seminar a powerpoint slide show.... KU is about education. The professionalism is second to not many... It is what you consider important. I found out that the grass is certainly not greener on the other side...I'm going back across the street....

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful


Human Services - April 2, 2011
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This so-called "university" is a joke. I am on my next to last semester when I received a notification stating I owed over $8,000.00 two weeks before the end of the quarter. The threat was simple I would be blocked from my classes if I didn’t sign a promissory note putting on a hook with Kaplan for over $8000.00. After 10 hours on the phone and different information from 5 different people (FA and Student Accounts) I was told that while I was attending I had a short fall in student aid each quarter. No one ever notified at Cheaplan that I was accruing a large balance which would require me to pay $1300 per month until in order to continue taking classes. I am 3 classes short of graduating so they have be my the you know what. If I don't sign their promissory note and make the large payments I will have to transfer. Since they are on quarters I am looking at being far from done at another school. This place is the biggest rip off. I have done my due diligence and didn't wait like some other reviewers are insinuating (who probably work for Kaplan), if you are giving Kaplan a bad review. This has been the most stressful situation. Currently my husband and I have discussed this matter with our attorney and notified the board of regents in the state of Ohio as well as our Attorney General’s office. My only hope is this doesn’t happen to another student. The best advice I can give you is to go somewhere else!

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Kaplan University Online degree

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - March 31, 2011
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I am half way through my BA in Forensic Psychology. I think many people are assuming things about kaplan without getting the facts. They are acreditied and it is common sense that you would have to study after you graduate for your individual state laws as every state has different laws. I have contacted my local police department and they gave me a web site that shows which degrees from whatever institution you enroll in and Kaplan University was on there. So my degree will be recognized by Vancouver Wa, P.D. I love the classes but anyone who needs their professors full attention is better in a brick and morter college. This is an online environment so it is a lot of self study and a lot of research papers and writing. I love it and it is the best choice for me. Oh and my Pell grant and my student loans cover everything and I have never had a problem with financial aid.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Out to Separate You From Your Money -- SCAM ALERT

Early Childhood Education - March 28, 2011
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The billing/financial aid department is insane. They are out to scam you and take your money. Two different departments are involved here: one called "student accounts" who are the rude ones that call you repeatedly about owing money, and "financial aid," who handle things apparently OTHER than financial aid. I am a cash paying student and didn't want or need their financial aid department so why are they producing bills for me to pay? Incredible. not bother with their online stuff as it's a total money grab.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

Great School but financial aid is not together

Human Services - March 21, 2011
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I'm currently attending Kaplan, and I am in my last term for my Associate's Degree. I don't even know where to start talking about this school. I love the instructors at the school they are very knowledgeable about what they are teaching, at least the ones that I have had. The problem I have with Kaplan is that their Financial Aid Department is screwing students over with their funding. I'm now blocked out of class from them not receiving my signed promissory note. Ok, they tell me they see it in the computer but, it takes 72 hours to process it. Classes start in two days haven't been able to register, what a headache. I would tell anyone not to change to another program because they will screw your financial aid up. If a degree program cost the same amount how do you owe more for changing to that program. They cost the same. I was checking my account regularly and The amounts for the classes was changing from one amount to another and you already know it would be more money when I check again. All I know is if your degree program cost 33,590 dollars and you have 45,000 dollars that is to be paid to the school for two years. They have already received 32,000 dollars in funding and still waiting on your last term funding to come in. which is about 3,700 more dollars. do the math. that over 35,000 dollars. Now, If you take out the stipends they said that my loans didn't pay them but, they sent it to me anyway, and never informed me that the loan had to come from them until a year later. Long story short they say I owe them 3,500 dollars how in the world is that possible I never got a stipends my second, third or fourth term. I'm very aware that your loan company you choose is suppose to loan you money for stipends, and not Kaplan. I'am a Christian Woman and I believe God will handle the situation with these people taking money. It's sad that they are taking money from people who are trying to better themselves. I will not be pursuing a Bachelor's at this school because it's very clear that are keeping money from students. I will be leaving after I figure out How am I going to pay this 3,500 dollars. NO MORE KAPLAN FOR ME! THEY ARE KEEPING STUDENTS MONEY.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

In at Marquette Law, waiting on UW Madison

Legal Studies - March 17, 2011
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Absolutely great. I could not have completed a brick and mortar school with my job and family, but wanted to go on to a quality part time law school after my BS degree. From most of the reviews, you would think the degree would be useless, well I can tell you firsthand they are flat wrong or lying. Marquette accepted my within a week of submitting my application and I am still waiting to hear back from UW Madison. Both are top 100 schools and did not think twice when I asked them about a Kaplan BS. As long as it is accredited, which Kaplan is, the schools both said I would be fine. Make sure you are self-driven and keep an eye on your student account- as that is the only department I had any trouble with- and you will do great. If you can afford it and are a self-driven personality I highly recommend Kaplan.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

Teachers are GREAT Administration is TERRIBLE

Buisness administration - March 17, 2011
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I'm almost finished with an AAS in Business Admin; In my expereince Kaplan University Online's amdinistration is terrible and inefficient. Some of the departments cannot be reached by the other departments, which means that if ever you have an issue, it's possible to think it's being resolved, but all that really happened is a notary on your account about it. The financial department has made mistakes IN THE DOZENS on my account alone! When I try to contact individuals (each student is assigned a representative from each department - I have about 6) I seldom get a call back unless I bug them over and over via both email and phone. Even their phone service is inefficient. Randomly chosen, when you call, you're offered the opportunity to take a survey at the end to report your experience, but NOT once has it ever actually allowed me to - it just hangs up on me when I'm finished with the representative. ON A POSITIVE NOTE: Every teacher I've had (7) so far has been VERY experienced, attentive, tuned in, and efficient! I wish they ran the school. haha

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Don't waste your time.

Criminal Justice - March 10, 2011
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I am actually in the process of withdrawing after this term. I've attended Kaplan University for about 3 years. I've tried to stick with it to the end because I love the way their classrooms are set up. The tech support team is extremely rude and NOT helpful. I called them about issues and the representative that I spoke with pretty much told me that "well theres nothing we can do. Sorry." And when I asked for a supervisor, I was hung up on. The financial aid and student accounts department owed me money from my 1st academic year. I did not receive that money until a year later. Within that year I owed them $300 that I was willing to pay but they owed me $900 so I refused to pay it until I received my money. They would call me all hours of the day, 10 to 12 times and the latest call I would receive at 10pm. They called one night very late when my 2 year old twins were finally asleep after fighting a nasty stomach bug. I wasn't sleeping because they were up all hours of the night. They called after I asked them not to call after 7pm and woke up my children. I ended up having to change my phone number and refusing to give it to them to stop the night calls. The academic advising department wouldn't even help me unless I gave them my phone number. When I kindly explained why I refused to give them my number, they would hang up on me after being extremely rude. I spoke with a "supervisor" and she was just as unprofessional as the rest of the department. The teachers were wonderful. They worked me through my illnesses and surgeries and working as a full time mother while battling back to back surgeries with endometriosis. I've had my fill of the problems with this school. I love the way that the classroom is set up and I love how flexible it is but after 3 years of nothing but problems with most of the departments at this school, I am withdrawing and currently seeking another school to finish my degree. I wouldn't go to this school unless you have ALOT of patients and don't mind being hung up on after the staff was rude and unprofessional to you.

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useless degree

Business Administration - March 6, 2011
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Attending Kaplan's on line degree program was a good experience,for the most part. As an employee, I only paid for tech fees, some software and books, and Kaplan picked up the tab for everything else. If I made the Dean's list or the President's list, I did not pay for any books in the next quarter, which saved me a lot of money, and good incentive to keep making those lists. Other than a couple of jerks, the instructors were knowledgeable and helpful. Some of them even went out of their way to keep in contact and to make sure I understood the course work. The materials and technology were up to date. The assignments were almost always challenging, and I feel I got a very good education. Now, for the bad news. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bahelor's of Science in Management, with a minor in Applied Management, however, the degree I signed up for us a BS in Businesss with a minor in Criminal Jusstice (I had already gotten a CJ diploma from Kaplan previously to this degree). When I called , I was told that the degree program had changed, though it was actually the same type of program. This happened in my third year, but I was never informed. Ok, fine, it's still basically the same degree, except for the minor part, which should have been CJ, but nothing I could do about it. Now, try to get a job with this degree. Most employers think it's a matchbook cover type of degree, and give no credence to it, even though it's fully accredited. Prospective employers really do not know anything about Kaplan. When I applied for several jobs, including a few within the Kaplan companies, I was not even given an interview, except for two. On the first interview I went to, the interviewee never showed up. I thought that was a bad sign, but to add salt to the wound, I was finally granted an interview with a Kaplan recruiter for one job I applied for,within my realm of experience. I was brushed off quickly. The recruiter spoke to me in a very condescending manner and had the nerve to tell me I was not good enough for the position and hung up. She didn't even want to see my transcripts. Well, if my degree isn't even goog enough for its creator, then it must not be worth the paper it's printed on. What a waste of time.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

Once they hook you it's all about the $$$$

Buisness administration - March 4, 2011
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I started the program but unfortunately I had to drop after the second "term" I had asked if I would be able to take a few terms off, but I was told I couldn't. The instructors aren't helpful at all, most of the time you can't understand them during the lectures. The material is adequat, if we actually used it. The nightmare comes with the financial portion of it. When I first talked with the "advisor" I was told it would cost 371.00 per class unit. OK that's fine not realizing or explained that each class is 10 units, so each class cost $3,710.00. WOW....And to top it off I was told I would have to get a loan...of approximately $1,200.00 NOPE.. that loan was $7,500.00. And since they wouldn't let me take a few terms off I now have to pay that back, my Pell money is used up and I still don't have my degree. DO NOT GO TO THIS SCHOOL....

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan MBA - Calling All Future Executives

Business Administration - March 1, 2011
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I received my Bachelors degree from a state school, and received a fellowship to top 25 University of Illinois' Graduate program before coming to Kaplan University....and I have concluded that the course work is challenging. One thing I can honestly say, is that you get what you put into it. The professors are demanding and engaging, and if you are there to will. In addition to becoming a Master of Business, you will also become a Master of these MBA courses not only test your wits, but also you ability to get things done. I am extremely pleased with my Kaplan experience so far, and I truly feel I will be much more prepared for the future than some of my peers attending others "old thought" B-Schools.

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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful


Psychology - March 1, 2011
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Kaplan University was the worse school I have ever attended so I transferred and they were giving me the run around because of it. U get all the attention in the world and everyone is so helpful but then after you're enrolled, you don't get a response to emails and no1 on the phone can assist u, IF u get an answer after holding for hours. They took forever processing my withdrawal and didn't want to hear about completing the necessary paperwork I needed for my new school. They gave me every excuse until I submitted a complaint through the Better Business Bureau. The professors are horrible, very aggrogant and a couple who were unapproachable even via an online course as I rarely got a response concerning the weeks work before 72 hours, unheard of for a program that goes week by week! Financial aid personnel are crooks. Tell me how u take money from my student account credit for book fees when I purchased my own books from amazon and bn. I didn't use their book voucher. Bottom line is that Kaplan University is an overall horrible school so please do not waste your time and money. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!

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Classes sufficient, financial aid = nightmare

Psychology - February 26, 2011
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Academics: the course work is definitely time consuming. I have been at Kaplan for 3 yrs and have written an incredible amount of papers. I attended Michigan State University for a while and did not nearly do as much work. Many people have talked about the transfer credit possibility and as with any school (online or campus based) many credits do not transfer. Penn state university has a tool that you can use to see if some of ur credits will transfer and some definitely do. My best advice for the academic portion is make sure you have sufficient time to dedicate to ur studies n Financial Aid/Student Accounts: this is where the previous reviews are definitely correct. FA is a NIGHTMARE!!!!!! I had absolutely not real issues with them until my 3rd academic year. I was encouraged by my academic advisor to take an additional class in order to receive a 25% discount off my 3rd course. Knowing this would affect my FA I called the FA office to see what I needed to do to ensure my classes would b covered. They told me that I still had extra federal funding which could be utilized and that I would need to take a private loan out in a certain amount. I did this without issue and easily finished my third academic yr. Starting halfway into my 1st term of my 4th academic yr I started receiving collection calls saying I owed Kaplan 2700 dollars I was quite confused and immediately called FA. They told me that they could do a professional judgment and change my pell grant funding. They also informed me that i owed $ b/c the financial aid officer who talked to me about accessing my additional federal funding never requested it and since a new academic yr had started they could no access the $. I waited for my professional judgement to come through which was supposed to take 6 wks. By the end of sept I Called to check the status only to find out the FA officer never submitted the professional judgement & it would be an additional 6 wks. Frustrated I hung up and continued to watch my account. In November my professional judgment canme through with a higher pell grant amount they were supposed to release these funds andTi amo molto, are you still at work during this entire process student accounts has been calling several times a day demanding $. Once the professional judgment came through I called back to find out when the federa funding would be released. They told me that the US department of Ed has to physically release tge funds and it can take up to several months. After an obscene amount if phone calls from student accounts demanding $ I.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful


Criminal Justice - February 21, 2011
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Recently graduated from Kaplan University 4.0 Summa Cum Laude. I am NOT returning for my bachelor degree because of the unprofessionalism of Kaplan. I won a 1k "voucher" to be deducted off my loan at the end of my degree program. I have never seen, read or signed the voucher. I took one 10 week term off due to illness and immediately re-enrolled. Well, now they are saying my absence negated the voucher. Physician sent voucher has been reinstated....almost....NOW THEY CANNOT FIND IT! TERRIBLE COMMUNICATION. One department has NO IDEA what the other department is doing. I believe that Kaplan may not properly disclose their "scholarships" and 25% off programs fully to students.

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No one knows what they are talking about!!!

Criminal Justice - February 18, 2011
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I have been trying to enroll in this school for weeks now, I have sent everything they ever asked for within minutes. Every person I have talked to, has no idea what the heck is going on telling me that I never sent the information when I tell them I have they will put me on hold, then come back not telling me sorry but telling me that something else is wrong and that it is my fault that it is not done, are you kidding me? I call them to make sure they got it and it takes them 2-3 days to get back to me.I have done everything they have ever asked but yet I am going on week 4 of trying to enroll. Then they were trying to tell me that GI bill wouldn't work, but then when I talk to someone else in that department they will tell me nothing is wrong and everything is on track. Everyone is a joke that works there, you would think the workers would want to help you better yourself but no they would rather ACT like they know what they are talking about and making you just feel stupid.

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TERRIBLE Accounting Practices

Business Administration/Management - February 16, 2011
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If anyone needs to learn anything it is the Kaplan Student Accounts department - they need to learn basic mathematics in adding and subtracting. I am a cash student and my account maintains a credit balance (meaning I have over paid) but I get phone calls routinely advising I am past due. When you look at your ledger, it never matches the amount owed when you make a payment. To add to the problem, it takes an act of Congress to get someone on the line. Then they wonder why you are upset...go figure.

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Lots of Personal Attention, Until You Enroll, Then Good Luck Getting Anyone to Listen to You!

Information Technology - February 10, 2011
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This was a horrible experience that I am still paying for. The Guidance Councilor that I was assigned encouraged me to increase my course load without telling me that it would require an additional $4000 out of pocket expenses! From the way she originally explained it, I was under the impression that my financial aid package could be tailored to cover it. Nope, and I also had a Pell Grant reversal that no one told me about, what a great surprise! More money they decided that I had to pay IMMEDIATELY or I'd be locked out of my classes. Well, I couldn't do that and I wasn't comfortable taking out another personal loan, so now I can't get my transcripts to go elsewhere until I ransom them out. Beware of what they promise you, they are out to sell their product, and could care less once they have your signature.

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Kaplan - good education

Criminal Justice - February 10, 2011
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I have enjoyed the classes at Kaplan. I am in my final term and I enjoyed the graduation they had in Miami. I had a headache with filling out the FA forms. I never had to do so many forms for South University. Kaplan accepted all my hours from my community college and South. I don't think it a scam because the would not allowed all those hours to transfer.I advise people to attend Kaplan if they are serious and set aside 12-15 hours to do the course work. There are alot of papers to be written in order to pass your classes.

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Kaplan University-Medical Assistant Program

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I am now in my third term at Kaplan. I have had excellent instructors and massive support from my advisors and financial aid team. When starting Kaplan, they tell you that you may attend for your first three weeks but if you have lower than a 2.0, you will be dropped from the classes. Then the money is refundable. This is true, as I saw it happen to many of the first time students. They tell you that over and over, so those people who claim not to know why they were kicked out....enough said. My mother is an English Professor at a prestigious University(not Kaplan)I have attended many of her classes and learned a lot about college life. Kaplan is just as professional as any of the classes I have seen. It is worth it to me to pay the extra money because it includes everything: books, clinicals, scrubs, and nursing equipment. And everything arrives on time. Their text books are outstanding and included Cd-Rom games and interactive quizzes. I also received a Mosby's Medical Dictionary along with my med term. text and flashcards. That was just for one class, and I haven't even mentioned the MP3 downloads to study with. I love attending school at Kaplan. There is one thing to consider, though, do not attend if you don't expect to finish your degree at Kaplan. The credits are hard if not impossible to transfer, but that is true for any online college. I would recommend this school to anyone. I will be pursuing my bachelor's degree and furthering my education at another college to become a Physician's Assistant. I could never have had the time for this, had it not been for Kaplan. I have 4 children and a disabled husband and father in law to care for. Thanks to Kaplan, I have a renewed sense of hope for my future. I wish everyone could experience it.

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Education Program Just Ok, University Admin...A Disaster

Nutrition Science - January 18, 2011
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I read the poor reviews of Kaplan's financial aid department and student accounts department in the online review websites. I thought to myself, "these must be written by people who can't follow instructions". Boy was I wrong. Instead of financing my education, I paid in full prior to the term start date. Even though I owed nothing, I received calls and emails several times each month requesting a payment and threatening to lock me out of the online portal if a payment was not sent. After numerous calls to Student Accounts, I appealed to the president of the university. He quickly assigned a member of his staff to investigate and assist. After a call from his staff, it appeared things had been handled to my satisfaction. My assessment was incorrect! Now here we are at the end of the second term for this academic year and the calls for a payment have started again, EVEN THOUGH THE ACCOUNT IS PAID IN ADVANCE THRU THE END OF THE NEXT (third) TERM. The administration and financial practices of Kaplan University appear to be unorganized and chaotic. I do not recommend Kaplan because Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and University Administration are inept. Based on my experience, you will spend nearly as much time on the phone trying to get your account straight as you spend in the classroom/online. STAY AWAY!!

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AAS IT Web Development @ Kaplan ~ Great School!

Information Technology - January 13, 2011
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I have now been attending online courses at Kaplan for a year and it has been a great learning experience. I will recieve my AAS in IT Web Development and I will be re-enrolling to obtain my BAS in IT Web Development after I take a month or two off. The amount of information that I have retained is outstanding and I have gained a great deal of resources while attending at Kaplan. The online atmosphere may not be suited for all, so I have read, and I have seen that a few have been having issues with financial aid. But if you go through the right individuals then it eases any issues that may arise. I have purely enjoyed the online courses and have referred a few individuals to Kaplan.

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Crappy Poor Piss Poor Do Not Go To Kaplan

Criminal Justice - January 11, 2011
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This school is the ABSOLUTE worst! I dont know what experience people who LOVE it are having but they must be paying out of pocket. I have to FIGHT for 8 months at a time for ONE sememster of financial aid to post to my account while they harass me for payments in the interim. When I do make payments it clears my bank and then I have to do investigations as to where my money is because it is not posted to my student account. Kaplan is a fraudulent institution that does not serve the student well. It needs to be disbanded honestly.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful


Buisness administration - January 7, 2011
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The only positive thing I can say is there are instructors who do enjoy their work and sincerely want to see students suceed. Unfortunately, the school is extremely expensive for online education and the degree is not valued in the workforce. Most people that grad and find work is due to their previous experience. Do not be pushed into enrolling if you have never taken a online class first. It is definately not for everyone. Do not commit yourself to $60,000 for a worthless degree. Go to a real school. Most campus schools offer online evening and weekend classes! Be your homework first...

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan University served me well!

Business Administration/Management - December 26, 2010
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I chose Kaplan because I have 3 children, 2 of whom are under 5. I also work full time and I change shifts often, not of my own doing. My employer does not allow us to take time off for school unless you take a non-paid educational leave. So that wasn't an option. My only viable option was to take online classes. Now, I must admit that the Academics Advisor that I dealt with was very persistent. He called and emailed so many times, I started to just ignore him. Once I decided that I did in fact want to pursue school, I reached out to him. I was pleasantly surprised that it was easy to navigate through the system. Once I got out of the preliminary classes, it was very challenging. The math class made me almost cry every night. If anyone thinks that they can just breeze through and it's a "diploma mill" I don't know what classes they took. I had essays due every week for two classes. I put a lot of effort into my own schooling and learning because I wanted to gain the most out of what my employer was paying for. I really dedicated myself to the program and have graduated with honors. As far as the human errors and people saying that they got the run around with financial aid or academics advisors; I did have a couple issues that were promptly resolved. I am the type of person that I call, email and call again till I get an answer. I kept the name of one FA rep who had helped me before and sent an email directly to him. But overall, I had no real issues. My employer pays my tuition, so I don't know if that had something to do with it. However, I feel like we are all adults and you have to be responsible enough to see an issue to completion instead of saying "they didn't call back." I now have an A.A.S in Global Travel and Hospitality and keeping my options open on going for my bachelors. It was very worthwhile and I would recommend Kaplan ONLY if a person is prepared to work for what they want out of their education. I wanted to graduate with honors and I put the work in to do so.

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My personal experience

Business - Accounting - December 25, 2010
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I just finished my undergraduate degree in Accounting with Kaplan. I have 2 things to nag about: The 1st one is that I found that the financial aid department needs revamping or something. They were very hard to reach, but they are servicing thousands of people, so that kind of explains their poor performance. The 2nd thing was ME. Many times I chose to give in instead of working a bit harder. If I had been more disciplined I would have done much better in my over all GPA. After all, I was the one interested in getting that degree. The school is a good school. There are lots of goods, brick and mortar schools and most of them are unknown. So, because this school has its main campuses in Iowa, it doesn't mean it won't provide valuable instructions. Online educatino is here to stay, it will get better and the future generations will benefit from that improvement.

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My experience has been great

Criminal Justice - December 21, 2010
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I am a current Kaplan student working towards a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. I am also active duty military, a family man, and have completed an Associate's in Music Technology in 2005 from a "real" school. Overall, Kaplan University is exactly like the brick and mortar school I attended for my Associate's degree: it has it's issues but in the end, you get out of it what you're willing to put in. It is important that a Kaplan student be self-motivated. If you're one of those people who like to put in the minimum amount of effort required to slide by then you might want to look elsewhere. The workload per class can be challenging, especially if you're juggling a career, family or both while going to school. Kaplan has great professors. All of my instructors have been absolute experts in the field they teach. This is more than I can say for the brick and mortar school I attended. Kaplan has also been great about solving any issues I have had. There was a financial problem that occurred during my second term. One phone call to my advisor and it was resolved the next day. The courses vary in difficulty. The quizzes are a joke (you can take them as many times as you want) but the papers, powerpoint presentations, group assignments, and exams are anything but. Be prepared to put alot of time and effort into your homework if you hope to earn good grades. Given my situation, attending a traditional campus is out of the question. Kaplan offered a reduced tuition, books included at no extra cost, and accepted most of my transfer credits. If it weren't for this value, I would be attending a cheaper school. But since the opportunity is there and the price is right, why not?

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

Serious School for IT - Horrible student accounts department

Information Technology - December 20, 2010
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The Good – Online courses through Kaplan are nothing to joke about. I've heard many people "putting down" online degrees, but after attending Kaplan University Online, I stand up for online schools. Kaplan has a solid set of instructors, Professors, and Doctors, to teach you what you need to know about IT. Compared with the various numbers of state colleges I've attended, Kaplan U deserves: 10 out of 10. As for the subject matter, it's very pertinent to your field of study. Everything I've learned from Kaplan has lead me in the right direction in my career. The courses can be difficult, as with any college, but the key is to have enough free time to read, study, and understand the concepts and theory you're learning. This isn’t a 2-4 hour a week study program… it’s a full force program designed to make you work your butt off to receive an A. So, make sure you have the free time to attend classes and complete the work load. The Bad – Kaplan’s tuition rates are pretty high. For some reason, they need more and more money by the end of every quarter. You will receive an e-mail that tuition has gone up a certain amount (which hopefully your financial aid can cover.) The Ugly – The only downfall of Kaplan (that I've run into) is their student accounts apartment. Paper billing is not really an option for them at this current point in time. If you need to make a payment, it must be done online or over the phone. Either option is fairly uncomfortable I think. Especially, if you’re speaking with a representative; just because a website or an e-mail listed their number, doesn’t mean it’s the actual place you’re calling. If you’ve dropped, or are no longer a student of Kaplan, your accounts are closed and you can no longer login online to make a payment, so you must call to make the payment. If you owe money on your account due to a lapse in your financial aid, they will automatically take a loan out in your name (without your consent) and call you stating that the balance on your account is overdue. Most of the representatives are pushy and ruthless, and do not care about your financial matters at hand. I may also add that they're ignorant and annoying (calling you multiple times a day regardless of your states creditor laws.) The Conclusion – As long as you do not drop from Kaplan, you should have nothing to worry about. Kaplan offers a solid educational background in IT, plus the ease of accessing your studies online from your own home or office. Remember: This is not an “easy” college; it’s a “serious school of thought”.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

The 411 on Kaplan University

Buisness administration - December 13, 2010
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For those of you that are seeking a degree and feel that an online degree is your best option, Kaplan is an excellent choice IF you are self-motivated and do not require constant supervision. I am currently in my 4th term at Kaplan, and am pursuing an associates degree in Business Administration so all my comments regarding curriculum will be limited to the Kaplan School of Business. The value of the material taught in my courses is outstanding. After reading some of these reviews that state that the curriculum taught to them was severely outdated I was a little confused. Kaplan offers a very up to date and appropriate curriculum in their business classes. Lean Six Sigma and Globality are both high profile, cutting edge business practices utilized by international companies and are both included in Kaplan curriculum, and as a matter of fact, most of my text books are BRAND NEW. For those individuals that found classes to be too easy, I believe this might be the case because they have been working for several years in the same field in which they are attempting to obtain a degree and therefore have a much higher professional knowledge of the material then someone just graduating from highschool. Those that complain about feeling as though they are teaching themselves by reading the book and then completing the required coursework with minimal instructor supervision I just want to say this. First of all, when you attend an online college, the personalism offered by brick and mortar schools is impossible. It is obvious that you will not be coming into contact with your instructor or classmates in the same manner as you would in a traditional university. I too was concerned about this, but with the tutoring services such as the writing center and math center there to help you, I have NEVER gone without assistance when I needed it. Secondly, note that when you attend online, it is called distance learning, or by correspondence. If you are unable to stay on track without constant supervision, then don't go to ANY online school because that will be the case with all of them. As far as financial aid, I have to say that I receive GI Bill benefits as well as tuition reimbursement from my employer and have not had any problems other than having to make the occasional phone call to ensure the college sends my enrollment verification to the VA in a timely manner. With regard to cost, Kaplan's fees and tuition are clearly posted on their website. Do the math and determine what the total cost will be. Those who say Kaplan is expensive apparently did not go online to look at the cost. Also, a college education IS NOT FREE. If your aid doesn't cover it all, don't be upset if you have to pay a bit out of pocket. A lot of people have to pay ALL of it out of pocket. Additionally, PAY ATTENTION to your account. I check mine on a weekly basis, and if something is amis, I call. Be PROACTIVE, not REACTIVE. As far as the people who complained about Kaplan holding their degree or transcripts hostage until their final balance is paid, ALL PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES DO THAT. Once they give you your degree, or an offical copy of your transcripts, there is no motivation for you to pay your debt. My daughter went to a private Christian school when she was in the 2nd grade and when I decided to transfer her to public school, they would not release her transcripts to me until I paid off my balance. That is just how it works. If you call and can't get the person you are trying to reach, often there is someone else that can help you. The people that work in these student support departments are just like us. They take vacations, get sick, go to meetings and also deal with hundreds of other students. They can be quite pleasant and accomodating if you treat them the way you want to be treated. My first term academic adviser, Debra Barrett was absolutely AWESOME! She was my advisor through my first term, but still e-mails and calls me to check up on me and give me words of encouragement. Also, as far as Kaplan's accreditation is concerned, they are regionally accredited and your degree is valid. The person that posted earlier about their human resources department throwing resumes in the trash of people who have Kaplan degrees does not realize that they are violating laws regarding equal employment opportunity. I currently work for the Marine Corps and not only do they accept my Kaplan transcripts towards career advancement, but they also pay my Kaplan tuition reimbursement. My advise is if you are looking to go to an online school, and you are interested in Kaplan, do your research, not just by reading these reviews, but by thoroughly researching Kaplan's website, as well as that from other online schools. Know what you are getting into and what you want to get out of your education. Good luck to all of you.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan has been good to me

Human Services - December 12, 2010
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I wanted to post to say that I have not had any problems with Kaplan. I started attending in Sept 2009 in the Bachelor of Health Science program, and have never had an issue with financial aid, lost paperwork, or support. Whenever I have questions I call an academic adviser who is knowledgable and helpful. My financial aid has gone through without a hitch every semester. Most of my instructors have been well qualified, but there are always exceptions (this is the case for any school). It is very unfortunate that so many have had bad experiences, but for those who are reading these posts to try and determine whether or not to attend Kaplan, you should keep in mind that often only those with bad experiences will seek out and post negatively on these boards.

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Ok School, flexible fit my needs

Business Administration - December 7, 2010
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Had some poor instructors that it was difficult to get support from. This is all ready tough online, poor instructors made it worse. Many of the instructors hampered by the curriculum and the schools strict adhearence to it. But besides that, it fit my needs. Being flexible was a big part of it and the technology is much better then many of the other schools or those using blackboard, yuck.

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Psychology - December 3, 2010
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I love EVERYTHING about this school. The staff is super friendly and willing to help, the professors are real people that get to know you, books are included in tuition, and you take an active role in learning in the classroom. Unlike some of the other reviews, I haven't had any issues with financial aid, but the process of enrolling is a bit of a hassle since everything must be submitted electronically/via fax, but there are setbacks with every school. This was the best decision I could have made, I plan to get my master's degree at Kaplan!

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Kaplan - My Take

Information Technology - December 2, 2010
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Right out of college I went to a tech school and obtained my associates at a technical school. This was ok for the time being, but I realized if I am going to make it anywhere a Bachelors would help significantly. So my search began. I looked at schools such as WGU, U of Pheonix, DeVry and others along with Kaplan. Kaplan seemed to have what I was looking for at a premium but I do feel that it is worth it in the end. My experience at Kaplan was a good one for the most part. The financial aid department is a little on the sketchy side. They would (and still do) request documents from me to which I would comply and send in. The problem is there are times when it would take me sending in the document 3-5 times before it was recieved and processed properly. The classes are structured well but one must be aware the ultimately the professors have the say in the general structure of the class. Basically this means that one class may be structured different from another. It can get confusing at times, but just as long as you follow the syllabus you will be fine. The course selection is also great. However keep in mind that there are limits to the number of students in a given class. So registering early and planning out your degree plan is essential. If you attempt to register late you may not get into your next required class and could potentially loose financial aid. Their online interface works. Simple as that. It is not flashy and doesn't try to entice you with pretty graphics. It does what it needs to do and nothing more. If you are concerned with the uptime of the classes and other services don't be. In the 2.5 years I was in attendance the classroom services were down twice aside from the scheduled downtimes which are normally in the early hours of the morning. All in all my experience was a good one. Only downside being fin aid and some perssonal issues with professors (which was handled by admissions)

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MSIT Graduate

Information Technology - November 26, 2010
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I just finished with my Masters of Science in Information Technology and I must say I was very skeptical of joining an on line school because of all the bad press. However, one of my life goals is having a Masters degree and going to a brick and mortar school was not feasible. Kaplan is just like any school, there are good things and bad things about it and it all depends what you wish to concentrate on; the good or the bad. I will first state what I did not like about it and then what I did like about it. I did not like several of the professors and I did not like the fact that contacting someone at Kaplan in the financial aid department was mostly very difficult. The worst part about my Kaplan experience was dealing with the financial aid department; that department really needs new leadership and a new strategic plan to accommodate the students. Here is what I did like. I did like most of the professors and for the most part they really pushed me to learn. The best professor I had hands down was Diana Dee; if you get her you are really lucky. All the professors I had were at least at the Masters level but most of them had a PhD. I liked the group project aspect of the classes and the discussion portion of the classes. Although they were both a pain in the butt, they force you to learn and to know the subject manner. I enjoyed most of the students but found only a few that were really on the ball and produced work that was acceptable to me. Kaplan has a peer evaluation program for group projects which helped let the professor know who was not up to par with their work. I went to a brick and mortar school (Western Michigan University) for my undergrad and Kaplan was very competitive in the amount of information you learn. I will not say either school was tougher, but I will say I wrote a lot more at Kaplan and the schedule was very tough. My wife took her Masters classes at a brick and mortar school and she tells me I did a lot more work for Kaplan on line than she had to at the brick and mortar school; that made me feel a lot better about going to Kaplan. As a rule of thumb you can figure on at least 15 extra hours a week per class while going to Kaplan (2 hours per night during the week and 5 hours on the weekend), but you get out what you put in and on average that is what I put in. Overall I would highly recommend Kaplan to anyone going for their Masters in IT as I can see myself using and applying what I learned on a daily basis at my current job. For once in my life I actually feel prepared to take on that manager, director, VP, or even CIO position.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

No problems whatsoever

Criminal Justice - November 24, 2010
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I began my collegiate career at Kaplan University in the summer of 2008 while deployed to Afghanistan. Being an active duty Soldier, I had the GI Bill and used Army tuition assistance so the issues that others had with financial aid didn't apply to me. As far as transfer credits go, ALL but one class transferred. I attended Central Texas College and the University of Maryland. I addition to that, I used my AARTS transcripts from my active duty service as well. The total amount of transfer credits allowed me to transfer my entire lower division requirements. Even with those credits, I still had to attend for 2 years. I never had an issue with any of my professors as far as communication goes. In fact, they were very cordial and went out of their way to help with any issues I had with class. As far as seminars go, the students weren't chatting away, because my instructors didn't allow it, period. Since I work full time (Army), time management is the key to any online education. Some who have written their reviews have experienced horrible problems with Kaplan, but I thankfully, have not. Overall, I can only provide favorable feedback regarding my time at Kaplan.

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Kaplan is definitely challenging

Business Administration/Management - November 21, 2010
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I am in my second year for my BSBA with an concentration in Human Resources. I have had my issues with FA who hasn't, the courses are very challenging I am finishing up my 2nd year and in a few weeks starting my third year. I have a 3.82 GPA after attending 16 courses, I have made the presidents list twice and the deans list six times. There has only been one semester when I did not make the honor roll, macroeconomics got me, it was a requirement for my concentration. You definitely have to put in the work, and as a disabled mother of a two and a four year old and an animal owner and wife of 18 almost nineteen years there have been times when I have thought is it worth it? Then I look at my family and keep thinking that I am going to get us out of poverty and into a comfortable life where we do not have to do without anymore and if I see something I want I can buy it and not feel guilty or have to worry. I love Kaplan they have been great so far!!!!!

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Liked Kaplan

Criminal Justice - November 18, 2010
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I first started with Kaplan back in 2003, it was the first time I tried an online school. Having been in the military since 1986 and moving frequently it was difficult to stay with one particular school. I enjoyed the classes and never had a problem with using TA through the Army, including during my deployment to Iraq in 2004. I finished my Associates degree a couple of years later and had no problems getting the diploma and transcripts. The school has come a long way since I first started with them when they were Kaplan College. The technology has gotten better and the classes have improved in part as a result of this. While there have been one or two questionable instructors during my time with them I was happy with most of them. I've also been happy with most of my advisors and I know that one person complained about getting a new one frequently. It did seem like they changed them every so often but this didn't bother me. I never had any major problems with any of them. I had been working towards my Bachelor's degree in CJ with them but ended up screwing myself up and flunking out. I let some life issues interfere in my studies. I should have just done the smart thing and drop out instead of blowing off my courses. Prior to this I was an A/B student. Some times even good students go through a phase of being knuckleheads. I would go back to Kaplan to finish my degree but after flunking out it's not so easy to back even a year later. To the people who say Kaplan is only after money I say you are wrong! If that were true I would have been permitted to re-enroll. I can't even enroll in a certificate program. I'm going to enroll with a different school, but it's not because Kaplan is a "bad" school or a "scam". Overall I have enjoyed my time with them.

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Graduated without a diploma

Criminal Justice - November 13, 2010
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I graduated with my BS in Criminal Justice w/ a concentration in Forensic Psych. I loved everything about it. I had went to a regular university college campus for 3 years, and wanted to try something challenging and more innovative, and this was definitely it. Overall, Kaplan’s instructors for this degree choice were very informative and I actually found the work to be more challenging than campus classes. This was 3 years ago. I had a great academic advisor (C. Multrie). However, it seems that Kaplan has a persistent issue with the financial aid department. It has happened to many students that attend and needs to be addressed by the Dept of Education. My last quarter, I was so happy to be graduating, and had my classes schedule. I received confirmation that my financial aid was received and everything seemed to be going as planned. However, when the quarter ended, I received a notice with an itemized statement that I owed $2000 and could not receive my diploma until I paid the money. I called financial aid, and they explained that my financial aid (loans and grants) were short by $2000, so Kaplan gave me a ‘loan’ of the $2000, and now I owe the college. I asked to see where I signed for the loan, but they could not provide a signature. Since they could provide no signature, and never notified me of this, I felt they could not hold me responsible. They told me since they could not provide a signature they would not charge interest, but are still charging me the money, withholding my diploma, and not releasing my transcripts. I have called the Department of Education and filed a complaint. Overall, I invested two-and- a-half years and over $30,000 into the degree program, and they are still withholding the diploma and transcripts it due to the dispute. All I can say is “be very weary of the financial aid department”.

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Great U, had rough points like all others

Information Technology - November 11, 2010
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The problem most people had with financial aid while I was enrolled was the seemingly endless paperwork to get loans and grants. I gave them everything on time, and I had no issues, beginning in 2002, but the school grew by ten-fold by 2006 when I graduated. It's true, if you can't get your stuff in on time by yourself without their reminders, you should not attend an online U. Go to a campus where there are people there to remind you and help you in person.

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worst financial aid ever

Information Technology - November 4, 2010
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I am almost through my bachelors program in Information technology, and have only had one term that financial aid did what they said they would. In my opinion, if you are paying your own way it is a great school, if you need aid, go somewhere else. I am in the process of getting evicted from my apartment with my 2 young boys because I had surgery and lost my job, applied for expense check, they said it would be here, it's not, they actually received the money several weeks ago, I don't have outstanding documents or anything, and they just say "it should've been handled, it'll be processed soon" and "there isn't a supervisor you can talk to" and, oh, looks like something happened that we did, and we might not be able to process it for another month. The term is over that the check is for. Yet they refuse to cut me a check for money they have received and is earning them interest. Fraudulent is what I would call it. Overall, DON'T BELIEVE THEIR FINANCIAL AID DEPARTMENT, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!

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Kaplan University: Worst School Ever! STAY AWAY!!

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I graduated from Kaplan University in October, 2009 with an AA in Medical Assisting. Most of the reviews that I have seen here about any of the Health Care programs have been prodominately negative. As for FA I did not have any problems there. I graduated with a 3.51 GPA, the only one in my group of graduating MA's to graduate with honors. About half of the instuctors in the required medical courses were lacking in educational experience to teach those classes at the college/university level. There were complaints filed against the instrutors and they were let go by kaplan only to be replaced by another unqualified instructor. As for Career Services assistance, there is none! The advertisements that I am sure we all have seen on television, they are all false and misleading. I have tried to contact CS on multiple occasions to get help and leads on employment and have gotten nothing from them. All interviews that I have gotten I have gotten on my own. I am also Certified as a Medical Assistant as of February, 2010. You would think that by now I would have obtained employment as a Certified Medical Assistant, right? Think again! I have found that anyone who graduated from Kaplan U in any of their health related studies programs is passed over for jobs and laughed at behind their backs. Most graduates come out expecting to take boards for cerification or licensing and can not pass the boards. I have tried to give Kaplan the benefit of the doubt for quite some time now, but I now realize they do not deserve it. They are only out to make money no matter what the cost to unsuspecting individuals like myself who just want to inprove their lives by get a better education. We all seem to want the same thing here. That is to improve our lives and family finacial situations. It is imposible to do that with the cracker jack degrees that Kaplan gives us. When we are still stuck working for minimum wage and having student loans to pay back for degrees that do you no good, how can one ever expect to improve their financal situation? Kaplan does not give a rats a*% how much farther in debt their students end up after going to their schools. If you are shopping around for a good school to go to, stay away from Kaplan. If you want to pay through the nose for the joke of what they call an education that they will give you then go ahead and enroll. I can tell you now though, that you will get better results by throughing you money into the wind or burning it then you will by giving it to Kaplan.

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No Problems

Master of Arts in Teaching - November 2, 2010
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I have just recently finished my MAT degree at Kaplan University. I currently live in Korea and when I told people what school I was attending they stated oh I've heard of that school and I've heard pretty good things about it. I haven't had any problems with FA as of yet and my adviser was on top of things (at times a little annoying). I was a little skeptical at first with attending Kaplan because you didn't need much to enroll and the idea of calling a call center to set-up my enrollment was a little off-setting. However, I know a few people personally that work for Kaplan and they told me that it was legit. I also did research on the accreditation and that was also legit. If the school was a scam I think the Board of Education and the accreditation board would have put up some red flags. Definitely, the media would have reported on the issues that I've read in some of these reviews. However, to each its own because I haven't had many problems. Actually I encountered more problems with my first university that is brick and mortar and has been around for years. Some people need to step back and look at themselves and figure out is it the school or is it them that is causing all the problems. It also seems that most of the problems are with the FA dept and people are so pissed at one entity that they are just stabbing in the dark to bring up other issues that aren't really occurring. As for rather my degree will be recognized or not I can't really speak on I can only hope. However, I read reviews that stated they had no problem with having their degree from Kaplan recognized. Also, Kaplan has an on-campus program that has been around longer then the online program so that speaks on how legit they are. Finally, many reputable universities are designing online programs Kaplan is just ahead of the game. Give them a break, but my advice would be is to do your own research and find out for yourselves. Online education is the new thing that will continue to take off in the future, problems and all.

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Master Graduate

Masters of Science in Management - October 29, 2010
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I am graduate of the Masters program at Kaplan University. I have must agree with several reviews listed, this is a great program and a wonderful university. I have only one complaint, the Financial Aid department. They are horrible. This is the only department at the university that lack friendliness and support.

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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful

Great Experience

Psychology - October 28, 2010
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The program is great. Never have had a single problem with any department. The discussion boards can be a pain, but only because the students wait til the last minute to complete their assignments and it puts real students in a pinch to get their work done. Instructor are friendly and educated. A lot of feedback is given on each graded assignment. If you are lazy, do not attend an online university. If you can motivate yourself then the online setting is a great way to learn.

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No Problem Here

Information Technology - October 22, 2010
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Some of the negative reviews on here a laughable. I have had no issues at all with Kaplan University online. The reason is, I did what they told me too, and submitted everything from admission and financial forms, to my projects on time. If you have any questions about your course, it is alll in the syllabus in plain English, or you can call your advisor. The advisors and professores are there to help you and they do. I often get almost immediate response to my questions when needed. My admissions advisor calls me often to see how I'm doing, so I feel like they really want me to succeed. Just take the negative reviews with a grain of salt and remember you have to be responsible when continuing your education.

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Financial Aid HEADACHE!

Information Technology - October 20, 2010
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I love the classes, the teachers, and the support. The Financial Department however is horrible. I am not supposed to have any out of pocket expenses and I suddenly received and email from their department that I owe them almost $900. The Financial Aid department told me that the Pell Grant would not pay for it so I was responsible. Not only that, the attached promissory note gives me 14 DAYS! to pay.

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Kaplan University rip-off!!! Vetrans Beware!!!

Criminal Justice - October 14, 2010
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I attended Kaplan U. for a whole year, and then out of the blue, they had all sorts of issues at Fin Aid. This department is a total failure. I had been told by enrollment that I had qualified for aid to accomplish an Associates in CJ. I had exactly 1/2 my credits towards that degree, when I was locked-out of classes, and no matter how many e-mails I sent (total of 130), they never could find the information. I was in contact with @ 10-15 different people at Fin Aid, and they did not even know eachother. Finally, when I threatend to go to the Department of Education with a formal complaint, I was told by the "Asst. Director of Student Relations", that all would be set straight. It is now 10 months since, I am already paying back my student loans for an education that is totally useless, and Kaplan keeps sending bills for all sorts of different amounts. One month its $500, the next its $1200, etc. I have told them that I am no longer enrolled, but they continue to call and harrass. STAY AWAY FROM THIS INSTITUTION. IT IS A FRAUD.

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So far, so good

Masters of Science Teaching with Technology - October 12, 2010
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I read reviews about Kaplan for hours on end. They were horrible but I decided to attend anyway. So far, Kaplan has exceeded my expectations. I attended an HBCU ( brick and mortar) for my undergrad and I experienced PLENTY of problems with FA dept. The school's accreditation was also threatened because of embezzlement, fraud, and a host of other things, but I was persistent and eventually graduated. What I am saying is that Kaplan isn't any worse than other schools. Students have to be more persistent in every aspect of life, including persistent phone calls to make sure all items have been received ( e.g., transcripts, verfication info, FA documents, etc). My first term support contacted me because I had failed to turn in assignment (that I had no idea I'd missed) in one of my classes. Because of their concern for my academics, I was able to turn in the assignment and get the full grade. *shrugs shoulders* Kaplan has been wonderful and I would recommend any PERSISTENT person to apply.

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Not bad!

Business Administration - October 12, 2010
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Kaplan University has been an excellent adventure for me while I am the only income in my family of 4. Anyway, the guy who sold me Kaplan University was extremely supportive. Financial Aid was a bit stressful, but we worked it out. My classes have been challenging, but I have had all A's except 1 B. In my defence the B was in Finance. I would like to address it is a little easy to get these grades, but if you put in your best effort anyway, you feel like you earned the grade. I just hope that the degree will help me get a job when I graduate!

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ok program hate FA

Criminal Justice - October 11, 2010
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I am in my 2nd year at Kaplan and I love my academic advisor, she is great anytime I have a problem she is right there and i can always reach her, but Financial aid is a different subject 40-55 minute wait time, they have recently switched to a team approach which makes it 100 time worse I had to call 5 times to get paperwork submitted because every person I talked to told me something different it is crazy that every other department can function so well and fa is just obilivous to the needs of the students. I had to have my advisor escalate an issue with the department head to get any help with FA. they get you enrolled and thats it you dont get help from FA department after being enrolled they get their money and your just a number.

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IT Programming is Great!

Information Technology - October 11, 2010
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I have had no troubles at all with Financial aid from the get go. I was kinda sad that we only had 2 hours per class and most of IT was going to be online where it is only 1 hour of class time. Now though we are going to 4 hours per class and all of programming for the most part will be on campus. The professors are amazing as is the rest of the staff. I am about to start my second term of Information Tech Programming. And with this week off between terms i am very excited to start classes again. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to go back to school as it is very nice as there is only 3 classes a week for 4 hours each.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Tired of reading bad reviews?

Information Technology - October 5, 2010
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I am Kaplan University graduate. I put in the time, work, effort and did what was expected of me and then some. I graduated from Kaplan with a 4.0 GPA. I am self motivated and made my education a priority in my life and the entire process was easy and I have not one single complaint. Kaplan University is one of the most advertised online universities in existence. Their TV ads mostly appear during daytime and late night TV programming that slackers will watch. For example, during exploitative talk shows (Maury, Jerry Springer), court shows (Judge Judy, Eye for an Eye) and other reality programs (COPS and Cheaters.) Having said that, who will most likely respond to these ads? Slackers. Now, I ask you to take a look at the the majority of the negative reviews about Kaplan. Did the person withdraw, quit, or fail? Next, Proofread their posts. Can they write a paragraph using complete sentences, proper grammar, and without punctuation errors? Is the negative review mostly about their difficulties with the financial aid department? Honestly, most of the people writing the negative reviews do not have what it takes to make it at Kaplan or any other university for that matter. Most of Financial Aid problems arise when the person has not submitted the proper paper work or have not completed it correctly. From admission to graduation is a very simple process. Everything that is expected from you is clearly outlined. Support for any issue that may arise throughout the process and beyond is abundant. I would absolutely recommend Kaplan University to anyone I know that is self motivated and has made getting an education a priority.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

Perfect for my busy life!!

Information Technology - October 5, 2010
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I graduated from Kaplan with a Website and Internet Development Certificate in 9 months. Loved it so much I returned to Kaplan to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. Every part of the enrollment process was easy. Obtaining Financial aid was simple. Using their online system was simple. Support has always been top rate. Ample career guidance services available. Tutoring, math and reading centers, and a full service library are also available at no charge. Books are included in tuition costs. The way the entire process works is very simple. Just follow the instructions. Do what you are told to do when you are suppose to do it. Most professors are very understanding when something arises that doesn't allow you to complete the course work on time. I have made the President's List all 7 terms at Kaplan and have a cumulative GPA of 4.0. Because I have received an A in every course I have taken at Kaplan I often find myself wondering, are they just passing me and taking my money? Is everyone at Kaplan a 4.0 student? Am I really learning all that I could for the money I am paying? I have no idea what the course work is like at traditional brick and mortar university, or other online school so I have nothing to compare it to. I was previously employed as a web developer without a formal education many years ago and left to be a stay at home mom. It took me several years to educate myself with the knowledge needed to land that job. While earning my certificate degree at Kaplan (which only took 9 months) I learned so much more than I ever could have learned on my own or on the job. Some professors can recognize when a student is familiar with the course material and will find other ways to challenge the student. I am happy at Kaplan but sometimes I do wish I was challenged a bit more.

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Worth the Effort

Legal Studies - October 4, 2010
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Overall, my experience has been very good. I have, like a lot of other students at various brick and mortar as well as online campuses, had trouble with financial aid. Nothing big, but it was a little more complicated then I would have liked. The course materials really start out very simple, and I had my doubts because of it. I realized after the first couple of terms that the program starts out as more of a refresher course to get you back in learning gear. A lot of students at Kaplan have not been to school in a long time and this really is beneficial. I am now in my 3rd year and the course material is very in depth, fast pace and demanding. This is not a course that allows you to just show up and get an A. You actually have to do the work and the work load is not small. I have learned a lot and am confident that once I have completed the full 4 years, my education will be very valuable to me. My instructors all have real world experience. In all of my legal classes, the professors are all experienced lawyers or judges with multiple years of teaching experience. My main complaint, is that the majority of the books are ebooks. I really like having a paper copy of my books and printing them is just not an option for me. I have seen a lot of complaints about financial aid, poor academic adviser assistance, hard to transfer and Kaplan not being recognized as a good school. Let me just say that when I initially considered Kaplan, I did a lot of investigating. Online distance learning is new, but is really growing and becoming more acceptable. Each year, more and more colleges are offering online or distance learning. Kaplan is accredited with the exact same accreditation as the University of Iowa and they also offer campus courses as well. Transferring the credits to another "brick and mortar" college is possible. I found some colleges that accepted some, but not all of the classes. If you have ever tried to transfer credits, this is similar to a lot of other colleges in that not everything will transfer. As for getting into a good law school with a BS from Kaplan, it is possible! I have seen it done. Are you going to get into Harvard? Probably not, but lets be reasonable when making arguments and complaints.

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Kaplan Business Student -- Still on the right path

Buisness administration - October 1, 2010
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I see alot of currently attending students complaining about how bad they think Kaplan is. Firstly, the Financial Aid department has given me some problems, this mainly being because of their inability to really listen. Overall, I have gotten every one of my FA issues handled in a proper amount of time. The classes are tough at times, especially the critical thinking and writing classes. The discussion threads can be mundane at times and can seem quite juvenile. I completely stopped attending seminars as it became just a bunch of babble between students. There never seemed to be much value in the seminars. One of the biggest things that bothers me about the university is the type of people they let in. I was suprised to see the amount of misspelled words, run-on sentences, and lack of proper puncuation. It's hard to add value to a discussion that lacks intelligence and thought to begin with. Overall, this has been an outstanding school and has already been a huge value in my search for a career.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful


Buisness administration - September 30, 2010
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I have never written an online review (positive or negative) but the anger and disappointment I feel towards Kaplan have compelled me to speak out and warn others about the nature of this company (and yes, they are a private, profit-seeking corporation). Basically, the only thing Kaplan is concerned about is getting your money. They are a company built on "smoke and mirrors" and are entirely dependent upon their sales and marketing team to survive. I am a smart, well-educated person who is neither careless nor easily manipulated, and I can honestly say, that never in my life have I felt so swindled and deceived by anyone. Essentially, Kaplan stole $3000 from me in the form of federal student loan money. Their financial department is completely broken and their academic system is ineffective and way below par. This corporation is a sham; they are selling a faulty product and making an extremely high profit from it. My decision to trust them was one of the worst financial decisions of my life.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Terrible Experience

Criminal Justice - September 30, 2010
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The classes are easy to use and get to but you dont learn anything. Every class is useless and no one listens to the teacher, all the students sit there and use the chat log to talk about stupid stuff that doesnt even involve the class. The classes last an hour and for every new class the teacher spends the first half hour reviewing what was talked about last class..After about a month or more of classes I stopped going because I wasnt learning anything and it was just getting ridiculous. The academic advisors could care less about your situation they just want you to keep going to class so you stay enrolled and feed them money. Then when you drop out of their school they send you some made up bill or random charges and fees and hound you for the money. There has to be better out there than this..Keep looking for other schools, beware of Kaplans tricks.

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Still working through it

Legal Studies - September 29, 2010
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I am currently attending Kaplan University. I have not had any issues with the classes, but I have had issues with the Financial Aid department. I received a call from my adviser right before this last term started. She informed me that I needed to turn in my "verification form" which is a random selection of students to send this in--I have been lucky enough to be selected each term. She informed me the day before my classes started, and told me if I didn't turn it in, I could be blocked from my classes. I asked why I wasn't told about this sooner, and if there was an e-mail or previous phone call sent out? She looked up my file and said she regretted to say it, but there was nothing on my file stating anyone tried to contact me prior to this. I had to race to Fed Ex to fax over my information--I included a cover page with her name on it stating "attention". I called the following day to see if she received it and left a message--then I e-mailed her-- she answered the e-mail and she said she couldn't find it. It had my social security number on it!!!! After having to go down again and pay to fax it again, she calls and said she found my first copy I sent in. However, she shredded it, and was glad I sent in another copy and she received it. I received another letter from Financial Aid a week ago asking for the same form-again. ugh!

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Graduated and ZERO problems

Criminal Justice - September 25, 2010
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I recently finished my B.S. degree in Criminal Justice at Kaplan. I had ZERO problems with financial aid, counseling, classes or support. The degree is readily acceptable as a degree from an accredited institution. I would have continued on for my Masters degree at Kaplan but they did not offer the concentration I was looking for and the school is more expensive than others with comparable programs. That being said, I do not regret going to Kaplan for one minute. I applied at two brick and mortar schools for my Masters degree and was accepted at both. (One state school and one private school) When I told an admissions person at the state school that I had attended Kaplan he said, “That is a good school”. I have read all the negative reviews and all I can say is that I had a positive experience with Kaplan and I have heard nothing negative from other schools that have looked at my transcripts from Kaplan. If you do your research before applying and put effort into your classes you will not be disappointed. I think that most negative reviews are generated from people who did not expect the cost and did not put in effort into their classes. You definitely need to be motivated and self driven to do well in an on-line environment. If I had to make one negative comment about the school, I would say their admission standards need to be more stringent. I did feel there were some in the classes that did not belong. (Although I think that can be experienced at most schools) Absolutely no problems here!

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Assoicates Degree in Paralegal Studies - September 24, 2010
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I was not made aware of the need for a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA TRANSCRIPT needed until 3 weeks after class started and then was given 3 weeks to submit or be blocked from classes. I had to contact the Unified School DIstrict I went to which happedned to still be closed for summer school and wait till they opened to get information and submit my request. I emailed back to the person emailing me from COMPLIANCE and called him. He would not return my call and when I emailed him about this he simply sent back to me THE SAME FORMAT EMAIL stating it must be in by September 27th or else be blocked from class. I WAS TOLD I would need my college transcripts but never the HIGH SCHOOL. Why is it that ther is noone doing this foot work in financial. I went to University of Phoenix nevr was asked for my trnascripts they did all of this on their own and confirmed it.

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Assoicates Degree in Paralegal Studies - September 24, 2010
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I was not made aware of the distribution of PELL GRANT FUNDS. I happened to discover it and then when I called the person answering the phone was so rude in telling me about a form I should have filled out that I was NEVER TOLD about after lengthy discussions with Advisor and Finacial neither source mentioned the website address to fill out the necessary document for excess funds

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Great Legal Studies Program

Legal Studies - September 22, 2010
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As a recent Legal Studies graduate I will firmly support this school as a logical choice for hard working, dedicated prospective students. As a cash paying student I did have a bit of a hard time with Kaplan’s student accounts department as their online statements and payment plans lacked consistency. As long as you take responsibility for your account and call when you see issues arise they will take care of the issue, but it might take a few phone calls to get it done. Professors, books, seminars, and classes were great. I was able to set the pace for completing my program which was a huge advantage. I would proudly recommend Kaplan to anyone who is self driven and highly motivated. Ryan Pheifer

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Eh... not much more to say

Criminal Justice - September 22, 2010
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Overall, I can say Kaplan is a decent school (not much more and not much less). They have many different classes to choose from when completing electives and I liked having these options. I do wish that Kaplan challenged me a bit more than it has. Yes, there were a few classes that I really had to concentrate; but I believe this more had to do with the teachers conducting the class. The course work was mediocre and I could usually get a paper done within 1 1/2hr and still get at least 95%. The other big issue I have with Kaplan is the use of quarter credits, instead of semester credits. For those of you that don't know the difference, don't me embarrassed because I didn't either. Basically, 5 quarter credit hours is equal to 3 semester credit hours (the majority of universities use semester credit hours). Kaplan charges $371/quarter credit, so each class costs MUCH more than any other school. University of Phoenix charges $365/credit and they use semester credits, which makes it much cheaper than Kaplan. Overall, I wouldn't recommend going to Kaplan. Either take your time at an actual brick and mortar school, or invest in another online school. My two year degree is not worth as much as it is costing me at Kaplan.

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Financial Dept

Nutrition Science - September 21, 2010
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I registered 6 weeks ago- faxed ALL documents, had to get the FAFSA people on the phone because they couldn't access my FAFSA...??? EVERY week they have asked for documents they have and then wanted more and I have had enough- they are not supportive at all, the emails were sent to ALL the email addresses I had and now, when I am withdrawing, they didn't get one...whatever- I have never had so many issues with a school and have been to several, for different things over the last 25 years!

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Hate this place, Dont sign up

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I use to attend Kaplan and then I supposively failed acidemic strageties 3 times and they blocked me from signing onto the site. Never got a letter email or phone call they just blocked me and had me go on a wild goose chase to figure out what the heck happened. Admissions Advisor said that the group discussions were not part of the grade and that you didnt have to attend if you couldnt make it well that is bs because it is half the grade. Teacher failed me because I did an assignment wrong and didnt realize it she said I could redo it and I did but then when I turned it in she said I didnt do it in the right amount of time which again is bs. Ive been trying to get back into Kaplan because I am left with this damn bill for schooling I never really even started and I get the financial aid officers hang up on me yea real professional. So I have gotten no where. I think its a shame that financial aid is suppose to help you but all it does is screw you over in the end because the school gets paid weather or not you finish.

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Human Services - September 21, 2010
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My name is John Shabazz.I have been at Kaplan for two semesters and they have screwed me from day 1. I didnt get my 1st finiacial aid stipend check until I was halfway done with my second semester. I am still waiting on my 2nd check from my second semester. Still havent gotten it. University of phoenix is a great school and you get your money in 3-4 days direct deposit. Buyer beware Kaplan will rob you without a gun!

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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful

Do not attend this school if needing financial aid

Psychology - September 20, 2010
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This school's financial aid department is a serious nightmare! I am finishing my third term at Kaplan and have decided to withdawl and attend somewhere else. The stress from dealing with the financial aid department alone is too much to bare. I am still waiting for funds to be received and posted to my account from March. I have called every week since June 2nd waiting and getting the run around. Learning shouldn't be this difficult or stressful.

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What are you all crying about?

Business - Accounting - September 18, 2010
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Wow. It seems to me there's a lot of whining going on here. First, let's address the reason each and every one of us use online education. It is for convenience. Others just couldn't cut the mustard in a non-profit setting. Their primary education was not up-to-par. Second, be smart enough to read. Stop blaming the University for YOUR inability to look out for yourself when YOU didn't take the time to read your Master Promissary Note, Financial Aid Statement, or any of the other information provided by Kaplan when you enrolled. Now you whiners want to claim they sold you a lemon. Yes, the tuition is higher because you are paying for convenience. The convenience to roll you lazy butts out of bed and go to school. Or for those of you that have jobs and a family, you have the convenience to go to school on your time left available and not have to sit in one class for hours at a time. When you go to a convenience store, you pay extra. You could have driven further to a grocery store, but that is the price you pay at the convenience store to save YOU time. I have attended non-profit universities on campus and for profit universities on line. Kaplan University gives me just what I need, convenience. Yes, there are times of hold for Financial Aid. That is because YOU are not the only student enrolled. It's not like you can just walk in and have your issues addressed. Stop whining and get the education YOU need to get on with your life.

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3 of 5 people found the following review helpful


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Kaplan's financial aid department is the worst. They are clueless as to anything that has to do with their students financial aid. I am a veteran and I was entiteled to so many benefits that they had no idea existed and were unable to help me leaving me with a huge bill to pay in the end. I dont recommend this school to anyone.

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Psychology - September 17, 2010
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This school has been fantastic for me! I have had little to no problems. Since it is an online school, you must have patience...that is the only thing I can think of as a negative!! LOVE Kaplan U!

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A Paper Mill

Information Technology - September 16, 2010
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In general, classes at Kaplan are a joke. The evaluations of students are based primarily on meaningless criteria such as format and submitting work on time. Assignments have no rigor, so there can be no real evaluation of someone's knowledge. Compounding the lack of rigor is the fact that faculty are only retained if they manage to maintain above average student evaluations. Any faculty member who evaluates students honestly (and not just assigns 100% for turning in work) will soon be driven out because they will not receive high enough student evaluations. It should be clear to everyone that Kaplan is a for-profit institution that is far more interested in keeping students happy so that students stay enrolled and Kaplan continues to reap the federal funds those students are eligible for. The best way to keep those students happy is to ensure they get high grades for meaningless work. No student would actually pay such high tuition for such mediocre education unless someone else (i.e. Federal aid) is paying for it.

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Business Administration/Management - September 16, 2010
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Financial Aid Department Problems

Business Administration - September 14, 2010
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Your financial Aid department really needs to know what they are doing. I have been here at Kaplan for 8 terms now and every term I have had difficulty with the financial aid department. Every term there has been problem getting my money due. The fault lays within the departments errors on coding, audits or whatever excuse is new at that term. I am very disappointed in this school's support system. I am appalled that the "support" your message plays over and over again while your on hold does not stand up to your actions. I will finish my terms here for my associates degree, but as for furthering my education at Kaplan, I will not be doing so. I found a better college that offers online courses and is state accredited. I will attend that school and never recommend this school to anyone.

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Financial Aid Dept issues

Criminal Justice - September 12, 2010
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I had significant issues with Kaplan's Financial Aid Department. The first 2 years were supportive and enjoyable. When I entered my junior year I received no support from Academic Advisors or Financial Aid. Financial Aid department drops your calls after 15 minutes. I tried unsuccessfully for 90 minutes, 3 days to advise them of my course changes. I emailed them many times to get the payment resolved. Finally after a month it was adjusted. However, I am receiving phone calls that I am not paying on time. My question is how am I to pay when it is not set up correctly on the online payment system? I decided to change schools for the lack of support. I was recently advised of a "team" of advisors that will be working for me. If so, where are they? As with Financial Aid, I am unable to contact them on the phone. I am very displeased that my commitment to their college as an honor student was not returned with support. Basically, I figured out I was just a number.

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financial dept.

Psychology - September 10, 2010
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I attended KU for a short period of time. Unfortunately, I had to drop due to health issues. There was a little mix up with my financial status. I received a letter claiming I owed money. I paid in-full for the courses I attemped to take. I spoke to a person from financial aid and I found her very helpful. She called me up the next day and we resolved the issue. I found her informative and helpful. Robin

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The actors

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - August 28, 2010
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The materials are outdated and a complete waste of cash - COMPLETE!

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Kaplan's Financial Aid Department Is the worst

Business Administration/Management - August 28, 2010
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I have been a student at Kaplan for almost two years and every term I have to call and chase down the money that they own me. Their financial aid department can not get anything right. I have called and emailed and every term it is the same thing. My frustration level is to the max with Kaplan. I am still waiting on my check from last term and I have already started this term. If it was a one time thing that would not be so bad but it is every time. I want to know what action we can take against them. I want then to pay interest on my money that they keep not sending me. Is there a government agency that oversees these kinds of things? Or would it be best to talk to a lawyer and start a class action lawsuit against them.

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The School Without a Heart

BS in Paralegal Studies - August 26, 2010
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This school is unbelievable. i went back after taking a year off so they considered me a returning student. I started classes and the next day called them to say that I was now tanglined in a custody issue as my drug/alcohol addicted ex-husband was trying to gain partial custody to avoid paying child support. I didn't ask to withdraw I asked to start classes a2 weeks later so I could focus on this issue. They never told me that if I attempt to withdraw I would be responsible for 10% of my tuition and I wasn't asking to withdraw but they said that is the only way I could start later and I would have to pay the 10% before I started classes. I was even told to finish the classes out and then re-take them so iprove my grades. i had a 3.9 average and take school very seriously, that was not an option for me. I even offered to send them all the documentation to prove the issues I was having but this school didn't care they only cared about the money. They have called me non-stop sometimes 2-3 times a day, at work, at home and on my cell. They have violated they fair debt collection and don't care that they are breaking the law. This institution is a joke and by the way their credits won't transfer to any respectable college/university. People should beware and don't be conned they will help you get in but after that it's only about the money (what they get from you because you won't get anything with a degree from them)

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Biggest Mistake Ever!!!!

Business - Accounting - August 25, 2010
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I decided to go back to school and finish my degree in Accounting. At first I went to university of phoenix, and while I enjoyed I decided to transfer to kaplan because I enjoyed to idea of online seminars. That was the only good thing about the school. I went to Kaplan for a little over a year and about half way through I found out that is college is a mistake. I was not learning anything and I decided that I would have to attend a university to get that the eduaction that I was lacking from Kaplan. I upset that I had not learned anything, and basically bs'ed my way through the course to earn a 3.2 gpa. Things got worse when I recieved a bill from kaplan for $495. They said that it was because financial aide, and student loans did not cover everything. I was confused by this because in the almost 2 years of online classes I had paid a thing because I was covered. When I tried to call the financial aide department I would sit on hold for 30-40 mins at a time and still no one would answer. I would send email to my advisor or whom ever I could think of to get this bill explained, and no one could do it. Recently I enrolled into DeVry University to finish what I started and Kaplan has refused to release my Transcripts to see what classes will transfer because of this bill, that still has not been explained to me. I have filed a chapter 13 because I was laid off from construction, and this new job has not allowed me to catch up on the bills. I put the 495 kaplan bill into the BK, and was assured that my transcripts would be released, so we shall see. The thing 20 mins ago I recieved a collection call from Kaplan saying that I know owe them $4150. How my bill is 10 times what it was I do not know. To sum it up Kaplan is a horrible college, they do not teach nor help their students. That is why they have less than an 18% graduation rate. This college cost to much and if you do not pay they will hold transcripts hostage until you do. To ANYONE wanting to go Kaplan University PLEASE PLEASE do your research. You will see that it is a mistake to go here.

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing - August 21, 2010
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I was told the whole time that it will only take 18 months to 2 years to finish my BSN. So I started my 1st term right away coz I did not want to waste any more time. They made us do this PLAN OF STUDY assignment, and that's when I realized that it will take us FOUR FREAKING YEARS to finish the BSN program since 1 class is 10 weeks long! Now, if you want to finish within 2 years, you'll have to take 2-3 classes per term! I think people go to online schools because we barely have enough time to divide between work, family and personal time. ANd who wants to read two different books and write different papers every week while working fulltime and has a spouse and kids??! I guess if the admission staff had been honest to me that it will take FOUR YEARS to finish UNLESS I DOUBLE UP MY LOAD, then maybe this is not going to be a big deal. But lying to students and giving us FALSE information is just not right. This is more difficult because we do not see the people we are talking to, and all they do when you call is put you on hold and transfer you to different department! also, BEWARE OF THEIR FINANCIAL AID!! I am a military spouse and was supposed to get a military discount, but that discount never showed up on my financial statement. I followed up of course, and I was told that it shows on their records and that i just do not see it on mine! So when I was about to withdraw from the school, this stup** lady told me that I AM NOT AN ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY - DOES NOT MATTER THAT I AM A MILITARY SPOUSE - SO THEREFORE I AM NOT ENTITLED TO A MILITARY DISCOUNT. She even told me that it was never on my record that I'm supposed to get any discount! It was frustrating that one people tell you this, and the next time you call, the other person tell you that... Kaplan is too expensive and is definitely not worth your time and money. Yes they only charge $371 per credit hour compared to $450 of phoenix! but kaplan's one class is worth 6 credits, while phoenix and other universities only do 3! So do the math! Everybody was so nice and supportive when they were trying to get me into their school- and at least on the first week of class because they want to make sure you don't drop on the first week coz you can still get a FULL REFUND ON THE FIRST WEEK. but after that - it's HELL! I do not have any complain with the teacher --- every teacher from every school has different attitudes and teaching styles! But why spend 4 years and about $35,000 to get your BSN if you can get it in 2 years and $15,000 in a different school?? We work hard for our money, and time is gold. Both we do not want to just waste! So I suggest, you check with Phoenix or Walden, or any other online schools before you go to Kaplan. Kaplan's nclex review is good! They are only meant for review courses --- not a whole degree program!

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Waste of time

Criminal Justice - August 19, 2010
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I dropped out of Kaplan University after 2 weeks on attempting to take their online classes. What a waste of time! The teachers were hard to get a hold of, the hold for the financial aid department was ALWAYS at least 15 mins, I had no assigned Academic Advisor, etc. 2 weeks of class and they send me a bill for $2376.00 and are now hounding me for payment. When I dropped, I was told that the amount would be prorated, but this amount is roughly equal to 6 units. STUDENTS - BEWARE!

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We reap what we sow

Criminal Justice - August 18, 2010
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I must say that I have heard some very bad reviews about online colleges. I attended a community college which was okay, but I could not find the time to get to classes, as I am a mother of two. I signed up with the University of Phoenix and recieved my associated degree in Criminal justice and then transferred to Kaplan University to obtain my bachelor's degree. I must say that no matter where you go there will be problems with financial aide, academic advisors, and some professors. College is what you make it, and if you are not willing to work hard for the degree; don't blame anyone but yourselves. I have worked very hard and will let no one tell me that my degree is not worth the next students, neither should anyone else. As for getting scammed, if you don't have enough credits at the end of each quarter, your pell grant money will not be released, no matter how much you complain. I hear students say they have dropped classes, stopped going, or failed, but they still expect to recieve funds, why? If you are not working hard, learning ,and getting good grades-you don't need the money. For all those students who are working hard, keep up the good work!

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Early Childhood Education - August 16, 2010
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Just got off the phone with a FASFA representative. Kaplan University was given a total of $24,225.00 in loans and grants for eleven classes. Eleven classes based on $350 per credit hour = $1750 per class. $1750 X 11 classes = $19,250.00. The rep tells me that kaplan "cancelled" $1500 of one of the loans. Which makes it 22,725.00 that kaplan received. Now,subtract 19,250.00 from 22,725.00 and you get $3,475.00. A few weeks before I graduated they sent me and out of pocket bill in the mail for $475. HHHmmmmm....... Anyone like to comment??

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Kaplan is a scam

Buisness administration - August 13, 2010
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This is the worst school that I have ever attended. I was dismissed a few months back and you wouldnt believe they tell you that you have to wait 6-9 months to even get an answer if you can return or not. I never knew that saying yes or no could be so hard. I later found out that this school is a scam because no other schools will accept credits from them, but they are "accredited". Dont waste your time or money. If you are dismissed and they deny your appeal you have to go to a different school and can not return to kaplan under no circumstances. Sounds like a spam to me because if they dont take you back and their credits dont transfer, whats the purpose of going there.

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Masters of Science in Management - August 12, 2010
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I was on the computer researching online schools and sent in for information before I could change the page I received a phone call from an admissions representative. I was impressed. We talked and he was very positive! So I decided to check out some reviews and WOW! Well I thought it was too good to be true. I have my Bachelor's from a University, and was looking to further my education with a MA in the Health field. I am so glad I found this site. A red flag was raised when the rep told me that I didn't need to take any test nor were there any admissions requirements. NOTE: ANY SCHOOL THAT WILL LET YOU JUST WALK IN IS NOT WORTH WALKING INTO! Thanks for all your Honesty.

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Public Health - August 9, 2010
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Hello everybody! I received this email from my admission advisor today after I decided NOT to attend Kaplan University (also this is after I read the bad reviews). This is about the reviews that’s online. Hope you enjoy! ************************************************************ Kaplan University is committed to the highest standards of ethical behavior as well as providing accurate and upfront information. We make all these efforts so that our students make an informed decision about furthering there education at our institution, beforehand, to empower our students to make an informed decision. Negative reviews are unfortunate in any facet of business but unavoidable at times, especially when it comes to the process of someone's education. Sometimes an experience of failure or frustration is to be blamed on the University and not the individual's lack of effort. I can assure you that our faculty and organization is committed to a positive and successful student experience with as much support as possible in an online experience. I hope it will not deter your progress for consideration in the future; if you decide to reconsider or at least look over your funding options before making a decision, please let me know. It was my pleasure assisting you thus far, good luck in your future endeavors and education. Regards,

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful


Business Administration/Management - August 5, 2010
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I agree with whoever made the most recent post- I am currently doing my best to get out of Kaplan and transfer or enroll elsewhere- in two years I have had 8 different academic advisors and each was worse than the next, they do not respond to questions and they are hard to get ahold of- this is the same experience I had with their financial aid advisors as well. The professors do not seem to be very understanding or in touch with the students from what I have experienced either. I want out !!!

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Assoicates Degree in Paralegal Studies - August 3, 2010
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Okay, I have spent the last hour or so reading these comments. I just completed my Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies with over a 3.0 CGPA, and my overall experience was great. My biggest problem was that most of my classes were full of idiots who didn't appear to have even completed the 6th grade, let alone high school. Doesn't anyone know how to spell, use correct punctuation, correct grammar, etc.? Sure I had a few professors who weren't quite on top of their game all the time, but I had way more who were, and who really challenged me to do my very best. As for the financial part of it, I owed absolutely no balance when I finished my last term, and althought I had to occasionally fax/email documents to the FA Dept. that I knew they already had, so what? My grants and loans were through FAFSA (Pell Grants, Stafford Loans, CitiBank), and although I will have to start paying them back in a few months, I was never told that I owed more than what was disbursed to the school. I think a lot of you complainers were thinking that because the classes are online, that they would be easy, and that you would be handed 4.0s and a diploma at the end of your classes. I have 3 children (one of whom is autistic), a husband and a house to take care of, and although it was hard work, I was able to complete my degree with no problems. Like I said, my major issue with Kaplan is the caliber of students that were admitted to the school. I would say that over 50% of each of my classes were people who couldn't put a sentence together, didn't read instructions for assigments, didn't know where to find basic, simple information, and who spent the entire time trying to spout off crap they thought made them sound smart, but which actually made them look like idiots. I swear, I was really embarrassed for a lot of them. I couldn't believe some of the things that people would post on discussion boards, and God only knows what their written assignments were like. I feel bad for the instructors who had to grade some of those papers. I am not trying to say that I am a know-it-all genius or anything, but most of the people I had classes with presented themselves as if they were young teenagers who got bad grades in middle school. I mean, I am talking about very basic stuff here. It was absolutely MADDENING to be in Seminars with them, and trying to converse on the Discussion Boards without insulting them took every ounce of my willpower. So, I don't understand what all you complainers are talking about, because my time at Kaplan was productive and (for the most part) problem-free. I intend to re-enroll next year for my Bachelors, and I would recommend Kaplan to anyone.

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Incompetent Staff

Business Administration/Management - August 2, 2010
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You do not want to go through the headaches and waste your time with the staff at Kaplan University. They are like salesman at a car dealership. I was dealing with a representative that could not give me the answers that I was asking for but yet he had a million and one questions for me. I asked him to move on and that I wanted to know how much the fees were, and when classes for this semester started, when he said that I might not even be a good fit for the university. Maybe its because I wanted to get to real answers about the school, accreditation, classes, etc. and he wanted to talk about my goals and interview me. When I asked him if I could speak to him in person by phone and not by online chat, he stated that he couldn't take any calls. A real University would never say that,and would call you back and would be interested in your transcripts not how well you interview. I have never in my life dealt with such poor customer service.

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Legal Studies - July 27, 2010
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I wish I would have listened to my friend and NEVER attended Kaplan. As soon as I enrolled and the school recieved my money...I never was able to get in touch with my advisor or financial aid officer when I had a question or a problem. The course that I took, I felt as if I didn't learn anything. All we did was write papers and it felt like busy work. The books that were reccommended for the course, we never used. In addition to me just not liking the class or the program. My loan was rejected and the school constantly calls me saying I owe them $2,000! When I ask why my loan was rejected I get several different answers from several different people. Not to mention the average hold time is about 25 minutes. Kaplan sucks and they aren't getting any of my money.

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So far so good

Legal Studies - July 26, 2010
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I received an AAS for Paralegal Studies and decided to go back to school a year later for a BS in Legal Studies. I have never had any problems. A few years ago I tried to enroll in the community college, and had the worst experience with 2 different community colleges. I chose an online education because of my work schedule, and I'm a mother of 2. It may not be for everyone.

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The worst experience

Information Technology - July 26, 2010
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I wanted to be able to study from home and was contacted by Kaplan. It sounded promising and seemed to be the ideal solution for my situation...that is, until I actually started classes. From day one I had problems from financial aid. They seemed overwhelmingly incompetent. I filled out and faxed the same paperwork 5 times, I even refaxed the same paper, called the financial aid office to ask if they had received it, they informed me they had, but I was still locked out of classes. I received 4 e-mails regarding that same paperwork, I called again the next morning, and they said that they had not received it. I was so angry and frustrated and I had already missed almost 3 weeks of classes. I immediately requested that I be unenrolled, that took another 2 weeks. I received a letter from Sallie Mae informing me that my financial aid had gone through and payment had been received by the university, and even today, I got a letter from a collection agency stating that I owed $2400 to Kaplan. 2 semesters, one of which I couldn't complete because of the incompetence of financial aid and the second semester which I was locked out of for 3 weeks. This "university" is nothing more than a scam, no better than spam e-mails, no better than the door-to-door scam artists.

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I wouldn't recommend Kaplan

Criminal Justice - July 23, 2010
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I attended Kaplan for 2 years and received my Associates in Criminal Justice. The school itself is ok and for the most part I had great teachers and my second advisor was awesome. When I first started I had an advisor that I could never get a hold of so I requested a new one & I received one within the next day. She was great. My issue was with the financial aid department. I could never get a hold of my financial aid advisor and when I could I was harassed for paper work that I sent in multiple times. The credits are ridiculously expensive and just not worth it. The school work was actually easy as pie and I graduated with honors. The problem I have is places are not wanting to hire those who have degrees online and since graduating in Dec. of 09 I still have no been able to find employment. I am going to continue to go for my Bachelors soon, but it will not be with Kaplan. If you do decide to attend I far warn you, if your not rich or receiving grants or scholarships be prepared to be paying out your butt for a while.

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What is Everyone Whining About?

Business - Accounting - July 19, 2010
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I have been reading a lot of the reviews and I just don't understand what the problem is. I think a lot of the people that are complaining either have/had FA issues or attended a Kaplan College....Not Kaplan University. I attended Kaplan College too and I will say that it got me NOWHERE. This is why I transfered to Kaplan University and I really like it. I have tried other online Universities and this is by far the best I have seen. I am getting ready to go into my third term and have managed to be on the presidents list for my first two terms....with much hard work I must say. If you are a slacker and just want your degree 'handed' to you, Kaplan is not for you. Every college has FA issues. I haven't attended a college that hasn't had issues with their FA dept. If you let that get to you though you aren't really worried about your education. The only complaint that I have is that it is sometimes hard to reach people when you need to but I don't let that get me down. You have to be self sufficient to make it work for you at this University meaning your have to be motivated and do what it takes to get things done by the pre-determined deadlines. If you are reading these reviews trying to figure out what school is best for you, Kaplan University is where it's at. OH and for the people who say it's just online.....there are campuses too. I actually have family that live about 30 minutes from one of them. Brick and mortar schools aren't any better than online. I actually online is better because you have to be motivated since you don't have someone shoving the material down you throat. Kaplan U. is the best decision I made as far as education. CB

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My Kaplan experience

Human Services - July 18, 2010
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I have found Kaplan to basically be like any other university, I have attended 3 universities before Kaplan and this is my first online attempt. I have found it to be basically the same, it's not easy work and you will have to study and put your best effort forward as with any school, online or otherwise. If you decide to go with a online university because you think it's easier, don't waste your time because you will be sadly mistaken. I've had no real problem with Kaplan except a slight issue with the financial department concerning documentation being asked for in a timely manner. Other than that I have no complaints.

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great school but FA has some real idiots

Psychology - July 15, 2010
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I am in my fourth yr at KU (Child Development-Psychology) and I have to say that the courses and material are good, the profs are good too. I have had two profs that where horible but you get that in a B&M school too. Financial Aid (FA) has some reall idiots working there, the last two times I called i actually got a person who was on top of things. I have had a hard time with the Academic Counselors (AC) too, the one I have now is great and actually knows what he is doing. KU is just as good as most B&M colleges, for both the challange is to make it through the system (FA and AC)

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Financial Aid Issues

Business Concentrating in Finance - July 13, 2010
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My experience at Kaplan has been overall positive, however, I have had a few frustrating financial aid issues. Calling financial aid, almost everyday only to be put on hold for 30 to 40 minutes before someone answers, never having the opportunity to talk with the same person so I have to keep repeating my issues over and over. After talking with many, many financial aid advisors over several months regarding the same issue and still nothing is resolved. Very frustrating and scary when people are recklessly messing with your money! If I had it to do over again, I would have stuck with University of Phoenix Online.

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Very Poor Education

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - July 13, 2010
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I'm in the process of finishing my first year of a graduate program with Kaplan. I have degrees from residential colleges and I wanted to continue my education and retrain in another field. Choosing Kaplan was not the best idea. The level of education is poor; the FA department is misinformed and made numerous mistakes with my account; the technology used in the delivery of the classes is outdated and unreliable; and the other students, while friendly, do not appear to come from strong academic backgrounds. Overall, I would not recommend this for-profit university to anyone seeking a proper academic education.

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Veterans Beware

Criminal Justice - July 13, 2010
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***Veteran's...beware of Kaplan University, they will stoop as low as lie to a veteran just to make a quota.***

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Kaplan sucks!!

Psychology - July 12, 2010
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The teachers and my advisor were really nice and helpful. However, the financial aid department is a complete joke and the classes aren't really that hard. I'm stuck footing a bill from financial aid that never should have existed if they had informed me properly. This school is a waste of time and money. Please DO NOT ATTEND! They will try and suck you in and tell you that you are all set to take classes and then will screw you over in the end! Don't go!

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I do not trust Kaplan

Legal Studies - July 10, 2010
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I did a lot of research before I decided where to attend. Kaplan is For-Profit, Private school. Their main goal is to make money. The ads for teaching jobs are all over Craigslist, which makes me skeptical about their educational quality. If you like your "home page" I just want to let you know that every online college has a "cool home page". As for recognition of the diploma, I must say that a lot of people had trouble finding jobs, as you can find numerous posts online. Unless your prospective employer attended Kaplan, no one else recognizes that school. Additionally, just because Kaplan is currently accredited it does not mean that it will be when you graduate, and then what??? With all these posts, complains, and issues going on I would be quite nervous to put my money into it. ADVICE: Look into a long good standing brick and mortar school and then research their online option. Also focus on Not-for-profit or Public which have lower credit rates, tuition, and fees. Once you find one, type the name of your chosen school with keyword "review", "rip-off", "complain" and read what others have to say. Then if you still think it is a good idea-I say-Go for it!!! I found my school after a lot of research and frustration but I know I made a great educational decision.

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My time at KU

Masters of Science in Management - July 10, 2010
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Finished my MS Education in 09. I thought the academic program was great. The professors & format was great! Much better than UoP and others I've seen. What was generally not so great was FA, but as someone already said, that's the norm in colleges. On graduation, they called & 3-way'd with my Stafford lender to make sure I understood everything. That was good, as Stafford is rather confusing. Accreditation? Of course, look it up in Regional, the best you can get. They even have a law school and produce lawyers, so go figure! Location? Who cares? The online program is actually located in Ft Lauderdale FL. The actual degree doesn't mention a city. The transcripts are from Chicago IL, where the registrar's office is. Oh yeah, Gen Colon Powell was my commencement speaker at the Jan 2010 graduation in Miami. Too cool. Classy.

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You get out what you put in

Information Technology - July 8, 2010
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I am curently still attending Kaplan University. I have many classmates that have problems with Kaplan. Typically they think the problem is with their Instructor. In reality, many of these students expect passing grades while making excuses, no doing homework, and wanting their education "spoon fed" to them. When they dont get the grades they "think" they deserve, then they start whining about Kaplan not giving them what they paid for...a degree. Kaplan provides an high standard of education but still requires self motivation from the student. If you want a degree...go find a "degree mill". If you want an education, then Kaplan might be right for you.

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Psychology - July 8, 2010
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I just finished my first term at Kaplan. I have almost a 4.0 average. I loved it. I was so excited to start my second term. However, they blocked me from logging in, my academic advisor will not call me back, and its the first day of the 2nd term. Kaplan lost my transcripts from my other school to transfer. They harassed me with phone calls 4 times a day before I started to enroll, but once your in there they start sending you bills, and locking you out. It was not my fault they lost my transcripts but now I have to hurry up and get my transcripts send again and hope they get there and I dont fail, and now I have to cram if they even let me in classes. If they let me start with unofficial transcripts to get you in, they should let you continue since its there fault. No one would help, all the woman reps were rude and basically told me I had a whole term to get my transcripts in. I told them I had a cancelled check from my previous school and that they had been sent 10 weeks prior but they would not help. I have never had an issue like this with any school, they need to get there system in order and quit treating students this way.

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Don't what people are complaining about

Business Concentrating in Finance - July 6, 2010
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I have read the first few comments that were dated June of this year and the ones that say they didn't like Kaplan, I don't understand what they are complaining about. I have been attending Kaplan since Fall 08 and finishing up my associates and soon my bachelors, I was never bothered by the finacial aid, that someone had commented happen to them, only twice have I had to speak to them. I know it is a real school because I get financial aid and I had to fill out a application from the FASA (if initials right) and the bank that I got the loan I chose from a bank I knew Citibank. People say they were told they will be able to get 50k job, hello we are in an economic crisis, duh. I just laugh at some of these comments. Kaplan is a great online school.

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got cheated

Nutrition Science - June 30, 2010
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I was told my tuitions are covered by one of the agents in KU. After taking the course for a month, I received a bill which said that I have to pay more than $1000.00. I tried to contact with the agent or the counselor; none of them responded the phone call or the e-mail I sent out. I don't think it is a real university because the contact information I got from the agents or the counselor wasn't the right number when I called. I will never recommend this Kaplan university to any of the people I know. I wasted my money just being admitted in the university

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communication student

Communications - June 29, 2010
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I found that just like anything else, you have to work hard for something worthwhile. The classes were not easy so if you are a bad student in general, then you should know what to expect. The education was great but the support staff does need some improvement.

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Financial Aid 'Assistance' ruins experience

Business Concentrating in Finance - June 27, 2010
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In one sentence, great experience - except for Financial Aid. Enrollment period was great, a lot of assistance. I was luck to start with an EXCELLENT academic counselor - she was amazing with both proactive and follow-up communications. My current AA is okay, follows up most of the time, but schedules my classes so I can't complain. After my first full year I have had to deal with the FA office. I receive both employer assistance as well as loans, they apparently had a hard time calculating the correct amounts. At this time I am hoping the situation is resolved, but we'll see once this academic year is over. I had previously attended another online college and also had issues with the FA office. I have a feeling these are 'entry' level positions with a lot of turnover. I have not had issues with any of my teachers. Some definitely put in more effort than others. I've had some professors teach via YouTube videos, some participate more than others in the Discussion boards, some provide better feedback on papers than others. It concerns me that some students have had experiences turning in blank papers and getting an "A". As for technology - I wish I could access both classes & email via my Blackberry but was told by the Support department that their systems do not allow that right now. I also changed names between terms and there were some issues on the backend. In some places my name was changed and not in others, which was a bit confusing to the professors but that seemed to get resolved pretty quickly.

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I want my money back!

Medical Coding - June 25, 2010
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I was ripped off by the person that "SOLD" me this course. I was told I would get a $50K job after completion. I was told the course materials were $50. They were over $1,000. I was told it could be done in 4 months. I worked full time and it took 8 months because the last course has homework that has to be graded and it cannot be done quicker than 6 weeks. Now, after completion, I have contacted over 50 medical offices and have offered to work and train for free and without 2 years experience, no one will train. This course does not give you the education necessary to take the CPC exam which most offices require. I feel totally ripped off and lied too. I paid in full up front and I want my money back. P Sullivan

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful


Business Administration - June 25, 2010
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Incredible! The Masters program is a tough and hard program. I am so impressed with the level of professionalism and commitment from my professors. I highly recommend this program to anyone.

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my 2 cents

Psychology - June 19, 2010
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I currently attend Kaplan and I was reading along about the various comments. I will say most have to do with financial aid. SERIOUSLY? I mean EVERY financial aid office at EVERY university SUCKS. I've attended community college, state university, and private and I will say I don't know a single person who has good things to say about their financial aid experience regardless of where they attend. there's always something wrong or something thatg you didnt sign or fill out correctly. I don't think you will have a good experience no matter where you attend people. I think the key is getting a good admissions advisor, mines is the best.

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Look elsewhere!!!

Business Concentrating in Finance - June 17, 2010
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I attended Kaplan University for over a year and I have to admit it was the worst mistake of my life. Not only is the support system that is in place a joke, when I withdrew from the University, I receive a "final bill" for almost the entire tuition for the year I attended. I received the GI Bill the entire time, so I knew there was no balance. I left in February and just last week this issue was "resolved" on Kaplan's end. I in turn now have a credit that I have been fighting to get back. It took 5 weeks and 4 faxes to get my official transcripts sent to my new University, and so far I have had to fax the refund request 6 times now in the last 2 weeks as I am told it was not received. If you call the FA department be prepared to wait on hold for clear over an hour. The support offered to students and ex-students is horrible and it clearly shows that Kaplan is a true FOR PROFIT only University!!! The tuition is also very high for the service you receive as a student. Don't fall for the Kaplan scam as you will regret it in the end!

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Go somewhere else

Information Technology - June 15, 2010
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I graduated with an IT degree with an emphasis in computer programming. Some of the instructors were just horrible, and others were hostile when asking them questions. We managed as a class to get one of the instructors thrown out because he just monitored the online sessions, and did not teach at all. Well to make a long story short, I would choose a more effective college with instructors that are there at all times (phone or online), because of the amount of money you are paying.

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people shouldn't lie

Information Technology - June 10, 2010
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Just to let everybody know, when you graduate it doesn't say on the diploma that you completed it online. It shows as if you went to the school on-campus. And it is just as meaningful as another diploma you receive from any other college. I went from making 13K a year to 50K with benefits. Go to KU, it's the best choice you'll ever make!

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Misreprensentation/deposit/promissory note

Psychology - June 10, 2010
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I just went through applying to Kaplan for a Masters Degree. I feel my trust was violated by their business practices. When I paid my deposit (which for two classes they requested $895.00) I had not been informed of two important issues. 1. There are simultaneous online sessions weekly for each class. When I was registered for classes they informed me of these sessions. For the first 10 week term I had 5 conflicts. When I asked the admission rep about this she was unaware of this fact. 2. I was not going to use financial aid of any type. I am a cash paying student. My plan was to pay for each term as I took classes. I was told that I would have to sign a promissory note for the price of three terms (almost $11,000) even though I was not going to be making payments of any kind. Section H of the promissory note states “(8) I die or am determined by a court to be incompetent or incapacitated. If I am in default, you will have the right to give me notice that the whole outstanding Principal Amount and all other amounts payable to you on this Note are due and payable at once”. They told me on the phone don’t go by what it says you will only pay for the classes you take. I was concerned what would happen if I needed to take a leave of absence due to a death in the family or a health issue. But section Q states “No other written documents or verbal statements form a part of the legal obligation”. Please make sure you read this document completely before you sign it. Then when I refused to sign and asked for my deposit back I was told $45 would be withheld and it would take 6-8 weeks to process. They said this was covered in the enrollment agreement but I do not see those items in that agreement. I used my credit/debit card to pay the deposit online while on the phone with the admission representative. When I went to the bank to dispute the charge I was told they did not run it as a credit card transaction but rather as an ACH transaction. This is like an electronic check withdrawal. I did not give them my checking information but they were able to run the transaction in this manner. The difference is that unlike a credit card charge that can be disputed immediately an ACH transaction is harder to dispute and cannot be disputed for a minimum of 30 days. Make sure you read all documents carefully and check everything thoroughly before paying your deposit.

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Just unenrolled after nearly two years

Buisness administration - June 9, 2010
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I was in tears today after yet another back and forth nearly raging dispute with their Student accounts office. they have been tanpering with my account for months; Calling me all throughout the day, every day and sometimes hanging up in my face. Even though I have not yet completed my degree, and I owe thousands of dollars in student loans, I feel more relief than I have in months to get this school out of my life. I failed seveeral classes during my journey, not due to some of there excellent teachers, but due to the stress from FA. I was scammed just as everyone has claimed and /i now owe the school money before they will release my transcripts. It's a long story, but I will leave you with this, please save yourself, RUN. And I have never regretteed anything in my life...until now.

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Good Program, Horrible Support

Buisness administration - June 7, 2010
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School is good overall, Financial Aid and Student Accounts are the absolute worst on the planet. I recently graduated with my AAS in Business management and that is when the problems started with Kaplan. First, I wanted to stay and continue taking my bachelors degree with Kaplan. Someone in FA processed me as finished with my degree instead of continuing and processed my Final Graduate Review. I received a bill of 1215.55. This is after I never missed a 200 dollar a month payment. I paid the balance and was told that my account was satisfied and also received a receipt. Then I got another phone call saying that they made an error and I owe another 300 dollars and they suspended my account. I got the feeling that Kaplan was just after my money and didnt care anything of my education and that is why I have chose to continue my education elsewhere.

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school is a joke go elsewhere

Medical Transcription - June 4, 2010
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Kaplan is way overpriced & charges 3 1/2 times the amount that a REAL college does. I was made to take a class called Pathways to success which is nothing more than expensive filler. The class is $357 per credit hour, the book was $87 and the class teaches you how to take notes and about different ways people learn. No colleges in this area take any credits from Kaplan because the material is beneath college level. The school portrays the image that you are in college and getting a college level education and this could not be further from the truth. Save your money and go elsewhere. You'll be glad you did.

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I like Kaplan a lot

Buisness administration - June 3, 2010
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I am almost done with my Business Administration degree and am continuing on with my MBA. I like Kaplan a lot. A lot of the negative posts are about Kaplan Career schools which are separate from Kaplan online. Career schools are tough and the programs are very demanding. Many career institute students work 40 hours a week + and attend early morning or evening class for 20+ hours a week at the campus. It is a hard program and many people drop out. Also, many of those students sign up expecting to learn just nursing or just HVAC but get discouraged when the first few months of classes are about basic math and other things they will never use in their career. They have to teach these classes in order to be accredited which allows them to offer financial aid. I attended University of Phoenix before Kaplan and I found it very easy go get and A. At Kaplan it requires a lot more work to maintain a high GPA which makes me feel it is a better quality education. Financial aid offices in ever school are filled with problems. Almost every college graduate and student I have ever met in my life has horror stories about Financial Aid. It is a government program; it is flawed, confusing and ever changing. Also, the student loan program’s M.O. is to tell you everything is fine and then come back a month later and tell you it is messed up. Also, read what you sign in FA, most people don't. If your FA gets messed up, you are on the hook for your tuition; this is true for every school in the country. FA works the same at every college and it has problems at every college. Just ask a student who has attended college for a few years, not someone who just enrolled and you will find a lot of problems with FA. I have found my instructors to be very knowledgeable. A lot of colleges and universities feature instructors who have never really done anything but instructed. My online instructors who teach accounting are actually CPAs who work during the day and teach at night. My business law class was taught by an actual practicing business lawyer, not by someone who just spits out what they learned in their college. My management classes are taught by people who run factories and companies during the day. I think it is a great school and I think if you read more into the negative posts and consider the sources you will find that there is more to these negative stories.

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Not bad.

Criminal Justice - June 3, 2010
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I honestly don't know what all the furor is about. Kaplan University is a business - they're a 'for profit' institution. Sure, Financial Aid is a pain, and it's difficult to get hold of your advisors at times; if you can't get hold of your specific Financial Aid officer or Advisor, you can speak to any other person in the specific department you're looking for. With so many students, do you honestly believe that your advisors are going to come to know you personally? As for the instructors... well, most of mine have been quite knowledgeable in the field of Criminal Justice - I have known several of them on a personal level, and - believe me - they are more than qualified to teach. You're only going to get out what you put in as far as instruction goes. I also resigned myself to the fact that college really doesn't teach you anything; you're simply given specific information and are expected to be able to utilize it in your career. I you can't take information and synthesize new ideas to serve your needs, then higher education isn't for you. Challenging or not, college/university degrees are required in many fields today. Might as well be Kaplan.

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Financial Aid Issues

Buisness administration - June 2, 2010
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I think that one department can change the minds of many individual. I am suppose to enrolled in my first class next week but Im having issues with FA that I have never had before. I have been at University Of Phoenix for two years and have had great experiences but I chose online Kaplan because I could possible graduate earlier and it illiminates the driving time for me. At KU, my academic advisor...I truley have nothing but terrific things to say about him. He has done a great job with getting me started. My problem comes from being given a scholarship from Kaplan and then told that I have a monthly payment of over a $100 a month for 8months. I dont know where they do that at. I have not paid a penny since I have been at U Of P but now I have to pay out of pocket now at a new school. This doesnt sit right with me after I was approved for $4200/fafsa. I have a child who is entering college and two other kids. I have completely changed my mind about Kaplan because of Financial Aid. What I dont understand is Univeristy of Phoenix is more, less credits, 120 credtis for program and I pay nothing and always get excess monies refunded to me. Kaplan is less, require more credit hours but give you more credits,applied my fafsa with no excess monies, gave me a scholarship and still requires me to make a monthly payment. I should be able to use my money anyway I want if you give it to me and not take it to offset my out of pocket expenses. I wanted to take a chance at Kaplan but I dont think anyone should have to make decisions that dont seem right. I think it the Financial Aid Department.

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as a militarty soldier,father,husband, and student

Buisness administration - May 28, 2010
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I serve active in the Army and am a father of 5 children all under the age of 7. Not only that, I take all my coarses online as well. Support is great, the instructors are approachable, and even the people that assist me with my classes to take that obtain to my degree are in my interest, not just theirs. I highly reccommend this to others, for this is my first degree program with them, but my second over all. And if you do have a another degree heres the kicker, they are in your favor of getting more credit hours transferred over, which means less classes down the road.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Read this before you go or while you are going NOW

Legal Studies - May 27, 2010
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Kaplan University IS NOT the school you want to go to or keep attending. I am a straight A student at every school I have been to. I went to Kaplan because I couln't go to school physically because I got married and had a child. Everything was good until Financial Aid messed up something with my package and I started getting calls (from a private number) at anytime of the day asking me for their money or they will drop me. I told them I qualified for more, so just to get more loans on my behalf and have the banks pay them. BUT THEY WANTED IT FROM ME! After going there for 3 semesters I decided to start calling the law schools in my area. NOONE KNOWS ABOUT THE SCHOOL, NO LAW SCHOOL (A GOOD LAW SCHOOL) WILL EVER ever! ACCEPT YOU WITH A DEGREE FROM KAPLAN. Lets face it, is not the same as the State University that everyone had to get up early to make it to class. Employers and higher degree schools do not see u like you worked as hard EVEN IF YOU DID! Then I decided to go to school in person (which is where I am right now) and called Kaplan to let them know"thank you but I want to withdraw" automatically the person's mood changed and started being SOOO RUDE to the point that I sais "r u allowed to talk to me like that" and he said "I get paid to tell you thinks how it is" I hung up and called back, and magically the same guy picked up. They automatically transfer your call to the person you spoke to before EVEN AFTER I TOLD THEM NOT TO. Then he started being rude to me again, and I hung up. This time he called me back and said "since you hung up on me, I decided to call you back" IT WAS CRAZY!!!!! From the beginning I should have known, but I made the mistake, and I dont want noone else to make it, is a waste of your time, and not only that they are only out there for the money, as soon as you want to get out, they treat you like ****. Anyways If you have gone through the same and you feel like they harrassed you to a very stressful point, please join me in a class action, and lets see if they will change their ways or not. email to

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Re: CPA Exam

Business - Accounting - May 27, 2010
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I keep seeing reviews from former Kaplan University students who are upset that they are unable to sit for the CPA exam upon receipt of a Bachelor's degree. Seriously, did you not realize that in most (if not all) states require MORE than a Bachelor's degree to sit for the CPA exam?? These days, the state boards of accountancy require 150 semester hours. Kaplan's degree programs are based on quarter hours, which means that 1 semester hour = 2/3 quarter hour. Most Bachelor degree plans are comprised of 180 quarter credits which is equivalent to 120 semester hours, which is typically what any brick and mortar school Bachelor's degree plan yields. I'm shocked that so many people don't do any research about a field that they are supposed to be passionate about! It's common knowledge among serious accounting students that if you want to sit for the CPA exam, you must get more education beyond a Bachelor's degree.

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Business Administration - May 25, 2010
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I am startin my 4th term at Kaplan and I thought I was reading about another Kaplan University when I read some of the postings. I read about points being taken off, well yeah that happens if you don't stay on topic, about "cheating" due to open book tests, how many online colleges do you think have someone to come to your house and make sure you don't use your book, and professors giving grades for blank papers don't know who you had but the professors I had certainly did not do that. Someone said that they had to teach themselves and that is also true of all online colleges there is not a classroom you go sit in for an hour everyday listening to someone lecture you. For the ones who want to do their best they will and for the ones who thought online education was easy I guess they got fooled big time. Have not so far had a problem reaching anyone in Academic Advising or in Financial aid. I have always gotten an answer to my questions and if not satisfied with that answer the web is full of legitimate resouces you can use to find out what you need to know. I just think a lot of people went into going to college on a whim and when they found out the cost of their hobby they got sticker shock. One last point I have two daughters that are going to two other online colleges and they both have seen what I do compared to what they do and they can't believe the detail in what I do. I also am receiveng 5 or 6 credits per class for ten week terms and they only get 3 or 4 credits for their 12 week terms. Both started on their BA two terms before I did and I will get my BA a full year ahead of either of them.

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Anything would be better

Information Technology - May 24, 2010
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I now work in IT haveing gotten my credentials elsewhere. My brief experince with Kaplan was disappointing. I see Kaplan as a liberal diploma mill. Materials are out of date, and the standards are slack. I can say for sure that when our recruiters see the Kaplan University or College credentials on a candidate's resume, that application goes into the trash bin. I think there are many good schools in Kaplan's price range that would be a better investment for people entering the IT field. I would recommend DeVry, Westwood, Potomac College, or ITT over Kaplan for a return on investment, unless your goal is to work for low pay somewhere.

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2009 MA grad

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It is what you make it. If you work hard and are determined to graduate you will. Most of your instructors at Kaplan are excellent. Everyone I met helped me, as a person who had been out of school for about 30 years and I am so happy I went to Kaplan. If you don't want a degree and are just playing, Kaplan is not for you. This is a school about people learning and growing and graduating. I know it was the right school for me and will always be proud that I have a degree from Kaplan.

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Buisness administration - May 14, 2010
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Financial Aid will steal your stipend money and keep you in the dark about the funds they will fax and email you documents that you will fill out and return in order for them to say that you never handed it in to further fix the books you will complain and they will lie the education is challenging there is no EASY way to complete your degree here but the financial aid will screw you in the ass and ruin you financially education at its best? Maybe a world class scheme ? IDK but please check it rip off report before you begin !!!!! There is certainly something fishy going on here I feel like if I leace the school there will be more trouble if you are rich then go ahead if you need financial aid then go to a brand name local university

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Kaplans True Colors

Legal Studies - May 12, 2010
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Things were fine when I first decided to enroll in Kaplan. I found another school that had a program that fit me better. After I told my advisor this he tried to talk me into staying but I had made up my mind. After they figured out that I wasnt staying they started telling me that my withdral was evidence that I would "never be successful at anything in life", and that I was just "scared to go to school". Bully tactics do not work with me and thats what they tried to do. DONT GO TO KAPLAN!!!!!!!!!

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Waste of time and money

Buisness administration - May 12, 2010
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I have been attending this school for about a year now. I'm am/was suppose to graduate in 7 months. I went into school today to get my books and new schedule since the new term starts tomorrow. They couldn't find my schedule so I had to go to students services and found they had academically dismissed me for failing 2 classes. I don't understand how they do this. Especially without a warning!! I also never did get any financial aid for this school and had to pay monthly payments out of pocket. I also have about a $15,000 loan to now pay off from my associates degree that I obviously did not receive. Also my credits will not transfer anywhere so Kaplan University wasted my time and money!! So with my bad experience I would not recommend this school to anyone.

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Financial Aid Dept Misuses Funds

Criminal Justice - May 11, 2010
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I should have taken the advice of others when I read about the financial aid dept. I decided to sit out a term and I was told that I had to withdraw from the school completely. I received financial aid including loans and pell grants. The school was not on time with updating my info on disbursements until I sat on hold for 15 to 20 min before speaking with numerous reps. I found out that the school requested twice as much money but when I withdrew I was sent an outstanding bill for almost $2000. I was told that the system would be updated so my loans would cover it. They even deactivated my online account so I was unable to see the actual numbers. I requested a listing of what they received from loans/grants vs. what was credited to my account and I still haven't received anything but a bill. I would not recommend this school.

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Don't know what they are talking about

Business - Accounting - May 8, 2010
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I have been reading all the reviews and I think that the bad ones are written by people with other colleges. Some of the situations that are mentioned are so out of this world. They have been nothing but professional. As far as financial aid goes, I have had no problems. Wal-Mart recommends this school and gives a discount. If they accept their degree then what could possibly be so bad about it. Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the world. I just don't get you people. You get mad because you owe them money. Have you checked out the tuition at your major university's. You are going to owe alot of money and they tell you to only take 2 classes unless you want to pay out of pocket because there is a limit on how much you can borrow per year with FSL.

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I was an Admissions Advisor @ Kaplan U. - May 7, 2010
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Rebutal to previous review dated April 2010: "Review claimed that Kaplan University was a national accredited school not regional accredited" - In order for a school to be recognized either nationally or regional they need to meet standards set forth by and then Recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education ( Kaplan University is recognized thru CHEA and then accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The NCACS accredited 1009 schools, including State and Community colleges. Regional accreditation means that you have followed the same standards, ethics and critieria with regards to curriculum, faculty, adminstration, etc. If those standards are followed, then a school is given the regional accreditation, which then backs their degree. Hope this helps and allows you to make an informed decision when choosing a school.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful


Medical Coding - May 3, 2010
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Didn't even get started cause in put in a request for info on the net. Since that day they have drove me crazy. They call my home and cell # 20xs a day. They hang on on your machine and never leave a message to call anyone back. they even searched me i guess and found my sister's # and tried calling her to get me. come on now. I would never even give them a chance just for stalking.

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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan-dangerous for your future

Criminal Justice - May 3, 2010
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This is little more than a degree mill. They are cold hearted and after money only. Some of the faculty are OK, but the school is near evil and put me in debt for life. Find a public school if you want to go online for education; public universities are one quarter the cost and have five times the credibility. Kaplan an about 90 others have been black listed by major employers who will not provide tuition reimbursment for attendance. It is not out of reach to believe that some of the positive comments about Kaplan were written by their paid staff so they won't look so bad.

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Cracker-Jack University, SCAM, FA Dept rips u off

Buisness administration - May 2, 2010
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I attended Kaplan for 4 years. I spent four years calling and emailing the Financial Aid Dept to get no responses. They over awarded me too much in aid and now I am unable to go back for my masters at any school. They put me over the aggregate limit and now they wont even do anything to fix it. The professors are a joke, they never answer emails, or even read assignments, they just give you an A. I submitted several assignments that were blank documents because the instructor never emailed me back when I had questions. When the grades were posted they responded with "an excellent research paper, very well written and right on topic." what a joke to say that about a blank paper. I got my Bachelors Degree but in my opinion, it might as well say Cracker-Jack University instead of Kaplan University. If you want a real education, do not attend Kaplan. If you want to get a degree without doing any work and have time to spend on the phone with the Fin Aid Dept, then Kaplan is the school for you.

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Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - May 2, 2010
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The teachers and professors are Great!!! Financial Aid is awful!!!!! They promised me my tuition voucher for 1,000.00 plus an accelerated scholorship from Kaplan for 556.00, which would cover my remaining balance, which I also took out personal loans for more than 64,000.00. I however am know being told I owe a balanace because I cannot get both tuition voucher and accerlerated scholorship, this of course is only after i completed my bachelors degree in criminal justice with a 3.89. So I am being told I must pay before I get be sent my diploma, what a scam!!!! I was considering a Masters degree, but will not deal with Kaplan, a FOR-PROFIT SCHOOL!!!!!!

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Not bad at all

Psychology - May 1, 2010
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I find it odd that some individuals are comparing traditional and nontraditional experiences. I transferred from a traditional university to attend Kaplan and I found out that both experiences are relatively the same. I have experienced nasty behaviors and laziness from both universities. This has nothing to do with Kaplan just the individual themselves. I realize you get what you put out. If you put time and effort into your work then you will succeed in your studies. I will admit Kaplan can be a little challenging, but it is to be expected. When attending Kaplan you have to be disciplined and do the required work ON TIME! People fail to realize only adults attend college therefore they will be treated as such. I read a student saying that it is easy to cheat on discussion board, well you can do that, but when it is time to complete a project it will definitely show in your work. I remember when I attend a traditional university and students cheated on their assignments; it showed in the end because they couldn’t pass the major assignments. I completed my degree and I am grateful for my experience with Kaplan.

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Please look into accreditation

I was an Admissions Advisor @ Kaplan U. - April 30, 2010
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For any prospective students, please look into the accreditation of Kaplan. They have a national accreditation which is not the same as state schools (i.e. University of Florida, UCLA, Ohio State, etc). This type of accreditation is usually not looked upon favorably by employers, but it doesn't necessarily hold you back from getting a job. The one drawback to national accreditation is that your classes will NOT transfer if you decide to attend a regionally accredited school like the ones noted above or any community colleges. Please do your research before investing a lot of time, effort and money into your education. In addition, please check out any additional accreditation that you may need if your future career requires a license (nutrition, nursing etc). Kaplan does not have any type of professional accreditations.

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Not Recommended

Buisness administration - April 29, 2010
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Support upon entering Kaplan is excellent; but once you are enrolled, that support stops. I too had life to happen which caused me to fall behind in classes. I received a letter that I was being put on probation, which caused me to sort out my personal issues and concentrate on school. Completed four classes with an A and was dismissed from school while in the 5th class. Unbeknownest to me, no matter how well I did in my classes, due to some scoring system, I would not have been able to continue at Kaplan. When I asked why was I allowed to continue at Kaplan, my advisor told me that he had too many students and it was not his job to inform me of what would happen. I appealed the decision and the entire appeals process was a big joke. First, no one seemed to know who was handling my appeal, then when found, I was told that due to the holidays it would be viewed later. And finally after 3 months of calling and following up, I gave up and enrolled in another school; at which time I received an email that my appeal had been denied. I would not recommend Kaplan at all.

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Human Services - April 28, 2010
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I am currently attending Kaplan. I have been having a great experience at Kaplan. I went to a traditional college before but had to withdrawl due to the birth of my second son. Now I did extensive research about online degrees. If you feel that an admissions rep lied to you, prove it! If you don't know what questions to ask, do research. Kaplan is great and I recommended it to all my military buddies. Get your fact straight and know what you are doing and what you want to do before you sign the dotted line for enrollment.

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I love Kaplan, but FA does suck

Psychology - April 28, 2010
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I am currently about a year away from finishing my BS in Psychology - Applied Behavioral Analysis - with a minor in criminal justice. I love Kaplan. The classes are challenging, but easy to keep up with as long as you put in the work. All of my professors have been knowledgable about the field, and my psychology professors all have their Masters at a minimum, most either were working on their PhD or already had it. I have learned a lot about the field of psychology and I think that I will be ready to take my GRE so that I can go to grad school soon. I will admit, financial aid leaves something to be desired. My financial aid advisor is useless at best, and idiot at worst. Regardless, she now refuses to return my calls after sending $4,700 back to my lender, Wells Fargo, which was supposed to cover my tuition for the year. I have been trying to iron the problem out for months, but so far it hasnt been resolved. On the bright side, they have not locked me out of my classes yet. They have been good about understanding the issues I'm having with FA and allowing me to continue in my education. I have to laugh at the negative comments I've read about Kaplan. I think the main problem people have with it is you have to be really self motivated. The professors aren't going to hold your hand and remind you that you have work due, or coddle you, or make you feel good. If you want that, enroll in kindergarden. I even read one person who was mad that Kaplan makes it too easy to cheat, so they didnt learn anything because the tests were openbook and they just copied the discussion posts of their classmates. If you are so lazy that you cant resist the urge to cheat, that isnt Kaplan's fault. A person should be in school because they WANT to learn, and doing the work yourself is part of that. If you want a teacher to hold your hand and make sure you arent cheating, well, kindergarden again. For anyone else, if you want to learn, and have the motivation to do the work, Kaplan is great.

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Almost Done!

Business Concentrating in Finance - April 22, 2010
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I attended Kaplan from 2002 right after my baby girl was born until this February 2010 and my girl is eight. I have sacrificed so much precious time with her, family and fun activities so I can get my degree. I have been through so much in my life, things most people would not have survived through. I cannot believe the hassles I have endured with Kaplan but not the classes themselves or the instructors. Those were the best. It is the support you receive from the administration. First they are always horrible at answering any issues you may have. It took me six months just to get a copy of my ledger card for my work to reimburse me. Then they kick me out after I finish a term and did awesome!I actually have above a 3.0. Then I go through the whole appeals process proving my life has been really rough and it includes losing my sister in 06, she was 27 and I was 29 and my mother the year before that and she was only 45. I have been through so much more but they obviously could care less. The let me back in but they will only let me complete the last two terms by paying cash and I obviously sent them proof that I am a single mother on a limited income and they don't even care! Now, I probably have to look into finishing up somewhere else.

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Kaplan=Scam+lazy professors

Buisness administration - April 22, 2010
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Kaplan has Professors who are lazy, don't answer emails, can't teach worth a flip, financial aid department scams students out of money, and the textbooks are a total joke!! They are the worst material I have ever seen and I should know, I got my AAS from a real college and had a great experience.

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Good Experience

Information Technology - April 21, 2010
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Hello, Well I have been in Kaplan now for 3 years and so far everything has gone pretty good. I work hard at keeping up my grades and pay my tuition portion on time. I have not had any problems with applying for my student loans and getting reimbursed. My only concern with some of the classes is that they are given by some lazy professors. Some not all are helpful and respond right away to questions and others make you feel dumb in class. My online experience is that I feel that I am being self taught because there are no real hands on lessons...Everything is simulated. I hope that when I do graduate I learned as much as I would have attending a physical standing university?

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I'm at Kaplan, and it aint bad.....!

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I have had no problems with my Academic Advisor-every complaint I ever emailed her about, or called about, she has always reasponded professionally. And I admit-I can be quite terrible to deal with when I am frustrated. In fact, she surprised me by not taking my insults personally and maintaining a pleasant personality-as well as solving my conflicts. So franly, don't listen to the bad reviews about poor advisors-you can always request to change who your Academic Advisor is! It is simple to do. All of the phone calls are recorded, so it is easy to track. Another thing-the school prices are high. Not as high as other private colleges, but definately not as cheap as a community college. I am taking 2 classes per semester (3 classes a semester is considered full time student.) I did have trouble in my first semester, getting the required text book shipped to my house-but this problem was mostly due to the fact that the guy driving my UPS route was on the verge of quitting his job and thus, delivering terrible services and skipping houses on his route. Since then, I've had no trouble getting my books in time for class. The good thing about this school is the fact that all of the necessary text books are available in pdf format online (digital textbook) so there really is no excuse not to have the proper text book. My number one complaint about this school is the fact that most of the students are dumb as bricks...I feel offended knowing that I am in class with morons...and thusly, graduating with a bunch of idiots who may slip through the cracks, and bring shame upon my hard earned degree from this school. Other than that, school is good. The work is somewhat time consuming and moderately difficult. There are live seminars so that I can address all of my concerns and questions directly with the teacher, and I can also email them or contact on AIM. However, email takes too long for a response from SOME teachers (others are prompt and chatty!I love those teachers best)... One problem I do have is that some of the teachers are biased-my teacher removed 2.8 points off of a discussion board post that only had 3 components to grade and was only worth 30 points total. Just give me my 30 points-why take off 2.8 just because you are mad that I pointed out another students multiple spelling and grammatical errors. WTF? Whatever. Bottom line-this school is ok, just do the work and you'll be alright. Also, I had no problem getting a loan from anywhere-I went through bank of america the first time, and citi bank the second time. Just make sure you sign and return your master promisary note, and make sure you pass your classes-which is relatively easy since the website is extremely easy to navigate, and you have every opportunity to ask the instructor to clarify the material if you aren't able to understand it.

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Better than half the CRAP people on here write!

Buisness administration - April 19, 2010
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The classes are hard! The teachers are precise and clear and though they don't send you little emails that encourage you to do better, they definitely respond to your emails in a timely manor. They also comment on all of the work you do and tell you what you did right and need to work on. I have some professors that I can tell push me. They don't let me slide with work that is just okay. They make me work for my A's. The books are their own and they just as full of great quality material as any other textbook I've had. One thing they COULD work on is their student involvement. There is a lot but they could add more. I have no idea what all these other people are talking

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Kaplan is a great school

Human Services - April 17, 2010
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I am at the end of my second term at Kaplan and it an okay school. I started out in Health Information Technology progran but I didn't like it. So I switched to the Human Services program. My academic advisor was great in helping me change program. All of my teachers have been great so far. They were knowledgable in the subjects that they taught. David Hays is my teacher for English Comp 1 and he has taught me a lot this term. I attended a brick and mortar school before Kaplan and I prefer Kaplan. The school is very expensive but to me it is worth it. My financial advisor is great. I received my expense check on time. I will recommend this school to anyone as long as they can afford it. The work is challenging and you have to put in a lot of time and effort in it. But I like that you don't have to do group work. You receive credit for the work that you do. My grades are great except for one and that was because I didn't like the subject and I didn't put any effort into it. Once again,Kaplan is a great school.

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Kaplan Man

Information Technology - April 16, 2010
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I have been a student with Kaplan since 2007 and preparing to graduate in the winter. I contribute my academic success to the seminars, communication with fellow students and instructors/professors. I have read a number of reviews on this site, I agree with some and others I do not. Financial aid has not been a problem for me because I am a retired senior noncommissioned officer of the USAF, so I cannot comment on those issues. Quite a number of the instructors/professors have PHD's something that is not given away, but earned over a period of 4 to 5 years and most are experienced in their areas of responsibly. If we lived in a perfect world then I would understand many of the complaints; however, that is not the case. All of us had/have a choice about what university we want to attend, the only advice I am offering is accomplish your research before you jump into something you cannot handle. I am not a lover of math; however, my professors have ensured that my end results were successful. Those of you who like Kaplan, I am with you, those who do not, I recommend you find a university that meets your expectations…I’m a Kaplan Man!

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Poor excuse for professors/poor billing department

Information Technology - April 16, 2010
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While going to Kaplan in the field of networking, I found that the professor, specifically the one for some of the lower level courses didn't have a clue of what she was teaching. I have 16 industry certifications and found that I was teaching more than the professor. To have a Masters Degree in IT does not mean anything unless you have up to date real world experience which I found some of the professors not to have. I found thier billing department made a few mistakes that I had to get corrected which delayed me in transferring to another school. They stated on their website if you have an A+ or Net+ certification that you could get credit for some classes. I got no credit because mine was over 10 years old but I have 14 others that are higher certifications because I stayed in the industry and worked in the field. I have been lied to and feel that I learned very little from the school. I highly recommend not attending this class until they get professors that have up to date real world experience. Even one of their course books was out of date and had to be thrown out. Very poor department.

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Information Technology - April 14, 2010
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I have never gone to school at Kaplan but You should understand about what I learned during the hiring process!!! I have a graduate degree in business which led me to pursue a position as a program chair for their IT program at the W. Des Moines Iowa campus. After a month of interviews and run arounds, and a powerpoint presentation, I received a voice message on my answering machine (by an assistant)telling me they were going in a different direction. How professional is that? I'm not overly concerned I didn't get the position, what I do have a problem with however is the lack of communication with me about the position status, and their overall professionalism. Some of the things they asked me in the interviews was how I would keep students in school because they are losing a high percentage of them in the IT program? I replied that it depended on the situation and the student. They replied that instead of trying to understand the situation, I needed to sell, sell, sell the program to the student and refuse their wishes (I later discovered that program chairs are fired for not meeting student enrollment quotas. Not graduation quotas. If you have 25 in a class, you are in danger of being terminated if more than 3 drop).This struck me as funny but I didn't think of it any further. Now I realize the kind of atmosphere I would have been working in (after doing more research on Kaplan) had I been hired. It seems they are more concerned with bringing in the money, and less about the students well-being. I'm also happy I didn't make the choice of ever going to school there. I'm not sure the degree would mean anything in the long run and I'd probably be deep in debt. I feel extremely sorry for the students that are going to enroll, and the students that are in the middle of the program. I hope anyone thinking of going to school at Kaplan or pursuing employment with them will read this message before they make a decision.

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Criminal Justice - April 14, 2010
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I'm in my first year at Kaplan, and I just love it. The professors, in my opinion, realy challenge us. The discussion boards are great, alot of good information going back and forth with the students and professors. I've noticed that most of the complaints are about FA, you are going to get that at any University. Stop crying and pay for your education. Nothing is free these days. Be happy that you have an education.

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Duped by Kaplan Admissions Advisor

Information Technology - April 8, 2010
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Here's a new one for you. I first started attenting Kaplan Online University in September 2009 pursuing a Bachelor in IT - Information Security and Computer Forensics. I did not like taking technical courses online because the instructors were not utilizing the workbooks for labs, were not responsive, were not helpful and I felt this was an ineffective way to learn. I needed hands on experience. I didn't feel I was getting my money's worth so I went onto their website and found they offered computer forensic courses on campus in Hagerstown, MD. I told the admissions advisor (John Nicklas) THREE TIMES which degree program I wanted to sign up for and also why I didn't want to take online courses. He said come on down and we'll get you enrolled. I sell everything I own, pack up and move to Hagerstown, MD from New Hampshire. Two weeks into my coursework I find out they do not offer computer forensic courses on campus - that I can only take them online!!!!!! WTF!!!!!! I turned my whole life upside down only to find out it was all for NOT. Their website still states the computer forensics courses are available on campus in Hagerstown as of this date. I'm planning on moving back to New Hampshire where my family and friends are and attend a college where I can get an IT degree on campus. It just won't be a Bachelors with a concentration in Computer Forensics. Take this review for what it's worth. Someday I hope to be laughing about this, but I doubt it.

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Just so you know.

Business - Accounting - April 6, 2010
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Just so you know: Tuition cost: I am a veteran. I qualified for no veterans benefits from the government because I have been off of active duty for more than ten years. However, Kaplan reduced my tuition to $230 per credit hour, which INCLUDES all textbooks, ebooks, and software, et... My required electives are open. I spoke with my advisor and arranged enough of the electives to satisfy the requirements for completing a 'minor' in conjunction with my 'major. I will have soon invested 30 months of my life in MYSELF, and will walk away from here with a major and a minor. I have 13... THIRTEEN... employment offers before me now starting at 49K, ranging to 55K starting salary... with benefits... four of those offers are government jobs. I am 43 years old. I left High School in 1983 to join the Army. I did not received my GED until 1998. I have been a truck driver for the last 12 years. In less than six months, I will have my major in Forensics Accounting, with a minor in Criminal Justice. This is your choice. You choose how well you will do. 10) If you want to succeed you will. Good luck and pull the trigger. Kaplan will change your life for the better.

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Kaplan University is terrible!s, BEWARE!!!!!!!!! Instructors do not answer emails with questions regarding projects, seminars, explanations..ANYTHING during the whole term. If for some reason you need time off your bill is due, they only weant your money. Customer service are terrible!, academic advising department treat with ZERO respect, make fun of you on the phone, and with "sarcastic comments". I was in the middle of a class... trying to drop Kaplan but once you there... you are stuck in this terrible institution.!!!!!!!!!!!! I was told several things when I enrolled. I have over $5,000 in debt and nothing but bills. I even tried to get back in classes to help get some kind of degree but no they only wanted my money. My advise don't consider Kaplan ................

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Did not offer all the classes I needed

Business - Accounting - April 2, 2010
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I attended Kaplan for 4 semesters before I found out that I was not going to have enough credits to take the CPA exam after I graduated. When I spoke to my academic advisor about this problem, she said that she would see what she could do to help me. After waiting 6 weeks for an answer she told me that there was nothing that she could do for me, as they did not offer the ethics courses that was a requirement, as well as they would not remove transfer credits that had nothing to do with my degree, so that I could accommidate the additional classes that I needed. I was so made that I called the local university and found out that many of my credits would transfer, and I withdrew from Kaplan effective immediately. I spent in the time that I was there $16,000, still had a year to go, and was not going to be able to use my degree for what I had set out accomplish. For anyone that is interested in Kaplan, make sure that you are getting what you are paying for, a COMPLETE EDUCATION!! Also make sure that you keep an eye on your financial aid or they will make mistakes. I had a few issues here, but was able to get them taken care of quickly.

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Criminal Justice - March 25, 2010
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Omg where to start!!! I was pressured to enroll then they told me what to put on my FA forms now they will not accept them. I have faxed the same paper work to them over and over. But the tings they told me to put on my forms weren't correct. Now I'm blocked from my classes because of issues due to FA. I want to drop enrollment but they won't let me. Other then FA I love my advisors (well the female ones). The males I talked to didn't seem to want to help the females however where always right there to help me! I would NOT go here unless your military u will have problems find something better

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My program is FAKE its not even in here

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Kaplan college of Hammond Indiana is screwed up. our hours are changed all the time. my extern ship director isn't doing her job we were just informed to find our own dentist to go to for our extern ships. i have had 3 diff teachers in the last month so how the hell do they keep my grade right. i lost my job and financial aid is refusing to help me. they harass me with phone calls wen im absent. and no one can give me loans because Kaplan isn't accredited. so much drama and i don't even attend. last month i went for 2weeks out of the 4weeks and i got a B huh? not so great wen you wont kno wat the hell your doing wen ur out in the field. everyone needs to kno about my school. they cant help me pay for my tuition but they just bought a new flat screen t.v. and painted the whole school. amazing right??

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Bachelors of Health Science- Nurtrition

Nutrition Science - March 22, 2010
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Current Senior at Kaplan. I would have to say that if you have the option to go to a "normal" college, do that instead. I happen to love the school because I am a military wife with kids and we move a lot. Its great if you need the school at your finger tips, it has its changelles, but its WORTH EVERY PENNY if thats what you NEED. If you don't need it, and you can go to school, then go to school instead. PS. I've been to other schools and the workload from at Kaplan is about the same as the other ones, its just self paced.

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Don't waste your money

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - March 20, 2010
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I went to Kaplan because getting to an on site college was becoming problematic. But I wish I had never went at all. The two community colleges I had attended before I went to Kaplan was one hundred percent better and far less expensive. I learned from those schools and learned nothing worth while from Kaplan except not to go there again. I have 3k in student loans for the two years I spent at a state community college and 10k in student loans that I spent six months at Kaplan. Not only did I have to pay that much money, but I also had to pay 80 dollars to enroll. After that, I kept getting calls three times every hour about missing documents that where submitted over and over, multiple faxes back to back. Once, I waited on a naval base while I watched them fax the documents over while being on the phone with Kaplan and they still told me that the faxes where not going through. We had the correct number, and still it wasn't going through. We even tried e-mailing and it wasn't going through. Eventually, I called my academic adviser and fax the documents over to her and she had to fax it into the finical aid department for me. But while all of the mess about missing documents was going on, they blocked me from class for two weeks, making me two weeks behind. In the last semester I took at Kaplan, I couldn't do my math work because I was never sent my math book. I kept calling and they said that they had sent it out to the wrong address and was sending it out again. By the third phone call they finally sent it out, by that time I was extremely behind. The message boards where also annoying because you didn't even have to try to come up with something creative, you could just repeat what everyone else was saying and get all points. Farther more, all quizzes and exams where open booked that you didn't even have to read the chapters, and if you knew how to work Adobe, all you had to do was copy and paste the question and get the answer. There was no learning that took place with Kaplan. They also claim to be a flexible school able to work around your hours, but they only offer evening classes. They do not have any morning classes at all! I now have to pay 115 dollars a month in student loans for an education that I did not receive. I would not waste your time with Kaplan, go some where else.

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Health Care -Run Away

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Many of the teachers barely have bachelor degrees, and often these are in strange obscure subject matter. They charge 15-20% higher for the books. I'm in the health degree and can't wait to get out. Horrible teachers, horrible support from school.No response from the teacher or even the chair. (J. Prakash)

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Find Another Program

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - March 17, 2010
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With all of the nursing programs available, why did I chose this one? It's expensive, the standards are low, the clinical settings are poor and the teachers are mediocre. I wish I had chosen a quality state college or a well-thought-of private institution. Why not go to Vanderbilt if you're paying Vanderbilt prices? This school is a diploma mill for people who do not want to be challenged.

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Kaplan University

Buisness administration - March 8, 2010
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I am attending my third term at Kaplan, and I absolutely love it. The professors are great, as are the Academic Advisors AND Financial Aide department. I did have one issue in the beginning with FA, but it was resolved with one quick phone call. They sent me a bill for my first term, but the tuition amount should have been placed on my student loan account with Discover. I have absolutely no complaints about Kaplan. As I go on the classes become more and more challenging and if I ever have any questions the professors are more than willing to help. Some of them even give you their cell phone numbers incase you have an emergency or need help outside of the office hours. LOVE IT! I would reccommend this school to anyone!

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A good school

Criminal Justice - March 7, 2010
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I just graduated from Kaplan university 2 weeks ago, I have no problem, exept their financial aid department (mistakes have been made) but that is in every college not just Kaplan. I creently got a pay increase because of my degree. I thought the staff was really nice and helpful

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Do not go to Kaplan

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - March 3, 2010
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First class was ok, but after the first class, things went down quickly. Not only no textbook for the class, when doing discussion board (blog), the instructor's common limited in "good job.", "goo post.", and "I enjoy your post." Honestly, I didn't even know what I was writing and guess what, I got the full point. This is a school for people don't want to learn anything to go to, if you just need a degree without knowledge, Kaplan is the right school for you!!

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Not sure what to say

BS in Paralegal Studies - March 2, 2010
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Not sure what my thoughts are except that I have been trying to withdraw, from this school, from over a week and I keep getting the run around. I have already completed 2 terms and I am trying to withdraw from this current term. I have no idea if they are trying to charge me for these classes or not due to being advised by financial aid not to log into classes for 21 consecutive days. I have tried contacting my academic advisor for over week via email and phone and I get no response. I have tried talking to someone in academic advising about withdrawing and they told me that the only person that can do this is my acadmeic advisor. I'm not sure what to do, at this point, as I feel like I have exhausted most of my options. I may have to go as far as contacting the Dean of the school and start flooding his inbox with emails. I have never dealt with a school like this before. I am withdrawing due to personal obligations that need to be dealt with and plus the cost of tuition increased which I am unable to afford. I was working on my Bachelor's degree in Paralegal Studies since I currently have an Associate's degree from another school. I wish that I would have just went back to them for my Bachelor's instead of dealing with this.

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Kaplan is a rip off!

Criminal Justice - February 28, 2010
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kaplan is a rip off. I was harrassed for three months not only at home, my cell phone and my place of employment. Most of the time 10 or more calls to each number every day. And this was behind some documentation they claimed they did not have and after explaining to please check your online records, they would apologize and call back. Secondly, I advised my academic and financial adviser that due to family circumstances, i would need to take a leave of absence for approx. 6 months and resume back at a later time. Well, i have had to hire an attorney because they are still charging me for classes that I have not signed up for on my student loan. So far, I have been billed for a total of 6 classes and have sent over 100 e-mails and left plenty of VM's.

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Take the Good with the Bad

Associates in Interdisciplinary Studies - February 27, 2010
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I am one semester away from gaining my degree to become a teacher's aide. Problem is, I wanted to be a teacher and was led to believe that I could obtain such a degree from Kaplan from my enrollment advisor. I am not the only one who came to find out this was a lie as I discovered through talking to numerous peers at Kaplan. Quite a few of us are now looking for schools to finish our Bachelor's degrees at. Beyond this, I love the structure of the courses. Most of the professors are excellent and passionate about their subjects. I spend about 15 hours a week on each class which I do not find overwhelming. Most of the classes are relevant to my field of study, but I have come across one or two that feel like a complete waste of money. On the bad side, I had to put $3400 on my credit card to pay for courses. I was told I could take 3 classes at a time, but was not informed until 2 semesters went by that financial aid only covered 2 classes at a time. I was also informed upon enrolling that if I kept a GPA of 3.7 or above I would get 25% off my tuition. I have a 4.0 and thus expected the decrease in rate. Turns out, that it is only 25% off ONE class each term if taking 3 or more. It is extremely difficult to get in touch with my own academic advisor who is often lax in her duties. So I normally have to resort to calling and talking to the 1st available person to get things done. What is the point in having a personal advisor when she doesn't get in touch with me? Financial aid staff are very incompetent, too. Overall, I loved the courses and teaching staff. But the rest of the staff is terrible.

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Good Support

Criminal Justice - February 26, 2010
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I am currently deployed to Iraq and am taking online courses with Kaplan University. I have read the interviews over and over about issues with the school. I'm sure Kaplan University is not the school for everyone, but I have had no issues with it. The instructors are very helpful when I have questions or concerns regarding assignments. They take into consideration my current location and busy schedule and are willing to work with me if assignments are late due to work related issues. I personally feel I made the right decision in choosing Kaplan University and would recommend people not read only the negative comments, but take their own lifestyles into consideration when researching KU among other schools.

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Great Experience

Masters of Science in Management - February 24, 2010
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I don't really know what's with all the bad reviews. I've had no issues thus far with the Financial Aid. Cost of living checks sent on time. Courses have been ok. Could be more challenging and a little bit more stricter in the grading or correction. It seems like if you know what you are talking about you get a decent grade. Mane of the professors have been very helpful and are willing to help. This degree has definitely added value to my professional work like.

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Do Not Trust Kaplan!!!

Information Technology - February 22, 2010
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Attended with the thought that I had financing until I aquired an Associates Degree. Exactly half way through, Financial Aid continually harrassed and lost important documents, until financing was dropped. Have over 50+ correspondences with FinAid, but always someone that never heard of the other FinAid employees, and cannot find documents that were submitted. The University staff is inefficient and indifferent, and will attempt to coerce student into illegal document submissions. They lost my financing through their lack professionalism, and then told me I owed them monies. This Unisversity is a travity.

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Kaplan is a geat school

Legal Studies - February 22, 2010
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I would like to say Kaplan is indeed a very good school. I have a BA from the school and I am in the Masters legal studies program. My advisor is great, she calls me to check on me and my grades. My Financial aid is great and I can always get someone if I have an issue. I would like to say that yes, I get upset sometime because they are not perfect, but what college is. People are going to complain! I reccommend the school, but only if you can handle the work.

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kaplan career institute is full of crooks

Business Administration - February 18, 2010
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Kaplan has stolen $3700 of living expense loan from me and keep telling me citibank is in error. I became sick shortly after receiving my first two checks, which I later found out was supposed to be given to me all at once, I was in a coma and almost died and when I tried to return to school they would not let me and lied and said they sent the money back to citibank. This is money I was using to pay my rent on my apartment because of that I lost my place and became homeless . I have spoken to citibank and they say they never received the balance back and this not the first time kaplan has ripped off students. Their credits dont transfer over to any university and their tech lab is obsolete. I regret ever going there and I fell like I wasted my time.DO NOT ATTEND THIS CLLEGE UNLESS YOU GET EVERY THING THEY SAY TO YOU IN WRITING. They are crooks and unless somebody does something to stop it they will keep doing it.

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Business - Accounting - February 17, 2010
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Kaplan is too expensive!! I graduated last week with an associates in accounting. I did not request cost of living funds and Kaplan started sending me "extra money" the last year of enrollment. Now I barely have enough money to get my bachelor's degree because they were so expensive. I had a horrible experience with their financial aid department. They actually called me a few times and said I did not have enough money and needed to pay like $2,000 out of pocket. Then a few days later called and said they made a mistake. They have also admitted to sending me money they were not supposed to.Kaplan's credits also do not transfer so easily. For me to pursue my bachelor's at Kaplan it will cost roughly $41,000 in addition to the cost of my associates through them.I am in the process of finding another online university that I can afford to pursue my bachelor's degree ; thanks to Kaplan's outrageous amount for an associates degree this has been a challenge.I will say that I had a positive learning experience though. I thought the classes were great with the exception of two classes. I value what I learned in my associates degree.

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Please Read!

Criminal Justice - February 16, 2010
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I was speaking with a great admissions advisor for a few months and was stoked to be going to Kaplan University! That is until I stumbled upon this website. This seems like a MAJOR issue that needs to be resolved with the financial issues! Although the reviews about them practically forcing people into their school is bogus. I simply said I found a local school that provides online classes for a much more affordable rate and she was more concerned about me actually pursuing my goals and ambitions rather than trying to get me into Kaplan specifically. She seemed very happy for me that I found something I am interested in. She was a very quirky nice woman and I show thanks to her. I did forward the web link to her so she could see what is going on making the students upset and making Kaplan unapproachable to new peers. I hope it helps her bring these issues to an end. Best of luck everyone! :)

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The choice is, yours.......

Legal Studies - February 13, 2010
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If you owe, they want it yesterday. If they owe, You will get it when + turns to -. By law they are supposed to mail out any balance 14 days after disbursement. Kaplan online sucks, if you can attend a campus. With people and offices you can see and go to. They are much more accountable. Kaplan Inc. recently agreed to settle a class action lawsuit that had been brought against BAR/BRI and Kaplan. Among the allegations in the suit, which charged that BAR/BRI had overcharged students, was an allegation of antitrust violation claiming that Kaplan had agreed not to compete in the bar review business while BAR/BRI agreed it would not compete in the LSAT business. Both West Publishing Company (parent of BAR/BRI), and Kaplan, Inc., denied the allegations and the matter was resolved without any findings of wrongdoing.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful


Criminal Justice - February 10, 2010
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I suppose it's best to comment since I WORK in the Graduate Admissions Department and know the inner dealings far better than anyone that has posted anything that I've read. For start, I've heard about issues with FA, but I know that steps have been made to improve that process, including switching to Direct Loans less than 2 months ago. If you're upset because you graduated and owe money, that was YOUR choice to get a loan - RIGHT? Did you think you were getting a free Masters? I mean, get real. Concerning your Academic Advisors, if they don't get back to you in a timely manner, get back with your Admissions Advisor. We are the ones who told you about the University and made the promises, so let us know that you are not getting the service that we promised you and we will mediate it. As far as COMMISSION is concerned, that person is obviously misinformed. There is NO COMMISSION in this job, but the salary is based on performance. True, there are some making 35K and others making over 100K. Concerning the cars in our parking lot - that is trivial and childish. I own a 2009 BMW X5 ... and I owned it before I even began working at Kaplan. Secondly, anyone who lives in S. Florida knows that this area is riddled with luxury cars, so that point has a mute purpose. And concerning a script that we follow? LOL!! The only people who have a script are the new hires, and that is to train them to ask the right questions. No successful senior advisor used a script. Can't have much of a CONVERSATION when reading from a script can you? Graduate Admissions Advisors MUST talk to you about your career to ensure we are putting you in the best program to help you get where you need to go. Other Universities will enroll you and THEN let you worry about your own future. We also tell you all that you need to know UPFRONT while other Universities will hit you with surprizes after they enroll you. We do not even enroll you if you give us an indication that you will not graduate - yes, we have the right to reject you as a student and have rejected students. You people who complain; seriously, Kaplan is probably not the right school for you. I have no problems with any of my students, and its policiy that Admissions Advisors stay in contact with their new students for at least the first 2 months now, AND we even travel to the graduations to meet our special students. How is that for support? Again, I work there. Do you REALLY think I would send my wife through the MSA program and my sister through the MSP and get another Masters myself (MBA) if the school sucked? Wow.

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Financial aid department sucks

Business - Accounting - January 28, 2010
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Several courses had online lectures that appeared to be provided by either a grad student or a temp worker. They consisted of cut and paste discussion questions from the "teacher" and then cut and paste answers. Many professors did not respond to online questions giving me the feeling that no one was actually there, just someone cutting and pasting the lecture. Kaplan provides you with the textbooks for free, but they print them themselves and are largely unreadable and unusable. It felt as if the textbooks had been written in a foreign language and then translated badly into English. I had to go online and to the library to get a real textbook for many courses. My tuition bill changed nearly every month. I could never tell what I was supposed to pay, resulting in large over payments. I am a budget manager and was studying accounting and I could not follow the bogus, non standard and possibly fraudulent accounting practices of Kaplan. They are right up there with Enron and Bernie Madoff. My positive balances between terms were not passed over to the next term. My tuition over payments disappeared from my account. This resulted in collection phone calls every day at home, at work, at all times of the day. If you are lonely and want many, many harassing phone calls, this is the college for you. Also a large financial aid balance from a previous fiscal year was not passed to the next year, refunded to me or sent back to the loan institution. As I have finished the program, when I examine my financial accounts, I see three different numbers for what I owe ranging from $2200 to $600. My calculations show they still owe me around $650.

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Beyond Frustrated

Business - Accounting - January 25, 2010
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I have to agree with many of the previous reviews, when it comes to financial and and student accounts, I've never worked with anyone worse. I originally enrolled a year ago, and went for 7 months with no issues. I had no balances due and everything was just fine. I started to get daily phone calls from student accounts saying the I had a "past due balance" and what was I going to do about it. Since I was told all along that I would have no out of pocket expenses, that financial aid would cover my tuition in it's entirety, I questioned the fact that I had a balance due. This is where the adventure begins. Over the next several months the amount changed drastically. First it was $200 then it was nothing, then it was $700. All in all, at different times I was told anything from nothing due to $1200. During this entire time, I was getting daily calls from student accounts treating me like a deadbeat who was trying to avoid paying my obligations. The last e-mail that I received sent me through the roof, when my financial aid advisor told me that I would need to take out a loan. A loan? Really? Nobody has ever been able to satisfactorily answer my questions. I can only say, walk, don't run away from this University. If I knew then what I know now. If I wasn't so close to graduation I would transfer.

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No problems so far

Criminal Justice - January 8, 2010
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I am in the CJ program and have been in law enforcement in a state agency for 20 years. I am nearing retirement and thought I would finish my BS degree before I retire. I find the program to be spot on and the instructors all have real world experience. The text books are some of the same ones I used for promotional exams within my agency. The books are a combo. of hard copies electronic books.( I have only had one electronic book which I liked) You also have access to the UAB library on line or they will ship you a book for free if you need one. I have not had any problems with financial aid or support. I sent an e-mail to my advisor with a question and he called my house within 20 minutes even though I did not request a call back. I got my AAS degree in CJ in a brick and mortar school and I can tell you my teachers there had no experience and taught out of the book only. I definitely am learning more at Kaplan. The on-line environment is not for somebody who wants to just slide by and is not responsible. You need to be self motivated and take initiative. Again, I have had zero problems and speaking as a CJ professional from a large state LE agency I can tell you the instructors so far are some of the best I have ever had in school! The school is accredited and the degree is real. My agency requires an accredited school for tuition assistance and my course work was readily accepted.

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Buisness administration - December 28, 2009
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I finished my associates degree @ Kaplan. I started on my bachelors and then they bumped up the tech fees to 100 dollars per class extra. they are a for profit school and all about the money. The finacial aid dept. really has alot to be desired. I won't ever go back!!!!!

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Financial aid and business office blows

Buisness administration - December 18, 2009
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kaplan does not care about their students. Their financial aid office has held over 8k in student loans for the last 4 months. They will lie and tell you that they were sent. They will hold on to your money as long as they can. It has been a real battle. I have been emailing and calling for 3 months. I think I finally annoyed them enough with emails and calls every day, that I may actually receive my money this week. Plus, the school is a joke. I never studied and got 4.0 in all of the classes I have taken. Now, I am studying for the Gmat exam and plan on going to a real university next spring.

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Buisness administration - December 17, 2009
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I enrolled in Kaplan University in May of 2009 in the MBA online program. I was anxious to start my degree and did not complete as much research as I should have. The classes are a complete joke. I walked away with four A's with maybe putting in about 2 hours of work a week, without opening a book at all. The statistics class was rediculous. I never submitted one assignment correctly but managed to pass the class with a 97%. You want to talk about teachers giving out A's, well if thats what you want then Kaplan is the school for you. I like to be challenged, and not once did I ever feel challenged with Kaplan. The work was easier then some of the work I had to complete in high school let alone my bachelor degree. The teachers are simply there to pretend like they are adding to discussions and to grade the work. By grade I mean give you an A as long as you turned in the assignment. I finished five classes with Kaplan and now I am done. I transferred to a better school which luckily accepted 2 of the 5 classes I completed for transfer. I'm now in $11,000 worth of debt and have absolutely nothing to show for it. What a joke.

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Pick Another School

Human Services - December 16, 2009
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Kaplan is all about the money... I was mislead by the addmission's advisor or lied too not sure which but I withdrew after 6 days. It was just busy work anyway not sure I would have learned much. Hopefully there are better schools out there don't choose Kaplan in else you want to get stuck with fees you didn't know you would have to pay and a whole lot of debt in the end without alot of Knowledge

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Run away , don't walk

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I am almost finished with my first term and I am looking to transfer. There is no support. Trying to get accurate answers from financial aid is extremely difficult. When ever errors occur you are financially responsible for them. I am in the medical assisting program and they charge - $353 per credit hour, $ 100 per term (technology fees) and $900 (during first term) for clinical fees. I should point out that no Kaplan employee will be at any clinical site and I still have to pay for my: CPR, student insurance (for my clinical), shots. I already own a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff. And I haven't received an uniform either. Everyone should also know that the $900 is non-refundable. Enrolling at Kaplan has been one of the most expensive mistakes of my life.

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Won't withdrawal me so they can get more money.

Early Childhood Education - December 9, 2009
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After having my son and becoming a single mom I decided to start attending classes at Kaplan to help better myself to offer more for my son. After going through 3 admissions andvidors I found on that I liked who was very helpful, he's the only one I spoke to that was any help to me what so ever. After finally having enough I decided I wanted to drop my classes at the end of the term and attendd a local school that had advisors that would actually take the time to talk to me and answer my phone calls. I have been trying to finish my withdrawal for the past 3 weeks. Still haven't been able to withdrawal. Finally I decided I was going to contact the back who is in charge of my student loan, and FAFSA who is in charge of my pell grant so the school won't be able to keep the money. They told me it takes 51 days to process a withdrawal.. there's no way it takes that long, it doesn't take that long anywhere else. They are just trying to enroll me in more classes to get more of my financial aid, little do they know I have printed EVERYTHING and kept it for documentation that I have been trying to drop my classes I have also recorded phone conversations. I would suggest to anyone that decides to withdrawl not to depend on the school to process anything, they are just trying to prolong everything because if you read the fine print, once you are signed up for classes you have to pay and are never reimbursed all the money. BEWARE they will try to keep your money!

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Never had a problem w/ Kaplan

Criminal Justice - December 6, 2009
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I admit, I was hesitant in the beginning and almost didn't continue with enrollment. Now, half way into my 1st year, I'm VERY happy that I continued with Kaplan. The staff and the instructors are AWESOME. My academic advisor always returns my emails, sometimes she'll even call me instead. My instructors have all been extremely helpful, respond to every email I send and encouraging us (students) to do our best. The work isn't easy, you really have to put forth the effort and not be a procrastinator. If you think an online school is easier than a traditional school, you are wrong - you will overwhelm yourself or flunk out in no time. Also, having been to both traditional college and now online, traditional is no better than online. I have learned more at Kaplan than I did at the traditional college. Kaplan has more weekly assignments than they had at the traditional college. Also, no dealing with immature teens who are loud and disruptive in the classroom. I think the people here complaining will complain no matter where they go to school.

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Pressure to enroll & Misinformation

Criminal Justice - November 16, 2009
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I spent 8 hours with an Admissions advisor going over my program, and was lied to about when classes started, as well as pressured to enroll immediately. When I explained that I needed 2 months to move and take care of personal issues I was experiencing, I asked for the next enrollment date. The admissions person and her supervisor refused to tell me the next date to enroll and proceeded to yell at me for "procrastinating,as you have your whole life" also calling me "demanding" for asking for the enrollment date and telling me that I needed to sign up immediately. He ended up hanging up on me and he was the supervisor. I felt like I was being sold a Sham-Wow, rather than an education. Initially they rold me classes started every 12 weeks, but they actually start monthy and the whole admissions department is on sales commission.BEWARE OF SALES PITCHES and LIES.

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Business Administration - November 15, 2009
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Have an issue with Kaplan. I finished my Bachelor in Science in Health Administration. PEOPLE, BE CAREFUL WITH FINANCIAL AID!! My academic advisor "advised" me to take an extra course so I can finish earlier, he told me to talk to financial advisor which I did. I took the course and now I find out that I ow...e Kaplan 2550 for this course, because now they claim that financial aid didn't cover it. So guess what.. now they don't want to release my certification and my transcripts. I spoke to my Financial Advisor last Tuesday and still nothing is done to fix the situation. In addition to that it's almost impossible to get to their supervisors, I tried so many times to get to this guy supervisor, but they are a gate keepers.

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Would not do it again

Information Technology - November 15, 2009
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This university is not worth the money. I am most disappointed in my academic advisor who has been almost incapable of returning important phone calls or emails. I have had to hunt her down at every turn. The financial aid department has been confusing, difficult to reach, and generally avoided direct questions. I have decided to withdraw from the university - I have made all A's so it's not a question of sour grapes. I will not throw good money after bad and consider enrolling at Kaplan to be the worst mistake of my life.

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Highly Recommend!!

Legal Studies - November 9, 2009
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I am enrolled in the Legal Studies Department. I have loved every day of my enrollment. This is my last year with Kaplan. This program is so nice. I can see on my homepage what will be expected from me for the next 10 weeks for the class. The seminars are great. You can hear your teacher speak to you and replay it if need be. I can honestly say that every single one of my teachers have been great. They always get back to me if I need help. I have been assigned to a really good adviser. His name is Denise Munro. I would suggest asking for him. In my previous college I attended I ended up taking too many extra classes because my adviser told me to sign up for classes that were not transferable. Denise has been great! If you are a self motivated person this school will educate you!! It is set up were one takes a couple classes for ten weeks and have one week off.(actually you really go for 9 weeks and get 2 weeks off since the last week nothing is graded) My seminars are usually on Wend. and Thurs. for an hour at night. Other than that I am able to do my work when I want. However, there are weekly time lines that ones work is due.

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Bad Fin Aid Dept

Buisness administration - November 4, 2009
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In my fourth term. I have one year left to finish my associates in business adminiatration. My experience so far has been mediocre. I have had multiple run ins with financial aid. All have been supposedly resolved but they took several months of headaches, phone call and bills to resolve. Fina aid is very difficult to contact. My advisor is great. Some teachers seem like they are not professional. I just hope I can do something with this degree and by the time I graduate I will owe over 20k in student loans.

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Excited about Kaplan

Human Services - November 1, 2009
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Did you know that advisors at Kaplan have to go thru a 33 page script to get you enrolled? They make you talk about your goals, and dreams and their job is to sell you a dream. They make you think of the outcome, but they leave out the debt that you will have. Did you know that as long as you approve your funding, which is very deceiving, you are "recommended"? There is no criteria to get into Kaplan, except to have a HS or GED diploma. They say its not an open enrollment school, but they enroll anyone that has the "tuition deposit", which is just $70 right now. If you have prior college, you are in! If you don't, then you take a "common sense" quiz. If you fail it, you can take it again. So much for having quality students. Admissions reps have to enroll anywhere from 3-8 students per month. It doesn't sound like a lot, but when you have 2500 reps fighting for the same business, you are talking a lot of students. And they have 14 different enrollment dates per year. This is definitely a GREAT for profit university- Great for the people that run it. At $63,000 for a Bachelor's degree: If we just use the lower goal of 3 enrollments per term, for each enrolled student that graduates Kaplan makes per term $472,500,000. Multiply that by 14 terms in a year... You should go to the parking lot at their Fort Lauderdale location...BMW's, Mercedes, name it. And the advisors walk around with Gucci purses, belts etc. And all this money comes from the government! and you get to pay it back. How do you like that now?

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My own experience

Communications - October 30, 2009
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Kaplan is really good. It is like any school that you are looking into. The only advice I will give is this: Check out your options, find out what you are willing to personally commit to. Any school you attend, there are going to be challenges with enrollment, challenges with Financial Aid, challenges with the course work, etc. Stay on top of things. My own personal experience is with the Financial Aid department. I recently got hit with a $1,338.81 bill 1 week before the end of my term. This is because I had taken on a third additional class. Here is what is important and what I did. 1) Whenever you talk with someone, write down their name, extension, the date and time you called. Keep a log of every time you speak with someone because of a need that they contacted you about, and a need that you have to call them about. 2) Make sure you understand exactly what they are saying. Ask specific questions, if they are not wanting to help you, ask to speak with a supervisor, you have that right. 3) If you have to escalate, remain as professional and respectful as you possibly can. Now, regarding my situation - I had a significant change between my 2007 and 2008 tax year. I made more money in 2008 than I had in 2007. Therefore, I legitimately did not receive any federal pell grant. Had I qualified for the Federal Pell grant, I would have not had any issue. After this was explained to me, and I understood, my issue was not in the reason why I owed the money, but the way a Financial Aid representative communicated to me that there were enough funds available for me to take on the third additional class. There was no discussion as to any possible changes, any possible aspect that my verification had not gone through yet and that his decision was based on information he had and that if something changes, I may be held financially responsible. After speaking with my financial aid advisor, academic advisor and my admissions advisor, this issue was escalated. End result, Kaplan paid the amount I owed because of what was initially communicated with me. All involved understood where I was coming from, and took the time to listen to my concerns. Outside of this, I have some good classes, classmates, the instructors are very good (and for those who do not know, some instructors actually teach at real universities as well and have some good education backing them up). Again, check out all your options, make sure you are very clear on what you want to do, what it is going to cost and get all your information and questions specifically resolved and in order.

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Cost of Convenience

Information Technology - October 29, 2009
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I enrolled in KU because I have a BA in Psychology and wanted to change careers. KU offered a BS in IT in Web Multimedia and Animation. It is not the most challenging coursework. I could have gone through a traditional design or IT program and received the deeper artistic or technical training. The convenience of the courses and the relevance of the material are worth it to me. I needed the structure this program provides. For technical degree / certification, I recommend going through each cert. program on your own if you are good at that. Sure is less expensive! (BTW, KU offers a certificate program too, but I'm not in a place to comment on it). I'm sticking it out because I made the commitment. Courses seem to be more rewarding if I put more into it. It's an expensive option, but will pay off for me in a few years' work.

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Kaplan University-Excellent

Information Technology - October 18, 2009
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I find the courses challenging, the professors are knowledgeable and accessible, and my advisor is always prompt in responding to my inquiries and often calls just to check on me. I have little contact with the financial department at Kaplan because there is no need, they have been extremely helpful with my student loans, and I pay my part of the tuition on time each month and have no problems. Books are included in the tuition and are mailed to me the week before classes start. These books are new in the wrapper and are the latest versions containing current material. The web site is always up and running and I love the class room interface. I attend a live class every week and interact with the other students and the instructor. Tutoring sessions are available, I have access to the University of Alabama online library, and professors have regular office hours and are available to chat with you on AIM or talk live via online conferencing. As a business professional that travels three weeks out of the month, I needed the convenience of an online education. If you are serious about earning your college degree online, look no further than Kaplan University!

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False Advertising

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - October 17, 2009
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Kaplan, I am in the AS of Criminal Justice. The professor in the class is great! The rest of the staff is as follows: 1. Enrollment Advisor- Lies to you just to make the college and himself a paycheck. Lied to me about Chp 33 Funding. I was told by him that I would have "no out of pocket" expenses. I do and he is not being suspended for lying to me. 2. Academic Advisor- Thought she was good but when she contacts you she insists that taping the conversation is required, Not true! She is not professional and calls when she feels like it! 3. Financial Advisor- Biggest joke of them all. Has NO people skills what so ever! 4. Dean of Students_ Another waste of time. Says he will help you and does nothing to change the mistakes that staff people made 5. Chair Person- Another piece of work! She doesn't know her a#$ for her elbow. Terrible people skills So, as you can see, I am not happy with Kaplan and you must be very careful before you apply to this college. If you like headaches and anger issues, come here. If you want a peaceful education, looks else where.

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Kaplan University

Information Technology - October 14, 2009
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I am in my fourth term at Kaplan for a Bachelors of Science in IT. I have a pretty good average, about a 3.7 right now. Sometimes I wonder if the teachers are just giving me good grades, but I've always been rather smart. I find the material challenging sometimes, but some of it throws me off. However, I think it is perfect for Computer Programming. I don't think I would be able to teach myself this type of material, as I have tried when learning HTML from W3C. Also, speaking with anyone is always a challenge, but I think you will have that anywhere. It is expensive, but when I think about the fact that my local community college only offers an associates, it seems like a good option.

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I Love It!!!

Legal Studies - October 13, 2009
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I have just completed my first term at Kaplan and couldn't be happier. I loved my instructors and I learned a lot in class. For those having Financial Aid problems, those things happen at any school. I know this first-hand. You have the responsibility for staying on top of things and making sure all of your paperwork and other financial aid requirements are in order. That's exactly what I did to make sure I received my educational expense stipend. In the paperwork you sign when you enroll it tells you that it's your responsibility and that you will not receive a stipend unless you request that the unused financial aid be sent to you. Of course they're gonna get on your case if your account is past due, just like any other school or business or creditor for that matter. An education costs money nowadays so please stop looking surprised when they call you to pay what you owe. If you don't have the discipline to stay on top of your affairs, then don't go here. Slacking will not be tolerated!!!

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I do not recommend this university!

Legal Studies - October 13, 2009
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I do not attend Kaplan, and I can firmly say that I will not! Upon considering attending this school I clicked onto one of the live chat session things to ask a simple question, "how do I go about finding out if I qualify for any type of student grant?" The guy I spoke to called himself Steve Ukazim and he was really unprofessional and at times borderline offensive. He did not answer my question at first, he just kept referring to loans. He misspelled words, and his grammar was horrible. He even abbreviated 'please' as "plz!" I'm sorry, but I do not feel comfortable discussing my future with people who are not professional! He also implied ignorance on my part by telling me he didn't see how I could expect to attend college without loans and when I said I didn't know whether or not I could afford to pay off the loans he said "well Kaplan isn't full of rich kids and college isn't for everybody... I know of 60,000 students here who do it..." Are you kidding me? When I told him that he was coming off offensively and 'implied ignorance' he said he "never impaled anything" and didn't want to "waist" my time... IMPALED? WAIST? This guy seriously didn't know what he was talking about, first of all he never stabbed me with anything, so no he didn't i-m-p-a-l-e me and he meant waste not W-A-I-S-T!!! The way I see it, if I cannot trust this university to put the time and effort into educating their employees on how to serve potential students I CANNOT trust them to take my education and future seriously either.

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Military Friendly

Criminal Justice - October 12, 2009
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First, I am in the Arizona Air National Guard and met a Kaplan representative during a school fair put on during drill weekend. The rep was very nice and encouraging. Out of all the other school being representative, Kaplan offered the most to us. Kaplan gives an awesome tuition discount for military members and their spouses not to mention waivers for other technical fees. I looked into it and compared other online schools and chose Kaplan based on this. It was worth it because I'm going half time and the Montgomery GI Bill more than covers it leaving me with a little extra money. In addition to accepting many of my community college credits, Kaplan transferred many of my military schools into general electives; which was appreciated especially after attending a challenging Air Force NCO Academy. I'm in my second 10 week session. I've been impressed with the technology and resources they provide such as writing workshops and math centers to assist. The website is very manageable and easy to use. I've been a law enforcement officer since 2001 and find the curriculum they provide current and relevant. Teachers are very knowledgeable and supportive. They offer many means of communication and in some cases provide their phone numbers in case there is an emergency. The only downside has been the finance department. There is a communication breakdown somewhere. I make payments on line and the online account reflects that. However, the bill collectors that call take their information from your adviser on unconfirmed classes. For example, I had mentioned to my adviser that I may be interested in taking two classes but had only signed up for one at the time. The bill collectors had recorded that I was taking two classes and wanted payment on them. They also didn't calculate discounts for military members. I finally had to argue with them and explain that the charges were not possible. I demanded a break down of all the charges since nothing was jibing with the tuition costs I was paying online. After they realized I was only doing one class at a time, they made the correction and laid off the telephone calls. Other than that gliche, I highly recommend this school to military members who are in law enforcement.

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Buisness administration - October 7, 2009
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I have read many posts about how financial aid issues checks then tells students they are not past due and will be blocked from class.... THAT HAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME! I received a past due notice and was given 7 days to pay up or I would be blocked. I am one week away from starting my last class. I can not begin to tell you how incredibly PISSED OFF I am at this. I have emailed everyone I can think of, including the commission that accredited Kaplan and am still waiting for a resolution. Unless your wealthy and don't have to rely on financial aid... watch them like a hawk. The classes were awesome and the faculty was great.

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Psychology - October 7, 2009
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Kaplan starts out good. I enjoyed my first term. Thats where the good stops. As you continue on you will find that the faculty and staff are unwilling to help with problems. Plus the teachers become more and more picky about everything. You can follow everything exactly as the syllabus says, but the teachers will find something to take points off of. The teachers are also very snobbish and rude. If you even think about questioning a grade, they will make the rest of the term a living hell. Basically heres how it works at Kaplan, do your work, accept your grades, and don't say anything. Otherwise you will have nothing but problems from everyone at Kaplan. Also the financial department is just as bad as slimy collection agencies.

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So far Completly Satisfied

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - October 6, 2009
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I am an online student at Kaplan. I have been going to Kaplan since November 2006 and I am completly satisfied. I have had a few times where I was unable to reach my advisor or my Financial Aid officer. However, eventually I did get them and they did whatever they could to help me and my problems. I remember I took three classes in a term and then I had an out of pocket expense my advisor helped me get a scholarship from Kaplan to help pay for the expense.I only have two term left than I will graduate with my Bachelors in Criminal Justice. I am so excited. The only thing I am worried about is if Kaplan is a credited College and I can find a Probation and Parole Officer job with my degree. I fear that the Department of Corrections will not expect my degree from Kaplan.

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Poor Customer Service

Criminal Justice - September 29, 2009
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I am currently enrolled in Kaplan University, I call the school for financial aid assistance or academic assistance, I am put on hold for over an hour and then get a disconnection. I leave a message with my advisers and no one ever calls you back. I have been only spoken to my academic & financial aid advisers one time since being enrolled. I send emails, I get no responses. Seems like Kaplan's philosophy is get them enrolled and then ignore them. I am sure if my tuition was not paid they would be calling me every hours. But when it comes to me needing them they just ignore. Kaplan your reputation is getting out that you are a poor school.

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Excited about Kaplan

Human Services - September 23, 2009
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I will say I have been reading all of these negaive comments. I am actually an Ashford Student transferring to Kaplan. I will start off and say I am only transferring because of what I want my degree to read. I loved Ashford. Anyway.. My enrollment advisor was great,and I told him what I wanted. He didnt try to sell me an education or anything else for that matter. There was no preasure. He even made it clear that he was not allowed to enroll anyone who was not suitable for Kaplan and that there had to be a good match. I have been talking to him over the last 3 days to get things together and I am very impressed. My sister goes to Kaplan on campus and is very happy. My credits are transferring AND my financial aid is in progress all I needed to do was transfer everything. Some of you are speaking negative about their financial aide HOWEVER loans, grants etc. come from the Dept. of Education not the school itself. That and of course your FA lender. Im excited about starting at Kaplan and I know I made a good choice. I am getting my BS in Human Services and my degree will readjust that.

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XX. Master of Science in Information Technology

Information Technology - September 19, 2009
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I'm attending the Master's degree program for IT, the program only touches the very top of the area. Classes claim to teach you how to use servers, create databases and create security blocks for servers. There is no showing anything of this nature. The courses have quizzes but they are on a Bachelor's Degree level, not a Master's Level. Students attending in the Master's program have a severe lack of writing abilities, are unable to communicate properly and wait until the last possible second before turning in their group work. Kaplan needs to screen students better!

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so far so good

Business Administration - September 6, 2009
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I am in my second term at Kaplan. I read the reviews and i can honestly say that it really depends on th person. I have a 4.0 average, because last term I worked really hard. I kind of slacked off this term and my grade is showing it. It is not easy, I have to study and work hard. I have went to traditional schools and this is a better motivation.

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Legal Studies - September 2, 2009
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I also attended Kaplan and had excellent grades from them along with a school where I received my Associates degree. I was a little over a year from graduation with my Bachelors degree and had a severe health problem that lasted half a year. During this time I requested a leave after realizing I could not handle my classes and was denied. After failing my classes during the six months I was dismissed without any notice that this would happen. I was trying to appeal the dismissal with my medical doctor behind me and cannot get information even on the appeal process. I have called a few times without any satisfaction and need to get this done soon if possible. It was not my fault I did not pass and did request the leave. Now I will be stuck with student loans without a degree. I plan on notifying FAFSA and anyone who will listen involved with the accreditation process for the school if needed. I am going to give them one more week then do what I have to do.

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I Would Go Elsewhere

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This school is about 1 thing and 1 thing ONLY. Money. That's all they're interested in and that's quite clear from how hard they try to get your grant, loan, or personal money. I requested information about two career studies programs, medical assisting and medical transcription. After speaking to an advisor 3 times for over 3 hours total, and filling out a FAFSA to see what I might qualify for, I found out the med. trans. course is over $11,000 for the first year. I would have to take on a school loan debt of $8,000 to pay for that. I declined to enroll and they've been trying ever since to get me to agree to enroll. Once you turn them down and tell them that you can not take on that kind of personal debt, they will send you to supervisors who will try to buffalo and snow you into enrolling by using such hogwash as "low monthly payments for 10 years to pay off the loans". They'll tell you about their own school loans and how easy they were to pay off, etc. They'll call you house repeatedly after you've said that you're not interested, all in attempt to try to get you to enroll even though you have bad feelings about putting yourself in that kind of debt. School can't take no for an answer and have an OBVIOUS quota to fill. I'll pass, and will take Career Step or MTEC. I'd advise anyone reading this to do the same.

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Problems keep escaltaing with Kaplan Online

Psychology - August 28, 2009
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Ive been a student since Dec 08 with the Kaplan online. things have been 'ok' until just recently. I received a called starting last week that escatlated to this week about my account, to verify it. Few days ago i get a statement stating i owe money, first its 323, then up to 508. Supposedly someone in the 'financial aide' dept gave me to much money , now i owe it. I find this to be no my probelm and have tried talking to several people at Kaplan regarding this, as other getting no response. I was on hold the other day for 4 HOURS!!!! before i finally spoke to someone. Well i though my FA was fixed on Monday, Wednesday i get a call from someone saying if i dont pay , im not getting my living expense chack and they will block my classes. I researched the reviews online and found several of hundreds of very bad reviews, and a complaint number, which i called and was connected to the Dept of Ed, Federal Student Aide(on accident). The are recieving complaints and are looking into it now. today im told i dont owe anything, but my LE check will be 325, down from 878. Im maked on all my grants and loans for the year, and am to the point of transfering schools. this sounds like a huge scam , a high end dipolma mill. i ahve all my paperwork now and have so many numbers im going crazy with this. Im am suppose to be getting a call fromt eh VP of kaplan, but am still waiting. Im sick of being on the phone and hearing 'im sorry' Im not the one who messed up , but I have to pay for their mistakes. does any one know what to do now?? i need help with this.

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Kaplan is the worse school

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I just finished my degree with Kaplan. I had nothing but trouble with them. The only good thing that comes from the school is the instructors. Finacial Aid, business office, etc would not help me with anything. When I first enrolled I was told I would have nothing out of pocket, but by my fourth term I was paying out of pocket, and by the sixth term they had doubled what I was paying. It took threatening to go to an attorney or the media and my payments went away and I got refunded some of the money that I paid in. They scam people that are honestly struggling to better themselves. I would not recommend this school to any one.

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Early Childhood Education - August 19, 2009
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My wife and i both sighned up with kaplan and trust me it was the worst night msre you ever could of imagined.The advisors were totally rude to my wife and i even the head people there are ??????????? please do not go there ecspecially the one in Iowa.They are so horriblle there and treat people so crappy they will lie to you try to lead you on.Go out of their way to litterly screw you out of wife got a perfect score on her assessment and they cancelled her out of school for no reason and they would not let her attend kaplan,Then they turned around and did the same to me for no reason and then they would not refund our money to what a school to treat people like that we went through 3 diffrent advisors there because they are so poor and everyone at kaplan is so rotten what a poor exscuse for a school then they lyed and told us they were trying to get us back into kaplan.Cause we had every right to attend kaplan the head person at iowa said they would contact us on a saturday after meeting with the dean to try and get my wife back into school.Ha Ha what a joke never got back with us or anything found out they never had a meeting and had no intention of even trying to get us back into kaplan.And worst of all they lied and told us they refund our money but we called student aid and they knew nothing about it.I am not trying to complain but only simply trying to put it out there how cruel and rude they are and treat people and what a bad school it is to attend so just beware if you want to attend a good school then penn foster is the way to go thanks and the best of luck.We most definetly would not recomend kaplan to our worst enemy no one no one at all run the other way.

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Criminal Justice - August 16, 2009
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Look out for Financial Aid and Student Accounts

Information Technology - August 13, 2009
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I was impressed with the teachings and the training, but the Financial Aid department 2 weeks before my final graduation informed me that they paid me too much financial aid (their mix up) and now I owe $12,600. They were nice and said we will cut it in half. After a year of paying on the account since I had not other recourse, now they are turning me into collection at 300 days past due even through I have been paying. So now they are going to get MORE MONEY out of me when in the beginning they said I was covered. Don't expect any help or understanding from student accounts...they are just as bad as collection agencies.

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Former Faculty

Psychology - July 31, 2009
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I used to teach at Kaplan University. Their methods are poor and they inflate grading to students so they will stay. I was instructed by a Kaplan staff member that even if a student earns a legitimate F to give him the "benefit of the doubt", and give him a B. As a hiring manager, I will not hire anyone with a Kaplan degree--be aware! The word is out that Kaplan degrees are not "hiring" degrees.

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Impressive instructors

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - July 23, 2009
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I have been a AAS RN for 30 years and have been looking for a program to get my BSN. The online program at Kaplan has given me the opportunity to further my education while work within the physical limitations of Guillian Barre Syndrome that I am currently recovering from. I checked two other online programs and chose this one because of the level of experience the instructors have in addition to the educational level they are required to have in order to teach. I have been impressed with the amount of concern that my Academic Adviser has shown me in helping me make proper course choices knowing that I intend on continuing for my MSN after my BSN in finished. She has encouraged me every step of the way and even when I was in danger of failing statistics, helped me work with the instructor so I could immediately turn around the next semester retake the course with a different instructor so I would have a better chance of succeeding the second time. I have only a few minor glitches with the financial aid office and they were primarily related to the fact I was assigned to a new officer-my former one changed positions. But in her defense, she sent me an email in response to my question letting me know who I had to contact instead. My only gripe has been something that I have noticed that last time I attended college and that is that what one instructor requires when citing APA, another does not and that can lead to frustration. Other than that I have in the past and will continue in the future, suggest this college to anyone who is looking for an online program.

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Kaplan - Decent School for the Self-Motivated

Information Technology - July 17, 2009
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Positives: -Online classes are convenient -Excellent faculty -Excellent website -Excellent technology -Good choice of classes relevant to my field -Audio seminars -Textbooks are included in tuition Negatives: -Terrible financial aid -Easy classes for the most part On the plus side, Kaplan has excellent faculty. Each professor has either a PHD or a Master's degree in their field with many years of experience. You have weekly seminars with the professors where you can ask questions and they lecture just like an in-person class. The seminars now also feature audio which is far superior to the old chat method. Their web site is well designed and makes turning in assignments easy. Also, you can take the classes on your own terms. You can do the assignments and post to the discussions when it is convenient for you. Working full time and being hours away from a traditional university made this form of education the best choice for me. One difficulty that I faced with Kaplan was their financial aid department. I did not experience the horror stories that some others have had, but I can confirm that they did not have their act together. I would receive calls stating that my payments were late and my classes could be suspended if a payment was not made. I would have to call them and explain to them that my student loans are paid in something called disbursements and they would get the check from the bank in a couple weeks sent directly to them. I have also received calls recently that my next semester classes were going to be put on hold because they did not receive a FAFSA for 2010. I had to explain to them that I was graduating in a week and was not going to be attending classes the next school year. This would not be so bad, but you have to sit on hold for 30-60 minutes before getting through to their FA department. The only other complaint that I do have is that with some of their classes, the grading standards were very laxed. In my Project Managemnt class, I was pressed for time once and knowingly turned in a rushed paper that I felt deserved a "C" at best. I was surprised the next week to get a grade of 100% for the paper! This seems to be true with many of their classes. However, I did have two classes, Discrete Math and Data Structures where this was not the case. The classes were rough and you had to work hard to get an "A". Overall, I am happy with Kaplan. I would recommend it to anyone seeking a degree without the means to attend a traditional university. Keep in mind that you must be highly motivated. You are not required to be in a classroom at any particular time. It is entirely up to you to do the reading, do the assignments and get them turned in on time. If you require someone to hold your hand and walk you step by step through your degree, Kaplan is not for you. If you are a self-starter and highly self-motivated, give Kaplan a try. You won't regret it.

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Enjoyable Experience!!! Great Choice!!

Business Concentrating in Finance - July 14, 2009
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I just completed my Bachelor's of Science in Business with a concentration in Finance. All that I can say is that I really do appreciate getting my 4 year degree on MY TERMS! I transferred my Associate's Degree in Business from a community college in which I had made special concessions for-from work hours to family time that I missed. I HATED going to a classroom. If it wasn't the parking fees that they were hiking-it was the parking and constant construction that was ongoing on the campus that made just getting to class a job! I loved just logging on 15 minutes prior to class, I loved my professors who were all well educated AND worked in the fields that I am looking to work and best of all-I was able to be at home with my baby while I was working on my way to a better future for my whole family! I did not have a moment's problem with my Student Advisor nor Financial Aid! As another student stated in their comments-simply look at the grammar, spelling and context of the words that some of these "students" who are posting in their notes. They should have been given a basic aptitude test! My fellow students in my classes were helpful and we all bonded closer than I ever could in a physical classroom. It was really cool chatting with people from all over the country-it made going to class fun-and that is what it is about. AGAIN-I had nothing but good experiences from Kaplan and am enrolling for my MBA which will be accelerated - and under my belt in 1& 1/2 years. Try that with a classroom school! Do like I did-and THINK FOR YOURSELF-and check the DRAMA at the door!

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Great School

Legal Studies - July 12, 2009
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I have attended Kaplan for four years now. Graduating July 21, 2009. I found Kaplan to be an excellent school, and not that much different from any other brick and mortar college I have attended. The work is hard, and there is a lot of it (at least in the legal studies program) However, if you are a disciplined adult who does not need a lot of hand holding, you will do very well. If you require hand holding, and cannot make a few phone calls when financial aid and academic advising calls, then don't bother attending. If you lack patience with being put on hold when you make phone calls, then do not attend. If you are an adult...with patience, and have the ability to discipline yourself, you will do amazing at Kaplan. I enjoyed my time at Kaplan so much, that I'm considering completeing my Masters degree here also.

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this school sucks

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The only good thing about this school is the teachers everything thing else is bad. Once they get your money they don't give a s*it about you.

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Turn the other way

Information Technology - June 29, 2009
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If you are looking at a possible choice for a college dont waste your time. i am currently looking into switching school to AMU. Kaplan and my student advisor (who i believe has no idea what a degree even initials) has given me the run around for the last 7 months. I am a huge amount of debt that the school said i would not be in AND they upped the charge per credit hour from 275 to NOW 375 and for what? You receive less help and attention than before. so if you can, CHOICE another college and save yourself an pocket book.

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Any Fool Can Get a Degree from Kaplan

Buisness administration - June 28, 2009
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I left a local community college to attend Kaplan University in the Spring of 07. My experience there was a complete joke. I learned absolutely nothing and found the curriculum to be too easy. Anyone who even attempted to go to seminar would get an A, there was no challenge. The professors seemed to have great credentials, but that only matters if they teach you. For example, any test I took I could retake as many times as I liked until I was happy with my grade. Where is the learning in that? I wanted to be a CPA and decided that I needed to go to a "real" school to get my degree. So I left and am now attending Illinois State University. I knew that there was no way Kaplan would prepare me for the real world. My husband continued to attend Kaplan and will graduate next month. For him it was the answer because he was looking for an easy way out. To compare, we both go full time and I spend 40 hours a week on school and he spends 2. He has learned nothing. We joke about just paying them the 30k so we can get the degree and skip all the waiting. I am most definitely challenged at my University and I would challenge ANY graduate of Accountancy at Kaplan to match what I have learned at my brick and mortar building. Kaplan doesn't even offer a real degree in Accounting, its some BA with Accounting emphasis that means nothing. You are not an Accountant until you earned your way with a real degree. Good luck to any future students wanting to pass the CPA with a Kaplan degree. I wouldn't trust it.

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Ok, I am currently in my 5th term with Kaplan University online. I have seen many posts on here where people were told they would not have any out of pocket expenses because the financial aid would cover it. I was told the same thing and after my 3rd term I recieved a bill saying I owed $300. I called them and the reason for it was they made a mistake. I signed up for the educational expense check and when they cut the check for me, they did not take out the $100 fee for the term. I told them that there was no way I could come up with that $300, so they made it so that it would be covered by my next set of financial aid. They did this, and also fixed it so that the $100 fee for each term is paid for and not mistakenly sent to me. The only issue I have with Kaplan is that it is very hard to contact my financial aid advisor, but I can speak with any of the advisors there, so that is not a big problem. I love this school, and I am very pleased with the professors and the classes.

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Excellent School, Hard Work

Information Technology - May 29, 2009
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Kaplan University is an excellent school. Its challenging, up to date curriculum is sometimes tough due to the shortness of a term (10 weeks.) The school of IT has been a great experience in the year and a half that I have been attending. Every single time I have asked for some flexibility on due dates or assistance in understanding a complex concept I have always been given immediate (within 24 hours) responses and lots of room to succeed. I had one issue in a class with a professor and my Academic Advisor was very helpful. I was even given personal attention from the Dean of the entire IT school over the matter!!! Now that is excellent. Like any school, its different strokes for different folks, and that works both ways. Some students are happy and some are not. Some professors are great teachers and some have no business being educators. Thats life. Every school deals with these issues. Kaplan has an oustanding process and is very flexible on working with you. I am happy to be on hold waiting to speak to someone rather than standing in some admissions office for an hour just trying to register. Books are up to speed with current trends in the IT world. Every book I have is Copywrite 2008 or newer (some have even been 2009.) Its not easy street. Don't expect to be handed your "A" because that won't happen. The workload will challenge most full time working adults with a family like mine but still be reasonable. Worth the money if you have the tenacity and discipline. Weak character and poor organization need not apply.

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Huge Rip-Off

Information Technology - May 19, 2009
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This was by far the worst experience I ever have had. Do yourselves all a favor and pick another school. Kaplan is a complete waste of money.

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You Gotta Work Hard!

Legal Studies - May 17, 2009
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I was pretty skeptical at first because I had never attended an online school. I have had a positive experience with Kaplan. I am 3 terms away from graduating with my BS in Legal Studies. I can honestly say I've learned more about the law than I did attending a traditional school. I had a GREAT advisor who ALWAYS answered phone calls and emails. That's a rare find these days. My Fin Aid advisor calls me promptly as well. I think most people that complain are those who don't stay on top of their schoolwork or their financial account with the school. You gotta keep checking to make sure they are running the ledger correctly. Ive only had one issue with that, but they immediately corrected it.

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Kaplan University

Business Administration - May 16, 2009
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I only have two more semesters to finish at Kaplan University and I love it. I find the teachers to be very helpful with material when I do not understand it at all. For example, my computer was down for three days and i had to call my advisor so I could get the assignment in once my computer was working. I never had a problem out of the financial aid office but there is always going to be a problem any where you go. The live seminars are excellent because it helps a person learn from others.

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Stop Complaining

Psychology - May 14, 2009
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I would recommend this school to anyone. Yes it has it's share of issues but let me tell you so do most online universities and so do lots of ground schools, I have been to them and I know. Kaplan has one great thing that you all seem to be missing. Your admissions advisor. If you have one that you developed a relationship with that is the person to go to. I have had some issues and called or e-mailed my advisor and she was there in a flash to help me in everyway she could. She was the person who handled financial aid and even my academic advisor. She sent out information to me when she though it pertained to my degree. She was there to help me on so many levels and I have been there three years now and always know that my advisor is there to help. I might not get her on the phone but I can get her by e-mail. Maybe the people that are complaining didn't get the right advisor or expect too much. Kaplan is a great school, I did my research and found the schools that will accept my credits when I graduate into a Masters program without issue. The complaints I have read here are really ugly from people who probably should not have been in online school to start. This is not a free lunch and it is not easy, you have to work for your degree. I have always found my professors to be forthcoming and when I have had a problem an e-mail to my admissions advisor is always helpful. My academic advisor is wonderful but that is all he is there for - academics. SO, my advise is to send an e-mail to the person who enrolled you and get the help from them. Give the school a chance, it is the best education I have gotten yet and I have done college already.

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Criminal Justice - May 6, 2009
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the school may be a good school but as soon as you graduate there is incemountable debt and the credits wont even tranfer to the next school so even if you do graduate you have to start over at the next college you go to and your in debt by a lot i went there for a year and i now owe 24,000 DOLLARS for a degree i cant even use. i was very ignorant for going to that school and i would advise others to pick a different school or youll get screwed over

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Criminal Justice - May 5, 2009
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I am currently working towards my associates degree in the criminal justice program. So far all of the instructors and academic advisors have done nothing but help me ensure that I am successful. I know that the cost of tuition is expensive, but the military is paying for mine, so I having nothing to gripe about in that aspect. I dont understand why people are complaining about the fill out all of the paper work when you enroll, nothing is hidden. It's like anything else, you get out of it what you put in. If you do your work on time, instructors will work with you when you need assistance. Kaplan is a great school.

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Completly Satified

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - April 24, 2009
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I have nothing but praise so far for Kaplan University. I am currently a Junior in the BS Paralegal Studies. I have a great academic advisor who stays on top of all my questions and keeps up with me ,ore than once each term. I can call her anytime for any help. I have enjoyed the learning I have received from my teachers. I have gone to traditional college as well. Mt decision to go online was easier due to work and paying for school. I can compare my learnig to what is available online at KU and with the traditional college I attended. I can honestly say that I am not lacking any assiting or learning.

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I think Kaplan Is GREAT!

Psychology - April 23, 2009
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I started with an associates in Criminal Justice and have continued toward my bachelors in Legal studies. The courses are great, you seem to get out of it, what you put into it. The instructors are fabulous, lots of interaction with the instructors and the other students. I had no problem when I flipped from an Associates to a Bachelors degree. In fact my Academic advisor was very informative. I have had no problems updating my financial information or getting help when I needed it. I guess you have to realize that Finacial aid is a combo of loans and grants and that you are borrowing the money from a institution that loans the money, not from the school. All they do is set up the paper work and approve the transaction. Maybe the previous students were not taught about business in high school. I love the convenience of taking my classes on my lap top. I also love the fact that I don't have to be in traffic or sit next to some sleeping creep in a lecture. Kaplan fits just right for me, and is better than the other University I transfered from. Also, I believe you get what you pay for. Kaplan gives me a good value for my money.. Dont know why the rest of you have had problems like you state! I never have.

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absolutely horrible

Psychology - April 17, 2009
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This school i am lead to believe now after attending is all about money and dont care about the success of the students. I have had the same issues as all the others with the financial aid issue. I wrote to Citi school loan dept informing them of what Kaplan is doing to the students as far as not sending the left over funds to the students after tuition is paid for. I tried several times to take a couple of terms off (as you are able to do at a real university) and instead the academic advisors ignore your request to sit it out and enroll you anyway and tell you, you can not do that unless you completely drop from the school and then have to re-apply to return. The courses are VERY easy and simple, but this school is expensive and not worth it in my opinion. I have alot of friends who went to this school and are now having problems continuing on to get their master's degrees with another university. I would not recommend this school even to the rich kid. This is truly a money hungry school!!!!!!!

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horrible and still involved with it

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I never got any help from the finacial aid department. I applied for a citi assist loan for me and it went to the school and the school kept it and said that i can't have a loan for me, The citi assist loan approved me for the loan to help me with rent and other things but the school applied it to my next term, which was 8months away. they never ever cut me any checks for anything just applied everything to the next terms. i could never get in touch with my fin advisor and found out i didnt even have one and the person on the phone told me i would have to call that same number back and get one instead of helping me. the constintly would block me from the site like i am now and i have no reason why. i can't once again get ahold of anyone to find out why. classes just started i dont know what classes i have because I am blocked and no one will call me back or tell me why I am blocked. Yet they got the finacial aid they needed from me for this term so they are happy. I have sent they my clinical placement sites several times, I haven't heard from my clinical person once to tell me if he has called he lost it four times. It is sooooo expensive yet I have to pay for my CPR class, Physical (insurance wont when for clinicals) and immunizations out of pocket. It is not part of the plan here. I should have went somewhere, anywhere else.

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Financial Aide

Business Administration - April 12, 2009
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I too had very bad experiences with the financial aide department. If you are depending on financial aide for help with living expenses, this is not the University. It took Kaplan about 2 months to cut checks to me twice. I got these checks after constantly calling daily. The communication was horrible between me and the advisors (I have been assigned to many financial aide advisors since my start with Kaplan). The financial aide advisors do not return phone calls even if you say it's urgent.

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Criminal Justice - April 6, 2009
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When I first enrolled at Kaplan I neglected to research the school. This was the worst decision of my LIFE! At first I loved the flexibility of working on my courses when I had the time between working 2 jobs, and taking care of an newborn. Most of my instructors were wonderful, however there were many who did not provide any feedback or answer any questions I had. Once I reached my 400 level courses I felt completely on my own. All the instructors did was grade assignments with no guidance, feedback, or any form of interaction with the students. My financial aide advisor and academic advisor were changed so frequently I never knew who I needed to contact. When I did find out the name of the different indivual (almost every 6 weeks) I never received return phone calls or emails. I requested to take 2 terms off due to serious health problems I had and a death in the family. Instead of granting my request my advisor registered me for courses without my knowledge. So when I believed I did not have to attend courses due to my request for for two terms off due to extenuiating circumstances, I really failed courses. Placing me on academic dismissal, raising my out of pocket expense by 4 grand, and the university returned all of my grant money all the way back from 2006 to the government. I am currently fighting with the school, becuase they are now saying I owe them over 30,000 out of pccket because the retunred every single one of my grants, when I was a 4.0 student. They have no explaination to why they moneys were returned and will not help me find who needs to be contacted. This school is a rip off. Plus when I while researching graduate schools, none of them consider my degree credible enough to allow me to be considered for admission. If you plan on continue beyond a BS and expect grants and loans to help pay for you tuition DO NOT ATTEND KAPLAN.

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Great school for intelligent people!

Information Technology - April 6, 2009
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I am a current (Spring 2009) student at Kaplan University. My experience has been excellent. Every staff member I have had contact with has been very responsive and knowledgeable. This is my first online college experience and I am impressed with the structure and content. I have access to the University of Alabama Library System, the Atomic learning system, live math and writing tutors, and numerous other resources’. When I need to speak to my Academic Advisor I just send an email and I receive a call or response within two days. If I need to speak to an advisor sooner, I call the 800 number and if my advisor is not available I have the option to speak to the next available person. I have never waited more than a few minutes. Notes are posted for my advisor and she always follows up to make sure my needs were met. If you are considering attending Kaplan University and the negative reviews are giving you an uneasy feeling. I suggest you look at the spelling and grammar of most of the reviews. This will give you some indication as to why they are having difficulty in college level studies. If you are prepared to be a dedicated student, willing to spend the time needed studying, pay your tuition on time, attend class and be a responsible adult/student, give Kaplan University a strong consideration.

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Mixed Review

Buisness administration - April 3, 2009
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Kaplan University is like any other institution and want to make a profit and try to make their numbers. I have been with Kaplan since I started my Associates and am currently enrolled in the Masters program of Business Management with an emphasis. I have had many misleading problems with Financial Aid and the Business department in regards to loans and grants and have to call them to get my living expenses and then have to wait two additional weeks to have them cut. This is very frustrating and has made my experience regretful. I would like to say that the online teachers are excellent for the most part but some are just incoherent and I could teach myself. I knew from the beginning that Kaplan was a sticky academic venture but as time goes on, they really need to improve their values, compensation, and even customer results. Kaplan is like any other college except for it is too demanding and needs to get their financial departments attuned to the students. I keep track of my loans and so far, I have had a few discrepancies but I keep up with statements from lenders as well as Kaplan and when I see the red flag, I am on the phone right away. It's a shame this institution has went from well to not worthy but I guess that goes from how they interact strategically in the Human Resource department to the actual enrollment. Just do your homework and make sure that you can afford Kaplan or if another place might be better for you.

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They Sell Your Information

Buisness administration - March 29, 2009
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I first contacted Kaplan University because I wanted to earn my MBA online due to work schedule, etc. They called and called - even after I'd answered and spoken with them! - wanting to give me information on their school. After I began my first semester of classes (just recently), they STILL CALLED ME WANTING TO GIVE ME INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR DEGREE PROGRAMS AND SCHOOL!!! I finally told them that the number they were calling was not who they thought it was. The man said that I would be taken off THEIR list, but he can't guarantee I would be taken off the list of the other schools who now had my number. WHAT? It seems they sold my information to other online schools. At least he was open about it! HA! I honestly can't decide whether or not to sign up for another semester with a school that treats its students' information like marketing tools and a way to conduct business with other online schools. What a crock.

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Kaplan Unv BACJ

Criminal Justice - March 28, 2009
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I am a student who has used Kaplan FA, I never had one issue. The department was kind, understanding and helpful. AS I am reading this, I think people forget that you are not getting a loan from are getting it from a lender. Keep in mind that if you don't pay your bills on time...well that's what happens. Collection Departments are paid to round up unpaid bills. We all know we need to pay things on time...hence that's your own fault. I also used TA… I knew that Uncle Sam did not cover all of my schooling… and I knew I was responsible for making my unpaid amount on time. So did the others here! Drama… Drama …Drama! Most of my unit used Kaplan and no one had all this drams that I am reading. Kaplan is rated 1 on the military list for a reason!

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Criminal Justice - March 25, 2009
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FINANCIAL AID SUCKS! they blocked my account even though i have completed all requirements needed. they kept telling me that i should not have any problems logging in but i still am not able to login. i have wasted my time waiting for my account and it has been 2 days now. this happens every semester. they suck! don't waste your time and money!!!

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Kaplan University is nothing but a joke

Information Technology - March 24, 2009
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I would not recommend this university to anyone. Their commercials are fraud. Yes they are an online institution but they are worthless to deal with. I graduated in August of 2008 and I am still having to deal with them to receive my degree certificate. I am being told that I owe them money when my financial aid and grants should have paid for everything. I don't feel as though I learned any more than what I could have taught myself on computers or anything else for that matter. The academic advisors there are also a joke. If you can actually speak to one they do nothing but give the run around and financial aid will hound you over something that was their mistake to begin with. They lose paperwork and information and lock you out of classes and then when you call them to find out what the problem is they say " Oh there is no problem we see that we have all the paper work". I would strongly advise against going to this university. They are crooks and liars and not worth the hassle in the long run. The sad thing is is that my brother and I attended this university at the same time and he had more problems with them than I did and I did not think that was possible. The whole experience was a joke.

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Accounts not set up for Military

Criminal Justice - March 24, 2009
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I started my C.J. degree with Kaplan University back in Nov of 2006 and I presently have two classes remaining to graduate with a BA in CJ. I truly like the idea of online education and distance learning. It has been very convenient in my life-style. I think that Kaplan's teachers are wonderful. The professors have good knowledge of the material and are very considerate of the fast paced life styles that many online students have. I have also had no problems with student advisors, however I have had many frustrations with the accounting department and the schools system of billing. I am enrolled as a military student so I receive GI Bill and Tuition assistance. Most military students understand that GI Bill payments are paid after the enrolled academic month. EX. I went full time for the month of Dec. I will then receive a payment in Jan. or Feb for Dec. Unfortunately all students sign a piece of paper that says the student is responsible for making payments. With that said, be prepared to have the phone ring off the hook every day until the accounts department receives their money. They do not care that the money from the GI Bill comes after the month of term. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. If you do not have a credit card or some other way to pay, be prepared to be dis-enrolled. Also the school could care less about Tuition assistance be paid by your academic officer after the term The School does not send out a bill payment to the education officer for payment. My education officer must request the payment after the term and it takes sometimes weeks for this tuition payment to go through. ONCE again be prepared for endless phone calls from a computer saying that you owe money. I understand that the school needs the money, but the GI Bill and Tuition Assistance are not paid the way the University wants their money and I am stuck in the middle of it. I have always paid my bills to this university and have established a very good payment history with this school, but they could care less. It seems like this school only cares about money, BOTTOM LINE. I would recommend this school to those of you who are prepared to defend yourself every 10 weeks or at the beginning of a new term, but for those who would like to have things just run smoothly and let you focus on your classes and home life. This is not the school for you. You will get aggravated and loose motivation.

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Very Satisfied

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - March 21, 2009
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I graduated from Kaplan School of Nursing with my BSN in Dec. 08. I was very pleased with the level of instruction and the communication from the insturctors. I found Kaplan to be very informative and up to date with nursing practice. The online format is not for everyone, and it certainly is not "easier" than attending classes. You will put in hours of work each week and will get out of the program what you put into it. I was so pleased with the format and level of professionalism within the school of nursing that I am presently attending the Masters of Nursing Program. This is an adult level of education and if you are not disciplined in your learning habbits you will be left behind in a cloud of dust.

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Buisness administration - March 16, 2009
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This is my 5th term at Kaplan. All of my books have been new. In additional, my teachers are very good. My academic advisor is always there when I need him as well as my financial aid counselor. At the end of each semester, I get my stipends as promised. I would recommend to anyone looking to go to school on-line...

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Kaplan Is The Worst University Out There

Criminal Justice - March 14, 2009
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Kaplan sell themselves as top rate Higher Education. This is a LIE. They lead you to believe that you pell grants and loans are paying for your education, then charge tuition to you. When the bill is high enough they lock you out of classes and will not let you in or give you your transcripts without paying the high tuition bill they ran up without your knowledge. If you want a higher education DO NOT CHOOSE KAPLAN. STUDENTS BEWARE OF FRAUD. WE WILL BRING THEM DOWN IF WE UNITE.

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Waste of Money - Just an expensive Mill

Buisness administration - March 6, 2009
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I'm sorry I signed up. It was a waste of money, and trying to communicate with anyone felt like they had rote answers just to placate people to get them off the phone. I could have used the money and just bought the books and read them myself and received more out of it. It's very hard to get ahold of anyone beyond just a call line customer service trainee. Just as a warning if you buy into the program - whether you like it or not you are stuck with the entire payment to the end. Think before you purchase. Also for the online training program - if you like jumping across 20 websites for each chapters of a book to find information - you might like it. I like all my information in one area to work with, coinciding with a book is perfect. Again, the layout was vague and hard to follow.

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I am so irrated

Psychology - March 5, 2009
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I am getting ready to enter my third term at Kaplan. I would recommend really researching what you need. They are rude & consenting! They have no idea what they are doing in the academic advising . Their communication is not there at all.

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Stay away from Kaplan!!!!

Information Technology - March 4, 2009
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Kaplan is excellent with the original sale and getting you to sign up. They use slippery sales techniques and very misleading. Unfortunately that is where the education seems to end. Some of the teachers are pretty good but I think you can do just as well from a good book from Amazon or Barnes. Advisors never return phone calls or emails and Kaplan personnel keep calling day and night for no apparent reason. I signed up for IT program and Kaplan has nothing but technology problems galore. Very poor. That seems to be widespread througout Kaplan. I got a partial refund after many months of fighting with Kaplan for my money back. Beware also that many of their programs are not accredited. You have to do a lot of homework first. My advice is to stay away from Kaplan. Something just doesn't seem right with it. Overall a very negative experience like most others from what I am reading.

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This school has THE worst communication ever!!! My academic advisor does not respond to my emails or calls and when she finally does, it's too late! I had decided to not finish my degree there (because she took too long to tell me about the clinical course) and asked her repeatedly to drop my classes for the next term (which had not started yet) so that I wasn't charged. She didn't. Books were shipped and now they expect ME to pay to ship them back to them!!!

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Something fishy about Kaplan

Legal Studies - February 27, 2009
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I am finishing my last term at Kaplan for my associate’s degree in paralegal studies. My instructors, for the most part, are great. They are all lawyers and give great advice. Still, I feel like I could be learning more at a physical university. I do have concerns about Kaplan’s financial department. When I first started at Kaplan they signed me up for a loan, after I told them not too. It took about a week to get straight and that was only after I said I was going to contact the better business bureau. I should have walked away then. Since then, there has been nothing but problems with the financial department. They hound me if there is an issue my bank account or my grants, but I can't get an answer if I have question about charges. Overall I would advise any student to go somewhere else for an education. Something isn't right with Kaplan!

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Watch out for Kaplan.

Legal Studies - February 26, 2009
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Kaplan was a great university when I first came to them. The course work was challenging and extremely informative. After only a few semesters of attending I started to notice that I didn’t care for them as much as I had in the beginning. I was having login issues, financial aid problems and difficulties with being contacted / contacting my advisor. I was told to apply for loans I didn’t need and registered for classes I never intended to take. My review on this school would simply be this; some of the instructors are great and you will definitely benefit from the over-all curriculum. Yet, I would not recommend this institution to anyone who wasn’t willing to deal with a battle on a regular basis over petty issues. In the middle of an grievance / appeal, I was referred to someone else, my records couldn’t be located and the way I was treated was extremely unprofessional. No one returned phone calls, emails or written correspondents. On the other hand, I received a phone call EVERYDAY for the $141.00 that I owed them at least twice a day. Advice: Really check into your school… I just happened upon this site and wish that I would have seen it earlier…

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Good education, horrible to deal with

Business Administration - February 25, 2009
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I started Kaplan's MBA program in August 2007. The curriculum itself I've found to be appropriately challenging. I feel I've learned a great deal through the course discussions. Most professors I've found to be fair, but I have had one or two that I feel were not appropriately administering Kaplan's policies. I don't feel any class has been a waste of time and have definitely picked up lots of good information that I apply daily in my job. My major complaint, and its big enough I struggle with recommending Kaplan to friends, is dealing with different personnel from the school. My academic advisor is absent about 95% of the time. Ignorning phone calls and emails. Randomly she'll send a "good luck this term" email or leave a similar message. But she never responds to my requests to her. Worse than that, is dealing with the Student Accounts department. My company is reimbursing me for most costs associated with my program. When I started at Kaplan I was told I could be billed per term,rather than by month - and that I could have my tuition deferred until the end of each term so that the time between making my payment and receiving the reimbursement from my company was very small. Well, my billing kept getting switched to monthly (against my request/wishes and without my knowledge) and the tuition deferment kept disappearing off my account. This leads to 2-6 calls a day from Kaplan with a recorded message about "fulfilling my educational committment". When I answer and "stay on the line" to speak to an agent I always get disconnected. When I try to CALL the student accounts numbers direct, I rarely get a live person. On the rare occasion I DO get a live person - the minute I explain that I need to be billed per term because it makes it easier for me to file my reimbursement request - I get transfered to someone in business affairs who never returns my call. So, I normally spend 2-3 weeks of every month sending repeated emails to student accounts to correct their weird billing errors. And to be clear - I'm not a deadbeat. I long gave up on the tuition deferment attempts. Within 1-2 days of each terms charges being applied to my account - I make the payment. However - those amounts differ from whatever imaginary payment plan student accounts has me on - so they continue to cite me as past due even though my account balance is $0 for all but about 2 days of every term. The only person who ever DOES respond to my calls and emails is the financial aid officer assigned to me - which I don't understand since I don't USE financial aid - who tells me she has tried to change my account to per term billing numerous times and someone in student accounts always changes it back. I'm currently in my second to last class and can't WAIT to finish just so I don't have to deal with these ridiculous billing problems any longer.

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You get what you put into it...

Criminal Justice - February 23, 2009
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I have been a student at Kaplan since 2007. The first two terms were not very difficult. However, the work picks up after that short duration. I wouldn't encourage anyone to attend Kaplan if they are not capable of learning effectively on their own. It does take a lot discipline and can be just as stressful as a "land" university. I have had excellent professors. I truly cannot complain about that aspect. Many of my professors have been interesting, understanding, and appropriately challenging. I think they are far more interesting than the professors at my local university. This is due to their various backgrounds and locations. Some require a lot more work than others. I would not recommend this school for someone who dislikes writing since most of the course work consists of massive papers and active participation. Overall, the classroom experience has been excellent. I've only had one academic advisor throughout my time at Kaplan and she has been great. We communicate very well together and she returns my phone calls abruptly. However, the financial advisors are pretty awful. I have had a hard time with their team. The communication is poor and if you want something done, you really have to be on top of them. Honestly, I think their poor service is due to case overload. The technical services have been wonderful. I've had very little technical difficulties. In regards to the complaints that I have read, I have never received a phone call at an inappropriate time. Many people have complained about the tuition, but it is actually the same as many of the land universities that I had looked at. The only difference was that Kaplan includes book costs. I am actually saving money. Some say that Kaplan is a scam, but honestly, most colleges are. Receiving an education is expensive no matter what.

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Criminal Justice - February 20, 2009
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These people are thieves. I was about to enroll in the criminal justice program January of 2009, but my mom had a bad feeling about the school. What did you know she was right. Now I’m battling them 2 months in the making for a refund of my money. I’ve been given the run around, the opps we lost connection, I can’t hear you, the just plain rude hang up and they’ve even given me nonexistent phone numbers. I’ve called my advisor and left several messages in which he never returned. Save your money and go else where. This school from what I’ve heard isn’t really accredited by the California Bar and is in for the money. So my advice is to not attended.

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It Is What You Make Of It

Information Technology - February 18, 2009
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Yes, I had my share of problems with Kaplan, starting with the technology and ending with unaccommodating academic advisors. So what? People who expect others to take care of them will always complain. I spent hours on the phone making sure that all parties involved understood what I wanted / needed. Once I thought I got the point across I made sure it was done. This is true for every school I attended or job I’ve held and it’s true in life – get used to it. Granted sometimes I got stonewalled (like asking to switch instructors) but by making a sound, sane and reasonable arguments I managed to get that done as well. My advice for all of those who have financial problems, talk to one person and one person only (this is true for any financial problem you might have regardless of the institution) about your issues, don’t get too many people involved. On-line learning is difficult and needs discipline, it’s not for everybody. The classes are harder than brick & mortar schools because you actually have to (gasp) … participate. There is lots of reading and lots of essays (average 2 a week plus a project), but you do learn and I found the instructors very accommodating and the response time was short. Most of the negative reviews I read seem to be written by younger folks out of high school or the military – this is all well and good. I think the shock of real-life where nobody cares if you do your projects and no one is going to call your parents might be too much to handle at once. If you’re out of high-school and want the “college experience” this is not for you, but for a busy professional that needs a degree – this is the right place!

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Too Much of a Hassle

Buisness administration - February 12, 2009
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While I felt this school offered a moderate education experience there are too many upsetting things about this school for me to EVER recommend it to another. For the most part the academic advisors were accomodating, I only had one semi-bad one that did not enroll me in the emphasis I requested, and by the time I found out I would have had to take additional courses. This is minor though. The largest problem is all the headaches with the financial department. I had to call for a month straight before I got my two semesters worth of scholarships applied to my account the first time and a year later I discovered they had missed five terms of scholarships. They are terrible at communicating. Then there was issues with money leaving my lender and not being applied to my account or not being correctly applied (both have happened). To me that is BS. When the money leaves the bank and arrives in theirs (Kaplan confirmed they recieved the funds), it should hit my account equally as quick. All that I've said still can't fully describe the TERRIBLE service they provide. As for the one review stating that people have to read their lenders contracts, you are an idiot. I don't have a problem with the lender. I can fully see what and when they've disbursed money. It's Kaplan's financial department that is the problem. They are too incompetent to do their job and apply funds correctly to an individuals account. Clearly I'm not the only one that has had issues, if you go to the better business bureau site you can see the numerous complaints (mostly financial) against this institution.

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Kaplan Rocks

Psychology - February 10, 2009
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Here is the thing with any online college, we are all supposed to be adults now and as most adults already know, you don't sign or commit to anything that you don't fully understand. All of the people griping about them taking your money, DUH! That's what colleges do. They take your money and you don't have to try to support a family of 4 on McDonalds wages. Your financial problems are with the bank, not Kaplan. I am not into my 7th term and couldn't be happier. I have learned more at Kaplan than I did in 2 years at a normal college. Of course, with online college, you have to be very self disciplined so you don't fall behind, but isn't that everywhere. My academic and financial aid advisors have been wonderful. I haven't had to do anything as far as that goes. My financial aid advisor prepares my statements, I read them and go from there. He even got it down so I only pay roughly $100 a month out of pocket. My projected loan payments after graduation are about $100 a month for both loans combined. I can't complain about anything and I have never received a call from them at an inappropriate time on a weekend unless I called them first. If you are a big boy or girl and can handle taking responsibility for your course in life, then Kaplan is definitely the route for you. I couldn't be happier.

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Kaplan is a great school to attend.

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - February 9, 2009
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I was a little angry after reading some of the negative reviews about Kaplan University. I am currenty in my 7th term at Kaplan, BS in Paralegal Studies, and really don't have anything negative to say. The teachers are there for you, you either receive a real (hard) book or an e-book in each class. However, I do think that before you enroll in any online school you need to make sure it's right for you. For a lot of people it can be hard to make time for your homework, etc. and not wait until the last minute. After all nobody is telling you when to do it, they merely give you a deadline on the last day and time the paper or quiz is due. You have to be very self disciplined and not looking for somebody to coddle you. If this is not you, Kaplan is not the place for you.

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Pay Up

Criminal Justice - February 4, 2009
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I would like to contribute to this review on Kaplan. I have found the professors and the material very educational and rewarding. I have had the opportunity over the years to take classes in the traditional classroom environment and now on line. I don't see much difference except now I can attend when it is convenient for me. I am sorry but I don't have to be face to face with someone in order to learn. It not only has allowed me to work full time but has also allowed me to get an education not to mention all the money I have saved on gas to get back and forth. If your complaint is about the money you borrowed you need to read your contract a little closer. The money you borrowed is from some sort of lending institution not the school. Maybe this is why you didn't succeed here at Kaplan maybe because you weren't smart enough to begin with allowing yourself to sign something before you took the time to read it. Or maybe you didn't qualify for a scholarship like myself. But for whatever the reason I am sure your complaints are legit. If you miss the classroom experience and interaction I suggest you enroll in a school close to home so you can make friends and have that traditional classroom experience. Good Luck.

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Kaplan is a fraud

Legal Studies - February 4, 2009
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The only thing Kaplan is good at is taking your money! They are a very sophisticated sales organization centered around numbers not your education. Currently my complaints are being reviewed by the Dept. of Ed (I've spoken with personally); State Dept. of Ed; Attorney General's office and my State Senator. I've been advised to forward my information at this point on to the accreditating agency as well. There is an ongoing investigation into Kaplan's deceitful sales pitches and money scams. Please, if you've been a victim of their shady practices, send complaints to the above mentioned agencies ASAP!

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Kaplan Awsome School

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - January 29, 2009
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Hi, my name is Becca! I am currently attending Kaplan University to get my Associates degree in Paralegal. I am in my 5th term and have a GPA of 3.8. I am a high school drop out with a GED. Kaplan was one of the many online schools I did research on. The only problem I had with Kaplan was they do indeed call you at all hours. I got a phone call from them at 9pm on a Sunday night. Thats crazy. However, I cold not have chosen better school to get my degree. I am a mother of 2 and work full time. Kaplan has very flexible hours and are very helpful and understanding about many issues I have had. Jut recently I ws unable to access the library for 2 weeks making it impossible to do an assignment. My professor was cool with it and told me to keep her posted and submit it when the problem was taken care of. I submitted it and recieved full credit. Pretty much everything at Kaplan is great. The courses are easy at first, but then get harder and harder. This type of school is for people that are self motivated and very disaplined. If you are not ready to give your education your all, then this school or any other is for you. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it is very helpful. I would recomend this school to anyone. P.S. My baby sister just got her GED and starts Kaplan in March!!! Becca

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Another College Regret

Criminal Justice - January 27, 2009
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Try to recieve your Degree on Line with the programs, promises of those who represent a fallacy of words. I too was in my second quarter and became ill with West Nile. The choice I took was to pull from the University and take care of my health. Kaplan was unconcerned, insensitive, non-responsive to what I needed to get back on track. Now I have recieved a BILL for CITI Bank for a loan that I was told I didn't need but that I had to apply for it if I ran short of funds. That did not make sense to me, I asked many questions and still was informed that I had to for my enrollment. I did. Now i am recieving a Bill from Citi Bank with there responce inquire with student accounts at Kaplan. I can not get a responce from KAPLAN on anything. My student account shows nothing of recieving funds from Citi Bank as to date. All I would like is to have a responce from some one. I can not get a hard copy/email of my final grades, my account copy/email of funds recieved, NOTHING! What would they do if all the law students and tax lawyers checked into this college, maybe people could get their answers. I will not give up until I have my answers. THe question to you my friend "Why would you go to a University like Kaplan for your education?"

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Very happy!!!

Early Childhood Education - January 23, 2009
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When I got out of the Army with no GI Bill they helped me with other Veteran tuition assistants! They kept me informed as they received my transcripts from the other college I had attended and my Army transcripts! Even when I was having computer trouble when my laptop screen cracked, the teachers and adviser were extremely understanding and helpful! As to that veteran who said something about the $95 enrollment charge... what? That fee is waved for veterans and military spouses! so that's a huge lie! And for the rest of the bad reviews, COLLEGE IS GOING TO COST MONEY!!! You are always going to have one or two teachers you don't like so suck it up and deal! If you are still not sure try only one class at first to see how you like it. But I have been so happy with my experience with Kaplan that my husband, who is still serving our country, is about to start taking classes at Kaplan!

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Irritating Calls

Nutrition Science - January 13, 2009
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I was seriously considering going to this institution but I can tell you that these were the MOST irritating people on the face of the earth! My so called advisor would call me up until midnight all through out the week and weekend. I got my cell phone bill back and it was outrageous and it was all due to irritating calls. I pulled out of the program a week before I was suppose to start and now I am attending a higher institution and haven't gotten one single call from them. RECONSIDER YOUR OPTIONS BEFORE ATTENDING THIS INSTITUTION.

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Working out great!

Buisness administration - January 10, 2009
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I am in my 6th term with Kaplan. I work full time and have a family. Attending an online school is the only way I could reaonably get my degree. I checked into local schools that have online programs but you can only take certain classes at certain times and it would have taken me years to finish. I am almost halfway done with my Associate's Degree after one year. I work with someone who will be finishing their Associate's Degree this summer from a local traditional college after 5 YEARS of classes! The classes are pretty easy at first but they do get harder and the whole thing is you have to actually do the work that is assigned each week or you will struggle. I probably spend about 15 hours a week on my school work. I have never had a problem with any of my instructors getting back to me and most of them will work with you if you have problems. The cost - very high. The only reason this working for me is because I have tuition assistance from my employer, I got a government grant, and the rest is financed trough financial aid. With that I only have to pay less than a third of the actual tuition, otherwise I could not afford it. All-in-all my experience at Kaplan has been great and I would recommend it for those who don't have the option of attending a traditional classroom and can afford it.

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Kaplan Wants Your Money

Information Technology - January 2, 2009
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Kaplan's curriculum is very poor. You could learn a wealth more of information simply buying books off Amazon. The way they treated me after a hospitalization was they expected me to pay the full price for the course and wanted me to stay in a class where the hospitalization would have negatively affected my GPA of 4.0. All they care about is collecting your money, even if that means stealing it. Furthermore, my financial advisor has not done her job and I am getting bills instead of them being deferred. Like every other college I have attended Kaplan is no different, they might as well be in bed with lawyers. They do only one thing well, and that is give you a run around for your money. They have no respect for persons with disabilities either, and their web site is always having issues.

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Criminal Justice - December 11, 2008
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Kaplan University is terrible!s, Instructors do not answer emails with questions regarding projects, seminars, explanations..ANYTHING during the whole term. Customer service are terrible!, academic advising department treat with ZERO respect, make fun of you on the phone, and with "sarcastic comments". I wam in the middle of a class... trying to drop Kaplan but once y ou there... you are stuck in this terrible institution.!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good Experience

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - December 9, 2008
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I just recently graduated with a BSN. My experience was great. Most of the classes were structured well and the instructors had adequate credentials. I am planning on starting my MBA at Kaplan in 2009. The only complaint that I have is with the lack of communication from the financial aid office.

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Kaplan is terrific!

Criminal Justice - December 5, 2008
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After reading all of the reviews, I am amused at all of the negativity from past and present students. First, let me start off my saying that with an online school (any online school) -- you have the added challenge of not being able to interact face to face with your advisors, be it academic or financial aid. I am in my 3rd term with Kaplan and have had the same academic advisor. She is terrific. If you are having problems with your advisor, ask to be reassigned!If you aren't getting answers from financial aid, your academic advisor can help you get in touch with the right people. I will agree that the response time from the financial aid office leaves a lot to be desired and they do not do a terrific job at informing people of their total tuition costs. You do have to do a lot of your own homework to figure out what your financial aid awards will cover. Keep in mind that while their tuition my seem very high as compared to other schools -- all of your materials are included in your tuition. Add the cost of books to tuition at other schools and you will see it may be very comparable to Kaplan. The instructors are terrific and they are professionals working in the field who bring real world experience into our seminars. Granted, due to the non existent admissions criteria, you will have a lot of people that impact your experience with irrelevant questions or conversations during seminar. This does get better as you proceed into your higher level classes as most of those people have dropped out by then. In the end, you get what you pay for. Kaplan is a fully accredited school so people who have posted that it is not or is only recognized in certain states should reveiw what that actually means. Kaplan is not for everyone, but for me I know I made the right choice.

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Beware of tuition costs!

Criminal Justice - December 4, 2008
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The classes, the work, and the teachers were all wonderful. I did not have any problems whatsoever with that aspect of Kaplan. I did the 2+2 program, where I obtained my Associates in Criminal Justice first, then they applied those courses to my Bachelor's in Criminal Justice. It took me 4 years total to finish. Basically, it is an accelerated course, because you don't really get any sugstantial time off. I was told I couldn't 'take a break' because it would set me back in regards to financial aid and my status as a student! But I moved through it. When I first started, we had 4 quarters, basically, with about 2 weeks in between each quarter. Toward the end, it went to mini sessions and only a week in between! I was definitely BURNED OUT when i finished, but I was glad that I finally accomplished something in my life. While attending, I was awarded full financial aid. My first mistake was not looking into the actual tuition costs. I didn't compare it with regular colleges or universities, so I didn't think anything until a year after I graduated and my forbearance/deferments were up and I had to start paying back...OH MY GOSH! My total bill was $48K, and with interest, by the time I'm done paying that back, i will have paid over $90K!!!! AND, even though I consolidated all the different loans, the lowest I could get my monthly payments is $259! I was paying $317 a month, but recently called and got on the graduated payment, and although it went down, i really cannot believe I am paying $259 a month! My brother went to a full on state university for 5 years, obtained his bachelor's degree and had half the tuition i had, and his graduated payments started at $50 a month, and now he pays about $100. I KNOW and am fully aware that I have to pay this back, and I am, but honestly, had i known what the cost was going to be, i would NOT have obtained my degree through Kaplan. It simply is not worth it. and now, i am seriously struggling to get by because of the size of my student loan payment! I have a great job with pretty good pay, but this is just eating my lunch...literally! ALL IN ALL, do your homework on the tuition. I do not think it will be worth it in the long run, and I'm sure there are other online, fully accredited schools that cost way less.

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Positive Kaplan Experience

Buisness administration - December 3, 2008
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I just graduated from Kaplan in September 2008 with my BS in Business/Accounting. I have nothing but good things to say about them. All of the people that I worked with were professionals. They returned my phone calls and emails promptly, worked with me when I needed to change classes. The registrar's office even when above and beyond when I needed extra paperwork for an international business work visa based on my degree. It annoys me that there are few positive reviews at Kaplan, just like for most products. The people who scream the loudest are those that have problems. Not only did I graduate with a BS, I have also been accepted to graduate school for my M.Acc. based on that degree. It is a traditional public university that is accredited by the AACSB and I start in January 2009.

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Experience with the school has gotten better

Communications - November 25, 2008
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When I first enrolled at Kaplan I found out after 2 terms and $6000 later that I had been enrolled in the wrong program. It took a few months to get it all straightened out financially. The compliance manager got involved and she was terrific. The teachers that I have had so far are great! The downside of the college is their financial aid advisors and academic advisors. I have had several of each and I started in in August 2007. If you are not motivated to do the assignments and projects then an online atmosphere is not for you. I had a hard time getting up to speed and I had to repeat several classes. This past term, which ended Nov. 25, 2008, I kept up with all of the discussions, seminars and assignments and I got good grades and learned some helpful things. If you fall behind it is difficult to catch up. The instructors are very helpful but if you don't do the work you won't pass. I saw someone had mentioned that all of the books were e-books and this has not been true for me. I think it depends on the program because I have had several books sent to me for my courses. I think that my degree will be valuable. It doesn't matter where you get the degree from, what matters is if you can demonstrate skills in what you earned your degree in. I would recommend Kaplan to others but advise them to keep documentation of emails, etc. in case financial aid messes up something.

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Wonderfully challenging!

Business - Accounting - November 25, 2008
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I've been attending Kaplan since June 2007 and I absolutely love it! I'm going for my BS in Business with an emphasis in Accounting. They are an open enrollment school which means they do not turn anyone away as long as they have a high school diploma or GED and that was probably the most annoying thing about the school to me at first. In the beginning I was taking classes with some complete morons who probably should not have even graduated high school. As time went on and my classes became more challenging I found that the morons are weeded out (I imagine they are the ones who end up dropping out and come here giving Kaplan negative reviews!) and now I have no complaints at all. The financial aid office is very helpful if you give them a chance - if you're confused or unclear on something you just have to speak up and tell them and they will explain it. I absolutely love my admissions advisor - she still calls me and checks up on me! I have been through several academic advisors but it's fine because, as someone else mentioned, I only need them to enroll me in classes. I am in complete control of which classes I take as long as I meet the prerequisites. The reading material, whether actual text book or ebook, are completely free (included in tuition). It does not at all bother me when a class I take has an ebook instead of a text book because I know I am getting updated information. It takes a lot of time and money to publish a text book - in some cases by the time a text book is published and distributed the material could be outdated. I love the APA citation style that the University follows. I had a lot of instruction and reference material available on how to properly format in APA so the person who said that nobody teaches that obviously did not even bother finding out. The professors are very valuable to me. They are specialized in the field they teach in. For example, in my marketing class the professor was an actual marketing executive so he was able to not only instruct by the book but also by life experience. I value my education at Kaplan so much. I earn every grade I am given. Some of the classes have been somewhat easy because of my prior education and work experience but I still worked very hard at completing the assignments and posting to the discussion boards. Some of the classes have been quite challenging. I had to read an average of 85 pages a week for one class I took, in addition to assignments, essays, tests and discussion board posts. If you're looking for an intellectually stimulating, technologically advanced online learning environment, look no further than Kaplan University.

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Wonderful school.

Criminal Justice - November 21, 2008
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I just finished by Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice (this month). The teachers were outstanding. Many work in the field that they are teaching in and bring a lot of experience and knowledge to the classes they teach. I started in Jan. 2007 and in all that time, I had 1 e-book in a class. All of the other books were shipped to my home. I will grant that the financial aid department leaves a lot to be desired. Even though you can go in and look at your account ledger, it can be confusing. When Kaplan switched to their new format, it made things a little easier, but there are still a few things that can confuse you if you don't take the time to look at the ledgers. The technology that they use is wonderful. I am going on to another university for my Master's degree and they don't "accept" Windows Vista written papers without modification. Kaplan does. If you think that Kaplan has poor technological support and their website is bad, go look at some of the other schools out there. The classwork (papers and tests) are equal to or in some cases, surpass those of traditional universities, which I have been to. You will only get out what you put in. If you aren't willing to work hard and be patient with those who are there to help you, it can make for a bad experience. Thank you.

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Please Listen to Negative Reviews!!

Nutrition Science - November 21, 2008
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Please listen to all of the negative reviews out there and beware before you make a mistake! Here is my story... I would like to become a Registered Dietitian and have done quite a bit of research into the profession. Believing that a degree in Nutrition Science would be beneficial to me, I began looking into online programs to help me acheive my goal. At first, I believed Kaplan University to be a good choice. In addition to being a stay-at-home mother that would need a flexible schedule, I am also a US Army Veteran wanting to use my GI Bill benefits. Kaplan offered reasonable rates and a good discount for vets -- all in all, my GI Bill would completely cover the cost of this degree. I spoke with an Academic Advisor and told her of my desire to become a Registered Dietitian. She said I had made a great choice and then proceeded to tell me that she was a Dietitian herself -- she even detailed the work she had done before being employed by Kaplan. Great! It seemed as if I had made a good, sound choice so I decided to go ahead with enrollment. I paid my enrollment fee and registered for classes. However, soon after I registered for my classes, I receive an email from a DIFFERENT Advisor stating that Kaplan's Nutrition Science program is not CADE-approved and that I would not be eligible for the requisite 900-hour internship and certification test upon completion of my degree. In effect, the Nutrition Science degree I was going to earn was useless to me. I would have to re-take most of my courses from a CADE-approved school. I immediately canceled my classes and requested that my enrollment also be canceled. While stating my reasons for cancellation, I was told that I had never made my career intentions clear, otherwise my Advisor would have immediately informed me that the school was not CADE-approved. This was a complete and utter LIE!!! My Advisor and I spoke at length about this profession -- during three seperate 1.5 hour phone calls -- as well as going over documentation I had to sign stating my understanding of the 900-hour internship (which, by the way, made no mention of the lack of CADE approval). WHY would have had to sign this document if I never intended to become a Registered Dietitian? I was compeltely misled and deliberately deceived. I understand and accept that it was ultimately my responsibility to ensure the school I attended was CADE-approved and to seek a different school should it lack approval, but I also believe it to be the duty of the school (and especially the advising staff) to inform its prospective students that the program they will attend does not contain the proper certifications/approvals necessary to reach their career goals. Kaplan failed at this duty -- miserably -- and I caution anyone trying to get their degree: LOOK ELSEWHERE! As I have since found out, there are many other online universities that will be able to help you.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Not Worth It

Information Technology - November 17, 2008
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The classrooms are nothing more than a big chat room. Most of the times the classes are not really covering anything more than you could pick up from just reading the book. Most of the class work you do is read the book and then write a paper on it. My biggest issue is one that I have heard time and time again, there is no time with the teachers and the “office hours” really don’t exist. It takes them, days sometimes an entire week to get back to you and by that time it’s to late. Also when they do get back to you more often then not the feedback means nothing and provides no real details. You're not getting a well rounded education as there are no electives (outside the program) and there are no real choices in the courses you pick. I have moved on to a widely known state university with an excellent academic program and I couldn't be happier.

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Online school is difficult!

Legal Studies - November 9, 2008
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I am in my final term at Kaplan. I have taken my LSAT and I have big hopes of attending Pace Law School. At first I was concerned with Kaplan's accreditation, but I think I have been able to put those fears to rest as they are fully accredited by one of the five largest accerediting agencies in the country. My concern is that I have just received my LSDAS report and there are no comparison numbers for my LSAT score compared to others from Kaplan who have taken the LSAT. Maybe the school is too new. Well my application to Pace has been submitted and I am awaiting a response. I will keep you all apprised! BTW, online schooling is so much more difficult then traditional schooling. You have to be very disciplined in order to be successful as you do not have anyone reminding you of what you need to do!

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Half a step above a scam

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - November 5, 2008
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I almost don't even know where to begin in describing all the trouble I've had with Kaplan, so I'll start with the only thing that is actually a credit to the University, namely its teachers. I could go on at length about the incompetence of their advisory staff- negligent and entirely incapable are the best descriptions. I had one not drop a class when asked, and was stuck with a zero being figured into a 4.0 GPA. I asked what my options were for taking time off and was withdrawn from the university. My appeals of these actions were denied, the report denying it being contradictory and with no bearing on the actual facts. When I returned, a change to the degree plan excluded 15 previously earned credits. I believe all of this was retaliatory for allegations of wrongdoing against my advisor. Kaplan University is one step above a scam, and their behavior can best be described as "How not to run an online university" with a little "Everything wrong with distance learning" thrown in for good measure. Take your money and time elsewhere, Kaplan is a disgrace.

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Legal Studies - October 25, 2008
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I wanted to let whoever comes here know that Kaplan is the real deal. It is regionally accredited, there is federal financial aid. I did my courses from November 8, 2006 through February 19, 2008 and got my BS in Paralegal Studies. I had an associates, so I had 90 credit standing immeadiatly. I submitted my transcripts quickly and I got credit for some of my other school work. I will admit that the financial aid office needs major improvement. I had to track down people just to get my voucher credit applied to my account before i graduated. The books are FREE with your tuition and if you can you can get a Citibank Tuition Assistance Loan if you really need to make it through even if you have 550-600 credit. However the professors I had, all but 2 were great to talk to and taught me a lot. From writing a first paper to doing an appellate brief ive been to a regular on campus school and let me tell you this was WAY harder. So if you think online school isnt hard, try taking a few 400 classes at Kaplan and see how well you do. They are FAR from easy and will challenge your mind. The 100 level classes are easy because they are introductory. I finished with a 3.1, but I also took heavy workloads of 24 quarter credit hrs. I am currently 3 classes into the new MSLS they introduced in March and I have a 4.0. My 2nd class required a 20 page thesis paper on a business legal based ethical question just to give you an example. The Masters is regionally accredited as well. Trust me Kaplan is NOT AN EASY SCHOOL. If you are a good independent student enroll. Might be costly but what in life isnt? As for Concord they are right its not ABA approved. However since it merged with Kaplan it is Regionally accredited and Federal Aid can be given. Therefore it is the only JD I know of that is regionally accredited and done online exclusively. I am very tempted to do it, as ABA schools often treat you like your not worth it. Do I want an ABA school? Who doesn't. Can we afford it, not likely. Thank you Kaplan. Your degrees do mean something. As far as your masters work, it is very challenging. I hope Concord is truly as demanding as my masters thesis work is. Thanks... Richie

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Great School!

Buisness administration - October 20, 2008
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I recently graduated from Kaplan University in June 2008 with my Associates Degree in Business Management. I had very good experiences with most of my instructors, only one instructor that I had I didn't like. But with any school that will happen whether it be online or at a "brick and mortar" campus. My only complaint was the Financial Aid office, they were tough to get a hold of and once on the phone I was able to get the answers I needed. I would recommend before choosing any school do the research and make sure its a good fit. The online environment is not for everyone, if you do decide to take online classes make sure you are someone that has great time management skills. Good luck!

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Great School, but worried about degree recognition

Legal Studies - October 8, 2008
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So far Kaplan has fit my needs for school. It is flexible and lets me work independently which is my preference. I have not had any issues with financial aid, billing, etc, everything in that area was just as expected and outlined prior to enrolling. As for support my Academic Advisor calls all the time, too often for my liking to follow up and make sure everything is going well. There is a lot of support from the administration. My only concern is whether or not my BS in Legal Studies will be recognized and accepted for my entrance to law school. I am in my 3rd term and that fact has yet to be determined. I hope I am not wasting my time as law school is my ultimate goal. I also learned that Concord Law School an affiliate of Kapplan is NOT accredited or recognized by the American Bar Association and is therefor a waste of time and money. I don't know how they can even be allowed to operate due to that fact. When I initially enrolled at Kaplan my plan was to do go here then transfer to Concord, and was told that Concord was an accredited law school by the dean, so I was flat out lied to which makes me nervous about Kaplan as well. Other than that, the classes are great, the professors are the same as any other school, some are awesome, some are terrible, and most are somewhere in between. The material/curriculum is really easy to follow and understand though it is very much a self taught environment, so if you are not disciplined enough to stay on track then Kaplan may not be the best choice for you. I will post a follow up once I get my answer about the degree recognized to enter law school. "Cross your fingers" :) Hope this helps, have a great day!

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Is it You or the School?: Think About It

Criminal Justice - October 8, 2008
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My name is Luther and I'm a student currently attending Kaplan University in the Criminal Justice BS program. First and foremost, anyone who does not want to learn nor have the ambition and motivation to drive themselves to complete his studies should stay away from online schools. These types of schools are for the self-motivating person. A bad experience is usually associated with students not doing their job, which is learning. The materials are FREE; it is included with the tuition. Can't say that about many schools. The vast amounts of information which the university utilizes to ASSIST me, the student, with my learning is substantial. More than enough information is provided for me to be successful in my studies. If I fail, it is because I didn't apply myself. After all, this is COLLEGE, not high school. No one is going to make sure I do my work, but Kaplan does provide frequent reviews of my progress. The amount of knowledge that the instructors have is great. Every single instructor that has taught my assigned classes had a masters in his respected field AND was working in the field at the time the class was being taught. When I need information on a topic that I am having trouble, the instructor is there help me out. Don't be confused about this, though. I am taking online courses. There is a timeframe for contacting the instructors, as is every educational institute I've attended,and it's usually online. So if online communication is a problem, don't attend online college courses. The institution has everything that is needed for a student to succeed. Writing labs and math labs are available to all who wish to attend, and it's all free. Kaplan's tutoring is among the very best in the nation. Don't believe, then look into this url: This school is renown for tutoring students of all ages and school levels. Once again, anyone who does not want to learn nor have the ambition and motivation to drive themselves to complete his studies should stay away from online schools. Chances are the failure would have been met in a traditional learning environment. I have been to three different universites and have experience all three colleges' online program. I have to admit that Kaplan University has the best user friendly interface. I never lost myself on their platform. If there was ever a technical issue, it was quickly corrected. Overall, the materials are great, the teachers are an asset, and the institution is one of the best I've experienced. Since this is an online school, there is no need physical need to go to the class. Although, seminars, online, real-time class meetings, are incorporated into almost every week of every class. The ratings which the students give seem to be a direct reflection of how motivated the person was in his studies. You get what you put into it. Give crap, get crap. Give best, the sky's the limit.

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DO NOT pay anything before getting your answers

Business Concentrating in Finance - October 7, 2008
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Well, I was just applying for an undergraduate course and this is what I got: - After getting the total tuition and fees, ASK FOR HIDDEN FEES!! Believe me, you will increase the price in at least $200. - My admissions advisor (SC) is very nice on his emails and phone calls, but I do not get the answers I REALLY need and regardless my satisfaction with the answers, SC keeps asking for me to sign the agreement and start paying the fees so he can "reserve" my position in the class. - I am not an American citizen and I realized that admission advisors are not of the documents necessary for international applications. First I was said TOEFL and University transcripts (evaluated by a NACES member) were enough. At this point I refused to pay any fees before making sure Kaplan had officially received all mandatory documents. Then, after 2 weeks asking for money, SC emails me saying that in addition to the University transcripts, now he needs the High School transcripts. My answer to SC was: "Due the new documents you asked (high school transcripts) we just delayed the application in at least 45 days. I am glad I haven’t paid any fees until this moment". - I asked SC to email me a web link where I could check the professors' profiles, resumes and their articles/books, however SC’s answer was: "I would love to accommodate you with your request. Unfortunately I have no way of knowing who the instructing professors will be. Once enrolled, this should be a question for your academic advisor, who at this time I am also unable to share with you exactly who that will be." Maybe it is just me, but it seems very odd that such accredited University refuses to show its professors' profiles, and if noticed the "ONCE ENROLLED" on SC answer you will realize that he is still asking for my money before giving me the answers!!! Conclusion: I do not feel comfortable with Kaplan and I will cancel my application because I do not trust the advisors and I hate when I feel their priority is to get my money instead of providing good service. I am sure their learning material is great, the use of technology is very good and I have nothing to say about the professors because SC refused to tell me who they are.

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Another Honest Review

Information Technology - September 24, 2008
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Ultimately you get out of it what you put in. If you’re not a good self learner this is probably not a good choice for you. You will have to buckle down and pretty much teach yourself. Instructors are available to help but mostly they direct you to a different source to get help. Sometimes while in class the professor doesn't seem to have control over the class. Students tend to type in a lot of comments that have nothing to do with the class and can waste time. They also can take up too much time asking questions they should already know the answer. I find most of the time at least 25 minutes of class time is wasted due to these interruptions. Time will tell if employers consider a degree at Kaplan U. legitimate. Considering how much money I am spending, this is a big concern of mine. Either I'm rather smart or a good percentage of my fellow students are running on low wattage bulbs. I wonder what kind of grades they are receiving. If they are getting good grades, I would have to wonder what a degree here is worth.

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing - August 29, 2008
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this was a very bad experience for me that has made me decide never to do online classes again nor will i recommend this university to anyone that i know. It was all good when I was signing up for the classes but once you are in the class you cant get anyone to return your calls or assist you in anyway. VERY BAD EXPERIENCE very poor communication with the students/ teacher

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Kaplan Honest Review

Buisness administration - June 21, 2008
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I am Kaplan student as well as Kaplan employee. Things which I like about kaplan 1. Materials 2. Technology Things I do not like 1. Student Quality 2. Some of the professor are not good, they will not contribute or provide feedback I get 75% employee discount so for me it is not expensive compare to what I am getting. If you are self learner, kaplan is great but if you prefer lectures then honestly online MBA are not for you. I have learned from my classes but I may have done that from any class. I cannot compare to any other institution as I never attended them.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Kaplan NOT recommended

Buisness administration - May 27, 2008
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I am currently a business student at Kaplan. My first semester started out fine until they changed the details of finance and demanded over $2,000 from me immediately instead of over 6 months like I was told. Now, the second semester has classes that require APA formatting, but they haven't taught that yet, so you have to teach yourself. They also have requirements that make it necessary to have a substantial amount of knowledge with Word, yet that class is next, after you need it. Unlike most schools where common sense class placement would have you taking the basics, they have them after you have almost failed the classes you needed them for. They say you can take this because it will fit your lifestyle. They forgot to add that you had better not have a job or relationship because the requirements and the lack of assistance WILL consume ALL of your time. I really would not recommended Kaplan to anyone. Look elsewhere. I am planning on taking my credits and going to a different school.

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Kaplan no different than Brick and Mortar

Criminal Justice - May 20, 2008
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I went to a "Brick and Mortar" college out of state and have found that Kaplan's admissions/tuition/cost to be very similar to that. Expensive and not student friendly! Having said that, I learned a great deal at Kaplan and am continuing to pursue my degree. I have taken two semesters so far and found that the instructors and course material to be better than the Brick and Mortar school I went to. I had one instructor in college (Brick and Mortar) that wrote the calculus book we were using, charged $100 for the thing and we never worked out of it. At least with Kaplan, the course material coincides with the course and the instructors work out of it. Overall, I would say that Kaplan is expensive, the instructors knowledge and student care excellent, the course material above good, but not excellent, and ability to be flexible while learning priceless.

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Make sure you know EVERYTHING before signing on!

Criminal Justice - May 17, 2008
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In all fairness, Kaplan has the best technology available to students in online class room environments and the materials that are provided are awesome. Unfortunately, the instructors are teaching to many classes at one time and are unable to keep up with discussion boards and grades, the price for tuition is over the top and not worth the value plus that fact that your financial aid will not pay for all of this - or anywhere near all fo this unless your numbers are near 0 at what your expected contribution is and the quality of support is very disapointing. Bottom line is that they want your money and after experiencing other online universities, most of us after taking a tour of the classroom are very excited about a possible great experience. My academic advisor did not apply transfer credits appropriately which kept me from taking essential electives for my degree because it did not show that I had already taken the prerequisits due to the application of prior credits. After two weeks of unanswered phone calls and emails - he called me and did not even have the correct information of my status or really who he was talking to. My financial advisor neglected to let me know that I was going to pay much more then originaly expected after financial aid. I found out after getting a notice that I was $510.00 behind and was due to pay another $200.00 per month that I had not agreed to for the next 6 months. In addition to all of this, after I finally got a response about my request to withdraw due to my obvious issues, they added on another $100.00 administrative fee and then delayed a financial aid clearance letter so that I could start the next term at a much better university. No phone calls back is something a student can expect unless they want more money. I just received a letter in the mail letting me know that tuition is going up once again. You can not put a price on a good education. But you can go into a situation with enough knowledge to protect yourself so please consider other options and read reviews from different areas before making this university your final choice. Trust me - you will be grateful that you took the time to double check your decisions and financialy protect yourself. Take it from someone who learned the hard way. Good luck with your future!

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CJ /IT major says give it a try really!!!

Criminal Justice - May 7, 2008
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I have been attending Kaplan for a year now, and they have done nothing but helped me and the people in my classes whenever they needed it. I have maintained a 4.0 until this semesster and I want to let everyone know that Ihave books, real ones there are only some classes that require online books that are covered with your tuition because tht's how the course is set up. I love it so far. I read all the reviews and honestly by the end of it I didn't want to stop going to Kaplan I just wanted to get all the complainer's together and slap them so hard that they could MAYBE wake up and see that this college is just like anyother college. Kaplan is here to help,and if you didn't get help from this collge well then sorry you are just made to be some bunghole that complains allthe time, but don't try and waist our time with your crap. And the person about the clas action suit, please, I went to Everst college which had te class action suit against it, this is NOTHING like that. Kaplan is acredited, and you WILL get an education here. Goodluck. J

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Where Do I Begin?!?!

Criminal Justice - May 6, 2008
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Kaplan keeps students completely in the dark about the financial aid/grant/loan/tuition process, hands down. Questions and calls to advisors go unanswered and never get returned. I was 3 weeks into a course and all of a sudden my advisor W/O NOTIFYING ME adds me to another class and drops me from the 1st so I'm automatically 3 weeks behind. The professor, Mrs. Manning, very kindly tried to help me catch up but by then it was completely of no use, and secondly the books and materials for the course weren't even in my possession as class had already begun 3 weeks earlier. The cost is OUTLANDISH, people. The professors are wonderful, the curriculumn and assignments are great; however, the financial aid office and most any other office there completely sucks. I dropped out to pursue my degree at a "real" campus-based school.

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Criminal Justice - April 21, 2008
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Great School

Buisness administration - April 21, 2008
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I graduated from Kaplan University and I have nothing but great things to say about the University. I have attended a brick and mortar university and also the online setting and I find them very similar in terms of level of education. I have never had a problem with the financial aid staff, quite the contrary. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. The classes start out easy for some and then progress into the higher level courses which are very difficult. You need to have self discipline, organization and be self motivated to be a successful student. I don’t really get the students that go to this school and then quit, doesn’t really make sense, maybe you’re not a good student. Who enrolls into a University and then quits after a couple of classes there’s a reason why you don’t have a degree. Quit making excuses and ruining it for the students that have graduated and will graduate just because you couldn’t deal with the classes and environment and lack of financial aid understanding!

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

So Far...So Good...

Legal Studies - April 20, 2008
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I am currently enrolled in Kaplan and coming to the end of my first term. I decided to look online to see what others have to say. I notice that a lot of the complaints are regarding the customer service reps who handle admissions. While I too found them to be annoying, uninformed, and sometimes unaccessible, I have also had the same experience with brick and mortar schools as well. Bottom line, I did what I needed to do to complete my enrollment, and now I'm enjoying the process of learning. My instructors are wonderful, and while some people do tend to yap during seminar about personal things, for the most part, we get the information needed. I agree with the person who stated that some folks just like to complain. As for those who feel "ashamed" to have attended Kaplan, I don't know what to say. I would never feel ashamed for trying to better myself. The classes that I've taken so far have been challenging, and as with any learning experience, you get out of it what you put in. I have no qualms about being able to further my career once I graduate, because my degree from Kaplan will just be a piece of the puzzle. Also, FYI, I've inquired with admission reps at some of the universities in my city (DePaul, Northwestern, U of C) and all have assured me that as long as my grades and classes meet their criteria, attending Kaplan will not prevent me from attending grad school at their institutions.

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Not too great

Information Technology - April 17, 2008
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I have recently finished at Kaplan with my Associates degree in information technology. I have had many problems with financial aid many times they tried to rip me off they add 100 dollars here and 50 dollars there and hope you don't notice. Also several books I had paid for I had never received its nuts I cant believe they get away with it most of the time.

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Communications - April 3, 2008
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I really hated this school. They are terribly overpriced and the support staff is horrible. You can never get through to people and they don't return calls. I feel that they are greedy and dishonest when it comes to the financia aid and money. Horrible University!!!

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Criminal Justice - March 29, 2008
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This is my first term at kaplan. I have never done online classes before, so I have nothing to compare to. But so far, I am not real happy with one of my professors, I don't even know if they are real professors. The seminars I attend are more like a bull session than a class. We hardly ever discuss the weeks chapter. I find no point in them, really. I don't care that student A is not feeling well, or student B is haveing car trouble, I have enough troubles of my own. I don't bring them to the seminar. The financial Aid office leaves something to be desired. I keep getting calls from them, and when I try to call back, no answer. I received student loans from citibank, first disbursement was supposed to be 3/17, then it was changed to 3/ 27, still no disbursement. Don't understand what is going on there. If I knew it was going to be this uneducating, I would have continued with brick and mortar.

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Kaplan is a great school

Medical Transcription - March 27, 2008
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I am a current student at Kaplan on line and have found it to be a very good experience. I did not have any trouble enrolling or getting financial aid. I have not been to school in many years and they advisors were very helpful and the website is very easy to follow. To those who have posted negative reviews I would ask what exactly are your goals and do you expect someone to hold your hand. This is college not kindergarten. Although there may be administration issues and communication flaws, what business doesn't have these issues? I am very satisfied and challenged by attending Kaplan and would recommend it to anyone seeking a quality online education.

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Two weeks until Graduation-not excited

Buisness administration - March 23, 2008
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I have to agree with many of the postings stating the financial aid/student accounts departments need to get training with how to deal with the consumers. I have attended Kaplan University Online since August 2004 and now have two weeks before my last classes end. (April 8,2008). I am not excited since I found out I will need to pay an additional $1700 before I will get my degree. I did not find this out until the earlier part of March, even though I have called, sent e-mails and tried to find out what my account looked like. In August 2007, I contacted my financial aid advisor and agreed to pay a certain amount each month until January 2008 to cover my tituation expenses until graduation. However, even though I paid the certain amount, my balance did not zero it's self. I have contacted my dean to find out what needs to be done or can be done. This was a week ago and I have not received a response. If you do go to Kaplan, you would do better if you have all money to cover your tituation out of pocket. If you do not decide to attend Kaplan, you will miss a wonderful learning experience. The professors are wonderful. The supporting staff needs to get customer service training as well as educated on how to handle student loans.

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Better be motivated!!!

Information Technology - March 17, 2008
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I have been attending classes at Kaplan University since September of 2006. I am enrolled in the B.S. degree program for Information Technology. I have found most of the classes here are challenging, the student portal is for the most part easy to use, most of the Instructors seem well qualified and eager to help, the support system and Financial Aid is terrible, and you switch Acedemic Advisors like dirty socks. The thing that has bothered me thus far are the rediculous and almost next to impossible assignments that you get every once in a while. Also, some of the courses are outdated and you are expected to get certain "really expensive" software at the drop of a dime. Another peave I have is that my emphasis is web design, but I had to completely rearrange my electives so that I would get the knowledge that I was seeking. I was assigned to four programming classes and three networking classes. I suggest that if you decide to attend Kaplan,you have money set aside for programs and motivation to complete the writing classes. Other than that, I am happy with the college and the knowledge that I am recieving.

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Your Kaplan experience is determined by YOU!!

Buisness administration - March 16, 2008
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As a Kaplan student myself, I found the diversity of reviews on Kaplan rather interesting. Let's face it people, Kaplan is not the only educational insitution that has had or will have complaints. I just think that is life in general - full of complainers! Kaplan could give it away for free, do all of the homework, guarantee you an A+ and a six figure salary once completed... but you'd still have people that complain. Give it a break all ready!! First, yes, the online book thing can be a pain (especially for those that like to highlight and make notes while reading). Like anything else, there is a solution! Print the book or buy it used online (like I did). I find the work very challenging (despite what others say). It's time consuming and very writing intense, but in the real world, your writing skills are essential. I have learned better time managment skills as a result of my KU online experience. For those of you that complain at the cost of your degree -- I ask you this.... CAN YOU PUT A PRICETAG ON YOUR EDUCATION?? I think the cost of not having an education is worse in the end. If you want a "free ride", go to a community college or continue to live off of the state and those that work to pay your bills. If you go into this with negative thoughts, you will get negative results. You are where you are as a result of your own thoughts and actions. Keep your negative comments to yourself and do not bash a good school for your failures in life!

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Kaplan, A Joke of a University

Buisness administration - March 4, 2008
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I went to Kaplan for two semesters and found it to be way to easy. I became ashamed that I was going to Kaplan. I wanted to be challenged, because that is what college is about, and Kaplan appears to be a diploma mill. You can breeze through the classes; standards are very low, and Joe Schmoe can get a degree from Kaplan. I am currently attending a "real" university and am quite challenged. I know that when I do finally graduate I will have no student loans and my degree will mean a lot more than a Kaplan degree. Don't waste your breath unless you want a crappy degree that cost thousands of dollars.

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kaplan is challenging

Legal Studies - February 28, 2008
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I am a student at Kaplan and it is my 3rd term and I'm perfectly fine, the teachers are fine, the classes are challenging but when I felt that I would fail something the teachers are there to help you and I ended up having a B-, which is great. I currently have a GPA of 3.18. I"m getting my degree in BS in legal studies. The only problems I encountered has been the tutorial section sometimes they don't help all that much but its alright. Also, the teachers do respond back, and I do get real books up to date and everything. I even had a computer class and the software was provided with the book so i don't see the problem with that. My advisors has changed so many times but its ok, i just need them really to schedule my classes. The course is challenging but if you work hard you can get an A or B at Kaplan. You just have to communicate with your teacher and yes there are times you have to do your homework in the weekends but at a university you do the same thing, I'm just concentrating on getting my degree. Will good luck and I do recommend this school and be really serious about it.

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Buisness administration - February 17, 2008
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I just signed up at Kaplan this past Monday. I went over my financial aid benefits with an advisor over the phone & electronically signed my award letter that stated I would receive $2156.00 in pell grants, that I was to pay a $95.00 deposit (which I did), & that Stafford loans I took out through Chase would cover all but the last $149.04 of my tuition for the first three terms. I saved screen prints of the figures I was given & it's a good thing I did because this morning when I checked my email I had a letter from Kaplan's financial aid office stating that I never signed my award letter, so they would be "going ahead with the figures on a new letter". (Wasn't aware they could do this without my consent), so I logged back in & noticed they had changed my figures so I would be paying them hundreds of dollars. I immediately called Chase & told them what happened, so they cancelled disbursement to Kaplan & I also contacted FAFSA who told me to delete Kaplan's school code from my application so they cannot receive my pell grants. I sent Kaplan a scathing letter telling them that they better disenroll me without any problems or I'll be contacting a lawyer. Oh, & I am also filing a complaint with BBB. DON'T GO HERE & IF YOU DO, SAVE EVERYTHING & MAKE SCREEN PRINTS OF ALL FACTS & FIGURES THEY GIVE YOU!!!!!!

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Great Experience So Far

Information Technology - February 14, 2008
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I am in my first term with Kaplan and have recently left University of Phoenix. I was completely aggravated at UOP and I almost let that stop me from attending any online college! Kaplan pulled through for me so far. Although I have to admit I was a 4.0 student at UOP, not so at Kaplan, they have a lot more challenging classes. Without a challenge one doesn’t learn much. I have a couple small glitches along the way, but they were straightened out immediately and I am off to earn my degree. This school is a little less expensive than UOP was, and a lot more inexpensive than a local brick and mortar college, so I do not understand the whole price argument thing that I am reading here. Before I left UOP I did my homework and researched around 15 colleges, 10 of which were online colleges. I nick picked and bothered the poor enrollment people to death, but was adamant that I was not going through another experience like what I was wanting out of. I seen where people said Kaplan dose not supply real books, One of the reasons I chose Kaplan was the fact that they do send you out real books. For the people here that said they could not navigate around the classes and the web site never worked, get a life, I bet you’re the same people that cannot get an email to work either! I just picture someone setting there with an old HP 75mhz, 64 meg ram with dial up and wondering why nothing ever works….lol..So far I feel a person would have to go a long way to find a better online college! Good luck everyone!

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Great school

Buisness administration - February 6, 2008
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I joined Kaplan University in August 2006 and have had a great experience thus far. The format and requirements for the classes are simple and easy to understand. The classes are a lot of work, so if you intend on joining get your paper and pencils ready!! As with most college classes some are harder than others, but they are require a significant amount of time each week in order to be successful. I think Kaplan is a great value. At 30 years old, the choice of finishing my bachelors degree online seems as if it was a great decision!

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Kaplan has been great!

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - January 30, 2008
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I am in my 5th term (almost a year) and I absolutely love it! Although the classes are challenging, that is what I am paying for, and I have managed to maintain a 3.5 gpa. I would definitely recommend Kaplan University to anyone that is looking to get an online degree! As long as you enroll with the thought process of achievement, it is really wonderful!

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Criminal Justice - January 22, 2008
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I only went to Kaplan for two terms and was very unhappy with it.It was very expensive and it seemed like they just kept trying to find ways to get me to have to pay more.I always felt admissions was more interested in getting my money than helping me further my education. I did not like any of the teachers.They always seemed unprepared and did not try to use the four hour class time to its advantage.I did not learn anything in my CJ class because the teacher wanted us to spend more time writing a presentation on ourselves. I will never regret not going back there.

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Difficult when studying IT

Information Technology - January 14, 2008
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I started Kaplan in April of 2007. The first few courses were okay. I had a few writing classes and academic strategies classes. I thought this was a good thing, since it had been ten years since I had been in an academic environment. I have managed to hold down a 4.0 for almost the entire first year. In the last two semesters, however, I have started taking the core claases that are supposed be directly related to my degree. When studying something like network administration, it is really difficult to read two to three chapters a week, with no hands on learning. The seminars are one hour long, and there is a lot of info to cover. Most of the time there is so much info and students have so many questions, that the class is spent before all of the material is reviewed. Some of the instructors would be better off not teaching. I have had instructors that do not respond to questions, emails, etc. I also recieved a notice saying that they were sorry that I had decided to drop out of Kaplan when I had not. They said it was a mistake, but how does domething like that happen. In a nutshell, I don't know about other areas of study, but for IT, online education is a bad idea.

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About the same as a physical college

Information Technology - January 14, 2008
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I didn't find Kaplan that different from my first two years at a brick-and-mortar school. Some teachers rock, others make you wonder how they keep their jobs. Some classes have a book, others just have articles you read online. The financial aid offices and advisers may or may not know your name when you have a problem, but it all works out eventually. Anyone who has been to a real college knows that they are not perfect either. If you think Kaplan is expensive, try going to a physical school. I thought the classes were generally on-target and the teachers were OK.

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I'm well on my way!

Criminal Justice - January 2, 2008
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I decided to go school online when I started working full time, I elected to go to Kaplan because they are accredited and my fiance had a great experience with them studying for his MCAT to get into Medical School. I finished my Associates in Applied Science in Criminal Justice and am working on Bachelors Degree, I've been a student at Kaplan for 8 terms now and have not had a problem. I saw someone posted that they got Ebooks? I have always gotten text books in the mail and also they are real books used by local colleges and universities as well so I was able to sell them afterwards for a good buck. I've also had an awesome academic adviser who always gave me a call back, I did have an issue with financial aid when I first started it but they straightened it out right away. The class room is easy to read and respond in, it's very similar to a forum format but way easier to read and has tabs on the side for easy navigation and Seminar is set up like a chat room, so it's easy. I've had a great experience thus far with teachers, they are challenging but help you if you need it, they also constantly update methods to give the students more information regarding topics. I have to say that Kaplan is a great school, I'm also part of the American Criminal Justice Association/ Lambda Alpha Epsilon, Kappa Alpha Phi Chapter through Kaplan and am a member of Alpha Beta Kappa national academic honor society through Kaplan as well. I guess your experience depends on whether you want to learn and earn your good grades and have a career or you want to have an easy A and not put for any effort.

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Kaplan is great

Buisness administration - January 1, 2008
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Kaplan University has done everything to help me achieve my degree in Accounting. I have finished one degree through Kaplan and I am working towards another. It is really worth talking to an admissions adviser to see if Kaplan is the school for you.

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I love Kaplan

Buisness administration - December 30, 2007
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I am currently pursuing my MBA degree at Kaplan. I have taken 12 classes and am beginning my 13th class out of 17 total. I received my undergrad degree from the University of Wisconsin, a traditional brick and mortar school. I don't know what many of these people are ranting about. No school is perfect, I was frustrated with UW when I was there for their screwed up financial aid department and the slow response of student advisors. I don't know if these people have never attended large schools before or what, but suck it up. I have had two advisors during my tenure at Kaplan. I started in July 2006 on my degree and have been enrolled ever since. I have had no problem contacting my advisor. She responds within 24 hours to my concerns. I too tried to withdraw from a class, as I was really struggling in it and had never encountered that before. I wanted to drop the class and take it with a different prof another term. I was advised I could drop it but then I would be disenrolled from the college. While I was really frustrated at the time, I am glad they did this, as it forced me to trudge ahead, roll up my sleeves and finish the class. I ended up with a B. I honestly think they do this to stop people from giving up.

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Buisness administration - December 26, 2007
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I am at the end of my second term and I find Kaplan to be a great school. I have heard some horror stories about Kaplan but I haven't into any problems yet. My admissions counselor was very personable he even still keeps in contact with me to see how I'm doing. My finanical aid counsleor is great. I needed a student expense loan and I got it within two weeks of applying. My Academic Advisor is so cool too. After I took Intro to Business I decided to change from Management to Accounting and she made it so easy to convert. I always get a call back whenever I call. So far my courses have been fairly easy so I haven't needed to contact my professors for additional help but whenever I have general question they have always been prompt about responding. The tutors are great.

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I'm happy at Kaplan

Buisness administration - December 22, 2007
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I have read the reviews on here and I have to say I have been very happy with Kaplan. First, the anonymous man who said Kaplan is not accredited by the ABA -- Well, no -- because the ABA only accredits LAW SCHOOLS. I am getting my Bachelors Degree and plan on going to Concorde Law School -- A Kaplan School that is also regionally accredited. I have done my homework. I have had basically good experiences, I checked into Phoenix and AIU and they were way more expensive. I will complete my degree in 3 years because I am working hard and taking extra classes. Some of my books have been e - books, but I just take them to Kinkos and print them. The professors are great and they have really challenged me to grow and to think harder than I thought I could. My admissions advisor is pretty cool, always on the phone so I have to leave a message, but he usually calls me back the same day. I am surprised about some of the things I have read on here, I guess every company has some bad apples, but my experience has been a GREAT one!

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Legal Studies - December 19, 2007
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Love the school!! I am in my 3rd qurator and the school has been great. In my expereince, the teachers have been awsome, whenever i need's there. The site is easy to learn and everything is right there. The format is great! They also offer an online libary where everything is!! I love the school and I def. recomend it.

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MBA Student Perspective

Buisness administration - December 18, 2007
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Great school. Strong acedemics. As with most colleges the billing department needs a bit of improvement, but overall I am very happy with the instruction.

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Buisness administration - December 13, 2007
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This online school leaves you in the dark! The online classroom is very hard to understand, its hard to understand when you even have assignments. I would not recommend this school to anyone! I thought it would be easier attending an online school(no commute, flexible schedule). Boy I was wrong. The setup is completely confusing, and there is no communication, I was so lost. What a bad experience.

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Almost the biggest mistake of my life

Buisness administration - December 7, 2007
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I dont even know how Kaplan expects anyone to trust them with Online Education. One day I received a phone call and one of the Kaplan admission advisors began to tell me how well known and admired Kaplan University great the school is and gauranteed accredidation...Since I lived in NC i was curious as to how this would all work out as smoothly as he promised, but everytime i was assured it was no problem for they had one of the best Online Education programs in the country. He left out that it was A LIE...The advisor himself seemed very honest and eager to help me with my education and building a better future...tho he wanted me to start the following week with classes! I have been in college a couple times before and know first hand it takes at least three months to get everything squared away etc...but i was willing to hear what he had to say. I was very concerned however, when the enrollment process came along since their website was malfunctioning! "Hmm, thats weird, let me ask someone." said the Head of Admissions! The site did not work for three more days...and after that it was still very squeeky...Then, everytime my advisor called me and i was busy, it was like he didn't care...and he practically forced me to stay on the phone with him. I hated the whole process! Finally, he asked how i wanted to handle the $95 up front fee. I informed him that i didnt have that extra money at the time and he said "Oh, well you can write an essay...etc...but it doesnt have to be that good, i've never seen on rejected." I was floored. If you can write an essay and it doesnt have to be good, who wouldnt do that?? AND the cost of tuition is outrageous!!! It seemed all they wanted me to do was get a few loans. Like it was no big deal. I felt they were leaving out some important information since ive gotten grants in the past with no problem. But the thing that really made up my mind was reading the reviews. Who reading this can honestly say youd spend over $20,000 on a school that leaves out info that benefits you, has poor technology, and not one positive reivew? Thanks for the reviews! I might have made one of the worst mistakes of my life.

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Poor College to Attend

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - December 6, 2007
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You recieve ebooks rather than actually recieving the actual book that you pay full price for. Most of the teachers are excellent and care about the students. The institution is extremely poor and it's extremely hard to get help from anyone.

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Support System Broken

Buisness administration - November 26, 2007
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Kaplan University should fix their support system. Their have been many occasions that calls have went unanswered. You can not easily take a term off. I had a very good adviser for the first three or so terms, and then the changes began and things began on a downward spiral. One lasted thirteen days. The financial department is also in need of repairs. I have tuition reimbursement for work and getting an invoice with grade is very difficult. Their invoicing changes from day to day and you get conflicting answers as to why those changes happen. My advice, if you take classes at Kaplan document all conversations, save e-mails and any hard documents they may send.

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kaplan sucks

Criminal Justice - October 28, 2007
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Kaplan university as fine as far as the teachers, but the admissions and other dept. need to go take some customer classes, they are rude and they seem like all they really want is your money,they could care less if you have problems. then comes the books , i have one class right now in this term where we hardly ever even use our book, but i'm stuck paying for it in the end, some of the work givien is really quite agrivating considering that it isn't helping me with my major at all. i wish that i never enrolled at kapln online university

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My Advice: Keep Clear

Law and Criminal Justice::Paralegal - October 10, 2007
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I started Kaplan in the Fall of 2006, taking the paralegal course designed to provide a B.S. degree. Most of the professors were easy to communicate with, however one in particular never returned e-mails. One of the most distressing things I found was not being able to take a break from the course study. I also eventually found that Kaplan, although they claim they are accredited, is not accredited with the American Bar Assoc., causing worry over the value of the course. The school insists on using Microsoft Word, when in the legal profession Microsoft Word is not able to properly format a legal document. However the school sells Microsoft software (conflict of interest?). As with a previous post, I found myself needing to take an emergency leave. I had contracted chicken pox and as an adult it lasted 2 weeks and had side-effect infections. Rather than giving me the rest of the semester off, the school disenrolled me. My grades had been a straight 4.0 through all but one semester (3.5), and I didn't want my grades to fall over the illness. My last completed paralegal course (Litigation I), I found I did a good deal of the teaching, as the course study did not address nor mention Rules of Civil Procedure but asked students to "guess" at what sanctions a court would award in discovery disputes. I have been in civil courts (federal district, 9th Circuit, state district, and state supreme court) and knew the answers were in the rules of the court that had jurisdiction of the case. Litigation I used a poor example of a civil case, which was followed through the court system. I felt relieved to get into Litigation II, only to find the same case being used again. As with others, I found, and still find, problems with the administration of the school. My academic advisor placed me in a class where I needed Microsoft Word 2003 without asking me if I had the software. I didn't, and didn't have the funds to purchase it, even though I was offered the software at a reduced price from the school. I have had student financial advisors refuse to call me, after I left messages. Recently I had a telephone conversation with a financial advisor over the school's negligence in not having a student loan paper and them allowing that to continue for two semesters. The 3rd of October, the date of the converstation concerning that paperwork, was also the date of a threatening letter sent by Kaplan claiming they would effect my credit if I didn't immediately call them. I called the same day (Oct 9, 2007) to get a recording that the financial advisor would be away until next Monday. In my last semester, the school sent out the wrong books, and it was very confusing. I wish there were enough students dissatified, and who felt deceived, to do a class action case.

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Challenging classes, poor structure

Information Technology - September 18, 2007
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I completed my AASCIS in June of 2006. I graduated with a 4.0. It took me 1 month short of 2 years to complete my Associate. The classes were quite challenging but many were tedious. Material for a school that prides itself in being technically advanced is way behind current and future tech. Seminars are live and inconvienent or you do extra work to miss them. Portal page (virtual desktop) uses Java which is not supported by portable devices meaning that the flexibility to work anywhere is limited. Class week is very inconvenient and means you must work through the weekend to get work completed before turn-in on Tuesdays. Finals week is cut short and there is no break in the 10 week schedule. 90% of the Professors are competent and eager to aid students with quick answers to questions. Administration and financial aid are poorly run, student counselors change constantly leaving issues unresolved and not forwarded. Classes were pricy and if your IT, your software comes out of your pocket, mandatory Microsoft software is expensive even with student discount. You also end up buying reference books not provided in the courses. Material for these courses are substandard. You need to take the good with the bad. Kaplan has gotten huge in the past 3 years, now branching into business colleges. Students are lost and you begin to feel like your tuition is the only thing they care about.

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Kaplan a big MESS

Information Technology - August 28, 2007
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I was not going to say anything, but enough is enough! First of all, it is just a frustration trying to get a hold of Kaplan personel and when you do, it seems those guys are just anxious to get rid of you. Today, in an attempt to take a break from school and spend time with my kids, I spoke with my advisor who tells me I cannot drop the class although it is within the due date. She tells me the only option is to actually withdraw from the class since all Leave of Abscence requests have been processed. I told her that I will be returning, but don't seem to care. She indicated management won't approve the Leave of Abscence since it's a little late. That just shows how flexible the school is and how sensitive they are to the students needs. Although the courses and teachers aren't so bad, but the whole school organization and overall personnel is a huge mess. What really frustrated me the most was communicating with personnel. My advise; if you can avoid Kaplan, please do so at all costs. Online classes at Kaplan can be stressful!

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A lot of problems with Kaplan

Buisness administration - August 2, 2007
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I started my education with Kaplan Feb. 2006 and was really happy with them the first term. Loved the online classes and my professors were really wonderful..... But, then they called me one day that I was behind on my payments and that I needed to pay over $1000. I was stunned, since I had been paying my $197 every 15th of the month and stated when I entered the school. I found out that they had changed something and forgot to tell me, so suddenly I had to come up with an additional $500 a month for two month to I could start my classes next term. That was just the beginning. Later on they wanted some additional information regarding my FASFA application. I filled it out and faxed my entire 1040 back to my Financial Aid officer. The next day I received a call from a company in Canada saying that they had received my fax and that I needed to tell Kaplan that they needed to get their fax numbers straight, since this was not the first time. I was freaking out. My social security number and my husband’s number ended up in some company in Canada. Long story short, I told my Financial Aid officer and she just said, "OK, here is the correct number". I was furious. Then earlier this year I look a leave of absence, so I could spend the summer with my kids and I filled out the correct form and my Academic Advisor said that it had been approved and I just had to sign up for classes for the August term, which I did. A couple weeks after I received a email saying that Kaplan was sorry that I had left the University and that they needed to have a exit interview with me!!!! I found out that they had messed up my status and had dropped me from the University. I have been trying to get this fixed for over 2 months now and I am about to start my classes her Aug. 22nd and it has still not been fixed. I work full time and have a family and this is the last thing I want to worry about. It is stressful enough trying to juggle it all, but that they keep messing things up, does not help my stress level. I have to say, that I really like the classes, and that the professors have been very helpful and good, but somehow all these problems I have had with the regular staff, is just putting a black cloud over everything.

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Not Too Bad

Information Technology - August 1, 2007
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My overall experience with Kaplan University has been decent I suppose. It started out with some pushy sales person trying to get me to sign up right then. According to them there wasn't time to think about it. ACT NOW! I felt like I was buying a car. The instructors so far have been alright. I've only had one that I felt didn't really care. My Effective Writing I Instructor was wrong on many occasions and I corrected her. She wanted it done her way regardless of what the book and other materials said. I sent an e-mail hoping to get some input so that other classes weren't effected by writing incorrectly and there was no response. The financial aid office seems to be a bit unorganized. I have been selected for verification every term. So I of course have to fax in the independent verification worksheet along with my tax returns for that year. So far they haven't gotten the paperwork the first time yet. It's usually a process of faxing the documents in several times. To several different people as well. They'll continue to call you about it like bill collectors. They called me everyday until someone finally imputted it in the system. I even had several different reps. e-mail me saying they received it but, as always I'd still be locked out and have to call. The curriculum is fantastic and very challenging though. The instructors expect a lot. I am not finished yet so I don't know if my degree will hold up in the real world but, I hope I didn't waste any money here.

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Kaplan University Sucks

Criminal Justice - July 17, 2007
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Kaplan University is soooo expensive and people who should be there for you (like advisor) NEVER THERE!I found classes are very convenient and easy, but sometimes seem like teachers dont care if you have a question about the material, and they probably feel because some of us 1000 s of miles away that we are not that important. I would recomend stay on campus colleges unless you dont have time and need to be home.

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Kaplan University

Information Technology - June 24, 2007
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I figured I would write a review on Kaplan to let my voice be heard. One good thing about the school is that the education you receive is up to par with a traditional brick and mortal school. The teachers are pretty good and appear to know what they are talking about. Now for the bad, the school is very expensive, the advisor's and support faculty are incompetent, and their PTK scholarship sucks. I was told when I signed up for Kaplan that I would get a scholarship because I was a PTK member. I submitted the appropriate paperwork and was told that I would be receiving the money at the end of each semester. I am currently in my fourth semester and I have not seen one dime from the college. I have tried working with the college and it appears they don't care. Most the books are about 3-4 years old. It is really annoying to read a text book that says "One day USB2 will be available". When I inquire about my transfer credits I get no answer, and yes I have waited way beyond the 10 weeks that the school say it will take. When I need help, people shove me off onto someone else, and I never feel satisfied with the way I am treated. At damn near 2000 dollars a semester, the treatment you receive at this school is terrible. For the treatment alone I would recommend going to another school. I am not a disgruntled student, in fact I have pulled straight A's while I have been at Kaplan. I just want others to realize what they are jumping into before joining Kaplan. Thank you.

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I love Kaplan

Criminal Justice - April 26, 2007
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I was first a student at University of Phoenix. I was unhappy there so decided to switch to Kaplan. I really love it. I am on my 4th term at Kaplan. The teachers are great. They are really concerned with every student. The councelors are also great too. I highly recommend this university for anyone wanted an online education.

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