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Liberty University

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Liberty University Reviews:

You get what you expect

Business/Finance - June 2, 2020
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Before going to Liberty I had accumulated quite a few degrees from other universities. Some of these schools were AACSB accredited and their business programs ranked highly. I chose Liberty because I needed a doctorate degree and I wanted it in the discipline I was pursuing. Liberty offered a DBA and gave me the benefit of taking the program online. Liberty was actually better organized than some of the other institutions I attended. I was a little hesitant regarding the Christian approach but overall throughout the program I found little distraction and did not see an emphasis of religion in the discussion boards. I butted heads with a few instructors and really pushed back when I felt there were some issues in either the material or in the grading, but overall I liked the teaching and the support. My biggest concern is the press that the leader gets and the damage it does to the school's reputation and how their degrees are portrayed. Otherwise not bad.

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14 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Looks can be deceiving

Multidisciplinary Studies - November 23, 2019
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While attending for a bachelor's degree I was directed for verification by the "department of ed". When I called the school would never answer why I'd been selected several times in a row. Even I called the department of ed they had no idea what Liberty was talking about and told me that it was possible for the school to choose me for verification. Call the school back, no it was the department of ed. This happened every time, 4-5 times maximum. I tried the MA in history and decided it wasn't for me after 1 semester. Decided to switch to a BFA in graphic design and, guess what. Yep selected for verification and possible fraud. I would only recommend this school to people I dislike.

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23 of 46 people found the following review helpful

Liberty University

Business/Finance - November 7, 2019
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As a current student in the Human Resource Management DBA program, I have had a very positive experience. I maintain a high GPA and receive frequent job recommendations from the career website and student advisors. I believe that the individual's dedication to the program is a major factor. In other words, you get what you put in. If a student is doing the minimum then they will receive the minimum. At times it feels good to hear the word of God, but I will not be forced to participate or accept Scripture as a substitution for a lesson. I set a standard for what I wanted in an online school which also came with some concessions. Sometimes I don't want to hear anything but the lesson and so that is just what I do. I depend on them for my education but professionalism and commitment are also key concepts to success that I strive for. I am learning great leadership and strategic planning for the benefit of my organization. I am grateful to the school.

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32 of 40 people found the following review helpful

Misleading and Aggressive University

Education - November 4, 2019
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I was looking for an online school to complete my school counseling degree and came upon LU. I submitted an online inquiry and an LU rep called me (the first of many daily phone calls). At no point in time during the inquire or admissions process was it explained to me that Christianity and biblical scripture would be used and needed for applying to coursework. While I have no issues with Christianity, I did not know that I would have to quote the bible and apply it to papers and projects. This school is very misleading, very disorganized and has a very UN-Christian mentality. They are all about the recruitment in and getting their bill paid. They will not hesitate to call you multiple times a day for you to get your admissions completed and your financial aid check in completed. I had to withdrawal from my courses because they were too religious and the course content was not going to teach me anything about counseling and only about the professor's Christian views. This "university" is a joke.

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49 of 87 people found the following review helpful

Brat?? Really?? Lower The Bar......

BS - Business Concentration in Economics - October 30, 2019
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Having professors who are placed on a pedestal is much like worshiping false idols.Its very clear from the reviews that the majority of comments lean towards how awful this Christian school really is.I mean they hire professors who cant cut it at other universities,they hire professors who do not follow "Christian" values.The school also has a strong record of having professors that are discriminatory towards their students and others around the school.Look at ALL the reviews.What a shame.Once was considered a great school,now looked at as scam and rip off.Clean house,get God back and you will reap the rewards.False idols need not apply!!!

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26 of 44 people found the following review helpful

Go for an education, but not a Christian one

Masters in Counseling - October 11, 2019
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First of all, don't go to Liberty if you want a truly Christian education; Liberty 'sold out' long ago. Do go, however, if you want a good education with a flexible schedule (online). (I do wish they'd quit advertising themselves as a Christian school, because it's misleading.) My first adjunct professor out the gate was an LGBTQ sympathizer at the least. I found a recent pic of her with a LGBTQ(xyz) pride banner over her pic--that should tell you enough. My second professor was a truly born again Christian with a testimony. She was a blessing. So, it's hit and miss, and if you can deal with that, great! My very first quiz had a misleading question in it (error), which took me from an A to a B. When I notified the Christian professor about Liberty's error, she was gracious to rectify my grade. Hopefully she also notified the psychology department so they could save other students the grief. One of my first and expensive textbooks was re Christian Counseling. The book wasn't even used in the course-very maddening. But then, the school has to keep up the pretense that it's a Christian university, so throwing in a Christian counseling textbook helps with that. Be aware that you will need to attend TWO week-long intensives AT Liberty University, so be ready to shell out even more dough and time for that. All that said and while I pulled out of the course early (and got only some of my money back), I will likely enroll at Liberty again and hope for the best, understanding that I'm not going for a Christian education,. I'll be going for a good education from an accredited university that is recognized in my state for LPC purposes. One more thing, if I re-enroll, I will surely be back here to let all prospective students know how it's going or how it went.

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40 of 87 people found the following review helpful

Challenging coursework and supportive professors

Master of Education: Teaching & Learning - October 10, 2019
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I earned a Masters in Education from Liberty, and am now pursuing a Masters in Information Technology. I have found both degree programs challenging but workable, even with full-time employment. The professors have been very supportive and most respond to questions, via email, within a day or two. The online library provides a substantial resource for completing papers, of which there are many. One needs to consider how well they can organize their time before pursuing any degree via an online platform. Time management is a requirement or assignments will be turned in late. Liberty states the late assignment policies at the beginning of each course. Any complaints are unfounded. It is up to each student to take personal responsibility. The school is a Christian based institution. It does not hide this fact and every student will be presented with biblical concepts. Even my IT courses required relating issues to a biblical world view. I have had fellow students express a difference of opinion regarding scripture and it was a respectful exchange of ideas, but no one should be surprised when bible verses are required for papers or discussions. Any complaint about this is simply invalid. I highly recommend this school if one is able to manage their time, organize their work, and needs flexibility in their schedule. You will get the most out of the courses if you read every textbook assignment, take notes on presentations, and put in the effort to learn to write a properly formated paper, both APA and Turabian in my case. In other words, you will get out of the program what you put into it.

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25 of 29 people found the following review helpful


Ed.S. Educational Leadership - May 10, 2019
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Liberty University was an amazing school online! It was rigorous and challenging but inspired me to be a better version of myself for the glory of the Lord!!

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27 of 37 people found the following review helpful

Good School, Comparable to other Online Schools

MBA - May 9, 2019
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Overall Liberty University is decent school. I didn't like the constant marketing calls to register for courses, but they updated their communication preferences which allowed me to opt out of them. It is a Christian School...expect to apply a Christian Worldview to assignments. You will get as much out of it as you put into it. My biggest problem with the school is reading the work of other students. The fact these students have bachelors degrees (a pre-req to get a MBA) is scary. After reading the other reviews of people complaining about low grades I'm hoping these are same classmates I had to deal with in class...they deserved to fail based on the quality of their work. In fact, the complaints actually make me feel better because throughout my degree I dealt with incompetence and assumed they were getting the same grades as me so the school could keep collecting their money. It seems that wasn't the case now. At the end of the day I'm happy to be a Liberty Alumni!

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49 of 54 people found the following review helpful

Wonderful College

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - May 7, 2019
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I enjoyed receiving my education through Liberty University online. The professors were very knowledgable and very supportive. The tutors for my statistics classes were AMAZING! I feel that I've learned a lot and am excited to be pursuing my Master's degree starting in Spring.

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25 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Liberty University is Awesome!

Religion - December 9, 2018
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I am fairly new to Liberty University, but so far everything has been absolutely perfect! It is far better than I ever expected. I went into getting a higher education later in life and I figured it would just be a pain. To the contrary, I find it exciting with Liberty University. I have to laugh at the negative comments here. Most of them have to do with people whining that it isn't easy to get MY money! Fantastic! The harder it is for people to get unconstitutional federal financial aid out of my pocket, the better! They shouldn't attend college if they can't pay for it themselves. I pay my own way. I do get one financial bonus, being former military. Liberty University, not the federal government taking money out of other people's pockets, has an enormous discount for people who have served our country in the military. I never expected this and it came as a pleasant surprise. Maybe some of these entitled children should serve in the military and learn a little self respect and discipline before trying to be handed a diploma for free. The other thing people are whining about is that Liberty University requires Christian values. Good! Every school in America used to! There are thousands of schools that promote debauchery out there for every one Christian school out there, that these hateful people can attend. If you have a problem with Christian values, don't go to a Christian school. Whining about having to include a Bible verse with your assignments is not going to impress me. Whine all you want. The only thing that I would change about Liberty University is that I would like them to cut off all federal financial aid just like Hillsdale College has, due to the unconstitutionality of federal aid. Cut the deadbeats off. We don't need them. Now, there is nothing wrong with State financial aid, private grants, or loans. They aren't unconstitutional. The federal government has no business redistributing wealth in any form. To all of you ungrateful, whining babies: How dare you cry about not being able to reach deeper into my pockets! Shame on you! You really do need to find God.

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47 of 183 people found the following review helpful

Would never do online again

School Counseling - September 3, 2018
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I immediately began LU after completing my bachelor's degree. I take partial blame because I impulsively selected this program after being waitlisted to medical school. If you are scholarly in any sense and desire an education that challenges you, Liberty Online is not for you. I will graduate in May with a perfect GPA yet I do not feel as if I earned any of my was so easy that class felt like a joke. I do not feel prepared to work a real job. The most helpful thing about this program was the internship experience we get during the last year. I do not like that every single class has the exact same do a lot of papers and discussion boards. I understand that everyone does not want a challenge and some people have families, spouses, etc., but this program, in my opinion, does not hold much weight in the world of academia. Because this school is rather easy to get into, my classmates are not all on the same intellectual level and it kind of embarrasses me that students at a graduate level do not know how to spell or write in APA format. I love the campus, it really is beautiful, and maybe I would feel differently had I attended on-campus full-time. I only was on campus for four intensives, one week at a time.

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50 of 90 people found the following review helpful

School Counseling M.Ed. Program Terrible!

School Counseling - August 20, 2017
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Liberty University is a good option for anybody working while going to school. I'm sure other programs of theres are fine but I am deeply unsatisfied with the School Counseling program, which is now in the college of behavioral sciences instead of the college of education. You are required to complete 4 intensives (on-campus classes) even if you already took those classes at a different university. Liberty will not honor them, even if they have identical rubrics and course numbers. The intensives are very expensive, you have to pay for flights, hotels, food, etc. and NONE of the intensive professors let you know when their course will finish. The intensives are supposed to go Monday - Friday from 8am or 8:30am to 5pm or 5:30pm. I've had some professors not even make us go on Friday and I could have returned home a day earlier and not paid for another night in my hotel. I've had other professors who threatened to fail me because I could only get a flight out of Lynchburg or Roanoke that leaves at 3pm on Friday. The whole intensive system is a mess and there is no kindness, compassion, or leniency. I've also had issues with my required practicum (150hrs) and internship (600hrs). The school counseling office was of no help to me in getting my practicum site. The school is not supposed to help you find placement for practicum, but I think they should reevaluate that and help their students get placement. I've spoken to numerous students who've agreed. It's different with internship, the school counseling office is supposed to find you placement for your two semesters of interning. They did no such thing. My degree has to be delayed another year now because of Liberty doing a terrible job in finding me placement. I even took a prerequisite for internship, because Liberty would not grant me special permission to take it after or during my internship, two days after my wedding. I had to rearrange my entire honeymoon in order to take this class so I could intern this fall. Guess what. I'm not interning in the fall! Since March, Liberty has been trying to find me an internship but has been vastly unsuccessful. It is now one day before I need to pay for the class and I have no prospects. I was the one who had to try and find my internship myself after I realized Liberty does absolutely nothing to help. I told Liberty to communicate with a woman from the district, who I found on my own time, and they did not until last minute, so I missed out on that opportunity. Like I said at the beginning of the review, Liberty is probably a great option for students in programs that do not have to complete: Internships, practicums, or intensives; But for me, being a student at Liberty has been a living Hell every step of the way! They pride themselves on being a Christian university but it's funny because nowhere at this school did I experience any compassion, love, or understanding.

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71 of 83 people found the following review helpful

Mixed signals

Management - August 9, 2017
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Liberty University is one of those places where you have to compromise. As a veteran, Liberty makes it quite easy for a soldier to enroll in a university. It can be rather difficult and daunting to take a GRE, find professional references, and fulfill other requirements while on deployment! My experience was fairly seamless, and for that I believe Liberty was a good choice. The downside to that however, is accreditation. My masters did not put me in a position to obtain a license for which I had hoped for. Of course, I did not do my part or researched what I should have. Lesson learned. The courses themselves do tend to fall into a religious pit of sorts; not by the professors but by the students! Although christian viewpoints are encouraged, I notice students are the ones who focus on this aspect to cover up the fact that they don't understand the material! Just saying! Discussion boards become rampant with proverbs and personal experiences which should not be allowed by the university. If anything, points should be deducted for such behavior. Worldview can be integrated but shouldn't be used as a crutch. As far as the course materials, it's been said time and time again, "you get what you put into it!" This applies to everything- and education is no different. My graduate courses have been excruciating; reading, reading, and more reading! Although the textbooks are sometimes a hit or miss, they are jumping off points. Most of my time is spent researching and reading peer reviewed articles. That is the nature of graduate work. Regardless of the university being attended, the material from external sources are usually the same. So if anyone is citing only the bare minimum just to get by, shame on you! Liberty staff encourage references beyond the material used in class. It just seems most students go straight to the bible and that's it! I will be working on my second masters at Liberty University soon. Although I don't know why they would align themselves with someone like the president elect (I considered dropping my courses), in the end it comes down to convenience. I don't have to jump through hoops to be enrolled, I have access to an endless supply of academic research, and the courses themselves are set up to promote using all the resources available to master a subject. We all know online courses are an easy way to dodge work, and unfortunately many take advantage of that. It shows in the discussion board posts. If Liberty were to tighten the standards so that students don't fall back on the bible to get through a course, then I believe Liberty University can be a great faith based top tier university.

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61 of 76 people found the following review helpful


Education - July 26, 2017
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I am very disappointed!! I completed My Bachelors of Science in Elementary eduction and I can't do nothing with my degree due to the low GPA which is little above a 2.0 and I had no guidance and the professors took a huge portion of my grade not because i failed but because i was late a day on assignments and they would refuse to help you or even explain. I really hate LIBERTY UNIVERSITY!! I'm stuck with a degree with a low GPA!! and a whole lot of student loans to pay back for a crappy degree that i can't use because of such low GPA!! Please DON'T GO TO THIS SCHOOL!! RUUUUUUUUUN

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43 of 339 people found the following review helpful

Liberty University is all about the money!

MBA - July 24, 2017
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This school is all about the money. I was a little over halfway completing my Master of Arts in Executive Leadership. However, I will no longer stand in the ranks with hypocrites. Although I have a grade point average of 3.83, I dis-enrolled. This college forces a secular view wrapped in a false Christian wrapper. The material is completely outdated and extremely overpriced. I was an online student. Forget about staff and faculty being helpful. I felt like I was the instructor. I continually made corrections to the course material. Yet, the professors only kicked the can down the road. Stay far away from this college. I am willing to sacrifice 9 credit hours to transfer to Campbell University.

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65 of 107 people found the following review helpful

Approaching the midpoint

Masters in Counseling - April 24, 2017
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I am approaching the midpoint of my degree plan. Pursuing a counseling degree from an integrative perspective (psychology/theology/spirituality) is not for the weak or faint of heart. Keep in mind, secular students only have one set of texts, while Liberty's model means we have the same minimum standard, plus the added dimension of studying theories in light of Christian worldview. So far, it has been very challenging, sometimes overwhelming, but always rewarding. The faculty are some of the leading subject matter experts in their area of study. I wouldn't want to study anywhere else.

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44 of 50 people found the following review helpful

Useless degree

MPH - March 13, 2017
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The MPH from Liberty is nearly useless! It is NOT geared toward sitting for ANY exams/certifications required for most jobs in public health! I found this out the hard way - after really terrible advice from the school and major debt. I am CONSTANTLY told my degree is not sufficient by health departments, NGOs, ad naseum. Please do some research before you give Liberty a dime for their MPH program!!!!!! (NB they also offer NO assistance in finding a placement for your practicum - I nearly had to drop out at this point despite a 3.9 GPA).

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44 of 54 people found the following review helpful

Liberty, EDD in Ed. Leadership

Ed.D. in Leadership - March 4, 2017
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I have been to Liberty for my M.Ed. in supervision and administration, and after I looked at every single online program in the country (and even many outside), I figured Liberty was the place I belonged. I've read some of the below reviews and much was right in their criticisms of some of the course work (particularly the quizzes). However, even with the quizzes, they are certainly pedagogically understandable given that they need to test you on knowledge in books they assign for you to learn with. I didn't mind them and they never really affected my grade. But then again, I read much of the material in preparation, but I'll be honest and say I never completed a text book. Many of the books they assign are less scholarly and more practical for leadership. The cost was great for a teacher (check for their discounts) compared to other institutions. I also believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, so the emphasis on Christian principles mixed and evaluated with and by mainstream theory was so amazing to experience. You're definitely at an advantage if you have a working knowledge of God's word and it's very enjoyable to work and study alongside likeminded professionals. The most important reason I came back to Liberty was one of my intensive professors I met for my masters. Incredible man of God who also had similar research interests. I am way ahead in my doctoral literature search and am looking to finish the entire EDD from the beginning of Spring 2016 to the completion of my dissertation at the end of summer 2018. I am told I'd be the fastest to ever complete the degree at Liberty... I said, "challenge accepted!" It's been a grueling pace but I am almost to my dissertation phase save a couple of outstanding courses to take. If you plan right, discipline yourself, and enjoy writing, grad school is for you. If you like discussing practical theories for leadership while also being mindful of spiritual undertones of such a great responsibility, then Liberty's Edd program is for you. I would not mind answering any questions from you guys. I have been where you are dear reader... and it can be done! We need a professional peer community of support, those of us doing distance education, and I'd love to share even more of my wonderful experience at Liberty! Highly recommended!

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115 of 120 people found the following review helpful


Education - January 20, 2017
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Stay away from here. My son attended here two semesters. Everything was great the first semester. Second semester. He did the same thing went through check in funds were allocated classes were paid for books were bought. Now. Here you can't register for classes unless that semester is paid for in advance we were assured everything was done. Classes started half way through the semester. After the drop date without penalty. He received a call saying we are sorry you have been dropped from all classes We are not sure but your financial aid and loans weren't here after all. When he asked how can that be. I followed your check in process you do t allow anyone to register unless all classes are paid for?? They have. I answer and said I'm sorry our fault something with the computer system. Now you owe 2700. Which was not his fault. If they had told him the funds weren't there. He would have dropped the classes as he didn't have the money. It was there fault but yet they still charged him 2700.00. If anyone has online registered at liberty you know how the check in process is

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39 of 69 people found the following review helpful

Excellent for the Money

Religion - January 16, 2017
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I feel that some of the reviews on this site unfairly portray Liberty University. I recently completed a Greek class to fulfill a prerequisite for my Phd. My experience was excellent. The support staff was extremely friendly and responsive. The online teacher responded promptly and consistently. The class challenged me, but also helped me learn a great deal. The cost was approximately 30% less than the next best online alternative.

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32 of 37 people found the following review helpful

Ed.S. in Educational Leadership

Ed.S. Educational Leadership - December 17, 2016
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Superb experience; however, you must be intrinsically motivated and disciplined. This is a Christian University that teaches from a Biblical worldview, so if you are not comfortable about including how your love for Christ shapes your decision making process than I advise you not to enroll. The coursework is rigorous but not overbearing; YOU WILL WORK FOR YOUR GRADES. The professors vary in expertise and level of involvement as with any university. Its on-line learning, so don't expect a brick and mortar experience; technology in 2016 just isn't there yet. Liberty was perfect for doctoral level work since most of it is independent research and writing, writing, writing. I transferred from the University of Georgia to Liberty University and there is no question at all, the Liberty coursework is tougher, better tailored for private school administrators, and much more enjoyable. I highly recommended this university.

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39 of 43 people found the following review helpful


MSN - Nursing Education - October 26, 2016
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Save your money!  Their online program is a joke.  They'll tell you what you want to hear, but won't deliver.  I was told that they had several practicum facilities in my area. When it came time for my practicum courses, they denied telling me they had facilities, and refused to help find me one. Academic advisors don't return calls, or you get one that knows absolutely nothing about your degree program.  If you're on an old completion degree program, they'll set you up to fail just so they can get rid of you.  God would not approve of the way they treat people.  Shame Shame Shame!! They're nothing more than hypocrites! If you don't use enough Bible quotes in your assignments, you get docked points! The professors won't help you. It's sink or swim. If you sink, then that's more money for them!! STAY FAR FAR AWAY!!

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44 of 79 people found the following review helpful

Cheap Program. Needs innovation.

Business Administration - August 23, 2016
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I am in the middle of my business degree with Liberty University. I had a decent start to my program but after getting into the core business studies I have been increasingly disappointed. There is little interactivity and technological use in these classes. I do not have a problem with the course instructors, but I do not like the program. I am paying a decent amount of money for what seems out dated content and I will often just youtube relevant videos to understand the course material more efficiently. It takes a couple hours to read the text but 15 minutes at the most to watch a youtube video. I have had little problems with the quizzes and test, but that's a hard one to mess up. The only other part of this program that I have a hard time enjoying are Discussion Boards. While I do my best to push myself in learning and to post read-worthy content, the Discussion Board prompts are highly Evangelical Christian-based prompts. While I am a professing Evangelical Christian, I am embarrassed by the Evangelical Bias initiated by these prompts. I understand and appreciate a Christian perspective in education, but the biases imposed in these courses are a disgrace to academia. The most enjoyment I get, is when I can prove that their Evangelical opinion is not even Biblical. I don't know about most people but when I am spending thousands of dollars for a education I want to walk away with knowledge that is valuable for my career, not Evangelical "blubber." Only take this program if you plan on reading text, taking quizzes, and participating in cheap evangelical dialogue. My advice.. Seek a school that actually takes pride in their programs and has a more interactive learning experience.

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31 of 43 people found the following review helpful

Not good

Masters in Counseling - June 29, 2016
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I have very successfully practiced psychotherapy for over twenty years and I had a practicum student who attended Liberty University on line for a masters in counseling. She was wholly unprepared on every level to deal with clients, colleagues, and with guidance regarding boundaries and ethics - and I am pretty easy going. She was asked to leave the practicum early. Liberty University does not prepare students well.

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66 of 89 people found the following review helpful


Criminal Justice - May 13, 2016
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I am military, I attended Liberty University with expectation of receiving my MA in Professional Counseling after graduation. (which I intended to use to counsel veterans after they came out of the military) However, I called the University one day to enquire about some classes. The University rep informed me I was selected for verification, she then asked me to submit some documents to show proof of verification. I did. I then got a correspondent requesting the same proof be sent to them directly from the IRS. I did. I waited several weeks for a respond and when I did not get one, I called the university and was told I owe the school $6,000.00 and until I pay, I will not be allowed to continue my degree with them nor will they release my grades to another university. I tried talking to financial aid on numerous occasions, constantly checking for answers, with no success. Finally one day, I called and they said I took too long to submit the information that they requested. Therefore, I am no longer able to attend the university unless I pay the 6 grand. 3 years later I got a letter stating that Liberty University is going thru an amnesty period, from date x to x date. Requirements were to just send in your deficiency that caused the suspension and you will be pardoned. After several phone calls and the submission of my proof of the cause of my verification (as per LU). (ensuring that I stayed within the suspension date for the amnesty) I was told that it is too late to submit proof. Also, 3 years ago at the time of me waiting for a respond from the university, my husband was also attending LU, one day when he called them to ask a question, they told him that he was chosen for verification and he needed to show proof of income, he did, several weeks later, they told him that they will be needing it directly from the IRS, he did. When my husband called to follow up. Because he was trying to meet the deadline for registration, LU told him sorry, but he was too late for registration and for him to try for the next following registration. LU did the same thing to him for "FOUR" semester registrations, and will not let him register. Now six years later, they called me yesterday and stated that I was being recorded and they are trying to collect their $6000. You know what? I agree with the previous post(s) that states that we should not be silence and let LU do us like this, a class act law suit will be in order. I am talking to my attorney and we will be suing Liberty University for the hard time they have caused me being down range (overseas deployment) it was very difficult for me, and Liberty University added to that stress. LIBERTY UNIVERSITY ARE A BUNCH OF CROOKS WITH NO RESPECT TO CHRISTIANITY WHAT-SO-EVER. They know dollar signs, not GOD! For that they should be ashamed.631-334-7622

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51 of 66 people found the following review helpful

Stay away !

Criminal Justice - April 2, 2016
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The enrollment process process will say one thing, but the actual classes are far from the statements given during enrollment. The Bible is IMPOSED in all classes, to the point of being oppressive. If you do not subscribe to an Evangelical Christian "worldview," then your work will be graded with less than an unbiased review. They preach Christian "values" (whatever in the hell that may be), yet lie like the devil.

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31 of 50 people found the following review helpful


Business/Finance - December 30, 2015
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I had a terrible time with Liberty University. I started school there in 2009, and when I had about 90 credits, I had to take a class for the finance concentration. I had a professor who failed me on two occasions, because he clearly had a personal problem with me. I had a 3.3 or 3.4 at the time. After I took the class a third time, due to his unprofessional and deliberately antagonistic ways, I decided I would leave Liberty and go to another school. I sent several emails that the school ignored, and I decided I would not pay the balance owed until they rectified the situation. They have done NOTHING to help me. The only thing this school cares about is MONEY. The Christian aspect is a joke. STAY AWAY.

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34 of 45 people found the following review helpful


Education - December 30, 2015
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I've attended three public college/ University's. Liberty is one of the two best I've attended. I'm currently a senior, and began as a Sophomore. Like all institutions, there are some instructors that lack empathy, understanding, and reasoning. Nevertheless, most of Liberty's faculty will answer any questions, or concerns via email. Some will even phone conference with struggling students if needed. I've had a professor contact me because of a minor issue with an assignment. It felt great to have such an instructor. Financial Aid will continue to remind you of any issues. Financial Aid has deadlines like anything else. The team will help you get all the information needed for successful processing. If they didn't assist in this matter, I'm pretty sure they would get complaints. There are some Universities that will not continually remind students of deadlines, and the student then has to wait for another semester to continue studies. I appreciate the constant reminders, and updates from liberty. The good instructors outnumber the "not so good". The School is a blessing. If students are time conscious, consistent, and follow directions, then they will pass classes at Liberty.

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26 of 36 people found the following review helpful

Wonderful experience

Education - December 20, 2015
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I transferred to Liberty with an AAS in Dental Hygiene and I am a senior in the Biblical and Educational Studies program. I have loved this experience and would do it again in a minute. The course work is fast paced and challenging but the instructors are very helpful. I have had one professor that seemed a little tougher than the course level called for but even he was quick to respond to questions and to offer help. The financial aid department has done a wonderful job helping me to make this happen and my adviser has been quick to respond to all of my questions-even on weekends. If you're thinking about it, I say do it.

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12 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Received my BS and MA here... LOVE THIS SCHOOL!!!

Psychology - December 10, 2015
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Hello all, I have read MANY negative reviews for this school. I received my BS-Psychology and my MA- Counseling from Liberty with almost no issues. Many of the complaints I have read stated that the prospective student was offended by the fact that this school is bible based... HELLO!!... It is a Christian University and the largest in the Nation with very high ratings. Others complained about the finance department, I can tell you, I had very little issues; very little. Others claimed that the student support was bad, yah, I had no issues there either. As a matter of fact this school was EXCELLENT in responding to my questions. I have also read complaints that the professors were tough. Well, in reading some of the posts I also noted that the writer was in dire need of English and Writing Composition classes. I love Liberty University and I am PROUD to say it is my alma mater. By the way... I have made great use of my degrees from Liberty it was a wise investment into my future. When thinking about applying to this university keep several things in mind; it is a school of higher learning that incorporates a Christian world view, this is NOT a liberal university that just hands grades out- you will be challenged! Finally, no university (NONE) will give you your transcripts if you owe them money. This school holds its students highly accountable as an adult and that means paying your debts like adults.

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32 of 39 people found the following review helpful

Mental Health Counseling

Masters in Counseling - November 28, 2015
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I graduated from Liberty University School of Lifelong Learning in 1990. The work was rigorous, challenging, and rewarding. The professors were prayerfully supportive, and always approachable for guidance. I am licensed in mental health, marriage and family therapy, and addictions counseling. I am licensed in two states and on the national level. I have practiced for twenty five years in the counseling field, and I attribute much of my success in the field to my foundation of learning acquired from Liberty University. The educational and practical requirements of Liberty, set the course for my journey in providing mental health treatment to people. If you are looking for a quality education and are willing to work hard, you will find Liberty University to be among the finest universities in the country.

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26 of 36 people found the following review helpful

MA Human Services Counseling - Marriage & Family

Masters in Counseling - August 25, 2015
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I had a great time at this university. I started out in the license MA- Marriage and Family Therapy program (60 credits). I got to go abroad to Rome for one of my intensives & it was an amazing experience! It is nice to see peers working with you face to face. But after having to retake the same class 3 times and still not passing, I went from academic warning, to probation, to suspension, to academic dismissal. I had some personal circumstances that were contributing to my failure. I completed 27 credits under that degree when I was dismissed. I also didn't realize that they have A, A-, B, B-, etc and 82% is a C, 72% is a D. So twice I got 82% and they were C's. 92% is an A- though. You need a 94 to get an A. So basically you can only miss 70 points to get an A. With my school and personal struggles, I needed to take a semester to get my personal life in order and dismissal was a huge reality check. You really have to be a self-starter in order to pursue and online degree. You have to ask yourself, "How badly do you want to get your degree? How much of a difference do you want to make?" I decided I need to prioritize and appeal the dismissal. I was accepted back but into the non-license program (30 credits). I only needed 2 more classes to finish that degree's requirements and I did not want my previous classes to go to waste. So I accepted, worked hard, stopped complaining about personal stuff and got my degree, getting full A's in my final classes. The teachers are really helpful if you turn things in on time and they can see that you are fully invested. If you're always late, you lose points, your work suffers due to procrastination, and teachers can see that you are not invested. Be invested, otherwise it shows. I did not get to take an internship, which will likely be an issue for getting licensed, but I am working on finding something elsewhere so I can have my credits count towards licensure. For the people that are unhappy about the lack of CACREP accreditation, I had my classes reviewed by the Board of Professional Counselors and they were approved- classes DO count, at least in MD- toward licensure. Check whether your state requires this or not before you apply. Moral of my story- Liberty is great if you take time to study, if you work hard, & make it a priority. If it doesn't work, chances are that you probably could have tried harder. Good luck!

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25 of 32 people found the following review helpful

Great Experience

Psychology - May 22, 2015
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I absolutely loved this school. The teachers were very helpful, and would always respond quickly. I finished this past May 8th with a BS degree in Psychology, with an Addiction and Recovery Cognate. It was hard, but thorough. It took a lot of dedication on my part, but everyone was always right there to help me when I needed it. They were diligent in giving me all the requirements for my degree, and I had no problems with my financial end of it. My student aid was always on time. I am very pleased with all the things that I learned here at Liberty University.

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17 of 23 people found the following review helpful

It's okay...

Ed.D. in Leadership - May 21, 2015
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It is an okay school. I am back in school after a long break due to one dissertation research consultant. They do not support you during the dissertation process and that is discouraging. It would be a lot better if they embedded the dissertation process throughout the program. I feel the professors do not have the time to guide you or respond to your prospectus or proposal in a timely manner. I have friends who are working on their dissertation at brick and mortar schools and have received a lot of support. If I had to do it again, I would definitely work on my doctoral studies at a traditional school. I have an EDS from the University of South Dakota -Online and it was a rewarding experience. This one just seems okay.

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23 of 32 people found the following review helpful

Great School but you have to hold yourself accountable.

MBA - April 24, 2015
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While my BS was from a brick and mortar, my MBA came from Liberty University Online. If your going to go to an online college you should hold yourself accountable for your grades, homework, tests and time management skills. I saw a lot of people leave during my time there because they 'forgot' to do homework or submit their financial aid in time. LUO was great about giving me notice on the financial end and I received scholarships all semesters which was a blessing. They called me at the beginning of every quarter for academic advising and I had my own counselor who I could contact 7 days a week. I've never had a problem contacting anyone in person there, their hours are much later than a traditional school which is great when you already have a career and family. As far as grading, their programs are accredited so they are very hard on you- we had 10-12 page papers due 4 times in an 8 week class, plus the quizzes, posts and discussion boards. It is not something you do if your looking for an easy degree because they are held to the same standards as any other school. The tests are not open to the public so you can't google your answers. You have to read dozens of books and write reviews of them in short periods of time. It is a great school but not for everyone. It IS an openly Christian school so I'm not sure why the complaints about it being Christian? It's a private school so they can teach Christianity in their courses if they want to. I never felt overburdened by the infusion of Christianity and never made to feel out of place or overly criticized because I am not a Christian. Don't apply if your offended by people mentioning Christian beliefs because you won't last very long and you will waste alot of money. I would openly argue their principles in my papers- as long as I had sound argument and provided sources this was never an issue- they were very accepting of it. To anyone wishing to go to LUO I wish you good luck, it was a great education. I could never have received an MBA while working full-time and raising a 1 and 3 year old so it was a good fit for me.

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44 of 49 people found the following review helpful

Info you need to know

Multidiciplinary Studies - April 10, 2015
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Although this school does teach a fairly rigorous curriculum and there are a lot of good professors there, they do not respect freedom of speech nor civil rights. I am an honor student and was pursuing this degree but when I experienced my civil rights being violated, I filed a complaint against the school. Sad to say, I was threatened by the student affairs office for doing so, which amounts to no civil rights or freedom of speech. Just warning everyone, if you want to freely express your academic and collegiate thoughts at this school and want to "earn" your degree in the process, then forget about it as they will throw you out illegally for doing what the U.S. Constitution says you have a right to do. In other words, Liberty University does not recognize Federal Supremacy laws, which is sad as they pretend to be their own state of laws, which again violates the separation of Church and State. If after reading this you decide to attend anyway, then I will pray you make it through and graduate.

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14 of 45 people found the following review helpful

Why did I waste my Time

Criminal Justice - April 7, 2015
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Financial aid office at Liberty University has been the worse. I was sent in for fraud verification at Liberty University Financial aid office this was fine they requested a lot of paper work and I sent in everything they requested then the office started telling me something is wrong with your paperwork that me and another student used the same notary to notarize our paperwork accused me of signing the paperwork out of the presence of a Notary. I was thinking by this time this process is really much like harassment and they are accusing me doing stuff I wasn't doing. I was getting frustrate by now so now I started to request to speak with someone that could help me resolve this and get my aid put back on my account but no one would ever give me a number to call or they would give me the run around. When I would email the Faredflag or the Financial aid office they would say check your account and act like I was bothering them mind you I was trying to get my grant restored to pay for my classes and books. No matter what I said how I pleaded for help no one tried to help me once I completed the process well thought I completed the process sent in all they requested they sent in out a request for me to refile my taxed for 2013 I already sent them everything I had sent the Irs matter a fact it all came straight from the Irs website. I am a single mom just trying to better myself and because of this Schools Financial aid office and the Lack of people willing to communicate with you effectively to solve issues I am now looking for another school to complete classes I already took with them and I owe the school 11,0000 that I can not afford to pay because they took away my chance at a education I was six classes away from my Criminal Justice Degree. I feel Like I have been let down especially for a school that say there standards are built from God Christian School Speechless at this point.

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34 of 54 people found the following review helpful

Great time with Liberty - And going back!

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - March 10, 2015
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I am somewhat surprised (and a bit dubious) of all the negative remarks on here about Liberty U. Primarily because my experience with LUO has been so positive, smooth, and issue free. Let me start by clarifying that many of these criticisms seem to revolve around financial aid. They may be well placed, but I have no experience using FA, so I cannot comment. However, I am wrapping up the Master of Arts in Theological Studies in a few weeks. From the first time I called for information on enrollment, to registering for classes, to each and every interaction with professors, to getting graduation all settled, I have not had a single issue with communications. Everyone has been kind, competent, and very quick to reply to emails or calls. ALL of my professors have been responsive within hours of questions. The ONLY exception was a prof. who traveled a few days for a child's wedding, but he let us all know well in advance. As to the complaints by some about the work load. At least on the grad school level, they let you know going in that there are high expectations in seminary. They expect you know how to write, think critically, and engage for or against the assigned texts. They also let you know that there is a high degree of reading and study required for each course. In fact the Intro to Seminary Studies course puts it right out there, and you even have to do an assignment to demonstrate your understanding of this and your plan for properly approaching it in a healthy way. I am amused that so many are griping about how hard the work load is. IT'S GRAD SCHOOL. It is a huge challenge. But Liberty is not just farming out degrees. At least in're going to work for it. And you are NOT promised an easy A for just checking in. All of my professors have been extremely helpful, and engaging. All have been easily reachable. Yes, some are more interactive than others with their comments on assignments, and notes and all. But even the ones who seem otherwise aloof, have been completely fine when needed. In my time at LUO there was one substantial downage of the Blackboard system, all the courses were extended 36 hours for students to safely manage their due dates. All the rest were scheduled and students (who pay attention to the announcements) would be aware. For those who are arguing that the courses are too laced with the Christian worldview - GO TO A SECULAR SCHOOL. Liberty makes no bones whatsoever that they are a fully Christian based school. I am proceeding on to an MDiv and had thought about changing schools, but my experience in the MA Theology program has left me so challenged and so fulfilled that I am excited about doing the MDiv right here with Liberty U.

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21 of 30 people found the following review helpful

Defending the school

Education - February 27, 2015
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This school advertises that it's a Christian school so if you are against Christianity , you should not enroll here. I saw so many complaints about it being a Christian school but they don't hide that up front so I don't know why someone would not realize that until they were already enrolled and attending classes. I enjoyed attending Liberty. It was hard, but well worth it. I was able to get a better job and make more money and I'm proud of being a Liberty graduate.

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33 of 47 people found the following review helpful

Seven classes left stopped by policy police

Psychology - February 19, 2015
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I am an older adult student who was attending Liberty University Online toward a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. When I chose the school it was for the personal service and help they offered. I loved the biblical classes and how Christ was woven in and out of subject matter. Some of the professors are phenomenal. I was thrilled with the first discussion board post for each new class introducing ourselves and learning how God was working in each person’s life and what their degree was going to allow them to do. However, as the school began to expand dramatically, the discussion board introduction posts became “I am a military student who does not know what I want to do so I decided to go to school”. There was the atheist and the Muslim and suddenly discussion board posts were no longer encouraging and learning experiences but antagonistic and empty. There are very few places in the world where Christians can go anymore where they can just be themselves and talk freely about their faith without the interference from the world. When I first started at Liberty, that aspect was there, but at the end when I was forcefully kicked out, it was a different school. My GPA is 3.76 and I was continuously on the Dean’s list while attending the school. My husband took on two full time jobs in order for me to concentrate on my degree so that I could finish more quickly so that he could retire. I was SEVEN classes from graduating when I took a semester off to help a prodigal daughter. I filled out the SAP (appeal form) and was still not allowed to return to school. On the appeal form it states, “In addition to this appeal form, you must submit documentation from an objective third party professional to support your appeal statement. These are examples of an objective third party professional: physician, counselor, lawyer, social worker, teacher, religious leader, and death certificate, divorce decree, etc.” Not every circumstance requires third party documentation such was ours. It was a family matter that involved no one else. Additionally, what this form requires is to violate HIPPA and privacy laws of another person if I were to provide what they wanted. I talked to various people in the categories required on the SAP appeal form and no one would help because of fear of being sued. The reason I left school was to help another person. Isn’t that what the bible teaches? I talked with the highest levels of people to try to reason with them. From the bottom up they read from the same script – policy, policy, policy – the human aspect is gone and Christ is completely absent from their policies. Months later I received a call from advising that they were letting me back in to finish. After 2 ½ hours of being transferred from one person to another to complete the process to get back in (all very helpful) I reached the end where I was told “oh, I did not realize there is a hold on your account, we cannot let you back in”. I owed $300.00 and was told I could return to school once it was paid. Wrong, I put the $300.00 on a credit card (I had been paying it off monthly prior to that) and was still told no, the hold was staying put. Financial Aid does not talk to Student Accounts and neither talk to Advising. It is like many separate parts of the same school with NO communication between them. They are policy zombies with the human Christian aspect completely absent! I have shared the appeal form with well over a dozen Christian colleges and universities and likely nearly one hundred secular schools explaining the situation. None of the schools can believe the inflexibility of Liberty University and the unreasonable policy especially as I explain the circumstance of taking a semester off while trying to find another school where I can finish my degree without starting over and doubling my student loans. With SEVEN classes left, I cannot find another school to transfer to where I do not start back at the beginning of sophomore year! What Liberty University has done to my family is financially devastate us. Having been out of the work force for a few years to finish school as an older adult and then not be able to finish has made me unemployable. Incidentally, I did have a job lined up to start once I had completed my degree but I lost that too. My husband is still working two full time jobs. I now have student loans for a degree I almost acquired and am unable to pay so I have to keep putting them on deferment. This is being “Champions for Christ”? I think not! While I was attending LUO, the books changed and Humanism and propaganda took the place of Christian learning. I did some investigating and discovered that Liberty University is a part of the American Council on Education, a United Nations Humanist, Agenda 21 organization

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59 of 88 people found the following review helpful

Did not meet expectations

Ed.D. in Leadership - January 9, 2015
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I enrolled in Liberty's online Ed.D. program fall 2014 with high expectations and really excited about pursuing my doctorate. It didn't take long for me to realize I was most definitely NOT in the right school! For doctorate level courses, I was quite taken aback by the amount of Christian propaganda embedded within the courses. It was actually kind of insulting. I mean, I was raised Catholic, but am not necessarily "super" religious BY CHOICE. You have NO OPTIONS in accepting ONLY a Christian worldview, and it very much expected that you declare and agree to it in just about every assignment. I actually waited until I received my spring syllabi for my next 2 classes before withdrawing, thinking maybe it was just a fluke that there was such an emphasis on Christianity over actual theory. But, they were worse! One of the actual assignments was to keep a prayer reflection journal and send prayers to??? I'm not even sure what they were talking about. It is creepy. The other negative was that in one course, despite receiving perfect scores on my assignments, the required quizzes screwed up my final grade. We had to take quizzes each week, including the final week, in addition to 2 additional final quizzes/tests the final week (so now, we had 3 quizzes/tests the final week) and other assignments. The quizzes were not written by the professor, and were full of errors, ambiguities, multiple correct or confusing answers, and some mistakes. There was no way to complain or fix them. In the end, my quiz points total brought my grade down to a B. After 3 degrees, I've never received such an unfair grade. When I complained via email to the professor (who seemed like a nice enough guy) he encouraged me to complain to the "higher ups" about the quizzes b/c I'm assuming he agreed w/ my concerns. Regardless, I was going to try to continue. My final concern, though, was that the amount of required courses was excessive compared to other similar types of online Ed.D. programs. I will be transferring to a different one for next fall, which requires 5 less courses and provides support for the dissertation from day 1. I WILL say that the people I dealt w/ in admissions, financial aid, and advising were always pleasant and helpful. I would say that this is a strength considering you are doing everything online (which can be a challenge when trying to connect w/ others. My advice to anyone under 40 is to take your time, save money, and attend a local university in person for your doctorate. TRUST ME, you will need the support to actually complete your dissertation and degree. Your chances of doing so online are very low. Good luck!

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38 of 61 people found the following review helpful

Don't waste you money

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - November 21, 2014
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Don't waste your time and money.I was so disappointed with this school.I wanted so much to be a Christian Counselor.My hopes was so high. But every class was I very worried if I would pass because if the teacher does not gave you 700 points you will get a D and aid will not cover you.Some teachers was nice and helped you or me and some was rude and mean.The one's that was mean would not talk to me or help me. The tests was hard and ticky and very hard to pass. But in most class's I got B's on the tests, but the teacher would not like the very long paper they made me write and this would made me get a D.The papers they make you write is usually APA and 12 to 20 pages long.Sometimes 12 -20 articles long.It took me days or weeks to find all the research needed for the papers and I always had to have a lot of Bible scriptures in all postings and papers if I did not points was taken off and this took a lot of time, just looking it all up took a lot of time.I have read the Bible many times, all of it, but when you, I help the church and work at a job and babysit grand kids time gets short and this college took a lot of time.It seemed they wanted the Aid but really did not care if people passed or not. I was picked for "fraud Prevention" (Potential fraud) and that took a long time. I had to resend all the stuff that I had already send them to get in.My GED and ID's and other school records.That took 0ver 8 weeks and they keep delaying it until I got in trouble with my loans and higher education.I had trouble doing my jobs because the class's took so much time and research.One bad teacher gave me a "Code of Honor Violation" because she said I coped off the internet but I did not do that.Am a Minister so This really hurt.Because as a Minister I always try to good and do what is right..I was so disappointed with this school.It did not really seem like a Christian school with lots of compassion I thought I would find.I never got to finish because two teachers gave me D's in two class's when I got A and B's on the tests.Then I could not get Aid.So I had to try and find a better school after I had taken all the counseling class's and thought I would finish the school.I tried talking to these teachers and getting help but they just was rude and mean to me and getting upset that I bugged them.I worked so very hard in this school but it seems all the hard work was for nothing but stress.This school should get in trouble for how they treat people.

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34 of 76 people found the following review helpful


MBA - November 20, 2014
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I started the MBA program July 2011 and graduated with an MAML Aug 2013, love economics, accounting though is not my thing. The course material was demanding, however mid 2012 - to Aug 2013 the level of study, assignments, quizzes, and papers tripled as did the standards for achieving grades. I actually enjoyed a more rigorous and demanding standard. In fact, it is impossible to attend this school and hold a demanding career. I hired a tutor for the Corporate Finance class, he holds an MBA from Texas Tech. His feedback was - the class was the most demanding course he had experienced as a tutor. I chose Liberty because of its exceptional technology platform and its hybrid option. There are several onsite classes to integrate into the online program. In addition, it worked for me because I am a visual learner and enjoy an independent self-disciplined environment. In fact when attending UCSD it was tedious listen to some of the best-qualified PhDs...of course each teacher has the ability to engage their students or not. The point is prior to enrolling figure out your optimal learning style. Another thing, I was raised as a Catholic and as a Catholic you read the RC missal - it wasn't a problem sourcing bible related information when needed, weaving it into the text, it adds perspective. For me it was a great experience. If asked the question - knowing what you know now would you make the same choice? The answer is yes. BTW, I am an author and my first paper is publishing in Dec. It’s a manuscript written during my Executive Communication class. Laws, S.M. (2014)‘Corporate communication: identity, image and reputation’, Int. J. Business Competition and Growth, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.344–349.

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15 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Horrible just Horrible do not go here

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - November 18, 2014
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This is a real bad college. In most class's teachers would tell me doing real good they would usually give me A's in the postings and B's on tests and teachers say I was passing, but in many class's I got D's in the end of the class because the teachers was mean and rude and would not help me at all.They would say They did not like my papers or something. But Never did they help me with the 12 page papers we had to write. Some of the papers was 12 to 20 pages long.Some teachers say we was copying when we was not. If we don't have a lot of the Bible in our papers and postings they take off points. It's very confusing and demanding at times.They force Christian values on us but they do not used them themselves.The tests are tricky and not always right but when I tried to till a teacher the test was wrong he got upset. All class's are graded by points and the teachers deside how many points you get.In many class's I got 689 points and needed 700 for a C.Because they took off a few points for no Bible vs.Even know they could be rude and mean to us and not act as God's people. When I went to Ohio State I was told I needed a Christian College because I would say stuff like God helps me to know what to say., but I did not see the Christian compassion I thought a Christian school was to have.I think this was the worst school I have even been to. This school almost made me have a heart attack. It was like I was holding my breath the whole class being told I was passing, working very hard, then after lots of hard work I got D's..!!! D's..!! The only thing good that came out of all the class's I took and all the money paid, (3000 per every 2 class's )at this school was the books. I liked the counseling books. Otherwise it was a waste of money and time..

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28 of 67 people found the following review helpful

Don't Attend This University

Multidisciplinary Studies - November 14, 2014
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I just graduated from Liberty University online program. Financial aid was a nightmare every semester. I just received a balance of $500 on my account after my degree had already conferred 3 weeks before. They said they overpaid me on my financial aid. I understands mistakes are made but it was their mistake, not mine! Eat the cost and give me my degree instead of making me pay a balance over a month after my last class ended. Also, it took FOREVER to get my grades back. In one of my last classes, nothing was graded for over 4 weeks. This happened in past classes too but more like a week or two. I really believe in the Christian private university concept but just don't feel this university practices that concept. I am not continuing here for my graduate degree.

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29 of 39 people found the following review helpful

Excellent experience

M. Ed Administration & Supervision - October 8, 2014
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I have been nothing but pleased with the program so far. The work definitely separates those deserving and those who are have freeloaded their whole academic career. The intensives are just that, intense and challenging. Any of the academic advisers were very helpful. The only complaint I have had was that my internship professor has not been very responsive, but all in all, the other professors have been outstanding. It was flexible and they were understanding of any personal issues I had while completing the assignments for them. I highly recommend this program for its price, as well as the overall value and educational programs.

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14 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Thieves, thieves, thieves

MBA - September 20, 2014
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If you are considering this school as an online education source, please turn and RUN away from this decision. I was 3 credits from my MBA at another school, and because I wanted my degree to come from a better school (so I thought), I transferred to Liberty, a school in the town my father lives with a wonderful presence and sterling reputation...yeah right. Don't get me wrong, my issue is not with the curriculum, or the professors, or even the method of delivery, it is with the misguidance that the mislabeled "Academic Advising" department gives you, the delayed responses, the responses that address all but your issue, the volleyball net of a support scheme (advising/registrar) and the skill with which they have mastered the passing of the buck. I was at a 4.0 average, and a mere 15 credits from graduating with my MBA when I encountered issues with the blackboard/ConnectPlus system used for one of the finance classes I was taking. One semester the issue was so bad I had to withdraw the last day of class before I completed my final assignments/exams to keep from getting a failing grade and affecting my GPA. I took the class again, and this time the kinks seem to have been worked out until the fourth of July, final exam. I was at an A in the class until this point, and might I add an A in the other business class I was taking. I attempted the final exam in this class and was kicked out after the second question, loss of connection. McGraw-Hill's ConnectPlus saw that as an attempt at the test-- I failed. I had one more attempt. I logged back in and began the test again. I made it to the fourth question this time before the system disconnected me-- I failed again. Getting a 12.45 out of a possible 90 points. Until this point my exam and homework grades were in the 80-90% range consistently, barring one other issue with a test that timed out early. This issue cost me a valuable 140 points in this class, which put me down to below a C. Failing grade for the semester. I had no reason to believe this would happen, nor could I have prepared for it. I could not submit my final for the other class either, however, this professor was nice enough to accept an emailed copy of my final paper rather than the safe assign submit through blackboard which would not allow my submission, and with a late penalty I got a B-68% in that class. Altogether, with the fail and the B- my GPA for the semester was a 1.3. A grade of C+ or better is needed to pass the class. I got a grade of 68% in that class. I missed a pass by 10 points. Because of technical issues. Had I gotten the 140 points that this cost me I would have been at 83%. B. I'm good with a B. So my 4.0 would have dropped to a 3.8. I could live with that. I immediately contacted Advising, and asked for assistance in scheduling a retake of the final exam. Their response was technical issues must be taken up with the instructor, retakes because of technical problems are entirely at the instructors discretion??????? This is an online University. Technical issues are going to happen. They have no policy in place to safeguard someone's GPA? This is a direct reflection of a person's learning ability. My GPA says I am a terrible student. That is not the case at all. I am and was a 4.0 student until this fateful day. I have appealed, and complained and jumped through hoops, and when I thought all was lost, one kind (or so I thought) person in Advising finally understood and begged me not to leave the school, stating that something could be done, that he had spoken to someone in the registrars office, and if I email them describing my situation, it would be taken care of. So I register for the new semester. Now, four weeks into the new semester, and three more instances of the passing of the buck, I am told that NO-NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT THIS. The class in question has since been satisfied by transfer credit because of the issues, but the grade and the damage remain. To those who say that the ones who complain are lazy and cannot handle the work. You are wrong. I am far from lazy, and I always complete my work and help others with theirs. The fact that you can morally judge someone's character via a snippet of information such as a review by a very upset student who spent a lot of money to get nowhere in their education shows the type of mindset you bring to the table. Enough said. Maybe Liberty is hiring in their advising, financial aid or registration departments.... My only recourse it seems is small claims court for the tuition that I have wasted. I certainly hope this does not fall on deaf ears. STAY AWAY by all means from this terrible 'institution'.

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37 of 62 people found the following review helpful

Waste of time and money

Business Administration - August 18, 2014
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I started at Liberty based on the recommendation of a relation who also took classes at Liberty and enjoyed it. At first I spoke with an academic counselor to see if they had a program to fit what I wanted to study, Business Administration. I was told that they had an excellent BSBA program that I could finish in two years after transferring over community college credits. I started in their Summer semester with two of their required Christianity courses. I had no problem with those and got As in both classes. The next semester I tried to register for the next set of BA courses and was told I couldn't take those yet as there were prerequisites. Prerequisites for first semester Freshman level classes? I took their suggested classes and again could not register for BA classes. Toward the end of the semester, I discovered they had enrolled me in the Associates program for Business Management Information Systems, not Business Administration as I wanted. I was told this was the basis for the BSBA program. Meanwhile, one year had passed without me only having taken Business Law toward a BSBA. Everything else was all Bible and Christianity based courses. The next year I ended up in classes with instructors who never answered email, and if they did it was after the assignment was due and points were deducted for late work, or their Blackboard system was down when I needed it (part of the attraction of online schooling is doing course work at your own convenience, working around work and family obligations). Some instructors would give extensions, but many would just say "don't wait until the last minute", without even considering that we have obligations outside of Liberty. This past April, I decided to transfer to another school who's BA program better suited my needs. The day I requested a transcript be sent over, I received a notice that I had been 'randomly chosen' for a financial aid review. Suddenly there was a $2500 balance on my account and if there is any balance, Liberty will not send a transcript. I talked to financial aid and they had told me that I had used all my maximum Pell Grant and that amount was under review. They also claimed that they have nothing to do with when reviews happen but the timing was too coincidental. They clear up that matter (I get to keep the Pell Grant) and they send the transcript. Due to family issues, I could not complete the Spring 2014 semester or begin the Summer 2014 that I had already registered for. The review prevented me from dropping classes online, so I had to get in touch with registration to have them drop for me. Since Summer had not started, they dropped those without issue, however I was told that it was too late to drop the Spring 2014 classes without having to pay back the tuition, but I could just stop doing the course work and receive an F grade without being penalized. I was charged a $50 "withdrawal fee" after two instructors graded me FN (Failure Non-Attendance) instead of a flat F grade as I was told. I also was not told that by doing this I would be placed on Academic Suspension. This past week, I was informed by my current school that the transcript that Liberty sent was incorrect. I have spent the last week trying to get the correct transcript from Liberty, however they either say they sent it in April or that the fee and suspension on my account restrict me from being able to get any transcripts. They will not lift the Academic Suspension restriction until I take more Liberty classes and improve my GPA to a more acceptable level. It took leaving a bad review on their Facebook page to get anywhere and I was finally told they will send the correct transcript, however now I'm almost afraid of what they'll add to it to keep me from transferring to my new school. One more thing, if you do transfer, their classes do not transfer to other colleges. Their course work is so Bible oriented (even non-religion classes) that the course work does not match anything you get at other colleges. Forget Liberty and go to an state college. Liberty is only in it for the money, not for the education.

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23 of 35 people found the following review helpful

So far So good - MEd - Cognate in Adult Education and Online Learning

Education - August 3, 2014
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The only reason I even gave a 9 out of 10 is that I had one class that was super hard, Blackboard was going through an upgrade and it was very touch and go. I am a career IT professional and I was appalled at how bad the software upgrade was handled in a production environment. I have really enjoyed all my classes, I'm about to complete my first semester. I only take one class at a time. I pay for one, complete it, then sign up and pay for the next one. That works for me. My advisor has been fun and we have developed a rapport. So, overall the school is working out for me. The IT department needs a new protocol regarding support. The courses are interesting and right up to par in providing an education. I am somewhat concerned when I read these emails but all the ones from the Education curriculum were excellent, and the complaints center around financial aid. So, LOU should review their financial aid and the communication protocol should be reviewed.

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7 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Please Consider Options

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - July 28, 2014
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Initially I was drawn to online recommendations to successfully earn a Masters in Pastoral counseling. In hindsight I can only regret having enrolled. The advisors were easy to speak with, but the aftermath was a major failure. I have 1 professor that supposedly has a Ph.D in counseling, but appears to border on a narcissistic personality. He quickly points out the number of books, articles etc. that he has written. I "discussed" my beliefs on a topic only to be told that I was off topic. While I have excelled at writing papers during the undergraduate years he maintains that I do not know how to write and perhaps I am the wrong program. I challenged an issue and he reported me to the chair. If one is to learn the ability to use a variety of current books, articles, etc. should be allowed, but the course texts appear to be biased and certainly not current. I know where God is leading, am sure of what I believe and thought I knew what the word discussion meant. The 2nd professor has been more than willing to explain coursework and has said that he enjoys what I write. In both cases, I had tried explaining that I often have some visual challenges not within the norm and not correctable by glasses. I understands, the other does not. As to financial aid- what a laughable situation. I withdrew from the fall semester. They not only cancelled that, but the summer as well. As of today " we are working on recovering the loan". So, my advice is be aware prior to signing on the dotted line. And yes, I am continuing my education at a different university.

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22 of 28 people found the following review helpful

Financial Aid Fraud Verification Process

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - July 28, 2014
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As an honor roll student while attending Liberty University, I did not have problems academically. However, when it came to the financial aid verification process two years into my education with Liberty, I was selected for verification after complaining about Liberty's financial aid process due to regards to refunds and how they are posted, I was given a difficult time although I turned in everything they required (and did not review) but said my identification was not mine. This did not make sense to me as I am definitely who I claim to be. Reporting them to the Dept. of Education was a waste of time. On the phone they will tell you that what Liberty is doing is wrong but it is not discrimination or anything they handle. They won't tell you who else handles such cases against this school. Basically, if you had no problems with Liberty financial aid office or asked them questions, then consider yourself blessed. However, for those of us who have had problems with them, it is real and it does affect you with your future education as they send your money back to the Dept. of Education and bill you for it (holding your official transcripts until they get it). I would like to get a class action lawsuit against them.

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28 of 37 people found the following review helpful

rethinking women in the ministry

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - July 26, 2014
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After 1989 Liberty Seminary began enrolling women into Seminary. Only an assumption on my part but it could be because of the segregation at VMI and the SC citadel federal court ruling that if an institution accepts federal money they can not discriminate. The fact is with Financial Aid numbers that Liberty will give you is totally wrong because they base their so called facts on outdated; over a year old, award availability for you. In short, literally, you will be short at least 1 years worth of money to finish your degree. But this plays into their strategic plan because 99% of their education is online based and they always need employees to work the phones, so they will give you a couple of free classes a year if you work for them so you can finish your degree. The Seminary does not and will not have any women in leadership positions; professors or ministry, and they base this on their doctrine and on the applicants KSA's which for a woman never meet their qualifications based on their doctrine. Depending on the professor you have will also depend on their adherence to Liberty policy for a medical incomplete or the need for extension to submit course work. An example of this is if you have a medical issue that puts you behind on your work for a week or two they are suppose to grant you a two weeks extension without late penalties and that includes the last final week of the course but you have to get your professor to agree to the two week extension. Most of the professors will not give you no more than one week after the final date because they must finish all of their work within one week so be careful. Some professors will grade your papers under a microscope and deduct big points for small structure nuances, such as centering a contents heading instead of left justifying it or not underlining it when that is an option under Turabian formatting. The key to making it is not the degree but how you get connected with the professors and maintain that connection when you find one that accepts woman in the ministry. People are still short of the glory of God so be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Use this time to grow in grace and courage because you said yes Lord and will be put to the test from within the body more than from outside. While finishing my BA in Business my law professor stated, "absolute power absolutely corrupts" and I'm still curious about the connection between Falwell and Jim Bakker in 1985 when Liberty began online training and the PTL began falling apart which Falwell sat on the board of directors for both.

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12 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Excellent School

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - July 4, 2014
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My 6th degree and second graduate degree at Liberty. After attending 5 different universities in my life as a student, Liberty is among the best! The financial aid department, despite the few on this site spewing venom, was never anything but professional and efficient, even when I had to drop courses because of emergencies they were able to work around it and make sure I was penalized as little as possible. I would recommend this school to anyone..and have. It bothers me to see so much hate in other reviews. Liberty University clearly states that they are a Non-Profit University with a Christian worldview, that means every class from Algebra to Biblical studies will be taught with Jesus at the center. If you don't want to hear about Jesus there are plenty of for profit universities that will happily take your money and never mention His name. Don't be shocked and irritated when you enroll in a university founded by Jerry Falwell and have to look up scriptures, in that case, check the man in the mirror.

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22 of 27 people found the following review helpful

Great Experience

MBA - June 29, 2014
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I've enjoyed studying at the Helms School of Government, I'm currently studying online and haven't experienced any negativity. I will be officially graduating in December of this year and will begin Doctoral studies in the spring. School is what you make it.

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17 of 22 people found the following review helpful

I am changing to another University

Ed.D. in Leadership - June 22, 2014
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I Love it because it teaches christian values but they have to many young people working for them. And If you have a disability you are not going to get no accommondations that's going to fit your disability. I loved it when I first attended but as time went on, they start getting messy. The material I studied did not always line up with the quizzes and the test were just tricky. I think adults should not be penalized for being late on their assignments or going over on the test. I know someone who lost there point because they could not finish there test on time and they took off so many point to she got a low grade on her test which gave her a very low grade. That was very unfair. They need to stop messing up people federal Aide. Liberty need to hire real professional to work for them.

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11 of 41 people found the following review helpful

Best Learning Experience

Criminal Justice - June 22, 2014
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I have been attending Liberty University Online since Summer 2013. I have had great success in all my classes taken. The instructors are a blessing. I have had no problem with financial aid or any other department. My only regret is not doing this sooner! The best part is that the Bible is involved in every course. This is the best way to learn!!!

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17 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Biblical Studies

Religion - June 21, 2014
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I am still an online student and this is a nightmare. I have never experienced such horrible things at this supposedly "Christian" school. They are worse than the three secular schools I attended. I am surprised, but the Bible says that a tree is know by the fruit it bears. This school is an good example of hypocrisy and is the best of example of talking the walk but not walking the walk. There is much that I can say about the good ole boys network in this school, and the lack of global knowledge and acceptance, but I will not at this point. Financial aid is a joke. They are money hungry people. I realize that this is a business as well as a Christian institution, however, we, as Christians are not to operate the way the world operates in our business. I am ashamed to be a part of this university that is suppose to be holy. I don't know if the person who started the school was the same as the ones who are in charge now, but if he was, I cannot say that he was even a Christian if he operated the way his peers do.

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32 of 52 people found the following review helpful

Ok, but not totally impressed

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - June 14, 2014
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Liberty is a very popular Christian school in the area... Christian being a good point. I've met a lot of great people there. When first attending in 2013, I was very impressed. I was getting a Christian education. However, after a year of being an online student, I am experiencing many issues. I have gone to the college for guidance which has been provided by young students and graduates. I think more guidance should be provided by older experienced employees. I'm not feeling that all of my needs are being met. I also went to the writing lab which I was told to do. I didn't feel like I was being compensated there either. Tests are totally tricky and some have multiple answers. I have had some teachers to actually correct some of my "wrong" answers. Tests come from a data base. I don't think the teachers actually make the tests or check them before they are given. Support is limited with online classes. I would rather have one to one personal help and I'm not feeling that at Liberty. The teachers just email or post assignments and it is up to you to complete them. Sometimes you are unable to reach a teacher per email to ask questions in due time. The computer system has actually gone down for periods of time when it was really slow. Biblical references are needed on a lot of assignments. I mean I think this is good, use Google to search or bible sites...but I would like to learn more about the actual disorders and issues also. Some of the teachers seem to want to help. Some are excellent and I would love to hear an actual classroom lecture from them. Others are not as nice and just communicate enough to get by. Some teachers grade harder than others. The Philosophy 201 class is required for my degree and it is a major pain. Many fail it or the grade they get reduces their overall GPA. The people that assigned my classes knew better than to put that at the first semester in my degree. If so, I would've moved colleges real quick. Many say you can finish at Liberty quicker, perhaps. For an online college, it is fair. I don't know how to grade it, since I have always attended "in classroom colleges"... but I'm not too impressed. I have attended 4 other colleges in the past. None were "online". I think I would get a much better education in a class setting and I am not satisfied with my education here. I am wishing I chose a different school with "in class" lectures and more personal support.

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18 of 26 people found the following review helpful

Verified for Selection-Liberty's FINANCIAL AID IS FRAUDULENT

Business Administration - June 14, 2014
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DO NOT ATTEND LIBERTY UNIVERSITY!! The school is really non-christian and as some others have stated on this site as well as others,it is a SCAM. You will be selected for verification. They will say do to helping prevent you from fraudulent activities concerning your account from others...yeah right!!! They will ask for ID or driver's license and then tell you the info. is not correct on your license as well as other of the many papers they request since you have been "selected for verification." TOTAL SCAM!!! I will not allow it and will take all necessary action to get what is rightfully mine.They are holding my aid until they receive the information they requested: ID, high school transcript,notarized letter, tax info,etc.etc.etc. I sent them all the personal information they have requested, to no avail as of yet. GOD really does not like ugly and Christians should be CHRIST LIKE. They will definitely not get away with this. I passed my first semester with a 3.5 average, should have been a 4.0. They will not place me on Dean's List-who cares; however now I am taking 2 more classes as of now and have not received the aid. Financial aid received it and has been holding is since June 2,2014. It is now June 14,2014. They have no plans on giving me the refund. I am taking legal action. PEOPLE TRY AND FIND A BETTER SCHOOL THAT IS ACCREDITED!! You may not have problems now, they love you in the beginning but you will run into "made up" problems by them later!! Read other reviews, some people have not even received their degrees yet and have finished all of their classes. WAKE UP!!! DO something about this!!! I also take quizzes and no information has been in any chapters of my books whether E-books or books in my possession. Please correspond if you have or are experiencing the same fraudulent behavior from Liberty University Online.I have read already that many of you have been going through Liberty University's scam. You may expect this from a school not professing Christ.But Liberty University is SUPPOSED TOBE A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. I have one degree from a non-christian school and NEVER went through this mess!! They do not care about people,just your mighty dollars from financial aid or etc. Do not accept this from Liberty using God's name in vain...FIGHT for what is right!!! I sure am!!!

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30 of 45 people found the following review helpful

Liberty Program a Fraud

Masters of Arts- Teaching - June 8, 2014
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This is a fraud review! I went through a 4 week enrollment process - spoke to at least 9 counselors along the way. I am a JD (ran my own law practice specializing in consumer fraud) for ten years, and I have a BA in English Literature. I received an acceptance letter, enrolled in classes, purchased $500 in textbooks, and paid $57 for a background check. Then, and only then, was I told that based on a "content competency" review of my unofficial transcripts, I needed to take 5 additional undergraduate classes. My previous graduate coursework and experience could not be used to satisfy these requirements. Several of the classes were ones you would expect to take as a part of an MAT program. The other two were entirely irrelevant. This "content competency review" is a creature of Liberty's invention with no basis in Virginia law or licensure requirements. They admitted that it was something that Liberty felt important to do so that every student came in on a level playing field. I received federal student aid. Had I bought into this fiction it would have cost an additional 15 credits and one year of my time. This is out and out fraud and a scam. I have every email sent to me by Liberty and not a single one talks about the "content competency review" and it only came up in passing after the fact. It does not appear as a link on any of Liberty's admission web pages. They admit that their goal is to advise students of this requirement PRIOR TO THEIR BEGINNING CLASSES - well, if you only found this out a week before you started classes - you may not have any options for finding another school in such short notice. I fortunately had started the process early and as soon as this came to light I withdrew and found an "honest" school with total transparency. You do not have to accept this - if you have an undergraduate degree in the field you want to teach in - there should be no other "content" classes required and no other reputable school will require such. This is a Christian store-front college laundering federal student aid money of unsuspecting students. There is no Christian substance to this school. It is all lip service and pandering.

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41 of 57 people found the following review helpful

This will be a long one, but worth reading: Know what you're getting into --- duh --- and decide for yourself.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - May 20, 2014
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Heads up. It's a Christian University. If you don't like it, don't enroll. I do disagree with the fact that they try to force Christian values and discussion on topics that those views just don't fit, i.e, Psychology (largely scientific in nature), but since you just have to cherry-pick scripture to fit the situation without regard to biblical context and applicability, use Google search and there are plenty of resources out there to point you in the right direction. Your bible can do the rest and yes, you will need one for EVERY class. The Christian viewpoint I can deal with, it is in my background after all and the required religious-natured courses give an overview of other world faiths, of course from a standpoint of placing Christianity above the rest, but if you take it with a grain of salt or are more liberal and tolerant in your views, just keep it to yourself. It's not worth the argument. So if you can stand the "God bless" and the "In Christ" and "I pray" in the discussion forums in the absence of relevant conversations about the actual content, then you're good to go. Be smart and take the minimum requirements for the Christian worldview portion of it and leave the rest to the theologians. The course offerings aren't bad and are comparable to other secular schools, however, the instructors are uninterested in furthering discussion board conversations that would help cement content, most of which consists of reading convoluted and dry texts at a rapid rate. Of course as an online student you have to be self-motivated and able to manage your time, so the quantity isn't something anyone should complain about. I will however, complain about the fact that there is no real learning environment due to the fact that it is not encouraged by the professors. The bare minimum is accepted and as long as you include the appropriate citations and requisite scriptural references when required, the content takes a backseat. There are some topics in Psychology that are controversial in terms of viewpoint, stigma and societal concerns, etc. but that very relevant stuff is never discussed in any depth. So how much you learn is truly and entirely up to you, but in a bad way, not just what would be expected from any online course. I've taken 27 credits and passed them all without cracking a book during the term, mostly because I'm smart and I write good papers and they're open book tests. That's not to say I haven't done the learning on my own because I need it, but there was no urgency to do so stimulated by discussion or assessment or any other form of pressure from the courses, students or professors. I wish, for that reason alone, I had never transferred here. As it is, I'm so close to my BA now (yes it's a BA, not a BS)that transferring again would lose me credits that wouldn't apply at other schools, so it's pointless. Financial aid is an absolute and unmitigated nightmare. The government knows my shoe size and when I use the bathroom but I have been "randomly" selected for verification of both income and enrollment twice in a row which delays the financial aid process to the very last minute regardless of how proactive you are. I started the process for Fall 2014 in January, they have all they need from me and I was just informed today that my financial aid will not be processed until after the summer term due to the enrollment verification process. It would not matter if I was taking classes currently or not, that's just how it works. So again, it will be down to the wire, classes will or will not be available that I need (I have to plan everything out so I don't bleed into next year), and I may or may not get financial aid I qualify for if it has already been allotted to students whose paperwork is not held up by internal bureaucratic BS. Be forewarned, you cannot wait for Liberty to tell you what is needed. Do the research on your own and stay on top of turning everything you can think of in electronically and then follow up regularly by phone. Otherwise you're likely to find out the day before class when you've been registered for months that you can't attend because they're missing something it will take you three weeks to secure; by then it will be too late. Be adults, don't just sign up and assume it will be smooth sailing. You need to educate yourself about getting your education and know what's going on so you don't get screwed. My concern now is that their supposedly accredited Psychology program will do me no good anywhere but in Virginia. I have just learned that their Masters program is not CACREP certified, meaning, it's not worth the paper it's printed on. I originally chose Liberty because I could go all the way to the PhD level in my chosen field. Come to find out I can if I want to ask the military if they can station my husband in Virginia where other, more reputable universities hold sway in the job market. So there is yet another transfer in my future for my graduate education. Otherwise I'll never see licensure or be able to actually practice as a counselor in my state. Do your homework! Make sure that what you're going to school for follows your state's guidelines if there is a further certification process i.e., for nursing, teaching, counseling, etc. I did extensive research ahead of time, even going so far as to contact the licensing board in my state; everything looked good on paper, but apparently the expected accreditations either didn't come through for the Psychology end of things or Liberty never applied. As such, I could follow through with graduate level courses but may find out when I go for provisional licensure that what I have isn't good enough and be required to take yet more classes at more expense to get to where I want to go. As it stands, I will finish my Bachelors with multiple cognates in Addiction and Recovery, Military Resiliency, and Crisis Counseling because a Bachelors is the minimum for entry level positions and it's the Masters/PhD that really counts down the road. I will transfer to a local CACREP accredited brick and mortar university to finish my graduate education here in town now that I know we're here for four more years (military)and I can count on not being halfway done and having to move ... again. That's just my personal experience with Liberty. There are pros and cons and I can't yet speak to the value of a Liberty University degree in the marketplace. My son's counselor (Aspergers) does have a Liberty University degree hanging on the wall so I suppose it's not completely useless (She's an LPC) but it's a BA she followed up with an MA from Loyola or somewhere like that ... clearly she felt that the Bachelors at Liberty was okay, but decided to go to graduate school somewhere else. At the time it didn't set off any bells, but now I know why there weren't dual degrees on her wall. Forewarned is forearmed. Make your own decision, but make it with your eyes open, have a backup plan and follow through constantly. Stay on top of it and you should be okay. I would sign this but I'm still enrolled and Liberty "Universitians" (I swear some are aliens from outer space -- oh wait, God only created life on Earth) are known to be wrathful when challenged, so I'll skip the retaliation that a lack of anonymity might bring for now. I think the fact that I articulate well speaks to the commensurate level of my education, most of which I have not received here but instead at what some people call the Mickey Mouse institution of Excelsior College where I earned an AS in Liberal Arts (Human Services) with high honors, no less. It was much more engaging, much more challenging, and I actually learned things relevant to my degree field there. Unfortunately, their Psych program is also not CACREP accredited at the graduate level and Liberty had cognate specialties seminal to my future career otherwise I would have stayed there. Good luck to you all in making your decision. Just to summarize what comprised the score I submitted: I gave Liberty a terrible rating on the back of the dry, boring relevant texts, the extraneous Christian text requirements (pointless to assignments other than quizzes), the lack of instructor involvement, feedback, or encouragement, and the lack of academic support for out of state students pursuing their education online. Until three weeks ago I didn't even have a specific advisor to go to, now I only have one because I'm in the Psych program. The Blackboard (technology) part of it is also glitchy and antiquated even if you have state-of-the-art equipment like I do. I gave it good scores on "Value" because it is very competitive for me since I'm affiliated with the military; and on "institution" because my it is a beautiful and growing campus with a great community spirit of generally like-minded, if somewhat naive people deadlocked on one world view. There are worse things than believing in morality and Christianity, so I won't knock it there. There are also intensive programs on campus that everyone is eligible to participate in (if you can afford to go) that will take the place of some courses and even internship requirements. Everything else is subjective and likely depends on the individual student's experience and the particular degree they're pursuing.

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30 of 42 people found the following review helpful


Bachelor of Science in Psychology - May 20, 2014
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Where do I start. I began attending Liberty University as a transfer student from another online institution in New York after receiving my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts (Human Services) because my ultimate goal is to be come a Licensed Professional Counselor and/or an Addictions Counselor. I also have military affiliation (spouse) so adding the Military Resiliency and Crisis Counseling cognates would allow me to best serve the population in my community wherever I go, i.e., soldiers with PTSD and/or substance abuse and families dealing with all or some of the same issues. So far I am highly unimpressed with the quality of the instruction. Compared to the other school I attended this is Mickey Mouse stuff. The discussion requirements are boring, not to mention there aren't enough of them to adequately discuss the extraordinary amount of content you're expected to "learn" in such a short time frame. I am often left reading chapter after chapter after chapter of text after text after text with very little discussion or reinforcement of what we're supposedly learning. If I wanted to read books, I'd spend half as much on twice as many and sit in Barnes and Noble with a Starbucks double pump vanilla latte reading for hours and hours for pleasure. I went into this with my eyes open to the fact that it was a Christian institution; something about my upbringing that was neglected and I was willing to explore. I live in the deep south and figured that a vast majority of my future clients would likely have a deep spiritual background that I could best address if I learned something about it. All I've come away with is confusion and disappointment. It's fine to emphasize a Christian world view and all that, but not everything fits neatly into a spiritual box. Psychology is largely a scientific field, but don't tell a professor that. You are expected to force Christian worldviews on topics that are better served by being understood as purely secular in nature as they are. There should be more discussion posts and less Bible thumping for the sake of Bible thumping. Much of it is to no purpose at all. Don't disagree with someone in a discussion forum if they're espousing some nonsensical godly nonsense that has no bearing on the content whatsoever. It's un-Christian of you to disagree with someone and point out the faults in their clouds and rainbows reasoning apparently. If you want to stick your head in the sand, ignore the nastiness of life (especially in regard to drug and alcohol addiction and non-spiritually based treatment options), and generally learn to use Google to find appropriate Bible scripture that is cherry-picked with no regard for context then this is the school for you. I won't even elaborate on financial aid as others have done a really good job of summing up what a nightmare that is. Everything they've said here is true in my experience. I was selected for verification TWICE, both times at "random" HA! Apparently they were unable to find a reason to shut me down because I'm still enrolled, but it was not for lack of trying. They say I don't qualify for additional federal grants that I qualified for at the other institution with no measurable increase in household income in the intervening time and every time I have to register there is some hold for some reason or another. Currently I can't register for fall like everyone else because they are "waiting on course attendance" that can't be processed until I complete the current term. They've been saying that since December. I guess as long as you remain enrolled and are actively pursuing a degree, you can forget having your financial aid processed or being allowed to register so you can continue. Now I've found out that their so-called accreditation for the MA I was going to pursue is bogus and won't do me any good on the licensing exam for my state. Something that is directly contrary to what I was told and what I researched on their website from the beginning. I'm worried now that if I decide to get out while the getting is good that I've wasted nine credits on Bible classes that won't transfer and I may not get credit for the Psychology courses I've taken if the receiving institution considers Liberty to be the joke that everyone else seems to think it is. I can honestly say that I have actually learned NOTHING from the course content. The textbooks are expensive and extraneous. Many of them are Christian novellas that have no bearing on the subject matter except they're authored by contributors to the university who exhibit a vast and impressive array of past or present dysfunctional behaviors. Godly my a**. In addition to the ridiculous amount of books you have to purchase at ridiculous prices, there is often upwards of four to five hours of online presentation viewing required for each course, many of which are lectures on certain choice subjects by the same people/group of people who write the textbooks. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. I don't object to the Christian worldview angle, as I said it's useful both to me personally and for helping the demographic where I live. I do object to their convoluted and potentially fraudulent financial aid process (your refunds go on a school credit card by the way, unless you go through weeks of hoopla to have the card services people transfer it to your bank account with a significant delay attached of course); trying to force Christianity and biblical principles to fit subjects that are better addressed in a scientific or secular way (have one discussion addressing the actual material and one as a reaction to the material from a Christian viewpoint and that would be fine--but that's not how it works); and the overwhelming lack of input of any kind from professors. Add to that the fact that I was a 4.0 student and due to the computerized and erroneous grading of quizzes and the myriad IT issues delaying submission of assignments, sometimes for days, or the fact that something can just disappear after you've submitted it, I just received my first B, dropping my cumulative GPA for my entire college career from a 4.0 to a 3.83; not because I did something to deserve it, but because an assignment that counted for 90 out of 1000 points of my grade just "disappeared" from Blackboard. Mind you, I've been emailing the professor for two weeks asking where my grade was and what my resulting final grade would be for the term and never once got a response that it hadn't submitted properly or that it wasn't there to grade. Classy. I can't appeal it because technically it was already late due to some pre-approved but unforeseen personal issues that required it to be submitted past the due date. An appeal wouldn't even help at this point and may actually lower my grade even further due to the fact that there were several high-value assignments affected by the same problem, namely a house fire and subsequent move. I don't know what else to say. I guess I'm shopping for the fifth college I'm going to end up attending so that I can ensure that I can actually do what I want to do where I want to do it and LEARN something in the process. I'm extremely disappointed and sad that it's come to this. Stay away, run away, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! I'd put my name on this, but they would likely retaliate. Something I can ill afford at this juncture. I'll post in a few months and let you know how it all shakes out. If I'm no longer enrolled I'll be sure to sign any future reviews.

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22 of 31 people found the following review helpful

Awesome School

Business/Finance - May 20, 2014
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Awesome school. I have two degrees form Liberty and the most recent is a bechelors in Business Administration-Public Administration. It is a Christian university, and therefore expect a good solid Biblical education. I see many people have had a problem with that, but they should have expected it when attending a Christian based private school. I have never encountered any problems with this school, or its faculty. The professors and faculty have always been fair, and supportive. They have also been tolerant of differences of opinion. Therefore, I do not understand anyone leaving a review that says other wise. It must be a problem with the student and not with the university/faculty. Their support for the online program is wonderful as well. All you have to do is give them a call, and an advisor will walk you step by step through any process you need. They even gave my family directions and a list of great hotels to stay at when they wanted to come to campus for graduation. I also never encountered any delays or issues with graduation. I know many people who have had a smooth experience with this school, and noone with a negative experience. Do yourself a favor and attend Liberty, it is much better than a state school. I know because I attended one of those as well.

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12 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Academic and Challenging

Education - April 15, 2014
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I have attended colleges as a residential student and now I am experiencing online college. I can say 110% that I am learning just as much OR MORE through my online education than I did as a traditional residential student. The professors are helpful and caring and the work is challenging and deep. I recommend LUO with 5 stars! My only complaint is that they do not have state certification available with the bachelor of early childhood education and elementary education degrees.

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10 of 13 people found the following review helpful


Religion - April 12, 2014
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26 of 50 people found the following review helpful

Good school but accreditation does matter!

Masters in Counseling - February 28, 2014
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Liberty has an excellent program that taught me the skills I needed to know especially the on campus intensives. The problem is that it is not CACREPT approved; the professors played this down but ultimately Liberty is doing a disservice to its students—especially for the cost of completing the program. There are CACREPT approved hybrid programs and it really does matter to licensing boards and potential employers. My other thought is that they let the program grow too fast and large which has cause many problems in my view.

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11 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Online Learning and the Institution Overview

Masters in Counseling - January 26, 2014
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I've been attending Liberty University Online since March 2013. I've completed a graduate certificate in Public Policy, and now pursing a M.A in Human Service Counseling with a cognate in Business. I think the school is very helpful with all aspect of learning and the social networking I've encounter has been awesome. I've yet to experience anything negative from the school and staff. The online work is very extensive and falling behind can be an extreme set-back. I would recommend the school to anyone, but beware the course work is heavy online and not a walk in the park, lots of reading and writing papers. Many people complain about the the institution, however there are negative comments about all schools some people are complain it their nature, if don't like leave the school. The school attracts many of the big names in government that are in line with their views, and each school is lined up with their preference it's the nature of the beast. Overall, the tuition is pretty cheap and the education is pretty good. The school is working hard to improve it's image and attract the best scholars and students, plus it's a B&M school with a big campus that is adding a Medical School and added a large Library. School is what you make of it and take from it, whether you are in Harvard or Community College. This is my experience first hand.

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Not Perfect, But Ssatisfied

MSN - Nursing Education - December 14, 2013
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I started one program and was only three courses away from completing my masters, then took a break due a family illness. On return, I was that the program I was in was being dissolved, I could not be re-entered into that program because I was away too long and I needed to change my degree discipline, which meant taking an extra three courses and two more semesters to complete. However, I still could have met the dead line to complete the original program before its end date of dissolving. Nonetheless, they wouldn’t let me. The saving grace is that I was interested in the plan of study they recommended I change to, but as mentioned, it cost me three more courses and another year schooling. Another thing I am very disappointed about is that they are adding quizzes to a masters-prepared program (high school stuff) and if you don't get all answers correct on quiz, you cannot get the right answer from the professor due to the school's policy. I may understand the reason behind it, but learning experience does entail learning from your mistakes. I never heard of not being able to get the right answer after you have already been graded. On the positive side, I do get the cheap military tuition (thank God) and most of my professors have been great. One let her PhD go to her head, but the rest were wonderful. And despite the online learning format as being extremely time and life-consuming, I am learning the key elements of my discipline. Word of advice, do your homework and research with online learning programs, they all have their issues and problems, you just need to choose your battle which problems you are willing settle with and move on with your degree. And don’t quit, whatever you do.

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14 of 16 people found the following review helpful

What good is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul?

Masters in Counseling - September 29, 2013
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I am in my last semester in the MA in professional counseling. Amazing experience. I've learned so much about psychology from a biblical perspective and my faith in Christ has been elevated and my relationships strengthened. For those of you who were overwhelmed by the amount of Christian integration, I can't help but wonder why you would choose a Chrisitian university? It is strange to me that students would expect anything less. Otherwise it just becomes a university with a Christian stamp on the letterhead. If you say you are a Christian then wouldn't you want to understand how behavioral science relates to the bible and grow in your understanding of how to help hurting people. You don't have to call yourself or label yourself as a christian counselor but every true Christian should see their vocation as a vehicle that affords them opportunity to share the love of Christ by walking in the light if His word and seeing His omniscience in their field of work. This doesn't mean than you will evangelize to every client or use biblical practices in every session but that because you have a solid relationship with Christ and his word abides in you, your counseling practices are informed by your faith, ethically bounded to Godly standards, and infused with the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. (This can be done without ever mentioning Christ or your faith but just by living a life that is so full of Him that others can't escape it's powerful impact. This is what Liberty helps you to do in addition to learning all the core content necessary to be competent in the field. Praise God for how he is using this college to equip His people to truly be the salt and light on the earth. Christian professional licensed therapists can do things that even pastors are ill-equipped to do. They have the skills to diagnose and treat pathology and they have the wisdom of the holy scriptures and the integrative knowledge base to minister to lost souls. A secular counselor may be able to help someone to recover or aid in remission so that people cam live healthiet lives... but the christian counselor has the added benefit in that they can also prepare them to live life abundantly here in earth and play a role in helping people prepare for eternity. (For what good is it if a man gains the whole world... Only to lose his soul in the end... For all eternity?

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31 of 41 people found the following review helpful

Financial Fraud

Education - September 16, 2013
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Recently, Liberty University selected me for verification. After submitting all of the requested information such as: license, high school transripts, etc, I was under the impression that I would be able ot continue earning a degree. I was wrong. I have a huge balance, and I am not sure about what is next. If anyone has experienced the same same "Verification Process" please comment.

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23 of 37 people found the following review helpful

Update after 2 years and finishing my bachelors in 5 weeks!

Management Information Systems - September 3, 2013
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The sources of negativism toward Liberty seem to all have two things in common - an aversion to being taught at a college-level with a Christian worldview perspective, and a varying degree of ignorance when speaking on the topics of the mental and technical requirements of achieving an online degree involving the personal responsibilty in matters such as financial aid and self-monitoring. In this day and age, anonymity and ignorance are powerful weapons in the process of posting information for all to read. The negative comments that are posted here about Liberty are all exclusively confined to issues that resulted from the individual in question and their decision to post situations that were their own fault. I can only speak for myself on these topics. I will be graduating in five weeks after pursuing a management information bachelors degree - of which I will have achieved in two years by going extra full-time. It has not been easy! I have pulled countless all-nighters. I have taught myself more than I would have to if I had chosen to be an attendee of the brick-and-mortar campus. I have had no problems with financial aid - because I am thorough with keeping up on what is expected of me personally in the process - and Liberty has done what they were supposed to do as a result of my actions. If you want a solid, economical, and satisfyingly spiritual online education - and you are strong enough mentally as well as diligent in your personal schedule-making - Liberty is AWESOME!

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33 of 37 people found the following review helpful

Decide for Yourself!!!!

Masters in Counseling - August 21, 2013
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There is nothing wrong with becoming a member of this University. In all experiences, college is what you make it (even with on-line classes). Some of the people who didn't have a great experience are being a little too dramatic when it comes to their experiences. I am a mother and full time social worker. You learn time management when taking courses on-line. First, I am not very religious so when I took my courses I was a little scared at first. You could easily find scriptures in the bible and incorporate it with your work. It does not take hours and hours to find a scripture. Also, the advisors are great with follow-up on scheduling. Also if you are having trouble in your class and feel you need to withdraw because you are having trouble making time, they advise you speak with your professors first before making those decisions because the Professors actually help you and motivate you in staying and trying. The Professors are really good about helping you to get your work done if you just explain what's going on. They work with you!!! If in the end you still are unable to keep up, then hey...drop the class. The professors I have had are awesome so far and I have a 3.9 GPA to prove it. They work with you and honestly the scriptures help. I can say I never really knew as much about the bible before I started school here. When you use the scriptures in your work, you get a since of relief. I have learned so much about me as a person and my future work as a counselor just by incorporating these scriptures in my own thinking. I understand my scriptures better than I have ever done in church. So again, make the best of your experience. If your only concern is that you have to have a scripture with EVERY course is your only argument, then you don't really have much of an argument! Have a great day and good luck with your decision! Marketia Forbes

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27 of 29 people found the following review helpful


Multidisciplinary Studies - August 7, 2013
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I wanted to enter a degree program that would be challenging and fun. I wanted something that would lead me to a career that would be great financially for support. I found Liberty University in the Yellow Pages and gave them a call in April of 2012. The representative I spoke with was not pushy and trying to sell me on the school. He just answered all the questions I had and gave me additional information. The application he completed for me did not require a ton of information. All I needed to do on my end with the application process was send in my transcripts which they offered to do. After doing so I was accepted. Thats it! That simple. I thought it was too good to be true when the academic advisor told me the cost of tuition. I couldn't believe it. But yes it was true! Tuition was at a great and affordable cost. It's going on my second year at Liberty University and I can't wait for classes to start. I felt that since the classes were online that I could breeze by and that was not the case. I absolutely love this school. My mother and brother have since been convinced and have been accepted and love Liberty University as well. Yep! Its that GREAT!

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15 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Awesome experience

Masters in Counseling - July 1, 2013
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I was not raised Baptist, but I don't see alot of "religious" orientation at Liberty. The school definitely adheres to Scripture, as one can see by going to God's Word and seeing a synchronicity between what is taught and what is revealed. I can't comment on the seminary program, and was sorry to read the review that implies Liberty is aversive and abrasive towards women going into the seminary. From a value perspective, as a military spouse, Liberty is much more affordable than other on-line schools. Some people may be upset that Christianity is a part of every curriculum, but as a Christian,God is involved in every area of my life. I delight in attending a school that delivers education from a Christian worldview. As an adult long distance learner I can attest that by virtue of my own individual walk with Christ and spiritual discernment, I have gotten exactly what I need from my program. I would recommend LU to anyone seeking an online degree. I have received both my BA amd am midway through my master's program from Liberty.

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18 of 21 people found the following review helpful

No Issues w/programs, financial or faculty

Multidiciplinary Studies - June 6, 2013
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I have read some of the posts in this forum. Some of the issues I have read are total misrepresentations. I have had no problem with advising, financial aid, life credit evaluations, and the professors will work with Military folks very well. As far as adding Christian values into all classes...It is a Christian private college, and should have been expected. (not sure why anyone would make comments about that portion of the online school) As with any college choice, do your research and make sure it is right for you. I have had a wonderful experience. Online classes are not easy, and you must be willing to put in the time and effort. I had 2 professors out of numerous classes since 2011 that were not quick to respond to emails or questions, but they did respond with good advice/answers. Awesome online program if you are willing to put in the work. I would no respect a program or college that's online courses are a joke or too easy. Liberty is not a degree mill school !!!

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18 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Not recommended

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - May 31, 2013
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I took three classes from Liberty online and I can not recommend taking anything from them. First off I received no advice on what classes to take or how to structure my program. I simply received a list of required classes for my degree and was left on my own. You are not assigned an advisor so you are left to figure it out. Secondly, there was no consistency in the content. One class was like being in Sunday School while the next the prof was extremely demanding. With one class the syllabus required one set of books but the prof's assignments required another. I sent a message to the prof pointing on the difference between the syllabus and the assignments and was simply told that I need his books. (Which he as the author of.) Third, if you are not an American they have little idea of how to deal with your thinking. Finally, there was actually instruction. There was no teaching, no lectures, and few additional notes. All I did was read books and write responses. If all I wanted to do was read a book I can do that on my own. At this level I am paying for the insight and instruction of trained professors. I never sensed I was in a class nor was I ever being taught. - Skip Liberty, buy a book, join an online forum and you will be getting the same education.

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38 of 55 people found the following review helpful

Think Hard Before You Enroll in the Online Business Program

Business/Finance - May 28, 2013
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I am in my second term at Liberty, but I am about to withdraw after 2 weeks in the term. I feel like I am teaching myself accounting. I work full time and the amount of homework that is expected from each student is ridiculous! Accounting is already a very challenging course and to be asked to turn in tons of homework each week is just too much for a working adult. Also it was imporssible to do well on the exam because I did not have enough time to get the material absorbed into my brain! In undergraduate school(not Liberty), you were expected to study and complete homework on your own. You did not have to turn it in. Also it would help if we had live online instruction for at least one or two days out of the week. I am relieved to be out of this program. It was definitely not for me.

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23 of 34 people found the following review helpful

Great program and military friendly.

MBA - May 6, 2013
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Liberty University is not one of the top MBA's in the country - but that does not mean it isn't valuable. The education is solid and you will only succeed in the online program by completing the work and illustrating complete understanding of the material. I came from an extremely difficult undergraduate program that is top 10 in the nation overall as an institution. So, I am familiar with a challenging curriculum. I chose Liberty because of the pace of the curriculum, the fact that it can be completed completely online, and because it is very military friendly. My last point is in regards to some of the posts that state it is overwhelmingly Christian. There is no denying that it is a Christian school. And, I can only speak from the online perspective. However, I did not find the Christian integration to be at all overwhelming. The Biblical values and Christian integration was minimal and only inserted in areas where it made sense to discuss.

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19 of 26 people found the following review helpful

Great Choice for Self-Starters

Masters in Counseling - May 2, 2013
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All of the bad reviews are tarnishing good online degree programs that Liberty offers. The courses are condensed, eight week classes so the workload is going to be intense, especially for graduate level learning. I have completed 12 hours and am about to finish up a 3 hour course next week. There are several books for each class that I have enrolled in...I practically had to read a book per week in the class I am finishing up now. But I love the eight week option- you don't get burnt out on the class because it's over before you know it. I have discussion posts every week, 3 to 4 exams, and one research paper or project due on the last week of class. The classes are not that hard...I graduated with a BS in Psychology from a state university with a 3.7 and worked my butt off for that. I have straight A's at Liberty and I do procrastinate until the last minute to complete assignments. Now for the negatives: The discussion forums do get a little tedious- it's filler grades that the online program is forced to use since you are not in a classroom. Some of my classmates are morons and I do wonder how they were accepted into a graduate level program with the writing skills that I have seen. Likewise, some of my teachers have been a little out there. It's frustrating when it takes three weeks to get grades back...that is almost half the course. Two of my teachers have been hard to communicate with and overly absent from the course but the other three have been prompt with grading, announcements, and communicating personally. I do not receive federal aide so I cannot comment on the tuition portion. Completing my financial check in and enrolling in courses each semester is easy though. Liberty is a Christian university so you need to remember that...your teachers and your classmates will offer prayer and spiritual encouragement. If that weirds you out, Liberty, in general, is not for you. I do find it encouraging that I have a place to post prayer requests, praise reports...etc. Overall, a good online program for graduate studies. I'm sure there are better programs out there just as there are probably several that are worse. I do know people who have undergraduate and graduate degrees from Liberty and have gotten full-time jobs with those degrees so the reviews saying they will not transfer credits or accept diplomas from Liberty are bologna.

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21 of 25 people found the following review helpful

They treat you like an adult!

MBA - May 2, 2013
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Yes, they expect you to apply yourself and be responsible for yourself. It's Christian, get over it. They are very open about that, it's no secret. If that bothered you, then you did a poor job of researching where to get your degree from. Might be an early sign that you may not be able to complete your degree with such poor research abilities. Many negative posts I have read make me wonder if people expect a degree to just be handed over? You have to work for your grades and the instructions for the entire course is given before the course starts. For those who are upset that there wasn't enough time to complete assignments, you started too late. You also signed up for a compressed 8 week class, did you think it was going to be easier since it was shorter? For the complaints about quizzes, yes they have quizzes just like every other class I have taken for the past 30 years. The instructors do not give out the answers but will be happy to tell you what page in the book the answer is on. Too much cheating going on online. It's an ONLINE class, seems like some people are expecting the instructors to be online 24/7. The online part is your benefit, sitting at home taking the class. Instructors give great feedback when you ask questions in a timely manner. However, if you procrastinate and are asking a question on Saturday about an assignment due on Sunday, remember it is the week end and the instructors have lives too, you should have asked on Wednesday! I found the work, very time consuming, challenging, very in depth, and right on par with what they said it was going to be. It's college and a Masters Degree, so I wasn't expecting easy and simple. Liberty did frustrate me many times. That's life, oh well. Nothing major at all, because I was responsible for my work, papers, grades, etc.. Follow the directions to the T, and you will do fine. Liberty does not sugar coat the classes. Grow up people, except the challenge and excel. Late assignments are not excepted, Liberty makes that very, very, very clear. Accept it, it is their rule. You had weeks of notice. Quit complaining and just go somewhere else. Too many people want to blame their problems on a school, their boss, or anyone but themselves. Bottom line, great school, you will learn, but YOU are expected to be responsible for yourself. Imagine that, they treat you like an adult!

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33 of 38 people found the following review helpful

Do You Have What It Takes?

MBA - April 28, 2013
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LIberty University's MBA program is one in which you will truly be challenged. I graduated from high school with a 4.2 GPA and my undergraduate program with a 4.0 GPA. My current specialization is Marketing and Project Management. This program is very fast-paced and is very successful at weeding out those who do not have what it takes. If you want to get a degree off of the internet with little effort, then the Liberty MBA program is not the place. You will be challenged and pushed every step of the way, but you will see yourself growing and learning concepts that you can apply in everyday life and business.

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15 of 24 people found the following review helpful


Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - April 23, 2013
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Please search online and read the reviews about Liberty University. This school is so unprofessional and the staff consists of students who read from a script. I attended the Wilmington Bible School, probably Liberty's third name change for the bible school. Liberty University handles everything. My complaint! Liberty is scamming students. They will block your aid and say you were selected for review. They accuse you of fraud and say you were selected for a review. They will request copy of I.D., High school transcript and fraud prevention form. Then liberty will give you the run around for about a month, refuse to give you ad. They will deliberately withhold the aid you qualify for. Liberty will lie and say the forms are illegible to prolong time so you have reached the 30 day deadline. T hen Liberty will label all your submitted documents as NOT APPRIOVED. Oh, did I forget. First, you will get an email saying everything satisfied, then the same or next day, liberty change your portal info to NOT APPROVED. How can a high school transcript that was ok to get me accepted, all of sudden it is not approved. The schoolboard sent my transcript not me. Then when you call in to Liberty. the student staff will not answer any questions, they will rudely read a script to you repeatedly. Meanwhile, you owe liberty for course out of your pocket upfront. You cant withdraw cause Liberty prolonged everything to make sure deadline has passed. A SCAM and a class action lawsuit should be brought against this school.

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36 of 59 people found the following review helpful

Very Dissappointed

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - April 18, 2013
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First back in Oct 2011 a rude guy told be i had to wait until January 2012 because the first half of the semester was almost over or pay out of my pocket. I was ready to attend college and started the process with another college. After being accepted by the other college liberty calls and slam dunks me fall 2011 even chose my 2 classes. Things went pretty smooth until summer 2012 the school tuition refunds got wiped out of the computer, then I had a very nasty life coaching professor who made me jump through hoops because I was under doctors care had to get student sdvocacy involved. Then they started holding refunds 28 days, then spring 2013 I had to email every assignment to my professors because blackboard was loosing my assignments then one professor ask "do you know how to use the blackboard?" then i recieved a reward from the school they are now saying was a mistake and I owe it back. Financial aid and student services are rude and nasty!!This is the college I always wanted to attend, but I have taken my last class from liberty. God bless those who was treated with respect and integrity, I wasn't and refuse to continue with this humiliation.

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28 of 50 people found the following review helpful

Extremely Disappointed

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - April 8, 2013
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I am four courses away from completing a 93-credit hour Master of Divinity program through Liberty University's online platform, and I am extremely disappointed in this academic institution. Liberty holds student loan credits that belong to the student after all fees are paid for 28 days, so those of us on limited income have difficulty making ends meet for the first 4 weeks of an 8-week term. I have had arrogant and prideful professors who did not engage students in the learning process; emails have gone unanswered, and it takes up to three weeks to obtain grades for assignments. I've had to grade my own tests after I've taken them because Liberty's system frequently marks correct answers wrong, and then email professors to ask for a grade correction to be made. I didn't find out until nearly two years had passed that a student cannot use the "tab" button on tests to move from question to question, because that action changes the answer you've chosen. Tests are developed improperly, because students are required to purchase multiple books for each course, but test questions will often be developed around specific authors, even though students are not advised an answer must be based on that writer's text. We are required to purchase books that have nothing to do with the subject matter of our courses. When things go wrong and we have to call the school to speak with someone we are placed on hold for as much as an hour or longer, depending on which department we have to speak with. We are not allowed to speak with anyone in a supervisory position when we call - we are always connected to youthful individuals who frequently are unable to answer questions without following up with us at a later time. I frequently run into technical problems with the Internet learning platform or servers, but the IT support staff is not properly trained to address technical issues; they will ask to network/link to your computer and make changes to your computer that cause other programs on your computer to malfunction. I have been an online student for 8 years as I completed my undergrad degree and first Master's degree online through other schools. Liberty University has a number of issues that need to be corrected before I would consider referring others to this education institution.

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26 of 39 people found the following review helpful

Be wary

Criminal Justice - April 8, 2013
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I have completed a couple degrees at Liberty and the only reason I go back is because it's incredibly cheap. They give veterans a 50% tuition discount and waive the $175 "technology fee". But I will say that Liberty tries really hard to be all things to all people. What I mean is that on one side they want to be known as a Baptist institution. The Seminary changed their name several years ago from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, to Liberty Theological Seminary, and two years later changed it back again. They realized that having "baptist" in the name limited their audience. But then realized that most people already know they are baptist, so that just made Baptists upset. At the same time, I've had professors who were Roman Catholic (in other areas). They do NOT publicize this, but they do hire them as instructors. This leads to an inconsistent theology, and the professors will tell you where they disagree (if they are even in the course) with the pre-canned notes. It can be hit and miss with instructors. Some are great, others are a major waste of time and money. Remember, they operate of off volume. Tuition low, numbers high. This means you can get some real morons in the courses with you because they will accept nearly ANYONE into the online program. Even people who are not prepared. They take the money and devalue MY degree by watering it down with idiots. I wish I'd realized this before hand, but at least you have the option. They also aren't forthcoming with regard to safety statistics if you are on campus. Go here and check out the category for murder (Yes there was a murder on campus) but then go the the next year's here and OOPS conveniently left off. Sure I'd like to hide a murder on campus too... but it makes me wary and wonder what else they aren't being truthful about!

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27 of 39 people found the following review helpful

First and Last Experience

MBA - April 7, 2013
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I am grateful I don't have to pay for tuition due to my employer paying for my education. I heard decent reviews from a coworker regarding the MBA program so I decided to proceed. As a student who has graduated with high honors from undergraduate and graduate school (so yes I already have a Masters), I already have high expectations and don't play regarding my education. However, you must be warned that LUO has quizzes as part of its curriculum. I thought that was strange because my last Master's program at another university was soley research based with tons of papers. Well, be aware if you don't get all answers correct on quiz, you cannot get the right answer from the professor due to the school's policy. Sounds like IT does not want to update the tests that are automatically graded..nothing is a failsafe. I may understand the reason behind it, but learning experience does entail learning from your mistakes. I never heard of not being able to get the right answer after you have already been graded. Anyway, it is good to find things out before you are in too deep. Plus it should be told to students during the webinars and admissions, but then again wouldn't that be a wierd thing to say...."you will not be able to obtain the right answer from your professor if you get an answer wrong on your quiz. Good luck with your program!"

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25 of 44 people found the following review helpful

Great expereince-But ask questions and you will be fine..

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - April 2, 2013
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I have read several of the complaints regarding LU. I will say, initially I had some difficulty with financial aid, however, if you ask the right questions and have a conversation with the F/A depeartment, they are happy to help you throught the process. Furthermore, if you are doing your homework on the school you plan to attend then you should know if it is a secular school or a Christian school. LU is clearly a Christian school and if you are not a Christian you may have issues with the majority of the classes, because everything is taught from a Christian World View perspective, which I enjoy greatly. I would not recommend arguing with your Prof's about the legitiamcy of the Christian faith. As far as the class structure for the On-Line format goes, I've read serveral complaints here that I do not agree with. I am almost a Senior at LUO and as long as you have some discipline and time management abilities you can get the work done. I work full time (45 hours per week), and volunteer with collateral assignments through my employer as well as through my church... and I have never been late on an assignement. I beleive ANY On-Line formatted school is going to require the student to manage thier time wisely, LU is no different. I am also a Veteran and work in the Emergency Services field, LU gladly offered several scholarships to me, which have helped me a great deal. I have had nothing but a great experience with LU... My recommendation is- whenever you spend the kind of money you are going to spend on anything- your education especially- shop around, do your homework.... You would'nt buy a car or a home without researching it first would you???

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20 of 26 people found the following review helpful


Bachelor of Science in Psychology - March 28, 2013
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I went there for two months ...everything was fine...then I am told that I have to fill out a form....I do that and then an error pops up...takes them 6 days to fix it then I get flagged for identity theft.....thats where I started researching and found some reviews here and just messaged them and told them they are not getting a dime of my aid to send it back to lender (and i will make sure it goes back). Save yourself the pain of going there and being denied aid eventually because they do not want you to have a refund check (at least that is how I am thinking of it ) find another scool like peru or fort hays!!

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23 of 37 people found the following review helpful

BS Psychology Degree

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - March 27, 2013
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I completed my BS in psychology in 2012 and I can recommend LU without reservation to prospective students. As a lifelong learner, I have taken online classes through six different schools (community college, private institution and state universities) and I can say without hesitation that Liberty has their act together. I wish that other schools could learn from LU's online program. It was efficient and effective in that work required was necessary and relevant. The program was energetic as all my classes were filled with other students who invested in the classrooms. Discussion Boards were energetic and timely. I did not have to wait until the day of the assignment to respond to other DB posts (which is what I'm dealing with in my current MAT online classes at Brandman). The work was not excessive in busy work but relevant to the subject. You could work a full time job and still complete this program without losing your mind. I never had to complete a wiki or a blog - just discussion board, research papers and a couple of observations. I never had issues with financial aid and in fact, I graduated with much LESS debt than my friend who completed a BS in psychology from Phoenix. Overall, Liberty University's online program is one of the better online programs I have attended.

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14 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Outstanding Seminary Program

Religion - March 15, 2013
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Liberty University (LU) and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (LBTS) provide outstanding educational opportunities from an evangelical Christian perspective, using a Bible-centric approach that prepares one to serve Jesus Christ and his Church in all areas of life, be that in professional or lay ministry, or in secular positions. I'm honestly shocked by the negative comments posted by others, because my experience over the past three years has been extremely good. With all due respect to others' comments, LU and LBTS are *not* diploma mills. I've worked hard during my graduate program at LBTS, and feel well-prepared to both continue my career, and step it up a notch, based on the solid education I've received from the school, all while working as a mid-level professional with a huge number of family and professional work-related responsibilities. I've consistently received top-notch, professional support from employees in various offices, who have consistently gone above-and-beyond in making sure that I was always aware of issues that affected me, including items such as registration, financial aid, Veterans Administration issues, payments and refunds, and so forth. Anytime I've had a question or submitted a trouble ticket through the Help Desk (for a technical issue), I've received prompt and respectful responses, usually within 24 hours, and often, within minutes to hours. Policies associated with registration and tuition are clearly outlined, and misunderstandings are usually on the part of the student. Those, like me, who take 8-week classes have to understand that professors are required to cover the same amount of information as is taught in the 16-week classes. As such, the courses have a much faster pace, and what seems like a huge amount of reading and study, but that's to be expected in an accelerated class; this option is not for the feint of heart or for students who are not fully-dedicated to their educational pursuits--it's always the student's responsibility to keep up. During times when significant life events have interfered with my courses, I've found my professors more than willing to work with me, an even extend an occasional deadline to help me work around issues that would have otherwise caused me to completely drop a course and retake it later, and my results have always been favorable. No school will be perfect, and there's always room for continual improvement in any program, but it's unrealistic to assume that any institution can meet everyone's expectations (especially while serving over 10,000 residential and more than 70,000 online students). LU and LBTS have consistently done an excellent job across-the-board, and successfully met all of my expectations, particularly in their focus on sticking to the truths of the Bible, choice of relevant curriculum, support from outstanding faculty members and employees, and attention to detail. So strong is my recommendation for LU and LBTS that my own children are also about to begin their LU experience. God bless...

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16 of 20 people found the following review helpful

great college experience

Multidiciplinary Studies - March 2, 2013
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I am a older adult that desired to finish my college degree. I have attended 5 other colleges only to drop out because of being lost with little or no support. The staff at Liberty made it easy to transfer all of my credits and to get me started on my educational path. The instructors are very caring and encouraging. It is also nice to have an instructor or staff member to pray with you when you feel down. I love Liberty University. I am very sad that I am nearly done with my degree.

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8 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Do Your Research Before Attending

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - February 25, 2013
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After reading the reviews, I truly wish I had read this page before attending. There are a few things I am in agreement with, if you are a woman, please research carefully if you want to attend Liberty. I though that it was me, until I read the reviews. Quiz testing time is unrealistic, I was amazed that you had a total of 9 chapters to read (it maybe 4 in one book and 5 in another) and only have 30 minutes to complete a test, don't get me wrong I could understand 45 minutes to 1 hour but 30 minutes. Your brain is already in overload if you are working full-time, completing your postings on time and then your assignments by Sunday and then your quiz must be completed in a 30 minutes time frame and they want to tell you its open book (ok, who is going to go through 2 books in 30 minutes if you where trying to research for an answer). I don't want a silver spoon placed in my mouth, but I want people to be realistic. I felt most of the time as if I was having a panic attack trying to ensure I don't go over the time period of the quiz, because then you precede to have points deducted for each minute you are over. As for online, I would research other schools, or to be totally honest, find a campus close you and just attend. I found that everything is not what it seems.

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24 of 37 people found the following review helpful

Excellent Experience!

Criminal Justice - February 20, 2013
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I have been attending Liberty University online for nearly a year now, and I absolutely love it! Liberty offers a variety of online courses, so there is never any worry that classes will fill too quickly. Furthermore, I have changed my majors so many times, that I am always bugging the advising department, registrar's office, etc. Every single employee that I have ever interacted with is wonderful! They are helpful and always know the answers to my questions. To everyone who is writing negative reviews, grow up and face the facts: online education is NOT easy. You have to work for your grade and take extra steps. Furthermore, quit complaining about it being a Christian school; it clearly states that in the school's mission, website, etc. Nobody forces you to go there or to follow those beliefs. Liberty is merely teaching from a Christian perspective. I highly recommend this institution to anyone who works full-time (like me) and needs flexibility in regards to their education.

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10 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Do not go here unless you just want a piece of paper

Management and Leadership - February 7, 2013
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This school is becoming a typical online institution. They are more focused on the dollar than the education. All the teachers follow the same exact syllabus for the course number. The academic advising or shall I say "call center" is a bunch of student who 9 out of 10 times do not know anything and direct you to email someone. If I wanted to email I would not have called. They hold student loan refunds extremely long. Unfortunate for me I was attending another school while attending Liberty because Liberty did not offer some courses relevant to my career. Well since I can not receive FA from 2 schools, I let the funds come through Liberty. Big mistake! Last semester I attended 6 credit hours in my Masters degree plan and the courses were only 8 weeks long. Well, my student loan refund was not released to me until the end of week 7. I received it 2 days before I finished my course. I ended up having to pay out of pocket for my other courses because of this delay on top of extra fees for being in a payment plan with the other school.

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20 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Liberty is perfectly fine

Religion - February 3, 2013
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I've only done 12 graduate units at Liberty, but its been fine. I'm in the Master's of Religion program. The tuition is very reasonable. The instructors have been available by e-mail and I got some very lengthy reviews of my papers from a couple of them. I'm a woman as were half of my classmates. I have not experienced any kind of discrimination because of my gender. My GPA is very good, in fact. I also didn't experience any kind of backlash for disagreeing with the textbooks or whatever. In fact, the professors seemed to appreciate thoughtful, well-supported pushback. The programs seems to be what you make of it. You do have to be able to manage your time because there's a lot of stuff to do in 8 weeks between massive amounts of reading and writing. I don't get financial aid, so I can't comment on that. Overall, I've had good experiences with Liberty and I would recommend it to others especially other working adults.

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17 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Military friendly

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - December 24, 2012
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Some of these reviews are just way off, I have attended two other brick and mortar schools before Liberty and have found the experience to be very pleasant. I am a vet and had NO issue using GI benefits, as a matter of fact it was much easier here that in a state school I went to. They sent me the documents I needed, I filled them out and DONE. Not to mention that they waive fees and reduce tuition for military. They even reduce the tuition to meet the amount paid by military tuition assistance, so you aren't out of pocket ANY money. In addition, military are given book vouchers that covers texts. The classes are well designed, my professors are more than qualified, all of my professors had master's or PhD's in my field of study. They responded quickly to questions and are helpful. This university is fully accredited and is NOT a "diploma mill", as one of the lesser knowledgeable reviewers noted. Don't believe me? Check their credentials yourself, you will have no further questions about that. I have had no issues transferring credits to my masters program at a state university. Tuition is reasonable, keep in mind it is a non-profit PRIVATE university. Compare them to other PRIVATE universities and you will find they are competitive. If you don't want a Christian education, go elsewhere...they are a Christian school and everything is taught to academic standards as well as Christian standards. That means that you may learn from a secular text and then have to relate it to a Christian worldview.

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22 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Phenominal Experience

Religion - December 18, 2012
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Liberty University is a phenomenal online institution. I have read several negative reviews on this blog, and generally speaking, these types of negative comments are mediocre in nature. It is not my intention to insult anyone with differing opinions; however, there is more to a university than its financial-aid department. Additionally, most universities are slow with their financial-aid process. This is due to new federal regulations/laws, not the school’s own policies. I was randomly selected for the verification process, and I will admit that I was initially upset. It took approximately two months for Liberty University to process all of my information. Also, I took into consideration that the federal government selected me for the verification process, not Liberty University. In fact, everyone whom I spoke with at Liberty’s financial-aid department was extremely friendly toward me. I might have dropped my courses for the semester, had it not been for their degree of professionalism, as well as their encouragement through the whole ordeal. Their dedication was nothing less than extraordinary. Additionally, the financial-aid I received covered the full cost of my tuition. Also, their tuition rates are quite comparable to other accredited institutions, if not less expensive than what most universities charge for tuition. Since I have started attending my classes, I have had nothing but wonderful experiences. The curriculum has been challenging, and it has broadened my view of scripture, as I am a religion major. My professors reply to my e-mails promptly, if I have any questions for them pertaining to assignments. Also, Liberty University has regional accreditation, which means their degrees are accepted by all higher level educational institutions (if one chooses to transfer to another university), per federal law. This means that I have the potential to be accepted into any other university, to obtain a graduate or doctorate degree, as long as I possess a bachelor’s degree from Liberty; credits are also transferable. So yes, Liberty University degrees are recognized as valid degrees. I do not understand why people complain about Liberty’s Christian based curriculum. Liberty University is a Christian University. Therefore, their curriculum is going to be based on their Christian beliefs. If you disagree with their curriculum, you should not attend a Christian institution. As far as their theological view is concerned, I believe they teach sound doctrine. I could not be happier with the application of their theological methodology. One of the greatest things about Liberty University, outside of the above mentioned qualities, is that they offer trimesters. This means I can accrue credits at an expedient rate. I should be able to obtain my bachelor’s degree in under three years. This is not feasible at most universities, based upon their traditional semesters. Based on everything I have mentioned, I would rate Liberty University as a top-notch university. As for others with bad experiences at this particular institution, I have to question why they attended Liberty in the first place, if they felt it was such a bad institution. Personally, I could not see myself attending a better university for my bachelor’s degree.

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18 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Veterans Avoid This Diploma Mill!

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - December 12, 2012
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As a Christian, Military Veteran, and Adult student I can tell you this is a HORRIBLE school!! I tried for 6 months to get all the documents needed to use my Post 9/11 GI Bill as a returning student. They constantly lost my documents, would never reply with a real email, and made me feel like a number and piece of trash. They are only looking for your money and they should be ashamed of themselves. It is a diploma mill with horrible customer service. Military Veterans avoid at all costs! It is a ripoff!! If you want to feel like a number and meaningless, go here by all means.!

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19 of 54 people found the following review helpful

Financial nightmare

Education - November 29, 2012
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Upon reading these reviews, I have discovered that there are a few other people who have gone through what I am going through at this moment. I have been "flagged for potential identity theft yadda yadda". For those who have gone through this, is there an end to it? No one will speak to me on the phone! They tell me they can't talk to me because I am a "red flag". They won't tell me for what. I am due to complete the program in 3 weeks but was told by a financial aid rep (on the down-low) that they could make this go on as long as they wanted and that there is a real chance that I may never see my diploma. Because, as you see, they will always have my account flagged preventing me from actually "graduating". Could someone please help me understand what in the world they are doing?

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19 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Very Disappointed

Management - November 29, 2012
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Hello everyone. Anyone that is considering Liberty University Online please do not make that mistake. What I am about to say sounds a bit paradoxical but need to be said. I enrolled at Liberty University Online back in the Summer 2012. The experience as far as professors, educational materials, class structure and interaction were excellent. I thought. However, I wanted to transfer my courses from Liberty University Online to UNC Pembroke. UNC Pembroke said that they would accept courses from the University of Mickey Mouse at Disneyland before they would ever accept one course from Liberty University (online format or not). I was extremely angered and frustrated to say the least. Mrs. Julie Layne at Richmond Community College, Admissions Counselor, told me that I should have come to her much sooner because Liberty University was a complete waste of time and money. Wish I would have talked to her sooner. I have six more classes to go before I complete the Master of Arts in Management and Leadership but now after learning this I am seriously considering leaving. I noticed that other universities that offer online programs require you to submit your GRE or GMAT scores, 3 letters of recommendation, an interview with faculty (admissions interview, but Liberty University Online did not ask for any of these items from me, that in itself should make raised a question but I trusted LUO because it is an accredited institution but does not have AACSB International accreditation which most colleges and universities do.

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28 of 45 people found the following review helpful

Promises Not kept

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - October 13, 2012
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Liberty University... I love the campus.. what the school stands for in general.. but my on line seminary experience has been miserable!.... They effected policy changes in 2011 and made them applicable to my entry in 2010. They failed to keep their promise for credit transferred. (They transferred in credit.. and then arbitrarily dismissed it in terms of meeting prerequisite requirements.. though they already posted the units on my transcript. After checking and seeking verification from the seminary advisement desk, I was advised that units would transfer... I took other courses... traveled to VA to take them.... Plane.. Hotel the whole nine yards. Once my courses were done... I was then informed that they would not transfer the units which they previously approved!... No attempt to rectify the situation... Just a simple apology to make me go away.. so they think... Students.. ( In my humble opinion based upon my experience) run the very real risk of being lied to... while being recruited. This is a painful situation. The school has left me landlocked with no place to go... My time on campus was great!... My time.. with the admin people on line... a total disaster.

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12 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Financial Aid advisors are nasty

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - September 15, 2012
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Please trust the reviews before signing with LUO,they are not fair with dealing with students money however they wash students brain by telling they are the largest in the world untrue they are certainly not a Christ centered university once a person is a student they scares you and teachers can even treaten to fail you, master manipulator they have total control over your money and can take away all your financial right if one is not careful shame shame shame lUO I would never recomend Liberty university to anyone.

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26 of 46 people found the following review helpful

Received my B.S. In Multi-Disciplinary Studies - Great experience!!!

Multidiciplinary Studies - September 10, 2012
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I used Liberty to finish my Bachelor's of Science degree. I took 30 credits through them. Like any online/distance learning program you need to be self-motivated and able to read a lot and teach yourself a lot of information. The courses were difficult, as they should be. Professors were helpful and always available via email or phone. The administrative staff was amazing and responsive. You never spoke to the same person twice, but it didn't matter as they were always able to help me out. They have phenomonal programs for Military or ex-Military and spouses with extra support and huge tuition discounts without limitation. I am currently taking my Masters in Business Administration with them now.

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22 of 26 people found the following review helpful


Criminal Justice - September 8, 2012
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Absolutely no complaints here. I am entering my last year at Liberty Univresity and have nothing negative to say about it. They inject Christian values into every class. The instruction is top notch and everyone has always been very helpful when I run into something I need help with, including financial aid, registration and class room intruction.

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16 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Its sad that they call themselves a CHRISTIAN university

Business/Finance - September 6, 2012
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This place is a nightmare when it comes to financial aid. They do hold ur money longer than they should in some cases. I have had them schedule my classes in wrong semester and send me incorrect books (books which they charge MORE than 2 times the amount for). If you have any issues at ALL they are NOT helpful at ALL. Many of the teachers do NOT hold Christian values at all. I have also had a teacher that did not offer feedback at ALL and all I was told by school is at the end of the class I would have to file something to dispute grade...and that stuff would be looked over a regraded...HOW DOES THAT HELP? The assignment PROBABLY was wrong due to the countless times I asked for feedback from teacher and never got it. Now please do not assume I just couldnt handle it. This is my 2nd online degree. I already have a Bachelors in Psychology. I wont try to claim I have a 4.0 average but I do have a 3.89. I have also been on their "Dean's List" before. So I have done well in their program. However on many occasions it was with NO real support from teachers or staff. I feel that I got lucky...but maybe it was because I was already used to an online atmosphere. However, for a person coming in from a "normal" school...this would be an even WORSE nightmare. Just to make the grade I did I seriously had a few major anxiety attacks. What some reviewers say about assignments being due on Mondays.. Tuesdays...Wednesdays IS VERY TRUE OF MAANNNY CLASSES. I am very lucky that I was a stay at home mom...because I could imagine the schedule of some classes would be almost impossible for a person that works full time or even part time and especially if they have a family as well. I had a hard enough time taking care of my daughter during the day (I am a SINGLE stay at home mom so I have no one to even begin to help me HENCE why I picked aa supposed flexible online environment) and managing the deadlines that were impossible at times. Their site does have technical difficulty A LOT!!! I have had assignments be "late" because the site was down and I couldnt turn it in on time. I had to fight to get a proper grade (even though I had an invoice number from technical support) because the teacher told me "Well maybe you shouldn't be turning in your work at the last minute" REALLY?!?! Isn't the point of this place that I can do stuff when I can...when the dealine is at the FRONT of the week how can I do anything but turn it in at the last minute bc I have only has 28 to 48 hours to do all the reading and the assignment AND take care of my child. Needless to say I spent many nights up till 3am studying when I have a 2 year old that I know will wake me at 5:30am no matter what...and you try going through the next day with less than 2 hours of sleep and a toddler. I CAN'T IMAGINE having a job as well and trying to do these courses. To be fair I also had some very understanding and fun teachers (by some I mean mayyybe 3) and the content of the classes isn't bad. The fact that they put "Christian teaching" into EVERYTHING isn't THAT bad...after all it is a christian school but I do believe that there are some times when I felt that they put more focus on it instead of business. While I believe that its beneficial to understaand the bible and religions it still shouldn't be the total main focus because you still DO NEED the business skills in the workplace too. Their world religions class is almost im sure you can imagine they hardly touch on any religion that doesn't involve God and when they do they do not speak of in in a fair way that would be needed to really learn anything in that class. I had one instructor insist that Buddhist people were wrong because the worshipped other Gods. I said "No they do not believe in a God at all. They just follow teachings of a man that became the Buddha." THIS TEACHER REFUSED TO ADMIT THAT EVEN THOUGH I sent them the links to over 30 credible sites and books that said exactly that. Then come back with the comment "Well it doesn't matter if they believe in wrong Gods, many Gods, or No God they are still wrong". To me this sounded like a 4 year old saying "Im right because I say so". I know some people think its against their rights o have the religion in every class like that but it isn't because they are a Christian university. It is perfectly legal. However, I think that they push it so far that it does down the quality of the education they give on non christian things. Its sending someone into a work environment only armed with God and that is fine and good until you have to deal with business related issues. All in all the school is not one of the best in my opinion...they have horrible support from teachers and staff (including the nightmare that is financial aid)...they could really use to touch a bit more on what they actual degree is about. Be a bit more educational when it comes to opposing religious view points (after all even the bible says that a good christian should do that) and stop advertising themselves as flexible...I seriously had more flexible schedules when I attended a campus collage...oh and STOP charging THAT much for your books THATS JUST GREEDY...and If you read the Bible that you teach...then you should know that greedy nature is a SIN... so is soooo many other of the schools ways. Its sad really that their claim to be so christian but do not uphold those ideals in their business pratices.

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22 of 47 people found the following review helpful

Accused of Potential Fraud

Management - August 16, 2012
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I agree with the person who was accused of potential fraud by Liberty University because the same thing happened to me and members of my family last year. They send the email and request the student to provide them information and make sure to include a color copy of your driver license or state issued identification card. Once they have every bit of information that they requested, they do not review it all but say that your ID has been compromised and then proceed to send your grants and loans back to the department of education. They refuse to talk by phone and will only respond to emails. However when you email them to ask them specific questions or ask about this compromised ID, they fall back on “we can’t divulge that information but will be sending it to other government agencies.” They will not allow you to view the information, dispute it and cut off all forms of communication leaving you with a balance for something that was already paid for. The Dept of Education doesn’t really help because they are aware that Liberty University picks “certain” students to randomly put in their system for this so called fraud prevention alert. Although the majority of these students are Black, the Dept of Education says this is not discrimination. Liberty University also black lists you from going to other colleges as they have a hold of your transcripts along with sending your account to a collection agency. This has been a horrible experience. I believe the only way to stop Liberty is to have a class action lawsuit brought against them for this practice they have. People if you have complaints please follow up with someone. We must not suffer in silence and just put it on reviews. We need to come together and file a complaint against the unjust things Liberty University is doing and getting away with.

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48 of 70 people found the following review helpful

Not recommended for Christians that still believe in the Old Paths.

Education - July 26, 2012
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I've read these threads and wondered, how is it that so many people had difficulty with financial aid and the online courses. I did well and had little issues in that regard. I attended LUO b/c of the cost. It was affordable. When I was on campus for the required stent, most of the professors were extremely helpful. The issues I had were: 1. I couldn't get certified by LU in my teaching course b/c I didn't teach in an accredited school (which I didn't discover was an issue until late in the program)....I felt like it was hidden from me and it was deceptive. 2. If you're a Christian that is concerned about the growing lack of separation and the growing amount of licentiousness in the Evangelical community, then LU is not the place for you. If you don't mind the compromise with worldliness, as is typical in the SBC, and you can tolerate secular-style worship services with rock music, then LU is the place for you. I will not send my kids there, however, because as a Christian, I take seriously the commands of God to come out from among them and be ye separate. Oh, and when I had to ask a teacher to not say "CYA" all the time, I was told, "Give me a break, it's just a saying". Well, I don't think using vulgar language is befitting of a Christian.

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15 of 55 people found the following review helpful

Best out there for online degree

Criminal Justice - July 25, 2012
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This school is great if you need a degree to advance your career. Christian principles are integrated into all of the classes. I am a junior and will be completing my BA in Paralegal Studies next year. I do reccomend taking your basic classes and possibly some electives at a community college before transferring to save some cash. Many community colleges are offering classes online. The classes run about $900 each and then you have a to buy a few books for each class. THey order the books through MBS direct which are completely over priced. For 5 classes this semester, my books were going to cost over $800. I looked for them on Amazon in used but acceptable condition and got everything I needed for $200. There is a lot of reading and writing involved, but you will get faster and better as your courses progress. Another thing i do like is that each semester has 2 8 weeks terms. So I will complete 3 classes in 8 weeks and the next 8 weeks I will complete 2. It gives you a greater sense of accomplishment. Also, they make applying, registering for classes, and financial aid questions very easy when using their chat live feature on their home page. They are so eager to get you enrolled. I submitted my application and 30 minutes later a man called to talk to me and tell me what my next steps were. This is the way to go if you want that degree but cannot or dont want to be a traditional on campus daytime student.

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17 of 21 people found the following review helpful

If your expecting an easy degree look in other places

MBA - July 24, 2012
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I am almost finished with my MBA. To those people who complained, they more than likely quit. We all know people like that in life. It's never their fault. It is tough, because as a student you are required to learn. The online quizzes, sorry google search is no help. Many people expect that an online class will be easy. I must say it was harder than actually going to school like I did for my BS. In the end there is no one to blame but yourself for not trying hard enough. If you can't learn it don't blame the instructors or the schools. Same textbooks as all of the other schools. The youtube recommended videos are posted by the people that wrote the book!! I learned that if I did my homework early in the week then I had plenty of time to ask questions. The Instructors don't reply back fast enough on the weekend, but HELLO, you had 5 previous days to ask questions about the assignment due Sunday night. Unlike attending college in person the major differences were. 1. You complete 100% of the book 100% of the time. 2. There is no review. No teacher to give hints as to what will be on the test. No areas, wink wink, to focus your studies on. No study groups. 3. If you wait till the week end, it's your problem. You are just too late. Most of the time the instructor will still reply during the weekend. 4. You either get it or you don't. Grad GPA grading scale is tough and they warn you from the beginning. If you want a free degree Liberty is not the college for you. If you want to learn and devote yourself to completing the classes, then you'll learn a lot. John

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33 of 40 people found the following review helpful

Excellent experience

Masters in Counseling - July 23, 2012
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I already had a masters and doctorate in a different field when I enrolled in the counseling program at Liberty. I found the online/blended format to be very much equivalent in work and materials to my brick and mortar master's degree. Also, I have had zero bad experiences with the teachers there. The school asks you to fill out a questionnaire at the conclusion of each class, indicating what you thought about the teacher, materials, etc. Administration takes these surveys seriously! I would recommend this degree program to any adult learner who is disciplined enough to handle online learning.

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25 of 28 people found the following review helpful

Accused of Potential Fraud

Management - July 19, 2012
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I just recently started classes on June 25 2012 for the summer D term and I have had the worst experience at this college ever. About two weeks shortly after I received my award notice emailed to me from Liberty I received an email saying there was a potential fraud hold on my account and that I wasn't eligible for any financial aid at liberty. Also in the email they said that in my case there was several situations in my case that forced them to remove all of the aid off of my account but could not tell me what the situations was. Now I am stuck with a balance on my account that needs to be paid all because of they thinking that I am not who I am hell I even sent a copy of my photo id stating who I was and what the hell I look like faking like I am someone else anyway please save your time and money and do not go to this school

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31 of 48 people found the following review helpful


Criminal Justice - July 11, 2012
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I just completed my bachelor's degree with Liberty. I started with 51 transfer credits and just finished my 121th (yeah I know there's an extra credit). I am also a military spouse so Liberty has been amazing with making my schooling affordable due to the Pell Grant as well. All of my classes have taught me quite a bit. Yes, there are religion courses. It is a Christian university. Would I recommend Liberty to someone, absolutely.

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19 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Very good quality

MBA - July 9, 2012
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It is easy to participate with the professor or other students. The program is clear and concise, content, such as home work assignments are listed. The MBA program is about delivering consistent quality and results. This is not what you get at other schools where professors make up the syllabus as class goes along. This MBA program, like all high quality online programs, requires discipline. Your independence from a classroom means you will have to work hard, and you will have to focus. You will have to manage yourself.

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

LUO has been great

Religion - July 3, 2012
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I have not had any of the experiences that those who have posted bad reviews have had. From the beginning LUO has bent over backward to make sure I had everything I needed. They are very military friendly offering huge discounts to the military and their families. I have not always agreed with some things the administration does, but the professors and staff have been wonderful. I am in my second year and plan to take my masters there as well.

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11 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Liberty MSN online is horrible

MSN - Nursing Education - June 22, 2012
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The online nurse educator track sounds great on paper, but the actual courses are "facilitated" by instructors that do not care about the students and are very disrespectful and snide. The instructors don't follow their own rubric for grading and when this is brought to their attention they become very nasty. Test bank questions are marked wrong when actually correct. I provided page numbers from textbook to document the correct answers and it would take several attempts to the instructor to gain the points I should have gotten in the first place. The instructor then graded my papers harshly to retaliate for making her re-check the answers. Most of the students had the same complaints about the test bank questions being marked wrong and posted in the "ask the instructor" discussion forum. The instructor deleted the postings and scolded us in our e-mail that we were not supposed to post such things. Online advising is pretty much non-existent. They get back to you days later and do nothing except tell you to "have a nice day". I am seeking another MSN program.

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26 of 35 people found the following review helpful

Liberty University is well worth the money

Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) - June 21, 2012
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I cannot say enough about my experience at LU. I have received a MA in Theological Studies and a Master of Divinity (Pastoral Studies) which took all of four and a half years to complete. LU is the second online degree program I have taken. After my first experience at AIU, I thought I would never try an online program again, but if I can be of any help to others contemplating admission and registration, you get what you put in. It is definitely not a walk in the park. You must be disciplined or you will not make it. LU is number one in my book.

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14 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Incredible Program

Masters of Arts- Teaching - June 14, 2012
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Best online experience that I have had throughout my educational experience. I completed the degree in a little over a year and a half, and I am presently teaching in the public school system. I enjoyed incorporating my beliefs into my coursework. I do not understand the negative comments from students regarding scripture and Biblical world views being incorporated into classes. Liberty is an authentically CHRISTIAN university. If you have problems expressing CHRISTIAN concepts, perhaps you should have enrolled in a secular university.

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24 of 28 people found the following review helpful

Very unprofessional, do not recommend.

MBA - June 13, 2012
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Between GI Bill and the "Heroes Fund" Liberty is 100% free for me, which is the only way I'd ever imagine attending! I cannot believe how unprofessional Liberty seems to be. Assignment instructions through Blackboard are difficult to understand, the textbook for one of my classes (e-book for $100) was absolutely worthless and rarely matched up with the homework assignments, grades returned for written assignments are scored in a contradictory manner each week, professors are downright rude and will not answer simple questions. Regarding the e-book noted above, I asked the prof for other resources and she replied that wikipedia was a great resource. I've never heard of anybody in higher education recommending a student consult wiki! If you're looking for a place to be frustrated with assignments, deal with unprofessional professors, and be generally befuddled by the process of courses, Liberty is the place to be. STAY AWAY!

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27 of 43 people found the following review helpful


Education - June 13, 2012
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I have taken some time to read through the majority of the comments posted regarding Liberty University Online (LUO). There seems to be great disparity in satisfaction with the university according to this website. I have completed two advanced degrees through LUO--a Master's in Education and an Education Specialist degree--and am currently completing a Doctorate in Education (all coursework is complete, I only have the comprehensive exam which is in one week and the dissertation process to complete). I have been HIGHLY pleased with the level of attentiveness and caring of the professors, the knowledge each professor holds within their field, the group experiences, the level of technology integration, the application of theory to actual practice (I am also currently teaching in a public high school full time and have done so for six years), and the Christian values upheld by the university. Liberty is truly a VALUE for your money, is highly accredited, and is highly esteemed. I am no stranger to colleges and universities, and have attended two community colleges, a state college, and an out-of-state veterinary school, so trust me when I say that Liberty has been THE BEST EXPERIENCE. It is unfortunate that many do not feel the same--every university is not a match for every person. If you enroll in LUO, be prepared to work hard, make sacrifices (just as you would in any other university), learn, and grow in your faith (YES--It is CHRISTIAN university, so be prepared to get to know your Bible!). I cannot reiterate to you enough how please I am with Liberty!

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18 of 24 people found the following review helpful


Religion - June 10, 2012
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I was a female seminary student and I was treated with disrespect and given failing grades. Do not go to this school if you are female. I got out as soon as I could without dropping classes. I will never have anything to do with any association that is baptist. I do not believe what they did to me and how they treated me was Christ like.I would never have anything to do with a baptist church now or anyone associated with it. I had a positive attitude toward baptists until I enrolled in seminary at Liberty. I am sure they will never make it right or ask my forgiveness, but I would warn you to stay away from the churches and men in the church if they condone the mistreatment of women just because they were born female. Do not attend Liberty if you are a woman, they are extremely prejudice against women.

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33 of 67 people found the following review helpful


Education - May 29, 2012
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I finished my program in Dec. 2011. I completed the M.Ed. in school counseling. Throughout my program I made sure that all of the requirements were being met. I consistently questioned whether or not I would be able to receive a VA school counselor certification because of my non contractual experience in the school system and I was informed over and over again that my work experience could substitute the contractual experience. However, THIS WAS NOT THE CASE! I was just informed today that in order to receive a provision license I would need to be hired by a school district in VA. I DO NOT LIVE IN VA! I was also informed that I would not be able to receive a standard certification in VA because I did not complete 2 years of contractual counseling experience post graduation and did not have permission to be counseling in a school setting! I was never informed this while dishing out money to LUO! The experience at LUO would have been fine if not for being scammed throughout the program! Good luck to those who attend and plan on becoming a school counselor in a state other then VA!

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23 of 36 people found the following review helpful

Stay away from LUO

Criminal Justice - May 27, 2012
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I am attending LUO and wished I had never even considered it. Why? The other posts in which describe all of the terrible issues there are SPOT ON in every aspect,i.e., faculty members are rude and not knowledgeable, every time you confront them with lying to you they pass the buck, professors will not even consider a quiz was miss-graded by a software program, takes almost two weeks to hear from a professor, financial holds money beyond federal law limits, etc. LOU should be shut down. Think more than twice about this school. Oh, I have a 4.0 so don't think I can't handle an online environment!!!

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27 of 42 people found the following review helpful

Online or Classroom

Management Information Systems - May 11, 2012
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Upon reading many negative reviews I thought I would comment - I have experience with several online classes from various institutions and Liberty is one of the better. Technical classes are difficult to learn and execute period if you do not have some experience or background after reading several of the reviews I suspect many that commented negatively did not have any level of expertise before taking the classes. As the Database Management Classes, Object Oriented Programming - Java & Web Development classes are not entry level classes. If you do not know or at least familiar with SQL I would expect you to have difficulties, likewise with OOPS, jscripts, html etc. The class descriptions tell you upfront you should have some experience or you need to review prior to taking the classes. I thought each instructor did an excellent job - each class provided enough structure to make you do the work and provided enough flexibility for you to work on your weak areas. Great classes! If you experienced that much trouble with these classes maybe you should re-evaluate your studies or desired career path.

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19 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Good so far

Management Information Systems - May 5, 2012
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I’ve been a student at LUO for two semesters now and should be completed with my B.A. by the end of the year. I agree that the school is not perfect and I have attended Asbury College as a resident student, the University of Grantham as an online student and now LUO so I have some varied experiences with different schools. First let me talk about my enrollment and financial aid. I have qualified for subsidized and unsubsidized loans and I also get the Post 9-11 GI Bill. I use the loans to round off what little bit the Bill doesn’t cover which really is a few books as they are very expensive. I have had no problems with the financial aid department at all and the system, for me, has worked very well. As far as instructors go, the ones I’ve had so far have been top notch. I do have a complaint on one that I have right now as she takes a while to post grades but I have had very good experiences with professors both inside and outside of my major. Questions are answered quickly and completely. For those that complain, there are probably legitimate grounds for complaints, no institution is perfect but consider some things. One poster was complaining about LUO not ordering his transcripts and this caused him hardship. You really have to learn to take care of yourself sometimes, I mean ordering your transcripts is your job, not the schools. I took care of getting my transcripts sent from Asbury, Grantham, and from my military documents for evaluation. This was just one example of people not being proactive and taking care of themselves when it is their responsibility to do something. Yes there will be problems and I realize LUO is not perfect, trust me, I am the first to ask for a supervisor, but so many complaints I read really could be lessened and even solved by us as students taking responsibility for ourselves. Liberty University Online offers a top notch learning experience if you can handle online learning. Unlike the classroom, you will have to more effort sometimes to get the work done and online learning is not for everyone.

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19 of 22 people found the following review helpful

I Love LUO

Masters of Arts- Teaching - May 1, 2012
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I am working on my MAT with a specialization in elementary education. I haven't had any problems since starting the program in the Spring of 2011. With the graduate education program you have to attend 3 intensive classes although it can be hectic making room reservations the experience is worth it. The only negative thing I have to say is if you are an online student you basically have to find your own internship for student teaching luckily for me my old teacher that is now a principal offered me an intern at her school. Overall I would recommend LUO to anyone who is able to work independently and have good time management because the MAT courses can be rigorous.

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17 of 20 people found the following review helpful


Business/Finance - April 25, 2012
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This is the worst institution a student can come across. For one , they incorporate religion into every course and I mean EVERY COURSE, when it has nothing to do with the subject matter. It is ridiculous. For me to have to spend an additional half hour to hour FINDING SCRIPTURES to incorporate into EVERY discussion board and every paper is a joke. In fact, it is sending the wrong message to students because this is an EEO violation in the real world. If you do this in the real world, and on a real job, it is an ETHICS PROBLEM. It has discredits this school in my view, being that their focus is minusha that has nothing to do with what you are paying for – an education in BUSINESS is what I want, NOT in Christianity. To add insult to injury, many professors have a dominating attitude and post announcements upfront that their teaching style is “dominant” and they expect grown adults with life experiences – paying for their education to succumb to this superior silliness. Not I. To coincide with this, they post ridiculous deadlines that defeat the entire purpose of online learning, which is supposed to be flexible, allowing GROWN PEOPLE to handle school around their lives. They are SUPPOSED TO post weekly assignments and deadlines, allowing the entire week to get projects completed. Instead, many post weekly assignments with deadlines within the week (this is due Monday, this is due Wednesday, this is due by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, etc.). THIS DOES NOT WORK. They won’t take a late assignment either (though I have waited WEEKS for my grades they seem to get to at their convenience) and as far as I am concerned, assignments completed within the week SHOULD NOT BE MARKED AS LATE. Also, I was told by admissions that they do not assign team projects, which is a lie. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS. I have been stiffed in many group assignments that were RIDICULOUS, because you have a 40-year old who works, coupled with a kid in a dorm who has all day to monitor Blackboard for updates, and a 60-year old somewhere else off in the hospital. THIS PHILOSOPHY DOES NOT WORK ONLINE – PERIOD. People live in different time zones, people are on different schedules, people take vacations, THIS DOES NOT WORK. THEY KNOW IT DOESN’T WORK, and it’s a convenient way for these professors to “let the dogs run wild” and kick back even more than they already do (much of nothing because most assignments are auto-graded on the system) and get paid for disengaging themselves from the fiasco(s). They do not help, they do not mediate, they do not care about team-related problems, so you end up with a lower grade if you are the “outcast” AND HAVE A JOB, unable to sit on a email device all day making unnecessary posts to your teammates, as many assign a participation grade, which is insane. I have better things to do than send pointless messages to students I do not know about nothing when I know what my assignment is. I was finally driven off the plank this week when I received an email 3 semesters later from admissions that they still don’t have my official transcripts, when I personally sent them 2 times via USPS, and they have my unofficial transcripts. I had to BEG them to order my transcripts because they placed a hold on my account, preventing me from registering for classes until they are received. Well, it is late for registration as is for the next semester and they do not care. After many email complaints, no one there has yet to offer to lift a finger to get on the phone and order the one transcript they are still waiting on. So, it appears that my time with Liberty is up, because if I do not register for summer courses, I am then in default on my student loan, as I must remain enrolled PT for federal aid. THEY COULD CARE LESS. Rather than be helpful and close the matter out, someone decided to take the time in the admissions office that is, to send me an email that my correspondence has been “ungodly and harsh,” and that “I need to be mindful that they are a religious university and they do not tolerate such emails.” This is after I have WAITED 3 SEMESTERS AS IS – PATIENTLY SO, and I had to take my time to deal with the matter when it should have been dealt with upon enrollment. For as long as it took admissions to send me this ridiculous email (as if I am some child they are scolding) – they could have ordered my transcript and removed the block from my registration, but they continue to choose to be difficult, scolding me in the process as a paying customer as if I have no options. The final kabang with this whole saga is that the one transcript they did enter was entered with NO GRADES. They have my courses transferred over as “P” for “pass” without the grades I received for each, which is most of my GPA. I am not transferring credits over without receiving credit for my hard work – most are A’s and I am supposed to get no credit? CRAZY. According to Liberty University, the only GRADES that matter are the ones from them, which AREN’T GOOD due to the overall b.s. This is unethical and I am complaining. I AM DONE! BUH BYE LIBERTY UNVERSITY – WHAT A TOTAL SCAM AND JOKE OF AN INSTITUTION YOU WANKERS. If you think me INQUIRING ABOUT WHY MY TRANSCRIPTS WERE NEVER ENTERED was “Ungodly,” wait until you read my complaint that I am sending to the Department of Education. JERKS.

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39 of 118 people found the following review helpful

Very disappointed.

Management Information Systems - April 14, 2012
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I am currently a student at Liberty. If you enjoy no instructor feedback, teaching yourself from very expensive textbooks, and researching online to figure out class assignments, then this is the school for you. In my major (MIS), there are no instructional videos, no lectures, just "you bought a book, go figure it out." Most instructors have no control over class content and are of absolutely no help through delayed email and discussion boards. There is a huge volume of work for each class and most are only offered in 8-week segments. I feel that Liberty is disrespectful to students who truly want to learn because of the lack of instructor feedback. NEVER, EVER take an MIS class at this school unless you have hours and hours to research the required information for assignemtns. If I weren't so close to graduating in my "do-it-yourself" environment, I would NEVER have chosen Liberty as my online school. This may be a good school for religion- or theological-based studies, but for IT studies I feel they have no idea what they are doing and the selection of classes required for graduation is absurd. I have been an IT professional for over 20 years, but the information that has to be "figured out" in these classes is absurd. As an IT Manager, I have NEVER had to do Java programming and certainly have never had to get a Java certification in order to work. Makes more sense to have SQL queries as the basis of class and more database administration classes. The core clsses are fairly good, but once you get into the advanced programming classes (XHTML, Javacscript, etc., you're on your ownl.

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17 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Counseling Program

Masters in Counseling - March 20, 2012
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I have been attending about a year and am very concerned about the lack of support when issues arise. My recent experience involved an instructor that obviously could care less whether I passed or not. The material covered in tests were questionable at best, and there was way to much material covered. I expected more from the staff in the area of wanting to make sure a student passes. Also, there does not seem to be anyone I can talk to.

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14 of 20 people found the following review helpful


Bachelor of Science in Psychology - February 24, 2012
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Because of the flexibility offered by the online program, I was able to complete my 4 year degree in 3 years. I was more than a little hesitant to get my education online, but can now say that I learned as much or more than I did in a classroom setting. The course materials were excellent and I almost always received detailed feedback from my professors on assignments. Liberty is well worth the money and I would highly recommend the program.

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19 of 21 people found the following review helpful

So far so good

Management Information Systems - February 20, 2012
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I am about to complete my second term at Liberty and will be signing up for my third soon. I don't have ANY of the problems that others may have had. I have gotten my loan both times for both terms. Everything has been smooth. I really don't understand the negative comments, although if you aren't a strong-minded person, maybe you'll need the classroom instead, where a teacher is at your side teaching you. If you have a problem with financial aid, isn't it your fault, because I did all my own legwork and had no problems!

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17 of 21 people found the following review helpful

No No No, very disappointed

MBA - February 19, 2012
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I will not ever attend any classes through LUO again. They are too big and definitely about your money with nothing quality to offer. Not good online teaching at all, no real interaction or teaching happening, just offers youtube videos for instuction and the book. I can learn this stuff on my own and not pay so much. Difficult to communicate with anyone there. You will never get all of your money back if you drop classes either and you will never find someone to explain to you why. Stay away! This place is too big and the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing and the quality is so poor. My BS was online through a college down South and was much better quality than LUonline.

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26 of 43 people found the following review helpful

Good School

Religion - February 17, 2012
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I read the other reviews on this website and must say that they are not very accurate or fair. I only have a handful of classes left at Liberty to get a Bachelor's in Religion and I think very highly of this school. They don't just hand out A's, but they're fair in their grading. The reviewer who said they hate women must have done poorly. The only thing that comes close women related topics comes from 1 Timothy chapter 2. This is not a view that Liberty came up with themselves, but what the Bible says. The financial aid department is not top of the line, but they will work with you if you call them before a small problem becomes a big problem. I had an issue and they took care of it after a few days of me calling. The quality of the classes is very high. All of the classes are structured in a certain way and each student knows what is expected of them for each week of the class. The teachers are hit or miss. Some of them are great and some of them should not be teaching at all. I had one teacher who marked me down for passive voice when the sentence was active. I fully explained to the teacher how she was wrong, but she refused to admit it or change my grade. I gave her a very, very negative review (there were other issues with her too) and still got an A on my final paper. Overall, this school is a great school and I recommend it for anyone. I've learned a great deal about the Bible and will probably get my master's degree from Liberty too.

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21 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Mixed feelings

Masters of Arts- Teaching - January 31, 2012
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I chose Liberty Online for my Masters program because it was convenient and cheaper than other options. The teachers are by far the most positive thing about the school. They provided constructive feedback on assignments and sent weekly emails to the class to stay in contact. What I didn't like was the support system and other resources available to students. Blackboard, the system used to complete ALL online coursework, is constantly down. The academic advisers are students themselves, and know no more information than what is already accessible on the website. There is no help finding placement for student teaching or class observation assignments if you are out of state, and almost every course requires this. Finally, online program participants are required to attend intensive week long courses in Virginia, but are offered no help finding housing or accommodations for the week. This seems silly, since they are mostly offered during school vacations when the dorms could be available. Liberty is a good school, but not the right choice for me. I will be continuing my education elsewhere.

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16 of 19 people found the following review helpful


Bachelor of Science in Psychology - January 20, 2012
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I have been a student with LU for 3 years and I have never encountered a problem. I have seen so many bad reviews about the Financial Aid, Advisors, Professors, etc. but I have yet to have a problem with any of that. Liberty staff has always been very nice to me and always worked with me to resolve problems. I have never had a problem receiving my aid or enrolling in classes. They are always very helpful to me. I have had maybe two professors that were unconcerned about students but I did my work and persevered through it. Maybe people should take the time to actually follow procedure and they will have a better experience. I graduate in May and will continue my education here and I would gladly recommend the school to anyone. The coursework for my major (Psychology) is tough but can be done. I have nothing but good things to say about this school. I could go on and on but I will end this by saying that they are a wonderful school!!

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21 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Please rethink attending this Institution

PHD in Counseling - January 20, 2012
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The PhD Counseling Department discriminate among students once you are enrolled. The committees and faculty pick and chose whom they want to support and graduate from this program, in spite of your hard work. They have a poor grading system. They use the rubric system that consists of points. The professors uses this system against the student. They only allow two to three students to graduate from the program at a time. In spite of how well you do. If they do not like you for whatever reason you will never reach doctoral candidacy or dissertation status. They will allow you to get to certain point in the program and ruin your GPA. Inturn, dismiss you from the program, after they have taken your money from during your enrollment. They are ruthless.

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28 of 39 people found the following review helpful

Just Starting Out

Masters in Counseling - January 17, 2012
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I'm just starting Liberty University. I will be completing the MA in Professional Counseling Distance Learning. So far, I have been treated with respect, and everyone is really nice. I have 2 children, finishing up my BASW, and I work, so this is perfect for me. I will see what the future brings, but so far, so good.

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11 of 14 people found the following review helpful

I personally recommend it.

Religion - December 28, 2011
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I have been attending this university since Spring 2010. I recently got a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies. I have attended several colleges over the years and had exhausted my financial aid. I was only 5 classes away from a Bachelor's in Religion. Thankfully, the wonderful people in the call center worked with me and found a degree I had already met the requirements for. I am now enrolled in the Seminary program. My classes haven't started yet, but I am really looking forward to it. As a Bible Student in the Undergrad program I never experienced any difficulty with being a woman. I am not anticipating any issues as a Master's level student as I had to go through a rather lengthy acceptance process since I did not have the appropriate Bachelors degree for the particular program I applied for. When you are in the process of applying for this school, they can call to the point of harassment, it is frustrating. However, it is all automated (not the people, you will always talk to actual people, it's just an automated system that sends the calls) If you allow yourself to remain calm and pleasant, you will find that every single one of the people who call have excellent customer service skills. I have dealt with some who were less pleasant than others, but none were rude or less than helpful. Depending on when you call, you may end up waiting on hold for quite a while. Many of the individuals you deal with on the phone are students and may not have the exact information you need. Keep trying, you will find someone who does know and who will give you the right information. Do not expect each and every person on the phone to have all the correct information about every single program, it's simply not possible. Don't attend an online college if you have difficulty with technology. I am pretty computer savvy and have never had any problems with any online courses (and I have taken them through four different colleges) Liberty makes it very easy to do, but it is very important to be aware of what is going on, keep up on your weekly assignments and don't let yourself get behind. I have a sister who also attends Liberty and has been on academic probation because she wasn't on top of getting her assignments turned in on time. You will find that some of the professors are excellent and extremely helpful, but others are less so. This is true at every school I have ever gone to. (five!) At times here at Liberty, I have found that the teacher of the course isn't 100% aware of changes that may have been made in the syllabus. However, every time I have pointed it out, they have quickly and very graciously made any changes necessary to what they were requiring. The key is to be on top of your assignments so you aren't trying to contact them within a day or two of the assignment being due. If you are keeping up with your assignments and any research requirements, you should be able to contact them a week or two in advance. Also, if you are a procrastinator (and I am a big one) you can have a bit of a problem in the last few hours before an assignment is due (Sunday Night at midnight most often) the servers can be pretty bogged down making it impossible to submit an assignment on time, usually when this happens (midterms and finals weeks) they will extend the due date by a couple of days. Getting work done early helps a ton with this problem, I usually sort of fool myself by making an earlier due date that I must abide by. It helps a lot with not getting things turned in late. I haven't attended the week long intensives yet, but my husband has and found them to be fairly helpful in his program (Christian Counseling) Mine will all be in worship and I am both excited and intimidated by the very idea! Overall, if you need the structure of an in class on campus class, do not attend Liberty U. If you are pretty computer savvy and stuck at home because you have a job or children and cannot get to a campus, Liberty U is the school for you. They have a very good accredited program with dedicated staff. I haven't had any issues with Financial Aid, but I tend to be very particular about keeping an eye on my financial aid account through Assist. At times, I check it daily even when nothing looks wrong. Whenever I have noticed a problem, I have called them and until the problem is fixed, I call and call until I find someone who fixes it. I think my husband may have had to go through the verification process and I don't remember it being too much of a problem, but this is because my husband is very very careful to always get every single document and piece of paper asked for as quickly as possible.

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13 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Liberty University Online rocks!

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - December 27, 2011
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I'm saddened to read the remarks of a few that have had less than pleasant experiences with Liberty University Online. I seems alot of the negativity is born in the student's expectation. I have had only excellent support from the staff, and feel like the content of the various classes is right on target; great educational experience!! My suggestion to those readers that may be sitting on the fence would be to try a couple of classes...then judge for yourself. Blessings ! current LUOnline student

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14 of 18 people found the following review helpful


Religion - November 18, 2011
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I am attending Liberty Seminary online. Be warned, they hate female seminary students. They don't believe women should preach which goes against everything Jesus stood for. They have no female seminary professors. They will smile in your face and give fairly decent grades until after you do your Professor's review. Then they will give you a D or F on your final research paper. Turabian style is required for all papers submitted. The dumb professors do not even know proper Turabian format. Some will say use ten point, some twelve point. Some say three lines or more are indented when it is five lines or more. They give way too many dvds to watch for an eight week class. Only two professors were worthy to be called professors. The rest hate and I mean Hate women being in their classes and show it by their complete lack of respect and by their terrible grading. I submitted all my papers to the writing workshop and made all the corrections before submitting the papers to the Professors. They would still try and give low scores. This place is a joke. I guess the old saying is true that evil knows where to place their demons. They are the Seminary professors at Liberty University. Financial aid will keep your additional refund if you drop a D term class. I guess students can starve to death as long as those greedy ignorant woman hating beasts get their pay. GOD will surely judge them a thousand more times as harshly as they have treated all the females in Seminary. The sooner the better. The books you are required to buy are written by idiots who hate women as well.

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19 of 56 people found the following review helpful

Better Than the Rest

Management Information Systems - November 17, 2011
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I have bounced between Brick & Mortar, and online colleges for about over 2 years before I finally found Liberty University. What I was mainly looking for in an online college was a degree program that interested me, reasonable tuition rates, and convenient schedules that would give me the option of taking one class at a time. Liberty has exceed my expectations in all these areas. Word of caution: Liberty is a Christian college, so if you are biased or too closed-minded to take a few classes on Christian philosophy and the Bible, you will have a hard time taking Liberty seriously. For everyone else, Liberty is certainly a Best Buy when it comes to online colleges. I highly recommend it to anyone who has struggled finding a quality online degree program that does not seem bent on bankrupting their students.

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7 of 9 people found the following review helpful

It has been a nightmare!

Criminal Justice - October 22, 2011
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My son has been an on-line student of Liberty University for two years. He needs 20 credits to graduate but the financial aid and its supervisors have been nothing but joke! Semester after semester myself, my husband and my son have spoken with the financial aid reps and their supervisors in order to register for classes. Each rep and supervisor gives us different erroneous information. It is unbelievable! This has caused delay and so far our son has lost 3 semesters due to misinformation. When you request for supervisors, you must wait for 3 days to get a call. You normally have to keep calling because they don't call you back. You have to repeat the process. My husband had to write a letter to the president of the school but it never got answered. The school has become too big and is no longer people oriented. When calling and get placed on hold, there is a message that announced Liberty as being trainers of champions for Christ. This is a joke! They cannot even get their paper work correct. Loans get delayed or lost. This is a shame for a Christian University. Their testimony is very poor. They are very incompetent.

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27 of 37 people found the following review helpful

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - October 17, 2011
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Anyone who is thinking about a BS in Psychology, pump your brakes!!!! It is not worth it. I have been to many on campus schools and never had problems with getting my financial aid money. When you attempt to contact them you get so many lies about why its not disbursed but through FAFSA you know they have received it for you to attend! When you finally get something after your grades are notated its not even a tenth of what you qualified for. ALSO IF YOU ARE A TRUE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST THE INITIAL CLASSES THEY RECOMMEND ARE BLASPHEMING TO GOD! Bad bad bad school!!!!

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13 of 28 people found the following review helpful

I would do it again!

Masters in Counseling - September 30, 2011
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I am finishing up my last semester and I have loved my time at Liberty. I had 1 professor who I didn't have a good experience with, but the rest have responded promptly, and thoroughly. I have enjoyed the intensive classes that I had to attend the most. I have learned a great deal. It takes a great deal of discipline though, and you get out of it what you put into it.

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Dishonest financial aid department stole my pell grant

Religion - September 8, 2011
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Curriculum is okay -- only did one semester with these creeps so I'm not the best to ask about curriculum. But, I can tell ya about financial aid! I was awarded a pell grant and loans (subsidized and unsubsidized). They took the money from the government and held the pell grant, refusing to release my funds to me and stopped communicating with me altogether. They wouldn't email me and asked me to call. So I called and they said to keep checking my online account ("Asist"). They are liars, thieves and scandalous people. Don't waste your time and go elsewhere!

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28 of 46 people found the following review helpful

Wonderful Experience.

Criminal Justice - August 23, 2011
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I researched many different institutions and never received as much help from the University from the enrollment counselor to the financial aid department, to the teachers that you deal with every day. The 8 week format works great as you can focus on fewer classes for a shorter period of time. I recommend Liberty to anybody who asks.

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8 of 13 people found the following review helpful

I would rather lay down in traffic

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - August 17, 2011
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Financial aide is an absolute nightmare. I would rather deal with Freddy Krugar. It is unorganized. Ignorance is prevalent. Some of the representatives are rude beyond belief. I would drop out if it wasn't for the fact I only have one semester left. My daughter is transfering out as fast as she can. I have had some really good professors, but I have also had some apathetic, uninvolved ones. What shocks me the most is Liberty University's slogan is "Training Champions for Christ for more than 30 years", and the content of the courses (in many classrooms) is far from Biblical values.

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21 of 25 people found the following review helpful

BS in Management Information Systems

Management - July 1, 2011
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The MIS degree in Liberty University allows you to gain Computer Science/Engineering skills and knowledge and combined them with Business knowledge. I am currently working in IT field and my experience as a student at LU in this program has helped me understand better how technology plays in the development of people’s life’s and in business. I expanded my business knowledge and greatly expanded my technical knowledge with skills in programming languages, analysis and design, database management just to name a few. I’m currently on my last class of my MIS Major. The program is extremely rigorous and challenging. Online classes are not for everyone, you will need to have good time management skills and a lot of curiosity to learn. The 8 week course format is great and you can take classes throughout the year. The classes involve a lot of reading, writing, software projects and assignments’ with deadlines. You will have individual assignments but also you will have the opportunity to interact with other Liberty students weekly during discussion boards and with group assignments. The professors have been very helpful, whether by email within 24 hours or by the phone. Looking back at all the hard work, I’m very satisfied of my overall experience. I feel I received a great education in which I gained a lot of practical knowledge and skills, I developed some friendships, and gained a Christian worldview and that’s something most schools simply can not offer. PS; By the way… for those that don’t know much about LU: Liberty University is an accredited university, one of the top 10 largest Universities in the United States having over 72,000 enrolled students, the largest Christian university in the world and have been best voted online as one of the top online universities for their programs. I feel good about my choice of attending Liberty University.

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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

MA degree- Very happy

Management - May 17, 2011
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As is the case, different people will have different experiences. It would be wonderful to have an organization that was 100% for 100% of the people. However, every circumstance is different, every individual is different, and every class is different. That being said, Liberty Unviersity was a wonderful experience. My professors (mostly) responded very quickly and gave great advice. Sometimes there were some disinterested teachers, and sometimes grades were not posted quickly. However, my overall experience is great. The classes are tough, but not to the point of ripping your hair out. They don't as too much, but they are not simple nor easy. They take work and dedication, as they should. My advisors have been good, although I have received conflicting informaiton before. These issues have always been cleared up very quickly. Technology is wonderful. Everything is smooth and easy to navigate. Overall, I love my experience with Liberty. Have 2 classes left, and with they offered the Doctoral degree I desire. It hasn't been a perfect experience, but those who think it should be are deluted as to how the real world works.

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7 of 9 people found the following review helpful


Bachelor of Science in Psychology - May 3, 2011
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Going to Liberty University was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I absolutely LOVE this school. I attended another Christian University for 3 years before and it could not even come close to comparing to LU. The staff are very supportive. I have gained life long mentors, and supporters because of going to LU. The staff truly want their students to succeed. The price for your education is OUTSTANDING! Especially if you are in the military. They show they appreciate military members. The only 2 recomendations I would make is students should be assigned to personal advisors instead of a team of advisors (can make things confusing) and there are some professors that do not respond quickly. Other than that I would recommend this University to anyone! LOVE IT LOVE IT!

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5 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Terrific and uplifting

Masters in Counseling - April 18, 2011
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People complain about the financial aid but that has not been a problem for me at all. Because of the number of online students, answers don't always come in a day but they come in two or three and people honestly do care about each and every student. The intensives on campus are very positive experiences. A few of the online profs are weak but compare that to any university. Some are downright excellent. I am very glad for knowing this school.

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4 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Military Family Friendly: I made the right decision to attend Liberty University

Management - April 2, 2011
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I chose this school accidentally. This was one of the schools I was interested in attending but hadn't decided for sure. I ended up almost losing my schollarship and the military spouse CAA advisor said if I registered for classes that day I would still receive my funding. So, I did and am so glad that I did that. Liberty has been wonderful. The values and beliefs at this school are very much my own. I find myself logging into class everyday excited for the new experience of what I may be learning that day. This is a very military friendly school, so military families don't hesitate. Contact the Military adviser located on the university webpage. Anyway this program is great. The classes are very satisfying, and I feel like I am getting a high level of education. This is a Brick and Mortar school located in Lynchburg, VA and they have some amazing programs here. I love my school so much that I am seriously considering taking my education a step further and applying to graduate school for next spring. The financial Aid was a little trying, but I have experienced that before at the school I received my AA from. Believe me all of the information they need is required and once that hurdle has been jumped it is so much worth it. You will not be disappointed in Liberty University, and who knows maybe God will find his way into your heart if he hasn't already.

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5 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Angry new student( be angry but sin not)

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - March 2, 2011
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I am a new accepted online student at liberty university. I haven't even started classes yet and I have had sooooo many problems with the financial aide department, along with their hole enrollment of new students period. This school system is absolutely horrible. Number one if your selected for verification you bet to start getting your information turned in to the school at leat 4 to 5 months in advace. I was selected for verification and I started the process and January 2011 it is now march 2, 2011 and their telling me i still might not be able to start on time on march 21 take the deadline for financial check-in is march 14,2011 and if your late checking in even if its there fault the charge you a 125 dollar late fee. I had to fax this school my paper work repeatedly a least two times each, because the way their system is set up the loose faxes like crazy which holds you up in the process. I even talk to the supervisior this school has no remorse and takes no credibility for their mistakes. Everytime you call this school you get a different person each time who repeats the exact same thing that you've heard from the very beginning. Your not assigned to just one person working on your enrollment status, your assigned to the hole call center so whomever you get thats just who you get. This schools process is terrible and their excuse is well we have so many students enrolling. Well so does phoenix university I went to that school and I had one person assisting me the whole time throughout my process unto I started my first day of school. I thought this university was working out of a spirit of excellence been a christian school and all but their not. Their not compassionate I spoke to a girl today in financial aide 3/2/11 who got an aittude with me and hung up in my face which provoked me to write this review with all the ups and down that I've been through with this school you would think they would be more concerned but I guess not I just another student on the row. I sent an email for financial aide to call me for the processing department they sent me an email saying that it would be one to two days, not business days well that was last friday and I still haven't received a phone call yet!And yes they are open on saturdays. Just pray about this school before you start the process yes everybody makes mistake and i understand the verification process takes about a month in itself but i would have been through with verification if that hadn't of kept losing my faxes.

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14 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Financial Aid here is a NIGHTMARE

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - February 26, 2011
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I have had so much trouble with Financial Aid at Liberty University this year 2010-2011. I am so frustrated that I would drop out but they would charge me for the classes I am in and I would end up not being able to get my transcripts. I was given a Pell grant in the Fall along with loans that covered my tuition fully but then in the Spring they charged me back $1388.00 with no warning what-so-ever and told me that I was in the verification process. I wasn't even able to get a book voucher for my books. Anyway 4 MONTHS LATER AM STILL IN VERIFICATIONS with no end in sight. I call and I email and NO ONE WILL HELP ME!!! I have a couple of friends that this happened to as well and through no fault of their own they were dropped from spring classes. Do not attend this school if you depend on your financial aid because everything will go smoothly for a while and then the bottom will drop out from under you and when it does you will not get any help from Liberty. They have grown to big too fast to give the personal attention students need. BUYER BEWARE!

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19 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Excellent University

Management - February 6, 2011
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I chose this school because it is accredited and has excellent technology for completing online classes. Additionally, I have found that most of my professors have PHDs and teach on campus. I highly recommend this University for anyone.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

Best university experience-highly recommended

Masters of Arts- Teaching - January 17, 2011
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I have been attending LU since March of 2010 to earn my MAT in secondary English education, and I can't recommend another school more. I will be done this May following student teaching. I will miss this school so much that I'm now considering getting my specialist and doctorate here. Prior to enrolling at LU for my masters, I had attended a public community college to get the basics out of the way, and then finished a BA in English at a large public state university. With these varied academic experiences, I feel justified to say that I can compare apples to oranges when analyzing the differences between a small-to-large public college/university to a private Christian school--more particularly a highly reputable school like LU. My praises of LU is primarily rooted in my most common grievances that any student will face at larger universities--large class sizes, inattentiveness from advisers, offices often losing my records, never being able to reach the offices to get their mistakes fixed b/c the student-to-office staff ratio is far too disproportional, and lack of flexibility in schedules (classes filling up somehow before enrollment is even open). As far as class content, both are comparable in great professors and challenging curriculum. Yep, constantly pulled/pull all-nighters for both. LU's offices are almost always available (but they don't mess up my paperwork, so I don't have to call them), the class sizes are smaller than my high school classes were (my average LU class size is 13-25), I never have a problem with availability of classes, since there are always multiple offerings of one class to choose from, most of my professors are astounding and very talented educators with doctorate degrees and all with MANY YEARS OF REAL EXPERIENCE as highly reputable educators in the k-12 arena, which they reflect on (you don't know how rare that can be in colleges of education), and I have always been personally and academically challenged. I've enjoyed the difference between public and Christian schools, and this isn't only because I'm Christian (non-demoninational). I think that there is a major attitude difference between the professors and staff at LU compared to my other colleges. From the moment I started looking and inquiring about LU, the people I interacted with were different--not in that I could even tell that religion had anything to do with it...they were just more outgoing and caring. I guess for the first time, I didn't feel like a number. OH, one of my primary complaints about my particular public university was probably the thousands of dollars in fees that change every semester. LU is so plainly laid out. The entire reason that I didn't attend my BA university for my MAT was because after fees were taken into consideration, LU was much LESS EXPENSIVE FOR A MORE FLEXIBLE EDUCATION!!!! I had taken 6 online classes with these other colleges, and LU uses the same type of program, so I was very familiar with how to navigate everything. It's a learning experience for newcomers to online classes, but I'm no tech-guru. I'm surprised by many of these comments. Give yourself an hour or two to explore it, and you can do it. NO MATTER WHICH online program you are in, you MUST be self-disciplined. For those interested in the MAT program at LU, please take this school into major consideration. I am very proud and honored to say that I am an LU student. In my program, I have had to go to intensives, one week spent on-campus for a week-long class, three times. From the outset, I was intimidated by this. However, LU schedules these when teachers are not going to be in school (summers and Christmas break). I just completed my last intensive, and I am going to miss these very much. If you are wondering what these are about (since all MAT students have to do 3 intensives), be excited about these--not persuaded elsewhere because of the thought of them.

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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful

B.S. & 2 M.A.'s from Liberty

Management - January 13, 2011
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I have earned 2 degrees from Liberty and will earn the third in May 2011 (1 B.S. & 2 M.A.'s). I earned one degree in the undergraduate category (Religion), one from the seminary (Theological Studies), and the third from the graduate school of business. Here are my observations: 1. Yes...Liberty is a Baptist school. No, they don't force you to subscribe to their denominational viewpoint. While in the seminary, I was enrolled with Christians from a variety of denominations and ACADEMIC FREEDOM was respected. Make your case in a scholarly manner and your work will be respected and graded don't lose points for being "other-than-Baptist." 2. Liberty's faculty is not a joke. You will encounter professors with terminal degrees from highly respected universities. In addition, many of these professors are published by reputable publishing houses and peer-reviewed academic journals. Those critics who attack the pedigrees of Liberty's faculty as a joke are being dishonest. Liberty is regionally accredited and must meet the same standards as any other accredited school when it comes to hiring faculty...this is not a diploma mill. Do your research to prove this yourself. As for there religious backgrounds, as a Baptist/religious university faculty are required to endorse the university's statement of religious faith. So, too, the faculty at the Notre Dame, Brigham Young, and a variety of other religious schools in this country. 3. The academic programs are comprehensive and rigorous. Papers are submitted through anti-plagiarism software platforms that assign originality scores. If you intend to submit a "purchased" paper or a "cut and paste" job, you will not get away with it. My research papers have always been returned with constructive comments and feedback. Yes, some professors are better than others when it comes to student attention, but for the most part Liberty expects, and gets, a high level of student attention from its professors. 4. Liberty loses points for its "academic advising." Most of these advisors are students at the university...they are more bean-counters than advisors. However, if you are independent and mature, you don't need them. Print out your requirement sheet for your degree program and register for the classes you's that simple (that's all the advisors are going to do anyway). If you are technology-challenged, Liberty's platform can be frustrating until you get used to it...but so would any other college IT platform. However, the Help-Desk is understanding and available to assist these types of students navigate the IT set-up. 5. The course material is relevant and up-to-date. The text books are not "religious," unless you are in the seminary. 6. I found the programs to be worth the money. I was challenged academically and the research was intensive. All work is expected to be of the highest quality. 7. As a distance-learning program, you get what you put into it. For those critics who say it is easy to cheat, I say this...I went to state university and witnessed much academic's easy to cheat there, too. However, I never submitted papers through anit-plagiarism software at state university. 8. Class participation is done via online discussion forums. I didn't like them at first but grew to appreciate them because I found people are more honest when they are not looking you in the eye. As an exercise, these discussion boards are very helpful and provide quality critical interaction with a variety of viewpoints. 9. As a person of faith, Liberty gave me the freedom to integrate my worldview with my work, particularly important in such areas as ethics. No one asked me to embrace a particular religious view. 10. Distance learning gave me the flexibility to return to school. My work schedule did not accomodate attending classes without significant imposition on my home life. Going to Liberty allowed me to keep my job and be a good father & husband. It was a seamless transition...I could work my school work around my job and other obligations, not the other way around.

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14 of 16 people found the following review helpful

One of the Worst school ever!

Masters in Counseling - December 18, 2010
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I have been attending liberty for about a year and half now. the school is not helpful at all the teachers are sorry do not want to work, they give you test that they can not even take ,and has nothing to do with the material that they give to you. they never repsond to email until 5 later I can go on and on but whats the point if i didnt have 4 classes left I would leave. oh yeah they post grades 2 later.

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13 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Frustration, just frustration

Criminal Justice - November 20, 2010
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I am writing this review for my wife. She was attending Dallas Baptist University and loved it but tuition became higher that her financial aid. Enter Liberty, which gave a great discount since I am a veteran. The price is outstanding but the quality is terrible. Often one is forced into 8 week sessions with description stating don't take another class with this one as it is so rigorous. That means six hours a semester. The professors have on more than one occasion misrepresented a differing Theological view. It is one thing to say I don't agree, it is another to outright misrepresent the other side, which they do. The professors rarely get back with you and have poor instructions. Also, as a rule them don't explain why one gets the grade that they do. She has been going to LU for two years now and every time she calls to speak with an adviser, it is a different person who does not know the answer. It is safe say that she has no adviser and must figure it out on her own. As for contacting the loans companies about financial aid and her continuing to be registered, the department seems to have amnesia and tell the loan companies the she is not in school even after finishing one 8 week session and starting another. This has caused a lot of problems with her credit but we have worked it out. If we were in the position to go to another school we would but as of now it is best to stay with them but given another chance, no way would she go to LU.

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16 of 22 people found the following review helpful

The good, the bad and the very ugly

Masters in Counseling - October 13, 2010
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The good news first. Liberty is affordable if you are military. Most of the classes can be completed online and fast. The bad news is there are many counselor "advisors" which are students and the advice can be conflicting and not in your best interest unless you happen to receive someone on the ball. However, you are still responsible for bad information. Liberty Univeristy is very good at accepting no responsibility for anything. Your a number, not a person. YOu may wait hours on the phone while trying to sign up for classes during high volume. The very ugly, most teachers concentrate on the integration of Christianity which is very time consuming and takes away from precious time needed to learn what is on your license exam. Some of the teachers, particulary internship can be very self righteous, self-centered and harsh and forget we are paying customers besides being students. Some of the teachers are just rigid and inflexible. I had one teacher whine about her illness the entire time we spent in her class only to fail several students who had serious health issues arise. Liberty has changed since Mr. Falwell died and it has become a greedy machine. The people are often fake and sell Jesus in a "package". The University is against health care, democrats, and of course gays and believe dinosaurs walked the earth three thousand years ago. YOu will have to endure conversations regarding the submissive role of women and other extreme belief systems. I have found the University to be selling God but not exactly following Jesus' teachings in all honesty. You may discover potential employees pausing at the school of your choice.

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16 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Love my school!

Masters in Counseling - October 11, 2010
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I have been a LU Distance Learning student since 2009 - first started in the school counseling (M.Ed.) program, then switched to LPC due to the lack of internships in my county. Keep in mind that I'm almost 50, have several children, and so this is the ONLY alternative for me to return to school...and I must say that I am truly glad I chose Liberty. In all fairness, the entire Distance Learning thing lacks: Personal instruction. Get ready for it: It's a fact. That's why it's called "Distance Learning." It requires that you 1. Do not procrastinate in financial aid applications, loan documents, or school work; 2. Ask for help IMMEDIATELY if you need it. 3. Use the Distance Learning Library for further clarification. I'm seeing some differing opinions here, but I LOVE the spiritual emphasis, especially in the counseling field. We are taught as Christians to respect diversity, yet to hold strong to our beliefs because our chosen profession is our testimony in large part. If people feel uncomfortable with this aspect of LU's education, then they should probably consider transferring out...because I sincerely hope that LU will forever hold to their Christian values. I was an on campus LBC student in the early 1980s, so the 2010 LU is tremendously different than the strict LBC I used to go to...but changing with the times doesn't mean dropping standards, so more power to LUs curriculum that emphasizes Christ in every class. I'm ALL about that, even in my unworthy, sinful state! :-) I also receive regular contact from the LU admissions team (and I used to work in a proprietary school as an admissions rep and let me tell you - this is NOT a normal thing....usually in private schools like the one I worked at, it's all about the money and not at all about building a relationship after the "sale" of admitting someone....) so I've always found that very refreshing. Even in job-search efforts, prospective employers here in NC have "heard great things" about LUs DLP (including the principal I interviewed with) that's always nice to know when seeking employment. It takes a lot more reading, advance preparation, independence, and discipline to be successful in an online environment. Period. Do yourself a favor and figure out your schedules, order your books a few months in advance of your classes, and leisurely read at your own pace. You'll be surprised at how much easier 8 weeks can become if you prepare yourself. I Love my School...and the friendships I've forged with so many of my classmates...especially in my Group Process and Counseling Techniques intensive classes...those two weeks with my instructors and classmates at the LU campus were truly life transforming for me!!! Thank you all for what you've added to my life.... Rock on, LU!!!! P.S. LUs grad program is no walk in the park...but is it supposed to be?? No class will ever teach you everything you need to know...but I can say that LU has exposed me to areas I need to concentrate on developing. When I went to NSU, though....I wasn't totally ready for the Praxis exams when I graduated; I had to study for 6 months before I took them. LU has some FABULOUS instructors but some instructors are better than others as in all schools. I have had some issues with being incorrectly graded on tests because some questions can be very subjective; however, I have respectfully emailed instructors and explained why I selected the answer I did (including text page reference) and on every occasion, I have received credit for the answer - so overall, who can complain about that? One of the biggest issues I have noticed among instructors is lack of consistency in APA grading. Now I ask my instructors during Day One to provide sample APA format they prefer. Finding out instructor preferences at the very beginning can save time and deductions. FYI: They instruct from all over the country, so there will never be "consistency." Do yourself a favor and ask Day One. I order my books 2-4 weeks early and stay a few chapters ahead. This requires reading beforehand, especially with intensive classes, which can be very fast-paced and hectic. Since the sessions are 8 weeks, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with other project requirements so reading and studying ahead has benefited me immensely. Another suggestion is to check the difficulty levels of the classes before registering. DO NOT take two 10/10 difficulty rated courses in the same term unless you want to pull your hair out :-) Strategically plan your schedule so you take moderate/hard together and not hard/hard in the same term. There is such a thing as academic burnout. Yes, I'm more responsible than I was at 18 years old, yes I know the value of filling out loan paperwork as soon as I know I have to so I can be ready in six these habits naturally eliminate me from some of the experiences I'm noting here that may be occurring due to poor planning and last-minute preparation....which is never a good thing in a DLP or a classroom collegiate environment. I laugh because I remember during undergrad, standing in financial aid lines for literally the ENTIRE DAY at NSU....only to find out that they had not processed paperwork, etc. I have NEVER had that experience at LU. Hope this helps, and best of luck in your collegiate experiences, people...God bless!

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16 of 18 people found the following review helpful

It worked for me

Masters in Counseling - September 23, 2010
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I completed the MA in Professional Counseling in 2007. I have since obtained state licensure and am satisfied with the outcome. LU is definitely oriented toward a conservative, protestant christian worldview. Most courses focused heavily on integrating that perspective into counseling. I didn't find that part so useful because I had not intended to be a "Christian Counselor" from the outset. Still it wasn't a big problem for me and didn't interfere with the direction I wanted to go. The instructors were helpful and I had no concerns about support from other staff. As a previous person mentioned it is not CACREP accredited. CACREP accreditation makes life easier, but it hasn't really interfered with my professional goals. Currently, the only limitation lack of CACREP has imposed is that I cannot currently bill TRICARE insurance. All things being equal, I would have chosen a school with the accreditation, but the convenience of online learning, and the lower tuition (at that time) won out. Overall, the program offered a sound education and readily met requirements for licensure in Virginia.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Worst Service Ever

Masters in Counseling - August 31, 2010
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Don't waste your time or money! While the material is good, the teachers are terrible. They do the bare minimum and are often not helpful. No one at the school will help you unless you fill out a bunch of forms, which they do knowing that everyone is too busy to take the time to do it. I have had terrible service at every turn and it has been the worst experience working with an organization in my life.

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11 of 16 people found the following review helpful


Bachelor of Science in Psychology - August 5, 2010
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The teachers dont respond to questions, the financial aid dept is a mess, advisors are not at all helpful...I could go on and on. I am finishing my degree (and will graduate) from Liberty, and do think the coursework was helpful, but I would never ever send someone to this school. I suggest a college where the professors actually respond to requests for information and the adviors actually advise!!

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16 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Frustrating at times, but good overall

Masters of Arts- Teaching - July 30, 2010
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The online MAT program requires that you read through many documents before you understand everything that will be required of you - it seems like I was finding something new that I had to do every semester. It is frustrating that there is no one page that shows all of the requirements. That being said, I had a good experience overall. I had one teacher who did not return emails or grade assignments in a timely manner, but all the others were very good. Also, one of the three required intensives turned out to be a waste of time, but the other two were excellent. When I called the school with a question, I always talked with a student. They were always very nice and could answer general questions. If I had more specific questions though, I had to email several professors to finally find the right person and get my questions answered. I was impressed every time I visited the campus. Liberty's goal for students in the MAT program is to provide a quality education that produces excellent teachers. I believe they accomplish this goal quite well. The moral of the story: if you can be extremely self-reliant and persistent, you will do fine.

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Great Online Program

MBA - July 25, 2010
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This is a great online program. I have had a great experience with my degree. I only have 6 classes to go, and it has been a tough, but rewarding experience. This is an on-line program...A lot of the assignments have to be done individually and with the help of classmates. The professors generally answer questions within 24 hours, but that is not always the case. If you are not self motivated, you will have problems in this program. Overall, it is well worth the time and effort. You should purchase textbooks on though - the bookstore is way overpriced.

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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful

negative intensive experience

Masters of Arts- Teaching - June 20, 2010
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It is been frustrating from the beginning to get my questions answered. My experience has been that every couple months I find out another test, course or expectation that is required for degree completion. For example, I just found out that I have to take a special trip to Virginia to take a one day test that is only recognized in Virginia. Further, many departments simply forward you on to another department rather than do the research needed to answer your questions. Then there are the intensives. You are required to come to campus for 3 one-week intense classes. At which point, you are responsible to find your own off-campus lodging and none of the student services are offered to you. It's been a disappointment so far and would not recommend this online program to those seeking online Master's degree in Teaching.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Hassle's and Headaches

Multidiciplinary Studies - June 17, 2010
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I don't know where to start. Liberty University, I thought was a going to be a good online school. I was referred by someone and thought I'd give it try (turns out they didn't like it either). I had no contact from any department there. Reaching admissions seems to be easy but once you're enrolled...forget about it! Whatever department you're trying to reach will take forever, both on the phone and by email. No responses and when they finally do respond it's so long afterward and half the time they don't resolve the issue. I don't know why this school is like this. It was absolutely horrible and discouraging. Students should be able to get important matters taken care of without such delays and confusion. Some financial aid reps seem down right rude and incompetent. If you're going to invest money in your education, you may want to look elsewhere. The blackboard learning system is boring, so if you're not one who likes to consistently read text on the screen all the time in addition to books...find another school. You'd think that it would be updated and a little more engaging,'s not. I have seen other lms's that are more interactive. Bottom line, I did not find the staff helpful,you feel disregarded once enrolled, the online learning system is just not right, the process of attending the school was simply not worth and it. It seems affordable but at this point, I wouldn't attend even if the cost of attendance were $50 a credit. I'm sorry I even applied here. What a headache!

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15 of 18 people found the following review helpful


Ed.D. in Leadership - June 16, 2010
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I am enjoying completing my degree at Liberty. I have had online classes and intensive classes. There are sometimes when the books that are "required" are rarely used, which is a little irritating with the cost of text books, but I think this is a problem in many places, I remember it being an issue in my undergrad work at another institution as well. The quality of education is second to none. The instructors are helpful and show a true care and concern for the students. If you are not a Christian, I can see where this university may make you uncomfortable, because a Christian worldview is woven into all courses, but then again Christian students go to secular schools all the time and don't pout and complain about being offended. Just know when you enroll in Liberty, you will be presented things from a Christian perspective. I have been very pleased with my education and am glad that I made the decision to enroll in Liberty.

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20 of 21 people found the following review helpful

I Could Not be More Pleased

Ed.D. in Leadership - April 14, 2010
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I am not conservative at all. In fact, I am extremely liberal, yet I was able to fit in and be accepted by those who were definitely more extreme to the "right." I appreciated the Christian viewpoint in regard to education and its value. I learned a lot from my professors and classmates, both online and during the intensives (on campus classes). Since I am prior military, my tuition was discounted and this fact made attending LU extremely valuable and cost effective for me. LU accepted post-masters credits from another university which made my time shorter...even though it still took me 2 1/2 years. My defense was tough and challenged me. Who would really want anything different? If it's too easy then the value is stale. My chair was very supportive from the very beginning. Becoming a "Dr" is not an easy process. No one is going to just let you walk in, but with this said, I HIGHLY recommend LU for anyone who wants to earn an Ed.D. in leadership. I could not be more pleased!

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28 of 29 people found the following review helpful

Awesome University

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - April 13, 2010
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I am currently taking my 10th class with Liberty University Online. This is probably one of the best universities for military to attend because they give so many benefits to the men and women in uniform. I recommend Liberty University to everyone I meet because I believe I get a real world class education there. They actually read the course critiques you do after the courses and change the course format and materials if enough people make recommendations. I've been in the Marines for about eight years now, and I bounced around to several different colleges. I have to say that without a doubt Liberty is #1. It is more challenging than the other places I've attended, and it's better than actually attending a brick and mortar institution. The professors at Liberty actually care. I actually learn things at Liberty, whereas at the last college I went to, I felt I was repeating stuff I learned in my first two years of high school. Check Liberty out, it is worth your time.

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful


Bachelor of Science in Psychology - March 29, 2010
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I lacked one year finishing my BS degree. I'm married, I work and have children, so when I looked around at available alternatives I decided to go with a distance learning program. Liberty University fit the bill perfectly and it has been a great experience. Communication was excellent. The online systems work well. Help, feedback, and general care and concern were first rate. You are not just a number at Liberty. Highly recommended!

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Great University

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - March 23, 2010
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I have attended two schools before transferring here and I must say I have really enjoyed Liberty thus far. I can understand the negative reviews from those who don't really agree with the incorporation of a Christian Worldview. I will say that this is a Christian school and when selecting schools to attend, Liberty clearly states that it is a Christian school and it does not apologize or try to hide this fact. My major is Psychology. I'm currently in the undergraduate program and I can attest that some of the work in these classes is a bit much. However, I was extremely happy to pass a biology class at this school. While working a full time job, and taking three to five tests a week, I can't believe some are complaining about not getting a real education. This is a real College. A lot of quality books have been written by Professors at this school. Some of the Deans and Professors have given lectures at Harvard and Yale. Yes, Professors from Liberty giving lectures at Harvard and Yale. Why it is that Christians are thought to be less educated then the secular world? I know this is an undue bias but it will continue unfortunately not only from the world but from Christians as well. If a person would like to receive a very thorough education from a very credible school, I recommend Liberty. A lot of the online courses do require you to read a lot, and there is a great deal of homework. It is a very respectful environment and you will be required to read scriptures from the Bible or take a Bible survey class but then again even people who are not Christians may find it useful to learn where some famous quotes from history come from. Many are used in society. I’m sorry so many have had a negative experience. The person who had the complaint about wanting a Professional Counseling degree vs. a Christian counseling degree, I believe that is a valid point. The rest, sounds like you picked the wrong school that does not sit well with your worldview.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Not worth it

Management - March 7, 2010
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The Liberty University Online professors that I have had so far will post assignments but they have not been available for support or any questions. If you can't figure something out on your own, this program is NOT for you. Don't get me wrong, any Master's level program should be a challenge or everyone would have a Master's but I expect support from professors.

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10 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Do not recommend

Masters in Counseling - February 19, 2010
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I was accepted into Master's of Professional Counseling with Liberty University last year. What I did not know was that I was going to be in the program for "Christian counseling" vs. Professional Counseling. The description of the program on the web page does not emphasize that this program is specifically for those who intend to practice as Christian counselors. For those who intend to attain professional licensure - beware that this program is not CACREP accredited. After taking and completing two classes, I decided to drop out and transfer to another university. Reasons? Unless you are a hard core conservative believer, you are going to have a tough time participating in discussion boards (I was the only one expressing more liberal views on different topics) and doing papers. Every single assignment requires incorporation of Christian views and it is expected that students will quote and reference the Bible in every single topic. I felt like the expression of different opinions was not encouraged. Your work load will be double because the university incorporates readings and materials by Christian authors in addition to the main topic materials. I consider myself a Christian, but I was quite discouraged by the direction that Liberty University was taking with this Master's program. I kept asking the question "What if I do not want to call myself a Christian counselor, just a counselor?" The obvious answer to my question was to transfer to another university. My advise to potential students: unless you are fine with very conservative religious views and intend to work as a Christian counselor, this university is not for you.

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12 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Major in Professional Counseling

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - February 10, 2010
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I have taken several classes now and feel that Liberty University is excellent! It is not a breeze and you have to do the work - but what college is easy? I have good instructors and they give good feedback, good classmates, the technology is great and all of the staff have been wonderful to me. I would highly recommend this college for your masters degree. I did not attend Liberty for my bachelors.

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

BS - Business Management

Management - January 4, 2010
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Liberty gets a lot of bad reviews simply because they are a Baptist university. Some people want to devalue the education because they feel like Christianity is shoved down their throat. Newsflash...if you attend a Baptist university, you will probably take a few religion courses. Xavier is a very prestigious university in Cincinnati. If you get a degree from there you will take theology and religion courses also. I have an Associates degree from a private college and have taken several classes at a state university. Liberty's coursework matches or exceeds both of them. I am not a "bible thumper" by any means, but I did enjoy a couple of the bible courses. A couple of others I didn't enjoy quite as much and one of them was about as difficult of a course as I have ever taken. I don't see how people apply a stigma to private religious universities, but private religious high schools are applauded for their superiority to public schools. Bottom line - Liberty is a great university that offers a quality education. The online classes are challenging. I haven't met a professor yet who will let you get away with much at all. If you don't do the work, you will not pass. It's really that simple. I'm glad that I found Liberty and I know that it will help me progress in my career. My company is even helping me pay for this. Would they do that if they weren't going to recognize the degree? My advice would be that if you find a company who looks down on a degree from Liberty, find another company. Preferably one that knows how to evaluate an education rather than letting their preconceived notions get in the way.

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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Masters of Arts- Teaching

Masters of Arts- Teaching - October 1, 2009
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I received my Bachelors of Science from Liberty University through the onlne program. The classes are pretty tough but what are you to expect. I am now enrolled in the Master's of Arts- Teaching program and it is a rigorous program. However, I am very pleased with the school!

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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Great DLP

Management - August 19, 2009
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This is a great university for anyone, especially military. I have enjoyed my time at Liberty. I will say that the online classes can be very challenging but are so worth it. I know when my degree is complete I will be able to feel comfortable in any management position. I know that Liberty has taught me the skills I need to succeed. The teacher are very understanding and helpful. Every time I called in to the advisors my questions are answered promptly and accurately. I would highly recommend this university to individuals interested in obtaining the education and skills required to seamlessly step into their chosen career field.

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BS from LU

Bachelor of Science in Psychology - July 19, 2009
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I have completed my BS in psychology from Liberty University. The curriculum was tough, but good (in most classes). It is NOT an easy program. The most progressive class (in the new 8-week format) was biology. The book was online (e-book). There was plenty of interaction with others, and plenty of help, if needed. Unfortunately, that support was lacking many of the required courses in my degree plan. The worst classes to take online were the math classes. There was NO support for these classes. The coursework was NOT formatted for an online platform, the required textbooks were NOT helpful for the content, and there was NO discussion board element equation in the grade. The online math classes are NOT progressive, NOT geared for the 8-week formatting and NOT pleasant to get through. I recommend ALL students take their math classes at ANY other institution, and have the credits transferred in! However, on the other side, I got to take classes with Elmer Towns as the lecturer. He was incredibly organized, incredibly easy to understand and a joy to learn from. I absorbed so much from his classes. My recommendation to anyone attending (or going to attend) LU, take Towns' Gospel of John course. It's not a requirement, but should be. (NOTE: You can check out Towns' website, where MANY of his books are there as eBooks, and can be read online, free. It's at ELMER TOWNS DOT COM). POSITIVES: (1) The online formatting (2) Accreditation (3) The Incredible Biblical Studies Courses/Resources and Professors (4) All students get access to the online academic library, including subscriptions to peer and scientific review articles. This is a MUST for the social sciences. NEGATIVES: (1) A few BAD Professors, with Poor ability to teach. (2) The "Advisers" in the psychology department are often unprofessional, curt, uninformative and unhelpful! I was GREATLY disappointed with each one of them (in my time at LU). (3) The financial aid department are horrible! I couldn't believe the unprofessional attitude I received from financial aid, during my time there. It was bar none, the worst experience I had with this university. I cannot express how awful they were to deal with. (4) The discrimination the University holds against online students. Resident students get so many advantages that online students do NOT (including tutoring, counseling, professor interaction, scholarships, access to the LU campus and community, plus resident students get the advantage of being local enough to walk their commencement, where online students often cannot afford the airfare to Lynchburg for commencement ceremonies, etc.). CONCLUSION: I cannot personally recommend Liberty's Online University. My suggestion would be if you were local, to attend Liberty in person. However, if you're not local to Lynchburg, I would suggest ANY legitimate alternative to Liberty's online program.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Very Satisfied

MBA - July 5, 2009
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I'm just finished my 3rd class in the Masters of Science Accounting program. I really cannot express how satisfied I've been with the whole experience. The school is an excellent value and the course work has been challenging. The 8-wk format is great but be prepared to stay busy with a lot of writing, analysis, and some group work. With 7 classes to go I feel good about my choice of Liberty. The professors have been great, anytime I call the school for one thing or another they are very polite and responsive to my needs. By the way, I did an extensive search to find a school that offered an all online masters program, didn't require the GMAT, is nationally accredited, has an actual campus with real sports teams and offered 8-wk classes. Liberty fit the bill as most of the colleges here in the Boston area have a nightmare of an admissions process and work on a traditional semester course. All right I've said enough, hope this helps you!

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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful


MSN - Nursing Education - June 12, 2009
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Faculty at WGU typically have great credentials but work from home and are often over stressed and underpaid. The degree is inexpensive but he price is a "one size fits all" degree. WGU does not maintain the resources to allow any student the option to taylor the degree to their individual professional needs. You must eat your gruel in the order that it is served. There is no program transparency and the faculty are often abrupt and snide with the students. The school struggles to accept any negative feedback from the student body. Constructive feedback from the students is always dismissed. I love online education and I love the opportunity to work efficiently and independently, this program became overly tedious and often felt like the blind leading the blind through an unfamiliar maze.

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5 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Challenging MBA

MBA - May 9, 2009
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I am a current graduate student in the online MBA program. I will be the first to say that the program is extremely rigourous. The eight week format requires a lot of focus and strong writing skills. The majority of the classes have team projects tied to the final grade. Admission into this program is straightforward, as you do not need to take the GMAT, but you need a 3.0 undergraduate minimum. However, do not be fooled into thinking that you will not get a top notch business education. Liberty has far surpassed my initial expectations. The professors are tough, but very supportive and accessible. Administrative staff, financial aid, fellow classmates are also very supportive and accessible. I am very pleased with the professionalism and real world problems posed in each of the classes. I graduated from a prestigious Christian college with my bachelor's in one of the liberal art subjects. Liberty U is not as highly ranked, but I'm getting more of a real world experience than I ever did at the other college. I highly recommend this program for a motivated individual who wants a Christian world view.

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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful


Management - July 24, 2008
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A very tiresome experience to begin with. The process from the beginning was not good. They were very slow to respond to questions, and this was in every department. Whether you call or email...expect to just wait, and wait some more. It doesn't make sense for an academic institution to conduct business in this manner while students are focusing on their education and moving forward, it's like they put you on hold until whenever. If paying application fees and tuition gets you this type of's not worth it. I would recommend exploring as many options as possible before going to Liberty University. Unless they hire more professional staff and show a genuine interest in your future at their institution.

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7 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Loved it so much I moved to VA

Masters in Counseling - May 20, 2008
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I started this program online but loved my residency experiences so much I moved from Canada to Lynchburg to attend the on-campus program. This is a wonderful school I loved it and I miss Liberty now that I have completed the degree. If online I could find a program that I love this much to do my PhD.

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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Absolutely One of the Best Schools Online

Masters in Counseling - May 8, 2008
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This school is one of the best online schools in the nation. Quick responses by staff to questions. Organized. All guides are available for review PRIOR to the start of class. No hidden issues here. LU puts their guide/class(syllabus) requirements online for all to review (unlike other online schools who state they are copyrighted and a secret). No surprises--review requirements prior to enrollment. Absolutely wonderful and although there are thousands of students, you are treated as if you are their only student.

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

M.A. Human Services

Masters in Counseling - April 4, 2008
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Faculty has been great, and the courses have been challenging. Academic adviser that was assigned to me was scarce and didn't return emails or calls, but the other academic advisor's stepped up and were helpful.

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Great School!

Management - February 26, 2008
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Liberty University has been a great educational experience. I have completed a BS in Business Management and am finalizing a Masters in Management. I can not say any bad comments, I've loved the interaction, I've gotten great feedback, and I've had great interactions with other students in the group projects. Liberty's DLP program offers 8 week semesters, allowing you place all your focus on 2 to 3 classes over 8 weeks instead of 4 to 6 classes over 16 weeks.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

Only Time Will Tell

Masters in Counseling - February 22, 2008
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Look out!! When it comes time for you to find an site for practicum and/or internship site you will be totally on your own! This was very dissappointing to discover considering the investmest of time and finances in the degree.

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Great University

Masters in Counseling - December 28, 2007
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This is a great college for the working adult and those in the military. The TA cover for military members is just outstanding! The teachers and the staff at Liberty are just great. I would encourage anyone serious about getting a degree from B&M that offers online degrees to consider Liberty.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

Great University

Masters in Counseling - December 28, 2007
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Finally, a college that has both a great DLP and resident program. In addition, this is a real college with a real building. The program is well suited for working adults. The staff, student body, and teachers are very helpful. The cost of the college is very affordable and the university will help you out with financial aid as well. Excellent university for military members as well.

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Comments: is not affiliated with Liberty University in any way.