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Westwood College

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    Ranking: #86
    Non-Profit: Yes
    Country: USA
    Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS), which is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

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Westwood College Reviews:

surpised at some of these reviews.

Animation - January 18, 2014
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I'm surprised at some of these reviews. Westwood online taught me the basics of oraphic design which was all I needed. I took it upon myself to learn the animation and web design myself as a bonus. With practicing every day I feel once I earn my degree (less than 2 months) I should have no issue getting a job. I've created such a strong portfolio and owe a lot of it to Westwood.

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1 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Don't Waste Your Time

medical assisting - January 15, 2014
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While I attended Westwood, it was evident that the instructors were very underqualified. They would barely teach. I had background classes taken at Gwinnett Tech such as A&P, Medical Terminology and Patient Relations. Since these did not transfer, I had to retake them. I noticed whenever the students would present a project, a lot of them would make statements that were not accurate. For example, one group presented a project on bipolar disorder and had a completely distorted view of the disorder and their entire presentation was wrong. Not once did the instructor correct them. Another instructor would simply hand out a stack of busy work and go about her day online while we did book work for 5 hours. Quite frankly, I would terrified to let any Westwood student draw my blood. Gwinnett Tech had a much better medical assisting program. Save yourself from this huge waste of time and money and go to another technical school. GTC was actually less expensive too..

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3 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Actual Unbaised Review: The Good and Bad

Animation - July 5, 2013
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Before attending Westwood College Online a prospective student may assume that online school is an easier way to go, but it requires a self-teaching attitude because the teacher will never be right in front of you to show you what to do. Extra research to learn is necessary as well, for the same reason, and so expect to do a lot of self-motivated reading and searching. Any schooling requires discipline in order to graduate and I've found that without proper time management and self-discipline a person will struggle to stay bove water. All of Westwood's staff is willing to help a student; they are simply a phone call or email away. Only thing is that it takes the student to make the effort to ask for the help or they won't receive any. It's college and not elementary school so it's the student's responsibility as an adult to take charge. I've had good and bad teachers; nothing is ever black or white. The good teachers were friendly and provided me with useful information and skills, while the bad ones were sarcastic and somewhat insulting. I did have a lot more good teachers than bad teachers though. The school provides you with up-to-date software and likes to keep you updated. Like any college, if you're not enrolled in school full time then you don't get to avoid payments until graduation so that can't be held as the fault of Westwood College. As for the results: I graduated with a degree in animation and obtained a paid internship as a 3D modeler and animator for a video game company before I graduated. So in a nutshell it's all up to the student to take charge of their future; not to sit around and wait for the future to come to them. Getting through school wasn't a walk in the park; it took a lot of time and hard work. But I can honestly say that it was well worth it and that i will never have to make minimum wage ever again.

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6 of 12 people found the following review helpful

It is a total scam

Interior Design - June 28, 2013
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Westwood's Online Interior Design Program is a scam. I have $32,000 in debt from this school. They lied to me about being accredited and lied to me about financial things along the way. I have recently went back to school to an actual college in the same state and they will not even recognize one of my credits from Westwood. I am literally 45 mins away from the school in which when I was enrolled in their program I lived in another state and I could not transfer even my english let alone any design classes. I have had to start from the beginning which has been good because the education I am receiving is far superior to that at Westwood. But my student loan debt is increasing and I am quite angry that the government recognizes them and allows for students to be preyed upon by trusting that if you can get FAFSA there they have to be ok....WRONG! Stay clear and do not be deceived.

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6 of 9 people found the following review helpful

A Whole lotta BS degree

Criminal Justice - December 31, 2012
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I now owe 70,000 dollars for something I could wipe my butt with. I finally thought that I was going to be someone, but now I am losing my house. I don't want to be living with low class people in some poor area of town. That's not what I went to college for. I wish I had just stuck with my trade which was painting houses. I made good money. It seems like anymore, if you don't have a degree you will be hung. That's how society raises it's kids. Like if I don't have a degree no one will marry me. Now, no one will marry me because of debt. Oh yes, they will go after my spouse too.

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11 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Curriculum needs work, as does everything else

Web Design and Multimedia - December 24, 2012
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As a prelude, I'd like to say that I finished my associates degree through Westwood College in December of 2003. I was taken in by the orientation BS about how jobs would be a plenty by the time we graduated. I did not get my first graphic design job until 2006. Between those three years, Westwood helped me one time directly to find something in my area of expertise. Obviously, Westwood cannot control the ebb and flow of the economy, but they can be more practical and stop trying to sell their courses to naive students with a helping of bullshit. As of now, I am enrolled in a bachelor's degree for web design and multimedia. The online sessions are convenient, but because financial aid charges you more to participate in part time classes, I chose to go full time foolishly believing the curriculum would be formulated for people with full time jobs and families. This was not the case and is my first gripe with this program: 1. Online Degree: If you're going to market the convenience of an online degree, at least respect your clients to the point of making it so the classes can be completed during a 40 hour work week. Some of us do not have time to read through 300+ pages spread between three classes with homework and discussion posts, and still get a decent grade. These were also not for core classes, which are more important than general education, which brings me to my next point... 2. Lack of Choice: I could not choose which general education classes to take. This akin to buying an album off of Itunes and then Itunes telling you which songs they're deciding to give you with the album. Westwood gets plenty of money to be able to offer students more of a choice in which classes they want to take. 3. General Education: The Gen Ed classes available from this program are horrendous. If I'm taking a bachelor's degree program, I know what I want to focus on, but classes like "science fiction", "statistics" and "public speaking" do not help me in my development of my graphic and web design skill sets, and the fact that these classes include workloads that match or outdo the core classes lead sme to believe Westwood is stuffing their programs with unnecessary classes in order to charge students more money. 4. Curriculum: The curriculum recently changed, however, I have no idea if they've updated their outdated methods of teaching. For example, CMS platforms like drupal, wordpress and joomla are quickly becoming key elements for a lot of businesses, yet none of my core classes taught any aspect of these besides a discussion of what is the best CMS to use for a client. Even considering the fact that these are built upon languages such as PHP, these classes do not teach students how to use these languages. In conclusion, I went into the program thinking I would learn something. I learned most from my Digital Photography class and maybe a few others, yet everything else felt like a waste of time and money. So for the TL;DR version: Don't do the Web Design and Multimedia program, find a community college and take classes that don't waste your time and money like Westwood does.

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7 of 9 people found the following review helpful

they say they offer industry standards.

Game Art - October 30, 2012
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I will start off by saying if your serious about learning Westwood provides you with 1/3 of that. I am in my second to last term and have taken both on-line and on-campus courses both morning and late night. The difference is night and day on campus. AM students and instructors are a good deal more laid back and sometimes way too lenient. Night classes are comparable to a real college or university (people are there to learn) Game Art program at the Anaheim California campus is a bit of a joke (strictly in my opinion) i also think they are slowly phasing the program out completely. instructors: 4/10 when joining the school they make sure you know that all instructors have a masters degree and all have many years of experience in their respective fields. not true. when i started there were 10 instructors and now there are only 4 left due to unqualified instructors. doesn't mean they were all bad and doesn't mean they were not valuable to some degree. they just didn't meant standards to teach core classes at Westwood. students: 3/10 I guess you could say I am one of the older students in almost all of my classes, closer to 30 than to 18. this does cause a bit of alienation on my part because Im there to learn and to get the knowledge i need. don't get me wrong some of them are nice but if you know what a "troll" is than you will understand. it reminds me way too much of high school where it takes students 20 to 45 minutes just to get in to class for a 2-4 hour class, and constantly disrupting lectures and projects. hardware: 3/10 if a technical college, and yes Westwood is a technical college has 4 career programs that are dependent on computers and at least a semi decent connection to the network and they fail to provide even that then should they even keep the career programs running? computers are basic server grade computers. 10 minutes to boot up and log-in and a network connection barely able to load a 2 minute youtube video for a stoyboard breakdown assignment. (thank you criminal justice students on facebook) software: 6/10 this is the "meat and potatoes" of game art program, the programs you need to know so you can get a job in the industry. if the computers were actually able to run the programs we need and even somewhat effectively then there wouldnt be a problem. the programs we use crash the computers constantly and have errors at least a quarter of the time you use them. "remember to save every 3 minutes" quote from instructor. some classrooms have the programs needed some dont, some have up to date and others are so full of errors they wont even start up. materials: 8/10 they provide you with some great materials, books, lectures and resources but in school and class you might not even use them. the only reason the binding in the books on my shelf at home are even broken in is because i read them, i use the discs that come with them, and i review them. I have had numerous classes where the instructor recommends the students save the money and not buy the books or they dont even use them at all. this wouldnt upset me as much if the instructors knew the material front and back and could explain it better then the author of the text books but in an ever changing industry this is unacceptable. (teach yourself) facility: 7/10 on a good note the place is clean i give them that. bathrooms, classrooms commons and parking lot are relatively clean but they also share the area with the local "Honda Center" because they own the land. so i hope you have your parking permit because if there is an event at the Honda center you will have to prove your a student or pay $15 to park in the lot. about a year and a have ago they used to have a game room for the students to play video games but it was riped out because it was a waste of space.

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3 of 6 people found the following review helpful

An attempt at an unbiased review

Visual Communications - October 16, 2012
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This site is supposed to contain unbiased reviews, so here's my best attempt at rating Westwood College in an unbiased manner. My experience was with the Upland, California campus(Bachelor of Science, Visual Communication). I found the teaching materials to be hit or miss with regards to quality. The books selected from reputable publishers were all high quality. But the school used some books that were printed specifically for Westwood College, and they were absolutely horrendous. Not only were there typos and grammar issues, but occasionally the books would "refer to page 53" and not have the referenced material on page 53! The staff was also hit or miss. I did encounter 2 excellent teachers while there. They were motivating and knowledgeable, and I learned much from them, including real life situational problems and solutions. The rest of the teaching staff were mediocre to poor. One teacher's teaching method was to tell us to "read the chapter and do the exercise". The other students in that class preferred to ask me for help rather than ask the instructor. I notice that students who found their Westwood College experience to be a positive one, will respond to criticism of the school by saying "you get out what you put into it". I'm not quite sure how to read this, because I never hear people say that about UCLA or MIT. So I can only assume it's a masked insult to the critical student, and an admission that the school is low quality and it's up to the student to make the best of it. These schools are nationally accredited, not regionally accredited. Most people (including myself when I enrolled) don't know what this means. I would encourage people to research this before enrolling in any for-profit school. This means that the credits you earn at this school have no value at any regionally accredited school (such as UCLA or Cal State Fullerton). Westwood said (when I enrolled) that credits were unlikely to transfer. They are right. They will not transfer. Overall, I feel that I did learn what I attended this school to learn. But it was only through my own tenacity and desire to learn, and a couple of quality teachers, not because the institution was of high quality. I do not feel that my degree has value to me as a tool to open doors -in fact I feel embarrassed to have "Westwood College" on my resume. The fact that the school is (has been) embroiled in legal battles involving bitter ex-students only diminishes the value of my degree even further. I regret my decision to attend this school. I do not recommend Westwood College.

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11 of 15 people found the following review helpful

STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!

Criminal Justice - October 9, 2012
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I graduated from Westwood's Criminal Justice online program about two years ago. Upon graduating I found out I was having a baby. I was promised they would help me find a job upon graduating. They assigned me a career advisor who would email me job postings that I myself was finding online thru sites like and They did not do anything I wasn't doing myself. The job postings they sent me were also across the country which means I would have to move. I told them my brother was dieing and I was having a baby and buying a house so I could not move. I told them the area I needed to find work in and then never heard from them again. I tried to call and always got a voice mail and no return call. The emails stopped and I was no longer able to access my school email because the school updated their site and I lost access. I am now paying back about $85,000.00 and trying to raise my son on minimum wage not even working in my study field. This is not by my choice. I have been applying for jobs since the day I found out I was graduating and no one will accept my degree. I wish I could throw my degree in their face and demand they get rid of my loans and refund me for the money I have already payed. I strongly urge people to look into other schools for a degree.

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16 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Non-Transferable Credits For this Amount of Work Should be Illegal

Visual Communications - September 3, 2012
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I was 21 when I went to Westwood College. I was pressured into enrolling the first time I spoke to someone. Once you start the so-called application you are not allowed to back out or delete it. I was never given an option of actual financial aid only loans even though they claim they search for scholarships as well. The education I got there was OK if that was all I needed but now that I want a higher degree I have learned I have to start at the Associate's level 4 years after graduation from a 4 year program. It sucks. There is also very little communication unless they are trying to sell you something. I was quoted three different prices for tuition and with interest it actually came out to $90,000 for an unaccredited education that I can't even use to go to another school! As far as I'm concerned Westwood has ruined the reputation of ALL online schools.

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10 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Not prepared for a career

Game Art - August 30, 2012
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Graduated in May of 2010. Been searching for an entry level job for 2 years. Every job in the US requires 2 to 5 years industry experience or a published game to my credit. Found 1 job in Tokyo that does not require experience, but Westwood did not offer language course to get me there. Westwood did not prepare me for a career nor did I get my major amount of moneys' worth.

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Graphic design major VERY happy with my education!

Visual Communications - August 14, 2012
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The thing about reviews is that when people have a bad experience they tell 20x the people they do if they have had a good experience. Here's my good experience as a Visual Communications major. I decided to attend classes online three years ago because my husband was in the military and I didn't want to have to worry about transferring credits down the road. Every time we did move, the instructors were very accommodating, extending due dates if needed. It was nice as I could do my course work when we were on the road, living in hotels, staying with friends, and of course after a long day of work once we were finally settled again. Online classes move VERY quickly so you have to keep up. I've found that the smaller part is learning the software. You have to put in the extra effort there sometimes, too. The book and lectures will walk you through techniques but the bigger part is creating designs that would work in the real world, and can be part of your portfolio which has to do with your sense of space, shape, hierarchy, color theory, etc. Design principles! The instructors have been amazing guides in this area and I can see how my skills in all areas of design have greatly improved over the last three years. Through my education at Westwood, I now have experience in building websites (HTML, CSS, Flash), print layout, packaging design, logo design, advertising campaigns, and photo manipulation to name a few. The instructors are also very involved online. I've had various teachers reach out to me personally throughout my time at Westwood. A statistics instructor emailed me at the end of the term to congratulate me on having one of the top three grades in the class. Another sent an email concerned as I hadn't turned in an assignment on time as I always do. One instructor does video critiques of my work, another holds online video chat sessions for questions about the material and all encourage students to email them with any questions. Responses are quick, and as I believe they have a school wide policy that instructors return emails within 24 hours. I've one term left at Westwood before I receive my bachelors degree in graphic design. I am very happy with the education I received, the skills I have and the opportunities I've been given as I currently work for a national non-profit company, assisting in design, public relations and marketing. Your education is truly what you make of it!

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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

The Westwood Money Pit

Animation - July 31, 2012
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As many others have said, DO NOT FALL INTO THE WESTWOOD WEB OF LIES!! They are not accredited, credits will not transfer and they overcharge for EVERYTHING. They dropped my program 2 days after the drop date and I still am paying for it with absolutely nothing to show for thousands of dollars spent.

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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful

If you are not a lazy ASS

Game Art - July 22, 2012
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Few things. One, nothing is going to be given to you, you have to earn it. I have completed two years and am starting my third. The classes are tough at times, I will tell you that math was not easy at all. And the English classes were writing intensive. I got plenty of feed back from all of my teachers. I even got to talk to a teacher on the phone for about 2 hours once to help me work through a problem i was having with a project. I am 40 years old and attended Music school back in the day, this is just as tough and I do it working full time and i have kids. The online structure is tough but doable for me and is the right fit. I agree that this is not for every one. If you are lazy and not a self starter do not attend this school. they will make you earn your degree and work for it. I had one teacher that was horrible. I completed that class however, and made the best of it. Let's face it there are a ton of bad teachers out there. The school has always been professional with me and treated me well. I had a death in the family on term and the teachers were awesome about it and extended my due dates that week. I have enjoyed my time here. Also does it matter if i get the knowledge from a book, or an online video, or a tutor in my living room? it matters how I use the knowledge I get. In game art I have learned a ton, about the industry as well as software. the former students here talking a bunch of crap, are one small portion of the student body. Haters got to hate, be positive and better your life with experience and knowledge. Westwood is a good school and the right fit for me.

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7 of 15 people found the following review helpful


Business Administration in Accounting - May 26, 2012
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To be honest with all of you I have no reason to lie or to invent false story its not part of my agenda. From my experience and many others, do not waste your money, thoughts, time and energy thinking about attending this FAKE school its garbage. The staffs show no concerns when student are having an issue. The Dean "Crow" is heartless and very rude has no interest hearing your issue. Now the instructors this is funny "not all" but 99.9% are a joke. Its like High school all over again. Also to add, if you want other employees to hire you than I suggest you attend NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY were many student from WESTHOOD OPPS WESTWOOD transferred too or any other colleges but this one (Westwood O'hare)it will look much better on your resume. Westwood is all over the media. I had one term left I was so fed up w/ the unprofessional staff I decided to transfer to NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY. They didn't even try to convince me to stay b/c they are all about Welcoming you at the beginning once your a student and maybe run in a small issue they wont even bother to help you there all about stealing your money and convincing you it's only a 3 year college bullshit. When N.Eastern heard my situation and surprisingly asked me about only haveing two class left at Westwood I explained why...I told them my story and the counselor stood there at starred at me and said "I know your telling the truth b/c theirs not only a few student we received from Westwood but many and they all had a similar issue" wow. I wasn't shocked. Bottom line is this school should be shout down. After all, its all over the media. I cant believe I wasted 3 years of my life in this garbage of school. I will not just walk away after what they did to me and many student. I will be taking action against them even if it takes me to sell my house, car and empty out my bank account just to pay for an Attorney and the help of many who fell victims. Nothing will stop me and the X students who attended Westwood also will stay by my side an fight. They picked on the wrong person. We will see how far they go specially the so called dean "CROW". I will not give up even if my life depended on it! Good Luck Westwood will see how far you'll go with your scams and unprofessional staffs.

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23 of 33 people found the following review helpful

Ivy League Price for a Worthless Education

Computer Network Management - March 17, 2012
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Question: Why are the positive reviews anonymous but the negatives are not? Having been in the Information Technology industry for over 15 years and working as an IT director, I looked forward to getting a degree in IT in order to join the ranks of management. With the birth of my son and having to work up to 10 hour days, few if any options were available for me back in late 2006. Browsing on-line and looking at various colleges and available options, I was set to attend night school at a local community college and work towards a bachelor’s degree by taking night classes. I received several calls from recruiters from a few IT colleges inquiring about my requests for information. Benjamin from Westwood won me over. Researching Westwood on-line, there weren’t many complaints as compared to the other colleges of this type at the time. After discussing with my wife, we decided that I would enroll in Westwood College Online which would allow me to be home with my newborn son and help my wife while obtaining a degree. Ideal isn’t it? Admission Promises During the admission process and in retrospect, Benjamin the Admission Counselor, whom I would discover after graduation was actually a sales rep, told me what I wanted to hear to gain my confidence and “make the sale”. I knew the differences between accreditations and he assured me that they were working hard and would not quit until they received Regional Accreditation (Westwood eventually voluntarily resigned this accreditation). Yes, the cost of the education ($60,000) is expensive but “you get what you pay for. Westwood College is well known throughout the IT industry and we send students to Microsoft, IBM, HP, … We have a high graduation rate and you can make serious money after graduation”. He emailed me the datasheet for the Information System Security bachelor’s degree. I was very impressed. Since I would probably like to continue my education and work towards a master’s degree, I was assured by Benjamin that the credits I earned from Westwood would transfer to any traditional brick and mortar college. Financing would be no problem through various loans and grants that they would help me sign up for as long as I had a high school diploma. Job placement assistance was another selling point with Benjamin. Being an older learner and with my vast experience, they would assist me in getting interviews with several of the larger IT companies in Southern California. After passing the admissions exam, getting transcripts to them etc., I received various emails in regards to loan applications and how to complete the FASFA. The rush to get me enrolled made my head spin. Looking back at it now, trying to keep up with the many demands that the admission process required kept me off my guard. But, I was enrolled and on my way to get a valued bachelor’s degree in Information Systems Security. Quality of Education Remember I get what I pay for? Not wanting to cheat myself, I took every class seriously. Studied during my work breaks and did not use the books for exams. I wanted to make sure I was getting everything I was going to pay for. Attended all of the discussions and did all of the lab work that was required. But there were doubts about what I was learning. I asked several of the instructors why we were reviewing outdated technology in some of the classes. I was told that the information in the class is on the certification exams that you can take after you successfully complete the course. Being gullible, I took that as a good explanation. Having several certifications under my belt already before starting Westwood, I did not remember seeing old tech questions on previous certification exams but this was a college and they wanted me to succeed!. A month after graduation, I attempted to take several certification exams using the books, notes and tests I was given at Westwood. Using that information, I was bewildered to find that I was ludicrously unprepared and failed. Went to a book store with an attached coffee shop and reviewed the books there, at no cost. Comparing the material given by Westwood to what was in the test prep book; I was an astonished to find that the material from Westwood was watered down. Chapters made out of footnotes? I did pass the exam after a retake but I used books from a book store and not the material I paid for from Westwood. I have all of the books that Westwood sent me. Comparing them to the technology exams and other material out there readily available for free, it is my opinion that I could have saved myself all of this trouble by visiting the book store and studying for free. Westwood gave me a weak, watered down education, which did not prepare me for the real world or did it have any relevance to real world issues. Value of Degree “Westwood College is well known throughout the IT industry and credits will transfer to other colleges”? After taking a break from graduation three years ago, I took my transcript to Cal Poly Pomona to start my tract for a master’s degree. Upon review by the admissions office, they stated that they could not transfer any credits from Westwood. I explained what Benjamin had told me and swiftly called Westwood upon arriving home. Upon reaching a representative, I was told that until they obtain Regional Accreditation, some credits may not transfer to some colleges. Not what I was told through the admission process and all during my experience at Westwood from the instructors, counselors and finance people. Not deterred, I traveled to several other colleges in my area and was told the exact same thing. Credits will not transfer. A Fullerton admission rep explained that I could test out on classes already taken at Westwood. DSST, CLEP and EST exams are routinely given for a fee and if you pass, most State and Private Colleges will give you college credit. So, books in hand from Westwood, I studied and as above, I failed. Same issue as previously stated; watered down books that had no related information that you would normally receive with a real college education. I went back to the book store for independent study. Yes, after studying the test prep guides and books related to the classes, I prepared to take standardized tests to get credit for classes I had already taken at Westwood. After several weeks of studying and prep using books from the bookstore, I passed. Cost of Education “Get what you pay for”? Well, if you have read my story so far, you would wonder if I did. So far, almost everything I was told by Westwood representatives was either a lie, or a twisting of the truth or a willful omission. The excitement over obtaining a Westwood degree soon diminished to disdain. Things in general regarding Westwood began to spiral downward. Time to pay the piper came quickly. Sallie Mae and Great Lakes started sending me bills. Not getting anywhere fast and the economy now heading downhill just as quick, getting raises and promotions with the degree I obtained was proving to be a little difficult. News was out about the fraud and deception tactics Westwood had performed at several campuses across the US. In fact, Westwood’s name kept pulling up in search engines under scam, fraud, degree mill…and my HR director was not stupid. She questioned the validity of the degree I obtained therefore denying me employee reimbursement for educational expenses. No chance in making management now either. According to my employer, Westwood still had not obtained Regional Accreditation and until they do, I was out of luck. Emails to Westwood asking for explanations were never responded to. Representatives would direct me to the website for answers. So, no extra money for me to help pay for this educational misadventure, no pay raise and no management position for me. Started paying my signature loan but Sallie Mae wanted almost $750 month for this education I received. Totaled to almost half my take home salary between the two loans. Not what I was told during the admission process. Low interest loans easy to pay back after you graduate because we will help you land a job. Try 18% interest over 30 years. WHAT?? I will be 70 years old before this loan is paid off. No retirement for me huh? Starting to cost me more than what I bargained for. So I pay what I can after taking a pay reduction to keep my job when people are losing their shirts. Credit score has dropped but I have a roof over my head and able to feed my family. I still have no answers or have been offered any help for this after 3 years of trying. Job Placement Assistance “We will help place you with a company after graduation, free resume review and posting services will definitely get you in the door at some of the largest IT companies so you can kick start your career”. Not exactly what I was offered during the admission process but that’s OK. I was not looking to start as a bottom feeder for minimal wage but if I could get in the door, I could show them what skills I had to offer. Westwood representative reviewed my resume, an instructor from one of the last classes I took walked us through posting it on-line and that is where the help ended. Asking for leads, I was told three separate times by two different Westwood employees that they could not help me. They do not have what I was looking for, no available work in Southern California, no large IT companies either. I could travel 60 miles and work desk support, apply for assistant manager at a fast food restaurant or apply for other entry positions not related to my field of study. Well, this is definitely not what I was told during my admission process by Benjamin. Panic and depression is now setting in. Reputation of Institution Several websites are warning potential students to stay clear of this college. Due to the fact that there are several litigations in process due to fraud and other informational websites have picked up the degrading fact that Westwood College students and graduates are “Jerry Springer’s”. Playing an active role in the IT community here in Southern California, I have queried many industry experts and IT companies and they do not recognize Westwood college degrees as being valid. SCE, Wells Fargo, Shuffler, NTT Data, Experian and many others have indicated that they would not hire a Westwood graduate. Independent on-line research reveals search engine results returning key words such as fraud, law suites, deceptive practices and diploma mill. Not looking real good for a graduate is it? Wikipedia definition of a diploma mill: A diploma mill (also known as a degree mill) is an organization that awards academic degrees and diplomas with substandard or no academic study and without recognition by official educational accrediting bodies. The purchaser can then claim to hold an academic degree, and the organization is motivated by making a profit. These degrees are often awarded based on construed life experience. Some such organizations claim accreditation by non-recognized/unapproved accrediting bodies set up for the purposes of providing a veneer of authenticity.[1] Wikipedia has also included a page to include for profit schools: Out of the fifteen sampled, all were found to have engaged in deceptive practices, improperly promising unrealistically high pay for graduating students, and four engaged in outright fraud, per a GAO report released at a hearing of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held on August 4, 2010.[28] Examples of misconduct include: offering commissions to admissions officers, employing deceptive marketing tactics by refusing to disclose total tuition cost to prospective students before signing a binding agreement, lying about accreditation, encouraging outright fraud by enticing students to take out student loans even when the applicant had $250,000 in savings, promising extravagant, unlikely high pay to students, failing to disclose graduation rate, and offering tuition cost equivalent to 9 months of credit hours per year, when total program length was 12 months. One of the four for-profit colleges found to be engaging in fraudulent practices were: Guess who? Westwood College in Dallas, Texas: Admissions representative telling applicant to falsely add dependents to qualify for Pell Grants, assuring the applicant that the dependents would not be verified through previous income tax returns nor Social Security numbers, and financial aid representative encouraging applicant not to report the $250,000 in savings, stating that “it was not the government’s business how much money the undercover applicant had in a bank account.”, when the Department of Education requires students to report such assets, along with income, to determine how much and what type of financial aid will be awarded. Further search engine inquiries reveal hundreds of complaints regarding Westwood College similar to mine. Summary Westwood College representatives lied to me, used deceitful practices and mislead me in regards to the quality and value of education I received. A Westwood education has left me with over $75,000 in college loan debt and with a degree that is not recognized, anywhere by anyone. The reputation of Westwood College is tarnished. I have done better studying independently using books free of charge and paying only for the test taking fees to obtain valid college credit. I have resigned myself to years of hard work and no hope of retirement due to Westwood’s false promises, lies and omissions and I foresee no bright future for myself or family.

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42 of 49 people found the following review helpful

It is what you make of it....

Computer Network Management - March 6, 2012
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I have found that if you apply yourself with these courses you can succeed. There is more to learn from the in-class courses, but the online do need some better access for mentoring. When it comes to being able to find a position after graduation. That should be started while sitll in school, and don't expect to be paid for something that you are a beginner at. You should expect to have to work fromt he bottom up in some cases.

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9 of 18 people found the following review helpful


medical assisting - March 3, 2012
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When you first sign up they charge you a one time lab fee...then after a few months they start charging you 100.00 a term...not really sure what the lab fee covers. We had expired solution to practice on students with injections the computer labs are slow and sometimes don't work.i can go on for pages but I don't have enough space. Some of the teachers know how to teach and then you have a handful that I think don't even know what their talking about. I would like to know who screens these so called teachers because the ones that do the hiring they need to be checked with accreditations too. If inhad the chance I would not have gone here I would have checked into a lot of other schools..DO NOT ATTEND THIS SCHOOL AND WASTE YOUR MONEY AND TIME!!!!!!!

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11 of 15 people found the following review helpful


Interior Design - February 21, 2012
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I, like many other reviewers on this site, fell victim to Westwood's horrible lies. I attended Westwood Online in 2007 and then moved down to the anaheim Campus in 2008, where I lasted about 6 months. I opted to stay in the the housing that the Anaheim campus offered, which were offsite apartments. I had to sign a lease sight unseen. I won't go into the horrible problems I suffered during the 6 weeks I lasted in these apartments, but I had to pay $600 to share an apartment with three other girls, who stole my food, had parties, etc, all of which broke the rules. My housing coordinator and the dean didn't give a shit about me or my problems and just said "things like this happen in college." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I had to pay something like $1500 to break the lease, which I regret and wish I would have taken them to court. But sometimes a 19 year old girl 400 miles away from home doesn't have a lot of options, and they will intimidate you as much as possible. I have a Chase Loan out for $27,000 from this FOR PROFIT, FAKE SCHOOL, and more in parent loans. I can't even transfer them into a JC because THEY AREN'T ACCREDITED! PLEASE don't buy into their bullshit. Your admissions reps are salesmen, trust me. Such a waste of time and money. Compared to other colleges, the price of tuition, supplies and books is extremely high, and the books CANNOT be found on any cheap textbook sites, I assure you.

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20 of 25 people found the following review helpful

No help after college

Web Design and Multimedia - November 18, 2011
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I graduated a year and a half ago and still have not found a job. Westwood didn't help try to find me job placement, I'm eyeball deep in student loan debt and found it to be a big waste of my time and now money. Now they have a promise that they advertise that states that they will help you pay back your student loans if you don't find a job after graduation...what a joke! Now I have a degree, debt that I will never be able to pay off, and the same job I had before college. Nobody wants to hire me in the design field because of my lack of real world experience.

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22 of 24 people found the following review helpful


Web Design and Multimedia - November 8, 2011
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13 of 17 people found the following review helpful

not very happy

medical assisting - October 14, 2011
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i went to westwood college to get a degree in medical assisting. when i applied there, i was told there was a job placement program where they would help you get your first interview. i did everything that was suggested for me to do expecting to have a job at the end, and nothing. I soon relized that the job placement was my extern which was not hiring. i know the economy is ruff, but i also know that MAs are in high demand. so why am i not getting a job? Maybe it is because i have westwood college on my resume... and to the person who sayed that westwood has been getting bad press for nothing, i guess they have a job. if they didn't, they whould feel the same way as everyone else who is displeased with this sham of a college. by the way they are closing all the schools in my state, and i don't think it has anything to do with the economy.

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17 of 19 people found the following review helpful

Taken from an actual former student.

Game Software Development - September 27, 2011
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Let me start by saying I already have a B.S. degree in Computer Information Systems. I started with Westwood online to pursue my Game Software Development degree. Since I have already been to school, I know what to expect from a quality institution and unfortunately, Westwood is a college that cannot deliver. First, Westwood college is WAAAAAAY overpriced. You do not get the same experience in an online environment opposed to an in-classroom one so why do they feel the need to charge more than some on campus colleges? Secondly, the online delivery system is a joke. It looks like it was designed and developed by a junior admin. The features of the site are watered down and do not offer more than what a basic forum can offer. The resources they refer you to are many FREE online databases. Furthermore, I was told that many faculty members record live lectures so that students can view them many times if they are struggling with a particular subject. This is not the case! This is just a ploy used by recruiters to sucker prospective students into thinking Westwood can offer something with quality. Not only are the lectures not recorded, they are actually only about 2-3 paragraphs long explaining to the student what to read in the textbook. No instructor interaction just instructions on what to read. The ONLY time you will speak to an instructor is when you have to participate in a FORCED weekly discussion that has no real merit or educational value. Lastly, the experience that threw me over the edge and forced me to find a different college, is the fact that Westwood hires faculty members who work for several different colleges. In particular, I had one instructor who obviously had more than he could handle and would be late on EVERYTHING. Assignments, questions, discussions, and general inquiries were either not responded at all or at a time which the subject no longer mattered. I passed the course with a 100%! No joke, 100 PERCENT and did not deserve the grade nor did I learn anything. In fact, when I submitted an assignment and would attach comments like "I do not fully understand this concept, am I on the right track?" he would reply with ambiguous responses like "Great job, you did your research." and "This piece is very impressive.". I made a compliant with the department chair and of course nothing was being done about the situation. In fact, they would not tell me what they were going to do to resolve this problem from happening again. I wish I could recommend this college because the program in question is a booming industry and many students would have the opportunity to pursue their career in the video game industry. In reality however, I feel that it is my obligation to save students from the grossly incompetent and uncompetitive institution that Westwood is. Find a different college, save money and time, and get the quality educational experience you deserve. Good luck.

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15 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Review from online animation grad

Computer Network Management - September 5, 2011
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Please, if you're reading this and thinking on looking for e-college, for the love of god, DO NOT enroll in a program that is meant for hands on training. For example, animation. I'm not sure about other online colleges out there, but they DO NOT provide the training and up to standard mentoring needed to excel in this field of work. (If you're a beginner). If you're ever stuck and need guidance, you need to do so by email, and it may take days for the instructor to get back to you.. This is NOT, I repeat NOT a good thing when all of the assignments have a deadline. The only exception I can think of where you may actually benefit, a little..., is if you have previous experience in this field and using the various software. The software is also VERY expensive, even with a so-called student discount, and to top things off so are the courses. I'm talking about several thousands of dollars per class. I graduated back in 09 from Westwood Online owing around 100k, and as of yet made only a few payments because I'm stuck working the same dead end jobs. To sum it up, you will be much better of doing your own self studying than to spend a ridiculously high amount of money on something that will give you the same level of education.. For that kind of money you could become a doctor.

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15 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Attend at your own risk!

Criminal Justice - August 3, 2011
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Everyone who is seeking information about this college let me let you in on a little financial secret. When seeking information about this school, recruiters LOVE to make everything look nice and sweet. They don’t tell you the real truth behind it all. They love feeding innocent H.S. students a bunch of bullsh*t on how you get “hands on” experience. By the way, did they tell you they want more $$$ for that! On top of the $75,000 they want to charge you? OH not only that but those $76,000 doesn’t include all the interest there going to charge. They also like to tell you “OH there’s options! You can get financial help by getting FASFA” You don’t know for sure if you will qualify for FASFA until you’re enrolled. Let’s just say for example you don’t get any FASFA. Say hello to your new $900 something payment a month, 6 months after you graduate!!!! Doesn’t that sound GREAT!! By the way, did they also mention the school isn’t fully accredited! Remember College seekers, DON’T choose Westwood!!! Take it from someone who’s been there.

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19 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Associate program in Multimedia and Design

Web Design and Multimedia - June 9, 2011
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Unaccredited degree program. Credits cannot be transferred and are not recognized by most or all other schools. Should not be called a College. I am now in major debt with a degree that is worthless - even with my GPA of 3.97, I never even got an interview through them.

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12 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Not Worth IT

Computer Network Management - May 12, 2011
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Classes were poorly designed. Did not prep you for certification exams. Simulation software not current industry standards. Instructors were poor.

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11 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Well worth it

Computer Network Management - May 4, 2011
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I currently attend Westwood and have had no issues whatsoever. Yes, it's a FOR-PROFIT organization, so yes, it is unlike traditional universities. I did my research about the school and found out that most of the bad press was completely exploited. People complaining that they graduated and can't find a job. Really? WHO can find a job in this terrible economy!!! Can't afford to pay back student loans? Well, why is that the school's fault when you signed for the loans, did you think you wouldn't have to ever pay them back? All of this bad feedback is making the good students suffer, who don't seem to have a problem!

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11 of 26 people found the following review helpful

Scammed and Paying For It

Computer Network Management - April 5, 2011
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I was gullible enough to apply to this fake college. After searching around, hoping to get into a bachelor’s program where I could move into management, I was contacted by a Westwood representative by the name of Ben who told me nothing but lies and mislead me during the application process. Yes, at the time, they were seeking Regional Accreditation. They had their ACICS accreditation but I was told by the recruiter that they were way past the point of candidacy and it would be only a short time before they were Regionally accredited. False promises, lies about their accreditation and several years later, I graduated. Took my degree to my current employer and after HR review, they explained to me since they do not have Regional accreditation, I was out of luck and could not be considered for management. My employer would not even allow me to apply for educationally assistance or reimbursement because this “college” was not a valid institution. So I tried taking my transcript to 3 local community colleges and was told the credits are non transferable. Went to 2 local “for-profit” schools with ACICS accreditation as well and was also denied. Tried using this fake degree to apply for several positions with SCE, IBM, Oracle, Wells Fargo, and a hand full of respectable and known IT companies. Received nice thank you letters but was told that I did not meet the minimum educational requirements by two potential employers because this ‘college’ did not meet their criteria as an educational institution. Yet, I did meet the experience portion of several but because of my lack of an actual degree, was denied an interview. So now, several years down the road I see that Westwood has voluntarily dropped from Regional Candidacy. As I work a second job (nights and weekends) trying to pay for this $50,000 education that is worthless, trying to stay afloat of this financial hell that this college create, my anger grows. So what did I learn that cost me $50,000 and nothing but grief, financial insecurity and embarrassment? That For-Profit schools like Westwood are out to make money off the backs of those who want to succeed and have dreams by lying and making false promises. They are in it only for the money and will not supply you with an education that will allow you to enter the job market. You will be placed so far into debt that no matter what job you apply for, you will not be able to realistically pay it off timely and if you do get a degree from them, it is better used as toilet paper. I was duped and feel like I’ve been made a fool by attending this joke of a college. Yes, I am trying to pay off this bogus debt. I have been in the IT business for over 20 years, hold certifications in Cisco, Microsoft and database administration, all obtained prior to Westwood. Some people have hobbies, collecting coins, boating, needle-point. Starting today, my hobby will be to go online at least once a week, visit as many websites as I can and spread the word on what this school did to me, financially and emotionally, and of those that graduated from Westwood with me, here is a list of their current positions as of today: Manager KFC, Walmart Clerk, Homeless and Unemployed, Clerk 7-11, Student (went to a real college to start over) No one who graduated with me was able to work in their field of study and failed to keep their promise of job assistance.

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13 of 14 people found the following review helpful

I wouldn't attend Westwood College

Criminal Justice - April 2, 2011
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This school is not regionally accredited so if you don't finish your degree there your credits cannot be transferred to any other schools. I also heard that many police departments won't accept a criminal justice degree from Westwood College. I wouldn't recommend the school to anyone. It is expensive and cannot be used to earn a higher degree on. Westwood College does include all of this on their web page, but many young students don't understand how this will impact them.

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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful

HORRIBLE SCHOOL!!! they are cheats!!!!

Criminal Justice - March 17, 2011
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This school is a total waste of money!!! for the type of education that you receive it is not even worth a dime. first of all, the teachers are not very supportive and in my experience were not very good educators. High school classes were hard compared to what i was being taught here. Teachers would not taker their classes seriously and would sometimes slack when teaching by being unprepared or simply doing what was easiest. They steal your money! who pays 5,000 dollars a semester to learn nothing whatsoever?!?!?! they charge you such a large amount and will do so even if you do not attend one day for the semester. if i was ever to pay 5000 i would attend a larger university and not a technical school. BY FAR THE WORST DECISION I EVER MADE! DO NOT CHOOSE WESTWOOD COLLEGE, IT IS A SCAM!!! THEY ARE ON ACADEMIC PROBATION AND FAIL TO MEET CERTAIN EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS

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10 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Not worth the price. At all.

Computer Network Management - January 29, 2011
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I'll start by saying I'm currently enrolled in this school. I haven't done any of their online courses so I'll be referring only to the Dallas Campus. The problem with this school is that the teachers and instruction cater to the student that are not really serious about their studies. There's absolutely no effort involved in passing these courses; it's a joke. The admissions staff never answers their phones and is unhelpful with scheduling conflicts. The advisors, when you first come in, approach you like they are going to sell you a used car. The only reason I am still at this school is that I am currently in the middle of their 4 Cisco courses, which are the only courses with real material as they use Cisco's online course material! That's right, the only useful courses at this school don't even originate from the school, they just use Cisco's stuff and charge you outrageous prices for it. So if you're looking for a school that is easy to pass but you wont learn anything, then go ahead and enroll and waste $40k at Westwood. If you are looking to learn something, go somewhere else like Devry, like I am, that is a respectable school.

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9 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Not a bad choice for those looking to make thier life better.

Computer Network Management - January 13, 2011
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I've been out of school for a long time and put all of my kids thorugh college and never finished myself. At first I was skeptical about taking a college course online, but then I figured there was no way I was going to be able to attend a brick and mortar school. Everyone knows what they're getting in to before it even happens. We're told how much the school will be for the course we're taking and we're also told that if we were to leave we would more than likely not be able to transfer credits. I'm already in a management position and I'm only going to finish to better myself and open doors for even further advancement. I've read some of the reviews and I honestly can't believe what some of them are saying. On online class is not the same. Almost everyone of the toher students I have interacted with all ahve jobs, families or something else that keeps them from being able to attend a regular school. For us this is the only option. You ahve to make the time yourself and also be prepared for some set backs every now and then. I honestly think that this has been ahrder for me than it was for my kids because it is online and I ahve to study most of the time alone. As far as staff, every time I have needed anything they have always been there. This is my 7th term with Westwood and I plan on making it to the end. This type of learning is not for everyone. As far as cost goes, believe me when I tell you that I've paid more for one of my kids than I am paying here. And that includes books and other materials as well. Do some serious soul searching before you go this course. It's not an easy way to get your degree. But if you are determined and really want to do it, I think it's great.

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4 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Satisfied Student

Game Art - October 28, 2010
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I will start off by saying not all schools are equal and students are better off with the educational institution that fits their degree. Before you attend a college or university make sure they offer exactly what you want. Do not settle when it comes to your education. I was attending a state university before I enrolled in the Westwood College online campus. I love the online platform over a regular campus! The Game art program is perfect for setting my career path and I feel like I am getting my exactly what I am paying for. I mean that in a good way. I do not have to worry about being late to class, missing a lecture, or taking notes. The courses are set around my schedule for me to get the most out of the material offered. A lot of people think online school is easy because you can use your books during a test but that is not true. The tests are designed in a way that you have to search what you have learned in the lesson by selecting a multiple choice answer or answering in word form. The technologies we use in the art and design courses are the same the developers in the industry use. I would have to say the best part about getting a degree at Westwood College is the tuition-free retraining program offered to graduates. This is a wonderful program for graduates to stay on top of the latest advances in their fields after graduation. After I graduate I have the security of knowing I will not have to pay for high-cost retraining. Overall I am happy with my higher education choice.

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3 of 12 people found the following review helpful

There must be some disgruntled students

Business Administration in Accounting - October 17, 2010
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I have been very pleased with my experience at Westwood College. Yes, it is challenging. However, I expect to be challenged and learn new things! By reading some of the reviews, it sounds like there are some disgruntled students who could not hang with being a college student!

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7 of 21 people found the following review helpful

don't west your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Criminal Justice - September 16, 2010
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As my occurrence in WW College it’s a total west of time and money. My advice for those of you who are looking for a good college education west wood is not an answer… stay away from Westwood College. I started but dropout after 3 terms, which I still regretted my wasted money and time.

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7 of 10 people found the following review helpful

So far...not so good

Animation - September 8, 2010
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I enjoyed my time at Westwood. Some of the teachers were a bit hard to win over, but for the most part all the teachers were very intelligent on their course subjects. The books are a bit expensive, but isn't that usual for a college anyway? The cost is something many people are worried about. I have yet to see my horrible fate regarding my loans, but I do know it is going to be in the $70,000 mark. About the price of getting a doctors degree! Only difference is you do school from home. You do school in your pajamas. You do school with a cigarette in your mouth. You do school while the kid is sleeping on your lap. You do school at 5am or 10pm or whenever the heck you want. It is very convenient for alot of people. I went to school for 4 years here and not once did I have to pay a dime for books, online help, program software, or my classes. I have well over 10 thousand dollars worth of programs at my disposal on my home pc. Of course, I have to put them to work a bit more after graduated. There will always be that learning process even after school. About jobs. Yes, Westwood does not guarantee a job. You're only as good as you make yourself. The classes do set you on your way, but if you plan on being a master talent out of school, you're in for a surprise. Don't expect anything but an entry level job. You have to get your foot in the door and constantly learn more about your profession. A recently graduated doctor does not become a top surgeon at a hospital in weeks time. It takes more practice and more learning after college. I hear all this stuff about the college not caring about its students and just want money. Sometimes it may feel that way. I felt I was heading down the wrong path. I was frustrated about getting loans. I was booted out of school a few times because loans weren't approved or cosigners were not eligible. My suggestion to you is to talk to your school. There are tons of people who will help if you apply yourself. I constantly got emails from advisors, the dean himself, and success coaches. I even had weekly phone conversations with some that were very helpful. They want you to graduate more than they want the money. Everyone pulled strings to make it happen and set me on my way. Although I didn't rank the college really high, it is a good learning experience. A food for thought is to take something that is useful around your area. Don't go animation just because you enjoy it. Take it because there is a need for the field in your area. That will help those that feel lost with a degree, like myself.

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5 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Don't waste your time or your money!

Game Software Development - August 12, 2010
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The Game Art and Design program is a complete waste and a very cruel joke. I wasted the first two years seemingly completeing the same 2D drawing assignments over and over not to mention all of the VERY BASIC drawing classes they make you take. I've been drawing for 20+ years and know about perspective and the other classes they force on you with no way to test out of. Just another way to jack up your tuition rates I guess. The software and 3DS Max classes were even worse. Hell one of the classes they spend the ENTIRE term utilizing a Joan of Arc Tutorial that is FREE online. Talk about a scam and a ripoff there. Overall the only thing this school is interested in is getting your student loan money and then they provide a very basic, less than community college level of education.

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My Westwood Experience

Game Software Development - August 5, 2010
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I have been at westwood for a little over a year now. i was not promised a job after graduation. i was not promised that i would be a top game programmer. i was told that i would get out of it what i put into it. the teachers i have had have been great. they answer your questions in a timely manner, and i even had one last term who spent a lot of time with me on the phone helping me work out problems. the books , software and curriculum are top notch and i have learned a lot.i have spoken with HR from a couple top gaming companies and was told that when they go to hire it is not so much the degree but what you can do. although it is a bit pricey i would say that it it worth it. i don't know how other online colleges work but westwood is in my opinion a very good school if you can learn without a teacher holding your hand.

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was I pleased?

Criminal Justice - August 2, 2010
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I went to Westood, found that this school does not care about the students, you were lucky if you talked to your academic advisor once a term. I took online classes and was satisfied with doing online but I hated some of my instructors especially my English instructors. I will not go back to this school ever. Check out schools before you make a choice. It will make all the difference.

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Game Art Design Loving It!!!

Animation - July 28, 2010
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Greetings, I felt I needed to write a fair and unbiased view of Westwood Online, because most of the reviews I see aren’t. I decided on game art design because I felt it would give greater degree of flexibility. I also choose Westwood Online over SCAD and Ringling. The curriculum for Westwood looked more intense and challenging and I wouldn’t have to relocate. I also came to the realization that I was going to have to learn a lot of software packages and I needed to learn the fundamentals of drawing and I didn’t want to tackle either solely via online coursese. I enrolled at ITT for a few hands on courses. It was quite funny because this was a very expensive school, but you would see the 18 - 20 some year olds not doing the work or labs, instead they were surfing the web, playing video games or whatever, and undoubtedly failing the courses or just barely passing!!! The same students who were trashing ITT were the same ones goofing off during class! I took courses in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, 3Dmax, intro to programming, and drawing & perspective. I really enjoyed my time at ITT and think that’s it’s a great school, it’s like anything else you get out – what you put in. After completing these courses I felt I was ready for Westwood. To be honest Online education isn’t for everyone, if you can’t learn from textbooks or the web; or if you’re the type of person that needs to have something demonstrated or shown to you once or twice before you can get it - then you probably shouldn’t be enrolling in a Online Degree Program. Honestly the instructors and communication with them really suck at Westwood. That being said, I found the curriculum to be awesome (much greater detail then what was covered at ITT), and also the textbooks, software, and toolkits provided by the school are equally as awesome. I'm entering my second year at Westwood with an -A GPA and I can really say I've already learned quite a bit. I’ve landed a part-time job teaching animation for an afterschool program, and make money working on side projects after only attending ITT and Westwood for one year ( I was taking courses at both schools simultaneously, I didn’t exceed 16 units a quarter). Though I had to teach myself a lot of the stuff (Westwood) - I could never have done it without the curriculum, books, lecture materials and tools provided by Westwood. The most difficult aspect to realize with the degrees in this area, you need to have a great portfolio to get a job. That means you really have to apply yourself when it comes to the course work, and then find the time to expand upon what you have learned because no curriculum alone is going to get you prepared for the real world or composing your portfolio. Sharpening your abilities so you can compile an outstanding portfolio is going to be your greatest challenge. Those who do will be too busy working, and those who don’t will be here online whining. Carl

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Too expensive, not worth it

Animation - July 19, 2010
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I got my degree in Animation but after 3 years I feel like I did not learn much but still graduated with a 3.66 GPA. They teach you the very basics which you can probably learn on your own through books and Tutorials from etc for a few hundred dollars. I paid over $60,000 for the 3 years which I think is more than what a real State University costs. I now have so much debt in student loans and I can't get a job in Animation with the skills I currently have not even an entry level.

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Construction Management

Construction Management - June 17, 2010
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Good program if you really want to learn. Ive seen some bad reviews about Westwood College and I don't agree with any of them. I would say the program is good for people who work in the construction field and want to advance to a higher position. As with any school you get what you put into it. The one thing I would complain about is the price, Westwood is a very expensive college. However I did find a good job after graduating and would recommend Westwood College to anyone who is looking at getting a bachelor degree in Construction Management.

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Interior Design BS

Software Engineering - May 19, 2010
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EVERYONE WANTING TO ATTEND WESTWOOD COLLEGE! After extensive research on accreditation and other distance learning degree programs (online), I have come to find that MOST schools have MANY negative complaints. Westwood is accredited like ITT tech and Devry. Yes!!! Credits do transfer!!!!!!!, depending on the next institution you chose. Regionally Accredited schools also want YOUR MONEY! Why wouldn't they. Do ask to get why they won’t accept credits in writing and DO YOUR HOMEWORK BY RESEARCHING THE BEST SCHOOL TO TRANSFER TO. It is up to you to take your life by the ropes. Do you think a job will be handed to you because you have ANY piece of paper (degree) from ANY College, regional or national accredited, NO. What I have learned is you get out on what you put in, which is the truth. If you are a student that only works mediocrity levels your portfolio will reflect that and so your job opportunities will diminish. DO US ALL A FAVOR, research, research, research! I have a bachelor’s degree from WESTWOOD COLLEGE ONLINE INTERIOR DESIGN PROGRAM. I WORK FOR THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. I pushed myself 150% through school, did not give up, did not blame, took responsibility for MY life and used what I LEARNED through my experience at Westwood. I can tell you what got me hired: My Interview, my portfolio, and my experience, NOT the school I attended. For a short time I attended a school that was Regional (WASC), National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), and even Council for Interior Design Accreditation (formerly FIDER) as a Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), that school was BIG money for less personal challenges. It is important to educate yourself as you will become aware of if you decide to get your degree through distant learning methods. I hope that this has helped you make your decision, I would advise that before you chose your school of choice search that school name with "reviews" after, as you should do for many other schools offering the degree your interested in, and read. Read ALL the negatives reviews that all students find through ANY school. Some valid complaints some I found as the "whiny kid syndrome" that only last maybe a semester because they can't take the pressure and it must be the schools fault not theirs, right? WRONG! The reason you find a few positive reviews on any site is because most of us have jobs or are gaining experience through internships or out networking. I have finally taken the time to write something as I am not trying you SELL you Westwood but SHOW you that it can be done with hard work regardless of what school you end up choosing. Happy hunting everyone! :0

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7 of 12 people found the following review helpful

worthless school

Criminal Justice - April 19, 2010
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The worst school I had ever attended in my life, because they don't care about the student at all, and the same goes with instructors and tutors. The job is not even garanteed. Most likely is all lies that they are going to help you with a carrer, which they actually don't. Is better to attend a community college, yet is more guaranteed to find the carrer of you're choice and is free, also transfer to a University. Westwood College is a complete rippoff.

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Westcollege Experience

Web Design and Multimedia - March 8, 2010
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Very poor institutional hungry. The school is not student focused at all. The career center is a joke A TOTAL WASTE OF FEDERAL DOLLARS!!!!!

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Mixed Feelings

Animation - February 12, 2010
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They only teach you the basics and they expect you to improve your skills on your own time; skills which are necessary when looking for a job.

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Don't go to this overly expensive "school"

Criminal Justice - December 19, 2009
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I went to Westwood Online because I didn't have time because of my full time job. Anyway, after about 5 months, I started hearing horrible reviews about this school so I dropped out 3 days before the deadline. My advisor told me he would send in my request right away and it may take a couple of days to complete, no big deal, so I thought. Since I requested to drop out, I wasn't obligated to go to the classes but they kept sending me letters telling me I needed to attend class and all this other threatening stuff. I kept telling them I was no longer considered a student. Finally after maybe a month and a half, I get the message that I'm no longer a student. Everything was fine. The thing that got me was when I signed up for Westwood, they were not upfront about the charges that would be mine after Sallie Mae provided my loan. They lied to me and said that my loan would cover everything. They push you into a ridiculous amount of debt for a crap college that promises students jobs but not all students get jobs after school. More companies are not considering students from online schools and Westwood has been complained about more than once. I deeply regret going here and now I have 33,000 dollars that I can't pay back all because they lied to me. Avoid this school unless you want to be in debt for the rest of your life after only attending for 5 months!

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Terrible college

Computer Network Management - September 30, 2009
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This college is a complete and utter waste of space on good American soil! Firstly, they will not stop harassing you until they get you into their college, then, they ignore you and don't even care if you get a proper education as long as they get your money, it's just a scam, so be prepared!

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Review of DOOOM

Computer Network Management - March 15, 2009
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Really good school. I'm in process of securing a entry level Tech job just from one semester learning. I'm impressed with the help and teachers dedication.

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WestWood Is Great

Animation - December 16, 2008
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They have been more then helpful, the constantly call me to see how things are going. Don't know what happened with this other guy, but I have had nothing but good luck with these guys. I would definitely recommend them to anyone.

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do not go to westwood college

Animation - November 12, 2008
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this school is horrible. they talk, talk, talk , talk like they want to help you out, but they really don't care. they just want your money. the intitial start up experience was horrible. as soon as i e-signed for my student loans they completely started to ignore me. nothing was done in time, and when i decided to change my major a good 3 weeks before classes were even starting, i checked my student portal, and nothing was changed!! ..and nothing was changed even when classes were starting the next day!!! they are sloppy. there assistant director is the worst. his name is daniel proshuck, and he is full of promises that are never followed through. he's a good talker so don't be fooled. watch out for this school!

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Game Software Development - June 4, 2008
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I am currently attending Westwood Online and I have two terms before graduating. The experience has been overall great! The staff is really supportive and the student services have been excellent. They provide a real world outlook and it is VERY handson. You get to do real projects versus learning about 'theory' all day. The Career Services are awesome! They helped me with my resume, the provided many networking connections with their Incircle program, and they are constantly adding new things to enhance the experience like guest speakers. For a private college, this ranks among the TOP. I came from University of Colorado and my experience here has made me stay through completion!

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Doing well

Game Software Development - May 21, 2008
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I have recently started this software development program and things with Westwood are going well. They really seem to care about your success. Also, the information I learned is quite good. Even though it is only the beginning of my programming adventures, I would say that I am in good hands when it comes to my education.

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Comments: is not affiliated with Westwood College in any way.